Connections 2

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DO Connections 2 TESTS 2P.qxd 5/10/07 10:50 Page 1

Starting out Test A

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1 Complete this description of Tom. Put one word ineach gap.

isTom from Bristol.

Tom 1 fifteen. His 2 is 3rd

May. He 3 got a brother 4

James. Tom and James 5 got a dog and

two cats. Tom 6 play football, but he

can’t sing.

2 Write sentences. Use the correct form of be anda/an or the plural form of the noun.

There / fifteen / boy in my class.

There are fifteen boys in my class.

1 This / long film.

2 There / thirty / person in my class.

3 These / small / tomato.

4 It / cold / day.

5 They / beautiful / woman.

6 There / ten / knife in the drawer.

3 These sentences are all incorrect. Rewrite theunderlined parts.

Emma’sThis is Emmas bike.

1 This book is my.

2 Maria is Johns girlfriend.

3 I like yours shoes.

4 Tom don’t can play the guitar well.

5 You can speak Italian?

6 Open you a window, please.

Mark 6

Mark 6

Mark 6

4 Write these dates and numbers as you say them.

the ninth of January / January 9th

January the ninth

1 1st April

2 2,457

3 119

4 June 23rd

5 9,270

6 14th December

5 Write these times as you say them.

twenty to six17.40 It’s

1 6.15 It’s

2 9.35 It’s

3 4.00 It’s

4 21.05 It’s

5 19.20 It’s

6 11.45 It’s

Total 30

Mark 6

Mark 6

DO Connections 2 TESTS 2P.qxd 5/10/07 10:50 Page 2

Starting out Test B1 Complete this description of Jane. Put one word in

each gap.

isJane from York.

Jane 1 seventeen. She 2

got two sisters. She 3 play football, but

she can’t swim. Her 4 is 14th June.

Jane and her sisters 5 got a dog. He’s6 Toby.

2 Write sentences. Use the correct form of be anda/an or the plural form of the noun.

There / fifteen / boy in my class.

There are fifteen boys in my class.

1 This / short / programme.

2 There / eleven / player in a team.

3 These / my / child.

4 It / silly / job.

5 They / beautiful / baby.

6 There / five / man in my office.

3 These sentences are all incorrect. Rewrite theunderlined parts.

Emma’sThis is Emmas bike.

1 These CDs aren’t your.

2 My sister can’t to drive.

3 To close the door, please.

4 This is my fathers car.

5 These are Anthony and Ruths’ keys.

6 We don’t have got a computer.

Mark 6

Mark 6

Mark 6

4 Write these dates and numbers as you say them.

the ninth of January / January 9th

January the ninth

1 561

2 3rd October

3 August 12th

4 18,601

5 May 30th

6 6,005

5 Write these times as you say them.

twenty to six17.40 It’s

1 14.25 It’s

2 6.45 It’s

3 8.10 It’s

4 20.50 It’s

5 16.15 It’s

6 13.00 It’s

Total 30

Mark 6

Mark 6

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DO Connections 2 TESTS 2P.qxd 5/10/07 10:50 Page 3

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Test 1A1 Complete this description with the verbs in

brackets in the present simple.

doesShe (do) the same things every day.

My friend Anita

My friend Anita 1 (live) in a very small

flat near the centre of the city. She 2

(listen) to music a lot and she 3 (play)

the piano, too. I 4 (not like) the same

kind of music as her. Her parents 5 (not

like) her music either and they often 6

(tell) her to stop playing it because it drives them crazy!

2 Write questions in the present simple.

she / work in an office?

Does she work in an office?

1 you / do / homework every day?

2 they / go to university?

3 they / like / ski?

4 she / live near you?

5 he / play cards with you?

6 you / like / live in this city?

3 Tick (✓) if the underlined words are correct.Rewrite them if they are incorrect.

How old is your granson?


1 Belinda’s dauchter is now three years old.

2 I always enjoy the Science lessons at school.

3 My aunts always buy me really good birthday


Mark 6

Mark 6

4 I’ve got two neices, but I don’t see them very often.

5 Robert’s favourite subject at school is ITC.

6 We learn about acting in our Drame lessons.

4 Tick (✓) the correct sentences and rewrite theincorrect ones.

We sometimes goes on school trips.

We sometimes go on school trips.

1 Do you have always French on Friday?

2 We sometimes go other schools for games.

3 Lessons always start at 9 am.

4 Daniel does never arrive at school late.

5 Do you watch to TV at school?

6 Do you always listen to your teachers?

5 Complete the sentences with one of theseadjectives.

privileged funny intelligent sad rich stupid

Dolphins are funny but they’re very

intelligent , too.

1 I’m not . I haven’t got a lot of money.

2 He never smiles or laughs. He seems a bit


3 They live a life of luxury and are very .

4 He’s a dog. He’s running round in

circles chasing his tail.

5 This person is . She really makes me


6 She goes to university so she’s quite .

Total 30

Mark 6

Mark 6

Mark 6

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Test 1B1 Complete this description with the verbs in

brackets in the present simple.

doesHe (do) the same things every day.

My friend Paul

My friend Paul 1 (go) to the same

school as me, and we 2 (live) in the

same part of town. After school, he sometimes3 (come) to my house and we 4 (watch) TV together. My other school

friends 5 (like) playing video games but

Paul 6 (not like) doing that.

2 Write questions in the present simple.

she / work in an office?

Does she work in an office?

1 she / speak / English?

2 they / live in a big flat?

3 you / eat fast food?

4 you / always / watch football?

5 he / read newspapers?

6 she / do a lot of exercise?

3 Tick (✓) if the underlined words are correct.Rewrite them if they are incorrect.

How old is your granson?


1 I’ve got two nephews and I spend a lot of time with


2 I always enjoy the Gegraphy lessons at school.

3 My uncels work in a local shop.

4 History is my favourite subject at school.

Mark 6

Mark 6

5 I’ve got about 30 cousines.

6 Elaine likes the Mats class.

4 Tick (✓) the correct sentences and rewrite theincorrect ones.

We sometimes goes on school trips.

We sometimes go on school trips.

1 Do you always have English on Friday?

2 We never argues with our teachers.

3 Lessons always finish on 3.30 pm.

4 Do you speak always English in lessons?

5 What time you usually have lunch?

6 Does your brother play in the football team?

5 Complete the sentences with one of theseadjectives.

horrible nice happy poor lucky beautiful

Dolphins are funny but they’re very

intelligent , too.

1 Some people say black cats are .

2 The house has got a very garden.

3 I don’t like coffee – it’s !

4 They are because the school holidays

start next week.

5 He isn’t a very person. He never

smiles or says hello.

6 My brother wants me to give him some money. He

says he is . I don’t believe him.

Total 30

Mark 6

Mark 6

Mark 6

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DO Connections 2 TESTS 2P.qxd 5/10/07 10:50 Page 5

Test 2A1 Complete this postcard with the verbs in brackets

in the present continuous.

’re / are visitingWe some friends.

Hi Val,

I 1 (have) a really good

time here. The sun 2

(shine) and the place is lovely. At the moment, Sam

and I 3 (sit) in a beach

café. We 4 (wait) for our

lunch to arrive. Lots of interesting people

5 (walk) by. I must stop

now. The waiter 6 (come)

with our lunch.

2 Complete these sentences with one of theseprepositions.

between in under next to on

onShe’s working her computer.

1 The phone is the desk.

2 There is a bed two wardrobes.

3 There are four people the beach.

4 They are playing the garden.

5 My CDs are in a box my bed.

6 Sit me, I want to talk to you.

3 Complete these sentences with the correct piece offurniture.

wardrobe desk sofa fridge sink

chest of drawers

deskShe’s working at her .

1 You can wash your hands in that .

2 I often lie on the and read


3 She’s got five dresses she never wears in her


4 There are some cold drinks in the .

5 There’s a computer and paper on the


6 The is full of socks and t-shirts.

Mark 6

Mark 6

Mark 6

4 Write questions and answers in the presentcontinuous or the present simple.

you / listen / to the radio?

Are you listening to the radio?

No, I / read this magazine.

No, I’m reading this magazine.

1 a you / always / watch / this programme?

b Yes, and I / enjoy / it.

2 a you / work / at the moment?

b No, I / not do anything.

3 a you / enjoy your meal?

b No, I / not feel very well.

5 Complete these sentences with places in a home.

gardenThe house has got a big with trees in it.

1 My father has got a where he does

his work at home.

2 George is in the making the dinner.

3 Let’s go into the and watch


4 She grows vegetables in the at the

back of her house.

5 There is a place to put coats in the .

6 We eat our dinner in the evening at a big table in

the .

Total 30

Mark 6

Mark 6

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Test 2B4 Write questions and answers in the present

continuous or the present simple.

you / listen / to the radio?

Are you listening to the radio?

No, I / read this magazine.

No, I’m reading this magazine.

1 a you / ever read / this newspaper?

b Yes, I / often look / at the job adverts.

2 a you / feel / good when you go to the gym?

b No, I / sometimes get very tired.

3 a why / you / go?

b I / leave because it’s late.

5 Complete these sentences with places in a home.

gardenThe house has got a big with trees in it.

1 Charles is asleep in his .

2 There’s a shower in the .

3 We can sit in the sunshine in the .

4 Go down the stairs and into the .

Then open the front door.

5 Come into the with me while I cook

the meal.

6 We hardly ever use the , we usually

eat in the kitchen.

Total 30

Mark 6

Mark 6

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1 Complete this postcard with the verbs in bracketsin the present continuous.

’re / are visitingWe some friends.

Hi Julia,

Helen and I 1 (stay) in

a very nice flat close to the sea. At the moment,

Helen 2 (stand) on the

balcony while I 3 (write)

to you. She 4 (look) at

the wonderful view and she 5

(take) some photos. I hope you

6 (not work) too hard!

2 Complete these sentences with one of theprepositions.

between in under next to on

onShe’s working her computer.

1 The cat is sitting the garden.

2 Breakfast is the table.

3 There’s a small table two armchairs.

4 Put the bed the wardrobe.

5 ‘Where are my shoes?’ ‘Look the bed!’

6 There are 20 photos the bookcase.

3 Complete these sentences with the correct piece offurniture.

wardrobe desk sofa fridge sink

chest of drawers

deskShe’s working at her .

1 There’s some ice cream in the .

2 I keep my T-shirts in a .

3 Wash the dishes in the in the


4 It’s a big and four people can sit

on it.

5 His suit is hanging in the .

6 Please put those letters on my .

Mark 6

Mark 6

Mark 6

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Test 3A1 Complete these sentences with the verbs in

brackets in the past simple.

satWe (sit) on the floor and

ate our food.

1 I (drink) my coffee and

(leave) the restaurant.

2 Nick (say) something but I

(not hear) him.

3 He (meet) his wife when they

(work) for the same company.

4 I (run) as fast as I could but I

(miss) the bus.

5 She (write) an email and

(send) it to all her friends.

6 I (have) breakfast and then I

(go) back to bed.

2 Write questions in the past simple.

you / buy anything at the shops?

Did you buy anything at the shops?

1 you / enjoy the film last night?

2 the plane / arrive on time yesterday?

3 be / your parents angry with you?

4 you / have a holiday last year?

5 they / visit any museums?

6 you / make any mistakes?

3 Complete these sentences with types of TVprogramme.

advertisementsThere are lots of

between programmes.

1 A contains interviews

with famous people.

2 A contains a report on

an important or interesting subject.

Mark 6

Mark 6

3 A tries to make the

audience laugh.

4 A is a continuing drama

about people’s lives.

5 tells you what is

happening in your country and the world.

6 A is made from

animated drawings.

4 Write the questions and answers in the past simple.

you / spend a lot of money?

Did you spend a lot of money?

Yes, I / buy lots of things.

Yes, I bought lots of things.

1 a you / find your bag?

b Yes, I / find it in the hall.

2 a you / win the game?

b No, we / lose 3-0.

3 a you / cook a meal last night?

b No, I / eat in a restaurant.

5 Complete these descriptions of films with one ofthe adjectives.

boring sad exciting romantic scary funny

sadIt was a very story about some very

unlucky people.

1 It had a very ending. I cried.

2 It was very , and I didn’t watch some

of the really horrible bits.

3 It was really , with lots of action and

some great special effects.

4 It was a very film. I laughed from

start to finish.

5 It was a very story about a man and

woman who fell in love.

6 It was . Nothing interesting happened.

Total 30

Mark 6

Mark 6

Mark 6

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Test 3B1 Complete these sentences with the verbs in

brackets in the past simple.

satWe (sit) on the floor and

ate our food.

1 I (look) for my bag, but I

(not find) it.

2 We (do) all our work and then we

(go) home.

3 She (be) very tired when she

(arrive) home.

4 My brother (play) the piano and my

sister (sing).

5 I (try) to win, but I

(lose) the game.

6 We (see) a very funny film, and we

(laugh) a lot.

2 Write questions in the past simple.

you / buy anything at the shops?

Did you buy anything at the shops?

1 you / close the door?

2 they / eat all the food?

3 be / the lesson interesting?

4 you / finish all your work?

5 your parents / go with you?

6 Mike / call last night?

3 Complete these sentences with types of TVprogramme.

advertisementsThere are lots of

between programmes.

1 I watch every night to

find out what happened in the world that day.

2 Last night I watched a very interesting

about life in China.

Mark 6

Mark 6

3 The was very funny.

4 My brother enjoys and

gets very interested in the lives of all the characters.

5 There’s a on every

week that has a lot of football.

6 I watched a last night

because the guest was one of my favourite film stars.

4 Write the questions and answers in the past simple.

you / spend a lot of money?

Did you spend a lot of money?

Yes, I / buy lots of things.

Yes, I bought lots of things.

1 a you / say something?

b No, I / not speak.

2 a you / see Hannah yesterday?

b No, I / not see her.

3 a Rob / do his homework last night?

b Yes, he / do all of it.

5 Complete these descriptions of films with one ofthe adjectives.

boring sad exciting romantic scary funny

sadIt was a very story about some very

unlucky people.

1 It had a very ending, when the two

main characters got married.

2 It was . I fell asleep in the middle.

3 It was a comedy but it wasn’t .

4 It was . I was frightened.

5 It was very because the main

character died at the end.

6 It was an action film – very !

Total 30

Mark 6

Mark 6

Mark 6

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DO Connections 2 TESTS 2P.qxd 5/10/07 10:50 Page 9

Progress Test 1A1 Read the text and answer the questions.

My name is Kathy. I live in a small village and I go to

the local school. At school, I really like Maths and

English, but my favourite subject is Drama. I want to

be an actress when I leave school. At the moment, I’m

learning my lines for the play my class is doing at

school. I don’t see many plays because there isn’t a

theatre near my village. I also like lots of different

sports. I think that tennis is great, but I’m not very

good at it. I was very happy last week because I won a

match! I work very hard at school and we get a lot of

homework – for example, last week I did a lot of

English grammar exercises and this week I’m writing

about life in my village in the past. I do my homework

as soon as I get home from school – I sit at the living

room table to do it because it’s difficult to study in the

bedroom. I share a bedroom with my sister and she

always says stupid things when I’m trying to study!

Then I usually watch TV or listen to music. I think

soap operas are fantastic and I also watch wildlife

documentaries. I think rap music is horrible and most

of my CDs are rock. I’m looking for someone to write

to who has the same interests as me.

Question 1 Tick (✓) the correct box.

1 What is the text?

a ■■ an article in a school magazine

b ■■ a letter in a teenage magazine

c ■■ a report in a local newspaper

Questions 2–6 Answer the questions Yes or No.

2 Is Kathy’s school near her home?

3 Does Kathy often see plays?

4 Does Kathy often win at tennis?

5 Is Kathy doing History homework

this week?

6 Has Kathy got her own room?

Questions 7–10 Write True or False.

7 Kathy does her homework at a desk.

8 Kathy gets annoyed with her sister.

9 Kathy really likes soap operas.

10 Kathy hates rap music.

Mark 10

2 Write a description of a member of your family.Include:

• facts about the person, using the present simple

• what the person is doing, using the present continuous

• something that happened to the person in the past,

using the past simple

Use vocabulary from units 1–3, for example, to describe

the person’s home, job, interests, feelings or character.

3 Circle the correct answers.

1 Pamela to work by bus every day.

A goes B is going C go

2 Rosa that writer’s books.

A likes really B really likes C is really liking

3 Sit my brothers.

A next B between C at

4 Don’t talk to me now. my homework.

A I do B I’m do C I’m doing

5 I want to go at the weekend.

A dancing B to dance C to dancing

6 What a special meal for her birthday?

A to cook B for cooking C about cooking

7 We have Geography Tuesdays.

A at B on C in

8 I don’t like games.

A playing B play C to playing

9 What ? Did you enjoy it?

A was the concert like B was like the concert

C the concert was like

10 I my friends for a drink in that café.

A meet often B am often meeting

C often meet

Total 30

Mark 10

Mark 10

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DO Connections 2 TESTS 2P.qxd 5/10/07 10:50 Page 10

Progress Test 1B1 Read the text and answer the questions.

My name is Kathy. I live in a small village and I go to

the local school. At school, I really like Maths and

English, but my favourite subject is Drama. I want to

be an actress when I leave school. At the moment, I’m

learning my lines for the play my class is doing at

school. I don’t see many plays because there isn’t a

theatre near my village. I also like lots of different

sports. I think that tennis is great, but I’m not very

good at it. I was very happy last week because I won a

match! I work very hard at school and we get a lot of

homework – for example, last week I did a lot of

English grammar exercises and this week I’m writing

about life in my village in the past. I do my homework

as soon as I get home from school – I sit at the living

room table to do it because it’s difficult to study in the

bedroom. I share a bedroom with my sister and she

always says stupid things when I’m trying to study!

Then I usually watch TV or listen to music. I think

soap operas are fantastic and I also watch wildlife

documentaries. I think rap music is horrible and most

of my CDs are rock. I’m looking for someone to write

to who has the same interests as me.

Question 1 Tick (✓) the correct box.

1 Where is the text from?

a ■■ a magazine for young people

b ■■ Kathy’s school magazine

c ■■ an advertisement

Questions 2–6 Write True or False.

2 Kathy’s school is far from her home.

3 Kathy often sees plays.

4 Kathy often wins at tennis.

5 Kathy is doing History homework

this week.

6 Kathy hasn’t got her own room.

Questions 7–10 Answer the questions Yes or No.

7 Does Kathy do her homework at

a desk?

8 Does Kathy get annoyed with

her sister?

9 Does Kathy hate soap operas?

10 Does Kathy hate rap music?

Mark 10

2 Write a description of a friend. Include:

• facts about the person, using the present simple

• what the person is doing, using the present continuous

• something that happened to the person in the past,

using the past simple

Use vocabulary from units 1–3, for example, to describe

the person’s home, job, interests, feelings or character.

3 Circle the correct answers.

1 Please be quiet. this programme.

A I watch B I’m watching C I’m watch

2 Helen hates up early in the morning.

A get B getting C gets

3 Eddie a football magazine every month.

A reads usually B is reading usually

C usually reads

4 What ? Was it exciting or boring?

A was the film like B was like the film

C the film was like

5 At school, we do sports Wednesdays.

A at B in C on

6 My father a lot because of his job.

A is travelling B travel C travels

7 Iris goes in the local pool.

A swim B swimming C for swim

8 I their music and I’ve got all their CDs.

A like really B am really liking C really like

9 The sink is the toilet and the bath.

A between B next C at

10 What him a DVD for his birthday?

A to buy B about buying C buy

Total 30

Mark 10

Mark 10

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DO Connections 2 TESTS 2P.qxd 5/10/07 10:50 Page 11

Test 4A1 Write the questions in the past simple and use one

of the words from the box.

what where how when who why

you / buy that shirt?

Where did you buy that shirt?

In a local clothes shop.

1 you / go to bed so early?

Because I was really tired.

2 you / meet Kim?

At a party.

3 your flight / arrive?

Two hours ago.

4 you / do / Friday evening?

I went to a concert.

5 you / learn to play the flute?

My father taught me.

6 you / talk to at the party?

To some of my friends.

2 Complete the contradictions.

I’m notYou’re angry. No, .

1 I wasn’t angry with you.

Yes, .

2 She’s living in a big city.

No, .

3 He played very well.

No, .

4 The CD player doesn’t work.

Yes, .

5 Her parents are teachers.

No, .

6 You didn’t eat very much.

Yes, .

Mark 6

Mark 6

3 Complete the words to make countries ornationalities.

I met a Bel student last week.

1 We get a lot of Am films and TV

programmes in this country.

2 Some members of my family now live in

Fr .

3 Suzanne has a Sw boyfriend.

4 There are some beautiful mountains in

Sc .

5 They often go on holiday to Gr .

6 Clive really likes Ja food.

4 Complete the sentences with mustn’t or not have toand the verbs in brackets.

don’t have to hurryWe (hurry) – we’ve got

lots of time.

1 The doctor says that Tony

(work) so hard because

it is making him ill.

2 You (pay) me now –

you can do it later if you like.

3 We (learn) French at

school but we can if we want to.

4 You (smoke) in this

building – it’s a No Smoking building.

5 You (eat) so much fast

food – it’s bad for you.

6 She (do) homework

every evening – she only has it twice a week.

5 Write these years in the way that you say them.

two thousand and two2002

1 2000

2 1878

3 1603

4 2012

5 1800

6 1485

Total 30

Mark 6

Mark 6

Mark 6

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Test 4B1 Write the questions in the past simple and use one

of the words from the box.

why what who where when how

you / buy that shirt?

Where did you buy that shirt?

In a local clothes shop.

1 you / get a ticket for the concert?

I used the Internet.

2 you / see the film?

A week ago.

3 Joe / shout at you?

Because he was angry with me.

4 you / see in Rome?

All the famous places.

5 you / find her address?

On a piece of paper.

6 you / tell?

Nobody – it’s a secret.

2 Complete the contradictions.

I’m notYou’re angry. No, .

1 They aren’t very friendly.

Yes, .

2 He earns a lot of money.

No, .

3 It wasn’t a good party.

Yes, .

4 You talked too much.

No, .

5 It doesn’t happen very often.

Yes, .

6 She didn’t hear me.

Yes, .

Mark 6

Mark 6

3 Complete the words to make countries ornationalities.

I met a Bel student last week.

1 He plays for a Sp football team.

2 He studied at a university in Ge .

3 He often goes to Ru on business.

4 She’s got a lot of It friends.

5 Some members of my family went to live in

Ca .

6 He works for a Ch company.

4 Complete the sentences with mustn’t or not have toand the verbs in brackets.

don’t have to hurryWe (hurry) – we’ve got

lots of time.

1 You (post) this letter

today – it can go tomorrow.

2 The teacher says that we

(talk) in lessons.

3 You (be) so rude to

people – it makes them angry.

4 I (forget) to pay this

bill – it’s very important.

5 She (work) at

weekends because the company is closed then.

6 You (tell) me again – I

understood you the first time.

5 Write these years in the way that you say them.

sixteen fifteen1615

1 1965

2 1066

3 2001

4 1836

5 1500

6 1905

Total 30

Mark 6

Mark 6

Mark 6

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Test 5A1 Tick (✓) if the underlined words are correct.

Rewrite them if they are incorrect.

some waterWould you like a water?

1 I’d like some spaghettis please.

2 I bought a cheese at the supermarket.

3 I don’t want any mushrooms, thank you.

4 Would you like a biscuit?

5 I’d like some juice, please.

6 Please buy a bread at the shop.

2 Complete the sentences and questions with muchor many.

manyI don’t usually eat biscuits.

1 We haven’t got bread left.

2 How potatoes do we need?

3 How oranges did you buy?

4 Jack doesn’t eat fruit.

5 I don’t want to have chips with this


6 How milk would you like in your


3 Complete the sentences with one of the words inthe box.

packet mug carton slice pot loaf

packetHe opened a of crisps.

1 He took a of bread and put some

butter and jam on it.

2 We ate the whole of biscuits because

they were so nice.

3 I drank a big of coffee to wake me up

this morning.

4 I bought a fresh of bread at the shop.

5 I made a of coffee for them.

6 I bought a small of juice and put it in

my bag.

Mark 6

Mark 6

Mark 6

4 Write sentences beginning There is / There are anda/an, some or any.

bread on the table ✓

There is some bread on the table.

juice in the glass ✗

There isn’t any juice in the glass.

1 eggs in the fridge ✓

2 butter in the dish ✗

3 pasta in the shop ✗

4 apples in the bowl ✓

5 water in the pan ✓

6 tomatoes in the bag ✗

5 Complete the words in this restaurant review.

I had st mineral water with my meal.

As a 1 st , I chose the excellent home-

made vegetable soup. It was made from fresh

vegetables and it was absolutely 2 d . For my main course, I chose

the 3 c , and it was also very good. For4 p , I had a chocolate and cream cake,

which I do not recommend for anyone who is on a 5 d ! After the coffee, I asked for the 6 b and I can report that the restaurant is very

good value for money.

Total 30

Mark 6

Mark 6

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i l l

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Test 5B1 Tick (✓) if the underlined words are correct.

Rewrite them if they are incorrect.

some waterWould you like a water?

1 There aren’t some eggs in this pudding.

2 We need some tomato for the salad.

3 Could you get some butter from the fridge?

4 Would you like some more pastas?

5 I’d like a bread, please.

6 There isn’t any tea in the pot.

2 Complete the sentences and questions with muchor many.

manyI don’t usually eat biscuits.

1 How juice would you like?

2 Don’t use mushrooms in this dish.

3 We haven’t got spaghetti left.

4 How ice creams did she eat?

5 You didn’t eat soup.

6 How fruit did you buy?

3 Complete the sentences with one of the words inthe box.

packet mug carton slice pot loaf

packetHe opened a of crisps.

1 John drank his of tea and I drank


2 I opened a new of spaghetti.

3 I made a of tea for six people.

4 He only had one of toast for


5 She took a of juice with her when she

went out.

6 He bought a of brown bread to make

some sandwiches.

Mark 6

Mark 6

Mark 6

4 Write sentences beginning There is / There are anda/an, some or any.

bread on the table ✓

There is some bread on the table.

juice in the glass ✗

There isn’t any juice in the glass.

1 coffee left in the pot ✓

2 bread in the house ✗

3 milk in the fridge ✗

4 oranges in the kitchen ✓

5 biscuits on the plate ✓

6 onions in this dish ✗

5 Complete the words in this description ofsomeone’s eating habits.

He drinks six m of coffee a day.

My friend Chris has some terrible eating habits. He

eats 1 j food all the time. Every meal is burgers

and chips or pizza. After a big meal like that, he always

has a big 2 p – a huge piece of cake or

an enormous bowl of ice cream. He never cooks at

home. He only gets 3 t from

local places – it costs him a lot of money. And between

meals, he always has 4 s , such as

sandwiches or bars of chocolate. And of course he

drinks fizzy drinks, not things like 5 m water. He has a very 6 unh diet and it’s very bad for him.

Total 30

Mark 6

Mark 6

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u g s

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Test 6A1 Write these sentences about future arrangements.

Use the present continuous.

We / have a party / this weekend.

We’re having a party this weekend.

1 I / meet / some friends for a drink / tonight.

2 Barbara / go on holiday / next Friday.

3 I / not go out / this evening.

4 My parents / get a new TV / this week.

5 We / do a project at school / tomorrow.

6 Tom and Julia / get married / next year.

2 Complete these sentences. Use going to.

I / go to the cinema / tomorrow evening.

I’m going to go to the cinema

tomorrow evening.

1 She / sing in the school concert / this evening.

2 My sister / learn to drive / next month.

3 We / go to London by bus / next week.

4 This / not be / an easy thing to do.

5 They / build a new stadium / next year.

6 I / not talk about this again.

3 Complete these sentences. Use the word in bracketsas an adjective or verb.

icyIt’s very cold and today. (ice)

1 It was when I got up this morning.


2 It’s not at the moment but it’s very

cold. (snow)

Mark 6

Mark 6

3 It’s so I’m staying in today. (rain)

4 It was and we went for a walk in the

countryside. (sun)

5 It’s and we can hear it blowing

through the trees. (wind)

6 Because it was , we decided not to

drive. (fog)

4 The underlined parts of these sentences are allincorrect. Rewrite them so that they are correct.

The weather is go to be good at the weekend.

is going to be

1 On the radio they say it’s raining this afternoon.

2 Can I to borrow your pen?

3 I go to eat lunch in a few minutes.

4 Could you telling me where the bus station is?

5 I help you to cook the meal.

6 I’m going go to bed now.

5 Complete the words.

There are lots of tou attractions in

this place.

1 From your hotel window, you will have a sea

v .

2 You can sun on the beach for the

whole week if you want to.

3 You can buy some excellent sou in

the local market.

4 Your hotel is in the h of the city, close to

all the main attractions.

5 This is a fan island, with

everything you could possibly want.

6 Have a two-day br in this exciting, modern


Total 30

Mark 6

Mark 6

Mark 6

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r i s t

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Test 6B1 Write sentences about future arrangements. Use

the present continuous.

We / have a party / this weekend.

We’re having a party this weekend.

1 We / go shopping / this afternoon.

2 John / leave school / next year.

3 Helen / start / a new job / next week.

4 My father / work late / today.

5 I / not do anything / tonight.

6 Some friends / come to stay with me / next month.

2 Complete these sentences. Use going to.

I / go to the cinema / tomorrow evening.

I’m going to go to the cinema

tomorrow evening.

1 I / buy their new CD / on Friday.

2 It / be a nice day / today.

3 You / feel very tired / tomorrow.

4 The plane / not arrive on time.

5 Our teachers / not be happy with us.

6 James / go to Italy / next month.

3 Complete these sentences. Use the word in bracketsas an adjective or verb.

icyIt’s very cold and today. (ice)

1 It was and it was very cold. It was a

miserable day. (rain)

2 Is it in your part of the country?


Mark 6

Mark 6

3 We didn’t go to the beach because it was

. (cloud)

4 It was and we decided to stay

indoors. (wind)

5 We sat in the garden because it was

and warm. (sun)

6 I couldn’t see very well because it was

. (fog)

4 The underlined parts of these sentences are allincorrect. Rewrite them so that they are correct.

The weather is go to be good at the weekend.

is going to be

1 Hurry up! We’re being late.

2 That bag’s very heavy – I’m carrying it for you.

3 Could you to tell me the time please?

4 Of course we’re winning the game tomorrow.

5 I’ll helping you to cook the meal.

6 I can use my mobile here?

5 Complete the words.

There are lots of tou attractions in

this place.

1 Sit in a café all afternoon, or walk r the

streets looking at the people.

2 This is a won place to relax and

enjoy yourself.

3 Visit some of the his buildings in this

ancient city.

4 From your hotel, you can ex the

whole city and find out all about it.

5 You can fly d from your local airport.

6 If you enjoy sight - , there is plenty

for you in this city.

Total 30

Mark 6

Mark 6

Mark 6

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DO Connections 2 TESTS 2P.qxd 5/10/07 10:50 Page 17

Progress Test 2A1 Read the texts (A–E) and answer the questions.

A Mario’sThis restaurant has got fantastic sea views and a romantic garden.It opened only two weeks ago, but it is already very popular. Themenu is Italian and the chef worked in a 5* hotel in Venice.

B The Pink UmbrellaIf you want a quick snack, this is an excellent place. On a sunnyday, you can sit at a table outside, under one of the pinkumbrellas, and watch people. If the weather is bad, there arelots of tables inside where you can sit and chat with friends.

C The CottageThis café is so popular that the owner is planning to openanother one on the other side of the city centre. It’s a good place for tourists, who can go in there when they are on theirway from one of the city’s famous buildings to another.

D The Black PotThere aren’t many restaurants or cafés in this part of the city sothis place is very popular. Two months ago, a new owner boughtthe restaurant and the menu is now completely different. Thereare Indian dishes, Chinese dishes and traditional dishes fromour own country.

E The Old BankSo many people like this health food café that you often have towait for a long time to get a table. Because of this, the owner isgoing to put tables in a big room upstairs.

Question 1 Tick (✓) the correct box.

1 What is the purpose of the text?

a ■■ to recommend a particular café or restaurant

b ■■ to give information about different cafés and


c ■■ to compare different cafés and restaurants

Questions 2–10 Write the letter (A–E).

2 The upstairs is going to open.

3 You can eat food from many

different countries there.

4 You can eat outside.

5 It is a new restaurant.

6 It is good for sight-seeing.

7 You can eat quickly there.

8 The chef is very good.

9 The food is healthy.

10 The food was different.

Mark 10

2 Write a description of your town or region. Include:

• something that happened there in the past, using

the past simple

• what the place has got, using some, any, much or many

• something that is going to change, using the present

continuous or going to

Use vocabulary from units 4–6, for example, to

describe the weather, nationalities, food or travel.

3 Circle the correct answers.

1 James left school .

A three months ago B ago three months

C at three months ago

2 Who out with tonight?

A do you go B are you going C you are going

3 have a drink of water, please?

A Will I B Could I C Can I to

4 There aren’t buses at this time of night.

A much B some C any

5 We’re having a party week.

A next B in next C the next

6 How get a ticket for the concert?

A do you go to B are you going to

C are you going

7 I to phone Rachel tonight.

A mustn’t forget B mustn’t to forget

C don’t must forget

8 Where that jacket?

A did you find B did you found C you found

9 He sat at a table and ate sandwich.

A some B any C a

10 a drink with your meal?

A Do you like B Would you like C Are you like

Total 30

Mark 10

Mark 10

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Progress Test 2B1 Read the texts (A–E) and answer the questions.

A Mario’sThis restaurant has got fantastic sea views and a romantic garden.It opened only two weeks ago, but it is already very popular. Themenu is Italian and the chef worked in a 5* hotel in Venice.

B The Pink UmbrellaIf you want a quick snack, this is an excellent place. On a sunnyday, you can sit at a table outside, under one of the pinkumbrellas, and watch people. If the weather is bad, there arelots of tables inside where you can sit and chat with friends.

C The CottageThis café is so popular that the owner is planning to openanother one on the other side of the city centre. It’s a good place for tourists, who can go in there when they are on theirway from one of the city’s famous buildings to another.

D The Black PotThere aren’t many restaurants or cafés in this part of the city sothis place is very popular. Two months ago, a new owner boughtthe restaurant and the menu is now completely different. Thereare Indian dishes, Chinese dishes and traditional dishes fromour own country.

E The Old BankSo many people like this health food café that you often have towait for a long time to get a table. Because of this, the owner isgoing to put tables in a big room upstairs.

Question 1 Tick (✓) the correct box.

1 Who is the information for?

a ■■ local people and tourists

b ■■ chefs

c ■■ people who own restaurants

Questions 2–10 Write the letter (A–E).

2 There is a new menu.

3 It is going to open upstairs.

4 Some tables have got umbrellas.

5 The chef worked in a very good hotel.

6 You can eat the local food.

7 It has a very beautiful garden.

8 There are going to be two of them.

9 It is popular with visitors to the town.

10 The owner changed the menu.

Mark 10

2 Write a description of a place you have visited anda place you want to visit. Include:

• something that happened there in the past, using

the past simple

• what the place has got, using some, any, much or many

• a place you plan to visit in the future, using the

present continuous or going to

Use vocabulary from units 4–6, for example, to

describe the weather, nationalities, food or travel.

3 Circle the correct answers.

1 Sharon hasn’t got friends.

A many B some C much

2 What eat tonight?

A are you going B do you go C are you going to

3 When your exams?

A took you B did you take C did you took

4 I want to eat bread now.

A some B any C a

5 the bill now, please.

A I like B I’m liking C I’d like

6 Where your friends tonight?

A you meet B do you meet C are you meeting

7 You drive fast, it’s dangerous.

A don’t have to B mustn’t C haven’t to

8 look at your magazine, please?

A Could I B Will I C Can I to

9 The programme started .

A ago five minutes B on five minutes ago

C five minutes ago

10 What are you doing afternoon?

A in this B on this C this

Total 30

Mark 10

Mark 10

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Test 7A1 Write sentences and questions. Use the past


Why / you /work / 2 am?

Why were you working at 2 am?

1 What / you / do / this time last week?

2 I / not listen – can you repeat that?

3 you / wait at the bus stop / last night?

4 What / he / wear at the party?

5 We / sit on a bus / five o’clock yesterday.

6 They / work hard / Friday.

2 Are the adjectives in these sentences in the correctorder? Tick (✓) if they are correct and reorderthem if they are incorrect.

✓He wore a long black coat.

1 She’s got blonde long hair.

2 He was wearing tight blue jeans.

3 He’s got has red long curly hair.

4 She bought a green big jumper.

5 He was wearing baggy green shorts.

6 She’s got has long dark straight hair.

3 Complete the sentences with one of theseadjectives.

awful trendy casual bushy gorgeous tight

tightThis shirt is very because it’s too

small for me.

1 Ursula is very interested in fashion and always buys


2 These trousers are too for me – I can’t

put them on.

Mark 6

Mark 6

3 My grandfather had a big beard that

covered most of his face.

4 That shirt is – the colours are really


5 That dress is and you look beautiful

in it.

6 It’s not a formal party, so you can wear


4 Write sentences. Use the past continuous or thepast simple form of each verb.

I / walk down the street when I / see a friend of mine.

I was walking down the street when

I saw a friend of mine.

1 When our friends / arrive / we / watch a

programme on TV.

2 At seven o’clock last night I / have a shower and my

brother / play a video game.

3 When the phone / ring / he / pick it up


4 When I / see / Henry he / talk to a friend of his.

5 She / study to be a teacher when I / first meet her.

6 He / wait for me when I / arrive home.

5 Complete the words.

Do you wear p in bed?

1 He was wearing jeans and a s .

2 She put on her n and got ready for


3 The team’s colours are white shirts, black shorts and

white s .

4 Put on a j because it’s cold today.

5 I’ve got a nice new c to keep me warm.

6 He was wearing a - s with a picture of

his favourite band on it.

Total 30

Mark 6

Mark 6

Mark 6

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y j a m a s

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Test 7B1 Write sentences and questions. Use the past


Why / you /work / 2 am?

Why were you working at 2 am?

1 James / work / eight o’clock last night.

2 Some people / stand in a queue.

3 Who / you talk to on the phone?

4 The sun / shine / yesterday afternoon.

5 Some children / play in the playground

6 Where / you / live / this time last year?

2 Are the adjectives in these sentences in the correctorder? Tick (✓) if they are correct and reorderthem if they are incorrect.

✓He wore a long black coat.

1 He was wearing big baggy trousers.

2 She’s got dark short hair.

3 He bought a green casual shirt.

4 She wore a black tight short skirt.

5 He had a white curly big moustache.

6 She’s got short blonde straight hair.

3 Complete the sentences with one of theseadjectives.

smart bright trendy curly tight awful

tightThis shirt is very because it’s too

small for me.

1 He was wearing sunglasses, like the

film stars wear these days.

2 That hairstyle looks – it doesn’t suit

her at all.

Mark 6

Mark 6

3 That shirt is very and you can see it

from the other side of the road.

4 This jacket is too for me when I wear

it with a big jumper.

5 His hair was but it’s straight now.

6 You have to wear clothes to work in

this office.

4 Write sentences. Use the past continuous or thepast simple form of each verb.

I / walk down the street when I / see a friend of mine.

I was walking down the street when

I saw a friend of mine.

1 She / sit on the train when her mobile phone / ring.

2 I / drive along the motorway when the car / break


3 When he / arrive at the airport, we / wait for him.

4 When the programme / finish I / go to bed.

5 We / sit in a café when we / see a friend of ours.

6 This time last year, I / study for my exams and my

sister / work in a hospital.

5 Complete the words.

Wear a warm c because it’s very cold


1 He was wearing an old pair of j .

2 Joan put on a j because it was cold.

3 She always wears t .

4 When he took off his s , I saw that his

socks had holes in them.

5 He put on his p and went to bed.

6 The team’s colours are red shirts, blue

s and red socks.

Total 30

Mark 6

Mark 6

Mark 6

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o a t

DO Connections 2 TESTS 2P.qxd 5/10/07 10:50 Page 21

Test 8A1 Complete the second sentence so that it means the

same as the first sentence.

I’m not as tall as him.

taller thanHe is me.

1 Our flat is not as big as theirs.

Our flat is theirs.

2 Her sister is thinner than Sue.

Sue is not her sister.

3 My computer was not as expensive as yours.

Your computer was


4 Your problems are not as bad as mine.

My problems are yours.

5 His first book was more interesting than this one.

This book is his first


6 This CD is not as good as their last CD.

Their last CD is this one.

2 Complete the sentences with one of these words.

in front (x 2) in the middle opposite next


behindHe ran slowly and was

all the others in the race.

1 Tom’s house is my

house on the other side of the road.

2 There was a table of

the room.

3 I can’t see the game because a very tall man is

sitting of me.

4 I had to wait because there were lots of people

of me in the queue.

5 I spoke to the person who was sitting

to me on the bus.

6 I didn’t see him because he was standing


Mark 6

Mark 6

3 Write these in numbers and use the correctsymbols.

14.5 kgfourteen point five kilogrammes

1 two pounds twenty

2 twenty-six degrees Celsius

3 twelve euros fifty

4 sixty p

5 forty-three million dollars

6 eighty kilometres per hour

4 The underlined parts of these sentences are allincorrect. Rewrite them correctly.

My country is hotter as yours.

hotter than

1 I think he is baddest player in the team.

2 His jokes are sillyer that mine.

3 That’s me in middle of the photograph.

4 She ordered most expensive dish on the menu.

5 I’m not as funny than you.

6 This is the bigger shop in the town.

5 Complete these sentences with the names of shops.

bankI went to the to take some money out.

1 She went to the and came out

with a completely different hairstyle.

2 I need to borrow some books from the

to do this project.

3 The meat from the local is

better than the meat in the supermarket.

4 There’s a new in the town

now, and I often go for a swim there.

5 We arrived at the too late to

catch our train.

6 The is a small shop but it has

lots of newspapers and magazines.

Total 30

Mark 6

Mark 6

Mark 6

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Test 8B1 Complete the second sentence so that it means the

same as the first sentence.

I’m not as tall as him.

taller thanHe is me.

1 I was more frightened than you.

You were me.

2 Today the traffic is worse than it was yesterday.

Yesterday the traffic was not

it is today.

3 His brother is not very good – and he’s not as good

as his brother.

He’s his brother.

4 My computer is not as good as yours.

Your computer is mine.

5 The film Terror Ride 2 is not as scary as Terror Ride 1.

The film Terror Ride 1 is

Terror Ride 2.

6 This question is less difficult than that one.

That question is

this one.

2 Complete these sentences with one of these words.

in front in the middle opposite next (x 2)


behindHe ran slowly and was

all the others in the race.

1 He was hiding a tree so

that we couldn’t see him.

2 They live of the town,

where all the big shops are.

3 She stood to him and

held his hand.

4 The door to their flat is

the door to our flat.

5 You can’t see me in this photograph because one of

my friends is of me.

6 The sports books are to

the hobbies books in the shop.

Mark 6

Mark 6

3 Write these in numbers and use the correctsymbols.

$2,000two thousand dollars

1 nine thousand and fifty

2 nineteen euros sixty

3 two point five kilograms

4 thirty-six pounds fifty

5 fourteen degrees Celsius

6 a hundred and fifty metres

4 The underlined parts of these sentences are allincorrect. Rewrite them correctly.

My country is hotter as yours.

hotter than

1 This is the funnyier film of the year.

2 We’re not as rich that them.

3 She is the gooder student in the class.

4 You’re more interested as me in sport.

5 The bus station is the opposite of the café.

6 I bought the cheapper ticket I could buy.

5 Complete these sentences with the names of shops.

bankI went to the to take some money out.

1 I found a small where I

could send some emails.

2 The sells stamps.

3 The bread from the is

better than the bread in the supermarket.

4 It’s not a very expensive

and the food they cook is excellent.

5 She looked in all the

for a new dress to wear to the party.

6 Please go to the and get

some vegetables.

Total 30

Mark 6

Mark 6

Mark 6

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Test 9A1 Complete the second sentence so that it means the

same as the first. Use the present perfect form ofthe verbs in brackets.

They are now in this country. (arrive)

They have arrived in this country.

1 I can’t find my keys. (lose)

my keys.

2 I know what happens in this film. (see)

this film before.

3 She got a new car yesterday. (buy)

a new car.

4 Your hands are dirty. (not wash)

your hands.

5 There is a lot of food on your plate. (not eat)

very much.

6 My homework is complete. (do)

my homework.

2 Write the sentences. Use the present perfect andever, for or since.

you / cook a meal?

Have you ever cooked a meal?

1 this programme / be on / four o’clock

2 I / know him / 2003

3 your car / break down?

4 she / be ill / three days

5 she / not phone me / October

6 you / write a letter in English?

3 Complete the words.

You wear a scarf around your n

1 I can’t play tennis because I’ve hurt my w .

2 The doctor gave me some t to make

me feel better.

3 I’ve eaten too much and now my s


Mark 6

Mark 6

4 You feel very warm – I think you’ve got a

t .

5 My t hurt because these shoes are too


6 I’ve got a s throat and a headache.

4 Are the underlined parts of these sentences corrector incorrect? Tick (✓) if they are correct andrewrite them if they are incorrect.

I didn’t eat anything since early this morning.

haven’t eaten

1 Sarah hasn’t gone to school last week.

2 I haven’t spoken to Peter since a few days.

3 You should to be nicer to people.

4 We had a different teacher yesterday.

5 I’ve written the letter, but I haven’t posted it.

6 What should I do to solve the problem?

5 Complete these sentences. Use the words inbrackets to make adjectives.

sensitiveShe’s a person who thinks about the

feelings of others. (sense)

1 The assistant was very when I

asked my questions. (help)

2 The doctor wasn’t very when I

explained my problem. (sympathy)

3 I spoke to a person on the

phone and she gave me some advice. (friend)

4 His behaviour in class is and

the teacher gets angry with him. (annoy)

5 He’s not a very person and

he’s always doing stupid things. (sense)

6 The nurse was very and

looked after me very well. (care)

Total 30

Mark 6

Mark 6

Mark 6

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e c k

DO Connections 2 TESTS 2P.qxd 5/10/07 10:50 Page 24

Test 9B1 Complete the second sentence so that it means the

same as the first. Use the present perfect form ofthe verbs in brackets.

They are now in this country. (arrive)

They have arrived in this country.

1 Here are some sandwiches for you. (make)

I some sandwiches for


2 I left my mobile phone at home. (not bring)

my mobile phone.

3 I don’t know their new CD. (not hear)

their new CD.

4 He doesn’t live in this country now. (leave)

the country.

5 I’m very hungry. (not have)

anything to eat.

6 Here’s the bag you were looking for. (find)

I your bag.

2 Write the sentences. Use the present perfect andever, for or since.

you / cook a meal?

Have you ever cooked a meal?

1 we / live here / 1998

2 your team / win a game?

3 I / not see him / a few weeks

4 you / do a dangerous sport?

5 my father / work there / 10 years

6 he / be a teacher / 6 years

3 Complete the words.

You wear a scarf around your n .

1 I can’t walk because I’ve hurt my a .

2 I got some m from the doctor

and now I feel better.

3 She fell on the ground and hurt her k .

Mark 6

Mark 6

4 I can’t move my arm very well because I’ve hurt my

e .

5 I started to feel d and so I sat down.

6 I’ve walked a lot today and my legs a .

4 Are the underlined parts of these sentences corrector incorrect? Tick (✓) if they are correct andrewrite them if they are incorrect.

I didn’t eat anything since early this morning.

haven’t eaten

1 We haven’t had a holiday for two years.

2 I’ve started my work but I haven’t finished it.

3 You shouldn’t play video games so much.

4 I haven’t watched this programme last week.

5 We’ve lived in this area since I was very young.

6 What should I to do to solve this problem?

5 Complete these sentences. Use the words inbrackets to make adjectives.

sensitiveShe’s a person who thinks about the

feelings of others. (sense)

1 The assistant was very and

didn’t answer any of my questions. (friend)

2 She was very and told me not

to worry. (sympathy)

3 He’s a very person and often

says horrible things to people. (sense)

4 She’s a very person who

always wants to help others. (care)

5 The receptionist wasn’t when I

made my complaint. (help)

6 She was very and told me the

truth in a very simple way. (straight)

Total 30

Mark 6

Mark 6

Mark 6

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e c k

DO Connections 2 TESTS 2P.qxd 5/10/07 10:50 Page 25

Progress Test 3A1 Read these texts about rock music. Match

sentences (1–10) with the texts (A–I). Circle thesentence that does not match any of the texts.

A Rock music started in the 1960s in the USA and the UK. Atthe time, society was changing and young people werebeginning to protest about various things. They were growingtheir hair and wearing their own fashions.

B Rock music developed from earlier kinds of popular music,particularly blues and rock’n’roll. Blues was the music of theblack people of the USA from the 1920s to the 1950s.Rock’n’roll was faster and became popular with white peoplein the 1950s.

C Rock music lost popularity in the UK in the late 1970s.Many young people thought it was becoming silly, becausesome rock bands were very serious and played very longsongs. They wanted music for teenagers to be simple andloud and about the real lives of teenagers. So they inventedpunk music.

D When rock music was less popular in Britain in the 1980s,some rock bands continued to make records and doconcerts. They remained popular in other parts of the world.

E Rock music has played a big part in my life. I still listen tosome of the records that I bought many years ago when Iwas a student. They bring back wonderful memories for me.

F Rock music has done a lot of good for the world. Forexample, special events like Live Aid in 1985 and Live 8 in2005 have raised enormous sums of money for the hungrypeople of Africa and given publicity to their terrible situations.

G The great rock bands of the 1970s were a lot better than therock bands you hear today. Today’s rock bands try to soundlike the original bands, but they can’t.

H Rock music is here to stay. When it started, people said thatit would only be trendy for a short time, but people still love it.Young people today love it, and in the future it will continue to be popular.

I Rock music is also about money. When it started, youngpeople invented it for their own entertainment. But recordcompanies knew they could make millions of dollars from itand it has been making them money since that time.

1 It has been important to me.

2 It’s very easy to play.

3 It’s not as good as it was.

4 It’s big business.

5 It began because of social changes.

6 There were reasons why it became

unfashionable in the UK.

7 It has been helpful in some ways.

8 Rock bands stayed popular outside the UK.

9 It’s always going to be popular.

10 It came from other styles of music.

Mark 10

2 Write about changes in your life or in the placewhere you live. In your answer describe:

• the situation in the past, using the past simple

• the situation now, using the present perfect

• the past and the present, using comparative


Use vocabulary from units 7–9, for example, to

describe appearance or parts of a town.

3 Circle the correct answers.

1 Maths is my subject at school.

A worse B worser C worst

2 We when the rain started.

A cycled B were cycling C have cycled

3 Have any dangerous sports?

A ever you done B you done ever

C you ever done

4 It takes me a quarter an hour to walk

to school.

A to B of C in

5 Zoe me at school since last week.

A doesn’t phone B didn’t phone

C hasn’t phoned

6 This hat is not as nice the blue one.

A than B that C as

7 At the traffic lights, go .

A to straight B straight on C the straight

8 I think you less and exercise more.

A should to eat B should eat C should eating

9 We’ve been friends three years.

A ever B since C for

10 What’s the biggest city your region?

A from B for C in

Total 30

Mark 10

Mark 10

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DO Connections 2 TESTS 2P.qxd 5/10/07 10:50 Page 26

Progress Test 3B1 Read these texts about rock music. Match

sentences (1–10) with the texts (A–I). Circle thesentence that does not match any of the texts.

A Rock music started in the 1960s in the USA and the UK. Atthe time, society was changing and young people werebeginning to protest about various things. They were growingtheir hair and wearing their own fashions.

B Rock music developed from earlier kinds of popular music,particularly blues and rock’n’roll. Blues was the music of theblack people of the USA from the 1920s to the 1950s.Rock’n’roll was faster and became popular with white peoplein the 1950s.

C Rock music lost popularity in the UK in the late 1970s.Many young people thought it was becoming silly, becausesome rock bands were very serious and played very longsongs. They wanted music for teenagers to be simple andloud and about the real lives of teenagers. So they inventedpunk music.

D When rock music was less popular in Britain in the 1980s,some rock bands continued to make records and doconcerts. They remained popular in other parts of the world.

E Rock music has played a big part in my life. I still listen tosome of the records that I bought many years ago when Iwas a student. They bring back wonderful memories for me.

F Rock music has done a lot of good for the world. Forexample, special events like Live Aid in 1985 and Live 8 in2005 have raised enormous sums of money for the hungrypeople of Africa and given publicity to their terrible situations.

G The great rock bands of the 1970s were a lot better than therock bands you hear today. Today’s rock bands try to soundlike the original bands, but they can’t.

H Rock music is here to stay. When it started, people said thatit would only be trendy for a short time, but people still love it.Young people today love it, and in the future it will continue to be popular.

I Rock music is also about money. When it started, youngpeople invented it for their own entertainment. But recordcompanies knew they could make millions of dollars from itand it has been making them money since that time.

1 It has been helpful in some ways.

2 Rock bands stayed popular outside the UK.

3 It’s always going to be popular.

4 It’s very easy to play.

5 There were reasons why it became

unfashionable in the UK.

6 It has been important to me.

7 It began because of social changes.

8 It’s big business.

9 It came from other styles of music.

10 It’s not as good as it was.

Mark 10

2 Write about changes in people you know, forexample, school friends or family members. In youranswer describe:

• the situation in the past, using the past simple

• the situation now, using the present perfect

• the past and the present, using comparative


Use vocabulary from units 7–9, for example, to

describe appearance or clothes.

3 Circle the correct answers.

1 My CD player was not as yours.

A cheaper B cheap C as cheap

2 You this book – it’s excellent.

A should read B should reading

C should to reading

3 She’s been a teacher last year.

A since B for C ever

4 I that film two weeks ago.

A have seen B saw C was seeing

5 Who is the oldest person the class?

A from B in C for

6 This is club in the city.

A best B the better C the best

7 Take the first then walk 200 metres.

A right B on right C to right

8 I for the bus when I hurt my leg.

A have run B ran C was running

9 There is only a quarter an hour

before the end of the match.

A in B from C of

10 Have in a foreign country?

A you ever lived B ever you lived

C you lived ever

Total 30

Mark 10

Mark 10

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DO Connections 2 TESTS 2P.qxd 5/10/07 10:50 Page 27

Listening testsTests 1A and 1B1 Listen. Tick (✓) the correct box.

A The Cotswold family are

a very kind. ■■

b quite rude. ■■

c always quiet. ■■

B a Lucy likes everything about living on thefarm. ■■

b Lucy thinks that some things on the farmare fun. ■■

c Lucy would like to stay on the farm. ■■

2 Listen again. Are the sentences true or false? Write T or F.

A Lucy and Sally don’t enjoy staying on the farm. ■■

B Lucy and Sally sometimes go into town. ■■

C Lucy and Sally like going to parties. ■■

Tests 2A and 2B1 Listen. Tick (✓) the correct box.

A Where do most British people want to live?

a In cities and towns. ■■

b In terraced houses. ■■

c In the countryside. ■■

B British people are more interested in …

a a nice kitchen than the view. ■■

b a nice view than the kitchen. ■■

c a nice garden than the kitchen. ■■

2 Listen again. Are the sentences true or false? Write T or F.

A More adults live with their family than livealone in the UK. ■■

B Most British houses have more than onebedroom. ■■

C Some landlords don’t rent houses to peoplewith children. ■■

Tests 3A and 3B1 Listen. Tick (✓) the correct box.

A What kind of day did the people have?

a All of them were busy all day. ■■

b All of them were busy at times. ■■

c All of them had an easy day. ■■

B How do they feel about their jobs?

a Two of them think their jobs are good. ■■

b They all think their jobs are great. ■■

c One of them would like to meet morepeople at work. ■■

2 Listen again. Are the sentences true or false? Write T or F.

A The first person travels because of her job. ■■

B The second person usually works in the samebuilding. ■■

C The third person isn’t very healthy. ■■

Tests 4A and 4B1 Listen. Tick (✓) the correct box.

The recording is

a a biography of a famous writer. ■■

b a story by a famous writer. ■■

c about a writer’s family. ■■

2 Listen again. Are the sentences true or false? Write T or F.

A William Shakespeare was younger than hiswife. ■■

B He had two children. ■■

C He lived with his wife and children his wholelife. ■■

D He always lived in London. ■■

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Listening testsTests 5A and 5B1 Listen. Tick (✓) the correct box.

A a The man is going to go shopping. ■■

b The man has been shopping. ■■

c The man is at the supermarket. ■■

B They are going to buy food for

a the week. ■■

b two or three days. ■■

c today. ■■

2 Listen again. Are the sentences true or false? Write T or F.

A They eat meat for breakfast. ■■

B They’re vegetarians. ■■

C They buy a lot of fruit. ■■

Tests 6A and 6B1 Listen. Tick (✓) the correct box.

A When talking about their trips, Mel, Samand Daisy mention

a how they are travelling. ■■

b where they are staying. ■■

c how long they are staying. ■■

B Mel, Sam and Daisy mention

a where they are going to eat. ■■

b how they are going to relax. ■■

c when their holidays start . ■■

2 Listen again. Are the sentences true or false? Write T or F.

A Mel and Daisy both like shopping. ■■

B Sam likes old buildings and monuments. ■■

C Mel, Sam and Daisy are going to relax on thebeach. ■■

Tests 7A and 7B1 Listen. Tick (✓) the correct box.

A Who saw Mr Anderson?

a Mrs Jones and Mr Fenn. ■■

b Only Mrs Jones. ■■

c Only Miss Ramsey. ■■

c Mrs Jones and Miss Ramsey. ■■

B Who doesn’t say anything useful to the ChiefInspector?

a Miss Ramsey. ■■

b Mr Anderson. ■■

c Mr Fenn. ■■

2 Listen again. Are the sentences true or false? Write T or F.

A A strange sound woke Mrs Jones up. ■■

B Mr Anderson likes Miss Ramsey. ■■

C The Chief Inspector is looking for a dog andsome jewellery. ■■

Tests 8A and 8B1 Listen. Tick (✓) the correct box.

A What happens when Tim goes shopping?

a The assistant doesn’t help Tim. ■■

b Tim is very polite to the assistant. ■■

c Tim isn’t happy with the assistant. ■■

B The pair of jeans Tim buys

a aren’t as big as the first ones. ■■

b aren’t as small as the first ones. ■■

c aren’t as expensive as the first ones. ■■

2 Listen again. Are the sentences true or false? Write T or F.

A The assistant tells him where he can try onthe clothes. ■■

B The assistant shows him a different type ofjeans. ■■

C Tim tries on three pairs of jeans. ■■

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DO Connections 2 TESTS 2P.qxd 5/10/07 10:50 Page 29

Listening testsTests 9A and 9B1 Listen. Tick (✓) the correct box.

At the beginning of the conversation

a Rocco is getting Karina a drink. ■■

b Rocco is alone. ■■

c Rocco is talking to a girl. ■■

2 Listen again. Are the sentences true or false? Write T or F.

A Billie thinks Karina is wearing awful clothes. ■■

B Mel still likes Rocco. ■■

C Karina is happy when Rocco talks to Mel. ■■

D Rocco doesn’t want Karina to be upset. ■■

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DO Connections 2 TESTS 2P.qxd 5/10/07 10:50 Page 30

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Answer keyStarting out Test A1 1 is 4 called

2 birthday 5 have3 has 6 can

2 1 This is a long film.2 There are thirty people in my class.3 These are small tomatoes.4 It’s / It is a cold day.5 They are / They’re beautiful women.6 There are ten knives in the drawer.

3 1 mine 4 can’t play2 John’s 5 Can you3 your 6 Open

4 1 the first of April / April the first2 two thousand, four hundred and fifty-seven3 a hundred and nineteen4 the twenty-third of June / June the twenty-third5 nine thousand, two hundred and seventy6 the fourteenth of December / December the


5 1 quarter past six2 twenty-five to ten3 four o’clock4 five past nine5 twenty past seven6 quarter to twelve

Starting out Test B1 1 is 4 birthday

2 has 5 have3 can 6 called

2 1 This is a short programme.2 There are eleven players in a team.3 These are my children.4 It’s / It is a silly job.5 They are / They’re beautiful babies.6 There are five men in my office.

3 1 yours2 can’t drive3 Close4 father’s5 Anthony and Ruth’s6 haven’t got

4 1 five hundred and sixty-one2 the third of October / October the third3 the twelfth of August / August the twelfth4 eighteen thousand, six hundred and one5 the thirtieth of May / May the thirtieth6 six thousand and five

5 1 twenty-five past two2 quarter to seven3 ten past eight4 ten to nine5 quarter past four6 one o’clock

Test 1A1 1 lives 4 don’t like

2 listens 5 don’t like3 plays 6 tell

2 1 Do you do homework every day?2 Do they go to university?3 Do they like skiing?4 Does she live near you?5 Does he play cards with you?6 Do you like living in this city?

3 1 daughter 4 nieces2 ✓ 5 ICT3 ✓ 6 Drama

4 1 Do you always have French on Friday?2 We sometimes go to other schools for games.3 ✓4 Daniel never arrives at school late.5 Do you watch TV at school?6 ✓

5 1 rich 4 stupid2 sad 5 funny3 privileged 6 intelligent

Test 1B1 1 goes 4 watch

2 live 5 like3 comes 6 doesn’t like

2 1 Does she speak English?2 Do they live in a big flat?3 Do you eat fast food?4 Do you always watch football?5 Does he read newspapers?6 Does she do a lot of exercise?

3 1 ✓ 4 ✓2 Geography 5 cousins3 uncles 6 Maths

4 1 ✓2 We never argue with our teachers.3 Lessons always finish at 3.30 pm.4 Do you always speak English in lessons?5 What time do you usually have lunch?6 ✓

5 1 lucky 4 happy2 beautiful 5 nice3 horrible 6 poor

Test 2A1 1 ’m / am having 4 ’re / are waiting

2 ’s / is shining 5 are walking3 are sitting 6 ’s / is coming

2 1 on 4 in2 between 5 under3 on 6 next to

DO Connections 2 TESTS 2P.qxd 5/10/07 10:50 Page 31

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Answer key3 1 sink 4 fridge

2 sofa 5 desk3 wardrobe 6 chest of drawers

4 1 a Do you always watch this programme?b Yes, and I enjoy it.

2 a Are you working at the moment?b No, I’m not doing anything.

3 a Are you enjoying your meal?b No, I’m not feeling very well.

5 1 study 4 garden2 kitchen 5 hall3 living room 6 dining room / kitchen

Test 2B1 1 are staying

2 ’s/is standing3 ’m/am writing4 ’s/is looking5 ’s/is taking6 aren’t / are not working

2 1 in 4 next to2 on 5 under3 between 6 on

3 1 fridge 4 sofa2 chest of drawers 5 wardrobe3 sink 6 desk

4 1 a Do you ever read this newspaper?b Yes, I often look at the job adverts.

2 a Do you feel good when you go to the gym?b No, I sometimes get very tired.

3 a Why are you going?b I’m leaving because it’s late.

5 1 bedroom 4 hall2 bathroom 5 kitchen3 garden 6 dining room

Test 3A1 1 drank; left 4 ran; missed

2 said; didn’t hear 5 wrote; sent3 met; worked 6 had; went

2 1 Did you enjoy the film last night?2 Did the plane arrive on time yesterday?3 Were your parents angry with you?4 Did you have a holiday last year?5 Did they visit any museums?6 Did you make any mistakes?

3 1 chat show2 documentary3 comedy show / cartoon4 soap opera5 The news6 cartoon

4 1 a Did you find your bag?b Yes, I found it in the hall.

2 a Did you win the game?b No, we lost 3-0.

3 a Did you cook a meal last night?b No, I ate in a restaurant.

5 1 sad 4 funny2 scary 5 romantic3 exciting 6 boring

Test 3B1 1 looked; didn’t find 4 played; sang

2 did; went 5 tried; lost3 was; arrived 6 saw; laughed

2 1 Did you close the door?2 Did they eat all the food?3 Was the lesson interesting?4 Did you finish all your work?5 Did your parents go with you?6 Did Mike call last night?

3 1 the news2 documentary3 comedy show / cartoon4 soap operas5 sports programme6 chat show

4 1 a Did you say something?b No, I didn’t speak.

2 a Did you see Hannah yesterday?b No, I didn’t see her.

3 a Did Rob do his homework last night?b Yes, he did all of it.

5 1 romantic 4 scary2 boring 5 sad3 funny 6 exciting

Progress Test 1A1 1 b 6 No

2 Yes 7 False3 No 8 True4 No 9 True5 Yes 10 True

2 Marks out of 10, as follows:• 1 mark for each of the three content points included

and for using the suggested vocabulary (maximum 4)• a mark out of 3 for grammatical accuracy – correct

use of tenses, etc. (maximum 3)• a mark out of 3 for use of vocabulary – appropriate

vocabulary, correct spelling, etc. (maximum 3)

3 1 A 6 C2 B 7 B3 B 8 A4 C 9 A5 A 10 C

DO Connections 2 TESTS 2P.qxd 5/10/07 10:50 Page 32

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Answer keyProgress Test 1B1 1 a 6 True

2 False 7 No3 False 8 Yes4 False 9 No5 True 10 Yes

2 Marks out of 10, as follows:• 1 mark for each of the three content points included

and for using the suggested vocabulary (maximum 4)• a mark out of 3 for grammatical accuracy – correct

use of tenses, etc. (maximum 3)• a mark out of 3 for use of vocabulary – appropriate

vocabulary, correct spelling, etc. (maximum 3)

3 1 B 6 C2 B 7 B3 C 8 C4 A 9 A5 C 10 B

Test 4A1 1 Why did you go to bed so early?

2 Where did you meet Kim?3 When did your flight arrive?4 What did you do on Friday evening?5 How did you learn to play the flute?6 Who did you talk to at the party?

2 1 you were 4 it does2 she isn’t 5 they aren’t3 he didn’t 6 I did

3 1 American 4 Scotland2 France 5 Greece3 Swiss 6 Japanese

4 1 mustn’t work 4 mustn’t smoke2 don’t have to pay 5 mustn’t eat3 don’t have to learn 6 doesn’t have to do

5 1 two thousand2 eighteen seventy-eight3 sixteen oh three4 twenty twelve5 eighteen hundred6 fourteen eighty-five

Test 4B1 1 How did you get a ticket for the concert?

2 When did you see the film?3 Why did Joe shout at you?4 What did you see in Rome?5 Where did you find her address?6 Who did you tell?

2 1 they are 4 I didn’t2 he doesn’t 5 it does3 it was 6 she did

3 1 Spanish 4 Italian2 Germany 5 Canada3 Russia 6 Chinese

4 1 don’t have to post 4 mustn’t forget2 mustn’t talk 5 doesn’t have to work3 mustn’t be 6 don’t have to tell

5 1 nineteen sixty-five2 ten sixty-six3 two thousand and one4 eighteen thirty-six5 fifteen hundred6 nineteen oh five

Test 5A1 1 spaghetti 4 ✓

2 some cheese 5 ✓3 ✓ 6 some bread

2 1 much 4 much2 many 5 many3 many 6 much

3 1 slice 4 loaf2 packet 5 pot3 mug 6 carton

4 1 There are some eggs in the fridge.2 There isn’t any butter in the dish.3 There isn’t any pasta in the shop.4 There are some apples in the bowl.5 There / is some water in the pan.6 There aren’t any tomatoes in the bag.

5 1 starter 4 pudding2 delicious 5 diet3 chicken 6 bill

Test 5B1 1 any eggs 4 pasta

2 tomatoes 5 some bread3 ✓ 6 ✓

2 1 much 4 many2 many 5 much3 much 6 much

3 1 mug 4 slice2 packet 5 carton3 pot 6 loaf

4 1 There’s / is some coffee left in the pot.2 There isn’t any bread in the house.3 There isn’t any milk in the fridge.4 There are some oranges in the kitchen.5 There are some biscuits on the plate.6 There aren’t any onions in this dish.

5 1 junk 4 snacks2 pudding 5 mineral3 takeaways 6 unhealthy

DO Connections 2 TESTS 2P.qxd 5/10/07 10:50 Page 33

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Answer keyTest 6A1 1 I’m meeting some friends for a drink tonight.

2 Barbara is going on holiday next Friday.3 I’m not going out this evening.4 My parents are getting a new TV this week.5 We’re doing a project at school tomorrow.6 Tom and Julia are getting married next year.

2 1 She’s going to sing in the school concert thisevening.

2 My sister is going to learn to drive next month.3 We’re going to go to London by bus next week. 4 This isn’t / is not going to be an easy thing to do.5 They’re going to build a new stadium next year.6 I’m not going to talk about this again.

3 1 cloudy 4 sunny2 snowing 5 windy3 raining 6 foggy

4 1 it’s going to rain 4 Could you tell2 Can I borrow 5 I’ll help3 I’m going to eat 6 I’m going to go

5 1 view 4 heart2 sunbathe 5 fantastic3 souvenirs 6 break

Test 6B1 1 We’re going shopping this afternoon.

2 John is leaving school next year.3 Michael is starting a new job next week.4 My father is working late today.5 I’m not doing anything tonight.6 Some friends are coming to stay with me next


2 1 I’m going to buy their new CD on Friday. 2 It’s going to be a nice day today.3 You’re going to feel very tired tomorrow.4 The plane isn’t / is not going to arrive on time.5 Our teachers aren’t / are not going to be happy with

us.6 James is going to go to Italy next month.

3 1 raining 4 windy2 snowing 5 sunny3 cloudy 6 foggy

4 1 We’re going to be / We’ll be2 I’ll carry3 Could you tell4 we’re going to win5 I’ll help6 Can I use

5 1 round 4 explore2 wonderful 5 direct3 historic 6 sight-seeing

Progress Test 2A1 1 b 6 C

2 E 7 B3 D 8 A4 B 9 E5 A 10 D

2 Marks out of 10, as follows:• 1 mark for each of the three content points included

and for using the suggested vocabulary (maximum 4)• a mark out of 3 for grammatical accuracy – correct

use of tenses, quantifiers, etc. (maximum 3)• a mark out of 3 for use of vocabulary – appropriate

vocabulary, correct spelling, etc. (maximum 3)

3 1 A 6 B2 B 7 A3 B 8 A4 C 9 C5 A 10 B

Progress Test 2B1 1 a 6 D

2 D 7 A3 E 8 C4 B 9 C5 A 10 D

2 Marks out of 10, as follows:• 1 mark for each of the three content points included

and for using the suggested vocabulary (maximum 4)• a mark out of 3 for grammatical accuracy – correct

use of tenses, quantifiers, etc. (maximum 3)• a mark out of 3 for use of vocabulary – appropriate

vocabulary, correct spelling, etc. (maximum 3)

3 1 A 6 C2 C 7 B3 B 8 A4 A 9 C5 C 10 C

Test 7A1 1 What were you doing this time last week?

2 I wasn’t listening – can you repeat that?3 Were you waiting at the bus stop last night?4 What was he wearing at the party?5 We were sitting on a bus at five o’clock yesterday.6 They were working hard on Friday.

2 1 She’s got long blonde hair.2 ✓3 He’s got long red curly hair.4 She bought a big green jumper.5 ✓6 ✓

3 1 trendy 4 awful2 tight 5 gorgeous3 bushy 6 casual

DO Connections 2 TESTS 2P.qxd 5/10/07 10:50 Page 34

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Answer key4 1 When our friends arrived, we were watching a

programme on TV. 2 At seven o’clock last night I was having a shower

and my brother was playing a video game.3 When the phone rang, he picked it up immediately.4 When I saw Henry, he was talking to a friend of his.5 She was studying to be a teacher when I first met

her.6 He was waiting for me when I arrived home.

5 1 shirt 4 jumper / jacket2 nightie 5 coat3 socks 6 T-shirt

Test 7B1 1 James was working at eight o’clock last night.

2 Some people were standing in a queue.3 Who were you talking to on the phone?4 The sun was shining yesterday afternoon.5 Some children were playing in the playground.6 Where were you living this time last year?

2 1 ✓2 She’s got short dark hair.3 ✓4 She wore a short tight black skirt.5 He had a big white curly moustache.6 ✓

3 1 trendy 4 tight2 awful 5 curly3 bright 6 smart

4 1 She was sitting on the train when her mobile phonerang.

2 I was driving along the motorway when the carbroke down.

3 When he arrived at the airport, we were waiting forhim.

4 When the programme finished, I went to bed. 5 We were sitting in a café when we saw a friend of

ours.6 This time last year, I was studying for my exams and

my sister was working in a hospital.

5 1 jeans 4 shoes2 jumper / jacket 5 pyjamas3 trousers 6 shorts

Test 8A1 1 smaller than

2 as thin as3 more expensive than4 worse than5 less interesting than / not as interesting as6 better than

2 1 opposite 4 in front2 in the middle 5 next3 in front 6 behind

3 1 £2.20 4 60p2 26° C 5 $43 million3 ;12.50 6 80 km/h

4 1 the worst 4 the most expensive 2 sillier than 5 as funny as3 in the middle of 6 the biggest

5 1 hairdresser’s 4 swimming pool2 library 5 railway station3 butcher’s 6 newsagent’s

Test 8B1 1 less frightened than / not as frightened as

2 as bad as3 worse than4 better than5 scarier than6 more difficult than

2 1 behind 4 opposite2 in the middle 5 in front3 next 6 next

3 1 9,050 4 £36.502 ;19.60 5 14° C3 2.5 kg 6 150 m

4 1 the funniest 4 more interested than2 as rich as 5 opposite3 the best 6 the cheapest

5 1 Internet café 4 restaurant2 post office 5 clothes shops3 baker’s 6 greengrocer’s

Test 9A1 1 I’ve / I have lost

2 I’ve / I have seen3 She’s / She has bought4 You haven’t washed5 You haven’t eaten6 I’ve / I have done

2 1 This programme has been on since four o’clock.2 I’ve / I have known him since 2003.3 Has your car ever broken down?4 She’s / She has been ill for three days.5 She hasn’t phoned me since October.6 Have you ever written a letter in English?

3 1 wrist 4 temperature2 tablets 5 toes3 stomach 6 sore

4 1 didn’t go 4 ✓2 for 5 ✓3 should be 6 ✓

5 1 helpful 4 annoying2 sympathetic 5 sensible3 friendly 6 caring

DO Connections 2 TESTS 2P.qxd 5/10/07 10:50 Page 35

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Answer keyTest 9B1 1 ’ve / have made 4 He’s / He has left

2 I haven’t brought 5 I haven’t had3 I haven’t heard 6 ’ve found / have found

2 1 We’ve / We have lived here since 1998.2 Has your team ever won a game?3 I haven’t seen him for a few weeks.4 Have you ever done a dangerous sport?5 My father has worked there for 10 years. 6 He’s / He has been a teacher for 6 years.

3 1 ankle 4 elbow2 medicine 5 dizzy3 knee 6 ache

4 1 ✓ 4 didn’t watch2 ✓ 5 ✓3 ✓ 6 should I do

5 1 unfriendly 4 caring2 sympathetic 5 helpful3 insensitive 6 straightforward

Progress Test 3A1 1 E 6 C

2 No match 7 F3 G 8 D4 I 9 H5 A 10 B

2 Marks out of 10, as follows:• 1 mark for each of the three content points included

and for using the suggested vocabulary (maximum 4)• a mark out of 3 for grammatical accuracy – correct

use of tenses, comparatives, etc. (maximum 3)• a mark out of 3 for use of vocabulary – appropriate

vocabulary, correct spelling, etc. (maximum 3)

3 1 C 6 C2 B 7 B3 C 8 B4 B 9 C5 C 10 C

Progress Test 3B1 1 F 6 E

2 D 7 A3 H 8 I4 No match 9 B5 C 10 G

2 Marks out of 10, as follows:• 1 mark for each of the three content points included

and for using the suggested vocabulary (maximum 4)• a mark out of 3 for grammatical accuracy – correct

use of tenses, comparatives, etc. (maximum 3)• a mark out of 3 for use of vocabulary – appropriate

vocabulary, correct spelling, etc. (maximum 3)

3 1 C 6 C2 A 7 A3 A 8 C4 B 9 C5 B 10 A

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Listening testsTests 1A and 1B1 A a B b2 A F B T C T

AudioscriptLucy and Sally aren’t at home in London this month. No, they’re on thefarm, with the Cotswold family. And what’s life like on the farm? Let’sfind out …

The girls usually get up very early – at five o’clock! They feed theanimals and milk the cows. They love feeding the animals, but theydon’t like getting up early … and Lucy doesn’t like milking the cows!

At seven o’clock the girls cook breakfast for the family, then they washup. There are fifteen people in the Cotswold family, so it’s very noisy inthe kitchen!

After breakfast, the girls sometimes go to the supermarket. Or theyhelp on the farm. They like shopping and working, because they meetlots of people. The only problem is there aren’t a lot of shops, so thegirls can’t buy any clothes! And there aren’t any museums or galleries.

In the afternoon Lucy and Sally cook dinner, for fifteen people again!The girls like cooking, but they aren’t very good at it … Luckily, theCotswold family are very nice. They always say ‘Thanks, girls. This is delicious!’

In the evening, the girls are often sad. Why? Because there are NOparties on the farm! The girls always go to bed early. They hate it!

So, life on the farm is different to life in London. But Lucy and Sallylove the Cotswold family, and the animals. ‘It’s great here!’ says Lucy.‘It’s different, but it’s fun!’ So does Lucy want to go home? ‘Yes,’ shesays. ‘Because there aren’t any cows in London!’

Tests 2A and 2B1 A a B a2 A F B T C T

AudioscriptAccording to national statistics, around seventy per cent of people inthe UK own their own home. The other thirty per cent rent their homeor live with family.

Only about twenty per cent of people in the UK live in flats. Mostpeople live in houses.

Only twenty per cent of people live in the British countryside. Citiesand towns are much more popular!

Detached houses in popular places are usually the most expensivehouses you can buy.

Most British people say that having a nice kitchen is more importantthan a nice garden or beautiful view when choosing a home!

People in Britain often live in houses with two or three bedrooms, somost people have their own bedroom.

When landlords rent out their houses, they often say no pets orsmokers, and in some homes, you are not allowed to have children!



Tests 3A and 3B1 A b B b2 A T B T C F

Audioscript1 I had a fantastic day yesterday! I got up really early – about five

thirty. I went for a swim in the sea, because we’re filming in Hawaii,and then I started getting ready for the day. I had a cup of coffeewith the director and we talked about the scenes for the day. Then I found Catherine and helped her to get ready. It took me an hourto do her make-up. Then I did the make-up for some other actors,and then I just watched the filming. When the director stoppedfilming, I checked Catherine’s make-up each time. I didn’t have a lot to do, so I read a book as well. I love my job! I talk to stars, and Ivisit beautiful places. What more can you ask for?

2 Yesterday was OK. I worked quite hard. I got up early and I biked tothe office. I was at my desk at half past eight. I had five meetingsand I made a lot of phone calls. I went out for lunch with a possibleinvestor. Then I got back to the office about three and talked toone of my team, because she had an interesting idea for a newwebsite. That’s what I like about my job, talking to people anddiscussing new ideas.

3 I had a really hard day yesterday, but I felt good at the end of it. I got up at about ten and went to the gym. I started work at one in the afternoon. I didn’t do anything for two hours – I just read the newspaper and played pool with the guys. But then we had anemergency call. There was a fire in a house. A mother and her sonwere inside. We went to the house and helped the mother out. Butthe son was upstairs. He couldn’t get out. He was only six, and hewas really scared. So I climbed into his window and got him out.That was fantastic. Oh, and the guys put the fire out, too, whichwas good! I love my job. I feel I’m doing something for people. I saved that little boy’s life. What more can you ask for?

Tests 4A and 4B1 a2 A T B F C F D F

AudioscriptWilliam Shakespeare was England’s most famous playwright and poet.He was born in 1564, in Stratford-Upon-Avon. He went to school, buthe didn’t go to university. He got married in 1582. He was onlyeighteen, and his wife, Anne, was twenty-six. They had three children –one in 1582, and two in 1592.

Will lived in London for many years – but his wife and children lived inStratford. He visited his family in Stratford only once a year. He was anactor, and he wrote plays and poems. He died in 1616.

Tests 5A and 5B1 A a B b2 A T B F C F

Audioscript Man What do we need from the supermarket?Woman Um … We need some cheese … and some bread.Man Have we got anything for breakfast?Woman Oh, no – we haven’t. OK. We need some tomatoes … and

some sausages … and some bacon.Man What about Sunday lunch?Woman Let’s get a chicken.Man OK. So we need some cheese, some bread, some tomatoes,

some sausages, some bacon and a chicken. Do we need any butter?

Woman Yes, we do. And can you get two fish for tomorrow?Man OK. Oh, and – do you want a sandwich for lunch?Woman No thanks … but I’d love an ice cream!

2 . 4



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Listening testsTests 6A and 6B1 A b B c2 A T B T C F

Audioscript1 Hi. I’m Mel. I’m really excited! I’m taking a city break this weekend.

I’m flying from London with my two best friends, Leila and Anna.We’re flying tonight, and we’re staying in a five-star hotel! I can’tbelieve it. We’re going to go shopping tomorrow, and have lunch onthe beach. We’re going to go sight-seeing as well – there are lots ofgreat Gaudí buildings to see, and the cathedral. And I think onSunday we’re going to sunbathe …

2 Sam Hi. I’m Sam.Daisy And I’m Daisy.Sam We’re really excited, because we’re taking a city break next

week.Daisy Yes, we’re going next Monday. We’re staying in a four-star

hotel with sea views!Sam I’m going to go sight-seeing every day, because I’m really

interested in the city’s history.Daisy And I’m going to go shopping every day, and eat lots of

seafood!Sam But you are going to visit the Little Mermaid statue with

me, aren’t you?Daisy Of course I am.

Tests 7A and 7B1 A c B c2 A F B T C T

AudioscriptCI Bilton Good afternoon. What’s your name, please?Mrs Jones I’m Mrs Jones. Mrs Anna Jones.CI Bilton Nice to meet you, Mrs Jones. And what were you doing

at midnight last Saturday?Mrs Jones I was in my bedroom, Chief Inspector! I was sleeping.CI Bilton And did you hear anything interesting?Mrs Jones Well, it’s funny you say that, Chief Inspector. I didn’t hear

anything, but I saw something.CI Bilton And what was that, Mrs Jones?Mrs Jones I saw a man – a young man. I think it was Mr Anderson.CI Bilton Hrrmph. And what was he doing?Mrs Jones It was very strange. He was giving some food to Miss

Stirling’s dog. A big bowl of food. I thought it wasstrange to be feeding a dog at midnight.

CI Bilton Strange, yes, very strange, Mrs Jones. Thank you. Thatwas very helpful.

Mrs Jones Oh, not at all, Inspector.

CI Bilton Good afternoon. Your name, please?Mr Fenn George Fenn.CI Bilton Excellent, Mr Fenn. Now, what were you doing at

midnight last Saturday?Mr Fenn I was in the sitting room and I was watching television.

There was a very good film about penguins. I’minterested in penguins.

CI Bilton Er, yes. Well. And did you see or hear anything strange?Mr Fenn Yes. One of the penguins was eating a banana!CI Bilton Hrrrmph. Thank you, Mr Fenn. That’s all for now.

CI Bilton Good afternoon. Can I have your name, please?Mr Anderson I’m Freddy Anderson.CI Bilton Very good, Mr Anderson. And what were you doing at

midnight last Saturday?Mr Anderson I was talking to Miss Ramsey. She’s a very interesting

girl.CI Bilton Hrrmph, yes, I’m sure she is. So you were with Miss

Ramsey. And where were you?Mr Anderson We were in the kitchen. We were talking, and having

a cup of tea.CI Bilton And, can I ask, Mr Anderson – was Miss Stirling’s dog

with you?


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Mr Anderson Er, no, no, not at all. I didn’t see the dog, actually. And I understand it’s missing, now?

CI Bilton Yes, it is. A very serious business, Mr Anderson,dognapping and jewellery stealing.

Mr Anderson Oh, quite, Chief Inspector. I agree. I hope you catch him!CI Bilton Catch who, Mr Anderson? Do you know it was a man?Mr Anderson Er, no, of course not. Oh dear – I have to go now. I’m

playing tennis at three.CI Bilton Goodbye, Mr Anderson. And thank you. That was

extremely helpful.

CI Bilton Good afternoon, my dear. What’s your name, please?Miss Ramsey Er, Tabitha.CI Bilton And your surname, please?Miss Ramsey Oh, sorry! Ramsey. I’m Tabitha Ramsey.CI Bilton And is that Miss or Mrs? Miss, I think.Miss Ramsey Oh yes, Chief Inspector.CI Bilton Now, where were you at midnight last Saturday?Miss Ramsey I was in the kitchen.CI Bilton And what were you doing?Miss Ramsey I was … um … waiting for Mr Anderson. You see, we

were having a glass of wine at about half past eleven,when suddenly he said he had to go somewhere.

CI Bilton A glass of wine? And then he had to go somewhere? So he wasn’t in the kitchen at midnight?

Miss Ramsey No, Chief Inspector, he wasn’t. He came back at aboutten past, and then we finished our wine.

CI Bilton Aha. Thank you, Miss Ramsey. That’s very interesting.

Tests 8A and 8B1 A b B a2 A T B T C F

AudioscriptAssistant Can I help you?Tim Yes , please. Can I try these jeans on, please?Assistant Yes, of course. The changing rooms are over there.Tim Thanks. Oh dear. They’re too big. Have you got any smaller

ones, please?Assistant No, I’m sorry. They’re the smallest. Do you want to try

these instead?Tim OK. … Great! They fit! How much are they, please?Assistant They’re twenty pounds.Tim Here you are.Assistant Thanks. Goodbye.Tim Bye!

Tests 9A and 9B1 c2 A F B T C F D T

AudioscriptBillie Hi, Karina! You look great.Karina Thanks! And you. Where’s Max?Billie He’s getting some water. Where’s Rocco?Karina He’s talking to the DJ.Billie Oh no, he isn’t. Look. He’s talking to Mel.Karina What?Mel Rocco, darling!Rocco What do you want, Mel?Mel Come and dance with me.Rocco Thanks, but no thanks. It’s over, Mel. Karina’s my girlfriend now.Karina I can’t believe he’s talking to her!Billie Wait – look – he’s coming over here.Rocco Karina! I’m sorry about Mel. I’ve told her you’re my girlfriend.Karina Good.Rocco So, are you?Karina Am I what?Rocco My … girlfriend?Karina Maybe. Do you want to dance with your girlfriend?Rocco Yes, I do.Karina Come on, then …


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