CHAPTER 20 SECTION 2 The Republic. Key Terms Maximilien Robespierre Guillotine Counterrevolution Reign of Terror.

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The Republic

Key Terms

Maximilien RobespierreGuillotineCounterrevolutionReign of Terror

Factions in the New Government

All members of national convention supported the revolution

Three political factionsFirst- ____________

Members were Montangnards the most radical

Support came from lower middle class and the poor

Jacobin radical sub group

Factions in the New Government

Second-_________ Moderates Provinces who hated

resented influence of Paris mob on the Revolution

Generally supported a _________ ________

Resisted extremes on either side

Factions in the New Government

Third called the _____ Swing voters Supported the ______

then switched to the ________

Groupings had no formal organization

Did not put forth programs or plan ideas

Radical Leaders

Jean-Paul Marat- advocate of violence

Leader of the Paris ____________

One of the National Convention’s most radical leaders

Radical Leaders

Georges-Jacques _____ violent agitator Popular with the

people Compromiser Opposed excesses of

the Revolution

Maximillien Robespierre

Intense dedication to the ___________

Became increasingly radical

Led ______ _________ during the most blood thirsty time

Execution of the King

National Convention had ________placed on trial

__________ were eager to try and execute the king

Prevent the return of the monarchy

January 21, 1793 Louis placed on the _______

Execution of the King

Louis tried to proclaim innocence

Young guard held up the dripping _____ for all to see

Europeans reacted in horror

London Times condemned the _______ and execution as savagery

Tightening Control

National Convention tightened hold on France

_______________________- to manage country’s military

Set up a draft of all men between 18 and 45

Court of ________ ______- rule out people who threatened Revolution

Transforming Society

Leaders of new government wanted to erase the past

Including religionMany ______ members lost their positionsParis local governments closed ______

Transforming Society

Robespierre created the cult of the _______ ______ to replace Catholicism

Enthusiasm for the revolution was object of worship

Title of Bibles changed to “___________________________”

Transforming Society

Metric system replaced old _____ and ______ system

Months were renamedEach month had 3 ten

day weeksRevolutionary calendar

fell out of use_______ ______is the only

thing that is still used

Reign of Terror

Great Britain, _____, Spain, Austria, ______ formed a coalition for war

Took drastic measures to prevent a ___________

Reign of Terror-________ began a series of trials and executions

Outbreak of Civil War

Resistance to revolution was in the countryside

After peasants had feudal dues removed, they wanted to remain _________.

Outbreak of Civil War

When draft was instituted by the National Convention, peasants hatred erupted

Vendee’ resistance led to ______ _____.

Catholic and ____ _____fought government forces

Government gained control and destroyed everything and everyone they could

Accusations and Trials

Mountain in Paris eliminated any resistance

__________ declared the need to use terror to defend the public from enemies

Revolutionary Tribunal started its campaign with the Girondists

Accusations and Trials

Anyone who criticized revolution or connected to the Old Order were in danger

The accused had few rights

Some were forbidden to defend themselves

Death by Guillotine

Most common sentence was _____

Death was quickCondemned rode in

open ___ and were paraded through the streets

Sometimes people would cheer or jeer them

Death by Guillotine

Mobs watched the executions

Women would knit while watching executions

Could execute more than one person per ______

Residents complained about the ______ in the cities drainage ditches

The Terror’s Victims

Did not spare particular class, occupation, or gender

________ and __________ were the largest group executed

Marie Antoinette was one of the earliest victims

The Terror’s Victims

____________ who wrote Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen was executed

Nuns who refused to close their convents

______ himself was executed

His head and 100 supporters were killed

Terror’s Victims

10 months- 300,000 people were ______

17,000 were _______Widespread violence

shocked the FrenchIncreased foreign

opposition to the Revolution

Actions to protect revolution actually weakened it

After the Terror

1795 National Convention wrote another _________

Restricted voting rights to men who own ________

Governing board called the __________ was formed

Made up of five men. They weren’t an effective government and were corrupt.

Became like Old Order again

After the Terror

Passed some financial reforms

Not a effective government

Directors were weak and corrupt

Rule shared many characteristics of the Old Order

Result was a power vacuum

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