Class: SZ3 JEE-MAIN MODEL Date: 26-07-2020 Time: 3hrs WTM …€¦ · Class: SZ3 JEE-MAIN MODEL Date: 26-07-2020 Time: 3hrs WTM-08 Max. Marks: 300 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS PHYSICS Section

Post on 30-Jul-2020






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Class: SZ3 JEE-MAIN MODEL Date: 26-07-2020

Time: 3hrs WTM-08 Max. Marks: 300



Section Question Type +Ve

Marks - Ve

Marks No.of

Qs Total marks

Sec – I(Q.N : 1 – 20) Questions with Single Answer Type 4 -1 20 80

Sec – II(Q.N : 21 – 25) Questions with Numerical Answer Type

(+/ - Decimal Numbers) 4 0 5 20

Total 25 100


Section Question Type +Ve

Marks - Ve

Marks No.of

Qs Total marks

Sec – I(Q.N : 26 – 45) Questions with Single Answer Type 4 -1 20 80

Sec – II(Q.N : 46 – 50) Questions with Numerical Answer Type

(+/ - Decimal Numbers) 4 0 5 20

Total 25 100

MATHEMATICS Section Question Type

+Ve Marks

- Ve Marks

No.of Qs

Total marks

Sec – I(Q.N : 51 – 70) Questions with Single Answer Type 4 -1 20 80

Sec – II(Q.N : 71 – 75) Questions with Numerical Answer Type

(+/ - Decimal Numbers) 4 0 5 20

Total 25 100


Narayana CO Schools


–:SZ3 Jee-Main Exam Syllabus (26-07-20):–




Simple Applications In Non Uniform Acceleration, Simple

Applications In Non Uniform Acceleration, Graphical Analysis Of

Motion - S-T Graph And Their Applications, V-T Graph And Its

Applications A-T Graph And Its Applications,A-S And V-S Graphs,



Kinematics - 1D:Rest and Motion, Distance, Displacement, Average

speed and Instantaneous speed, Equations of motion (uniform

acceleration), Vertical motion, Worksheet Practice.




Bond parameters, Dipole moment, Molecular orbital theory,

Hydrogen bonding and back bonding, Practice problems.


Co - ordinate covalent bond (dative bond),, Properties of co -

ordinate covalent bond VBT, Vsepr theory, Hybridisation.




Distance Formula, Section Formula, Area Of A Triangle,

Quadrilateral, Polygon, Geometric Points In A Triangle And Their

Properties And Applications, Miscellaneous Problems On The

Above Concepts Related Problems


DIstance Formula And Its Applications ( Ex:7.1 X Ncert)

SZ3 _JEE-MAIN_WTM-08_QP_Dt.26-07-2020

Narayana CO Schools



(Single Answer Type)

This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options

(1), (2), (3) and (4) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct. Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.

01. A body starts from rest and it is uniformly accelerated for 30 s. The

distance travelled in the first 10 s is x1, next 10 s is x2 and last 10

s is x3. Then x1 : x2 : x3 is same as

1) 1 : 2 : 4 2) 1 : 2 : 5 3) 1 : 3 : 5 4) 1 : 3 : 9

02. A body starts from rest and travels a distance S with uniform

acceleration, then moves uniformly a distance 2S and finally comes

to rest after moving further 5S under uniform retardation. The ratio

of average velocity to maximum velocity is

1) 2

5 2)


5 3)


7 4)



03. A particle has an initial velocity of 3 4i j+ and an acceleration of

0.4 0.3 .i j+ Its speed after 10 s is

1) 10 m/s 2) 7 m/s 3)7 2 m/s 4) 8.5 m/s

04. In a car race, car A takes a time of t sec, less than car B and passes

the finishing point with a velocity v more than the velocity with

which car B passes the point. Assuming that the both cars start

from rest and travel with constant accelerations a1 and a2

respectively then v

t is

1) 1 2a a 2) 1 22 a a 3) 1 2a a+ 4) 1 22 a a+

05. A bullet travelling horizontally losses or loses 1

20th of its velocity

while piercing a wooden plank. How many such planks are required

to stop the bullet. (Approximately)

1) 6 (5.3) 2) 9 (8.2) 3) 11 (10.25) 4) 21 (20.2)


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06. A ball is thrown vertically upwards from the ground. It crosses a

point at the height of 25m twice at an interval of 4s. The ball was

thrown with the velocity of ( g = 10 m/s 2)

1) 20 m/s 2) 25 m/s 3) 30 m/s 4) 35 m/s

07. A body starts from rest and then moves with uniform acceleration.

Then choose correct options

A) Its displacement is directly proportional to the square of the


B) Its displacement is inversely proportional to the square of the


C) It may move along a circle

D) It always moves in a straight line

1) AD 2) AB 3) AC 4) CD

08. Pick the correct statements:

A) Average speed of a particle in a given time is never less than

the magnitude of the average velocity.

B) It is possible to have a situation in which 0dv

dt but



C) The average velocity of a particle is zero in a time interval. It

is possible that the instantaneous velocity is never zero in the


D) The average velocity of a particle moving on a straight line is

zero in a time interval. It is possible that the instantaneous

velocity is never zero in the interval. (Infinite accelerations are

not allowed)

1) ACD 2) ABC 3) BCD 4) AD

SZ3 _JEE-MAIN_WTM-08_QP_Dt.26-07-2020

Narayana CO Schools


09. The displacement-time graph of two bodies A and B is shown in

figure. The ratio of velocity A, vA to velocity of B, vB is

1) 1

3 2) 3 3)


3 4) 3

10. The velocity – time graph of a body moving in a straight line is

shown. The displacement of the body in 10s is

1) 4 m 2) 6 m 3) 8 m 4) 10 m

11. The variation of velocity of a particle moving along a straight line is

shown in figure. The distance travelled by the particle in 12s is

1) 37.5 m 2) 32.5 m 3) 35.0 m 4) 30m

12. An object is thrown vertically up. The velocity – time graph for the

motion of the particle will be






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13. A ball is dropped from some height. After rebounding from the floor

it ascends to the same height. Draw the velocity – time graph for

the given motion.





14. The velocity-time graph of a body moving in a straight line is shown

in the figure. The displacement and distance travelled by the body

in 6s are, respectively

1) 8m, 16m 2) 16m, 8m 3) 16m, 16m 4) 8m, 8m

15. Study the following graphs?

The particle has negative acceleration in which graph given above

(which of the graphs given above)

1) (i) 2) (ii) 3) (iii) 4) (iv)

16. The distance-time of a moving motor-car is according to the

following figure. The portion OA of the curve shows:

1) Accelerated motion 2) Retarted motion

3) Uniform motion 4) State of rest

SZ3 _JEE-MAIN_WTM-08_QP_Dt.26-07-2020

Narayana CO Schools


17. An elevator is going up. The variation in the velocity of the elevator

is as given in the graph. What is the height to which the elevator

takes the passengers?

1) 3.6m 2) 28.8 m 3) 36 m 4) 72 m

18. Figure shows the displacement-time graph of a particle moving on

the X-axis.

1) The particle is continuously going in positive X direction

2) The particle is at rest

3) The velocity increases up to a time 0t and then becomes constant

4) The particle moves at constant velocity up to a time 0t and then


19. The velocity-time graph of a stone thrown vertically upward with an

initial velocity of 30 1ms− is shown in the figure. The velocity in the

upward direction is taken as positive and that in the downwards

direction as negative. What is the maximum height to which the

stone rises?

1) 30 m 2) 45 m 3) 60 m 4) 90 m


Narayana CO Schools


20. A ball is dropped vertically from a height d above the ground. It

hits the ground and bounces up vertically to a height2

d. Neglecting

subsequent motion and air resistance, its velocity v varies with

height h above the ground as:

1) 2)

3) 4)


(Numerical Value Answer Type)

This section contains 5 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical

values comprising of positive or negative decimal numbers (place value ranging from Thousands Place to Hundredths Place). Eg: 1234.56, 123.45, -

123.45, -1234.56, -0.12, 0.12 etc. Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 in all other cases.

21. The variation of velocity of particle moving along a straight line is

shown in the figure. The distance travelled by the particle in 4s

is____________ m.

SZ3 _JEE-MAIN_WTM-08_QP_Dt.26-07-2020

Narayana CO Schools


22. A car accelerates from rest at a constant rate of 22 ms− for some

time. Then it retards at a constant rate of 24 ms− and comes to rest.

It remains in motion for 6s.Its maximum speed is ___________m/s.

23. A car accelerates from rest at a constant rate of 22 ms− for some

time. Then it retards at a constant rate of 24 ms− and comes to rest.

It remains in motion for 6s.It travelled at total distance of

___________ m.

24. A particle starts from rest with a constant acceleration. At a time t

second, the speed is found to be 100 m/sec and one second later

the speed becomes 150 m/sec. The acceleration during the ( )1th

t +

second is _____________ 2/ .m s

25. An athelete takes 2sec to reach his maximum speed of 18 km/hr.

The magnitude of his average acceleration is ____________ 2/ .m s


Narayana CO Schools



(Single Answer Type)

This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be

correct. Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.

26. The energy of 2Pz molecular orbital is higher than that of

1) 2Px 2)


3) *

2Pz 4) Both 1 & 2

27. One half the difference between the number of electrons present in

the bonding and the anti-bonding orbitals is called

1) Bond order 2) Bond energy 3) Bond angle 4) All

28. Bond order of 2H molecule is

1) 1.5 2) 2 3) 1 4) 3

29. The bond dissociation energy of hydrogen molecule has been found

to be

1) 238 1 kJ mol− 2) 338

1 kJ mol−

3) 4381 kJ mol− 4) All

30. The bond order of 2O+ is

1) 1 2) 1.5 3) 2.5 4) 3

31. If the bond order value is 2 the nature of the bond is

1) Single bond 2) Double bonds 3) Triple bonds 4) All

32. Which of the following has paramagnetic nature

1) 2O 2) 2C 3) 2N 4) 2

2O −

33. Of the following molecule dipole moment value is not equal to zero


1) 2CO 2) 2H 3) 4CCl 4) HF

34. The dipole moment value is zero and geometry is trigonal planar.

The molecule is

1) 3BF 2) 3NF 3) 3NH 4) All

SZ3 _JEE-MAIN_WTM-08_QP_Dt.26-07-2020

Narayana CO Schools


35. Molecular orbital electronic configuration of 2He is

1) ( ) ( )2 2

1 2S S 2) ( ) ( )22 *

1 1S S

3) ( )2

1S 4) ( ) ( )22 *

1 2S S

36. The bond length of C C− and C H− in ethane molecule is (in Pm)

1) 154, 109 2) 154, 154

3) 109, 109 4) 109, 154

37. Which of the following molecule has bent shape

1) 3NH 2) 2H O

3) 2SO 4) Both 2 & 3

38. Molecular geometry is linear of the following is/are

1) 2BeCl 2) 2HgCl

3) 4CH 4) Both 1 & 2

39. Coordinate covalent compounds dissolve more in

1) Polar solvents 2) Non-polar solvents

3) Both 1 & 2 4) Water only

40. Hybridization of 5PF molecule is

1) 2dsp 2)

3 2sp d 3) 3sp d 4)

3 3sp d

41. The overlapping is involved in HCl molecule

1) s s− 2) p p− 3) s d− 4) s p−

42. -bond is formed by the overlapping of

1) p p− orbitals along their axis

2) s p− orbitals along the axis of p-orbital

3) p p− orbitals perpendicular to their axis

4) s s− orbitals

43. Shape of 6SF molecule is

1) Square pyramidal 2) Square planar

3) Octahedral 4) Trigonal bipyramidal

44. Molecule which contains 4 bond pairs and 2 lone pairs of electrons

on the central atom is

1) 2XeF 2) 2CO 3) 4XeF 4) 6SF


Narayana CO Schools


45. 3BCl molecule is planar while 3NCl molecule is pyramidal because

1) 3BCl does not have lone pair on B but 3NCL has one lone pair on


2) B Cl− bond is more polar than N Cl− bond

3) N atom is smaller than B

4) N Cl− bond is more covalent than B Cl− bond


(Numerical Value Answer Type)

This section contains 5 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical values comprising of positive or negative decimal numbers (place value

ranging from Thousands Place to Hundredths Place). Eg: 1234.56, 123.45, -123.45, -1234.56, -0.12, 0.12 etc. Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 in all other cases.

46. The species having pyramidal shape is/are

2 3 2 3, , ,SO BrF OSF NH

47. Total number of species which have their fractional bond order

i) 2O + ; ii) CO ; iii) 2B ; iv) 2O − ; v) NO+ ; vi) 2He+ ; vii) 2

2C + ; viii) CN − ;

ix) 2N −

48. The hybridization of central atoms of compounds , ,A B C and D are

3 3 2, ,sp d sp sp and sp respectively. If compounds A and D have the

same shape like 3I − and compounds B and C have the same shape

like water molecule. Then calculate value of P Q R S+ + + where

, ,P Q R and S are number of lone pairs on central atoms of

compounds , ,A B C and D respectively

49. How many of the following have 3sp d hybridization

i) 4SF ii) 3BrCl iii) 2XeOF iv) 3H O+

50. How many of following statement(s) is/are correct?

i) Bond length of NO NO+ ii) Bond order of NO NO+

iii) Bond energy of NO NO+

iv) NO is paramagnetic but NO+ is diamagnetic

SZ3 _JEE-MAIN_WTM-08_QP_Dt.26-07-2020

Narayana CO Schools


SECTION-I (51 TO 70)

(Single Answer Type)

This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be

correct. Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.

51. The coordinates of a point A, where AB is the diameter of circle

whose centre is ( )2, 3− and B is ( )1,4 is

1) ( )3,0 2) ( )3, 10− 3) ( )3, 10− − 4) ( )3,10−

52. If the distance between the points ( )0cos48 ,0a and ( )00, cos12a is ,d

then 2 2d a− =



2 5 1

4a −

2) 2 5 1

4a +

3) 2 5 1

8a −

4) 2 5 1

8a +

53. The three points ( ) ( )2, 4 , 4, 2− − and ( )7,1

1) are collinear

2) form an equilateral triangle

3) form a right angled triangle

4) form an isosceles triangle

54. If ( ) ( ) ( )5,3 , 11, 5 , 12,A B P= = − = and 090 ,APB = then =

1) 2 or 3 2) 3 or 4 3) 2 or –4 4) 3 or – 2

55. The midpoint of a line segment is ( )4, 2− − . If ( )6,4− is one end, then

the other end of line segment is

1) ( )2,8 2) ( )2,8− 3) ( )2, 8− 4) ( )2, 8− −

56. The fourth vertex of the rectangle whose other vertices are

( ) ( ) ( )4,1 , 7,4 , 13, 2− taken in order is

1) ( )10, 5− 2) ( )10,5 3) ( )10,5− 3) ( )10, 5− −


Narayana CO Schools


57. ( ) ( ) ( )2,2 , 6,3 , 4,1A B C= = = are the vertices of triangle. If D,E are the

mid points of BC,CA respectively, then DE =

1) 17 2) 1


3) 2 17 4) 3 17

58. Area of the regular hexagon whose diagonal is the join of ( )2, 4 and

( )6,7 is

1) 75 3

8 2)

75 3

16 3)

25 3

16 4)

6 3


59. If the area of the triangle formed by the points ( ) ( ) ( )1,2 , 2,3 , ,4x is 40

sq.units, then x is

1) 1

, 22

2) 2


3) 77,83− 4) 1

, 12−

60. The area of a quadrilateral formed by the points ( ) ( ) ( )1,2 , 2, 3 , 2,4− −

and ( )0,5 is (in sq.units)

1) 10 2) 15 3) 18 4) 20

61. Two vertices of a triangle are ( )1,4− and ( )5, 2 . If its centroid is

( )0, 3− , then its third vertex is

1) ( )4,15 2) ( )4,15− 3) ( )4, 15− 4) ( )4, 15− −

62. In ( ), 5,6ABC A and its centroid is ( )2,3 , then mid point of the side

BC is

1) 1 3

,2 2

2) 3 3

,2 4

3) 3 1

,2 2

4) 3 1

,4 2

63. If the mid points of the sides BC, CA, AB of a triangle ABC are

( ) ( ) ( )1,3 , 2,4 , 2, 5− − − respectively then the length of the median

through vertex A is

1) 5 5 2) 53 3) 338 4) 5 2

SZ3 _JEE-MAIN_WTM-08_QP_Dt.26-07-2020

Narayana CO Schools


64. If the vertices of a triangle are ( ) ( ) ( )0,0 , 3,3 , 3,3− then the incentre


1) ( )0, 2 2) ( )2,0 3) ( )1,1 4) ( )1,2

65. The orthocentre of the triangle whose vertices are 1 1 1

2, , ,2 2 2

− −

and 3 1



1) 1 1

,2 2


1, 2


3) 1



3 12,


66. The circumcentre of the triangle formed by the points

( ) ( ) ( )2, 5 , 2,7 , 4,7− is

1) ( )3,1 2) ( )2, 9− 3) ( )4, 1− 4) 3 5

.2 2

67. If the mid points of the sides of a triangle are 1 1

,0 , 0,2 2

and 1 1

,2 2

, then its circum centre is

1) ( )1,1 2) 1


3) 1


4) 1 1

,2 2

68. The vertices of a triangle are ( ) ( )6,6 , 0,6 and ( )6,0 . The distance

between its circumcentre and centroid is

1) 2 2 2) 2 3) 2 4) 1

69. If A and B are ( )2, 2− − and ( )2, 4− respectively, then the coordinates

of P such that 3

7AP AB= and P lies on the line AB is

1) 2 20

,7 7

− −

2) 2 20

,7 7


2 20,

7 7

4) 2 20

,7 7

− −

70. If ( ) ( ) ( )21, , 2, , , 3a b c − are vertices of a triangle then the condition for

its centroid to lie on x-axis is

1) 3 2 1a b+ = 2) 3a b+ =

3) 3ab = 4) 2 3 7a b+ =


Narayana CO Schools



(Numerical Value Answer Type)

This section contains 5 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical

values comprising of positive or negative decimal numbers (place value

ranging from Thousands Place to Hundredths Place). Eg: 1234.56, 123.45, -123.45, -1234.56, -0.12, 0.12 etc. Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 in all other cases.

71. If the mid points of the sides AB and AC of a triangle ABC are

( ) ( )3,5 , 3, 3− − , then the length of the side BC is

72. If the sides if ABC are 5,7,8 units, then 2 2 2AG BG CG+ + is equal

to (G = Centriod)

73. If the centroid and two vertices of a triangle are ( ) ( ) ( )4, 8 , 9,7 , 1,4− −

respectively. Then the area of the triangle ( in sq.units) is

74. If ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1,2 , 4,6 , 5,7 , ,P Q R S a b are vertices of a parallelogram PQRS,

then 7 2a b+ is equal to

75. The area of the pentagon where vertices are ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )4,1 , 3,6 , 5,1 , 3, 3− − −

and ( )3,0− is (in sq.units)

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