Chapter 6: Lymph, Lymph Node and Lymphocyte

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My Presentation for Chapter 6 - Biology 120 - Truman College


Chapter 6: Lymph, Lymph Nodes and Lymphocyte

Yeo Jeong KimBiology 120

Truman CollegeOctober 2, 2013

Wednesday, October 2, 13

What is Lymph?

Lymph is a clear or whitish fluid that flows through the lymph vessels

It travels through the tiniest of blood vessels and lymph vessels called capillaries and bathe in the cells throughout the human body

Like clean blood that flows in the arteries from the heart, Lymph also carries oxygen and nutrients

While circulating through the body, Lymph also carries away carbon dioxide and other toxins

Wednesday, October 2, 13

What is Lymph? More Facts...

The Lymph vessels gather all the Lymph and send it towards the chest

There is a large vessel within the chest that brings the Lymph into a large blood vessel near the heart

The filtered fluid, salts and proteins that come via the Lymph vessels are all deposited in the blood

Wednesday, October 2, 13

What is a Lymph Node?

After Lymph passes through the vessels of the Lymphatic System they drain into Lymph Nodes

The Lymph Nodes act as filters along the Lymphatic System

These nodes trap germs like bacteria, viruses, toxins as well as cancer cells

Lymph Nodes also ensure that these harmful substances are removed from the body

Wednesday, October 2, 13

Structure and Contents of the Lymph Node

The Lymph Nodes, also known simply as Nodes are small bean shaped structures that look like tiny bulbs and lie along lymph vessels

Lymph Nodes contain immune cells that can attack and destroy the germs that the lymph vessels gather

As mentioned earlier. the nodes filter fluid and substances picked up by the lymph vessels

Wednesday, October 2, 13

Wednesday, October 2, 13

Where are the Lymph Nodes Found?

The Lymph Nodes are located at specific sites in clusters

All Lymph vessels from the fingers, palm, and hands get filtered through lymph nodes at the elbow or arm pits

Lymph vessels from the toes, legs, and feet drain at the nodes behind the knees or at the groin

The vessels from the face, head, and scalp are filtered at nodes in the neck

There are also nodes located deep within the body between the lungs and around the coils of the intestines

Wednesday, October 2, 13

Wednesday, October 2, 13

What is a Lymphocyte?

Lymph nodes contain Lymphocytes

Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell

These cells act as fighters against foreign invasion by bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, and toxins

Lymphocytes help control the immune response

This function is brought about by bringing the lymphocytes in contact with foreign materials -- usually proteins found on germs or toxins called antigens

Lymphocytes originate from stem cells in bone marrow

Wednesday, October 2, 13

Types of Lymphocyte

There are two major types of Lymphocytes: B Cells & T Cells

B Cells fully develop in bone marrow while T cells are removed from bone marrow while immature

T cells mature when they reach other organs like the Thymus where they fight infections and foreign antigens

Wednesday, October 2, 13

The Lymphatic System

Lymph, Lymph Nodes and Lymphocytes are all part of the Lymphatic System

The major organs that make up the Lymphatic System include the Spleen, Thymus, Tonsils and Adenoids

These organs are found throughout the body from the chest to abdomen to the neck and mouth

Wednesday, October 2, 13

Wednesday, October 2, 13

Cancer & The Lymphatic System

One interesting fact is that due to the Lymphatic System being located throughout the body is that Lymph channels serve to spread cancer more rapidly

Cancer Metastasis frequently occurs due to cancers cells traveling throughout the Lymphatic System

Wednesday, October 2, 13

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