CELESTIALS Jennifer Sumbu Longe Screenplay by Jennifer ...

Post on 25-Jan-2022






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Story by Jennifer Sumbu Longe

Screenplay by Jennifer Sumbu Longe & Rhea Mary Oommen

Based on the chapter, “The Buried Moon”

from More English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs

CONTACT: Jennifer Sumbu Longe +33616882064 jenlonge@gmail.com


Through a telescope, a plethora of stars. Darkness. The moon.

VOICE (OC)Edmund, my boy, you have to see dear Luna tonight. Will you look at her curves and seas?

The moon and its craters.

VOICE (OC) (CONT'D)Edmund, you're missing out.


EDMUND, 21, an analytical, studious, has his face buried in a giant astronomy book. His uncle JOHANNES,60, an aging wild-at-heart amateur astronomer, looks through the telescope.


EDMUNDI'm reading about the gravitational forces on the supermoon.

JOHANNESFor heaven's sake, put the book down and come see the intricacies of the cosmos for yourself.

EDMUNDIt's the same sky every night, uncle Johannes. Nothing ever changes!

JOHANNESYet it never fails to amaze me.

Edmund sighs and closes the book. He gets up and goes to the telescope. Johannes steps aside to let him have a look.

Edmund gets a grip on the telescope and peers through.

EDMUNDI don't see anything.

JOHANNESIt's because you moved it slightly. Here, now do you see it?

Johannes fixes the telescope's placement.



JOHANNESWhat? Move aside.

Johannes peers through the telescope. Edmund rolls his eyes and goes back to his book.

JOHANNES (CONT'D)Why she's vanished. Edmund, you have scared her away!


Yes, I am the omniscient, all-powerful creator of the universe.

JOHANNESFalse alarm. There she is.

EDMUND(very sarcastic)


Edmund yawns and picks up the book.

EDMUND (CONT'D)Well, I'm going home. I'll return the book to you tomorrow. Goodnight, Uncle Hans.

Johannes doesn't respond. He examines the moon strangely, lost in thought.

EDMUND (CONT'D)I said goodnight, Uncle Hans.

JOHANNESOh goodnight, Edmund. Wait...

EDMUNDWhat is it?

JOHANNESDo you notice anything strange about the moon tonight?

EDMUNDI couldn't even see it.

JOHANNESShe seemed shy, didn't she? Have a look again, will you?


Johannes turns around but Edmund is already walking home.

Johannes sighs. He looks at the moon. He turns away for a second and suddenly light shines bright in the sky. He looks back and his jaw drops- the light falls further down the field.

Johannes rushes toward the spot.


Wheezing and panting, Johannes arrives where the light fell.

It's nothing but grass and his own shadow.

He looks at the sky then puts his hands on his face in awe.

He hears a rustling sound and notices the shadow of a FIGURE crossing his way.

JOHANNESHEY! Did you see that light?

No response. Johannes takes out a flashlight from his pocket and shines it on the figure, revealing a TEENAGER, 17, with bleached blonde hair.

The teenager shields himself from the light and runs away from Johannes.

Johannes looks up at the sky, in wonder.


Edmund and his four younger siblings, CARL, 9, GEMMA, 12, MAX, 12 and HEIDI, 14, clear the table.

His mother GRETA, 46, washes up in the kitchen. His father CHRISTIAN, 47, smokes a pipe by the window.


Bunkbeds line the walls. The kids sit on the floor in PJs wearing blankets. The bedroom is dark. Glow in the dark stars shine on the ceiling.

Edmund tells a story to his siblings, using a flashlight under his chin for added drama.


EDMUNDThe alien spaceship landed in the school playground and the slimy, green aliens took all the teachers captive. They made all the children enter the spaceship, and the spaceship blasted off into outer space. No one ever saw them again.

Carl is visibly scared. He lets out a sob and Gemma, pokes him. Carl squeals and Gemma and Max laugh at him.

EDMUND (CONT'D)Enough you two. It's time for you to go to sleep.

They all climb into their bunkbeds.

Edmund notices Heidi has been in her bed the whole time.

EDMUND (CONT'D)Are my stories boring you, Heidi?

HEIDINo... But they aren't as interesting as Lars Axelsson.

EDMUNDWho's Lars Axelsson?

Heidi removes a poster from under her pillow, revealing a handsome Swedish dancer in a leotard.

Edmund laughs.

HEIDIDon't laugh! He's on "Dancing with the Stars". He's gorgeous!

Max and Gemma giggle.

HEIDI (CONT'D)Do you think I'm pretty?

EDMUNDYou're beautiful, but you're also so smart. This guy probably has a sponge for a brain.

HEIDIBut he can do the splits!

EDMUNDIs that really a valuable skill?


Heidi shrugs. She removes two tickets from under her pillow.

HEIDII won two tickets to meet him tomorrow and dad has agreed to take me.


Edmund kisses her.

EDMUND (CONT'D)Goodnighty, Heidi.

Edmund climbs to the top bunk and sees Carl.

Edmund smiles and takes a seat next to him.

CARLI can't sleep.

EDMUNDWhy not?

Carl speaks softly.

CARLI don't like the dark.

Edmund puts his arm around him.

CARL (CONT'D)... and Gemma and Max make fun of my night light.

EDMUNDWho cares what they think.

Edmund switches the night light on. It casts a shadow. Edmund makes shadow puppets.

Carl smiles, then sighs.

CARLI wish I was brave like you. You sit in that dark field all night.

EDMUNDThat's because I can always count on the moon and the stars to provide me with some light.

Edmund kisses him and gets off the bunkbed.



Edmund tiptoes down the stairs and sneaks out of the house.


Edmund walks down the quiet streets. He passes the field, hops over a fence, and heads toward a rickety old house.


All the lights are on, music blasts through the window.

Edmund looks on confused. He knocks on the door. MILTON, 50, Johannes's assistant, opens the door and quickly grabs Edmund in. Edmund takes out a book from inside his jacket.

EDMUNDI just came to return his book. I can't stay long.

Milton grabs the book and throws it behind him.


The house is cluttered with dusty antique furniture, books, encyclopedias, maps, charts and photographs of stars.

Milton leads Edmund to a study.

MILTONEdmund, Edmund. There is something wrong with your uncle.

EDMUNDWhat? What happened? Is he alright?

MILTONNo! Ever since that night you went stargazing, he's been in a frenzy. He hasn't eaten, he hasn't slept.

Milton leans in and whispers-

MILTON (CONT'D)I think he finally may have snapped.

EDMUNDWhat do you mean 'finally?'. Uncle Johannes is perfectly sane-



Milton opens the study door and reveals Johannes lying in the fetal position on the floor. His laptop, charts of constellations, papers and open books surround him. His eyes are wide open.

Edmund rushes to him.

EDMUNDUncle Johannes!

Johannes jumps up and smiles.

Edmund speaks slowly.

EDMUND (CONT'D)Uncle Hans, what's going on? What happened since I last saw you?


EDMUNDI'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation.

JOHANNESEdmund, my boy... It's happening.

Johannes grabs Edmund's by the shoulders.

JOHANNES (CONT'D)The world is ending.

Edmund looks at him confused.

EDMUNDNo, it is not.

JOHANNESI saw it with mine own eyes! The sky is fading, the moon, she is dying and the stars are falling!

Milton uses a finger circling near his head to indicate "crazy". Edmund ignores it.

EDMUNDOkay, you and I know only a viral disease, ecological collapse, volcanic eruption, asteroid, ... can end the world. None of...


JOHANNESBut the stars, they are falling!

Edmund sighs.

EDMUNDWhat do you mean?

JOHANNESAfter you left last night, I saw a bright light fall from the sky and land just north of the field. I chased after it but found nothing. It was a star, Edmund! A star!

EDMUNDHow do you know it was a star?

JOHANNESBecause there is one missing tonight.

EDMUNDI honestly think you might have been hallucinating.

JOHANNESNO NO. I'm not, I tell you.

EDMUNDWhen did you last have a full night's sleep?

Johannes thinks and looks at Milton for confirmation.

JOHANNESUhh..was it the 21st? The 21st, I believe.

EDMUNDMilton, will you please take my uncle to bed?

MILTONOf course.

JOHANNESNo, no Edmund. I must return to the field right now. I'll spend the night under the stars and when another one falls, I will be able to-


He makes a snatching gesture with his hand, but then proceeds to yawn loudly.

EDMUNDNO. You're going to bed.

JOHANNESFine. But will you go to the field for me?

Edmund looks at him surprised.


Johannes stands in front of a shelf full of his awards, now gathering dust. Edmund looks at the awards then sighs.


Milton leads Johannes out of the study.

JOHANNES (OC)Don't forget to take my Orion AstroView 90mm Refractor. And take notes on whatever you see and..and BRING ME BACK A STAR!


Edmund sets up the telescope, but doesn't look through it.

He lays down on the soft grass and looks up at the stars.

He slowly dozes off.


Edmund is sound asleep. A light shines on him. He opens his eyes but it's so bright, he immediately shields himself with his arms. He rubs his eyes and sees all sorts of colors and stars in his mind.

Beside him, the light transforms to dust. And the dust transforms into a woman- NEOMA, 23, tall, statuesque, in a flowing white dress, similar to a Greek goddess, stands on the grass. Her hair is bright white and glowing. She carries a large bag, a blue shawl and a pouch.


She looks around, puzzled. Edmund gets his senses back and sees her. She smiles and waves at him. He smiles back cautiously. She approaches him and puts out her hand.

NEOMAI am Neoma.


He goes to shake her hand but it's fire hot. He yells and retracts his hand. He looks at her in awe - her glowing hair, her astonishing beauty, then takes a look at his burnt right hand before passing out. Neoma looks around then slaps his cheek lightly, trying to revive him.

NEOMAHis skin is colder than mine.

She feels his skin. Edmund wakes up and sees her. He moves away from her.

NEOMA (CONT'D)Please, don't be afraid.

EDMUNDWho are you?

NEOMAI told you, I am Neoma. I come from the realm above yours.

She points at the sky. He looks up, with a puzzled look on his face.

EDMUNDIs this a joke? Do you go to my school?

Neoma shakes her head.

NEOMAI am from the realm above yours.

She looks around the field.

NEOMA (CONT'D)I didn't expect anyone was going to be here. I have come for my friend Sirius. Have you seen him?

Edmund looks at her glowing hair. He reaches out to touch it but she backs away.


NEOMA (CONT'D)Will you help me, please?

EDMUNDWhere are you from?

Neoma sighs. From her bag, she takes out an iPhone size stone, and shows it to him.

NEOMAThis should help explain things better.

Edmund looks at the stone and tries to touch it but she moves it away from him.

NEOMA (CONT'D)My realm is one of clouds, of dust, of water, located right above yours.

The stone's surface begins to light up.

EDMUNDWHOA. Is this the new iPhone? What app is this?

She looks at him confused.



On the stone's surface:

A beautiful, pristine land of clear skies, fluffy clouds, idyllic architecture and platinum streets. The people of the realm are the CELESTIALS, modern versions of Greek Gods and Goddesses- tall, strong and beautiful, some of them seem to be covered in bronzer.


The Light Stadium is a large roofless half stadium like room with dust like sparkling particles floating high. There are three doors under the stands. The middle door is the largest and the two others are the same size.

NEOMA (VO)Today, Aelius lights the sky during the day.


A celestial, AELIUS, 40, a strapping demi-God with flowy fire-like hair, enters through the middle door. He lifts his arms into the air. Some dust like particles move toward his hands then form a light ball with a sunlike glow. The light ball gets larger and larger until released into the air, floating, forming daylight.


Aelius' light ball starts to fade as its size reduces.

Another celestial, KAMARIA, 85, a statuesque aging demi-Goddess with flowing platinum hair, enters thru the middle door. Other celestials take theirs seats in the stadium.

Kamaria lifts her arms into the air, some dust gather between her hands and forms a bright light ball with a moonlike glow.

The light ball grows in size but not as much as Aelius' light ball.

NEOMA (VO)And Kamaria lights the sky during the night.

Kamaria releases the light ball into the air, it floats, forming nightlight. Aelius' light ball disappears. A few feet away, Neoma, with dull hair, watches. An ELDER, old celestial wearing light blue hooded tunic, next to her places his hand on her shoulder. Aelius smiles at her as he leaves the light stadium.

NEOMA (VO) (CONT'D)I am a student of Kamaria. I have been studying under her for a hundred years.

EDMUND (VO)A hundred?

NEOMA (VO)A hundred years in my realm is about ten years in yours. Luminous Points also light the sky, but only if the evening light is present.

Celestials sitting in the stadium join in by making smaller light balls that twinkle like stars.

The evening light ball starts fading and comes back down towards Kamaria as its size reduces quickly. Kamaria lifts her arms towards it to stop its descent, but after a few seconds faints as the light ball dissipates.


Neoma and the Elder come to her side as the lights created by the luminous points fade. The realm goes dark.

NEOMA (VO) (CONT'D)Because of her age, Kamaria cannot shine as bright as she used to. For a mere second, darkness befell the realm. We were all very afraid.


Fear appears on celestials' faces. Some of them start screaming and crying, while others start running around aimlessly.


Aelius rushes in and quickly makes a light ball smaller than the one he had previously made, then releases it in the air.

Light returns in the realm.


Celestials' faces light up with happiness as they let out sounds of joy and relief.


Aelius has his arms up, struggling to keep the light ball from coming down and fading away.

NEOMA (VO)But after twelve hours of lighting the night, Aelius had to light the day for another twelve and as mighty as he is, he grew weary.

Neoma notices it and leaves Kamaria. She goes next to Aelius, puts her arms. The light ball stops descending and its light increases.

Kamaria wakes up, takes Aelius' place and with the help of Neoma releases the light ball. Neoma relaxes and lets Kamaria carry on alone as the Luminous Points are once more able to create their light. Other Elders enter. They whispers among each other.


NEOMA (VO) (CONT'D)It was time for another to take Kamaria's place.


Neoma and another YOUNG CELESTIAL, 18, sit and watch SIRIUS, 20, male, her best friend, perform an interpretive dance.

An ELDER appears and calls upon her, taking her away. Sirius frowns.


Kamaria's bedroom is lush and decorated in night sky tones; dark blue and silver. She is sitting in bed, weak. Her hair is dull. Neoma enters and sits beside her.

KAMARIAMy dear Neoma, you have always been my brightest student.

NEOMAYou mean teacher's pet.

Kamaria smiles.

NEOMA (CONT'D)You've taught me well, Kamaria. But still, I don't know if I am up to this.

KAMARIAI understand how you are feeling because I went through the same thing. It is totally normal to be afraid.

NEOMAWhat if I'm not as strong as everyone thinks and the entire realm sinks into darkness because of me.

KAMARIAI know what you are capable of and you won't be alone. I will be by your side to guide you.

Neoma and Kamaria smile, then hug.



A large very large room is filled with about three thousand celestials seated in the auditorium and the four raised seating platforms.

Neoma sits on a silver throne on a stage. She is surrounded by five Elders, wearing the same light blue hooded tunic, and ten adult aged celestials. Neoma is crowned by a middle aged elder with a bright halo. The halo is absorbed into her hair and makes her hair glow like it does in the present. People in the auditorium cheer.

Beside her is Sirius with a frown. An elder approaches him and proclaims-

ELDERIn addition to Neoma's crowning, we will welcome the addition of our newest Luminous Point. He is,on both sides, from a long line of Evening and Morning Lighters, as well as brave warriors. Some of them even fought in the battle against dark matters. Sirius, son of General Rigel, captain of our army. His older sister, Halley, is an intrepid explorer of the faraway realms. Today he will be given rule over the northern luminous point of the sky.

Neoma gives Sirius a nudge, but he scowls. The elder places a halo beam on Sirius, transforming his hair into a bright shade of blonde.

NEOMA (VO)Sirius is my best friend, that is why I have to find him and convince him to return to our realm before anyone notices that he is gone.



The images from her device fade. Neoma puts it back into her bag. She waits for Edmund's reaction. He stares into the distance, in thought.



NEOMAI suppose it is.

EDMUNDThis can't be real. This has got to be a dream.

NEOMAI assure you it isn't.

Edmund takes a deep breath.

EDMUNDSo this Aelius lights up the sky during the day?


EDMUNDOur sky?

NEOMAYes, yours too.

EDMUNDAnd you have met him and spoken with him?

NEOMAOf course. He is one of my mentors, as is Kamaria.

EDMUNDAnd his hair is as bright yours?

NEOMAIt's wavy and glorious and ten thousand times brighter.

As she says this, the sun rises behind her.

NEOMA (CONT'D)So do you believe me now?

Edmund thinks for a moment, then looks at the burn mark on his right hand.

EDMUNDYeah, I believe you. Ha! I must be going crazy... Like my old uncle. He says he saw a star fall to the earth the other day.


Neoma's eyes widen.


Edmund doesn't hear her. He just seems to ramble on to himself.

EDMUNDNow, I meet a woman with hair the color of a fluorescent lightbulb who claims that she is a star. We don't really get a lot of tourists in this part of town. And certainly not-

He looks at her up and down. She looks back at him. He gets flustered. She approaches him and grabs his arm.


NEOMAWho is the one who saw a star fall to earth?

EDMUNDMy uncle.

NEOMATake me to him, please.

EDMUNDI don't know. My uncle hasn't really been himself lately.

NEOMAPlease! He might be my only chance of finding my friend.

Neoma gazes pleadingly at him with her bright eyes.


Edmund packs up Johannes's telescope. Neoma picks up her bag.

EDMUND (CONT'D)Follow me, I suppose.

They make their way across the field.


They continue their way until they reach the fence. Edmund helps Neoma climb over. The end of her braid gets caught in the fence and she gently tugs it out.

EDMUND (CONT'D)Heu... Is there any way you could ...cover all this.

He gestures to her glowing hair. She puts her bag down, braids braids her hair then wraps it in the blue shawl.

EDMUND (CONT'D)Perfect. Now you look like my grandma.

She flutters her eyelashes. Edmund smiles.

EDMUND (CONT'D)Let's go.

They walk.

EDMUND (CONT'D)Do you have dragons where you came from?

As Edmund and Neoma walk away, out of the shadows, a SILHOUETTE emerges. A strand of Neoma's hair is caught in the fence. The figure picks it up with a black leather gloved hand. It glows in contrast. He takes off the glove, revealing a grey, ghostly hand, and clutches the hair. The light from the hair is absorbed into his hand. The hair turns limp and dull.


Edmund and Neoma walk in the direction of Johannes's house until Edmund notices an unusual CROWD gather further down the street, surrounding someone YELLING. He groans.

Johannes stands in the center of the crowd, holding a sign reading 'THE END IS NEAR', along with a map of constellations.

JOHANNESThe universe is collapsing, people! Put down your phones! Hold on to your loved ones! THE END IS NEAR!

Crowds of people, young and old, surround him. Some film him, laughing and mocking. Edmund makes his way through the crowd.

Neoma follows behind. Johannes sees Edmund.


JOHANNES (CONT'D)Tell them, Edmund!

All eyes are on Edmund. Cellphone cameras are pointed at him.

A teenage GIRL nudges him.

GIRLHey, you know this crazy guy?

EDMUNDHe's my uncle and he's not crazy! He holds a PhD in astrophysics from the University of Potsdam and has been practicing observational astronomy since before you were born.

Edmund turns to Neoma.

EDMUND (CONT'D)Stay right here. I'll be right back.

Edmund reaches Johannes and forces him to lower his signs.

EDMUND (CONT'D)Alright, Uncle Hans. Let's get you home.

JOHANNESNo, no. I'm not done yet.

EDMUNDDon't you want to see the star?

Johannes's face lights up and he follows Edmund. Edmund signals Neoma to join them.


Milton opens the front door. Johannes and Edmund enter.

Milton is about to shut the door when Neoma appears. Edmund gestures for Milton to let her in. Milton examines her, stunned. Johannes hasn't noticed Neoma yet, but instead babbles on to Edmund.

JOHANNESWhere did you find it? It must have been burning hot! How big was it?



JOHANNES (CONT'D)It must be the size of a...well, most stars are bigger than earth, but this could have been a piece of Vega.

Milton, Johannes and Edmund head toward the study. Edmund turns back to Neoma.

EDMUNDJust give me a sec, and I'll introduce you.

Before Neoma can say anything, he shuts the study door, leaving her in the hallway.


At his desk, Edmund covers Johannes with a shawl. Milton puts a tray of tea in front of him. Edmund pours a cup of tea then gives it to Johannes.

Johannes puts the untouched cup of tea back on the tray.

JOHANNESNow. Where is it? I must see it!

His eyes widen, a crazy look upon his face.

Edmund sighs and takes out a large velvet blue box. Johannes opens the box and pulls out an award.

JOHANNES (CONT'D)That's not a star. That's my award granted by the European Astronomical Society. What's going on, Edmund? Have you found the star or not?

EDMUNDWhat do you think?

JOHANNESI think that everything that I have discovered so far might be meaningless.

EDMUNDThat is not true. Uncle Jo, everyone in this room knows that you are a genius... don't worry about finding a star on earth, which is impossible you mentalist.


Johannes ponders this.

JOHANNESYes, but what good did I ever really do? The certificates and dossiers lie in a cupboard in some university library, gathering dust...

Milton shakes his head. He speaks to Edmund.

MILTONWhen you were out stargazing, he spent all night researching on his laptop. I had to take it away from him. He didn't get a wink of sleep.

EDMUNDWell, obviously he needs sleep, Milton. He's hysterical.

Edmund looks at the door and then back at Johannes. He sits on the desk in front of Johannes.

EDMUND (CONT'D)Could the star be... human like?

JOHANNESOf course not. It's either a fiery ball of mass. Or a solid ball of mass.

EDMUNDOr perhaps maybe a goddess, figuratively speaking? A representation of the solar system? As many of our stars have been named after gods and goddesses. Castor and Pollux, Pegasus, Lyra..

JOHANNESWhere are you going with this?

EDMUNDWhat I am about to show and tell you, is going to sound crazy.

EDMUND (CONT'D)But I need you to keep in mind that it is just as crazy as what you were rambling about last night.

JOHANNESIf you say so.


Edmund sighs. He walks over to the door and opens it. Neoma is in the hallway looking at a painting on the wall. Edmund whistles for her to enter the study.

Neoma enters. Johannes puts his glasses on and smiles at the sight of the beautiful young lady.

JOHANNES (CONT'D)And who is this delightful creature?

EDMUNDThis is Neoma, a star who fell to earth. But she isn't the star that you saw. She's the star that I saw.

Edmund turns to Neoma.

EDMUND (CONT'D)Or rather, the moon.

JOHANNESThe moon is a star.

Johannes smiles. He looks at Neoma, confused, but is thoroughly amused.

JOHANNES (CONT'D)But a star? How could it be?

NEOMASir, it is my understanding that you may have seen my friend, Sirius, descend to earth last night. If you could tell me-

Johannes laughs, stands up then sits back down on the desk and folds his arms.

JOHANNESSirius? Sirius A? The faint white dwarf, visual apparent magnitude of -1.46.

NEOMAI don't know...He is not a dwarf!

JOHANNESNo, of course not. He is twice the size of the sun? My, my, Edmund, it is lovely to finally meet another stargazer who personifies the stars as I do?


Johannes laughs.

EDMUNDShe isn't personifying the stars.

Johannes continues to laugh.

Edmund and Neoma swap looks. Edmund nods. Neoma takes off the blue shawl. Johannes stops laughing. Neoma's glowing hair lights up Johannes's face. Milton is also shaken. Johannes falls back on to his desk. Edmund comes to his aid. Johannes stares at Neoma.

JOHANNESWho are you?

Neoma smiles and takes out her device from her bag.



In the clear pale sky, flashes of darkness appear followed by high pitch screeching (similar to a thunder and lightning storm).

NEOMA (VO)Three hundred years ago, there was an uprise that divided our perfect realm and formed a rebellion. There were those who gathered their energy from light, and those whom light had forsaken. Those fond of darkness, or bogies, wanted the night to be everlasting and their greatest pleasure was immersing us in utter darkness. They frightened our people in a cursed form of daylight thunder storms.

A crowd of fifty celestials are running around, yelling.

Another fifty are on the floor crying while looking at the sky.

NEOMA (VO) (CONT'D)Our only hope- realmic dust gathered by our elders to manipulate the light.

Dust floats in the air above. Moving their arms in circular motions, six Elders gather some dust and aim it at the CELESTIAL ARMY.


The dust covers then brightens their armor, their shields and their weapons. The army of 100 celestials in a field run to meet 300 bogies. The dust covering the celestial army hurts bogies whenever they come into contact with it. The bogies retreat to a corner of the field.

NEOMA (VO) (CONT'D)However, the most dangerous one of them were even able to increase their strength by feeding off our light energy.

The celestial army follows the run away bogies but are stopped by other bogies who absorb their equipments' light by touching it. The Elders lift their arms up and try to gather more dust. A GENERAL and a FEMALE WARRIOR join them and together they manage to create a giant bright light ball and release it in the air. Darkness disappears. Bogies lay on the floor screaming in pain. The bogies who can absorb light try to crawl towards the elders and the two army officers. Waving their hands, the Elders draw a circle on the light ball which then turns into a black hole that sucks in all the bogies.

NEOMA (VO) (CONT'D)In the end, we were able to win the battle.

JOHANNES (VO)Where are the bogies now?

NEOMA (VO)They were banished to other realms.

JOHANNES (VO)Are there any in our realm?

NEOMA (VO)I don't know.


The Female Warrior and the General sit on silver thrones.

They are surrounded by the six Elders and several other celestials. They are crowned by an elder with a bright halo.

The halo is absorbed into their hair and makes it glow. The glow on the Female Warrior is the strongest with a reddish taint to it. The glow on the General has a pale taint and is stronger than the one coming from the celestials next to them.


NEOMA (VO)If our light source was strong enough, the dark forces could be kept at bay.

The celestials seated in the auditorium cheer and clap.

NEOMA (VO) (CONT'D)And so the Elders decided there should always be a great source of light at day and at night and that was the duty of the Morning and Evening Lighters. Helia is crowned as the Morning Lighter and Hang as the Evening Lighter. To help the Evening Light, some are appointed as Luminous Points. Luminous Points' light depends on the Evening Light since they reflect its light.



Johannes and Edmund sit around Neoma who is holding her device. The images from the device fade. Milton is standing in a corner of the room with his mouth wide open.

NEOMAAnd that's my story.

Neoma puts the device back in her bag then wraps her hair back in the blue shawl.

JOHANNESFascinating. Absolutely fascinating.

EDMUNDI know! Hard to believe. Just like she finds it hard to believe that there are large masses called the sun, the moon and the stars.

NEOMAIt is Aelius, Kamaria and the Luminous Points! Do not discredit them!


EDMUNDWhat's not to believe? I can take you outside and prove it to you?

NEOMAAelius is as glorious as he has ever been?

Johannes brings her a chart of the solar system and tries to explain to her.

JOHANNESSol, my dear. Sol is the Latin word for the Sun or for Aelius. This is how we see Aelius in our realm.


Johannes shows Neoma a picture of the moon.

JOHANNESHere is Luna, the Moon, who you know as Kamaria.

EDMUNDHa? We have footage from the lunar surface? What am I saying - we have been to the moon? I mean, not us, but Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Alan Shepard. At least 12 men have walked all over Kamaria.

NEOMAIs that true?

JOHANNESIt is. But perhaps the moon and Kamaria are the same but different. It's very complicated, but as a man of science, I will not refute without further research. The one thing I will ask you, Neoma...perhaps you have the answer. The moon... Kamaria.. is she dying?

NEOMANo, Johannes. There has been a change, but I assure you, tonight the moon will return rejuvenated with all the stars in place.



Johannes sits back at his desk with a smile on his face.

NEOMAThat is ...if you could only tell me if you saw Sirius that night.

JOHANNESI saw nothing, my dear. A bright light falling into oblivion. I ran to the spot it fell, there was no one... Well, except a youth with bleached blonde hair. I suppose he was smoking or...

Johannes' eyes widen.

EDMUNDCould you mean?...

NEOMAThat was Sirius? He isn't as bright as me- in an astronomical sense.

JOHANNESOh, how I wish I had followed him? He could be anywhere by now. I am sorry, my dear.

NEOMAIt's okay. I just need to think where he might have gone.

In the background, Milton has switched on the TV and "Dancing with the Stars" is on. Edmund's phone BUZZES. He checks a text.

Neoma looks at the phone curiously. She pulls out her stone and compares it side by side.

EDMUNDA tad more primitive, eh? Well, I should get going. Mum wants me back for breakfast.

Edmund heads to the door. Neoma looks around awkwardly.

NEOMAI should head out as well and keep looking for Sirius.


JOHANNESMmm! Greta's pancakes are to die for. Neoma, you have to try it. Don't you agree, Ed?

Neoma turns around and looks at him, innocently.


NEOMAThank you. But I should be looking looking for Sirius.

JOHANNESI won’t hear a word of it. You’re a guest! On this world and in our home. Have you ever tried pancakes?

A beat.

JOHANNES (CONT'D)And afterward, Edmund will help you look for your friend afterwards.

Neoma turns to Edmund.

EDMUNDWorks for me.

NEOMAWell, at least I'll get to see what the people of earth eat?

Neoma exits and Edmund gives Johannes a dirty look. Johannes gives him two thumbs up with a mischievous smile on his face Edmund exits.

MILTONAnd you should get some rest, Professor.

Milton leads Johannes out of the room.


Milton waits for Johannes to take his medicine and fall asleep, then turns off the lamp. A second later, Johannes turns on the lamp and sits up.

JOHANNESMilton, fetch me my telescope?


MILTONGo to sleep, professor.

JOHANNESMilton, fetch me my kaleidoscope!

Milton opens a drawer and gives Johannes the kaleidoscope. He looks through it and sees images of the solar system. He falls asleep. Milton tucks him in and tiptoes out the room.


Milton cleans up the study. He notices a strand of hair, Neoma's. He studies it briefly with a nearby magnifying glass then pockets it.


The kids help set the table for breakfast. Edmund's parents talk privately.

CHRISTIANWhere is that boy? Off with your kooky brother again?

GRETAThey're scientists, Christian, you wouldn’t understand.

CHRISTIANScientists! Ha! He should be spending time with someone with a mind that's not gone to dust.

GRETAJohannes may be eccentric but he is still very sharp!

The whole family except Edmund are seated around the table enjoying a German breakfast. The front door opens and Edmund appears with Neoma.

Everyone in the family is stunned.

EDMUNDThis is my new friend Neoma. She's just visiting.

His siblings swap looks and giggle. Greta stands up and shakes Neoma's hand.


GRETAOh, how nice! Please join us. I didn't catch your name?



Christian gets up.

CHRISTIANHere, let me take this off your hands. Have a seat.

He places Neoma's bag in the corner. Heidi offers Neoma her seat at the table and gets another chair for herself, right next to her. She stares at her. Max whispers into Gemma's ear and they burst out laughing. Edmund kicks them under the table.

CHRISTIAN (CONT'D)Would you like some coffee?

Neoma stares at the breakfast food strangely: pancakes, ham, boiled eggs, bread...

NEOMAWow. This is very different from the food back home. It's so colorful and warm.

GRETAWhere are you from, my dear?

Neoma looks at Edmund, tongue-tied.

EDMUNDShe's from up North. Way way up north.


Edmund helps his mother with the dishes. Neoma lingers in the cozy living room, examining a globe. Gemma and Max spy on her, laugh then run away. Heidi just stares at her from across the room. Neoma notices her and waves. Heidi approaches her.


HEIDIYou're lucky you're a guest. We aren't allowed to touch Dad's globe.

NEOMAWhy not?

HEIDIHe thinks we'll break it. Or get food stains on it.

Neoma laughs. She spins the globe and examines all the different countries and cities.

NEOMAIt certainly is vast.

Neoma looks around, making sure no one is there.

NEOMA (CONT'D)Quick, show me where we are.

Heidi checks to see if her Dad is nearby, smiles and sneakily touches the globe. She points to a town in Germany.

NEOMA (CONT'D)Hmmm and how long would it take to get from here to here.

HEIDIUhh maybe three hours by train? But that's nothing. Did you know the longest flight in the world is eighteen hours! You can be eating sushi in Japan in less than a day!

Neoma look at the globe sadly.

NEOMASo he could be anywhere by now.

Heidi stares at her.

HEIDIWhy is your hair covered?

NEOMAUmm....Bad hair day!

HEIDIAre you Edmund's girlfriend?

Neoma puts the globe down and wonders.


NEOMAWell, I'm a girl and I'm his friend, so I suppose so.

HEIDIYou're beautiful.

NEOMAThank you. So are you!


NEOMAOf course you are. Look at that curly hair, the color of honey. Gorgeous.

HEIDII'm not as beautiful as Lars Axelsson. Do you know him?

NEOMAI'm afraid not.

HEIDIHe dances on a show. He's the best dancer ever.

Neoma gets nostalgic and looks out the window at the sky.

NEOMAMy best friend loves to dance too.

HEIDIHis show is in town. I won two tickets to meet him later today. Dad was suppose to take me, but something came up. Maybe you can come with me?

Neoma smiles sadly.


HEIDIUnless, you want to spend time with Edmund, since you're dating-

Edmund appears and interrupts her.


EDMUND-Whoa whoa what are you two talking about?

HEIDIEdmund, can you take me to see Lars Axelsson?

EDMUNDI tough dad was taking you?

HEIDIHe has to see a client and mum won't let me go alone.

EDMUNDSorry, I can't.

Heidi waves Neoma goodbye and exits. Neoma smiles at Edmund.

He awkwardly half-smiles back.

GRETA (OC)Edmund!

EDMUNDExcuse me.

Edmund exits.

Neoma stares at the sun.

CARL (OC)I love the sun too.

Neoma turns around, surprised to see Carl.

CARL (CONT'D)I wish the sun never set. Then it would never be dark.

NEOMABut that's impossible. At night, the moon must take her place to light the sky, so the sun can get some rest.

Carl laughs, thinking she's joking.

CARLThat's funny.

Neoma looks at him puzzled. Carl sighs.


CARL (CONT'D)But the moon doesn't shine bright enough. If it did, we would be able to see the monsters.

NEOMAI didn't know you have monsters in your realm?

CARLThey're in my room. They only come out at night. Gemma and Max say they're under my bed, but that's impossible because I sleep on a bunkbed. I sleep with a night light even tough they make fun of me for that!

NEOMANonsense! It's a perfectly wise thing to do.

Carl breaks out a huge smile. Meanwhile, Edmund spots them chatting and eavesdrops. Neoma takes out a small stone from her pocket. She thinks for a moment.

NEOMA (CONT'D)I used to be scared of the dark too. In fact, in my hometown, everyone is. But we have a safeguard.

She presents the stone to Carl.

NEOMA (CONT'D)This stone will protect you. As long as you hold it in your hand and repeat the phrase "light be with me".

Carl lights up with joy. He takes the stone and hugs Neoma.

CARLThank you!

Edmund looks at them with a faint smile on his face. Carl exits. Edmund takes a deep breath then approaches her. Before he can say a word, Neoma turns to him and speaks.

NEOMAThank you for your hospitality. You have a wonderful home and a wonderful family.


Neoma looks away sadly.

NEOMA (CONT'D)I should probably head back to my realm.

EDMUNDYou're just gonna leave? What about Sirius and the consequences that await him?

NEOMAYour realm is so vast. I'm not even sure where to begin. Halley will find him. She's the best realmic explorer.

Tears stream down her face.

NEOMA (CONT'D)He's strong enough to face them. Or maybe... maybe he'll fit in so well, his sister Halley will never find him. Your realm is vast after all.

EDMUNDSo you might never see him again.

Neoma shrugs and wipes her tears. Edmund takes a tissue from his pocket and hands it to her.

EDMUND (CONT'D)He's your friend! You can't just give up looking for him. You still have until sunset, right?


EDMUNDRight. Then we'll go around town. We'll search every restaurant, every shop, every park. He couldn't have gone far.

Neoma looks at the globe again.

NEOMABut for all we know, he could be in Japan by now.

EDMUNDDoes he have a passport?



EDMUNDA passport. Without one, he won't be able to leave the country. This is a real nice city, maybe Sirius loved it so much that he decided to stay.

Neoma lights up.

NEOMAYou think there's still hope that we will find him?

EDMUNDWon't hurt to try.

Neoma hugs him. He blushes. She looks him in the eyes.

NEOMALet's go.


Neoma, in her blue shawl, holding the bag, and Edmund walk down the crowded, shopping street.

EDMUNDAre you sure you don't want me to carry your bag?

NEOMAIt's quite fragile.

The TOWNSPEOPLE notice Neoma. A few of them recognize Edmund.

HIGH SCHOOL KIDS give him a thumbs up.


They enter a trendy cafe and look around for Sirius, they don't see him. They are about to exit when BO, 21, the cheerful server, recognizes Edmund.

BOEdmund! Long time! Diet coke and a Nutella Waffle?

He notices Neoma.


BO (CONT'D)Or should I make that two Nutella Waffles?

EDMUNDWe're just looking for someone, Bo. Uh, tall, bleached blonde male, about 18.

(quietly)Perhaps looks like he's dealing with an episode of psychosis.

BOSorry, haven't seen him. I'll be right back with your order.

Before Edmund can say anything, Bo disappears behind the cafe.

NEOMAWe don't have time for this.

EDMUNDIt would be rude to just leave!

Neoma sighs. Edmund pulls out a chair for her then takes the seat opposite to her.

EDMUND (CONT'D)Did Sirius ever show signs that he wasn't happy in your realm?

NEOMAHe was deeply troubled, and I was too caught up to see it.



After the crowning, Neoma and Sirius walk alone together.

Neoma is in high spirits while Sirius stares at the floor.

NEOMAWhy so serious Sirius?

He doesn't answer. She jokingly punches him.

SIRIUSI don't want any of this, Neoma. You know me.


NEOMAIt's your destiny. It's in your blood.

SIRIUSI don't care! There are more enjoyable things I'd rather do.

NEOMALike what?

SIRIUSLike dancing.

Sirius starts beautifully dancing around Neoma.

SIRIUS (CONT'D)Halley once told me of a realm full of different types of music and dances. Master Sneden told me that he once visited it and that dancers were celebrated. I would much rather be a dancer in that realm than a meaningless luminous point in this one.

NEOMAWhat are you talking about? You are helping me light the sky. I could never do it alone.

Sirius stops dancing.

SIRIUSRight, I forgot it's all about you.


Sirius walks away from her.


Sirus, upset, walks to a bench. Unnoticed by him, ZEKE, 17, watches him. She sees an older celestial, MASTER SNEDEN, 60, a gruff overweight man with a beard, join him.


Neoma's ASSISTANT is presenting to her a silver dress, similar to the one Kamaria wears.



Neoma is seated on the same bench Sirius was seating on earlier. She taps her foot on the ground, sighs, then stands up and leaves.


Neoma is talking with ORION, 13, Sirius' younger brother.

ORIONI thought that my brother was with you. Should we be worried?

NEOMANo. I'm sure he'll turn up soon.


Neoma walks by looking around.


Neoma opens the door and is met by the Elders' stern look.


Sorry, didn't mean to disturb you. Has any of you... Never mind, I'll keep looking.


Pokes her head in.


As she walks, she cups her hands around her mouth.


Echos of her voice throughout out the room.



From the right entrance Neoma sees Kamaria seating on a chair, moving the dust around the evening light with her hands. She looks around around the room. She is about to leave when she sees Aelius walk next to Kamaria.

KAMARIAYou're early.

AELIUSI heard that you requested to light the evening. You do know that we already found your replacement.

KAMARIAYes. And a fine one. I still have enough in me for one last lighting. And I intend to enjoy every single moment of it.


Neoma is met by ZEKE, 13. Neoma hugs her.

ZEKEWhat is wrong sister?

NEOMAOh, Zeke. I'm so worried about Sirius.

Zeke stares at her strangely.

NEOMA (CONT'D)What is it? Do you know something?

Zeke, look around, then whispers in her ear.

ZEKEFollow me.

Neoma follows Zeke.


Zeke leads Neoma to a dark, isolated tunnel.

NEOMADoesn't Master Sneden oversee the realmic expeditions? What would Sirius want with him?


ZEKEFor the past year, I have noticed that Sirius has been spending more time with Master Sneden. Confiding in him.

NEOMAHow could I not know this? I'm a terrible friend? What could he have been up to?

ZEKEMaster Sneden's a total recluse. Not even Aelius could brighten his lair.

NEOMAIsn't he more susceptible to the bogies?

ZEKEThey're probably more frightened of him?

They arrive to the workshop.


Neoma knocks on Sneden's wooden door before entering.

NEOMAMaster Sneden?

Sneden appears from the shadows.

SNEDENWho goes there?

Neoma speaks firmly.

NEOMANeoma and my younger sister Zeke. Master Sneden, have you seen Sirius?

Sneden sighs. He walks over to his workspace of various tubes boxes of dust and devices.

SNEDENSirius would visit me once a week. He would bring me my medicine- a bottle of cloud-wine and two crescent tarts. Nasty trickster?


NEOMAWhat are you talking about?

SNEDENHe fooled me! He fooled all of us!

Sneden points to a sack of glowing dust in the corner.

SNEDEN (CONT'D)The elders granted me one million three hundred thousand, two hundred and ninety nine specs of realmic dust for an expedition to a far away realm. Last night, as I was counting the specs as I do every night, I realized I was missing three thousand, four hundred and fifty six specs!

Sneden covers his face in despair, then points at the girls.

SNEDEN (CONT'D)That boy stole from me!


NEOMADoes that mean... Sirius left the realm?

SNEDENYes! To the realm right below us. The fool didn't even take enough dust to return back.

ZEKEYou mean he's stuck there!

Sneden nods.

NEOMAHe must be terrified being in a totally different word.

SNEDENI once joined an expedition team there, that realm isn't that different from ours and the inhabitants are somewhat friendly. Ever since Halley told him about her expedition there, He wouldn't stop dreaming about it. If he doesn't return-


Sneden looks ominous.

NEOMAThe council of elders will send his sister Halley to bring him back.

SNEDENAnd he will face dire consequences.

Neoma paces, thoughtful.

NEOMASirius never liked his life here. Bringing him back and punishing him will only make it worse.

ZEKEAnd Halley is a seasoned explorer. She will surely retrieve him and force him back.

SNEDENUnless someone else takes her place.

Zeke and Neoma look at him, intrigued.

SNEDEN (CONT'D)Though he may be a rotten trickster, Sirius has been kind to me. I won't tell anyone about the missing dust but, Neoma, you must travel to the realm below, find him and convince him to return before the council of elders finds out that he's missing.

Zeke gasps.

ZEKEShe can't go. She is the Evening Lighter, people will definitely notice her absence.

SNEDENNot if she returns on time.

ZEKEWhat if she doesn't? I'll go after Sirius.

SNEDENHe might not listen to you. But he will listen to a friend.


ZEKEYou're his friend, why don't you go? You've been there before and you're practically an elder.

SNEDENBut I am not as close to him as her. Neoma, you are the only one he will listen to. You have to do it. Isn't it what a good friend would do?

Neoma nods.

NEOMAYes. I'll do it.

ZEKEBut you are now the Evening Lighter. You have a responsibility, Neoma.

NEOMAI'll be back before Aelius is done with day lighting, I promise. But you have to cover for me, Zeke.

ZEKEBut, you've never been to a different realm! You are not a realm explorer, and



ZEKEFine. I will.

They embrace. Neoma whispers in Zeke's ear. They look at each other, Zeke nods, then runs out of the workshop.


Zeke pokes her head out of the window. Looks right, then left. She throws a bag out of the window, then jumps out.

Behind her, through the bedroom door, Orion observes her jumping out.



Sneden gives Neoma a pouch of dust.

SNEDENHere you go dear, enough dust to go and make your way back.

NEOMAThank you.

She notices vials with with glittering gold particles in. She picks one up.

NEOMA (CONT'D)What is this.

Sneden carefully takes it from her.

SNEDENThis is concentrated realmic dust. Even tough it is small, it is just as effective as what I gave you.

NEOMAThen why not give me vials instead of a pouch?

SNEDENBecause you don't need that much. What I gave you will be enough for you to go alone and return with Sirus.

Sneden puts the vial back.


Zeke comes rushing in holding a bag. She drops it next to Neoma.

ZEKEHere you go. I made sure that no one noticed me.

Zeke and Neoma hug.

NEOMAThank you!

SNEDENGood luck my dear.


Sneden and Zeke take a few steps back. Neoma adjusts the blue shawl around her neck, picks up the large bag in one hand and holds Sneden's pouch of dust in the other.

NEOMA (VO)I had never traveled across the realms before. It is a dangerous venture, but I knew I had to save my friend.

Neoma sprinkles some dust on the floor. The dust turns into a light that then covers her before descending into the unknown realm below.



Bo comes to their table with their order: two Nutella waffles and a milkshake with two straws on a table.

BOFor the lovebirds.

Bo walks away.

Neoma tastes a dollop of whip cream with her finger.

NEOMAThis is wonderful! It's like clouds!

Edmund is amused.

EDMUNDYou don't have whipped cream up there?

They both share the milkshake.

NEOMAWe mostly eat fruit and honey.

EDMUNDOh, if you like this, just wait-


Neoma and Edmund stand outside the kebab stand. Neoma takes a huge bite of the kebab.


EDMUNDAmbrosia, right?

NEOMAIt's SO good!

Neoma notices a vintage record store across the street. Faint music coming from it can be heard. She points to it.

NEOMA (CONT'D)There! Sirius loves music!


They walk inside the store and look at all the records. They speak with the OWNER who then shakes his head.

Neoma walks to an aisle, puts headphones on, listens to a record and dances to the rhythm. Edmund approaches her.

EDMUNDYou must be an expert in classical music, huh? I imagine harps are a big thing up there.

NEOMAHmm? Oh yes.

EDMUNDI like a bit of Mahler in the background. Vivaldi helps me study. What are you listening to?


Neoma gives the headphones to Edmund. Surprisingly, it's a loud DEATH METAL song. He flinches.

EDMUNDYou like this?

Neoma nods. Edmund smiles.


Neoma and Edmund walk around.


Neoma and Edmund are seated on a bench feeding ducks.



Neoma and Edmund walk through a row of statues.


Edmund buys Neoma a pair of pink souvenir sunglasses.


Neoma and Edmund walk around and stop in front of a large fountain. Edmund takes his phone out and puts the camera on selfie mode. He shows Neoma. She sees her face in the phone and freaks out, almost dropping his camera into the fountain but Edmund reaches it before it gets in the water. They take her first selfie together. Delighted, she gestures for him to take more pictures of her.


On one street, Neoma sees a HOMELESS MAN with a sign 'ANYTHING HELPS'.

NEOMAIs he some sort of collector?

EDMUNDNo. That's a homeless person.

NEOMAThere are people with no homes here? Unacceptable.

EDMUNDWell, we're not perfect.


Neoma takes a box of fresh fruits and vegetables. Edmund stays behind to pay for it.


Neoma gives the box of fresh fruits to the homeless man and sits down next to him. They share an orange. He smiles at her and she gives him a kiss on the cheek. Edmund joins them. She motions him to take a picture of the two of them. They then take a selfie with the three of them.



Neoma and Edmund look at the picture they have just taken.

EDMUNDDo you really not have cameras in your realm?

NEOMAWell, you can get an oil panting done of yourself in less than ten minutes!

Edmund takes a picture of her wearing the sunglasses and standing next to a fountain. They sit at the fountain and look at the picture he has just taken.

NEOMA (CONT'D)I wish I could take it back with me.

EDMUNDWe could print them.

NEOMANo, it's okay. These memories will last me a lifetime.

Neoma tears up. She wipes her face.

Edmund looks at her, and gently touches her cheek. He leans in closer toward her face. Neoma smiles and gazes into his eyes. They're about to kiss when Neoma notices the sun behind Edmund is now low in the sky. She backs away from him, her eyes still on the sun. Confused, Edmund turns around and sees the afternoon sun.

NEOMA (CONT'D)Aelius is past his highest point. I have to get back.

Edmund nods, trying to compose himself.

EDMUNDOf course.

NEOMAI wish I could stay longer and see more of your realm. There's a warmth and freedom that could never be replicated in ours.

EDMUNDBut you can't.


Neoma shakes her head.

NEOMAToo many people depend on me. On my realm as well as yours. Even if they didn't, I'd still have to return at some point. The Elders have never allowed anyone to move to another realm. They believe that we are safer if we all stay together.


EDMUNDHow will you return?

NEOMAI remember Halley saying the most important step of realmic travel is to find a large empty space, hopefully where no one will see you. Like the field... where we first met.

Edmund nods sadly.

EDMUNDLet's take the bus back. It will be quicker.


They stand in silence.

In a dark corner, the Silhouette that was present when Neoma landed on the field is observing them, holding a large sheet of paper. He holds up a paper.

THE SILHOUETTEMake sure that they see it.

A small ghostly floating figure takes the paper from The Silhouette. Carrying it, it moves along buildings and trees' shadows. The paper is flapping in the air, as if carried by a wind.

NEOMAThank you, Edmund, for showing me around your lovely town.


EDMUNDIt was a pleasure. I'm sorry we couldn't find your friend.

NEOMAI knew it was impossible. It's not like there would be some big sign right in front of me leading me to Sirius.

As soon as Neoma completes her sentence, the paper slaps Edmund in the face. Giggling, Neoma pulls it from him and notices that it is a flyer advertising Sirius on the show "Dancing with the Stars". Astounded, she points at it.


EDMUNDHe's on "Dancing with the Stars"?!

NEOMAOf course, he is! All Sirius ever wanted to do was dance. How can we get to him?

EDMUNDThey must be performing at the theater. I'll try to get tickets.

Edmund gets on his phone and searches the website. It takes time to load. Neoma, impatient, gesticulates next to him.

EDMUND (CONT'D)Okay, wait so it says I have to create an account. It will take a minute.

NEOMAThere isn't much time!

EDMUNDI know I know.

Edmund types on his phone. Neoma looks around and paces, trying to come up with a plan.

EDMUND (CONT'D)Alright. I'm in. Andddd it's sold out.

NEOMAWe can't get tickets?



Taking a closer look at the flyer, Edmund notices that there is another person next to Sirius: Lars Axelsson, Heidi's beautiful crush.

EDMUND (CONT'D)Lars Axelsson! Heidi won't shut up about him!

NEOMAYes! Yes! Doesn't she have tickets to meet him?!

EDMUNDI'll call her.

Edmund calls Heidi.

EDMUND (CONT'D)Heidi? You still have those tickets to meet Lars Axelsson?

HEIDI(throu the phone)


EDMUNDCan you meet me at the theater?

Heidi screams in joy. Edmund moves the phone away from his ear.

EDMUND (CONT'D)I'll take that as a yes?

On the other side of the phone, Heidi screams with joy once more. Edmund puts the phone down.

EDMUND (CONT'D)She'll meet us at the theater as soon as she can with the tickets.

NEOMAThere's not enough time. I have to try and get in myself.

EDMUNDSecurity's probably tight. I don't think you can charm your way in.

NEOMAI'm not sure what you mean?



A long line of FANS queue around the theater. Two SECURITY GUARDS stand by the entrance. Neoma approaches them, she smiles at them lightheartedly.

NEOMAHey guys, what a day. It is imperative that I make it back stage and speak to Sirius in regard to a matter of great importance.

They continue staring at her without saying a word.

NEOMA (CONT'D)He knows me, we come from the same realm. Here, I can prove it.

She slowly takes off her blue shawl and reveals her glowing hair. They don't even flinch. Neoma is confused. Edmund realizes a ton of FANS nearby are also dressed up in costume and have dyed their hair beach blond. Neoma gets defensive and tries to pass between them.

NEOMA (CONT'D)Excuse me! Let me in! My best friend Sirius is in the show!

The guards still do not flinch. Frustrated, she moves away from them and joins Edmund. Heidi appears out of a bus just in time. She runs toward them, holding two tickets in the air.


Edmund catches her.

EDMUNDActually, the tickets are for me and Neoma.

Heidi looks at Edmund, shocked and disappointed. He feels bad but speaks firmly.

EDMUND (CONT'D)I'm sorry Heidi, but I really need these.

HEIDIBut it is my chance to finally meet Lars.


EDMUNDI know, but It is very important that Neoma gets in so that she can check up on a friend of hers. Do it for her. I promise to make it up to you somehow.

Heidi looks at Edmund and then at Neoma who is tucking her hair in her blue shawl and sadly nods.

HEIDIOkay. I understand. I hope you and Neoma have fun.

EDMUNDI'll bring you back a selfie?

Heidi grabs Edmund's collar.

HEIDIBring me back a lock of his hair.

Edmund nods and grabs Heidi's tickets, gets Neoma, shows the tickets to the security guards who scan them and let them into the theater.


Neoma and Edmund walk through the hallways of the theater, passing the LARS AXELSSON meet n greet. Busy STAGEHANDS and PERFORMERS walk past them.

They follow the sound of music until they reach the backstage area. PERFORMERS dressed as clouds exit the stage and yell at them for being in the way. Another set of PERFORMERS dressed as stars enter the stage and also yell at them for being in the way. The audience quietens down as the next performance begins.


The scenery is changed from a daytime theme to a night sky.

Neoma and Edmund watch from offstage.

NEOMAThis scenery is just like the Field of Clouds. That's where Sirius would show me his dance moves.

The ORCHESTRA begin playing.


From the top of the stage, descends SIRIUS, 18, platinum hair, dressed in silver. Energetic and flexible, he performs an incredible superhuman ballet dance. The star dancers in smaller roles accompany him. Neoma watches in awe, tears in her eyes. She drops her big bag. Edmund realizes it, picks it up and holds on to it for her. The dance is over. Sirius bows. The audience cheers.

Sirius exits the stage in a mass of smoke as the scenery changes again and a new dance begins.


Neoma and Edmund try to find him. They search backstage and ask a group of the minor performers on break if they know where he is.

PERFORMER 1Sirius? Oh he's probably in his ivory tower drinking Evian when all of us have to share a Brita.

PERFORMER 2He's not that bad.

PERFORMER 1He's the worst. Killer pirouette though.

NEOMAWhat are you talking about? Sirius is mighty talented.

PERFORMER 1The boy moves like a demi-God in dancing shoes, but with that ego... His days as a performer are numbered.

Neoma is shocked. Edmund takes her hand and leads her away from the performers.

MICHELL LAPLACE MESSIER, 40, the theater manager appears from the shadows. Neoma's back is turned to him. Her blue shawl is draped around her neck, barely covering her hair. But she blends in well with the star dancers. Messier stares at her strangely but then he puts his hand on Edmund's shoulder.

Edmund jolts and turns around to face him.

MESSIERWho are you?



MESSIERYou don't work for me. Leave before I call security.

Edmund gets nervous. Messier looks at Neoma.

MESSIER (CONT'D)You don't work for me either. Security!

NEOMANo, no. Please, Sir. I'm only here looking for my friend Sirius.

MESSIERMy star performer?

NEOMAWe grew up together. He's like a brother to me.

Messier's frown turns into a big smile and he holds his hands out.

MESSIEROf course, you must be his muse. Any friend of Sirius is welcome here. It is honor to meet you.

Neoma is about to shake Messier's hand until Sirius appears.


Neoma turns to him and she melts and goes to hug him. They hug. Neoma speaks softly so no one hears.

NEOMAOh my heavens, Sirius, I missed you! I was so worried.

SIRIUSShh I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm sorry I left without telling you.

He lovingly rubs the blue shawl on her head. She looks at him with sad eyes.

NEOMAHow could you?


Sirius frowns. He's about to speak when Messier.

MESSIERSirius, you must introduce me to your charming friend.

SIRIUSOf course-

Messier presents his right hand to Neoma but she's more focused on Sirius.

NEOMAWe've already met. Sirius I have to speak with you.

SIRIUSLet's step into my dressing room.

Neoma looks back at Edmund.

NEOMAThis is Edmund, a good friend I made. I would never have found you without him.

Sirius looks at Edmund up and down. They enter his dressing room.


The dressing room is incredibly decked-out in glitzy furniture fit for a star like Mariah Carey. Dazzling costumes, make up and jewelry everywhere.

SIRIUSCan I get you anything? Water? Champagne? Neoma, you must try the champagne. Not as good as ours but it tastes like freedom.

Edmund stands in the corner. Sirius lounges on a white sofa.

Neoma stands in front of him.

NEOMASirius, what is going on?

SIRIUSWhat does is it look like? I'm finally doing what I love and getting the recognition I deserve.


He goes through a pile of letters on the coffee table.

SIRIUS (CONT'D)Look at this. Each one from a fan. The audience gave them to the assistants at the end of the first show.

NEOMABut how did you end up here, at this theater.

SIRIUSMaster Sneden told me about it. He managed to catch a show when he visited the realm. He said that Messier never turned away a good dancer. The night I arrived, I came directly here, introduced myself, was led straight to his office, showed him what I could do, and the next thing I know, I am the lead performer for his show.

He stands up and heads to a cart with champagne. He pours two glasses.

SIRIUS (CONT'D)Do you remember what the Elders said to me when I suggested I perform at their ball?

NEOMAThey didn't recognize your talent.

He gives Neoma a glass.

SIRIUSBut you did.

Neoma looks away.

SIRIUS (CONT'D)But here you are...trying to get me to come back.


SIRIUSWell, it's not happening. I am finally happy Neoma. And if you're my friend, you will let me stay.


NEOMAIt's not your life to live. Sirius, you are an incredible dancer but..


Neoma wonders what to say to convince him but can't find the words. She speaks, desperation in her voice.

NEOMAYou HAVE to come back.

A KNOCK at the door. A MAKEUP ARTIST enters and proceeds to give Sirius a touch up.

SIRIUSI have no intention of returning to our excruciating little hometown, Neoma. So just go on without me.

NEOMASirius...think of the consequences.

SIRIUSSpending the rest of my life all alone in a barely lit room? I have and it's SO worth it.

The artist is done and Sirius exits to the stage. Neoma follows after him. Edmund still carrying the bag, grabs her arm.

EDMUNDYou have to get back. Time is running out.

NEOMAI'm going to try and convince him one last time.


Neoma follows Sirius. He heads to the stage. The other performers make way, as if he's a VIP. They whisper and gossip behind his back. Sirius stops and a STAGEHAND helps him get fitted into a flying rig.

NEOMAThink of your family, your friends.


SIRIUSThere was only you, Neoma. Ever. And even you don’t care for me.

NEOMAWhat about Orion. He looks up to you.

SIRIUSHalley is the sibling he looks up to. She's the intrepid explorer. I am a dancer.

As he says this Sirius is lifted off from the ground. Neoma, who has her arms wrapped around him, is lifted off too. She screams and holds on to him tighter.

SIRIUS (CONT'D)Because in this realm, we can fly if we want to, Neoma. We're free to do anything.


Sirius holds on to Neoma. They "fly" for a moment and then land on the stage.

Neoma is standing still with a terrified look on her face.

Sirius smiles at her and asks for her hand. She takes it and he spins her around and incorporates her into his dance. At first she is uncertain, then she enjoys it.


Edmund is watching Sirius and Neoma perform. He overhears some DANCERS gossiping.

DANCER 1It's SO unfair. I spent the past six months training for Sirius' role and he just walks in and gets it.

Edmund approaches them.

EDMUNDSorry, couldn't help overhearing-

DANCER 1-Save it. We know this show is rigged.


EDMUNDOh, I wouldn't say that.

DANCER 2It's not normal for a dancer to be that good out of nowhere. He must have been secretly training with Messier for months.

EDMUNDBut that's impossible.

On the stage, Sirius perfectly performs a fouette -pass the working leg in front of the body while spinning- the hardest move in ballet.

DANCER 1No. THAT is impossible.

The dancers leave.


In a high up balcony seat with no lighting, The Silhouette speaks into a stone similar to Neoma's, only darker. An EVIL VOICE replies.

DARK FIGUREThe Evening light has found the Luminous Point.

EVIL VOICEAs planned. Makes sure she doesn't leave the realm. Our time has finally arrived?

The Evil Voice laughs but the laughter fades into the sounds of the audience cheering Neoma and Sirius.


Sirius and Neoma bow on stage, receiving a standing ovation.

Neoma is panting, sweating and exhilarated. She looks at the enthusiastic audience, with glee. Sirius leads her offstage.


Sirius and Neoma come tumbling into the dressing room. Sirius is on a high.


A STAGEHAND pours water on them, cooling him down. Stagehand exits. Edmund has been waiting for them, bag next to him, sitting on the couch.

SIRIUSTell me that wasn’t exhilarating?

Neoma tries to catch her breath.

NEOMAIt's like nothing I have ever experienced before. Ever.

SIRIUSSo now do you see why I wish to stay here?

Sirius's face lights up.

SIRIUS (CONT'D)Stay with me.

Shocked, Neoma is about to yell when Messier enters.

MESSIERThat was brilliant, you two? My dear, will you consider performing again for the evening show? I will pay you graciously. Anything you want.

Messier tries to get a hold of Neoma's hand but Edmund comes between them.

EDMUNDActually, Sir, she's just leaving because she already has another important commitment.

Silence in the room.

Messier looks at them a bit uncomfortable.

MESSIERIt seems like you have a lot to talk about. Or I feel that I might have interrupted you.

(Looking at Neoma)We might continue this discussion at a later time.

Messier leaves the room.


NEOMASirius, I can't stay here, you know that.

SIRIUSWhat? You don't like it here?

NEOMAI do and some part of me wishes I could stay here.

SIRIUSThen stay here, with me.

NEOMAI can't and you know that.

SIRIUSOf course, you're the evening light while I am just one of many meaningless luminous points therefore, easily replaceable.

Sirius sighs and sits down on the white sofa. She sits next to him.

Edmund stands out the window looking at the sky.


Aelius waves his hand and some dust merges with the light ball. He sees an Elder walk by.

AELIUSHave you seen Neoma? I would like to wish her well before her first night.

ELDERShe wasn't at the Council Breakfast either. But she did try to enter the Elders' Tower unsolicited earlier. I assumed she was nervous but maybe we should check on her.


Three elders converse.

ELDER 1Neoma is nowhere to be found.


A fourth elder joins them.

ELDER 2It seems that, Sirius, General Rigel's son, might also be missing.

ELDER 1Where could they be?

ELDER 2Maybe they are no longer on this realm.

ELDER 3That is preposterous!

ELDER 2Do you have a better idea as to where they might be?

ELDER 1Let us speak with Master Sneden.


The Elders stand in Sneden's workshop.

ELDER 1We fear that some realmic dust might have been used by non members of the expedition crew and without our permission.

Sneden shakes his head.

SNEDENI can assure you that all the dust is accounted for.


Zeke is hanging out with her FRIENDS on the field of clouds.

One of them is ORION. Zeke's PARENTS appear and talk to her quietly.

ZEKEThe last time I saw Neoma was after the crowning.

The parents look at each other worried. They walk away. Zeke is left with an incredibly guilty look on her face.


She runs away to a corner of the Fields of Clouds. Orion looks at her suspiciously.

Zeke is walking around in circles. Nervous. Orion approaches her and stares into her eyes.

ZEKE (CONT'D)Neoma went to another realm to find Sirius and convince him to come back before anyone notices that he is gone.

ZEKE (CONT'D)Now her time to light the realm is approaching and neither her nor Sirius have returned and I am freaking out.

Zeke starts crying. Orion hugs her.

ORIONIt's going to be alright. I am sure that they are on their way as we speak.


The light ball starts to fade. The Elders speak with Aelius.

ELDER 1We don't know where Neoma is or when she will return. And it has also come to our attention that Sirius is also missing.

AELIUSNot a problem! I could light forever.

ELDER 2We need to think of other options in case we do not find them on time, to avoid putting the realm in danger. Sirius is a luminous point, finding a replacement shouldn't be too complicated. How about Pollux? or maybe his twin brother Castor?

ELDER 1Maybe Kamaria could light the evening. That would give us enough time to find Neoma.


ELDER 2Or her replacement.

ELDER 3Kamaria is too weak to light an entire evening. Even if she could, would one evening be enough for us to find a new evening lighter as talented as Neoma?

ELDER 2We could always light the evening until a new lighter is chosen. It has been done in the past, Elders temporarily taking the place of a lighter. It will slow down the governing of the realm, but it will prevent it from sinking into darkness.

AELIUSI hope it won't come to it.


Sirius and Neoma are sat on the white sofa.

NEOMAIf you get caught, not only will you be forced back, but the Elders will punish you for taking dust and traveling the realms without their consent.

SIRIUSHalley and her little expedition team will never find me. No one will. Messier has promised me a spot in another troupe. I'll make sure to cover my tracks. I'm thinking of a stage name and in this realm we can even change our hair color.

He gets out a dark wig and puts it on.

SIRIUS (CONT'D)Better, right?

NEOMAOkay. Dancing aside. Why won't you come back? Be honest.


Sirius pause for a moment. He takes off the wig and sighs.

SIRIUSI come from a long line of Day and Evening Lighters. Many of them were heroes in the battle against darkness. Halley leads the realmic expeditions. My father is the general of the army. What am I? One Luminous Point among hundreds. Even my twelve year old baby brother shows more potential.

NEOMAYou're not just one in a hundred, Sirius. You have a place right upfront in the Light Stadium.

SIRIUSI get to be near you, Lighter of the Evening. My role is basically meaningless.

NEOMAI could never shine the night sky without you.

SIRIUSYes, you could. You could shine it without ten of me because there are hundreds of other faceless luminous points to help you out. I don't know why they even bother sometimes.

NEOMABecause they know that's what working together is all about.

SIRIUSSave it, Neoma. Master Sneden was the only one who could understand me. He told me that on the earth realm, stars are treated like royalty, better even. That is why he introduced me to this very theater group. The people of earth are obsessed with art and music. If you're great enough, some of them would even die for you.

Neoma is perplexed by his statement.


NEOMAYou're a magnificent dancer, Sirius. If you come back, I promise I will do my best to find a place for you to perform. Not just on the Field of Clouds, but on a stage. An even grander stage than this one.

SIRIUSIt won't be the same. When you sit in the audience, you have to sit in darkness. That alone is enough to scare our people.

Neoma goes to the window and sees the sun is setting.

SIRIUS (CONT'D)I am glad Sneden offered me the dust. Best thing to ever happen to me.

Neoma turns around.

NEOMANo, Sirius. You stole the dust.

SIRIUSI did not!

NEOMAYes, you did. Don't lie to me. Master Sneden told me everything.

SIRIUSHe probably forgot. The man is senile.

NEOMAAnd you are a behaving like an immature brat.

SIRIUSGood, then leave me alone!


NEOMAI have risked so much by coming to find you. The least you could do is be honest.


SIRIUSI didn't ask you to. I didn't say goodbye because I knew you wouldn't understand. You never have! Sometimes I don't even know how we were ever friends!

Neoma is silent. She points to the large bag Edmund is carrying.

NEOMAThat's for you, if you ever need it. Apparently, you won't.

Neoma exits the dressing room.


Neoma is in tears running through performers in the theater's hallways. She finally gets out the back exit.


Neoma is walking, wiping tears off her face.


Edmund shakes his head. Sirius looks at him.

EDMUNDHow dare you say that stars don't matter? Do you have any idea how many years of his life my uncle Johannes has dedicated to the exploration of stars? In the olden days, voyagers would use the stars to guide their way when they were lost. And now, there are astrophysicists, astronauts and even artists and writers and filmmakers who are obsessed with the stars!

Sirius shrugs.

SIRIUSExactly. Only in your realm. In this realm. All the more reason I should stay.


EDMUNDDon't you see? Our realms have to exist together. We're connected. Without Neoma leaving us and lighting the night sky, we would all be in darkness.

Sirius doesn't respond. He packs his things quietly.

EDMUND (CONT'D)And guess what? The astronauts, the closest we have to realmic explorers; they've explored the moon a number of times. No one has been to any other star yet.

Sirius looks at him, now curious.

EDMUND (CONT'D)Scientists study and analyze, criticize and hypothesize. We sometimes tend to take the poetry and beauty out of everything. But do you know there are also people who believe that stars guide their lives. To wish upon a star. Someone out there might look at you, Sirius. Not the moon, not the sun, not freakin' Neptune. You. They'd look at you and they'd wish upon you, to grant them their heart's desire.

Sirius seems toughtful.

SIRIUSSo what. What's in it for me?

Edmund shakes his head. Exasperated, hands him the big bag and leaves.


Edmund looks around for Neoma. No luck, he heads for the exit. He notices a CRYING MOTHER walk down the hallway, yelling.

CRYING MOTHERGriselda? Robin? Griselda? Robin?

In another hallway, a CRYING FATHER is doing the same.


CRYING FATHERGriselda? Robin? Griselda? Robin?

Edmund sees LARS AXELSSON, 22, and his AGENT, 35, on their way out. He takes out his cellphone.

EDMUNDHello Lars? My sister Heidi and I are big fans of yours. Do you mind if we take a picture?

AGENTOf course not. Anything for his fans.

The agent takes Edmund's phone. Without been noticed Edmund takes out a penknife and stands next to Lars.

LARSFinally, some who recognizes that I am the real talent and not Sirius.

As the agent takes the picture, Edmund sneakily cuts off a lock of Lars's long hair, to keep his promise to his sister Heidi.

Edmund takes his phone back from the agent.

EDMUNDThanks! My sister will be very happy.

Lars and his agent exit. Performers are leaving. Edmund approaches a dancer.

EDMUND (CONT'D)Excuse me, have you seen a girl wearing a white dress and a blue shawl on her head?

DANCERYeah, I saw her leave in a hurry. I think she took the bus. Sorry dude.

Edmund stands at the doors and peers outside at the setting sun regretfully. Sirius appears wearing headphones. He heads toward the exit. Edmund sees him and frowns. He walks toward him and gives him a nudge on the back. Sirius turns around and takes off his headphones.

EDMUNDNeoma left.


SIRIUSGuess I'm not the only bad friend.

Sirius pushes the doors to exit but Edmund steps in front of him and closes it.

EDMUNDI know you know your worth in the upper realm, Sirius.

Edmund's face lights up.

EDMUND (CONT'D)I suppose you just need to see it.

Edmund looks at his phone and places his hand on Sirius's shoulder.

EDMUND (CONT'D)Come on. I wanna show you something.

Sirius is hesitant at first, but then follows him.

They both exit the theater.


Edmund and Sirius pass the two worried parents arguing in German with THREE SECURITY PERSONEL.


Edmund buys a ticket and gives it to Sirius. He pats him on the shoulder.

EDMUNDI think that it is time for you to see your realm from mine and understand why even stars, or luminous points as you call them, are also important to us.

Edmund waves goodbye and leaves. Sirius enters the Planetarium.


Inside the planetarium, Sirius sits in the theater in awe, gazing at the simulated universe above him.


The galaxies twinkle as he sees the stars how astronomers do... A million times more majestic.

NARRATOR (VO)Billions of years ago, the very first stars were born. Every star has a story and some of them end in the great cosmic supernovas. So sit back, relax, and take a look at the stories behind these luminous celestial bodies.

Sirius relaxes in his chair.


Edmund rides the bus.


Edmund walks to where he met Neoma. He looks at the setting sun.


Neoma walks carefully in the wooded area. The land turns swampy and she grimaces as she steps into a puddle of mud.

The edges of her white dress are all muddy and ruined.

She sees the setting sun and takes out the pouch of dust, but then looks behind her in the direction of the theater. She a deep breath. Suddenly she hears the faint CRIES of children, coming from deeper in the bog. She heads toward it, curious.

She sees a pond, so level with the ground it almost blends in with the surrounding marsh. Suddenly she notices arms flaying inside and a YOUNG BOY bobbing up and down and screaming. She sees a YOUNG GIRL appear with a large stick hoping to rescue the boy, but the stick breaks as he tries to hold on to it.

Neoma springs into action and jumps into the pond, but can't reach the boy. She takes off her blue shawl and throws it to him. He grabs on and Neoma pulls him to safety. They lay beside the pound, catching their breath. The kids hug Neoma.

She gets the mud out of her hair and the children finally notice the glow and back away. She laughs. She kneels down and shows them.


NEOMAIt's alright. Here, touch it.

The girl carefully runs her fingers through. She smiles.

NEOMA (CONT'D)Where are your parents?

The kids look at each other, confused. They reply back in German but she can't understand. They point to the direction of the theater. It's twilight. They prepare to make their way out of the bog when they see a FIGURE walking toward them with a phone light.

The light shines on them and then switches off. It's Messier.

He reaches them with his arms outstretched.

MESSIERGood! You found the children! Their parents were worried sick! They are waiting at the theater.

NEOMAHow did they end up here?

MESSIERWho knows? They're children. They must have wandered out.

He tries to pet them but the children in German, taunt him.

Neoma gets suspicious. Messier presents his hand to her. She takes it and he helps her stand up. He looks at her with an evil smile. Uncomfortable, Neoma tries to let go of him but he holds on tighter. She struggles and backs away, pushing him off but can't. The children watch and panic.

Light moves from Neoma to Messier. She screams.

The brightness of her hair diminishes by half, then by full.

Messier lets go and Neoma falls to the ground. He kicks the mud toward her and laughs maniacally. Neoma wipes the mud from her eyes. She goes to the pond to see her reflection. At first she sees her own reflection, with her hair now only an ashy gray. Suddenly her reflection turns into a ghostly creature. She gasps and a BOGY that looks like a ghostly floating creature, emerges out of the water, its face inches away from her own. She crawls back in terror. The bogy screeches, a terrible sound. The kids hug each other in fear.

She turns to them and gestures.



The kids bolt immediately in the opposite direction. Neoma tries to escape too but the bogy catches her and holds her still by taking the shape of a rope. She can barely make it away and falls to her knees. Messier laughs smiles and walks to her. He bends down toward her and steals the pouch from her pocket. She tries to fight him off but fails. He takes the pouch and holds in in the air, showing it to the bogy.

He speaks to the bogy.

MESSIERAnd now, my beautiful, it is time for our REVENGE!

The bogy laughs along evilly.

NEOMAI don't understand. You're a bogy and yet-

MESSIER-And yet I dodn't look like one? I don't hide in the darkest corners? Well my dear, that's because I am part bogy, the energy sucking type, hence why I got into showbiz, and part human. You see, when she landed in this realm after getting banished during the battle in your realm, my great great grandmother realized that unlike the other bogies, she looked like this realm inhabitants which enabled her to blend in to some extent. The sun and the moonlight still bother me. At least during the day, sunscreen creams helps, but at night, well there is no such a thing as moonscreen cream. Not complaining, after all, I fared much better than the other bogies who had to take refuge deep in this pond away from all source of light.

Two more BOGIES emerges from the pond.


Zeke sits on Neoma's bed and looks at a framed oil painting of them together. She tears up.


ZEKEWhat's taking you so long?

She hears VOICES coming from downstairs and checks to see who it is. She peers through the staircase banister and sees two ELDERS speaking with her PARENTS. They all look up at her.

She panics and runs to Neoma's bedroom and locks the door.

An Elder bangs on the door.


In the Elders' office, in their high tower, Zeke sits in front of them, interrogation style. Orion sits next to her.

ZEKENeoma only did it because she wanted to help Sirius. She didn't mean any harm.

ELDER 1And Master Sneden gave Sirius and her the dust?


Sneden stands out, outraged.

SNEDENThe child is lying. I would never be so frivolous with the dust.

Zeke looks at him, shocked.

ZEKENeoma and Sirius will be back soon. I know it. And they will tell you that I am not lying.


The light ball is fading each second. Aelius, exhausted, sweaty, panting, waves his hands and some dust moves towards the light balls, then stops. His eyes roll backward and he collapses. The realm begins to darken slightly.



Twilight fades into darkness. With absolutely no moonlight, the bogies cheer. Suddenly a frail, pale MOON appears and shines dimly over the bog. The bogies wince and growl at the phenomenon. Neoma smiles.


Kamaria steps in and quickly releases a light ball. Luminous Points, of all ages, cheer and slowly join her once her light ball is risen. One of them is not joining the others.

LUMINOUS POINTShe won't manage to light the entire evening.


Zeke and Orion leave the Elder's office. Zeke runs to her parents for a hug. They notice HALLEY, 24, a tall, strong, athletic woman in a modern type of armor go into the office.

In the office, Halley stands and speaks with the elders.

HALLEYI would like to find my brother and Neoma. It is my duty and I am ready with an expedition team. I promise to return with him, so that safety may be restored in the realms.

The Elders agree.

ELDER 1Finding Neoma is a priority. Unfortunately, at the moment, there isn't anyone with even half her ability and knowledge. Well, Master Sneden, would you give Halley the necessary dust for her and her team for an expedition?

Sneden's seat is empty.

ELDER 1 (CONT'D)Master Sneden? Where's Master Sneden?



Edmund sits on the couch, bored, on his phone. He scrolls through Instagram. Johannes places the telescope under a small skylight and prepares to stargaze.

JOHANNESInteresting sky tonight. Don't you want to help?

EDMUNDNot interested.

JOHANNESCome on. Just because your girlfriend left, doesn't mean you should give up your passion.

Edmund shrugs. Johannes looks through the telescope.

EDMUNDWhat's the point? Everything we learn about the stars is meaningless. They are self-willed and unpredictable.

JOHANNESThere's the moon.

EDMUNDI'm better off learning a more useful skill. Maybe something in social media.

He holds his phone out, revealing a SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCER hurting himself after trying to jet ski in his pool.

JOHANNESYour lady-friend was wrong. The moon is weaker than ever.

EDMUNDThat can't be right.

Edmund gets up and approaches the telescope. Johannes points at a photo he took of Kamaria's moon on his computer.

JOHANNESIt's the same as last night, only weaker.

Edmund backs away in silence, thoughtful. Johannes gets out his doomsday signs.


JOHANNES (CONT'D)Well, you know what that means.

Johannes turns around but Edmund is gone. Milton is staring at the strand of Neoma's hair, now dull.


Edmund hops off the bus, and runs into the city square.


He charges through the security personnel and heads toward Sirius' dressing room. It's empty. He searches backstage and sees Sirius in the flying rig. Edmund yells at him from the other side of the rig station.


The stagehands shush him.

SIRIUSEdmund! You're back! I wanted to thank you for taking me to the planetarium-

EDMUND-No no listen to me. I don't think Neoma made it back to your realm.


EDMUNDHave you seen the moon?

Sirius wiggles out of the flying rig and follows Edmund. The stagehands try to stop him. Meanwhile, the curtains go up and the orchestra begins playing to an empty stage. The background dancers are confused but perform without Sirius.


Sirius locks the door and heads to the window. He nods.

SIRIUSIt's Kamaria.


EDMUNDThat means... Neoma's still on earth.

SIRIUSUnless she was caught and the Elders rebuked her.

Edmund shakes his head.

EDMUNDI knew she wouldn't leave without saying goodbye. She's not like you. Something must be wrong.


The light ball is fading. It then reduces in size at it falls towards Kamaria.

Kamaria's entire body starts shaking. She falls on one knee then collapses in the arms of three luminous points. The light ball fades, followed by the luminous points' light.

Darkness starts to spread in their realm. They hears cries from celestials.

BANGING sounds from the realm above them as the bogies try to make their way through.


The moon fades, followed by the stars. It's pitch black darkness. The bogies start laughing. A desperate Neoma watches Kamaria fade away.


A young COUPLE having a picnic in the moonlight are suddenly in darkness.


It's pitch darkness. SHOPPERS and RESTAURANT-GOERS haven't noticed the change since they still have electricity.


Johannes goes to the center and puts his doomsday sign up.


Milton follows next to him holding another one.

JOHANNESThe end is near? Darkness is going to reign! Prepare? Prepare?

PASSERSBY notice and laugh and mock them.


Messier smiles. Neoma snaps at him.

NEOMAThis realm has electricity. Your fiends will fry before they can attack.

Messier smiles, snaps his fingers. The two bogies run away.


The two bogies make their way on to the streets. The smaller bogy shrieks when exposed to a street light on the road. He crawls back away from it.


They run through the power station, destroying everything.


Gemma and Max read a scary story in the dark in their bedroom, when suddenly the room gets dark. They scream then hold on to each other.


The electricity is cut. The town square is in the dark.

People come out of shops and restaurants and gather in the street.


PASSERBY 1What should we do?!


Johannes looks at him puzzled.


PASSERBY 2Now you won't tell us?

People start arguing, while others are running screaming.

Children are crying among each other, window shops are getting shattered. Johannes and Milton look at each other confused. They drop their signs and walk away.


The theater is a mess. The audience is in darkness. People use their phone lights. EMPLOYEES lead them out.


Sirius and Edmund are also in darkness. Sirius' hair reveals a very dim glow. Edmund tries to make phone call, but it won't go through. Sirius kneels down to Neoma's big bag. He unties the cord and opens it. A light appears from the opening, shining on his face. He smiles.


The sound of chaos- people screaming, police sirens- can be heard by Neoma and Messier.

Messier yells.

MESSIERNow, you may all finally come out!

BOGIES, PHANTOMS and GHOSTS of all shapes and sizes emerge from the pond. They circle Messier and Neoma. Neoma closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Suddenly, her hair begins to glow again, slightly, which leads to the bogy to release her scared by the dim light.

She flees. She trips and stumbles into a cave.

MESSIER (CONT'D)Seal the cave.

Two bogies seal the cave with a big stone.


MESSIER (CONT'D)And now the great Evening Light will see what it is like to be in darkness for the rest of her days.

Messier and his minions head toward the town. As they walk, they cast darkness over the people. After they leave, the two children appear from hiding behind a large rock. They try to remove the stone themselves but fail.


It's pitch black except for Neoma's hair. Her light energy soon diminishes again and her hair fades into the darkness.


The thundering banging sounds continue throughout the upper realm. The Celestials run to their houses and mansions and take shelter. Small stones, similar to the one Neoma gave Carl, is their only source of light.


Zeke walks with Orion. Both using small stones as a source of light.

ZEKEWithout Master Sneden, no one can travel the realms. We need to find him.

ORIONWhat do you think is going to happen to us, Zeke?

ZEKEI don't know. But I have faith in Neoma and Sirius.

Suddenly, they hear something at the end of the tunnel near Sneden's workshop. Sneden opens a PORTAL. Zeke and Orion hide and watch Sneden give entry to the BOGIES from the realm above their's.

Zeke almost screams but Orion covers her mouth.



Sirius and Orion's father, RIGEL,50, is in the middle of commanding his army for a possible attack.

Orion, with Zeke right behind him, barges in.

ORIONFather? We saw Master Sneden open a portal to the realm above us.

ZEKEAnd he's letting bogies in.

RIGELGet to safety now.


Rigel and his TROOPS begin to build a barricade of light to prevent the bogies from entering the city.

The bogies try to go forth but are weakened by the wall of light.


The bogies make their way through the town, scaring and hitting people. A confused KID asks his mom.

KIDMommy, is it Halloween already?

The mom shakes her head picks up the child and starts running.

A TEENAGER takes a picture. The flash scares the bogy away.


Police cars line the streets. POLICE OFFICERS try to shoot at the bogies but their bullets have no effect on them. A bogy makes his way through the theater parking lot. People freak out and get in their cars, preparing to drive away. The headlights turn on and the bogies shrivel and try to run away from them. Police Officers go around yelling at everyone.

POLICE OFFICER 1They are afraid of headlights! Turn your headlights as bright as you can.



Edmund looks through the window at the chaos outside. Sirius is in the dressing area. The bag lies empty on the floor.

SIRIUS (OC)The bogies have entered the realm and can only survive in darkness.

EDMUNDI have to get back to my family.

Sirius steps out of the dressing area wearing a bright half cloak half armor suit which creates a bright field of light around it.

Edmund is almost blinded.

SIRIUSI'm going to find Neoma. As long as she isn't back in her realm, no one is safe.

EDMUNDIt's your realm too, you know. And if you hadn't left, none of this would be happening.

SIRIUSNow is not the time.

Edmund points to the window. SCREAMS are heard.

EDMUNDOh, yeah? This is all a consequence of YOUR actions. No matter what you do, you're not going end up a hero in the eyes of your realm.

SIRIUSHow dare you. You know nothing about our realm.

EDMUNDTrue. But I do know that every single one of the other dancers here think you're an egotistical jerk who won his role unfairly.

SIRIUSWhat are you talking about? They admire me.


EDMUNDYou don't belong here because your skills are celestial. No dancer on earth can compete with you. It's not fair.

Suddenly a BOGEY barges in through the open window and launches at Edmund, pins him down. Edmund punches it, then pushes it off of him.

Sirius grabs the bogy and his suit of armor shoots light, weakening it. It falls to the floor. Sirius helps Edmund stand up.

EDMUND (CONT'D)I'll help you find Neoma.

Sirius nods. He removes one of his gloves and gives it to Edmund.

SIRIUSHere you go. You seem like a good fighter, but you will be more efficient against them with this.

Edmund puts on the glove.


They climb out the open window, on to the streets.


People are running away from bogies. MILITARY style guards appear, but are unable to attack with civilians in the way.

Police officers go around yelling instructions.

POLICE OFFICERSShine your car lights as bright as they can. It will weaken them.

Bigger and more powerful bogies arrive and begin to wreck cars and other light sources, submerging the streets in darkness. Soon even the car lights and phone lights begin to die out.



Edmund's family sit in their living room, hugging each other and trying to keep calm. Christian goes around lighting candles.

Outside, the bogies surround the exterior of the house. The flashlight in Heidi's hands goes out. Carl takes out Neoma's stone and powers it on. The bogies immediately keep a distance, turn away.


Milton and Johannes are shaking. Milton boards up the doors and windows.


Sirius and Edmund try to figure out which direction to go when they see the two children from the bog being terrorized by a BOGEY.

Sirius fights them off. Edmund sees the girl has a blue shawl around her neck.

EDMUNDWhere did you get that shawl?

(in German)Where did you get that shawl?

The girl replies frantically in German. She points the way to the bog, behind the theater. The kids see their parents and run to them. The mother yells out.



Edmund and Sirius make their way into the bog.


Sirius and Edmund arrive at the cave. They push the stone away and enter.


Neoma lies inside.


They revive her. She hugs them both and her hair shines a bit. She looks at Edmund.

NEOMAEdmund, you came for me.

EDMUNDOf course. With Sirius' help.

Neoma and Sirius look at each other, smiling.


Milton and Johannes run into the study. Milton locks the door, but bogies slip through the open window. He takes out Neoma's hair from his pocket and sees it slightly glowing again. The bogies turn away.


The trio walk through the bog, Neoma and Sirius's energy force lighting the way.

SIRIUSI should have never trusted Messier. He used me. I'm such a screw up!

NEOMANow's not the time for regrets, Sirius. We have to find Messier. He stole my pouch of dust.

EDMUNDHe's probably headed for the field!

NEOMARight! But how will we get there in time?

They reach the streets and a fancy sports car is right there, engine on. Edmund hops into the driver's seat.


Sirius and Neoma get in, confused.

NEOMAWouldn't the bus be faster?


EDMUNDAre you kidding?!

Edmund hits the gas and the car speeds down the street.

Bogies spot them but Sirius lights the way, scaring them away.


Messier is in the field, surrounded by his minions. Edmund drives the car into the field and stops just in front of him.

The trio get out and try to stop Messier, but the bogies overpower them. A fight ensues. Sirius, Edmund and Neoma make a great team and manage to defeat them but it's too late.

Messier uses the dust and a great light appears and takes him to the realm above.

The trio look at the sky in despair.

Sirius screams.

SIRIUSWHAT HAVE I DONE? Oh, he's going to terrorize our people, Neoma. He'll destroy everything! It is the end of the realms! It's all my fault. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.

NEOMACheck your cloak, Sirius.

Sirius searches his cloak and pulls out a vial of glittering gold dust. He rejoices.

NEOMA (CONT'D)I may have stolen some concentrated realmic dust from Master Sneden, for an emergency.

SIRIUSTHIS! This is why you're an evening lighter, Neoma, and I am just a luminous point!

NEOMAHush and let's go!

Neoma and Sirius gather the dust to send them back to their realm. Edmund backs away. In the last second, Neoma grabs his hand and takes him with them.


They float in the air, dust around them.

EDMUNDWe're flying!

SIRIUSHold on tight!

They join hands and the dust forms a current of light that hurtles them upward.


Orion's father's troops are still keeping the light barricade.

Messier appears and is at first taken back by his surroundings but makes his way to Sneden. They greet each other.

SNEDENAfter all these years, you finally made it.

MESSIERNice to see you again cousin.

Sneden leads Messier to the light barricade. Messier laughs and absorbs the light with a touch of his finger. The bogies enter and attack the Celestial Army. They try to avoid their dust covered shields, armors and weapons.


Bogies who have managed to sneak in by avoiding the Celestial Army, enter celestials' homes, followed by sounds of terror.

Some celestials run out of their homes, but are met by other bogies.


Darkness hovers over the realm like a dark cloud. Neoma, Edmund and Sirius arrive in the midst of the battle.

NEOMAI need to reach the Light Stadium.



Sirius joins the fight as Neoma makes her way to the Light Stadium.

Sneden recognizes Sirius and tries to attack him from behind.

Zeke appears just in time and strikes him down.


Sirius turns to see Zeke.

ZEKE (CONT'D)I meant you by the way!... Just kidding.

SIRIUSZeke! So good to see you!

They embrace.

Edmund walks through the darkness. He notices Sirius and approaches him. Orion sees him and pounces on him.

Sirius laughs.

SIRIUS (CONT'D)Orion, no! He's a friend from the realm below. He's with us!

Orion helps Edmund up and shakes his hand. Orion and Haley circle Edmund, analyzing him. Though they are both younger than him, they are much taller.

SIRIUS (CONT'D)Come on, Neoma's probably already at the Light Stadium.

They head toward the stadium.


Neoma rushes into the stadium,, followed by Sirius and Edmund. Surrounding CELESTIALS recognize Neoma and cheer. She makes her way to the center, moves her hands around to attract dust to her.

SIRIUS(speaking to Edmund)

Stay with her, I'll go find the elders.


Messier holds Aelius by the shoulders. Light moves from Aelius to Messier, but stops when Messier sees Neoma. He starts walking towards her. Five Luminous Points get in his way. With one tap on their foreheads, he manages to absorb their light, which causes them to collapse. The other luminous point gets scared and back away. Edmund emerges.

Messier mistaking him for a celestial, taps him on the forehead multiple times, but nothing happens.

MESSIERI remember you from the theater.

EDMUNDI should introduced myself. Hi! I am Edmund.

MESSIERHello Edmund! Let me introduce you to darkness.

Messier puts his hand on Edmund's head. Messier's hand starts glowing as Edmund's eyes turn black. He then takes his hands off.


Edmund is all alone, in utter darkness. Bogies slowly start approaching him. Edmund walks towards them. As he does, they fade away.


Edmund's eyes go back to normal. He smiles and punches Messier in the face. Messier, bigger and buffer than Edmund, recovers and approaches Edmund. Edmund tries to fight back, but Messier knocks him down. Edmund gets up and tries to tackle him.

Neoma sees Edmund fighting Messier. She manages to attract some dust and create a tiny light ball. With her arms up, she moves her hands in circle trying to increase its size.


The Elders and Halley are are surrounded some bogies.

Sirius approaches and attacks them. Halley joins in the fight. They win.


ZEKEWhere have you been?

SIRIUSNice seen you too dear sister.


Edmund and Messier continue fighting in a cloud of darkness.

Sirius enters the Light Stadium and sees Neoma, sweating, her arms raised, shaking holding up a small light ball. The light ball dissipates.

She tries to gather dust again, but is unable to. Sirius goes to her and tries to calm her down. He takes her hands and speaks soothingly.

SIRIUSNeoma, you can do it. I know you can. Think of earth and the places we've been and the people we've met. We need them and they need us. You've got this.

Sirius places his hands on Neoma's shoulder and (contrasting with Messier) her energy increases. She closes her eyes.

Moves her arms around and manages to gather some dust in her hands. A small light ball is created. Her arms shaking, she raises them, the light ball follows and starts to grow.

Messier is about to punch a beaten up Edmund, when he notices the light ball made by Neoma. He runs towards Sirius and her.

Neoma takes a deep breath and releases the light ball in the air. It floats, lighting the Light Stadium and stopping Messier in his tracks.

The realm slowly fades from darkness to light as the ball goes higher. Everyone watches.The bogies get agitated and run to dark corners. Neoma falls to her knees, exhausted. Sirius checks on her.

After the evening light appears, the luminous points come out and create their lights.

Sirius gets up from Neoma's side and creates a light ball, smaller than Neoma's, bigger than the other luminous points.

He releases it into the air and laughs as he watches it rise.


Edmund wakes up, bruises on his face, and sees what has happened.

Messier tries to jump on Neoma.


Watch out!

Unfortunately, his warning is drowned by the cheers from the luminous points who do not notice Messier approaching behind the exhausted Neoma.

The Elders arrive, see the light ball and start waving their hands. A circle appears on the light ball. The circle turns into a black hole. Messier walks toward it, almost like he is drawn to it. Sirius pushes him closer and he gets sucked in it, followed by the other bogies.

Zeke and Orion appear, dragging a passed out Sneden by his feet and throw him in. The black hole closes.

There's a short silence before everyone recovers and begins cheering. Neoma checks Edmund's bruises. He smiles, proudly.


The moon and stars appear.


The dark creatures retreat into the dark corners.

People start cheering and jumping with joy.


People slowly get out of their houses. Others poke their heads out of their windows.

Power is restored.


Watching from a window, Johannes celebrates as well.

JOHANNESWe did it, Milton! We survived the apocalypse!


He dances with Milton around the room.

MILTONWe did?!



Edmund's family is jumping around laughing.


The night is over and Aelius lights the realm. Neoma and Sirius reunite with their family and friends.

Edmund gets hugged and greeted by a bunch of celestials, like he is a celebrity.

They hear a loud CRACK.

They turn to see an Elder has used his scepter to get their attention. Sirius's smile fades. The Elders stare sternly at Neoma and him.


The Elders sit around a conference table in a circle, looking very formal and serious.

Neoma, Sirius, Zeke, Orion and Edmund sit in the center, looking guilty.

Their family and friends sit on benches against the wall, whispering.

Elder 2 motions for silence.

ELDER 1We are gathered here to decide the fates of Sirius and Neoma, who are charged with breaking the laws by placing the realms at risk and exposing the realmic secrets of darkness and light. Neoma is held greatly accountable for abandoning her duty to light the evening and bringing a foreign from another realm.



ELDER 1 (CONT'D)We have scheduled a meeting to discuss if she is deserving of the post and as well as which of Kamaria's other students may be able to replace her.

Neoma nods solemnly. Sirius tries to defend her.

SIRIUSNo! That's not fair!

ELDER 2Silence!

ELDER 1And there will also be consequences for anyone who had aided the two by withholding information about their whereabouts.

Neoma comforts Zeke. Sirius pats Orion's shoulder.

The Elders nod.

ELDER 1 (CONT'D)All that will be done in time. For now we must mend the damages done to the realm below. Its inhabitants aren't prepared to live with the knowledge of the darkness that surrounds them or the existence of other realms.

The Elders nod.

Edmund frowns.

ELDER 1 (CONT'D)There is one solution. To dust the memory of recent events as it has once been done long ago. As you all know, the procedure will require a sacrifice whose time will come to an end.

A gloomy silence lingers. Sirius stands up.

SIRIUSI'll do it.

The Elders nod in approval. His family gasp. Neoma tears up.

From the back of the room, an elderly female VOICE.


VOICE (OC)He's trying to get out of actual punishment.

Everyone turns to see old Kamaria has spoken. She gets up, leaning on her cane.

ELDER 1That is out of the question. Sirius has accepted his fate, there is no reason for you to sacrifice yourself.

KAMARIAHe is young and a fool, but he is not evil. We should at least give him a chance to redeem himself and find his place among us. While I,I've had the greatest experience with the dust and my time is nearing. I will go.

Uproar. The Celestials cry out in resistance.

ELDER 1Silence!

The room quiets.

ELDER 2Kamaria...

KAMARIAI have made up my mind. Please respect my decision.

The Elders nod. Neoma stands up.

NEOMAKamaria! I'm ...

KAMARIAHush, my girl. All in a days work for an Evening lighter.


Kamaria slowly walks to a balcony, in her finest outfit. The Elders and other major characters surround her, watching.

Neoma smiles. She goes to Kamaria and gives her a hug before Kamaria steps onto the balcony. Neoma is joined by Aelius and the Elders.


They raise their hand and send their lights to Kamaria. She floats and brightens. She slowly turns into dust.


Kamaria's dust floats down, turning back time on earth.


All of Kamaria's dust has disappeared. The celestials clap.

Neoma looks around. She sees Edmund lost in the crowd. She goes to him.

Everyone notices and the clapping stops and it gets quiet.

All eyes are on the two.

Neoma takes Edmund's hands.

NEOMAIt's almost time. When you return, everything will be back to normal, and you will have no memories of the past events.

EDMUNDDust or no dust. I will never forget you, Neoma.

She smiles and they kiss. A bright light appears. Neoma lets go of him.

The light dissipates and Edmund is gone. Neoma looks at her left hand and finds herself holding the pink souvenir sunglasses he bought her.


Edmund is asleep. His name is called.

JOHANNES (OC)Edmund. Edmund. EDMUND.

Edmund wakes up and finds himself on Johannes's stargazing spot in the field.

JOHANNES (CONT'D)Edmund, my boy, you have to see the moon tonight. Will you look at her glow.



JOHANNES (CONT'D)Brighter and more beautiful than she's ever been in my lifetime.

Edmund looks at the magnificent full moon and, for a split second, he sees Neoma's face appear on it. He smiles.


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