Commercial Driving Training pp

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Commercial Driving Training

By Jason Poulsen

Introduction• Dangerous in the best of conditions, far

more so without sufficient training.

• A new type of training program.

• I want to start a program within the company that gives all the drivers all the training they need, be it mandatory or if they just feel like they need a refresher for the upcoming seasons.

The Who, How, Why and What• The Who• Supervisors of Driver


• The Why• I choose the audience because

they are the ones who are over the training of the drivers.

• The How• Email PowerPoint presentation

• The What • Information on the statistics for weather

related accidents, both fatal and non.• Information on funding the extra training.• How I planned to provide the extra training

The Cost of Wrecks• The website tells us

that the average cost for a fatal crash for a trucking company is over THREE MILLION DOLLARS.

• The same website tells us that the average cost for a nonfatal crash is right around $62,000.

A few of the Main Reasons for the Crashes and Statistics

• Poor road conditions due to bad weather such as snow, sleet, black ice, rain and wind. • Driving to fast for the road

conditions. • Driver inexperience

• According to the graph in the Journal Monthly Labor Review which is wrote by the Bureau of Labor Statistics deadliest months north for truck drivers in from December to February.

The Problem

• Depending on when a person gets their CDLs winter training such as driving in the snow, ice, or on black ice will not happen. Therefore when that first big snow storm hits, those drivers have no clue how to handle a forty ton truck.

• A problem with getting the extra training, is that most times to go back to a trainer mean a loss in pay for most drivers. • There is also the fact that a

person can never really predict the weather, so making sure that all the bad weather happens is impossible.

The Solution

• A simulator- a machine or device that imitates the operation of something, in this case a commercial truck. • This simulator can mimic any

weather condition or possible situation for a truck driver, therefore giving the opportunity for maximum training.

• The simulators can be located at each terminal for use, whenever the truckers have time or the need. • This allows for a way to get more

training in the areas that truckers actually need the training in.

The simulators

Funding Cost

• To get the actual simulators, the money would have to come out of pocket.

• For the first few years truckers could be charged a small fee to use the simulators. Such as $20 for a two hour training block.

• The drivers that have mandated extra training would be free.

• However should the simulator have one fatal wreck from happening, then it has paid for itself many times over and also saved a life.

• The original cost of a simulator is roughly $100,000.

• Prices differ from each different type of simulator.


• Bovee, C. L., & V., T. J. (2014). Business Communication Today . United States : Pearson.• Kilcarr, S. (2012). Navigating the Virtual Road. FleetOwner, 2.• Smith, S. M. (2015). Workplace Hazards of Truck Drivers. Monthly Labor Review, 5.• Truck Driving Accidents – Causes, Fatalities, Statistics and Costs. (2016). Retrieved from

• Image one credit:• Image Two credit: Pinterest • Image three credit: • Image four credit:

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