Creating a Killer Digital and Mobile Content Strategy

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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"Crafting a Killer Digital & Mobile Content Strategy" Keynote by Mia Dand, CEO, Lighthouse3 at Total Digital Experience 2014


Crafting a Killer Digital and Mobile Content StrategyMia Dand, CEO, Lighthouse3

Photo Credit: Markus Spiske

Mia Dand@MiaD #TotalDigital2014

Top Rank's list of "25 Women That Rocked Social Media in 2013

Lighthouse3 OverviewConsulting Services

Digital, Social Media & Mobile- Strategy & Planning- Community management- Content creation & curation- Organization planning & talent assessment


Digital Content Marketplace with a Social Purpose• Connect digital content creators to publishers, marketers and business owners around the world.• Empower disadvantaged groups (women & minority youth) with training to create digital content. • Currently in alpha, launch in Q1 2015

10 Steps to a Killer Digital and Mobile Content Strategy

Attention span in 2000 – 12 seconds

Attention span in 2013 – 8 seconds

Attention span in 2013 – 9 seconds

Fact #1. Your average user has shorter attention span than a goldfish

Fact # 2. There’s a lot of content out there

The Shift

Fact #3. Digital landscape is constantly changing

Fact #4. All digital marketing channels lead to mobile.

What does this mean for you as a Digital Marketer?

It’s a balancing act.

Your content needs to stand out.

Mobile is the new black norm.

"I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been." - Wayne Gretzky, “The Great One”

Go where the puck is headed.

How many smartphones were sold worldwide in 2013?

1 billion smartphones sold in 2013

Projected: 1.2 billion in 2014 and 1.7 billion in 2018. ~ IDC

63percent of the Americans surveyed said they check their smartphone at least once every hour...

…9 percent said they check every 5 minutes.~ Harris Interactive survey

44% of cellphone owners sleep with their phone by their side so they don’t miss any notifications.~ Digital Buzz Blog,

# 1 Your digital strategy needs to be mobile-first

93% of smartphone owners use their phone to go online.~Pew Research Center, Sept 2013

Over 40% of emails are opened on mobile devices~eMarketer, July 2013

# 2 Digital experiences must be optimized for mobile

“Content precedes design. Design in the absence of content is not design, it’s decoration.” ~ Jeffrey Zeldman (@Zeldman)

#3 Create relevant content

Content relevance

Relevant to Business

Interesting to user

Low relevance to user

Relevant to Business

Interesting to user


Low relevance to business

Relevant to Business

Interesting to user


Relevance to business and user

Relevant to Business

Interesting to user


#4 Create share-worthy content

Share-worthy content triggers an emotional response

It makes you laugh…

…pulls at your heart strings

Source: Clever Girls Collective

…makes you think

But more importantly, it makes you take action

“I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.”

― Mark Twain

#5 Create content that’s easy to shareHint: Less is more!

Welcome to the world of (ephemeral) microcontent!


But wait! I don’t market to the millennials…

90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text. ~ Source: 3M Corporation and Zabisco

#6 Go big on visuals




Online/social recommendations used to drive offline retail

#7 Context is everything


Being in the right place at the right time with the right content

Online meets offline!

Context-relevant offers.

#8 Create integrated, interactive experiences

#9 Bring it all together

#10 Set up your organization for success

Secret: Operational excellence

Operational what????

Create, curate & distribute digital contentquickly and cost-effectively.

Brand User

Time X


Tweet your responses to @MiaD

§ How long does it take for your organization to create, curate, and distribute digital content?

§ Are you designing digital experiences that are engaging and integrated?

§ Are you creating relevant, share-worthy content?

§ Are you making it easy for users to share your digital content across mobile devices?

§ Is your organization set up for success?

§ Are you constantly testing & innovating?

Thank you!

Mia Dand


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