
  • 1. Solo Parenting:A Situationer Presented by Herald Cruz family

2. My Family oitline 3. Outline of the Seminar

  • Solo Parenting: A Situationer
  • OFW Phenomenon
  • Solo Parenting: Victim Victor!

definition 4. Introduction The family is theHeartand theCenterof the Filipinos. It is where faith, the Christian doctrine and the Gospel values are learned and lived where love, justice, fraternity and equality are experienced, nourished and cultivated. - (ECMI, Organizing The Migrants Families, The Pastoral and Social Care of Migrants and their Families, (Manila: CBCP-ECMI, 1995) p. 6) 3 3 consciousness 5. Happiness Index According to a recent survey conducted by the NSCB , both Filipino men and women rankedfamiliesas their primary source of happiness. Health ranked second and religion ranked third. Income or financial security only ranked 9th and politics ( 3 Lotto 3 6. I. Definition of Solo-Parenting

  • Somebody who raises child alone: a parent who brings up a child or children alone, usually because he or she isUnmarried ,Widowed , orDivorced .
  • (

Expand 3 Us 3 7. I. Definition of Solo-Parenting 2.Single-parent families can be defined as families where a parent lives with dependent children, eitheraloneor in a larger household,without a spouse or partner .( Alone more with dep 3 8. I. Definition of Solo-Parenting 3.Solo-parent families are now a vitalsubculturethat will have to be accepted as a legitimate andVitalunit of society. (The Solo-Parent Experience: A Growing Social Phenomenon, 1996 p. 9) Not unusual 3 barney 9. My Familys Just Right For Me

  • I have a friend who lives with his mom and dad, with his brother and his sister too.
  • They have a cat and a dog and a pet bullfrog, and I am really glad they do.

10. My Familys Just Right For Me

  • There's a girl I know who lives with her mom, and her dad lives far away.
  • Although she sees her parents just one at a time, they both love her everyday.

11. My Familys Just Right For Me

  • I know a boy whose new he just moved in, he moved from Alabama.
  • And the person whos the head of his family, is his loving, dear ole grandma.

12. My Familys Just Right For Me

  • A family is people and a family is love, that's a family.
  • They come in alldifferentSizesand different kinds, but mine is just right for me, yeah, mine isRightfor me.

Changing family landscape Not the typical 3 13. II. Reasons for Solo-Parenting

  • There are a number of reasons why we have this growing social phenomenon and it is crucial that we understand these so that we may be able toEmpathizewith them with the intention of helping .

Enter the world compassion3 14. Reasons

  • Death of a spouse
  • Divorce/Separation/Annulment
  • Mutualagreement to separate
  • Abandonment
  • Giving birth and not choosing to marry
  • Adoption
  • Raising the child ofRelative
  • Temporary solo-parenting
  • Solo parenting by unusual situation
  • Celibate parents
  • Stereotyped roles
  • Surrogateparenting

Expanded solo care giver 15. Summary

  • Choice
  • Circumstance
  • Chance

passage 16. John 10:10

  • He came that we might have life and live it to the fullest.

17. III. Challenges of Solo-Parenting

  • Everythingoccurring in the family, regardless of how carefully hidden, impacts the children.Everything . ( R. Hemfelt and P. Warren, Kids Who Carry Our Pain, p.70.)

Children cabatu 18. Grief

  • 1. Dealing with
  • loss/death

Ask which 19. Which is more painful?

  • In death you know they are gone and you will never be with them again. In divorce (especially if you still love the person)It rips your heart out every second of every day ..... In death you can let them go. ( )

Case to case resiliency 20. Alone

  • 2. Raising the child/children Alone

2 jobs 21. Nurture and Control balance 22. Outcast?

  • 3. Facing social acceptability

. Pressure intra inter meta Quote 23. Negative Perception

  • The reality I have seen over the years is usually a stressed out, overworked, debt stricken woman who really had no idea children cost so much in time, effort and money.

Sweeping statements 24. Money Matters

  • 4. Confronting economic concerns

Economic difficulties 25. Stress Multiplied

  • Whether you are among that number because of divorce, or death, or teen pregnancy, by choice, or other reasons,the life of a single parent is one of stress.And when you consider the statistics, that stress is often multiplied by financial concerns

Stress multiplies 26. Family as a System

  • Everybody affects every body

. Bowen 27. Stress Multiplied

  • By definition, a family system functions because it is a unit, andevery family member plays a critical, if not unique, role in the system . As such, it is not possible that one member of the system can change without causing a ripple effect of change throughout the family system.
  • (H. Dan Smith, EdD, MFT)

Affecting each other discuss 28. Discuss

  • In your opinion and experience in the field,what do you think are the common challenges facing solo-parents today?

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