Continuous feature-development

Post on 10-May-2015






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This is about encouraging our audience about known good practices. let them introduced why continuous feature development is essential and why that adds value over following rigid processes.


Continuous Feature Development

What is feature ?

“A set of client's expected functional


Feature development ?

“Incrementally building expected functional


Why it is continuous ?

• Client’s expectation changed• Business changed• User’s perception changed• Competitive advantages • Rebranding

Yes! That’s why we call Continues Feature Development

Continuous Feature Development Challenges ?

• Integrating new feature• Maintaining existing stability• Maintaining new development • Making sure of seamless integration• Managing trust

How we are managing them ?

we leave the broken system alone and let the

client shout on us.


YES!, due to client’s fault since they pushed and wanted faster release

How about you guys ?

May be ? Not always!

How it should be (buzz words) ?

• Acceptance test driven development• Test Driven Development• Behavior Driven Development• Continuous Integration

How we are practicing instead!

#1 Collecting acceptance criteria

• Know what exactly client wants• Ask lotta questions to get full picture• Ask for mockup• Split story into several acceptance criteria• For example – User wants to login– Which user ? – any user– Requires what ? – user id and password– How many attempts ? – probably 3

Available tools

• Pivotal tracker –• You can use any issue tracker• Trello Board -• Trac (or any wiki)• Or notepad

#2 Test first developmentdescribe ’Login' with valid email and password it should say 'Login successful' it should create user session

with wrong email address it should say ‘unsuccessful login' it should not create user session

with wrong password it should say ’unsuccessful login' it should not create user session

Available PHP solutions

• BDD framework– Cuke4php– Behat– PHPUnit

• Unit testing framework– PHPUnit– SimpleTest

BDD using Behat 1Feature: ls In order to see the directory structure As a UNIX user I need to be able to list the current directory's contents

Scenario: List 2 files in a directory Given I am in a directory "test" And I have a file named ”file1.txt" And I have a file named ”file2.txt" When I run "ls" Then I should get: """ file1.txt file2.txt """

BDD using Behat 2

class FeatureContext extends BehatContext{ /** * @Given /^I am in a directory "([^"]*)"$/ */ public function iAmInADirectory($dir) { if (!file_exists($dir)) { mkdir($dir); } chdir($dir); }} Source -

Unit test using PHPUnitclass ArrayTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function testNewArrayIsEmpty() {

$fixture = array(); $this->assertEquals(0, sizeof($fixture)); } public function testArrayContainsAnElement() {

$fixture = array();$fixture[] = 'Element';$this->assertEquals(1, sizeof($fixture));


Source -

#3 Don’t say “Hello it’s done” without running all tests

Available PHP solutions

• Almost all standard IDEs– PhpStorm– NetBeans– Eclipse

#4 Code in feature branch NOT in master!

• Master (Main code stream)– Branches• Fix_bug_with_validation• Add_xyz_module• Migrate_to_php_5_3

Example using GIT

• Create new branch– $ git branch < branch name >

• Checkout specific branch– $ git checkout < branch name >

• Update branch from master– $ git rebase master

#5 Code review

Available solutions

• Github provides pull request based code review –

• Retrospectiva -

• Trac code review module• Crucible -


#6 Maintain production branch

#7 Use staging server

• Deploy in staging server first• Run test suites• If not passes test go through – Fix again – write supporting test – deploy in

staging server - Retest – Human test

#8 Continuous Integration

Available PHP solutions

• Jenkins -• phpUnderControl -• Xinc -

#9 Ensure revertible deployment

Let’s summarize our talk

• #1 Collecting acceptance criteria• #2 Test first development• #3 Don’t say “Hello it’s done”

without running all tests• #4 Code in feature branch NOT in master• #5 Code review• #6 Maintain production branch• #7 Use staging server• #8 Continuous Integration• #9 Ensure revertible deployment

I guess that’s all for today !

Thanks for joining us.

Who are we ?

nafi ul karimsenior software engineer,somewhere in…

passion – new stuffs, diversity on work, challenges, learning new things, open to all languages.

nhm tanveer hossain khan (hasan)head of technology, somewhere in…founder,

work for fun! Code on rails, java, node.js, php

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