Committed to Sharing Lutheran Parish St John’s – St Mark’s Yackandandah – Victory Lutheran

Post on 05-Jan-2020






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Wodonga Lutheran Parish

St John’s – St Mark’s Yackandandah – Victory Lutheran College


Sunday after Pentecost



July 2018 Welcome to members, friends & visitors

We pray that you feel at home as you worship our Lord Jesus with us.

At the end of the service we invite you to please join us for a cuppa and chat.

Our Lord’s love and peace be with you.

Congregation Pastor: Jaswanth Kukatlapalli College Principal: John Thompson 14 Havelock St, Wodonga College Chaplain: Andrew Dewhirst Ph: (02) 6024 7072 28 Drage Rd, Wodonga Ph: (02) 6057 5859

Committed to Sharing Jesus

WELCOME – A note for any visitors among us. We are glad you are here with us! A quick note about the Lutheran Divine service and what we believe about worship. To us worship isn’t so much about what we do, but about what God does. Lutherans believe God is present with us through the Word and Sacraments we receive. In fact, we teach that in the Lutheran Service, God comes to forgive us, to feed us and bless us. As we receive God’s ministry to us through the Word and the sacraments we in turn respond to God in prayer, thanksgiving and praise.

SERVICE TIMES THIS WEEKEND St John’s Wod Sat 6:00pm Celebrate Communion in Song St Mark’s Yack Sun 8:30am Alternative HC Service St John’s Wod Sun 10:30am Celebrate Communion in Song

HYMNS: Yack: LH 441; TS 2048; AT 349; LH 181

PRAYER OF THE DAY Let us pray Lord God, everything is in your care. Put away from us all things that are harmful, and give us whatever is profitable for us. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

READINGS 2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19 David brings the ark to Jerusalem Ephesians 1:3-14 God praised for his secret plan now revealed Mark 6:14-29 The death of John the Baptist

PSALM 24 (said responsively)

P: The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; C: for he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters. P: Who may ascend the hill of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place? C: He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to

an idol or swear by what is false. P: He will receive blessing from the LORD and vindication from God his Saviour. C: Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face, O God of

Jacob. P: Lift up your heads, O you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of

glory may come in. C: Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in

battle. P: Lift up your heads, O you gates; lift them up, you ancient doors, that the King of

glory may come in. C: Who is he, this King of glory? The LORD Almighty—he is the King of glory.

PRAYER OF THE CHURCH In our prayers this week: We pray for the following that are in need at this time: Laurel WIENCKE;

Melva KLEMKE; Marianne WACHTMANN; Gregory & Kerryn JENNINGS; Frank KELLY; Laurel McRAE; Veronica SEMMLER.

Victory Lutheran College – Mr Julian Denholm and Staff of Lutheran Education Victoria, New South Wales & Tasmania as they support our Lutheran schools.

Box Hill Congregation – Senior Pastor Vacancy; Pastor Aldis Elberts and Anita. Layworkers – Dania Ahern; Melissa Doecke; Phoebe Green; Keren Loffler;

Keryn Middelmann; Jordan Smith; Serena Williams. Students and teachers returning to school after the holidays.

DAILY BIBLE READINGS Sunday Mark 6:14-29 Thursday Acts 9:19b-31 Monday Acts 8:26-40 Friday Acts 9:32-43 Tuesday Acts 9:1-9 Saturday Psalm 23 Wednesday Acts 9:10-19a


MEMBERS & FRIENDS PARISH DIRECTORY 2018 ONE WEEK LEFT to check your details in our parish phone book which has been available at St John’s & St Mark’s for weeks now, I encourage all members to do so. These copies are available until weekend of 21/22 July, giving people plenty of time to check and correct details if necessary. Thanks in advance - Heather Grealy.


Discovering God’s treasure in the adventure of life. Tandara Lutheran Camp – HALLS GAP

CLW Orange: 1-5 October 2018 Years 7-12 Cost: $295

Contact Emilie-Rae: 0428 461 809 or See all the paperwork on the noticeboard

GRASSROOTS TRAINING Two Victorian Workshops are being held in July at Tandara Lutheran Camp, Hall Gap. ‘Building Healthy Relationships’ 18-19 July 2018 - 9:00am-5:00pm and ‘Equipping for Leadership’ 20-21 July 2018 – 9:00am-5:00pm. The cost is $160 per person, per workshop. NB: Accommodation & meals available at an additional cost. More information . See green flyer on noticeboard.



This camp is being held from 3:00pm Friday 17th August 2018 to 2:00pm Sunday 19


August 2018. Come along to “Un Finished Objects” Camp and do your thing. See

poster on noticeboard for full information and how to register.

MEN LED BY GOD 2018 “O taste and see that the LORD is good” (Ps 34:8). On 10-12 August 2018 at Tandara Lutheran Camp – Halls Gap. God’s Word lived out through shared activities. See poster & registration forms on noticeboard for more info. Contact Trevor Geer for more info 0459 727 053 or .

DINE-OUT FOR JULY The dine-out will be held on Sunday 22

nd July at 12noon at The Stump. All welcome.

STARTING SCHOOL NEXT YEAR? Victory Lutheran College has vacancies for Foundation in 2019. Find out how to enrol – speak with our Registrar, Mrs Margaret Moore on 02 6057 5859. See poster on noticeboard and/or pick up a flyer from the back of the church.

CASSEROLE DINNER St Luke’s Evening Fellowship invites you to attend a ‘Casserole Dinner’ on Tuesday 17


July 2018 at St Luke’s Hall, 436 Guinea Street, Albury. Arrive around 6:15pm for 6:30pm start. Cost $7 (donateted to ALWS). Anne Fitzpatrick from ALWS will be the guest speaker. RSVP 6

th July to Marie Hill (02) 6059 7710 or Carolyn Kiss 0438 324 477.

SPEAK LORD CONFERENCE Date: 03-05 August 2018. Program: Speak Lord Program. Venue: The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Hamilton. Registration: Speak Lord Registration. More information on the noticeboard

LCA JOINS NATIONAL REDRESS SCHEME The LCA will join the Australian National Redress Scheme for people who have experienced child sexual abuse in institutional settings. The decision was made on 15 June by General Church Council after it had considered a proposal from the LCA’s Royal Commission working group. Read the story pinned to the noticeboard.


Is encouraging individuals, groups or congregations with a heart for mission and minstry to sponsor projects that are reaching out in the areas of youth ministry and church planting and renewal. See A5 flyer at the back of church for more information, also read the current DISTRICT VOICES which has more information on this project..

NEWS FROM FINKE RIVER MISSION The Winter 2018 edition of ‘CHRIST IN THE CENTRE’ is out now and shares the latest happenings in the Red Centre of Australia. There are many interesting articles to be read. There is a Tour advertised ‘Come & See God’s Work in the Centre’ which may be of interest to those wishing to leave the cold south behind in September. Pick up your copy with your weekly bulletin.


Module 10: Christian Living: discovering your place (Parents participation

encouraged) 2 sessions x Thursday evenings 3:45pm – 5:30pm (19th July 2018, 2


August 2018) at Argus, VLC).

Practice run – preparation for the Confirmation Service 11am-12pm (Saturday 4th

August) at St John’s Lutheran Church, Wodonga.

Rite of Confirmation – God willing – 10:00am (Sunday 5th August) at FAMILY

Service at St John’s Lutheran Church, Wodonga.


August Family Service – 10:00am start - Celebration of Confirmation followed by

BYO to share soup and light luncheon.

August, Saturday 18th

– Lutheran Women of Victoria WODONGA RETREAT, held

at Victory Lutheran College – ‘Women of Worth’. 9:30am to 3:30pm followed by

afternoon tea.

September Family Service on SATURDAY 1st September. This is our annual

Saturday night FAMILY Service commitment. NO SUNDAY SERVICES - Father's

Day will be Saturday night, pizza or plate of other food to share from 5:00pm,

followed by Family Service with a Rite of Blessings for Fathers at 6:00pm.

Christmas – Need co-ordinator to organise and run the Christmas Eve play please.

Contact Pastor if you have gift and time to support this parish Christmas Eve event.

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR - LUTHERAN COMMUNITY CARE Values based, strategic role in the community services sector Lead an experienced and engaged team Salary packaging available

The Executive Director provides strategic leadership of Lutheran Community Care (LCC) in accordance with its Christian ethos. Reporting to the LCC Board and working in close collaboration with the Bishop, the Executive Director will lead the organisation through growth and change. Further information on LCC's programmes and services can be found at: All applications must be submitted online however for a confidential discussion please contact: Mel Blondell - 0401 614 518

“GETTING TOGETHER” What’s on during the next few weeks?

Cuppa & Chat Thursday 19

th July - 7.00pm to 9.00pm (or any part of that time)

Thursday 2nd

August – 9:30am to 11:30am Contact: Susan 0429 166161 or Phill 0498 746002 Addresses can be obtained by contacting the host. Remember, these groups are to help build and maintain our Parish Family relationships and to encourage one another. If you would like to host a Getting Together group or have ideas of what types of groups you would like to see, please let Susan Edwards (Coordinator) on 0429 166 161 know.

THIS WEEK: Monday 16 July 9:00am School resumes for Term 3 Tuesday 17 July 11am-3pm Church Office OPEN

7:00pm Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 18 July 8:50am CHAPEL @ VLC – Secondary 9am-1pm Church Office OPEN Thursday 19 July 10am to 3pm Savers Corner OPEN 11am-3pm Church Office OPEN 3:45-5:30pm Confirmation class @ Argus VLC 7:30pm College Council Meeting Friday 20 July 8:50am CHAPEL @ VLC – Primary School 10am to 3pm Savers Corner OPEN Sunday 22 July 12noon Dine-out at the Stump. All welcome

LAST WEEK: 7 / 8 July 2018

Congregation Attendance Communion Notes:

St John’s 40 36

St Mark’s 9 8

St John’s [Sat Eve] 19 16

Total Attendance: 68 60

NEXT WEEKEND: 9th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST READINGS Sat 6:00pm Wod Simple Spoken HC Service 2 Samuel 7:1-14a Sun 8:30am Yack Simplified HC Service Ephesians 2:11-22 Sun 10:30am Wod Simple Spoken HC Service Mark 6:30-34, 53-56


st July Phil Suter

Wod 22nd

July Ingrid Harder Reader WodS 21

st July Paul Schirmer

Wod 22nd

July Angela Uhrhane Children’s Address WodS 21

st July Susan Edwards

Wod 22nd

July Susan Edwards PowerPoint WodS 21

st July Phill Edwards

Wod 22nd

July Tyler Gutsche Usher/Counters WodS 21

st July Carolyn Kiss

Wod 22nd

July Gutsche Family Church Cleaning July 16

th – July 22

nd K & L Wiencke

Mowers July 16th – July 29

th Andrew Keller & Ralph Behrends

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