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Wodonga Lutheran Parish St John’s – St Mark’s Yackandandah – Victory Lutheran College 14th Sunday after Pentecost 9 th /10 th September 2017. Welcome to members, friends & visitors We pray that you feel at home as you worship our Lord Jesus Christ with us. At the end of the service we invite you to please join us for a cuppa and chat. Our Lord’s love and peace be with you. Congregation Pastor: Jaswanth Kukatlapalli College Principal: John Thompson 14 Havelock St, Wodonga College Pastor: VACANT Ph: (02) 6024 7072 28 Drages Rd, Wodonga [email protected] Ph: (02) 6057 5859 [email protected] [email protected] Committed to Sharing Jesus

Committed to Sharing Jesus - Wodonga Lutheran · 2017-10-04 · Wodonga Lutheran Parish St John’s – St Mark’s

Aug 13, 2020



Welcome message from author
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Page 1: Committed to Sharing Jesus - Wodonga Lutheran · 2017-10-04 · Wodonga Lutheran Parish St John’s – St Mark’s

Wodonga Lutheran Parish

St John’s – St Mark’s Yackandandah – Victory Lutheran College

14th Sunday after Pentecost



September 2017.

Welcome to members, friends & visitors We pray that you feel at home as you worship our Lord

Jesus Christ with us. At the end of the service we invite you to please join us for a cuppa and chat. Our Lord’s love and peace be with you.

Congregation Pastor: Jaswanth Kukatlapalli College Principal: John Thompson 14 Havelock St, Wodonga College Pastor: VACANT Ph: (02) 6024 7072 28 Drages Rd, Wodonga [email protected] Ph: (02) 6057 5859 [email protected] [email protected]

Committed to Sharing Jesus

Page 2: Committed to Sharing Jesus - Wodonga Lutheran · 2017-10-04 · Wodonga Lutheran Parish St John’s – St Mark’s

WELCOME – A note for any visitors among us. We are glad you are here with us! A note about the Lutheran Divine service and what we believe about worship. To us worship isn’t so much about what we do, but about what God does for us. We simply respond in prayer and praise to the God who comes down to our level. God comes to forgive us, to feed us with the Word and the sacraments.

HOLY COMMUNION: We believe that Holy Communion is instituted by Christ for

his disciples. So, if you trust Jesus died for your sins and are baptised you are welcome to receive this sacrament with us. If you do not wish to commune, you may come forward to the altar during Holy Communion to receive a blessing, please indicate your intention to the pastor.

SERVICE TIMES THIS WEEKEND St John’s, Wod Sat 6:00pm 5 Songs of Faith HC Service St Mark’s, Yack Sun 8:30am Spoken HC Service St John’s, Wod Sun 10:30am 5 Songs of Faith HC Service

HYMNS: Yack: LH 1; LHS 853; LHS 847; LHS 797

PRAYER OF THE DAY Let us pray for guidance. [silence] Lord, in your constant mercy cleanse and defend your church. Guide it forever by your goodness because it cannot remain safe without you. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

READINGS Exodus 12:1-14 The Lord institutes the Passover Romans 13:8-14 The debt of love Matthew 18:15-20 Steps towards reconciliation

PSALM 149 1

Praise the LORD! Sing to the LORD a new song, his praise in the assembly of the godly! 2

Let Israel be glad in his Maker; let the children of Zion rejoice in their King! 3

Let them praise his name with dancing, making melody to him with tambourine and lyre! 4

For the LORD takes pleasure in his people; he adorns the humble with salvation. 5

Let the godly exult in glory; let them sing for joy on their beds. 6

Let the high praises of God be in their throats and two-edged swords in their hands, 7

to execute vengeance on the nations and punishments on the peoples, 8

to bind their kings with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron, 9

to execute on them the judgment written! This is honour for all his godly ones. Praise the LORD!

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning,

is now, and will be forever. Amen.

PRAYERS Response: Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer

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In our prayers this week: Prayer Requests:

We pray for the following who are in need at this time; Gregory & Kerryn JENNINGS; Merv KELLER; Frank KELLY; Laurel McRAE; Myrna SMITH; JACOB Family; Phil & Sue EDWARDS; GUTSCHE Family.

Hobart Congregation – Pastor Mike Steicke and Leanne.

Layworker – Malcolm Hall.

Eastside Lutheran College – Principal Ralph Zapart and Staff.

Horsham Congregation – Pastor Gus Schutz and Elaine; Pastor Geoff Schefe and Rosie.

Layworker – Lynda Henstridge.

Holy Trinity Lutheran School – Principal Daniel Weller and Staff.

Sunnyside Lutheran Retirement Homes – CEO Peter Jenkin and Staff


Sunday – Matthew 18:15-20 Thurs – Mark 1:14-28

Monday – 1 Corinthians 16:1-9 Friday - Mark 1:29-45

Tuesday – 1 Corinthians 16:10-24 Saturday - Psalm 114 OR Exodus 15:1b-11,20-21

Wednesday – Mark 1:1-13


THANK YOU Thank you to Pastor Ernie and Lenore de Garis for stepping in and helping out in the office and church at short notice. Many thanks.

WODONGA TO WITTENBERG – 500 YEARS OF REFORMATION “Even if I knew that the world was to collapse tomorrow, I would still plant my apple tree today” (ascribed to Martin Luther).

The Luthergarten in Wittenberg is an ecumenical project of the Lutheran World Federation, ‘500 years of Reformation – 500 trees in Wittenberg’– this project is an expression and a symbol of the world-wide influence of the Reformation and its importance for the Christian faith. As parish members are aware, we were involved in this project, thanks to the inaugural Europe History tour of Victory Lutheran College students and the assisting staff. For a number of months Wodonga Lutheran Parish and its entities sought donations to meet $1000 to fund for this project. If you wish to make donations please do so at the parish office or at the College and advice the donation favouring ‘from Wodonga to Wittenberg’ project. Victory students will plant this tree on the 26

th of Sep 2017.

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Death Notice It is with sadness we inform you that Pastor Ian Zweck died on Tuesday 29 August 2017. We thank God for Pastor Ian’s faithful service to his Lord and the church. The funeral service was held on the 6th Sep 2017 at St Peters Fullarton Homes. We pray that God will comfort Pastor Ian's family, the Zweck family (especially, Pastor Graham Zweck - brother of late Ian) and those who feel the pain of his death most deeply.

ADVANCE NOTICE Victory Lutheran College will be celebrating its 25th Anniversary on Saturday 28th October from 3pm to 8pm. The following day there will be a thanksgiving service to commemorate the 500th year anniversary of Reformation. Parish members are encouraged to note this weekend in their calendars. Job list and help required is supplied with this bulletin sheet.

INVITATION – Coffee Morning St Peter’s Ladies Fellowship is inviting the Ladies of the Wodonga Lutheran Parish to a coffee morning with a guest speaker on Wednesday 13

th September 2017 at

10:00am. Cost: $10. Venue: St Peters Lutheran Hall, cnr Urana Rd & Buchhorn St, Lavington. Replies to Marie Hill by 30

th August, ph. 6059 7710.

CONFIRMATION JOURNEY AT WLP The communication for collaborative Confirmation Journey is sent this week; please keep the confirmation children and their parents in your prayers. Contact Pastor Jaswanth Kukatlapalli for more information at [email protected] or phone 02 6024 7072 Thank you.

PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS WORKSHOP When: Saturday 23rd September, 10.00am—4.00pm Lunch provided – cost $5. Location: St John’s Church

This Workshop covers the LCA Standards of Ethical Behaviour (required for church leadership and desirable for all adult members) and Child and Youth Ministries (required for leaders and those involved in this ministry, desirable for parents of young children). The $40 cost for WLP members is being paid by the Parish. Registrations are essential and are available online at: Wodonga Parish. To be enrolled for this training, members must record their details in the on-line registration process at the link shown in the notice above. If you have any questions Contact: Andy Enever 0458 047 489, or Phil Edwards 0498 746 022.

A BLOKES AFTERNOON WITH PETER STEICKE Come and hear Peter speak on the Father's heart and His love for us. Catch up with other blokes for a chat and a cuppa on Sunday 24th September, 1.30 pm at St Paul's College dining room, Walla Walla. For more info please phone Ian Hueske (0488 183 707), Jonathon Schoff (0403 157 050) or John Janetzki (0427 786 173).

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A MAN NAMED MARTIN: PART 3 – The Movement This Study journey will commence on the 1

st of October 2017.

Feel free to register your interest with the Pastor Jaswanth. If you would like to host/lead a group please let the pastor know.


Here are just some of the useful links: LCA eNews – click the link below to subscribe to National eNews letters Professional Standards for information on Ethical Standards Professional Standards Training LCA Policies and Procedures

ORDINATION WE’RE LISTENING From March to September 2017 members of the CTICR and bishops will be travelling to a number of centres across Australia and New Zealand for consultations meetings regarding the draft doctrinal statement that presents a theological basis for the ordination of both women and men, and why this need not be church divisive. All members of the LCA/LCNZ are encouraged to come along to listen and contribute, particularly those who are Synod delegates. This is an important conversation for our church, as we continue to grow in serving our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Please pray for those doing this work, the consultations, and the church as we continue what has proven to be a very long and difficult conversation for us. You will be invited to make comments on this website after the consultations have concluded. Dates are: VIC-TAS Sun 10 Sept, 3pm North East St Paul’s Lutheran Church Shepparton

Download the Consultations booklet PDF The booklet may also be ordered from the LCA National Office –

email [email protected], phone (08) 8267 7300.

LWV SHEPPARTON RETREAT For women of all ages

Theme: ‘Intimacy with God’ Spiritual leaders: Pastor Matt Anker Kathleen Mills

Where: St Pauls Lutheran Church, 54 Poplar Avenue, Shepparton VIC When: Saturday, 16 September 9.30am – 3.30pm

(followed by afternoon tea) What to bring: Bible and pen, Lunch to share, Name tag

Cost: $15 (paid on arrival) Further details can be found on the noticeboard

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BIBLE SOCIETY You may be aware that the Bible Society has been active in Australia since the days of Governor and Mrs Macquarie, 200 years ago. This year we have been holding a number of celebratory events. (You may have been to the Antique Bibles Roadshow at QE2 square in March, or the Hymnfest at Holy Trinity, Yackandandah in May. On behalf of the Branch, I would like to invite anyone from your congregations who is, has been, or is interested in becoming a supporter of the Bible Society to a Bring and Share Dinner at 6.30pm on Friday 15 September, at Emmanuel Anglican and Uniting Church, West Wodonga. We will be celebrating the Bible Society's 2017 focus on Australia, by sharing Australian food. I am attaching a poster for the event, and would be very grateful if you could display the poster on your noticeboard, and announce the event in church. RSVPs or enquiries can be directed to me. I have listed my email address on the poster. For anyone who finds this awkward, my phone number is: (02) 6020 8532. Thankyou in Christ's name, Carol Harris (Branch Secretary)

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THIS WEEK: Sunday 10 Sept 3:00pm CTICR Consultation in Shepparton Tuesday 12 Sept 11am-3pm Church Office OPEN Wednesday 13 Sept 8:50am CHAPEL – Mid/Sen 9am-1pm Church Office OPEN 1:45pm Leprosy Mission Auxiliary Meeting Thursday 14 Sept` 10am-3pm Savers Corner OPEN 11am-3pm Church Office OPEN 7:30pm VLC Council Meeting Friday 15 Sept 8:50am CHAPEL – Primary School 10am-3pm Savers Corner OPEN Saturday 16 Sept LWV Retreat in Shepparton

LAST WEEK: Attendance Communion Total Offering

St John’s FAMILY 58 53 $ 0,000.00 St Mark’s NO Service -- -- $ 2,700 needed to St John’s (Sat Eve) NO Service -- -- meet budget)

Offerings Year to date: 35 weeks to 27/08/17 @ actual 2,700 pw $ 94,500.00

Offerings to 27/08/17 $ 73,991.95 SHORTFALL $ 20,508.05


NEXT WEEKEND: 15th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST READINGS Sat 6:00pm Wod Celebrate Communion in Song Exodus 14:19-31 Sun 8:30am Yack Alternative HC Service Romans 14:1-12 Sun 10:30am Wod Celebrate Communion in Song Matthew 18:21-35


th Sept Pastor Ernie Kiss

Wod 17th Sept Ingrid Harder

Altar Guild WodS 16th Sept Paul Schirmer

Wod 17th Sept Marie Hill/Kaye Walsh

Reader WodS 16th Sept Carolyn Kiss

Wod 17th Sept Grace Zweck

Children’s Address WodS 16th Sept Pastor Jaswanth

Wod 17th Sept Pastor Jaswanth

PowerPoint WodS 16th Sept Phill Edwards

Wod 17th Sept Andy Enever

Usher/Counters WodS 16th Sept Isaac Paech & Family

Wod 17th Sept Elke Haslam

Church Cleaning Sept 11th - Sept 17

th Gail Scholz A Klein Family

Mowers Sept 11th - Sept 24

th Paul Vogelsang – HELPER NEEDED

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The LCA 50: 500, Celebrating 500th Anniversary of the Reformation

Thank you to everyone who supported the 'Luther' movie either by their

presence on the night or through donations. It was a wonderful evening and

there have been many positive comments from people, not only from our

Parish but from the wider community.

On 29th October the Parish will be hosting a 'The LCA 50:500, Celebrating

500th Anniversary of the Reformation Thanksgiving Service’ at Victory

Lutheran College.

For this, the Reformation Team 500 will need your help and support. Listed

below are a few of the areas we will need assistance in.

Areas you may like to assist in: Helping to set up on Saturday night (after the close of the celebrations of

the 25th Anniversary of Victory Lutheran College - approximate time 8pm)

Flowers - giving donations towards the flowers for the day. The flowers will

be used to decorate the altar area, and the tables.

Inviting your family and friends. Those of you who attended the Luther

movie, attended A man named Martin Luther bible studies, by now you are

familiar with the Lutheran reformation story and the blessings that

eventuated from it. So, why not invite friends and family to come and be

part of a thanksgiving service? Let us thank God for we belong to a church

that boldly stands on the Gospel message!

Food - In this area we really need your support to cater for approximately

150 - 200 people with a light lunch (Longest Lutheran Lunch). We need you

to not only bring enough food for your family, but also to bring extra for the

many visitors we are expecting. A list of what will be required will be

announced shortly.

Help to pack up at the end of the luncheon, tidying up and packing chairs


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Children we need your help, to bring the food from the kitchen to the

tables, after the service, and also to serve the food, especially to those who

find it difficult to get around.

To be greeters. Every member to welcome those who come through the

front door, whether known or not.

Please think about the above list, pray about where you may be able to help.

A list will be put up in coming weeks for you to add your name to it in the

area you would like to serve.

If you have any questions please contact any of the Reformation Team, Jenny

Simboras, Sheryl Parsons or Pastor Jaswanth Kukatlapalli.

We thank you in advance for your support, knowing that because of it, this

day will be a huge success and one that will be remembered for a long time.