CITY COUNCIL › agendas › City_Council › 2012 › 09_04_2012 › 2012_0… · Regional Councillor Amy England City Councillor Bruce Wood Regional Councillor

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    50 Centre Street South, Oshawa 6:30 p.m.


    Notice to Correspondents

    The personal information contained in your correspondence to Oshawa City Council or its committees is collected under the Municipal Act, 2001. Any personal information you choose to disclose in your correspondence will be used to receive your views on the relevant issue(s) to enable the City to make its decision on the matter. This information will become part of the public record.

    The City of Oshawa is committed to providing services as set out in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. If you have accessibility needs and require alternate formats or other accommodations please contact Kim Bressan. Please provide a minimum of one business day notice in advance of the meeting if accommodation is required.

    Questions regarding City Council meetings may be directed to Kim Bressan, Council Meeting Co-ordinator, at 905-436-3311, ext. 2433 or by email to



    The Council of the City of Oshawa is made up of eleven members - one Mayor, seven Regional Councillors and three City Councillors.

    MEMBERS OF COUNCIL The members of the Council of the City of Oshawa are: Mayor John Henry Regional Councillor John Neal Regional Councillor John Aker Regional Councillor Nester Pidwerbecki Regional Councillor Bob Chapman City Councillor Roger Bouma Regional Councillor Nancy Diamond City Councillor Doug Sanders Regional Councillor Amy England City Councillor Bruce Wood Regional Councillor Tito-Dante Marimpietri

    CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS City Council meetings are held on the following Mondays commencing at 6:30 p.m. and the public is welcome to attend: January 9 and 30, February 21 (Tuesday), March 19, April 10 (Tuesday) and 30, May 22 (Tuesday), June 11 and 25, September 4 (Tuesday) and 24, October 15, November 5 and 26 and December 17, 2012. City Council will take a 15 minute break at 8:30 p.m. during every regular City Council meeting, or at the next opportunity after 8:30 p.m. upon the completion of the item being discussed.

    There are four Standing Committees of Council: Development Services Committee, Corporate Services Committee, Community Services Committee and the Strategic Initiatives Committee. A calendar of all Standing Committee meeting dates is available on the City of Oshawa website at

    For inquiries about this agenda please contact Kim Bressan, Council Meeting Co-ordinator, at 905-436-3311 ext. 2433, 905-436-5627 (TTY) or by email at Members of the public may address Council concerning an item on the agenda, provided they have appeared before the appropriate Standing Committee and are in opposition to the Committee’s recommendations, by submitting a written request to the City Clerk before noon on the Thursday preceding the Monday Council meeting. Speakers are generally limited to 5 minutes.

    PLEASE NOTE: • Cellular phones/pagers must be switched to the non-audible function during this


    • The City of Oshawa maintains a scent free policy. Please refrain from wearing/using perfumes, colognes or other scented products at this meeting.

    • Food and drinks are not permitted in the Council Chamber.


    AGENDA SEPTEMBER 4, 2012 Page 100

    There will be no City Council Closed Meeting at 3:30 p.m.

    City Council’s Public Meeting is scheduled to begin in the Council Chamber, CivicAdministration Complex, 50 Centre Street South at 6:30 p.m.



    (As may be presented by Council members)


    (As may be presented by Council members)






    Delegation Requests (requires 2/3 vote)



    1. Brian Nicholson requesting City Council consider coordinating its response to the Oshawa Port Authority announcement to build an ethanol refinery at Oshawa Harbour with Friends of Second Marsh and the Canadian Environmental Law Association, and staff and City resources be made available to them to support their legal action; and, funds be set aside to assist citizen groups to oppose the development of an ethanol refinery Oshawa Harbour; and, an information package be prepared for the public.

  • City Council Agenda - 101 - September 4, 2012


    (As may be presented at the meeting.)


    That all items listed under the heading of Public Consent Agenda for the September 4, 2012 Council meeting be adopted as recommended.


    That the minutes of the June 25, July 12 and 23, and August 23, 2012 City Council meetings be adopted.


    Correspondence – Received and Filed

    That correspondence listed in Appendix A to the Public Agenda for the September 4, 2012 Council meeting be received and filed.


    31. Gertrude Armburst requesting City Council support amendments to simplify the language in the Condominium Act and to ensure only volunteers serve on condominium boards


    That Correspondence Item 31 from Gertrude Armburst requesting City Council support amendments to simplify the language in the Condominium Act and to ensure only volunteers serve on condominium boards, be received and filed.

    32. Eric McLaughlin requesting the R.S. McLaughlin C.V.I 50th Anniversary Pub Night be declared a municipally significant event


    That in response to Correspondence Item 32 from Eric McLaughlin, the R.S. McLaughlin C.V.I. 50th Anniversary Pub Night being held at the Sikorski Polish Veterans Hall on September 28, 2012 be declared a municipally significant event and the Alcohol and Gaming Commission be so advised.

  • City Council Agenda - 102 - September 4, 2012

    33. Rosemary McConkey forwarding a Notice of Appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board concerning Oshawa City Council’s passing of By-law 82-2012 to adopt Amendment 157 to the City of Oshawa Official Plan


    That the Notice of Appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board from Rosemary McConkey concerning Oshawa City Council’s passing of By-law 82-2012 to adopt Amendment 157 to the City of Oshawa Official Plan to amend the Oshawa Official Plan and the Windfields Part II Plan to effect all the proposed amendments to the lands generally east of Simcoe Street North, north of Britannia Avenue and south of Winchester Road East be forwarded to staff for a report.

    34. Rosemary McConkey forwarding a Notice of Appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board concerning Oshawa City Council’s passing of Zoning By-laws 83-2012 and 84-2012 to amend Zoning By-law 60-94


    That the Notice of Appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board from Rosemary McConkey concerning Oshawa City Council’s passing of By-law 83-2012 to implement the proposed draft plan of subdivision and the proposed revised amendments to the Windfields Part II Plan for lands north of Britannia Avenue, east of Bridle Road and for lands east and west of Simcoe Street North, south of Winchester Road, and for lands east of Simcoe Street North and north of Britannia Avenue; and, By-law 84-2012 to implement zoning amendments for lands east and west of Simcoe Street north, south of Winchester Road and for lands east of Simcoe Street North and north of Britannia Avenue be forwarded to staff for a report.

    Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

    61. Heritage Oshawa


    That the minutes of the Heritage Oshawa meeting of June 28, 2012 be received for information.


    Report of the Development Services Committee


  • City Council Agenda - 103 - September 4, 2012

    Report of the Corporate Services Committee


    Report of the Community Services Committee


    Report of the Strategic Initiatives Committee



    1. Bob Duigan, City Manager submitting Report CM-12-38 concerning Access to Information Act (Canada) and Oshawa Port Authority


    1. That the Governor in Council be requested to amend forthwith Schedule I to the Access to Information Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. A-1 by adding Oshawa Port Authority as a government institution to which that Act’s right of access to information in records applies; and

    2. That the Mayor be authorized to communicate with the Minister of Justice, the Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet and any others that the Mayor, in consultation with the City Manager and the City Solicitor, considers appropriate respecting Council’s request.


    “That the City of Oshawa proclaim:

    September 10 to 16, 2012 as ‘Think Pink Week’ and the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation flag be flown at City Hall on September 10, 2012;

    September 18, 2012 as ‘Durham College Day’;

    September 25, 2012 as ‘Franco-Ontarian Day’ and the Franco-Ontarian flag be flown at City Hall on that day;

    September 28, 2012 as ‘Wear Your Jersey to Work Day’;

    September 29, 2012 as ‘Sports Day’;

  • City Council Agenda - 104 - September 4, 2012

    October 2012 as ‘Lupus Awareness Month’;

    October 2012 as ‘Women’s History Month’ and October 10, 2012 as ‘Day of the Girl’;

    October 2012 as ‘International Walk to School Month’ and October 10, 2012 as ‘International Walk to School Day’;

    October 14 to 20, 2012 as ‘Spiritual & Religious Care Awareness Week’;

    October 14 to 20, 2012 as ‘Local Government Week’;

    November 20, 2012 as ‘Trans Day of Remembrance’ and the PFLAG flag be

    flown at City Hall on that day;

    March 2013 as ‘Epilepsy Awareness Month’ and March 26, 2013 as ‘Purple Day for Epilespy’; and,

    April 10, 2013 as ‘Day of Pink’ in Oshawa.






    1. The motion concerning an Auditor General’s report on the energy retrofit of City facilities. (December 15, 2008) and (June 7, 2010 - to the next term of City Council)

    2. Report CM-11-52 concerning Major Capital Projects/Initiatives tabled until all the Strategic Financial Planning has taken place. (November 1, 2011)

    3. Report CM-11-53 concerning Debt Overview and Capital Funding Requirements tabled in order that staff prepare a detailed report as directed. (November 1, 2011)

  • City Council Agenda - 105 - September 4, 2012

    4. Report CM-11-54 concerning Overview of Reserve Funds tabled until all the Strategic Financial Planning has taken place. (November 1, 2011)

    5. Report CM-11-56 concerning amendments to the General Fees and Charges By-law, Section 5.9 related to Development Services Fees. (December 7, 2011)

    6. Additional Correspondence Item 3 concerning the 2015 Pan/Parapan American Games tabled until accurate cost estimates and ancillary responsibilities, including legal implications, are available. (February 21, 2012)

    7. The amendment related to Part 1(b) of Report CM-12-36 concerning the Oshawa Port Authority providing a fair market value lease to FarmTech to develop an ethanol refinery at Oshawa Harbour. (August 23, 2012)


    (As may be presented by Council members)


    A by-law to confirm the City Council meeting of September 4, 2012.


  • Page 106


    September 4, 2012

    For your information, the following correspondence received by the City Clerkwill be filed following City Council’s meeting of September 4, 2012:

    1. Regional Municipality of Durham, N. Chornobay, Director, Strategic Planning forwarding Regional Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development Report 2012-P-48 providing an overview of the 2011 Census of Population age and gender data for Canada, Ontario, the Greater Toronto Area and Durham Region, and summarizing the key demographic indicators published in the Census release and highlighting changes in the characteristics of Durham Region.

    2. Regional Municipality of Durham, P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk forwarding Regional Council’s resolution to the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities endorsing the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) campaign to develop a new long-term plan for municipal infrastructure funding in consultation with municipal and provincial/territorial governments and urging the Minister to work with FCM to ensure the new plan meets the core infrastructure needs of communities and is in place when existing programs expire in 2014.

    3. Regional Municipality of Durham, P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk forwarding Regional Council’s resolution to the Ministry of Natural Resources, and a copy of Report 2012-P-47 from the Regional Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development Services concerning the passage of new Regional Tree By-law 312012 updating the terminology and definitions, procedures and enforcement of the previous Regional Tree By-law passed in 2008.

    4. Regional Municipality of Durham, P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk forwarding Regional Council’s resolution to the Honourable Stephen Harper and the Honourable Dalton McGuinty requesting the provincial and federal governments ensure siginificant product is allocated to the Oshawa plant by General Motors to maintain or increase current employment levels.

    5. CTC Source Protection Committee, Susan Self, Chair thanking the City of Oshawa for submitting its comments on the CTC Draft Proposed Source Protection Plan within the deadline and advising that a summary of the comments received and how they have been addressed during this round of public consultation will be included in the updated explanatory document which will be included in the submission of the plan to the Minister of Environment. The proposed Source Protection Plan will be published online at

    6. Township of Scugog, Kim Coates, Clerk forwarding Scugog Council’s resolution to the Region of Durham advising they do not consent to Regional By-law 19-2012 providing for direct election of the Regional Chair.

  • Appendix A continued September 4, 2012 File A-2120 Page 107

    7. Township of Scugog, Kim Coates, Clerk forwarding Scugog Council’s resolution to John O’Toole, MPP in support of the City of Oshawa’s resolution requesting area municipalities work together with the Canadian Auto Workers to lobby for the support of the provincial and federal governments to ensure sufficient product is allocated to the Oshawa plant by General Motors to maintain or increase current employment levels.

    8. Central Lake Ontario Conservation, Heather Brooks, Director, Watershed Planning and Natural Heritage forwarding the 2011 Annual Monitoring Reports documenting the findings from the field work and data collection conducted during the 2011 field season. The Aquatic Monitoring Report, Terrestrial Monitoring Report and the Wildlife Monitoring Report are available for download at

    9. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, J.R. Powell, Chief Administrative Officer forwarding a copy of Central Lake Ontario Conservation’s 2011 Year in Review publication, providing an overview of the many highlights and accomplishments of 2011. A copy is available at

    10. Town of Ajax, Nicole Wellsbury, Manager, Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk forwarding Ajax Council’s resolution in support of the resolutions endorsed by the Region of Durham and the City of Oshawa requesting area municipalities work together with the Canadian Auto Workers to lobby for the support of the provincial and federal governments to ensure sufficient product is allocated to the Oshawa plant by General Motors to maintain or increase current employment levels.

    11. The Premier of Ontario, Dalton McGuinty acknowledging Oshawa Council’s resolution of June 11, 2012 requesting provincial support to ensure sufficient product is allocated to the Oshawa plant by General Motors to maintain or increase current employment levels, and advising the resolution has been forwarded to the Honourable Brad Duguid, Minister of Economic Development and Innovation for consideration.

    12. Municipality of Clarington, Anne Greentree, Deputy Clerk forwarding Clarington Council’s resolution in support of Oshawa Council’s resolution requesting area municipalities work together with the Canadian Auto Workers to lobby for the support of the provincial and federal governments to ensure sufficient product is allocated to the Oshawa plant by General Motors to maintain or increase current employment levels.

    13. City of Pickering, Debbie Shields, City Clerk advising that Pickering Council endorsed Oshawa Council’s resolution requesting area municipalities work together with the Canadian Auto Workers to lobby for the support of the provincial and federal governments to ensure sufficient product is allocated to the Oshawa plant by General Motors to maintain or increase current employment levels.

  • Appendix A continued September 4, 2012 File A-2120 Page 108

    14. Township of Uxbridge, Debbie Leroux, Director of Legislative Services/Clerk forwarding Uxbridge Council’s resolution to the Region of Durham advising they consent to Regional By-law 19-2012 providing for direct election of the Regional Chair.

    15. The Refuge Youth Outreach Centre, Genevieve Brydson, Race Director, Durham ½ Marathon thanking the City of Oshawa for its support and advising the race raised over $20,000 for The Centre.

    16. Ontario Human Rights Commission, Barbara Hall, Chief Commissioner thanking Oshawa Council for issuing a proclamation to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Ontario’s Human Rights Code on June 15, 2012.

    17. David Marven advising he can no longer participate on Oshawa’s Selection Committee for the annual Exceptional Student Award and thanking Oshawa Council for the opportunity in past years.

    18. Town of Penetanguishene, Angèle Proulx, Clerks Department forwarding Penetanguishene Council’s resolution supporting Norfolk County’s resolution requesting inclusion in all present and future deliberations between the Ontario government and the Ontario Provincial Police pertaining to the cost of policing, and to the process of determining local police service levels and delivery methods.

    19. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA), J.R. Powell, Chief Administrative Officer advising Oshawa Council’s resolution requesting CLOCA advise of any regulatory actions it can and will take in respect to the development of an ethanol refinery on Gifford Hill at Oshawa Harbour and requesting any and all approvals required from CLOCA for said refinery, will be considered at the CLOCA Board meeting on September 25, 2012.

    20. Durham Nuclear Awareness, Janet McNeill submitting their comments to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) with respect to the Draft Screening Report: ‘Consideration of Emergency Planning in the Darlington Refurbishment and Continued Operation Project’ and requesting CNSC recommend to the Minister of the Environment that the Environmental Assessment be elevated to a Panel Review under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act.

    21. Rosemary McConkey expressing she is disturbed that in July 2010 at the Harbour Settlement Agreement public meeting at the Jubilee Pavilion a hand-out was provided advising there was no mention of an ethanol plant in any part of the agreements, FarmTech’s application to the Ministry of the Environment was withdrawn, and following the creation of a Canadian Port Authority any proposed new industrial development would be subject to an open and transparent public process.


  • Page I of 1

    Additional Correspondence

    Jennifer Allan Item 1

    From: Beppy Sluymers ; S. 14(1 ), Municipal Free?om Sent: Friday, August 3 1 of Information and Protecfton

    To: clerks ofPrivacy Act

    Cc: John Aker; r

    Subject: URGENT request to appear at Council on Tuesday September 4th, 2012

    To Whom It May Concern

    We (Beppy Sluymers, Daurene Dembowski, Alice McRae) have just spoken to Councilor John Aker who

    advised us to request to appear at Council on Tuesday September 4th at 6:30pm to discuss an issue of utmost importance affecting all homeowners in our area (G ie nbourne Drive, Macinally Court and Benson Avenue). The issue is a development of 2 eight-storey rental apa rtment buildings consisting of 144-2 bedroom units. Please reply that you have received this request and notify us about the time we are to appear.

    Yours Truly,

    Subdivision Homeowners.


  • Page 1 of 1 Additional


    Item 2 Jennifer Allan

    From: Bob Chapman

    Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2012 9:56AM

    To: ''

    Cc: Sandra Krane; Tom Hodgins; Bob Duignan

    Subject: Fw: Request to speak at Council on Tuesday September 4th, 2012

    FYI S. 14( 1 ) , Municipal Freedom S. 14(1), Municipal FreedomofInformation and Protection ?formation and Protection

    From : of Privacy Act 'rivacy Act ] Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2012 o~:u~ AM To: John Aker; Nancy Diamon.d; Roger Bouma; Tito-Dante Marimpietri; Mark Sheriff; Bob Chapman; Amy England; Nester Pidwerbecki; Doug Sanders; Meril Walsh; John Neal; Bruce Wood; John Henry Cc: · . . . Subject : Request to speak at Council on Tuesday September 4th, 2012

    As you may or may not be awa re; a plan has been presented for the development of the property at the north-west corner of Glenbourne D,rive and Benso n Avenue (behind t he Cinep lex theatre in north-east Oshawa) . The plans include 2 eight storey rental apartment buildings consisting of 144 2-bedr oom units. The main access driveway into the property w ill be opposite #1156 and #1160 Glenbourne Drive.

    This development ra ises some serious concerns for our small neighborhood. Firstly, th is will have an impact on our property values. Second ly, eight storeys wil l be an anoma ly and will not fit in with t he landscape of the neighborhood. Thi rd ly, traffic will be an issue along Glenbourne as the only entrance to t he comp lex will be opposite the homes at 1156 and 1160 Glenbourne. Traffic and street parking from the Cinep lex theatre and soccer field in Glenbourne Park are already problemat ic .

    Cou ncillor John Aker is well aware of our concerns and wil l put forth a motion at Tuesday's Council meeting to allow us to be heard . A small group of residents have been canvassing our neighbor hood and adjacent neighborhoods to inform them of the development pr oject and garnering support for solidarity against th is development. It ha s also come to light that this same deve loper (Valient) t en year s ago attempted t his exact same proj ect on this same piece of property and wer e defeated by residents .

    We request that you support Mr. Aker's motion to allow our voice to be heard.

    Yours Truly, Neighborhood Residents


  • Page 1 of 1 Additional


    Item 3 Sandra Krane

    From : Kim Bressan

    Sent: T uesday, September 04, 2012 3:56PM

    To: Sandra Krane

    Subject: FW: Report CM-12-38 and Appendix A #21 Council Sept 4, 2012 meeting

    S. 14(1), Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection

    From: R McConkey [mailto~ of Privacy Act Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2012 3:55 PM To: Kim Bressan Subject: Report CM-12-38 and Append ix A #21 Council Sept 4, 2012 meeti ng

    T h is i s my delegation r eq uest to speak at Council Sept 4, 2012 to City Manager's Report CM -12

    38 on t h e Agenda and my correspondence t o Council Agenda Appen dix A Item no . 21

    Thank you.

    Rosema ry M cConkey


    CITY COUNCIL MEETINGTUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2012COUNCIL CHAMBER6:30 p.m.Notice to CorrespondentsThe personal information contained in your correspondence to Oshawa City Council or its committees is collected under the Municipal Act, 2001. Any personal information you choose to disclose in your correspondence will be used to receive your views o...The City of Oshawa is committed to providing services as set out in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. If you have accessibility needs and require alternate formats or other accommodations please contact Kim Bressan. Please...AGENDA

    COUNCIL COMPOSITION33. Rosemary McConkey forwarding a Notice of Appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board concerning Oshawa City Council’s passing of By-law 82-2012 to adopt Amendment 157 to the City of Oshawa Official Plan34. Rosemary McConkey forwarding a Notice of Appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board concerning Oshawa City Council’s passing of Zoning By-laws 83-2012 and 84-2012 to amend Zoning By-law 60-94STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTSReport of the Development Services CommitteeReport of the Corporate Services CommitteeReport of the Community Services CommitteeReport of the Strategic Initiatives CommitteeADJOURN

    1. Regional Municipality of Durham, N. Chornobay, Director, Strategic Planning forwarding Regional Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development Report 2012-P-48 providing an overview of the 2011 Census of Population age and gender data for Canada...2. Regional Municipality of Durham, P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk forwarding Regional Council’s resolution to the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities endorsing the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) campaign to develop a new l...3. Regional Municipality of Durham, P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk forwarding Regional Council’s resolution to the Ministry of Natural Resources, and a copy of Report 2012-P-47 from the Regional Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development Services ...4. Regional Municipality of Durham, P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk forwarding Regional Council’s resolution to the Honourable Stephen Harper and the Honourable Dalton McGuinty requesting the provincial and federal governments ensure siginificant product ...5. CTC Source Protection Committee, Susan Self, Chair thanking the City of Oshawa for submitting its comments on the CTC Draft Proposed Source Protection Plan within the deadline and advising that a summary of the comments received and how they have b...6. Township of Scugog, Kim Coates, Clerk forwarding Scugog Council’s resolution to the Region of Durham advising they do not consent to Regional By-law 19-2012 providing for direct election of the Regional Chair.7. Township of Scugog, Kim Coates, Clerk forwarding Scugog Council’s resolution to John O’Toole, MPP in support of the City of Oshawa’s resolution requesting area municipalities work together with the Canadian Auto Workers to lobby for the support of...8. Central Lake Ontario Conservation, Heather Brooks, Director, Watershed Planning and Natural Heritage forwarding the 2011 Annual Monitoring Reports documenting the findings from the field work and data collection conducted during the 2011 field seas...9. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, J.R. Powell, Chief Administrative Officer forwarding a copy of Central Lake Ontario Conservation’s 2011 Year in Review publication, providing an overview of the many highlights and accomplishments of 201...10. Town of Ajax, Nicole Wellsbury, Manager, Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk forwarding Ajax Council’s resolution in support of the resolutions endorsed by the Region of Durham and the City of Oshawa requesting area municipalities work together with...11. The Premier of Ontario, Dalton McGuinty acknowledging Oshawa Council’s resolution of June 11, 2012 requesting provincial support to ensure sufficient product is allocated to the Oshawa plant by General Motors to maintain or increase current emplo...12. Municipality of Clarington, Anne Greentree, Deputy Clerk forwarding Clarington Council’s resolution in support of Oshawa Council’s resolution requesting area municipalities work together with the Canadian Auto Workers to lobby for the support of t...13. City of Pickering, Debbie Shields, City Clerk advising that Pickering Council endorsed Oshawa Council’s resolution requesting area municipalities work together with the Canadian Auto Workers to lobby for the support of the provincial and federal g...14. Township of Uxbridge, Debbie Leroux, Director of Legislative Services/Clerk forwarding Uxbridge Council’s resolution to the Region of Durham advising they consent to Regional By-law 19-2012 providing for direct election of the Regional Chair.15. The Refuge Youth Outreach Centre, Genevieve Brydson, Race Director, Durham ½ Marathon thanking the City of Oshawa for its support and advising the race raised over $20,000 for The Centre.16. Ontario Human Rights Commission, Barbara Hall, Chief Commissioner thanking Oshawa Council for issuing a proclamation to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Ontario’s Human Rights Code on June 15, 2012.17. David Marven advising he can no longer participate on Oshawa’s Selection Committee for the annual Exceptional Student Award and thanking Oshawa Council for the opportunity in past years.18. Town of Penetanguishene, Angèle Proulx, Clerks Department forwarding Penetanguishene Council’s resolution supporting Norfolk County’s resolution requesting inclusion in all present and future deliberations between the Ontario government and the On...19. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA), J.R. Powell, Chief Administrative Officer advising Oshawa Council’s resolution requesting CLOCA advise of any regulatory actions it can and will take in respect to the development of an ethanol ...20. Durham Nuclear Awareness, Janet McNeill submitting their comments to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) with respect to the Draft Screening Report: ‘Consideration of Emergency Planning in the Darlington Refurbishment and Continued Opera...21. Rosemary McConkey expressing she is disturbed that in July 2010 at the Harbour Settlement Agreement public meeting at the Jubilee Pavilion a hand-out was provided advising there was no mention of an ethanol plant in any part of the agreements, Far...

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