Content development for a Scottish school health and wellbeing census · 2019-09-01 · Content development for a Scottish school health and wellbeing census Jane Parkinson, NHS Health

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Content development for a Scottish school health and wellbeing census Jane Parkinson, NHS Health Scotland

Scottish Faculty of Public Health Conference 2nd November 2018 Peebles

Background • Scottish Government committed to create a school

health and wellbeing census in late 2017

• For all school children from P5 to S6

• To meet local authority needs and duties around collecting health and wellbeing data on their own CYP

• LA to implement, ~ 32 censuses, SG to support

• LA data controllers and owners

• Allow LA to report for National Improvement Framework

Development • Census taken forward by several groups on behalf of

the Scottish Government

• Development of census content led by NHS Health Scotland supported by an expert Advisory Group

• Implemented early in the 2019/20 school year

Policy group

Implementation group

Survey content group


• Questionnaires and question bank

• Data collection in school period

• Questionnaire: • core questions asked in all schools – 30-35 mins

• LAs questions of their choice - 5-10 mins

• Data collection for NPF and NIF indicators

• Mental wellbeing • Emotional & behavioural problems • Confidence • Resilience

• Extra-curricular activities • Children’s voices • Positive relationships

Process • Current/recent Scottish surveys, a few key UK/English

• Topic areas under the GIRFEC SHANARRI headings

Safe Healthy Achieving Nurtured Active Respected Responsible Included Equalities and


Experience of

Bullying and


General health Attitudes to school




Area factors

Involvement in

decision making



responsibilities Peer relations Gender

Area factors

Physical or

mental health


Teacher support


relationships /


Active travel Decision making in

schools Positive activities


relations Ethnicity

Injuries Mental health Attendance ACEs Physical


Decision-making in

out of school


Smoking Self-perception Living arrangements

General wellbeing

(life satisfaction) Exclusions Resilience


behaviour Alcohol Discrimination



Eating behaviours Aspiration and

career planning Play Drugs

Social media

and online


Area SE

Dental health Perception of


Alcohol, smoking,





Sexual orientation

and attraction

Sleep Pressure of

school work Sexual health

Puberty Bullying others

Height & weight Behaviour

choices/risk taking

Values Illegal & antisocial


Process • Current/recent Scottish surveys, a few key UK/English

• Topic areas under the GIRFEC SHANARRI headings

• Priority topic areas and questions identified • Topics – essential, important, interesting

• Measures (questions) – 0-5 chosen and ranked

• Drivers to shape the census content included • policy priorities

• indicators for national performance monitoring

• local intelligence needs

• children and young people’s views and priorities

• maintenance of time series


• Time scale

• Number of questions to consider

• Ethical and sensitive issues

• Subgroup analysis vs modular (increased topics )

Outputs • Set of questionnaires for the census core

• P5-6, P7, S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5-6

• Important focus on mental health across all ages

• Questions include • being a young carer

• social media/electronic technology use

• More data for • P7, S1 and S3 on bullying and fighting

• S4-6 on alcohol, drugs, smoking, sexual health

• Question bank - valid and high quality questions

Next steps • Recommended to census implementation group

• Testing and piloting work by local authorities

• Further refinement

• Delivered to schools in 2019/20

• School reports by local authorities

• Scottish Government publish key findings

Acknowledgements • Rory Mitchell and Dami Agbato, NHS Health Scotland

• Gary Sutton Learning Analysis Unit, Scottish Government

• Raymond Buckley Project Manager, Scottish Government

• Content Advisory Group • Scottish Government • National survey contractors • Local authority • Education Institute of Scotland (EIS) • School heads

• Researchers • NHS Board • Education Scotland

Possible Census structure

• About me (country of birth, language, gender, family affluence)

• My life (life satisfaction)

• My health (general health, mental health, sleep)

• My time (extra-curricular activities, social media, physical activity)

• How I feel (includes involvement in decision making overall)

• How I see myself (looks, body image)

• My family & friends

• My lifestyle (alcohol, smoking, drugs, diet)

• My life at school

• More about me (family composition, sexual orientation, sexual health, ACEs)

• How I am treated by others (bullying and discrimination)

• Where I live

Surveys • Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey (SALSUS)

• Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC)

• Realigning Children’s Services (RCS)

• Evidence to Success (E2S) (Perth and Kinross)

• Scottish Survey of Literacy & Numeracy (SSLN)

• Education Scotland’s Pre-Inspection Questionnaires

• Greater Glasgow & Clyde (GGC) Health Board Health ad Wellbeing Survey

• Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)

• Growing up in Scotland (GUS)

• My Life in Scotland (MLiS) (Developed 2014 by Children’s parliament)

• Young People in Scotland Survey (YPiSS)

• Short Good Childhood Index (Children's Society)

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