Chris Rourke - Beyond our shores: UX Research and Design for International Cultures.

Post on 07-Nov-2014






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User experience research and User Centred Design must account for not only the user but also where they live. The surrounding culture, including traditions, language and even religion can have a big impact on the best user experience research methods, design recommendations and also the general uptake of solutions. For multi-national organisations with digital channels, getting this aspect right can mean the difference between a highly effective and enjoyable experience and one that underperforms and confuses users. The talk will explore some ways in which user-centred design research and recommendations can account for local cultures and international factors. How can local culture affect what methods work best and how design ideas can be presented most effectively? We will use examples from various parts of the world, including a case study of researching web accessibility in the Middle East. The project showed how some local cultural factors impacted web accessibility provisions, and recommends an approach to create a viable accessibility “market” including organisations, digital suppliers and people with disabilities. User Vision has worked with several multinational organisations from offices in the UK and the UAE, and will share experiences that they and others in the UX community have gained.


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Beyond our shores: UX Research and Design for International Cultures

November 9th, 11:30

Chris Rourke

User Vision

This document and its content is Copyright ©2012 Chris Rourke and UCD UK Limited.


International cultures and UX

A case study: accessibility in a different culture Localisation and culture in design Conducting International UX Research


Introduction to Abu Dhabi & the UAE

Wealthy, oil-based economy Culturally conservative Ambitious eGovernment plans

Raise awareness of accessibility amongst Government Entities

For Counter, Kiosk, Phone & Online


Three Key Phases

1. Baseline of Current Accessibility Landscape

2. Develop National Accessibility Guidelines

3. Evaluate Current sites


1. Baseline of Current Landscape

Assess current accessibility awareness, provisions Meetings with stakeholders, disability groups Low awareness of web accessibility among

People with disabilities Government departments Digital agencies

Do we create a separate page

for each disability?

Can’t we just create an

information page for

disabled people?

Its not a problem. If it was we would have heard about



2. Develop Guidelines

Created Mandatory & Optional Guidelines Rationale & technical details provided for each Guidelines ordered by element type:-

Use of images and colour Navigation Forms and form validation etc

Rather than by the 4 “POUR” principles of WCAG 2.0


3. Evaluate Current Infrastructure

1. Assess Sites All sites tested failed to meet mandatory guidelines

2. Assess Vendors / Digital agencies Interviews, tests and meetings to select a shortlist


Job done!!

Insight into accessibility within Abu Dhabi government Detailed review of several sites A list of suppliers who know accessibility Easy to use guidelines, checklist & technical guide

So….…We’re all set then, right?


NO Guidelines on their own don’t make a site accessible Need to have

Motivation to make sites accessible Skills to make accessible sites Skills to review sites for accessibility


Web accessibility “Market”

People With Disabilities

Company / organisation

Suppliers / agencies

• Raise awareness• Work with NGOs• Campaign• Sue?

• Hear the feedback• Feel the Pressure (PR, legal)• Understand benefits• Learn what’s required• Fix the site & Future proof

• Feel the pressure (from clients)• See a competitive opportunity• Learn the requirements & guidelines• Apply regularly

NGO’s (e.g. RNIB, Zayed, ADA)Awareness (e.g. fixtheweb)

Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) Laws (E.g. Equality Act, ADA)Standards (BS8878)

Company standardsCSR efforts


Assistive Technology – Provision, training & language support


1. Bottom up or top down?

Tradition of disability activism in the UK and US See Not in Middle East


2. Perceptions

Although hard to quantify, people with disability are often not integrated or recognised as much as in the West

“People with disabilities in this region still face obstacles in being included in society alongside people without disabilities.”

World Bank - Disability in Middle East and North Africa Region


3. Expectations

What is the role of Disability Support groups / NGO’s?

To campaign on rights, to the government? Provide skills & confidence to allow people with

disabilities to look after themselves? Provide technology to help adapt? To give money & care assistance?






4. Other factors

Resources National level Project level

Consequences Legal framework & tradition In West there is more chance of scrutiny, legal action

Awareness Among people with disabilities Channels to report accessibility failures


Ending on a positive note…

It takes time for guidelines to take effect Some agencies are talking about accessibility Accessibility considered in regional eGov Awards Official Arabic Translation of WCAG 2.0 Regional Centres of Excellence


UX , UCD and the wider world

Localisation and culture in design Conducting UX research internationally



Life and Pensions – Middle East

Varied audience – Western expats, local Arabs and more


Travel - France

Attitudes to Middle East


Travel - France

Localisation practicalities

Your name must be shown exactly as it appears in your passport


Financial Services – Middle East

International bank selling Islamic banking products

“If this is Islamic Finance – I should see images relating to Islam. Not…Bhuddism??”


Travel – Hotels - China

Users annoyed by the mixture of languages


Performing UX Research Abroad

Set your expectations Takes more time Is more expensive Has many logistical complications Can be exhausting

Expect to get less done in a research session - more chat about weather etc before testing

Participants may not have a tradition of punctuality Be aware of local customs and culture – e.g. Arab countries

Prayer times Shaking hands Crossed legs – soles showing Ramadan


Performing UX Research Abroad

Use a cross-cultural research team Use a mix of research methods Gain access through local partners Adapt sampling / recruiting strategies Adapt data collection methods


Language – Devils in the detail

People in different countries and locations perceive even the same words differently

“How often do you use the mobile Internet” Asia- “mobile Internet” meant only web sites tailored for

mobile use Europe and the United States - any web site accessed

through a phone


International Research

Understand context of where you are researching Arrive a day or 2 early, observe, learn local news, events All of your time in-country is part of your research!

Recruiting Local partner for access Adapt sampling strategies “Screening” may not make sense,

Put participants at ease Appropriate dress Show interest in their culture Consider inbuilt laptop camera Be patient – pace of questions, rapport building


Usability AND ethnography inform each other

Consider ethnographic approach E.g. Provide cameras to participants, they take photos of

their environment – great icebreaker Artefacts Walkthroughs, demonstrations, participatory Design methods, cultural probes,


International Research - logistics

Keep an eye on the time

Plan in detail, backup to the cloud Transporting equipment & data

International Customs Use the cloud for backup

Pilot test at home first Use bandwidth shaper to create typical speed Same for OS, browser, resolution etc


One team or several partners?Same team does all visits• Perhaps with translator• More consistent• More time• More travel

Different teams work in parallel• Pre-test preps critical• Quicker fieldwork • Beware translation issues• Careful analysis needed


My Wall of Thanks General Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi , Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, Chairman of the Abu Dhabi Executive Council

Shadi Abou-Zahrah

Mark Palmer

Jamie Sands

David Banes

Whitney Quesenbery Christina LiDan Szuc

Susan Dray


Thank you

Chris RourkeManaging Director

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