Cinder Ella Fairy Tale

Post on 06-Apr-2018






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  • 8/3/2019 Cinder Ella Fairy Tale


    Transcript :Il tait une fois un gentil monsieur qui avait une charmante fille, douce,belle, et trs obissante. Malheureusement, sa femme, la mre de sa

    petite fille, tait morte, et il avait donc dcid de se remarier. Il choisit unefemme trs jolie, veuve, qui avait dj deux filles. Comme cela, ma filleaura une nouvelle maman, et deux surs en plus ! pensait-il .

    Il se remaria donc, mais mourut la mme anne,

    laissant sa jeune fille la garde de sa belle-mre. Mais cette femme tait

    trs mchante avec elle. La pauvre enfant devait faire toutes les corvesde la maison ; c'tait elle qui faisait les courses, qui allait au march lematin et devait ramener toutes les provisions la maison toute seule. Etpuis elle faisait la cuisine, faisait la vaisselle, rangeait toute la maison,nettoyait tout le linge de ses surs et de sa belle-mre... elle s'occupaitaussi de tous les animaux de la maison ; donnait a manger aux poules, auchien, aux chats et au cheval.

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    Sa belle-mre lui avait mme pris sa chambre et y avait install une de

    ses filles, et notre hrone dormait maintenant au grenier, sur un mauvaislit de paille. Sa belle-mre lui avait retir ses jolis vtements, lui avaitdonn porter des habits de servante, et comme elle se tenait toujoursprs de la chemine de la cuisine et que ses habits taient salis decendre, ses chipies de surs la surnommaient Cendrillon. Et pourtant,malgr tout cela, Cendrillon restait toujours gentille et aimable, douce et

    jolie, et faisait tout son travail sans se plaindre, de bon cur.

    Un jour, le roi annona qu'il voulait marier son fils, le prince, et qu'ilorganisait un grand bal et invitait toutes les jeunes filles en age d'tremari. La nouvelle provoqua une grande excitation dans la maison deCendrillon : Cendrillon ! Apporte moi ma nouvelle robe ! Cendrillon !Va me chercher mes plus beaux bijoux ! Cendrillon ! Aide-moi avecmon corset ! Cendrillon ! viens me coiffer ! . Allez Cendrillon, disaitsa belle mre, il faut que mes filles soient les plus belles de la rgion .

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    Et Cendrillon, gentiment, aidait ses surs du mieux qu'elle pouvait. Une

    de ses surs, la plus mchante, lui dit Et toi Cendrillon ? N'as-tu pasenvie d'aller au bal ? Le visage de Cendrillon s'illumina d'espoir : Moi ?

    Au bal ? mais... oui, bien sur, a serait fantastique ! En l'entendant, sessurs et sa mre clatrent de rire ; Toi ? au bal du prince ! Maisvoyons Cendrillon, tu serais ridicule ! Regarde-toi ! Tu es sale, et si malhabille ! Mais la pauvre Cendrillon voulait tellement aller au bal, elle dit Mre, je vous en prie, laissez moi aller au bal . Toujours en semoquant, sa belle-mre lui rpondit ; Si tu as fini toutes tes corves ce

    soir, peut tre . Alors, toute la journe, Cendrillon travailla trs bien ettrs vite ; elle finit tout ce qu'elle devait faire dans la maison, plus tout ceque ses surs lui avait ordonn de faire pour le bal, elle lava sa plus jolierobe et la dcora de rubans roses et de petites fleurs du jardin, frotta bienses mains et son visage, et se fit une simple mais jolie queue de cheval.

    Lorsque l'heure de partir au bal arriva, ses surs et sa mre seprparaient monter dans leur carrosse, Cendrillon descendit en courantde sa chambre au grenier ; Attendez-moi ! Attendez-moi ! . Elle arriva

    devant sa belle-mre ; mme avec sa coiffure simple et ses habits depaysanne, elle tait naturellement belle, et bien plus jolie que ses sursavec tous leurs habits extravagants et leurs visages poudrs. Sa bellemre devint furieuse ; elle s'approcha de Cendrillon et crack !! Dchira sarobe. Ma pauvre enfant, dit-elle, ta robe tait si mal faite ; j'ai vouluremettre un ruban sa place et voici que toute ta robe est dchire... Tu

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    ne peux pas aller au bal comme a. Va donc te coucher, nous te verronsdemain. La pauvre Cendrillon monta dans sa chambre en pleurant. Bouhouhou.... C'est vraiment trop injuste. Je fais tout ce que je peux pour ma mre et mes surs, c'est moi qui fait tout dans la maison, et elles sontsi mchantes avec moi ! Je voulais tellement aller au bal... bouhouhou...

    Tout d'un coup, elle sentit une douce main sur son paule, et elle entenditune gentille voix lui dire : Ne pleure pas mon enfant . Quand Cendrillonreleva les yeux, elle vit une belle dame, debout, ct d'elle. - Mais quites-vous ? dit Cendrillon, en schant ses larmes. - Je suis la bonnefe, ta marraine . J'ai vu tout ce qui s'est pass, et je vais t'aider. Tu veuxaller au bal du prince ? - Oh oui, dit Cendrillon, plus que tout au monde. - Alors, il te faut un carrosse, dit la fe. Va me chercher une grossecitrouille dans le jardin. Sans comprendre pourquoi, Cendrillon obit.Elle posa la citrouille devant la fe qui d'un seul coup de baguettemagique, la transforma dans le plus jolie carrosse que l'on puisseimaginer. Puis elle dit Cendrillon ; Va me chercher quelques souris .Cendrillon revint bien vite avec 6 petites souris grises. Une fois de plus, lafe fit

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    tourner sa baguette, et transforma les souris en 6 magnifiques chevauxgris. Puis, en voyant le gros cheval de la maison, la fe dit ; Tu feras uncocher parfait et pouf ! Elle le transforma et le cheval se retrouva assisen haut du carrosse, dans un superbe habit d'argent. Ma douce, dit lafe, souviens toi bien d'une chose ; tu as jusqu' minuit, et minuitseulement, pour profiter de ma magie. Au dernier coup de minuit, lecarrosse redeviendra citrouille, les chevaux souris, et le cocher cheval. Tuas bien compris ?

    Oui, Marraine, dit Cendrillon. Merci, merci ! Alors, va vite mon enfant! dit la fe. Euh... Marraine ? dit Cendrillon en montrant sa robe deservante. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ? dit la fe. Ah !!!! mais oui, bien sur, ouai-je la tte ! Et la fe agita une dernire fois sa baguette magique audessus de la tte de Cendrillon, qui fut enveloppe dans un nuagetourbillonnant . Sa robe se changea en la plus jolie robe du monde ;couleur de l'arc en ciel, couverte de diamant et de pierres prcieuses. Sescheveux se coiffrent en un magnifique chignon, et ses piedsminuscules, deux charmants souliers de verre, les plus dlicats etconfortables qu'il soit, apparurent. Oh ! Madame... merci, merci ! ditencore Cendrillon, qui n'avait jamais rien vu de plus beau. Garde tes

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    sourires pour le prince dit la fe, amuse toi bien et surtout, n'oubliepas, rentre avant minuit ! Et paf... la fe dispart dans un nuaged'toiles. Cendrillon sauta dans son carrosse, et arriva au chteau, et dsqu'il la vit, le prince en tomba amoureux. Il l'invita danser ; elle

    tait tellement belle et gracieuse que tout le monde s'arrtait pour lesregarder. Puis il l'invita dner ; ses manires taient lgantes, et elleinsista pour partager avec tout le monde les friandises que le prince luiproposait. Puis, ils allrent se promener dans le jardin ; elle taitintelligente et drle, et plus le prince passait de temps avec elle, plus iltait amoureux. Mais tout d'un coup dong.... - Mon Dieu ! ditCendrillon, est-il dj minuit ? Je dois partir, excusez-moi, au revoir et

    elle se mit courir vers son carrosse. - Mais qu'est-ce qui se passe ? dit le Prince qui ne comprenait pas. O allez vous ? - Au revoir, aurevoir, merci ! dit Cendrillon en courant.

    - Mais, mais... dit le prince, Attendez ! je ne connais mme pas votre

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    nom !! et il se mit courir derrire elle. Elle arriva son carrosse, maisen montant, elle perdit une de ses petites chaussures de verre ; trop tardpour la ramasser, le prince arrivait en courant. Fouette cocher ! criaCendrillon, et ses 6 chevaux s'lancrent dans la nuit, trop vite pour que leprince puisse les retenir. Sur le sol, il remarqua la minuscule chaussure deverre qui brillait dans la nuit. Et il eut une ide. Le lendemain, le roi fitannoncer que toutes les jeunes filles de la rgion devaient essayer cettechaussure. Lorsque le serviteur du roi arriva chez Cendrillon, sa bellemre et ses filles l'attendaient avec impatience ; - Ma chaussure ! ditl'ane, Comme c'est gentil de me l'avoir rapporte... - Mais non ! dit la cadette, c'est ma chaussure, je l'ai perdue au bal hier . Ellestendirent toutes deux leur pied vers le serviteur, qui, un peu agac, leur dit: Du calme mesdemoiselles, chacune son tour ! Il essaya lachaussure l'une, puis l'autre, mais leurs pieds taient si grands et silarges qu'elles pouvaient difficilement faire entrer leurs orteils ! Je suisdsol dit le serviteur qui voulait partir de cette maison au plus vite ! Lesfilles le retenaient par le bras ; - Mais je vous assure que c'est machaussure ! disait l'ane . - Non ! C'est la mienne ! disait la cadette, je ne sais pas pourquoi elle ne me va pas aujourd'hui, mes pieds ont dgonfler pendant la nuit ! - Laissez-moi partir voyons ! disait leserviteur, cette chaussure est beaucoup trop petite pour vous ! Il finitpar se dgager et allait partir lorsque l'on entendit une petite voix venir dufond de la pice : Moi aussi j'aimerais bien essayer la chaussure . Leserviteur se retourna, et vit Cendrillon, qu'il trouva fort jolie malgr seshabits de servante. - Mais, Cendrillon ! Tu es ridicule ! Tu n'es qu'uneservante, tu ne peux pas essayer cette chaussure ! dit sa belle-mre. - Je suis la fille de mon pre, le matre de cette maison dit Cendrillon, etle roi a dit que toutes les jeunes filles devaient essayer la chaussure. - Elle a raison ! dit le serviteur, qui la trouvait de plus en plus ravissante, votre pied je vous prie

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    Cendrillon retira son sabot, et tendit vers le serviteur un ravissant,minuscule petit pied blanc, qui entra sans aucune difficult dans la petitechaussure. - mais, mais.... C'est impossible ! dit sa belle mre. - non,ma mre c'est la vrit dit Cendrillon, et regardez, j'ai l'autre dit-elle

    en sortant la seconde petite chaussure de verre de son tablier. Alorsqu'elle mettait la seconde chaussure, ses vtements et sa coiffure setransformrent magiquement, et Cendrillon retrouva sa splendeur de laveille. En reconnaissant la belle princesse, sa belle mre et ses surs se

    jetrent ses pieds. Pardon, pardon dirent-elle. Et Cendrillon, qui taitaussi bonne que belle, leur dit qu'elle leur pardonnait de bon cur, et quetout ce qu'elle dsirait tait qu'elles soient bonnes amies.

    Le serviteur l'emmena au chteau, et le prince qui tait si content deretrouver sa princesse lui demanda de l'pouser le jour mme. Cendrillonaimait le prince aussi, mais elle prfra attendre un peu plus, pour tresure qu'il serait un bon mari. Elle invita sa belle-mre et ses surs vivreau chteau avec eux, et les prsenta des amis du prince qui voulaientaussi se marier. Finalement, Cendrillon et ses surs se marirent l'tsuivant et toute la rgion fit la fte pendant un mois. Et ils vcurent tous

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    heureux et eurent beaucoup d'enfants.

    This is the written English translation of my version of the tale Once upon a time there was a kind man who had a charming daughter.

    She was sweet, beautiful, and very obedient. Unfortunately, his wife, themother of his daughter died, and he decided to remarry. He chose a verybeautiful woman who had two daughters. "That way, my daughter will havea new mother and two sisters, besides," thought he. So he married againbut died the same year, leaving his daughter in the care of her newmother, who, jealous of her beauty, was very mean to her.

    Poor Cinderella (the name her stepsisters had given her) had to do all thedomestic chores; it was she who did the errands, went to the market everymorning and had to bring back all the provisions to the house herself. Thenshe cooked, did the dishes, straightened up the whole house, and did allthe laundry for her stepsisters and her stepmother. She also fed thechickens, the dog, the cats, and the horse. Cinderella's stepmother put oneof her daughters in Cinderella's room and sent Cinderella up to sleep in theattic on an uncomfortable straw bed. She took away her beautiful clothesand gave her servants' clothes to wear. However, in spite of all that,Cinderella remained nice and likeable, sweet and pretty, and did all her work willingly, without complaining.

    One day, the king announced that he wanted his son the prince to marry,and he was organizing a great ball and inviting all the young women of marriageable age. The news provoked great excitement in Cinderella'shouse. "Cinderella, bring me my new dress! Cinderella, go get my mostbeautiful jewelry! Cinderella, help me with my corset! Cinderella, come anddo my hair!"

    "Come on, Cinderella," said her stepmother, "my girls must be the mostbeautiful in the kingdom." And Cinderella kindly helped her stepsisters asbest she could. The meanest sister said to her, "And you, Cinderella, don'tyou want to go to the ball?" Cinderella's face lit up with hope. "Me, to theball? But.....yes, that would be fantastic!" Hearing that, her stepsisters and

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    her stepmother burst out laughing. "You? At the prince's ball? Really,Cinderella, you would be ridiculous! Look at you! You're dirty and so poorlydressed!" But poor Cinderella wanted so much to go to the ball that shesaid: "Mother, I beg you, let me go to the ball". Still mockingly, her stepmother answered, "If you have finished all your chores this evening,perhaps."

    So, all day long, Cinderella worked well and fast; she finished everythingshe was supposed to do in the house, plus everything her stepsistersordered her to do for the ball. She washed her prettiest dress anddecorated it with pink ribbons and little flowers from the garden, scrubbedher hands and face, and did her hair in a simple but pretty pony tail.

    When it was time to leave for the ball, and her stepsisters and stepmother were getting ready to get into their coach, Cinderella came running downfrom her room in the attic, "Wait for me, wait for me!" She stopped in frontof her stepmother, and even with her simple coiffure and her peasants'clothes, she was naturally beautiful, and more beautiful than her stepsisters with their extravagant outfits and powdered faces. Her stepmother got furious. She approached Cinderella and rip! tore her dress."My poor child", said she, "your dress was so poorly made. I wanted to puta ribbon back in place and here the whole dress ripped. You can't go to theball like that. Go to bed. We'll see you in the morning."

    Poor Cinderella went crying up to her room. "Boo hoo, hoo, it's really toounfair. I do everything I can for my stepmother and my stepsisters. I'm theone who does everything in the house, and they are so mean to me! I sowanted to go to the ball. Boo hoo, hoo."

    All of a sudden, she felt a soft hand on her shoulder, and she heard a kindvoice say to her, "Don't cry, my child." When Cinderella opened her eyes,she saw a beautiful woman standing next to her.

    "But who are you?" asked Cinderella drying her eyes.

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    "I am your good fairy godmother. I saw all that happened, and I'm going tohelp you. Do you want to go to the prince's ball?"

    "Oh, yes," said Cinderella, "more than anything in the world.""Then you'll need a coach," said the fairy godmother. "Go get me a bigpumpkin from the garden."

    Without understanding why, Cinderella obeyed. She put the pumpkin infront of the fairy godmother who, with a single wave of her magic wand,transformed it into the prettiest coach one can imagine. Then she said toCinderella, "Go get me some mice." Cinderella returned with six gray mice.One more time, the fairy godmother waved her magic wand and turned themice into six magnificent gray horses. Then, seeing the big horse at thehouse, the fairy godmother said, "You will make a perfect coachman" andpoof, she transformed him and the (former) horse found himself sitting inthe driver's seat in a superb silver suit.

    "My sweet," said the fairy godmother, "Remember well one thing. Youhave until midnight, and only midnight, to take advantage of my magic. Atthe last stroke of midnight, the coach will turn back into a pumpkin, thehorses back into to mice, and the coachman back into a horse. Do youunderstand?"

    "Yes, fairy godmother," says Cinderella. "Thank you, thank you!"

    "Then go quickly, my child," said the fairy godmother.

    "Oh, fairy godmother," said Cinderella, showing her servant's dress.

    "What is it?" asked the fairy godmother. "Ah!!! But yes, of course, what amI thinking?"

    And the fairy godmother waved the magic wand one last time over Cinderella's head and surrounded it by a turbulent cloud. Her dresschanged into the most beautiful gown in the world, colored like a rainbow,

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    covered with diamonds and precious stones. Her hair was done in amagnificent chignon, and on her tiny feet, two charming glass slippers,most delicate and comfortable, appeared.

    "Oh, fairy godmother, thank you, thank you!" said Cinderella who hadnever seen anything more beautiful.

    "Save your smiles for the prince." said the fairy godmother." Have a goodtime and especially, do not forget to come home before midnight."Poof.....the fairy godmother disappeared in a cloud of stars.

    Cinderella jumped into her coach and arrived at the castle. As soon as hesaw her, the prince fell in love with her. He invited her to dance, and shewas so beautiful and graceful that everyone stopped to look at them. Thenhe invited her to dine with him. Her manners were elegant, and sheinsisted on sharing with everyone the delicacies that the prince offered her.Then they went for a walk in the garden. She was intelligent and funny,and the more time the prince spent with her, the more in love he was.

    But suddenly, "dong..........."

    "Goodness," said Cinderella, "is it already midnight? I must leave...excuseme...good-bye,"and she began to run toward her coach.

    "But what's happening?" wondered the prince who didn't understand."Where are you going?"

    "Good-bye, good-bye. Thank you!" said Cinderella, running.

    "But, but," said the prince, "I don't even know your name!!" And he startedto run after her.

    She arrived at her coach, but in getting into it, she lost one of her little

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    glass slippers. It was too late to pick it up, and the prince got there running."The whip, coachman!" shouted Cinderella, and her six horses dashed off into the night, too quickly for the prince to hold them back. On the groundhe noticed the tiny glass slipper which sparkled in the night, and he had anidea.

    The next day, the king made an announcement that all the young womenof the kingdom were to try on this slipper. When the king's servant came toCinderella's house, her stepmother and stepsisters were waitingimpatiently. "My slipper!" said the elder, "It's so nice of you to have broughtit back..." "But no," said the younger, "it's my slipper that I lost at the balllast night." Both stuck out their feet toward the servant, who, a littleirritated, told them, "Calm down, young ladies, each one of you will haveher turn!" He tried the slipper first on one, then the other, but their feetwere so big and wide that they could only get their toes into them withdifficulty! "I'm sorry," said the servant who wanted to leave that house assoon as possible. The girls held him back. "But I'm sure that it's myslipper," said the elder. "No, it's mine!" said the younger. "I don't know whyit doesn't fit me today. My feet must have swelled during the night!" "Letme go, come now," said the servant, "this slipper is much too small for you!" He finally got away and was about to leave when they heard a smallvoice at the back of the room. "Me, too, I would like to try on the slipper."The servant turned around and saw Cinderella whom he found very prettyin spite of her servant's clothing.

    "But Cinderella! You're ridiculous! You're only a servant. You may not tryon this slipper," said her stepmother.

    "I'm the daughter of my father, the master of this house," said Cinderella,"and the king said that all the young women should try on this slipper."

    "She's right," said the servant who found her more and more delightful."Your foot, I beg you."

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    Cinderella took off her wooden shoe and stretched out toward the servanta beautiful, very small white foot that fit with no difficulty at all into the littleslipper

    "But,'s impossible," said her stepmother.

    "No, mother, it's the truth, and look, I have the other one," said Cinderella,taking the second glass slipper from her apron pocket.

    As soon as she put on the second slipper, her clothes and her coiffurewere magically transformed. She regained her splendor of the previousnight.

    Recognizing the beautiful young woman, her stepmother and stepsistersthrew themselves at her feet. "Excuse us, excuse us," they said. AndCinderella who was as good as she was beautiful, pardoned themwholeheartedly, and that all she wished was that they be good friends.

    The servant took Cinderella to the castle where the prince was so happy tofind his princess that he asked her to marry him that day. Cinderella lovedthe prince, too, but she preferred to wait a little longer in order to be surethat he would be a good husband.

    She invited her stepmother and stepsisters to live in the castle with them,and introduced them to friends of the prince who wanted to get married.Finally, Cinderella and her sisters got married the next summer and thekingdom celebrated for a month. They all lived happily ever after and hadlots of children.

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