Crayon Rubbings Did you know your eyes · 2020-07-06 · Play Charades Use all of that extra energy to play a game. Here are a few words to get you started! Did you know your eyes

Post on 11-Aug-2020






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July 6 2020 - Week 5

According to The Old Farmer's Almanac, the Dog Days of summer are traditionally the 40 days beginning July 3 and ending August 11, which coincide

with the dawn rising of the Dog Star. This is soon after the Summer Solstice,

which of course also indicates that the worst summer heat will soon set in.

What is the name of the Dog Star?

Dog Days of Summer

Grab a leaf from a few different trees and see what they look like! Frame it

and hang it on the wall! If you are unsure how to make a crayon leaf

rubbing, check out this site!

Crayon Rubbings

Capture a

Memory! It can be as simple as keeping a favorite recipe in your parent’s handwriting or

recording an interview with a grandparent or older relative about what

life was like for them at your age.

Play Charades Use all of that extra energy to play a game.

Here are a few words to get you started!

Did you know your eyes have a blind spot?

Use these symbols to find yours!

Make a Family Time Capsule!

HEALTH CHALLENGE: Walk or “move” for 30 minutes

a day for 3 days this week!

If you are unable to do all 30 minutes at once, break it down into three 10-minute sessions

throughout the day.

Dance, Run, Walk, Clean……. All you need to do is move!



Have you ever tried

Give it a try for five minutes,

you might be surprised! Choose

your own music and thoughts, or

listen to a video online..

Lakeview Community Education 507-423-5164 Ext 1320

Have you seen a Firefly?

If not, just step outside in the

evening and watch. You will see small flashes of light - those are fireflies!

If you can’t see one, draw one or read about one online. Here is a

project you can try.

Trivia What do these two songs have in common?

You may have to sing them to figure it out. Alphabet Song (ABC song) Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Want to make something fun to watch?

Make a Jellyfish in a bottle.

You should have most of the supplies at home already! Learn

more about Jellyfish here!

Jellyfish in a Bottle

Banana Sushi

Grab your chopsticks and try some Banana Sushi. You can make them as

simple or as complex as you would like.

Check out these ideas!

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