Chapter 16 World War I. Ideas in the back ground Imperialism Nationalism: A feeling of intense pride in one’s homeland. Militarism: The aggressive build.

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Chapter 16World War I

Ideas in the back ground

• Imperialism

• Nationalism: A feeling of intense pride in one’s homeland.

• Militarism: The aggressive build up of armed forces to intimidate and threaten other nations.

Triple Alliance (central power)

• The triple Alliance was formed because of Germany’s and Austria’s fears of being broken up by the other European powers.

• Triple Alliance: Germany, Italy, Austria Hungary.

Triple Entente(Allied Powers)

• In a response to Austria and Germanys growing powers the triple entente forms

• Triple Entente: Britain France Russia (Eventually America will join this group)

Controversy over Bosnia

• Part of the idea of nationalism is that each nation should have its own voice

• This idea spread to Balkans which was territory/protectorate of Austria

This was especially true for a small country named Serbia which either wanted to be free or a protectorate of Russia.

Serbian Pride

• Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand the heir to the Austrian Hungary throne visits Bosnia with his wife

• A young Serbian nationalist rushed their car killing the archduke.


Germany and Austria Hungary begin to place sanctions and ultimatums on Bosnia.

Bosnia cries out for aid from what they feel is their mother country Russia.

When Bosnia cannot hold up to the ultimatums given Austria and Germany invade BosniaRussia decides to go to Bosnia’s Aid which meant Britain and France had to join them.

The result

• The War is split onto two fronts.

• Western Front: Between Germany and France

• Eastern Front: Between Germany Austria and Russia.

The war was mostly a tie and both sides tried to hold onto land by digging trenches to keep control of land. Which were normally cold dirty and disease ridden.

Trench Warfare

American Neutrality

Wilson hoped to keep the U.S. out of the war. He declared that U.S.’s stance would be neutral.

The American public on the other hand wanted to take Triple Entante’s side in the war.

The U.S. Would be able to remain neutral for two years.


Eventually a few members of Wilson’s cabinet managed to get him to see the light and support the British.

Much of this came about through shipping goods and arms to Britain.

The U.S. Forced into action

• Germans angered by the U.S. sending contraband goods began to patrol the waters around Britain with subs.

• contraband: Goods prohibited from shipment to Germany and its allies.

• Germany would either inspect the ships or sink them.

The Lusitania

The Germans make the mistake of sinking a tourist vessel the Lusitania.

Hundreds of civilians died, but there was contraband aboard the ship.

The U.S. would make Germany sign the Sussex pledge

Which set certain rules about sinking civilian ships.

The Final Push

The final outrage that brings the U.S. into the war was the Zimmerman Telegram.

The Zimmerman telegram was intercepted by British intelligence.

The telegram was an attempt to forge an alliance between Germany and Mexico

If Mexico aided Germany they would obtain some of their lost territory.

Russian Revolution

March of 1917 there is communist revolution which pushed the idea of getting rid of the rich and putting the government in charge of using resources for the good of the people.

Riots begin to break out in RussiaCzar Nicholas the second would leave the throneLenin would lead the Bolsheviks (or communist party) victory over RussiaOne of Lenin’s first major moves is to pull Russia out of the war by striking up a peace accord with Germany

Convoy system

Though America fought very few battles during the war, the U.S. helped Britain protect it’s navy from submarine attack.

Known as the convoy system American ships would surround trade vessels.

Increasing the goods reaching Britain.

The war at home

The war greatly affected American Society

Mostly in terms of how to fund it.Who would fight.And how to keep people invested in the war.

Selective Service Act

The act created a draft based on a lottery system.

Any male between ages 21- 30 had to register.

The draft added numbers to the service besides those who volunteered.

The First Great Migration

As many young white men went off to war they left jobs open in white cities.

Many African Americans moved to the North to fill this void.

They were not necessarily welcomed, but African American’s lived were better in the North.

War industries board

The War industries Board existed to manage raw material to make sure the proper rescores went to helping the war effort.

It told factories what they could produce and made sure the materials made it to the troops.

It encouraged people to conserve food and even grow vegetables that could go to war front. Known as “Victory Gardens”As well as pushing for the rationing of food to be used to fee do soldieries. Developing ideas like “Meatless Monday

National Labor Board

The Board Existed to make sure that business operated properly and kept unions from going on strike so that the war effort was not slowed.

Committee of Public information

Was run by George Creel. The Committee recruited film makers, writers , and artists to create work for people to look more favorably on the war.

Argonne Forest

• Argonne Forest marks the break in the German war machine

• After this loss Germany will struggle to continue fighting the war.

• November 1918 Germany signs an Armistice• Armistice: A truce or an agreement to stop


Treaty of Versailles

• November 1918• Palace of Versailles near Paris• The “Big Four”• The U.S., France, Britain, Italy.• Russia is left out because the growing fears

about socialism.

14 Point Plan

The Plan Wilson presented to Congress before going to the conference so they could make following the treaty a U.S. law.The goal: If all fourteen points were followed then it would be possible to have lasting peace in Europe it pushed ideas like:Justice to all peopleFree Trade, Freedom of the seas disarmament Borders of countries should be based on culture and ethnicity.

League Of Nations

• The Final Point of Wilson’s Plan• A general association of Nations

• The League would promote peace and help protect other nations borders.

• Many European countries would accept this idea• When Wilson returned home though he found

that Congress had rejected allowing the U.S. into the league


• Not everyone was impressed by Wilson’s Ideas

• Peace agreement was harsh on Germany the main goal being to weaken them.

• There could be no German troops west of the Rhine River

• Germany would have to admit guilt• Pay reparations• Shrink their standing army

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