#CMWorld Twitter Chat on Buyer Personas with Adele Revella

Post on 20-Aug-2015






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#CMWorldBUYER PERSONAS & CONTENT MARKETINGTWITTER CHATFeaturing Buying Persona Institute’s Adele Revella @BuyerPersonaand Content Marketing Institute’s Joe Pulizzi @JoePulizzi

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Q1 How are a buyer persona and a target audience different? #CMWorld

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Audiences are about job title, industry, etc. Buyer personas tell the full story about

how and why a buyer makes a buying decision #cmworld


Many people confuse target audiences with buyer personas, so they’re missing

most of the value #cmworld


@CMIContent A1: Buyer persona = well-defined segment of target audience;

more precise in terms of characteristics, needs, behaviors #CMWorld


A1: Buyer persona describes motivations, needs, strategies. Target audience

describes more granular info, ex. demographics. #cmworld


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Q2: What are the main questions you ask when developing a buyer persona?


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The first question is: Take me back to the day when you first decided that

you needed to solve this problem, what happened #cmworld


A1: What influences them! (news, blogs, sites, memes) #CMWorld


Marketers need to focus on asking good probing questions. The buyer’s first

answer will never provide deep insight #cmworld


@cmicontent A2: What is this persona’s reality, needs, challenges,

influences & communication style #CMWorld


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Q3: Are certain questions – demographic vs. job/seniority vs. how they consume

info – more valuable than others?#CMWorld

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Just have a conversation, find out what mattered to them, what content helped

as they made a choice #cmworld


@cmicontent A3: Their decision-making process & influential factors are key.



Find out which content helped them to decide that your competitors solution was

easier to use #cmworld


A3 The buyer isn’t always looking to buy, but they’re always looking to get

better at their job. Figure out how you can help that. #cmworld


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Q4: How do you find people to interview to develop buyer personas?

Is your sales dept willing to share customer contact info? #CMWorld

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The senior marketing exec should talk to the senior sales exec about the results

marketing will deliver w/this insight #cmworld


Individual sales people might resist, so get with senior sales execs and focus on

the benefit of insights #cmworld


A4: start with existing customers. Find out why they chose you. #CMWorld


@cmicontent A4: Past/current clients for insight on actual market + leads you didn’t

convert for realities you may have missed #CMWorld


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Q5: How many interviews are enough to develop a persona? #CMWorld

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A5: That is a quantitative question and this is qualitative research, but we generally

recommend 8 interviews to begin with #cmworld


If you need more data to convince stakeholders, follow up with a survey to validate the

interview results #cmworld


@JoePulizzi Agreed, no set # and ongoing is optimal. I’d recommend having SET

# to make sure it’s happening consistently. #learning #cmworld


@jenkobylar @CMIContent @buyerpersona We don’t have a rule but constantly

keep ears to the floor and ask for feedback, good AND bad #cmworld


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Q6: How do you decide how many buyer personas your company needs

to create? #CMWorld

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A6: Start with a decision you want to influence and interview those buyers to

see what is different about how they decide #cmworld


Create a new buyer persona only when there are differences in buying insights,

demographics = too many personas #cmworld


Organize interview results with the 5 Rings of Buying Insight for buyer personas,

explained here: http://t.co/kCfd6RT0Vr #cmworld


A6: make sure not to create a new persona just b/c you encounter a new buyer

job title #CMworld


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Q7: What are the main differencesin developing buyer personas for

#B2B vs. B2C? #CMWorld

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A7 B2B buyers usually invest more time & effort in buying decisions so they can

tell you how & why they decide #cmworld


The difference is not B2B vs B2C but high consideration vs low consideration



For low consideration or B2C, demographics are often all you have to work with

because buyers don’t know why #cmworld


A7 IMO B2C: single decision-maker, shorter duration, simple value prop;

B2B: many decision-makers, longer, more complex value prop. #cmworld


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Q8: Once developed, how should that buyer persona dictate your

#contentstrategy? #CMWorld

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A8 5 Rings of Buying Insight: Priority Initiative, Success Factors, Perceived Barriers,

Buyer’s Journey, Decision Criteria #cmworld


A8 Each Ring of Buying Insight has 3-5 Key Thoughts. 5 insights x 5 thoughts

is 25 potential topics for content #cmworld


A8 At the intersection between what you want to market and what buyer wants

is core message strategy #cmworld


Insights tell you the questions your buyers ask PLUS the answers they

long to hear #cmworld


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Q9: How often should we be updating our buyer personas? #CMWorld

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A9 The goal is not buyer personas but buyer expert marketers. Experts are always

investing in their craft #cmworld


A9 We recommend that marketers conduct 1-2 interviews per month forever to

maintain status as buyer experts #cmworld


A9 - Just like content marketing is not a campaign (there is no stop date), our

buyer persona work is never done. #cmworld


A9: When your metrics drop. Always be analyzing! #CMWorld


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Q10: What companies/brands have been successful in developing

buyer personas? #CMWorld

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@Insightera Using segmented emails, a library of resources, content mgmt systems.

Seems like you guys have got that covered! #CMWorld


A10 Most clients will not allow us to disclose their names. Symantec is one

exception. #cmworld


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