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Fairy Circles Truly a Fairy Tale

Jul 07, 2018



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  • 8/18/2019 Fairy Circles Truly a Fairy Tale




     a true fairy tale 

    Danielle Bruckert

  • 8/18/2019 Fairy Circles Truly a Fairy Tale


    Fairy CirclesFor Frost

    Publishers Note:Published by Red Sky Ventures

     Written by Danielle Bruckert © 20! ""#B$#N"

    First %dition &ctober 20!

    More books like this one are available at 

    More information about NaDEET can be found at

    Contact the author at:


    This work is licensed under theCreative Commons


    3.0 License.


    This te#t is $ree $or non-commercial distribution and use.

     An" use must be attributed to the creator% and a link provided to


    No part o$ this te#t ma" be reproduced $or commercial use

     without the e#press permission o$ the creator.

    The book is dedicated to Na&''T% a $oundation

    $or education% research% and preservation o$ the

    Namib &esert. All proceeds $rom sale o$ the hard-cop" 

     book will be donated to Na&''T.

    (ore about Na&''T can be $ound here

    http:www.nadeet.or![email protected]://[email protected]://

  • 8/18/2019 Fairy Circles Truly a Fairy Tale



    # a true fairy tale

    T his book belongs t:


  • 8/18/2019 Fairy Circles Truly a Fairy Tale


    On the South West coast of Africa there is a

    magical place called Namibia.

    My family and I are travelling there for our


    Namibia is like a land that time has forgotten.The land has been untouched for so long many

    people believe it has turned magical.

    !A"# $

  • 8/18/2019 Fairy Circles Truly a Fairy Tale


    %or e&ample the Wel'itschia is like a living fossil (A

    plant that may have been alive for over a $))) years* +et

    only has t'o leaves.

    . ...That,s kind of magical.

    !A"# -

  • 8/18/2019 Fairy Circles Truly a Fairy Tale


    Or the 'onderful colours of the desert 'hich change 'ith

    the changing light of the day.

    Some of the highest dunes in the 'orld are there.

    The desert itself is one of the oldest

    'hich is 'hy it is such a deep red in places.


  • 8/18/2019 Fairy Circles Truly a Fairy Tale


    There are the Tsaris mountains that seem to sho' the

    many layers of the earth,s crust.

    There is a place 'here the S'akop /iver carved

    spectacular moonscapes in the granite rock around 01)

    million years ago.

    !A"# 0

  • 8/18/2019 Fairy Circles Truly a Fairy Tale


    And then there are the FAIRY CIRCLES. 

    They dot the Namib 2esert like a spotted handkerchief.

    !A"# 1

  • 8/18/2019 Fairy Circles Truly a Fairy Tale


    Scientists think these circles may be created by


    ...or perhaps by fungi.

    3a fungi is a little bit like a mushroom or that is to say a

    mushroom is a type of fungi4


    5ut they don,t kno' for sure.

    !A"# 6

  • 8/18/2019 Fairy Circles Truly a Fairy Tale


    I think they are created by fairies.

    After all 'hy else 'ould

    they be called 7%airy 8ircles9:

    !A"# ;

  • 8/18/2019 Fairy Circles Truly a Fairy Tale


    %airy 8ircles only occur

    in the Namib 2esert in the 'est

    of Namibia on

     the edge of the


    'here the

    desert,s rainfall is highest.

    !erhaps this

    is because the

    fairies choose to only

    hold their magical fairy

    conferences in theNamib 2esert since it is

    such a special magical


    Or perhaps it is because there are lots of big open

    spaces 'ith very fe' people or even animals in the

    Namib 2esert.


  • 8/18/2019 Fairy Circles Truly a Fairy Tale


    !A"# =

    2o you think they dance in the day or night9

    I bet they choose to dance on the plains of the desertin the small hours of the morning.

    Or perhaps they dance during the day time 'hen no

    one is looking.

    Wherever and 'henever they dance they leave theperfectly formed fairy circles. Where nothing gro's

    inside only around the edge.

  • 8/18/2019 Fairy Circles Truly a Fairy Tale


    %airy 8ircles come in lots of different si>es. Most are a

    fe' metres 'ide. Some are very big big enough to hold

    a small herd of goats or calves? Others are very small so

    small you can hardly see them.

    %airy 8ircles may be less than $ metre up to as big as )

    metres 'ide*

    !A"# $)

  • 8/18/2019 Fairy Circles Truly a Fairy Tale


    !erhaps the big ones are made by big fairies and the

    small ones are made by small fairies.

    !erhaps the big giant ones like this one are made by a"iant @ueen Mother fairy 'ho is the biggest fairy ofthem all.

    !erhaps she has many minion fairies 'ith her to help

    'ith the dances.

    !A"# $$

  • 8/18/2019 Fairy Circles Truly a Fairy Tale


    The first ever symposium about %airy 8ircles 'as held

    in -)$1. 3A symposium is a big meeting 'here lots of

    e&perts get together4.

    They held it in the Namib 2esert ( of course*

    I bet they had lots of fun and learnt a lot.

    B.5ut.... they all agreed they are still not sure 'hat

    causes %airy 8ircles. 

    !A"# $-

  • 8/18/2019 Fairy Circles Truly a Fairy Tale


    When 'e get to see the Namib 2esert I 'ant to ask

    Mum and 2ad if I can get up really early?

    To see if I can catch a glimpse of the fairies


    !A"# $

  • 8/18/2019 Fairy Circles Truly a Fairy Tale


    What do you think causes %airy 8ircles9

    I still think it is fairies and I really hope I 'ill see someso then I can tell you for sure.

     !A"# $0

  • 8/18/2019 Fairy Circles Truly a Fairy Tale


    With or 'ithout the fairies help

    if 'e all do our part to help look after the environmentthe fairy circles 'ill be around for a long time

    forall of us to enCoy*

    !A"# $1

  • 8/18/2019 Fairy Circles Truly a Fairy Tale



    Danielle Bruckert 



    +hanks to all those (ho ha,e *ade

    their -hotos a,ailable in "reati,e "o**ons.

    +hanks to NaD%%+ for

     their -artnershi- on this -ro/ect.

    +hanks to friends and fa*ily for all the assistance (ith early drafts and

    es-ecially those (ho hel-ed (ith editin) ad,ice.

    +hanks to Vicky and Nils 

    "reati,e "o**ons contributors:

    +horsten Becker Feenkreise  1ans Stie)lit2 . 

    %ditin) "ontributions:

    Brenda Whittaker 'nita Reddin) 3anika 4.

    +hanks to +he Na*ibian for a 5uote fro* their article on Fairy "ircles 

    htt-:66(((.na**.na6inde7.-h-8id9;f you liked this book -lease lea,e a

    re,ie( here:

    ?any *ore books like this are

    a,ailable here:


    Su--ort NaD%%+ here:


    ?ore about fairy circles here:


  • 8/18/2019 Fairy Circles Truly a Fairy Tale


  • 8/18/2019 Fairy Circles Truly a Fairy Tale


     Fairy CirclesFairy "ircles are *ysterious in nature and a--earance. No one kno(s (hat causes

    Fairy "ircles althou)h there has been a lot of research co*-leted on the to-ic byscientists. +he *ost co**on theories are:

    ●sand ter*ites@●al)ae or fun)i beneath

    the surface@●residual -lant to7ins

    Aresidual -oisons re*ainin)

    after the death of certain -lants@●co*-etin) ,e)etation ecosyste*s@●fairies Aor -erha-s dra)ons or

    )ods but *ostly fairies@#.

    Fairy "ircles occur only in the Na*ib Desert. +hey are *ainly found on the eastern

    border (here the rain fall is hi)hest.Fairy "ircles ran)e fro* around *etre

    u- to 0 *etres. Really bi) Fairy "ircles

    are so*eti*es used by local tribes as akraal for li,estock.

     'lbi Bruckner Na*ibRand founder

    co**entsC>* )lad they didnt End the

    cause as it *akes such a )reat story. C>t is )reat that there is so*ethin) out

    there that cant be e7-lained by

    scientists. We need *ysteries in life and

    be able to *ar,el and re,ere Nature in

     (onder and a(eGadds Nils the

    or)aniser of the 20! sy*-osiu*.


     We a)reeG +here are not *any *a)ical

    thin)s left in this (orld this is one of 

    the* it deser,es a story.

  • 8/18/2019 Fairy Circles Truly a Fairy Tale


    +he ofEcial lan)ua)e is %n)lish but there are

    t(el,e different lan)ua)es s-oken in Na*ibia

    includin) nine tribal lan)ua)es. +he Da*ara and

    Na*a lan)ua)es utilise clicks si*ilar to that of the

    3alahari bush*en.

    +here are *any a*ain) natural (onders (ithin

    the country:

    # +he Fish Ri,er "anyon is the lar)est canyon in

     'frica and takes E,e days to (alk throu)h.

    # +he &,ahi*ba tribe in the North des-ite bein)

    one of the (ealthiest tribes in the country still li,e

    the sa*e (ay they ha,e for hundreds of years.

    # +he Wel(itschia -lant is called a li,in) fossil as

    so*e -lants ha,e been ali,e for o,er 000 years.# +he Skeleton "oast is fa*ous for its lar)e nu*ber

    of shi- (recks ,icti*s of the coastal fo) and

    unfor)i,in) (aters of the 'tlantic &cean.

    # +he 5uaint and -ictures5ue coastal to(n of 

    S(ako-*und -ro,ides details of Na*ibias 4er*an

    colonial herita)e and lots of fun for tourists.

    NamibiaNa*ibia lies on 'fricas West "oast.

    >t is bordered on the %ast by the

    3alahari Desert and in the West by the

    Na*ib Desert and the 'tlantic "oastline.

    +he only -er*anent ri,ers in the country for* the Northern and Southern borders.

    >ts nei)hbourin) countries are 'n)ola Bots(ana and South 'frica. +he ti- of the

    "a-ri,i Stri- e7tends to(ards Victoria falls (here four countries Bots(ana

    Ha*bia Hi*bab(e and Na*ibia *eet. Na*ibia is one of the least -o-ulated

    countries in the (orld. 't the ti*e of (ritin) it is second only to ?on)olia. +here are

    a--ro7i*ately 2.2 *illion -eo-le in I2!000 s5uare k*.

  • 8/18/2019 Fairy Circles Truly a Fairy Tale


    +he Na*ib Desert is (here Na*ibia deri,es its na*e fro*. >t stretches the len)th of Na*ibias West coast and includes the infa*ous stretch of coastline kno(n as the

    Skeleton "oast. >t s-reads inland fro* the coast u- to the shar- rise of the

    escar-*ent (ith the +saris and Naukluft *ountains -ro*inent border features.

    +he Na*ib is one of the *ost di,erse deserts in the (orld and *ay be one of the

    oldest. >t has one of the lar)est nu*ber of ende*ic s-ecies of any desert in the

     (orld. With the annual rainfall bet(een 2** and 200** de-endin) on the area it

    is Southern 'fricas only true desert.

     'n increase in eco#touris* has seen *any li,estock far*s in the Na*ib con,erted

    into (ildlife sanctuaries allo(in) the ende*ic s-ecies to thri,e. 'ni*als found in

    the Na*ib include the *a/estic ory7 Aor )a*sbok Na*ibias national ani*al lar)e

    nu*bers of fur seal the endan)ered desert rhino and desert ele-hant and *any


    +he Na*ib hosts so*e of the hi)hest -er*anent dunes in the (orld. Dune J isa--ro7i*ately 2!0ft hi)h. +he stunnin) Sossus,lei Valley -ro,ides o--ortunity to

    cli*b so*e of these dunes (ith Bi) Daddy bein) the *ost -o-ular for ascent and a

     ,ery close second in hei)ht to Dune J at a--ro7i*ately !0ft.


    The Namib Desert

  • 8/18/2019 Fairy Circles Truly a Fairy Tale


    QUESTIONSWhat causes Fairy "ircles8 

     '. fun)i B. ter*ites ". fairies

    D. no one really kno(s

    Where do they occur8

     '. Na*ib Desert B. Sahara Desert

    ". 3alahari Desert D. on *y dessert@

    Where is Na*ibia8

     '. 'frica B. 'sia ". '*erica D. 'tlantis

    What is a Wel(itschia8

     '. -lant B. ani*al ". fossil D. insurance


    1ere are so*e ideas for a -ro/ect about


    . Research one of the to-ics in this book and

    create a story board or article (ith -ictures and

    infor*ation about (hat you ha,e found.

    2. Dra( a -aintin) of one of the -lants or

    areas in this book.

    . '--ly to /oin one of the youn) researchers

    ca*-s in the Na*ib Desert.

     When tra,ellin) to Na*ibia:

    ;. "reate a tra,el /ournal (hen you are ,isitin) the Na*ib Desert includin)

    -ictures and interestin) infor*ation about (here you ha,e been.

    !. "ollect so*e sa*-les of rock sand -lants feathers and other ite*s that can

    be found in the desert Aensure not to disturb the natural habitat.

  • 8/18/2019 Fairy Circles Truly a Fairy Tale


    A!"t a Fairy Circle !# Y!$r O%&'1el- the Na*ib Rand "onser,ation Foundation and fairy circles e,ery(hereG 

    If you love the concept of fairy circles,for a very modest sum of ZAR1000 you

    can adopt your very own Fairy Circle, to help protect thedesert and the fairy circles for future generations to come.

    The NamibRandConservation Foundation(NRCF) is a not-for-profitorganisation. It seeks topromote and assist in anyway with environmenta!onservation" edu!ationand resear!h undertakenon the NamibRand NatureReserve and the south-western Namib region.

    The NamibRand NatureReserve is whereNa#$$T ives.

  • 8/18/2019 Fairy Circles Truly a Fairy Tale


    Ab!$t this (r!)ect 'll -roceeds fro* sale of the book (ill )o directly to NaD%%+ for the beneEt of 

    nature conser,ation and desert research and education in Na*ibia.

    +his book is a,ailable for free for distribution attribution *ust be -ro,ided to

    httpDEE''' and .

     'ny -roceeds fro* this book *ust be donated to NaD%%+. No deri,ati,es.

    Ab!$t NaDEET +he Na*ib Desert %n,iron*ental %ducation +rust ANaD%%+ is a non#-roEt

    Na*ibian trust established in 200. +he NaD%%+ "entre is located 00 k* south of 

    Sesrie*6Sossus,lei on the Na*ibRand Nature Reser,e and the head ofEce is

    located in the coastal city of S(ako-*und. NaD%%+ belie,es en,iron*ental

    education *ust not only increase a(areness and kno(led)e but also eco#friendly

    attitudes and skills in Na*ibias youth and educators to -ro*ote -artici-ation.

    To contact NaDEET write to [email protected]  

    More information about NaDEET is available at:

    Ab!$t the A$th!rDanielle Bruckert

    Danielles heart (as ca-tured by Na*ibia (hen she Erst arri,ed there. Peo-le

    al(ays ask her ho( she could lea,e NH Aa country so*e call 4od Hone ho-efully

    this book (ill hel- e7-lain. She s-ent *any years Kyin) o,er the beautiful Na*ib

    Desert as a charter -ilot and (hen asked about the stran)e dotted landsca-e she

    lo,ed e7-lainin) to -assen)ers CWhy else (ould they ha,e such a na*e theyre*ade by fairies of course

     With a -assion for childrens books and a desire to -ro*ote literacy Danielle

    created the (ebsite Free 3ids Books to share free childrens books and literacy

    *aterial (here *any of her o(n books can be found.

    To contact the author write to [email protected]  

    !r use the contact form at[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://

  • 8/18/2019 Fairy Circles Truly a Fairy Tale


      airy Circles

    "trul! a fair! tale 

    On a visit to the Namib Desert, the mysterious

    phenomenon of Fairy Circles is discovered.

    Are they really caused by fairies?

    A fun look at fairy circles and the Namib Desert with a

    creative mi of fact and ima!ination.

     *ORE +OO,S'Other books available from the author: