Documents tagged
Career Disabled in America

Be part of the national conversation about creating a post-disabled world.

Design The Psychological Considerations in Inclusive Design for the Acquired Disabilities (Caleb Tang)

There are many products and services that are designed inclusively to accommodate people with a wide range of needs, including people with disabilities. Designers were often…

Education New technologies applied to museums

museu e museologia; estudos de museologia, disciplina acadêmica Museologia II, enquadramento científico, estudos de público, museografia, acessibilidade, público especial…

Healthcare Road Trauma Medical Emergency Monitoring in Vietnam

We will use and integrate cost effective mass produced mobile data technology and apply modern, academically confirmed trauma analytical expertise with the objective to assemble…

Documents Captivate Literature Review (Id 3760)

LITERATURE REVIEW for CAPTIVATE: LOCAL PARTICIPATION FOR ALL A project of WA Local Government Association WA Disabled Sports Association The Centre for Cerebral Palsy Recreation…