Closing Keynote: Prof. Gary Hall (Coventry University)

Post on 26-Jan-2015






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Presentation given at Repository Fringe 2011.


Gary HallCoventry School of Art and Design

Coventry University

‘An all-star cast of radical intellectuals

discuss the continued

importance of communism’

Verso advertising blurb


open access archive for cultural studies and cultural theory

WikiNationproject exploring new ways of organising communities and countries Open Humanities Pressopen access, scholar-led, press

New Cultural Studies: The Liquid Theory Readerdigital ‘book’

Culture Machine Liquid Booksseries of digital books published by Open Humanities Press

Liquid Theory TVinternet protocol television programme

Pirate Philosophypirate academic article

The Free, Libre, Open Universityonline, distributed, multi-user-generated university

The Open Scholarship Full Disclosure Initiativeonline directory detailing the sources of funding of all journal editors and publishers

Living Books About Life (LiviBL)series of 20 digital books funded by JISC

culture machine

OHP Journals

arguments for open access…

taxpayers' argument

moral argument

healthy democratic public sphere argument

Ernesto Laclau

2 senses of hegemony…

• as the leadership or dominance of one class or group over another

• as a generalised political logic

Chantal Mouffe

Chantal Mouffe

• New Metaphysics – eds Bruno Latour and Graham Harman

• Unidentified Theoretical Objects – ed. Wlad Godzich

• Critical Climate Change – eds Tom Cohen and Claire Colebrook

• Global Conversations – ed. Ngugi wa Thiong'o

• Liquid Books – eds Gary Hall and Clare Birchall

In 2010 the Guardian newspaper in the UK launched a network of

science blogs. ‘Now, on the paper’s website, you can find

hosted content from four popular and well-respected blogs.... The idea is both to harness scientific expertise and, at the same time,

to diffuse it... And it marks another small shift in the media ecosystem: the media behemoth

and independent bloggers, collaborating for audiences

rather than competing for them.’

Are the future editors of Žižek going to have to

publish his tweets? And if not, why not?

According to Žižek’s publisher, this Twitter page

was run by an imposter

Michel Foucault

Michel Foucault topped a 2009 Times Higher Education list of the most cited book authors in the humanities -

Pierre Bourdieu was second with Jacques Derrida third

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