Chelsea Now

Post on 05-Aug-2016






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July 14, 2016


BY JANE ARGODALEAfter a six-year redesign and

construction process, June 29’s ribbon-cutting ceremony saw kids, parents, longtime commu-nity members, city officials, and local electeds eager to use the new amenities in Ramon Aponte Park — whose renovations



APONTE continued on p. 4

Renovations Revitalize Ramon Aponte Park

Design Firm Chosen for Bayview’s TransformationBY SEAN EGAN

This week another step was taken in the long-gestating rehabilitation process of the former Bayview Correctional Facility (550 W. 20th St., at 11th Ave.). Late last year, it was announced that the former medium-security women’s pris-

Photo by Daniel Kwak

A young man in Union Square on Sun., July 10. See page 2.

Marching and Mourning in Manhattan

DESIGN continued on p. 7

The Drilling Company presets urban updates on Elizabethan classics. See page 19.


2 July 14 - 20, 2016 .com

BY LAUREN VESPOLIFrom City Hall to Grand Central,

hundreds of Black Lives Matter protest-ers took to the streets over the week-end to protest recent police shootings of three black men: Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, Minnesota; and Delrawn Small in Brooklyn.

Sterling was fatally shot while officers had him pinned to the ground, while Castile was shot while he was reaching for his wallet during a traffic stop. Small was shot by an off-duty cop during a traffic dispute in the Cypress Hills neighborhood of Brooklyn.

The weekend of protests and marches began on the rainy Friday evening of July 8 — the day after a sniper, Micah Xavier Johnson, a 25-year-old US Army veteran who served in Afghanistan, killed five police officers and wounded several others during protests in Dallas. A small group began gathering at the southeast corner of Union Square at around 6pm for a rally for justice for Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, organized by the Stop Mass Incarceration Network and the NYC Revolution Club, according to the Stop Mass Incarceration Network’s Facebook page.

A series of speakers addressed attendees from the center of the grow-ing crowd, calling for love and respect, in between intermittent chants of “Black lives matter.”

“It’s not a black and white thing; we just need equality,” said a speaker who identified herself as Kynt Pariah.

“We’ve got to keep fighting.” “You can do more to help us and

support us than appropriate our cul-ture,” another protester said, speaking to what whites could do in the wake of the violence.

“For me as a black woman talking to black people, we need to love and

respect each other,” another woman said into the microphone as she began to cry. “To all the white people who think black people are violent, that’s not the truth.”

While speakers expressed outrage and frustration about the many police

Hundreds Gathered to Protest Police Shootings of Black Men

Photos by Lauren Vespoli

Indigo Goodson of Brooklyn carried a sign at a July 8 rally in Union Square.

Black Lives matter protesters marched up Seventh Ave. in Chelsea on Friday evening.

As darkness fell, one group of protesters made their way through Chelsea and past the Penn Station area, en route to Grand Central.

BLACK LIVES MATTER continued on p. 13

July 14 - 20, 2016

BY PAUL SCHINDLERWith Americans reeling from a week in which they

watched video of two African-American men killed in police shootings that many observers concluded involved wildly disproportionate uses of force, and then saw five Dallas police officers gunned down in targeted shootings as they oversaw protests over the earlier killings, New York officials scrambled to emphasize the need for unity and understanding among all communities and between civilians and law enforcement.

Mayor Bill de Blasio, Police Commissioner William Bratton, other city officials, and some elected offi-cials from Manhattan’s East and West Sides all urged empathy for the pain felt among African Americans as well as within the ranks of the NYPD. The mayor and the commissioner specifically addressed questions about police officers’ safety while han-dling volatile crowd situations, but elected officials currently serving uniformly acknowledged as well the persistence of racial disparities that give rise to incidents like last week’s police shootings in Baton Rouge and a suburb of St. Paul.

The response from officials came against the back-drop of thousands of protesters gathering in Times Square on Thursday — prior to the Dallas shootings — and hundreds more protesting on each succeed-ing day through the weekend, in locations from Times Square to Grand Central Terminal and Union Square. Thursday’s protest drew the largest crowed — estimated by police at 1,200 — with more than 40 arrested during a Times Square sit-in. Several dozen protesters were arrested at a Saturday protest.

Speaking on WNYC’s “Brian Lehrer Show” on July 8, the morning after the Dallas tragedy, de Blasio said, “An attack on our police is an attack on all of us. It’s fundamentally unacceptable. It undermines, you know, our entire democratic society.” While he and Bratton agreed there was no evidence of any similar attack on police threatened in New York, the mayor announced that for the time being all officers would travel in pairs and that large scale protests would have a “very large” police presence “to really make sure things are very well controlled.”

“This is painful,” de Blasio continued. “And I want to just urge all listeners — whatever you feel politi-cally, recognize that our police officers are hurting today.”

The mayor, however, did not shrink from empha-sizing legitimate grievances the African-American community has about repeated episodes in which video evidence has surfaced of black men dying at the hands of police in situations where the use of force has been of questionable legitimacy. “We absolutely have to be able to do both,” he said, when asked whether the nation can mourn and be angry about the deaths in Louisiana and Minnesota, as well as in Texas.

The mayor also stood by comments he made sever-al years ago about the warnings he has given his teen-

age son Dante — whose mother, First Lady Chirlane McCray, is African-American and who sports an attention-grabbing Afro — about being very care-ful in any dealings with police. Some police critics blasted de Blasio over those comments, saying they unfairly stereotyped the way cops treat black men.

“What I was saying in 2014 — and I have affirmed it since — is just a fact of life in America that we have to grapple with,” the mayor said. “And the events earlier in the week only compounded it.”

Like the mayor, other local elected officials strug-gled to balance anger at the execution of police in Dallas with continued concern about police killings of black men.

East Side Congressmember Carolyn Maloney, in calling for US Justice Department investigations into the Louisiana and Minnesota killings, said, “In a space of just two days — 48 hours — two African-American men, Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, lost their lives during separate encounters with police officers. Their names are added to an already too long list of African Americans who have been killed in similar situations.” The following day, responding to the shootings in Dallas, she said, “This vicious and targeted attack on Dallas police officers who were working at an otherwise peaceful protest shocks the conscience and troubles the soul. It is a despicable act.”

Maloney’s West Side colleague, Jerrold Nadler, struck the same tone, saying, “The tragedies of Alton Sterling or Philando Castile are not isolated, they are the most recent in what is a long list of senseless murders of black men, women, and children whose encounters with the police can only be described as the worst form of injustice and inequality. The additional tragedy of Dallas strikes at the core of all

Americans, when those who put their lives on the line to protect, uphold, and defend our rights become targets themselves because of who they are and what they represent.”

Voicing a balanced response to last week’s events was not without political risks. As some commenta-tors came forward to insist that “blue lives matter” and “all lives matter,” activists aligned with the Black Lives Matter movement complained this response trivializes the injustices the African-American com-munity too often suffers. The difficulty of striking just the right tone may explain why out of more than a dozen East and West Side city councilmembers and state assemblymembers and senators Manhattan Express contacted, only a handful offered comment.

East Side Councilmember Dan Garodnick, in a carefully measured response, said, “Each of these tragic episodes is a grave reminder of the work our nation still has to do to root out violence and rac-ism in society. I ask all New Yorkers to join me in both honoring the sacrifices of men and women in uniform and acknowledging the continued injustices against communities of color across America.”

Referring to all three incidents, East Side Senator Liz Krueger was more specific, saying, “These terri-ble acts occur at the intersection of many challenging issues, including persistent racism, mass incarcera-tion, gun violence, and criminal justice reform. In response to such violence it is important to heed calls for unity and solidarity. But at the same time we must also seize this moment to move our society toward greater justice and inclusiveness.”

One of the strongest acknowledgments of frustra-tions within the African-American community came

After Baton Rouge, St. Paul, Dallas, Local Officials — Largely — Struggle to Embrace Unity

UNITY continued on p. 12

City Comptroller Scott Stringer (center), at a June 12 Unity Walk in Brooklyn, is joined by (L to R) State Assemblymember Latrice Walker, State Senator Velmanette Montgomery, Assemblymember Diana Richardson, Senator Jesse Hamilton, and Assemblymember Jo Anne Simon.

4 July 14 - 20, 2016 .com

include new plantings, more safety surface for small children, improved lines of sights for par-ents with children, and sprinklers in the park’s sunniest corner. Funds for the project, totaling $1.4 million, were allocated by former District 3 City Councilmember Christine Quinn. The West 47th/48th Street Block Association, along with Community Board 4 (CB4), worked with the Parks Department throughout the park’s design process. Current District 3 Councilmember Corey Johnson worked to keep track of the progress, and assist the Parks Department when necessary.

The renovations to Ramon Aponte Park (W. 47th St., btw. Eighth and Ninth Aves.) provide a much-needed boost to public recreational space in Chelsea and Hell’s Kitchen. Speaking to Chelsea Now, Johnson noted the necessity of such improve-ments. “Here on the West Side we have a lack of green space, so what we have we want to be beau-tiful, accessible, and user-friendly, and this renova-tion achieves all those things.”

CB4 Chair Delores Rubin concurred, noting, “The district is actually park-starved, which sur-prises people because of Hudson River Park and the High Line, but Hudson River Park is a state park, and the High Line is unique—you can’t really have courts or swings there. We’re really working on having more open green space where people can get away from things, and with that we have com-paratively less square footage than other parts of the city.” Both Johnson and Rubin cited a new park on W. 20th St. (btw. Sixth & Seventh Aves.) along with other renovations to area parks (including W. 22nd

St. & 10th Ave.’s Clement Clarke Moore Park) as a part of such efforts.

One of the park’s longtime champions, West 47th/48th Street Block Association President Elke Fears had been in attendance at the park’s original ribbon-cutting in 1990. The playground was built on an empty lot that had formerly housed a police station, and was owned by the city. The Block Association President at the time, Ramon Aponte, worked to clean up the lot for children to play in, and lobbied City Council and CB4 officials to make the land into a park. Mayor David Dinkins provided $200,000 for the park’s construction and turned

the land over to the Parks Department. Ramon Aponte Park became one of only a few city parks to be named after someone still living at the time.

Fears traced the park’s eventual decline to its state prior to renovations. “People weren’t real-ly using the park anymore, so it became not so attractive. Teenagers were going into it to smoke, drink, and use drugs. It became a magnet for not such good things. You had to watch where you were walking because rats would scurry across the street.” Fears praised the renovations, which helped

APONTE continued from p. 1

Photo by Jane Argodale

Ray Weaver and Indira O’Connell enjoy the new jungle gym.

Photo by William Alatriste/NYC City Council

Councilmember Corey Johnson delivers remarks at the June 29 ribbon-cutting ceremony. To the right, standing, is NYC Parks Dept. Commissioner Mitchell Silver, with State Senator Brad Hoylman (seated).

APONTE continued on p. 15

Swings, Sprinklers Permanent Parts of Ramon Aponte’s Legacy

July 14 - 20, 2016


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6 July 14 - 20, 2016 .com

SAIL ON THE SLOOP CLEARWATERThe glimpse of nautical life is fleeting, but the

memories will last a lifetime. On July 19, the Chelsea Waterside Park Association sets forth on its annual sail aboard the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater — a replica of the Dutch cargo ves-sels that once anchored the commercial shipping industry. This year’s outing is an occasion for celebration, as a team of dedicated carpenters and shipwrights have completed an extensive res-toration project that began in 2009. Learn about their efforts and hear tales of sloop life as it was led during the 18th and 19th centuries, as the spec-tacular view nourishes your soul (and the meat or vegetarian box supper attends to your stomach).

Tues., July 19. Meet at Pier 60 (W. 20 St. & Hudson River). Board at 5:30pm, depart at 6pm, return at 9pm. Tickets are $55 per person (includes a box supper). Purchases must be made in advance; call Pamela at 212-255-8443.

SHOW UP & SHAPE UPThe West 400 Block Association wants you to

broaden your health horizons, by joining them at this weekly exercise class that concentrates on low-impact stretching and yoga. Anita Haravon, from the NYC Department of Parks & Recreation’s Shape Up NYC program, is your instructor.

Wednesdays, 9–9:45am, at Clement Clarke Moore Park (10th Ave. & W. 22nd St.). Participants are encouraged to bring a floor mat. For info, con-tact Allen Oster: Also visit


“Rain or shine” is the highly appropriate policy that’s been announced for this year’s installment of the Rubin Museum of Art’s family-friendly block party, whose theme takes its inspiration

from the monsoon-minded exhibition “Nepalese Seasons: Rain and Ritual.” Free admission to the Rubin throughout the day gives you a place to go in case of any sudden downpours — at which time you can wait out the raindrops by soaking in the museum’s stunning collection of art from the Himalayas and neighboring regions. Outside, though, it’s all about the sunny business of cel-ebrating Nepal’s nature, weather, and festivals. Hands-on activities include the making of frog masks, rainsticks, pinwheels, and flower garlands. Elsewhere on the block there will be yoga instruc-tion, Nepalese-inspired music, dance, and cultur-al demonstrations, and for-purchase Himalayan street food (samosas, chutney sandwiches, fruit lassis) from the Rubin Museum’s own Café Serai, along with frosty treats from the Van Leeuwen Artisan Ice Cream truck.

Free. Sun., July 17, 1–4pm, on W. 17 St., btw. Sixth & Seventh Aves. For info, call 212-620-5000 or visit On social media: #RubinBlockParty.

—By Scott Stiffler


Photo by Michael Seto

The Rubin Museum of Art’s July 17 block party delivers activities in keeping with the theme of its “Nepalese Seasons: Rain and Ritual” exhibit.

Photo by Pamela Wolff

July 19’s sail on the majestic Sloop Clearwater offers the chance to see the Hudson River from a very different perspective that what the shoreline affords.

Photo by Allen Oster

Anita Haravon leads Anna Sewell and Mike Shawe in low-impact stretching and yoga. Classes take place at 9am every Wed., in Clement Clarke Moore Park.

July 14 - 20, 2016


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on (abandoned in 2012, just before Hurricane Sandy) would become the state’s first Women’s Building — a place devoted to serving as a hub for the girls’ and women’s rights movement, and offering assorted resources to help women and girls in the city. This week, the NoVo Foundation and the Goren Group, the entities responsible for the space’s renovation, announced that they had selected an architectural firm to shepherd the redesign — representing some of the first developments in the transformation process.

On July 11, Deborah Berke Partners was announced as the winner of the International Design Competition — a search launched in November 2015, which found a slate of 43 applicants gradually whittled down by a selection committee. The committee was com-prised of eight individuals, who ran the gamut from leading architects, women’s rights activists, and former inmates, who eventually decided on Berke’s firm — whose work in the area notably includes the Marianne Boesky Gallery, and GMHC and High Line offices.

“Three things really stood out about Deborah Berke and her team,” NoVo Foundation Executive Director Pamela Shifman told Chelsea Now. “First, their creativity and expertise; second, their collaborative spirit and willingness to co-create; and the team’s strong align-ment with the mission and the values of The Women’s Building. Deborah Berke has promoted the advancement of women in the field of architecture throughout her career, and it was very clear to all of us, and the selection committee, that her team truly walks the talk.”

This sentiment was echoed by NoVo and Goren higher-ups in a press release the selection.

“As we think about all The Women’s Building stands for and all we hope it will be, Deborah Berke Partners truly embodies the essence of that vision,” wrote Goren Group President and Founder Lela Goren, noting that she believes the architect will help “breathe renewed life into the space.” NoVo Co-Presidents Jennifer and Peter Buffet further endorsed the choice, noting that with Berke onboard, “this shared commitment to equality and justice can grow.”

NoVo and the Goren Group have already shown their commitment to taking community opinion seriously

— the entities haven spoken to around 600 women’s rights activists, as well as Chelsea community members/lead-ers, according to Shifman. In addition, they held a brainstorming session in December 2015 to cull community sug-gestions for the space. Berke, they feel, will continue this precedent of commu-nity collaboration.

“We thought that Deborah Berke and her team would embrace feedback from leaders and activists about what they hope to see in this building, and use all of that input to create something truly remarkable,” said Shifman.

While the specifics of what ideas received from the community could not be confirmed at this juncture, Shifman assured, “The process of communi-ty consultation is ongoing.” She did reiterate that the building will defi-nitely include office space for women’s rights nonprofits and shared conference space, and likely child care services, a café, and green space.

Furthermore, the NoVo Foundation and the Goren Group expect Berke and her team to incorporate the building’s history into plans. Some of the build-ing’s unique features were on display during a May community tour of the

DESIGN continued from p. 1

Deborah Berke Partners to Design The Women’s Building

Photo by Yannic Rack

A view of the façade of the former Bayview Correctional Facility, soon to be transformed into The Women’s Building.

DESIGN continued on p. 11

8 July 14 - 20, 2016 .com

PublisherJennifer Goodstein


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GraPhic desiGner Cristina Alcine

contributorsLincoln Anderson

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Published by nYc communitY media, llc

One Metrotech North, 10th Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201

Phone: (212) 229-1890 Fax: (212)© 2016 NYC Community Media, LLC

Chelsea Now is published weekly by NYC Community Media LLC, One Metrotech North, 10th Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201. (212) 229-1890. Annual subscription by mail in Manhattan and Brooklyn $75. The entire contents of newspaper, including advertising, are copyrighted and no part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher - © 2016 NYC Community Media LLC, Postmaster: Send address changes to Chelsea Now, One Metrotech North, 10th Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201.

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BURGLARY: Coffee break-inWhile the movies may make heists

out to be glamorous and complicat-ed affairs, in reality sometimes all a criminal mastermind needs is a half-baked story and an opportunity to strike. That was the strategy of one perp, who, at about 7am on Mon., July 4, entered an office building on the 400 block of W. 33rd St. and planted himself in the lobby. “I’m waiting for my friend for coffee,” he announced, throwing the vigilant security guard off his scent with this well-spun yarn. During a change in shift at the security desk, however, the perp sprung into action, using the time when the guards were distracted to jump the turnstile and take the elevator to an unknown floor. While nobody realized what had happened until much later, through surveillance video of the incident, the man was seen wandering around three different floors, casing the joint, until he settled on plundering the 12th floor for goodies. He was seen getting away with a $2,000 MacBook, a $700 iPhone 6s, a $200 Apple watch, and a $200 iPad Mini.

PETIT LARCENY: Mr. Clean or dirty crook?

After a run-in with the law at a Gristedes (307 W. 26th St., at Eighth Ave.) on Wed., July 6, no amount of scrubbing will ever get out the stain on this clean-freak criminal’s record. At about 5:15pm that evening, the grocery store’s loss prevention officer witnessed the 47-year-old man remove a num-ber of supplies from a shelf, and then attempt to leave. The man’s $67 haul included: Clorox drain cleaner; Clorox bleach; two counts each of Ajax, mil-dew remover, and glue traps; a contain-er of Raid Smart Batch; and a container of Raid Max. Unfortunately for the man, he was arrested — but as a silver lining, jail was probably much cleaner than whatever catastrophic mess was awaiting him back home.

ASSAULT: Curiosity punched the cat in the face

On Wed., July 6, one woman painful-ly realized the truth to the adage “you shouldn’t ask questions don’t want to

hear the answer to.” It was about 11am that morning, and the 34-year-old was walking near the northeast corner of Dyer Ave. and W. 42nd St., when she saw an unknown suspect attack two individ-uals. Her interest piqued, she asked the man why he’d attacked the other two. His response was concise: He punched her in the face and mouth, and then fled. The woman was taken to the hospital, while the other victims were not at the scene of the crime when police arrived; a canvas yielded negative results.

GRAND LARCENY: Ménage a theft

While it’s not an uncommon occur-rence to hear of someone getting their wallet stolen after a tipsy one-night stand, one man was in for a far bigger loss when he tried to spend the night with a trio of new acquaintances. On Sat., July 9, the 39-year-old had met three men (previously strangers), and warmed up to them at the bar. They got so chummy that at around 9:30pm,


BY LENORE SKENAZYYou can tell a person’s age

by his teeth.No, not by whether they’re

missing or yellowed (or, if they’re really old, wooden!). They key is what the teeth are sinking into. “Generation Z” — the folks born after 1995 — have already established dif-ferent eating patterns from the rest of us.

At least, so said an arti-cle I was reading in Nation’s Restaurant News (yes, I love reading trade magazines). Fascinated, I called up the edi-tor to ask, first of all, what new food trends are coming down the pike? And second of all, egads — does the generation born after 1995 really have a name already?

The answer to the second question is, apparently, yes. And the answer to the first,

according to editor Sarah E. Lockyer, is that Gen Z is even more Millennial than the Millennials.

“We always believed that Millennials were the first digi-tal natives,” she says. “But they really weren’t. They weren’t born with a phone in their hand. They got them at 10 or 12.”

That makes them practically pterodactyls compared to the Zs. The newest kids on the block want to eat what they see on social media, and they want to put on social media whatever they eat.

That isn’t news. Food porn is possibly more popular than good old-fashioned porn porn. What is news, is how the restaurants are responding.

Take, for instance, Taco Bell.“Taco Bell used to be food

that you ate at 2am,” says

Lockyer. “You really didn’t think about it. And while that still happens today, now you can go on the Taco Bell app and you can add guacamo-le and take off sour cream and add extra cheese. It’s very mobile friendly. You order on your phone, you pay on your phone, you go pick it up.”

Restaurants that are com-pletely interactive are the ones that are going to win, she says.

So are the ones that allow you to, in the words of an ancient Burger King jingle, “Have it your way.” Even McDonald’s is jumping on that trend. My husband went to the tricked-out Mickey D’s near Bloomingdale’s and ordered from a kiosk rather than a human at the counter. He was served a giant, juicy burger slathered in chipotle mayo that made the Big Mac look like

the meat equivalent of a flip phone.

Maybe even a landline.Burgers themselves are still

cool, but Gen Z is not eat-ing as many of them as their elders. The Zs prefer chicken, pizza, and food that is osten-sibly “clean” — a word that is both holy and amorphous. Ask me, it roughly translates to “$1 extra.”

YPulse, a New York market research firm specializing in young people, calls this trend the “healthifying” of fast food. Young folks aren’t rejecting milkshakes or cheeseburgers, they just want them organic, or locally sourced, or something more “pure” (i.e., labor-inten-sive) like that.

So “clean food,” light-col-ored, ostensibly healthful

Rhymes With Crazy

Fast Food: The Next Generation

CRAZY continued on p. 23

BLOTTER continued on p. 23

July 14 - 20, 2016

The public is well edu-cated about the dangers of driving while impaired by medication, alcohol or ille-gal drugs. But drivers may not be aware that driving while tired can be just as dangerous.

Driving when tired can be a fatal mistake. Just as alco-hol or drugs can slow down reaction time, impair judg-ment and increase the risk of accident, so, too, can be-ing tired behind the wheel. Drowsy driving is report-edly what caused the fatal crash in June 2014 between a limousine and a Walmart truck that ended the life of

comic James McNair and seriously injured fellow co-median Tracy Morgan. The driver, Kevin Roper, was go-ing 20 miles over the speed limit and was almost at his drive time limit, according to preliminary reports by the National Transporta-tion Safety Board.

According to the U.S. National Highway Traf-fic Safety Administration, about 100,000 car crashes in the United States each year occur as the result of an overly tired driver. Various studies demonstrate that drivers who have remained awake for 18 hours prior to

driving mimic the driving performance of intoxicated motorists. In fact, drowsy driving can be confused with driving with a high blood alcohol content.

Sleepiness can arise rela-tively quickly, and accord-ing to Thomas Balkin, PhD, director of the behavioral biology program at the Wal-ter Reed Army Institute of Research and a leading ex-pert on sleep and fatigue, it’s difficult for drivers to assess just how sleepy they are.

“Sleepiness affects the part of the brain respon-sible for judgment and self-awareness,” he says.

“When you’ve reached the stage where you are fight-ing sleep, the effect of any method of reviving yourself can be very short-lived.”

Furthermore, people do not have to be in a deep sleep to actually be asleep behind the wheel. Micro-sleeps occur when certain brain cells temporarily shut down for a few seconds. A person is not completely asleep but in a sort of fog as if they are asleep.

When sleepiness sets in, the best course of action is to pull off the road. Opening the window, turning on the radio or blasting cold air is,

at best, only a temporary solution. If driving with passengers and feelings of sleepiness appear, hand the keys over to a passenger and have them take over driv-ing, if possible. Otherwise, a short nap and a cup of coffee can be used in combination to increase alertness.

It’s also a good idea to avoid beginning a long road trip in mid-afternoon around the hours of two or three o’clock. While alertness generally dips in the evening hours, due to the circadian rhythm, alertness also dips in the late afternoon, prompting

drowsiness. A 2010 study by the American Auto-mobile Association Foun-dation for Traffic Safety found that as many drivers reported falling asleep at the wheel in the afternoon hours as reported falling asleep late at night. Driv-ing in a warm, quiet car also may spur drowsiness, as would driving after a heavy meal.

Driving tired is just as dangerous as other im-paired driving. Slow reac-tion times and unaware-ness of surroundings can contribute to accidents that are otherwise avoidable.

Drowsy Driving can be as Dangerous as Driving impaireDADVERTORIAL

10 July 14 - 20, 2016 .com

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July 14 - 20, 2016

Live Tweetsto Give Trump the Bird

Our in-house satirist Max Burbank — whose “Stump Speech” columns have been covering the race for president since the very first caucus fracas

— turns his attention to July 18–21’s Republican Convention, via the modern miracle of live

Tweets. Follow @ChelseaNowNYC, and find out what Max really thinks of the

presumptive nominee (previously pegged by Mr. Burbank as “an egomaniacal skin

bag of greed, suspicion, and bile”).



The Community News Group is proud to introduce BROOKLYN PAPER RADIO. Join Brooklyn Paper Editor-in-Chief Vince DiMiceli and the New York Daily News’ Gersh Kuntz man every Thursday at 4:45 for an hour of talk on topics Brooklynites hold dear.

Each show will feature in-studio guests and call-out segments, and can be listened to live or played anytime at your convenience.







building — which also functioned as a YMCA frequented by sailors prior to its use as a prison — such as nautical themed mosaics in a pool. Again, while not able to confirm what will stay, Shifman assures that discussions are ongoing, and that they have a commit-ment to historic preservation.

Shifman also stressed “the need to make sure that the painful history of this building is not forgotten,” suggest-ing that “some aspect of the actual pris-on may be maintained” to memorialize the building.

With this first step now taken, The Women’s Building is on track to become a reality. Shifman revealed that construction is set to begin in 2017, with eyes on a 2020 completion date — but those responsible for the project believe that it transcends the physical location itself.

“We’ve come to realize that The Women’s Building already exists,” noted the Buffets in a statement. “It lives in the community of people who are coming together to imagine how a space of women’s confinement can be transformed into a space for women’s liberation.”

DESIGN continued from p. 7

Photo by Yannic Rack

Two women at the December 2015 community brainstorming session for The Women’s Building.

12 July 14 - 20, 2016 .com

from West Side Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal. Arguing that given the current tensions in the nation, “the job of our men and women in blue becomes more difficult, and they more vulnerable,” she added, “Violence is not the answer, but neither is inac-tion… We must call out racism in whatever form its ugliness appears. Routine traffic stops do not end in death for white people, and we must all acknowledge this difficult truth. Their lives mattered; black lives matter. We must demand that justice is served.”

Several elected officials emphasized specific steps to help New York move beyond the anger and sadness of last week. Comptroller Scott Stringer, calling on the city to “emerge from our grief united and with a renewed resolve that recognizes that our dif-ferences are our strength and not our downfall,” co-sponsored a Unity Walk organized by State Senator Jesse Hamilton in Brooklyn.

Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer, a former Upper West Side councilmember, saying she was “horri-fied” by the killings in all three cities, pledged to “reconvene and expand”

roundtables she, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, and civil rights attorney Norman Siegel organized last year to strengthen bonds between the police and youth, community leaders, and clergy across the city.

Some African-American leaders were clearly cognizant of the risks of backlash against activism like the Black Lives Matter movement in the wake of the Dallas killings. The Reverend Al Sharpton, who as head of the National Action Network has led many of the protests nationwide against police shootings involving black men, rejected the notion that Dallas demonstrated that protest is encouraging anti-police violence. Denouncing a New York Post front page that declared, “CIVIL WAR: Four cops killed at anti-police protest,” he told the Daily Beast, “Although I unequivocally denounce what hap-pened in Dallas and have stood with the families in Baton Rouge and Minnesota, by no stretch of the imagination is this a civil war. To say it’s a civil war is to act like all policemen are like the two cops in Louisiana and Minnesota, and that all blacks are like whoever the gunmen were in Dallas.”

Letitia James, the public advocate who is the first African-American

woman elected citywide, was blunt in rebutting the view that recent events point to a zero-sum faceoff. “Supporting our police and demanding civil rights for all are not contradictory ideas,” she said.

Not every leader in New York voiced the same confidence — or interest — in bridging the nation’s divide on matters of race and policing.

In a Sunday morning appearance on CBS’ “Face the Nation” that drew widespread attention — and criti-cism — former Mayor Rudy Giuliani said, “When you say black lives mat-ter, that’s inherently racist… That’s anti-American and it’s racist.”

Giuliani, whose two terms in office were punctuated by a number of divi-sive battles over police treatment of African Americans, asserted, “If you want to deal with this on the black side, you’ve got to teach your children to be respectful to the police and you’ve got to teach your children that the real dan-ger to them is not the police, the real danger to them 99 out of 100 times, 9,900 out of 10,000 times are other black kids who are going to kill them. That’s the way they’re going to die.”

Pat Lynch, the president of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association,

who has been a frequent critic of Mayor de Blasio’s posture toward the police, said, “Most of the anger direct-ed at police officers over the past few years has been fueled by erroneous information and inflammatory rhetoric put forward by groups and individuals whose agenda has nothing to do with justice. Our elected officials fail us when they prejudge incidents without having all the facts and disparage all law enforcement.”

Commissioner Bratton, Lynch’s boss, was considerably more concilia-tory toward communities that question the conduct of police in specific cases. The events of the preceding week, he said at a press conference on July 8, need “to be a clarion call for all of us in this country to take seriously the grievances of many in the minority communities in this country have, as well as the concerns that police have.”

And more strongly than most New York leaders who spoke out last week, Bratton focused attention on the ready availability of guns in America.

We’re a country awash in weapons — 300 million of them,” he said. “And I forget the last count of how many of these AR-15-type long guns are out there; tens of millions.”

UNITY continued from p. 3

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July 14 - 20, 2016

shootings of blacks, it seemed that the events in Dallas weighed on everyone’s mind, as some of the protesters urged the group to obey police orders to stay off the street.

The police had set up barricades sur-rounding the southeast corner of Union Square, and officers gathered to keep watch as the crowd swelled, reaching close to 300 at its peak.

Daniela Brito, of Washington Heights, had marched with protesters on Thursday. After the Dallas shootings, she expressed concern about the police who had gathered to watch over the crowd. “I’m kind of scared that there’s going to be way more [of a] police pres-ence,” she said.

At about 7:30pm, the protesters began marching, with one group head-ing to the Williamsburg Bridge, and the other headed for Grand Central Station in Midtown.

Police accompanied the Manhattan group, as protesters chanted “Black lives matter,” “Hands up, don’t shoot!” and “No justice, no peace.”

After walking up Second Ave. to W. 23rd St. and back down Third Ave., the group returned to Union Square at around 8pm before heading west on 14th St., then up through Chelsea on Seventh Ave. More police gathered as the group approached Times Square, but the marchers moved east, obeying police requests to stay on the sidewalk, and arrived at Grand Central Station shortly before 9pm. Beneath the clock tower, protesters raised their fists in solidarity during a moment of silence, before heading up the escalators into the MetLife building, and moving west on

45th St. The protesters began to disperse after 9pm.

But while there were no arrests during Friday’s demonstrations, about 20 pro-testers were arrested from among the hundreds that gathered for protests on Saturday night, Gothamist reported. Black Lives Matter NYC had posted on their Facebook page earlier in the day calling for a march to demand justice for Delrawn Small, in partnership with NYC Shut it Down: The Grand Central Crew.

While some groups marched across the Williamsburg Bridge from Brooklyn, another started at City Hall, marching up Broadway to Union Square, with smaller groups breaking off, and some stopping traffic on FDR Drive. According to Gothamist, Delrawn Small’s nephew, Zayanahla Vines led the protest.

New surveillance video of Small’s shooting was released exclusively to The New York Post on June 8, showing Small walking toward police officer Wayne

Isaacs’ car when Isaacs opened fire. This footage contradicted an earlier report published in the Post, in which a witness claimed he had video footage of Small punching the officer through the window.

On Sunday afternoon, hundreds more protesters marched from Times Square down Broadway to Union Square, amN-ewYork reported, where they conducted a sit-in in the park. According to the paper, one of the protest organizers said that no arrests were made on Sunday.

Photo by Lauren Vespoli

Protesters marched up Seventh Ave. near Times Square, before heading east to Grand Central.

BLACK LIVES MATTER continued from p. 2

Photo by Lauren Vespoli

Inside Grand Central, protesters gathered under the clock tower before hold-ing a moment of silence for victims of police shootings.

Photo by Jane Argodale

Protesters created these signs in Union Square, on the evening of Sun., July 10.

14 July 14 - 20, 2016 .com

July 14 - 20, 2016

to make the park more friendly to families with small children. “There’s loads of families in the neighborhood now, more than there were 20 to 25 years ago. Hell’s Kitchen Park is over-flowing with kids because the area is lacking in park land. It’s very import-ant for families, for children, adults, and seniors.”

Parents who had brought their children to Ramon Aponte Park last Tuesday morning agreed that the park was a great space for their families. Mariko O’Connell, from Brooklyn,

brought her six-year-old daughter Indira to the park, and praised the space. “It’s beautiful, with plenty of shade. I love that the playground has lots of opportunities for imaginative play, like the pretend kitchen, and other little things to discover.”

Kyra Weaver, who lives down the street on W. 47th St. and Eighth Ave., brought her three-year-old son Ray to the park, and agreed that the playground was great for her family. “The playground is so nice. He’s not in daycare right now, and he needs somewhere to go. We come here every day.”

APONTE continued from p. 4

Photos by Jane Argodale

Kyra Weaver pushes her son Ray on the swing set at Ramon Aponte Park.

Newly-installed sprinklers in the playground provide relief from the heat.

WIN TICKETSTo Enter, Visit: Closes at 9pm on July 19, 2016








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16 July 14 - 20, 2016 .com

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July 14 - 20, 2016

BY NICOLE JAVORSKYWith her choice of alcohol in hand,

Hannah Malyn sat down with her partner at a table where wine glasses and beer bottles — placed alongside paintbrushes and canvasses — could function equally well as still life and conversation starter. That unlikely pair-ing is what drives people like Malyn to Unarthodox — a new studio in Chelsea that, along with a handful of other bars and unconventional spaces, mixes art and alcohol for a new way to socialize in New York City.

“People get stuck in their pattern of social drinking, and it’s great to do something creative,” said Malyn.

Alvaro Montagna recently opened Unarthodox, where instructors teach art classes in a space whose mood lighting and modern furniture helps put newbie painters at ease. The casual setting came about when Montagna asked fellow artists to submit ideas for classes with

a creative twist. Those with the best ideas were hired as instructors. While art supplies are included, participants are strongly encouraged to bring wine or beer along with them. “Except,” added Montagna with a laugh, “for the children’s classes, of course!”

“I don’t think it is the act of drinking that gives them creativity. It’s the fact that they have the ability to do so that gives them a relaxed feeling and, in turn, opens up their creative juices, if you will,” he said.

ART IS THERAPEUTICTavia Sanza, an instructor for

the “Bottled Art” painting class at Unarthodox, explained that making art has a cathartic power for herself and others. To Sanza, art is grounding and provides an outlet for her “nervous ener-gy,” as she put it. “Everything else around me could be going crazy, but I can go

into my own little world and make some-thing. It’s impossible to feel bad about yourself or life in general when you’re making something beautiful.”

At another painting class, held by Painting Circle at Bar Nine in Hell’s Kitchen, several participants mentioned a similar reason for attending the art class.

Ankit Sharma, a poet and writer, said, “I’ve always wanted to paint. It’s a great way to relieve stress.”

OVERCOMING DOUBTAs Sanza walked around the table,

she jokingly teased a participant, “You’re a perfectionist, aren’t you?”

According to Sanza, many partic-ipants come into the class claiming incompetence in art. “I’ve learned to be the world’s greatest cheerleader,” she said, “because the reality is that I get so many people who come in here and tell me what they can’t do. We all have

the potential, but if someone is making things look really easy, it’s probably not because they’re born with it, but because they’ve worked at it really hard.”

Irina Fialko, a Painting Circle instruc-tor, echoed a similar sentiment about the trepidation participants have when they first begin the class — though, Fialko also added that students usually believe in themselves more by the end of the class.

“Some feel like they can’t do it at all. But, by the end, they’re smiling and happy, and tipsy. People who thought they absolutely can’t do it end up with great paintings they can take home.”

DRUNKEN CELEBRATIONGeorge Nolan attended a class at

Painting Lounge’s Chelsea location for the celebration of his friend’s birthday. In

Where Booze and Brushwork Mix Alcohol-friendly art classes shake convention, stir creativity

CLASSES continued on p. 18

Photo by Nicole Javorsky

At Tavia Sanza’s Unarthodox class, attendees express their creativity by making paintings of a peacock.

18 July 14 - 20, 2016 .com

his words, “We wanted to do something fun — definitely something that involved alcohol!”

At Painting Lounge, participants can bring their own drinks to class or buy some from a limited selection.

Nolan wasn’t the only one at Painting Lounge celebrating an occasion with liquor and painting. Lyndee McCallum came with her fiancé, mother, and future mother-in-law for a belated Mother’s Day treat. She was excited to have an activity where she could get to know her fiancé’s mother, while sipping her favorite drink: Santa Margherita Pinot Grigio.

One of the instructors at Painting Lounge, Charles Sommer, told the class, “Some people get a little drunk and dip their paintbrush in the wine. It’s non-toxic paint so don’t worry!” Then, he added, “I wouldn’t suggest it, though.”

MAKING MISTAKESThe instructors embraced the messi-

ness that often accompanies art-making in order to perpetuate a welcoming atmo-sphere for participants. Fialko said, “If a student messes up a canvas, it’s just a happy accident. I want to make it fun for everyone involved.”

At Unarthodox, participants are encouraged to use whatever colors they’d like, and to make their paintings special — their own.

“There’s a lot of ‘bottled art classes’ out there,” noted Sanza, “so I think some peo-ple have a preconceived idea of what it is. I think Unarthodox is special, because the people who are behind this are sincere.” Some of the other bottled art classes, she asserted, “are more commercialized, and this is definitely a labor of love. What we do here is take things a little bit outside the box. If people want to paint it in a different

color, I don’t care. I want you to have a good time — to be creative.”

As she walked around the table again, Sanza reminded the students, “I don’t mind mistakes. Everyone is their own special rainbow.”

The class schedule for Unarthodox (547 W. 27th St., Suite 300, btw. 10th & 11th Aves.) can be found at or by calling 646-964-4733. The class schedule for Painting Lounge (Manhattan studios on W. 38th & W. 14th Sts., plus a Union Ave., Williamsburg location) can be found at or by calling 212-518-1803. Sign up for Painting Circle events (including at Bar Nine, 807 Ninth Ave., btw. W. 53rd & W. 54th Sts.) at

CLASSES continued from p. 17

Beer and wine are welcome additions to Unarthodox classes.Photos by Nicole Javorsky

At the Painting Lounge, people keep their eyes on their paintbrushes as they listen to instructor Charles Sommer.

Individuals at Bar Nine start their painting of a sunset with the help of Painting Circle instructor Irina Fialko.

Attendees to Painting Lounge’s class work on their skyline painting.

July 14 - 20, 2016

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LESLIE ODOM JR. IN CONCERTHaving just completed his run at the Richard Rodgers Theatre as understandably bitter odd

man out Aaron Burr — with a legion of fans and a Tony Award for Best Leading Actor in a Musical to show for it — the charismatic and not entirely unattractive Leslie Odom Jr. claims his rightful place as a main attraction, by turning The McKittrick Hotel’s Manderley Bar into the room where it happens. This strictly limited concert residency features material from Odom’s self-titled 10-track debut solo album, which finds him applying to jazz and musical theater classics the same knack for navigation and nuance he brought to Lin-Manuel Miranda’s rat-a-tat-tat “Hamilton” lyrics.

Smartly surrounding himself with high-caliber talent given ample room to shine, the sharp arrangements and deft instrumental execution of such tunes as “I Know That You Know” and “Look for the Silver Lining” serve to heighten the effect of Odom’s engaging and textured vocals, while providing him with a welcome new forum for grafting his contemporary sensibil-ities onto source material from days gone by. In keeping with that spirit, don’t be surprised if a selection from his recent Broadway gig makes it into the setlist, alongside throwback interpreta-tions of today’s pop hits and a collaboration or two with special, unannounced guests.

Thursday, July 14, 21, 28 at the Manderley Bar (inside the McKittrick Hotel; 542 W. 27th St., btw. 10th & 11th Aves.). Doors open at 11pm, show at 11:30pm. Tickets ($45) at

SHAKESPEARE IN THE PARKING LOTWide swaths of concrete are to this troupe’s annual outdoor produc-

tions as ice floes are to the polar bear — rapidly disappear-ing territory upon which survival depends. Undaunted by 2014’s loss of the Ludlow & Broome location that served as its home for two decades, The Drilling Company’s “Shakespeare in the Parking Lot” pro-gram marks season number two in a space behind The Clemente.

Performed with grace and grit amidst all of the audible distractions and unplanned interac-tions the city can throw at them, director Kathy Curtiss’ adaptation of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” tells the tale of forest magic and mis-taken identity by casting its classic characters as outrageously garbed artists prone to play-ing tricks; upscale urbanites whose money can’t buy them love; and tech sector work-ers who long to create. During a post-sol-stice visit to the Lower East Side (aka

Just Do Art

Courtesy McKittrick Hotel

Young, scrappy and hungry, Leslie Odom Jr. isn’t resting on his “Hamilton” laurels. See him in concert at The McKittrick Hotel, Thursdays in July.JUST DO ART continued on p. 21

20 July 14 - 20, 2016 .com



Born in 1950 in Manchester, England, Genesis Breyer P-Orridge has lived many incarnations. Known as a “mail art” provocateur, “avant-garde anti-hero,” and the “godfather of industrial music” (having front-ed Throbbing Gristle and, later, the post-punk band Psychic TV), s/he has recently gained increasing atten-tion for the Pandrogeny Project (captured for larger audiences in the moving 2012 documentary “The Ballad of Genesis and Lady Jaye”).

The Pandrogeny Project was sparked by Breyer P-Orridge’s and h/er late wife Lady Jaye’s desire to unite as a single entity. Spanning several years, this endeavor involved surgical body modification to help both spouses to physically resemble one another. Breyer P-Orridge continued this quest even after Lady Jaye’s tragic death in 2007. Throughout Breyer P-Orridge’s career, the explora-tion of the meaning and substance of identity have been at the core of h/er oeuvre — which by now spans nearly five decades. The same is true for this exhibition. Curated by Beth Citron, it features a selection of paintings, sculp-

tures, and installations. Revealing how Hindu mythology and Nepal’s Kathmandu Valley have significantly impact-ed Breyer P-Orridge’s work, it points at the fact that both “Genesis Breyer P-Orridge and Nepal itself have long shirked the confines of ‘either/or.’ ”

In Nepal, where many people identify as Hindu and Buddhist at the same time, hybrid traditions are com-mon. Genesis and Lady Jaye’s Pandrogeny Project, and their drive for an elective and creative gender identity might have signified a hybrid of a different nature, but it also required a strong notion of spiritual openness. Furthermore, much of Breyer P-Orridge’s artistic prac-tice is rooted in devotion and ritual. Incorporating new works produced in Nepal, “Try to Altar Everything” will also give visitors opportunities to personally interact with the artist and engage with the provocative themes of self-expression and devotion.

Through Aug. 1 at the Rubim Museum of Art (150 W. 17th St., btw. Sixth & Seventh Aves.). Hours: Mon. & Thurs., 11am–5pm; Wed., 11am–9pm; Fri., 11am–10pm; Sat./Sun., 11am–6pm. Admission: $15 ($10 students/seniors, free for active duty military per-sonnel & children 12 and under). Call 212-620-5000 or visit

SCOTT NEDRELOW: POLYFOCALBy embracing a variety of media, such as video, pho-

tography, and painting, the Brooklyn-based Nedrelow explores the technologies and materials of contem-porary digital imaging. While his practice has been described as post-photographic, there remains a clear consciousness of traditional photographic concerns, in particular in regard to light.

Nedrelow is keenly interested in both light in itself and our changing relationship to it, pointing indirectly to the fact that digital technology and displays impact our eyes in new ways on a daily basis. His ponderings along these lines are very well executed and exude a subtle elegance, as well as fierce intelligence. In this exhibition for example, several new videos will be featured and displayed on Ultra High-Definition TV screens. They belong to Nedrelow’s ongoing “Viewfinder Sculptures” series, in which the frame of the TV is transformed into a camera viewfinder that shows what is directly behind the object. Meanwhile, in another group of signature works entitled “Afterlight,” Nedrelow extracts CMYK inkjet pigments from their commercial cartridges before

Buhmann on ArtGenesis Breyer P-Orridge and Scott Nedrelow

Courtesy Invisible-Exports

Genesis Breyer P-Orridge: “Kali in Flames” (Mixed media, 1986, 20 x 25 in.).

Photograph by David DeArmas, courtesy Invisible-Exports

Genesis Breyer P-Orridge: “Shoe Horn” (9 1/2 x 9 1/2 x 6 1/2 in.).

BUHMANN continued on p. 21

July 14 - 20, 2016

airbrushing them manually onto his support of choice: freestanding coils of “premium luster” Epson photo paper.

These stunning works are characterized by very subtle coloring, which is revealed best when viewed from a distance; when inspected up close, the ink becomes almost imperceptible. Lastly, providing this exhibition with its title, Nedrelow’s “Polyfocal” paint-ings are made of paper, reconfigured into many cone-like shapes, and sprayed with ink from all sides.

No matter how different in appearance, all of Nedrelow’s works exploit their materials’ ability to rep-resent something photographic while denying the use of the photographic processes associated with them.

Through July 31 at KANSAS (210 Rivington St., btw. Ridge & Pitt Sts.). Hours: Wed.–Sun., 12–6pm and by appointment. Call 646-559-1423 or visit

BUHMANN continued from p. 20

Courtesy the artist & KANSAS

Installation view of Scott Nedrelow’s “Polyfocal” includes, at right, 2016’s “Viewfinder Sculpture (31 Blue Jay).”

Shakespeare’s magic forest), all involved must sort through spells, misunderstand-ings, and subconscious desires.

Free. Through July 24, Thurs.–Sun. at 8pm, in the parking lot behind The Clemente (114 Norfolk St., btw. Delancey & Rivington Sts.). Audiences are welcome to bring their own chairs (otherwise, blankets will be provided). Following “Midsummer,” July 28–Aug. 4 sees “The Merchant of Venice” at the same location. For more info, including productions in Bryant Park, visit


As brisk and biting as its name implies, this annual summer festival of new work occupies the polar opposite end of the risk-averse spectrum. Through July 16, “The Annotated History of the

American Muskrat” is Foxy Henriques and Circuit Theatre’s music video, dance, PowerPoint, and snack-filled handling of gloriously Hatter-mad Boston-based playwright John Kuntz’s patchwork quilt exploration of our national identity — as told through the struggle of eight people tasked with giving a presentation about the titular native North American rodent. July 20–23, the title of performance ensemble Hook & Eye’s “She-She-She” references the 1930s women’s forest work camps championed by Eleanor Roosevelt as a response to the Civilian Conservation Corps. “Bear Mountain on a serving platter” (via visual and scenic design by Susan Zeeman Rogers)is the production value promise of this queer women’s love story, which employs the poetry of civil rights activist Pauli Murray to tell its epoch-spanning explo-ration of gender, memory, and history.

July 27–30, live event collective Piehole’s new collaborative effort sticks the landing in a traditional

theater, having launched past pro-ductions in hotel rooms and galleries. Taking place in an abandoned ski shop located at the very center of our universe, “Ski End” finds a group of adults swimming in a swirling cosmic cycle of nostalgia, delusion, and every element of the titular sport. Aug. 3–6, Eliza Bent’s Bentertainment produc-tion entity furthers the playwright/author’s penchant for wordplay and philosophy with “On a Clear Day I Can See to Elba” — in which a man and a woman work on their roman-tic relationship while struggling to retain their own identity. Generous portions of wine, puns, and the music of Queen help the process along. The festival concludes Aug. 10–13, with “Our Voices Project,” from playwright Charles Mee and the multicultural Our Voices theater company. Sign lan-guage, music, and dance are deployed to probe the inner life of James Castle — who created over 20,000 works of

art, despite the fact that he was born deaf and never learned to read, write, sign or speak.

Through Aug. 13, at the New Ohio Theatre (154 Christopher St., btw. Washington & Greenwich Sts.). All performances at 7pm. For tickets ($18; $15 for students, seniors), call 866-811-411 or visit

Photo by Remy

Titania and her Fairy ensemble with Oberon, from Shakespeare in the Parking Lot’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”

Courtesy New Ohio Theatre

“The Annotated History of the American Muskrat” plays through July 16, then the Ice Factory Festival continues through Aug. 13.

Courtesy New Ohio Theatre

A pro shop at the center of the universe is the setting for “Ski End,” July 27–30 at New Ohio Theatre’s Ice Factory Festival.

JUST DO ART continued from p. 19

22 July 14 - 20, 2016 .com

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restaurants are winning out, as are places that feel communal: You walk in and sit at a big table with people you don’t know. Maybe you don’t actually strike up a conversation, but at least you feel like you aren’t alone (except if everyone else is having a great time and you’re poking at your oatmeal).

Communal tables are popular with older folks, too, particularly those folks willing to forgo a cou-ple of car payments to afford a cup of soup at Le Pain Quotidien. But for young people, communal eating is not a new concept, it is just the way they expect to eat: in groups and sharing food.

And then comes the sharing of the experience of the sharing of the food. Everything is document-ed to the point where showing

friends what you ate is almost like showing them your closet or (I’m dating myself again) your bookshelf.

So if you wonder who the Gen Z kids are and what they are bringing to the table (as it were), it is: organic ingredients, hyper-customized entrees, lots of sharing each other’s food without getting (visibly) annoyed about it, and phones busy every step of the way, from finding the restaurant to videoing the very last drop of sriracha dipping sauce.

This generation may still be too young to earn a living. But the way they’re going, they better start soon.

Lenore Skenazy is a keynote speaker who authored the book, and founded the blog/Twitter feed, Free-Range Kids (

CRAZY continued from p. 8

they all decided to head back to his place on the 500 block of W. 37th St. (btw. 10th & 11th Aves.). The victim reported that he was indeed very intox-icated, and passed out while the strangers were still in his apartment. Upon waking up he discovered that his three new-found besties were nowhere to be found — and neither were two $3,000 MacBook Pros, a $1,000 iPhone 6s, three debit cards, and his passport.

ASSAULT: H2Oh NoOn Fri., July 8, a pair of cor-

rosive criminals decided that it was far more efficient to throw venom than to spit it. At about 10pm, a 40-year-old Queens woman was walking back to the train station, and reached the northwest corner of 12th Ave. and W. 26th St. — at which point two unknown females started throwing an unknown liquid on her back as she went by. Assuming it was only water, and treating it as a minor annoy-ance, the woman boarded her train. A short while into the ride, however, she felt her lower back and face start burning. She went to Elmhurst Hospital, where the doctor informed her that she was

actually suffering from chemi-cal burns. No arrests have been made, though video at the scene of the incident could help catch the culprits.

BLOTTER continued from p. 8

THE 10th PRECINCT Located at 230 W. 20th St. (btw. Seventh & Eighth Aves.). Commander: Capt. Paul Lanot. Main number: 212-741-8211. Community Affairs: 212-741-8226. Crime Prevention: 212-741-8226. Domestic Violence: 212-741-8216. Youth Officer: 212-741-8211. Auxiliary Coordinator: 212-924-3377. Detective Squad: 212-741-8245. The Community Council meets on the last Wed. of the month, 7pm, at the 10th Precinct or other locations to be announced. They are on hiatus until Sept. 28.

CASH FOR GUNS$100 cash will be given (no questions asked) for each handgun, assault weapon or sawed-off shotgun, up to a maxi-mum payment of $300. Guns are accepted at any Police Precinct, PSA or Transit District.

24 July 14 - 20, 2016 .com

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