CONSIDER The Union Church Visit Our Website for MORE News · hristmas Pageant, Advent Events! 1 irthdays, Anniversaries, Grieving

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Christmas Pageant, Advent



Birthdays, Anniversaries,

Grieving at Christmastime


From Rev. Rachel 3

More Advent! 4

Photos, Amazon Smile 5

Grief at Christmas, con’t. 6

Musical Notes 7

Photos from Love over Hate rally

on Nov. 23



Regular Events, Budget

Meeting, Staff, Mission



Inside this issue:

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The Union Church


December 2015

Sunday Worship 10:30

Mailing address CPO 2105; Berea, KY; 40404 Physical address 200 Prospect St.; Berea, KY; 40403 Phone 859-986-3725

Office Rev. Kent Rev. Rachel


Advent and Christmas at Union Church

Back by popular demand, Union

Church will celebrate an impromptu

Christmas pageant during worship on

December 20th.

Everyone -- young, old, and in-

between -- who comes to worship

will have the opportunity to don a

costume and join the giant tableau of

the Christmas story.

So, start thinking now about

whether you are feeling like a sheep,

or a Mary, or an angel or shepherd.

Come ready to sing and celebrate!

The Impromptu Christmas Pageant Shall Return!

The season of Advent

begins the cycle of the

church seasons with 4

weeks of readings from

the prophets, proclaiming

God’s promises of

salvation, and setting the

stage for the “advent” (or

“coming”) of Christ.

With the new church

year, our Gospel focus is

on Luke and we hear

stories not only of Jesus

coming the first time, but

also stories of Jesus’

return as he promised

the disciples.

During Advent, the

colors of the season

change to deep blues and

purples to symbolize the

night of Christ’s birth and

the waiting and longing of

all creation for the hope,

peace, joy, and love Jesus

represents for the world.

We light a new candle

each week symbolizing

each of these gifts as we

move toward our

Christmas celebration of

Jesus’ birth.

There are many

special traditions for

Advent and Christmas at

Union Church. We hope

you’ll be able to make

room in your schedule

for the events and room

in your heart for the

world Christ calls forth in

this season!

First Sunday in

Advent: November


Hanging o f the

Greens, 1:00 pm We

need folks who will put

up the lights outside,

arrange the decor of the

Sanctuary, and decorate

other areas of the

church. Decorating the

church for the weeks of

Advent will take place

a fter each Sunday

worship service beginning

November 29th until


Worsh i p Board

membe rs w i l l be

coordinating, but we

need your help and

v i s ion! Help hang

greenery, change the

banner, decorate trees,

and hang lights. Hot

cocoa provided! Sign up


or see Abby Embry.

Recorder & Voice

Recital by Jay Young

5:00 pm, Sanctuary

(Continued on page 4)

December Birthdays & Anniversaries

Birthdays 3 Larry Brandenburg

3 Nora Ruth Jenkins

3 Chris McKenzie

3 Heather Richardson

4 Alva Peloquin

5 Jan Hamilton

8 Barbara Walters

9 Will Spencer

9 Melissa Zook

10 Joan Moore

13 Zoe Wilcher

15 Mary K. Kauffman

15 Opal Bailey

16 Thana Connelly

17 Joan English

17 Laura Wick

18 Jeff Pool

20 Christopher Paiva

21 Neil Mecham

27 Sue Peterson Blyth

27 Brenda Chapman

28 Marvin Jenkins

28 Iris Bailey

29 Dot Kindel

29 Paul Smithson


7 Reid Livingston &

Lisa Bosley

12 Eric Dodson &

Deborah Martin

19 George & Loretta


23 Cron & Delores


23 Nick & Rusti Mullins

25 Loyal & Nancy Jones

If we don’t know your

birthday or anniversary, we

want to! Or if we’ve made a

mistake please call or email

the office.

In our prayers….SaraKatherine

Manning-Beavin, at the death of her


New members are received the

second Sunday of every month, and

you are very welcome here! Come,

be part of this family working for

Christ’s justice and joy! Next

chance—December 13!

Be An Angel:

Give to the

E m e r g e n c y

Assistance Fund

Union Church

has a small fund

to help families

with hard times

and financial


Sometimes an accident or other

unforeseen difficulty takes needed

funds from a family for rent, school

supplies, or utilities. We’ve also

helped out when house fires ruin

more than just possessions.

On December 6 we will take a

special offering to benefit the

Emergency Assistance Fund, so we

can give hope and joy in times of

greatest need. The fund is

confidentially administered by just

our pastors, the treasurer, and the

chair of the Mission and Service

Board. Be an angel of love this

Christmas and give to the EAF on

December 6, or at anytime online.

If you are Grieving at

Christmastime…. Things to


This is NOT a normal time.

D o n ’ t p u t to o mu c h

expectation that things have

to be NORMAL. At their best,

family gatherings and celebrations

take a lot out of us.

When you are missing someone, or

are displaced for whatever reason,

much of your strength is devoted

to just keeping going. Respect that,

and help others do the same. This

year there may be things you don’t

have energy for. That’s OK.

It’s OK to change. It’s OK to

talk about it. In the same way,

many family traditions revolve

around things that were someone’s

special offering. If that person is

gone, it may be OK for someone

to take up the role in a new way,

or it may be OK to let something

entirely new emerge. It often helps

to name and notice these changes.

At family dinners for example, a

toast to absent members, a special

candle lit in their memory, or

making a point to share stories and

remembrances can help everyone

connect to the very NOT

NORMAL absence death has made

in the fabric of your household.

And reconnecting to the memories

and love is never a bad thing, even

at the cost of tears.

Some Tradit ions Help.

Keeping them Reminds Us

That Life Carries Us Forward.

In times of stress and strain, doing

something that is one of your

traditions or routines can be balm

for the soul. Even though some of

these will remind you powerfully of

loved ones you might not be able

to be with, it can be another way

to honor and connect with their

spirit and allow life to flow, despite


Again, it’s OK and helpful to name

the change and share what you are

experiencing with someone

supportive. If you always went to a

Christmas Concert with your

spouse, go again. And go with

someone who knows that this will

be a time of joy and some wistful

sorrow. Whether it’s shopping, or

(Continued on page 6) 2

Refining Fire

“He will sit as a refiner and

purifier of silver, and he will purify

the descendants of Levi and refine

them like gold and silver, until they

present offerings to the LORD in

righteousness.” -- Malachi 3:3

Inspired by this verse of our

Advent readings, I’ve spent a lot of

time studying the refining process –

the process of eliminating impurities

to create a pure metal. It involves a

whole lot of heat, which allows the

dross (waste products) to burn off,

creating a pure liquid metal that can

then be poured and reformed into

beautiful things.

When we take it metaphorically,

we can instantly recognize what it

might be like to be that impure lump

of stuff that gets refined. Namely,

painful! That heat is hot! The end

goal might be beautiful, but the

process is really hard.

This is the work to which the

Advent prophets call us. The Holy

Spirit’s fire is one of refinement, of

bringing us closer to our purest

selves, our deepest truth. But it’s

often scary, and can involve some

major changes. If you’re like me,

being willing to change involves facing

a whole lot of hot fears.

Our nation and world are in the

midst of a refining process now, I

think, as we are faced with the fears

of Jesus’ call to welcome the stranger

shoved up against the white hot fears

of terrorism, war, and violence. Out

of these are smoking the choking

fumes of racism, xenophobia, and

white supremacy. Our nation is

terrified, and covering itself with the

dross of hate and isolationism.

An interesting thing about dross:

it does, in fact, insulate. It protects

the purer elements from being

exposed, being vulnerable. It serves a

purpose; it’s comforting when the

heat is on.

The higher the heat, though, the

more the dross separates, and purest

elements are exposed in molten

form. As our nation determines how

it will react in this crisis, we will get

to choose whether to join the

smoke of the dross, or endure the

heat of the purifying process.

Will we join the fearmongering,

the calls for tighter security at the

expense of discrimination against the

most vulnerable, or will we risk the

hot, pure call of Jesus to love our

neighbor (even our differently-

colored and differently-faithed

ne i ghbor)

a s


To choose

the latter is

to endure

some heat

and change, but ultimately, Jesus

assures us, it is the path to the beauty

of eternal life.

On a personal level, the same

process applies. The more we pray

for change, for betterment, for purity,

the hotter the heat will get.

Sometimes we have to endure being

really uncomfortable in order to get

to the hope, the peace, the joy, and

the love of the Gospel life.

Frankly, I find this a little scary.

Maybe you do, too. But I’ve also had

enough experience with the process

in my own life, and with the goodness

of God who loves me deeply and

wants what is best for me, to trust

the process. I’m praying for more

openness and hospitality in my life,

even as I pray for openness and

hospitality in our nation. I am

committing to risking more this

Advent, being more willing to have

my faith refined, and to let the dross

of fear burn off. Will you join me?

-- Rev. Rachel

From the Associate Pastor 3

Bible Reading for December

Dec. 6

Malachi 3:104

Luke 1:68-79

Philippians 1:3-11

Luke 3:1`-6

Dec. 13

Zephaniah 3:14-20

Isaiah 12:2-6

Philippians 4:4-7

Luke 3:7-18

Dec. 20

Micah 5:2-5a

Luke 1:47-55

Hebrews 10:5-10

Luke 1:39-45

Dec. 27

1 Samuel 2:18-20,26

Psalm 148

Colossians 3:12-17

Luke 2:41-52 4

Watch the Sunday

service at union-

Poinsett ias Needed for


If you would like order

poinsettias for Christmas, please

use the form linked here https://

w w w . e a s y t i t h e . c o m / f / ?

k=4W8Z10TTSVVXI 8SM by

November 29 and place your

order for red, white or pink. $15


B e r e a C o l l e g e M u s i c

Department Christmas Concert will

be here at Union Church Friday,

Dec. 4th and Saturday Dec. 5th,

both at 7:30 pm.

The concert, will feature

Instrumental and Vocal Ensembles

and Community Carol Singing, Pre-

concert music will start at 7:00.

Although admission is free, tickets

are required due to limited

seating. Click this link for tickets:

h t t p : / / w w w . b r o w n p a p e r

The concert will also be live-

streamed for viewing at the Alumni

Building OR your very own home.

Reception after the Friday

performance at the Alumni Building.

Second Sunday of

Advent, December 6

Morning Worship at 10:30.

We’ll continue decorating the

sanctuary right after worship!

Communion Sunday – we’ll share

the Lord’s Supper together and also

have the opportunity to help our

neighbors by bringing food for the

Food Bank and making money

donations to Bereans United for

Utility and Rent Relief (BUURR)

Third Sunday of Advent,

December 13

Morning Worship at 10:30.

Children’s Choirs will sing!! Share-

YOUR- Music Sunday. Use this link

to part ic ipate ht tp : / /un ion-



New members welcomed.

YOU are welcome here!

12:30 pm. Annual Budget

meeting, after worship &

lunch. It’s not sexy, but it’s VERY

important! We’ll put the values

we’ve been proclaiming into action

as we decide how to use our

resources together. The 2016

Budget will be reviewed and voted

upon. All are welcome; members

have a vote.

2:30 pm Classic Chorale

Concert in the Sanctuary

December 16—Chr i s tmas

Caroling party! Right after WNL

supper! Dinner will be a tiny bit

earlier — 5:30 pm, so we can get

fed, get out and get singing!! Meet

back at church afterward for

cookies & cocoa.

Fourth Sunday of

Advent, December 20

Impromptu Christmas Pageant at

Morning Worship (see p. 1)

At 7:00 pm there will be a special

“Long Night Service for Prayers of

Healing” in Cowan Chapel. This

special quiet service is for anyone

who is suffering in body, mind, or

spirit during the holidays: Those

who have lost loved ones, who are

divorced or widowed, suffering

depression, lost their jobs, or are

simply mindful of the pain of the

world. Set near the longest night of

the year, the service is meant as a

loving community of care as we wait

for the light to return.

There will be two services on

Christmas Eve: 5:30 pm

(Gathering music starting at 5:00

pm) followed by a potluck finger-

food reception for all (please bring

generous portions—there are

always many guests!), and a special

11:00 pm service in Cowan Chapel

to welcome the Christ Child at


Please join us for any and all of

these special events as we Wait and

Watch for the Advent of the Lord.

Advent & Christmas at Union

Church (Continued from page 1)

In spite of war and terror, Mary gives birth to the Prince of Peace. In spite of hunger, Mary gives birth to the Bread of Life. In spite of lost sheep, Mary gives birth to the Good Shepherd. In spite of hearts pregnant with hatred, Mary gives birth to LOVE. It is not done! It is not done! It is not done! The birthing is not over. The blessings continue. Angels wait in the wings!

-Ann Weems 5

When you can't shop local for what you need, many turn to Here's a way to help locally even if you

have to shop online. Amazon supports charities with a special program called "Smile."

By registering and choosing Union Church as your charity, Amazon will donate 0.5% of

your eligible purchases the ministry of the congregation. While each contribution might

be small, it all adds up, and your purchases can support the mission of peace and justice

we all care so much about.

Already an Amazon customer? All you have to do is put "smile" before "" in

the address bar of your favorite browser, like this:

Either sign in or register, and when prompted for the charity of your choice, pick

"Church of Christ Union" in Berea. That's it! There's no cost to you, you can still use

your Amazon Prime benefits, and Amazon will remember that you are a Smile user and

help you maximize your contribution.

However you choose to support good work, thank you! Thanks to all who support the church in this way!

Amazon Smile for Holiday Shopping.

photos by Rachael White

Children’s Choir thanks Carrie Jadud for her loving leadership All Saints Day in the Memorial Garden

At the bonfire/hayride/potluck fall PARTY at Rev. Kent’s

All Y’All Faith Day trip to Cincinnati Museum Center for the LEGO

Exhibit. Photo by Alvera Perman 6

Watch the Sunday service



eating certain foods, or writing out

cards, etc, a person who knows the

change and can support you helps

you even as you help yourself.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for

Love and Support. A broken

heart is not as evident as a broken

bone, and it can be much more

devastating. Sometimes you might

look normal on the outside but feel

like your life-spirit and soul has

been drained away. A tendency

when we are depressed is to

w i t h d r a w , wh i c h i n t u rn

compounds the problem. Try a

little spiritual ju-jitsu (using the

opponent’s force against him/

herself): tell people what is really

going on, even just a little. Don’t lie

and say “I’m fine,” when someone

asks. Say, “It’s a little rough right


You don’t need to spend your

precious energy maintaining a false

facade. Speak the truth in whatever

measure is appropriate. You don’t

have share your life story if you

don’t want to, but you also never

have to lie. Also, don’t be afraid to

ask a trusted person for some

special support. Just the words,

“I’ve been hit especially hard

today,” will be enough to mobilize

tea and sympathy in prodigious


You are not alone. Even though

your grief and loss are particular to

you, you and your spirit are

cherished and beloved. Let people

know so they can offer help.

Make Some Space for Quality

Reflection. Some alone time is

really helpful, especially if it gives

you time to rearrange the mental

furniture, process all that has

happened and all the changes that

have come. We all need that.

Unfortunately, the holidays can be

fraught with expectations and busy-

ness to the point of distraction.

And it may be tempting to give into

those distractions; it might feel like

a way to not think about all the sad

things. That’s OK, but make at least

some room to have some quality

time with just you. Prayer,

meditation, an hour listening to

quiet music, all of these can create

the space you need to regroup

spiritually and heal.

Your Body Needs Care, Too: A

massage, a long soaking bath, or

long walks without headphones are

also excellent regular practices

during the holidays (and beyond,

for that matter!). We often embody

our emotions by storing tensions

or dancing exuberantly.

The loss of someone you love may

also mean the loss of physical

contact. Getting contact in good

ways like hugs, massage, that warm

bath or swim, can significantly ease

stress. Exercise, too, can help

release tension and spread

endorphins that soothe body and

soul. These things can go hand in

hand with creating quality alone

time on a regular basis.

Grieving at Christmas,,,,(Continued from

page 2)

In Short: Respect the work it takes to miss someone and let yourself be tired.

Let things be different and speak about the changes.

Do somethings the same, and talk about what you are experiencing.

Connect with people and Ask for Support when you need it.

Make some space to be alone and reflect, especially if you can incorporate care

for your body, too.


7:00 PM Sunday

December 20 in 7

Just Sing !!!!

‘Tis the season for all the holiday

fun to begin. From all the Christmas

shopping, the decorating, to the

A d v e n t s e r v i c e s , a n d m y

favorite...Christmas music!! So, get out

your cds, turn on your car radios, and

sing! As most know and realize, singing

is a huge aspect of my daily life. Not

only do I sing while directing the

choir, but I am constantly singing

something when I’m in the car or

walking around. It’s a big deal to me. I

am here expressing that it’s so crucial

and important--even if you can’t do it.

Not only is it important to you, but

i t ’ s im p o r t a n t t o c h i l d r e n ,

g r and ch i l d r en , g r a nd p ar en t s ,


If you do the research about music

in societies, you will find that in most

every culture, music is a common

bonding ground. Singing is used to lift

spirits when moments are tough and

when we’re celebrating moments. It is

everywhere! Why do you think we

sing in our church services? Yes, it is

to share the stories and messages that

are within Biblical stories, but it’s to

unite every voice within the

congregation. So, why not share your

voice with others?

We’ve now reached one of the

most musical holidays and seasons of

the years. Just turn on to the radio in

the car--we were loaded up with

holiday music the day after Halloween.

Soon after Thanksgiving, you’re

bombarded with Christmas music

everywhere! My challenge is to enjoy

the music, but share the music with

others. If you’re a musical person,

share your talents and let others hear

your voice.

Parents and grandparents, sing

with young ones. It is so important

that you share this with them. Don’t

think that, “oh...I can’t sing,” that it’s

not important. Do it anyways! When

you’re in the car, or at home, with

your little one, share the season

through voice and through music.

With it, you will be making wonderful

moments to remember and to pass

on. May your Christmas and holidays

be cheerful and bright!

Hymn of the Month

O Little Town of Bethlehem

Author: Phillips Brooks, 1835-


Composer: Lewis H. Redner

Tune Name: ST. LOUIS

This Christmas carol has a

delightful background story of how it

became so popular in the American

Anglican churches. The author of the

lyrics to this hymn is Phillips Brooks of

Boston, Massachusetts. Brooks was a

very prominent minister of the Boston

region between 1859 and 1891. He

was eventually was appointed Bishop

of all Episcopal churches in the

surrounding Massachusetts area two

years before his death in 1893. Brooks

was known by his wonderful sermons,

which have become classics of

American literature, also while being

known as an extraordinary Sunday

school teacher and children’s minister.

The hymn “O Little Town of

Bethlehem” was composed in

1868. Years before, Brooks had taken

a trip to the Holy Land, where he

experienced Christmas Eve in

Bethlehem and worshipped in the

Church of the Nativity. After writing

the poetry, describing the Holy Land

and visit, Brooks decided years later

that the poem needed to be turned

into a song that children would be able

to sing. Serving as organist at the time,

Lewis Redner was given the task by

Brooks to “compose a simple melody

t h a t c h i l d r e n c o u l d s i n g

easily”. Redner is revered for being a

composer of many carols, but this is

one that has been found all over the

world, in many forms and many

languages, and is one of the most well-


WNL programs

Musical Notes from Gabe Evans

Chancel Choir Selections

6- O Come to Us, Emmanuel, J. Martin 20- Circle of Love, P. Choplin

13- Celtic Advent Carol, B. Angerman 27- My Lord, What A Morning, arr. R. Benson

Mark Your Calendars! On December 13, we will be having our Sounds of the Season Musical Service! This service will

feature the musical offerings of the Union Church Choir, Union Handbell Ensemble, and from many of our talented church

congregants! This is a fun event that will use lots of congregational participation and you WILL NOT want to miss it!

Call to Action! From Berea

College President Lyle Roelofs:

I am writing with support from

community and student groups

committed to social justice to invite

you to an important event to

demonstrate the values of Berea

College in the face of a growing

number of incidents involving har-

assment to students of color and

LGBTQ students.

We are also inviting others

from the community who are sup-

portive of our efforts. You may, of

course, come and go based on your


If you are able to attend, we

encourage you to bring signage that

conveys Berea's inclusive mission,

manifest in its motto that “ God

has made of one blood all peoples

of the earth..”

We invite participants to line

the south side of Chestnut Street

from the crosswalk in front of the

President's Home toward Scaffold

Cane Road. 8

Dear Bereans,

At the end of a day that saw a

wonderful community event, one that

brought together Bereans from the

campus and from the City, and many

from further away, too, I write to say

thanks to all who participated.

Students, we were so proud of

you as you conducted yourselves both

respectfully of the rights of others and

with great vigor and commitment to

justice. Faculty and staff who turned

out in great numbers to oppose hate

and harassment and show our support

for all who have suffered it, you once

again have shown your true colors as

Bereans. Some members of the Board

of Trustees, on short notice,

interrupted their busy lives to be part

of the event, and many retirees were

present, too, including one who was

too ill to get out of his car parked

along Chestnut St. on a cold fall day,

but showed a sign in that car window

anyway and supported us with his


And so many friends from the

town of Berea joined with us, too,

including our mayor and a number of

students from the local schools. It was

inspiring to move among you and feel

t he u rgenc y o f our sha red

commitment to justice and equality.

Of course, one successful, moving

event will not end harassment and

hate. Our work will need to continue

on many fronts to ensure that

someday all persons will be able walk

sidewalks of our community without

fear of harassment.

What we established today was

that we are willing as a community to

engage in that work, and that there are

so many of us that will stand shoulder-

to-shoulder in support of one another

and the power of love over hate.

All my best to you, my fellow Bereans,

Lyle Roelofs, President 9

Regular Weekly Happenings

Sundays 9:30 am ....... Adult Book Study, Conference Room

10:30 am...... Morning Worship

Weekdays 8:00 am ....... Zen Meditation, Cowan Chapel

Mondays 5:30 pm ...... QiGong, Cowan Chapel

6:00 pm ...... AlAnon meets, Wayside Room

7:00 pm ...... AA, Comm. Room

7:00 pm ...... Classic Chorale

Tuesdays 9:00 am ....... GED Class, Classroom

6:00 pm ...... AlAnon Step Study, Classroom

7:30 pm ...... Berea Community Drumming Circle, Cowan

Weds 4:30 pm ...... Meditation, Cowan Chapel

5:15 pm ...... Joyful Noise Choir, Rm. 104

5:45 pm ...... WNL supper—POTLUCK Dec. 2

6:30 pm ...... Youth Group, 104, Jubilee Choir, Youth Room

7:00 pm ...... Handbell Choir

Thursdays 9:00 am ..... GED Class, Classroom

12:00 pm .... Bible Study

1:00 pm ..... Quilters, Classroom

6:15 pm ..... Union Church Choir

Saturdays 10:00 am……...Depression & Bipolar disorder support group,

Wayside Room

11:00 am...... ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics), Classroom

Other Regular Events 1st & 3rd Sundays 1:30 pm…….ShapeNote Singers, Parlor

2nd Sundays New Members welcomed at Morning Worship

4th Sundays Noon………..Newcomers’ Gatherings 2nd & 4th Mons 9:30 am…….Berea Knitters, Classroom

2nd Tuesdays 7:00 pm……..Bereans for Fairness, Classroom

4th Tuesdays 5:30 pm……ABLE, Room 101

Board Meetings

Dec. 1 5:00 pm ........... Community Life & Growth Board

Dec. 9 6:00 pm ........... Faith Development

6:30 pm ........... Finance Board

7:00 pm ........... Mission & Service Board

Dec. 14 3:00 pm ........... Properties Board

6:00 pm ........... Administration Board























About Us...

All who seek & serve the love of God are ministers

of Union Church

Gail Wolford, Moderator

Rev. Kent Gilbert, Pastor

Rev. Rachel Small Stokes, Associate Pastor

Dave Kobersmith, Church Administrator

Gabriel Evans, Director of Music Ministries

Pearl Marshall, Handbell Director

Carrie Jadud, Jubilee & Joyful Noise Choir Director

Chris McKenzie, Youth Director

Joan English, Office Administrator 8

Budget meeting December 13, meeting starts after

worship & lunch.

We will review, discuss and vote upon approval of the

2016 Budget.

Copies will be emailed (and hard copies made

available) in advance of the meeting.

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