Casemate Fall 2012 Catalog

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Military History books released during the Fall 2012 Season. Included are publishers such as Savas Beatie, Pen and Sword, Helion & Co and more.


FALL 2012

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Guardian AngelLife and Death Adventures with Pararescue, the World’s Most PowerfulCommando Rescue ForceWilliam N. Sine, Senior Master Sergeant, USAF (Ret.)

U.S. Air Force Pararescue is the most skillful and capable rescue force in the world, taking on someof the most dangerous rescue missions imaginable. PJs (short for para-jumpers), are members ofan elite unit whose commando skills are so wide-reaching they often seem like something out ofscience fiction. They routinely tackle perilous operations that are beyond the capabilities of otherrescue organizations, and sometimes dare the seemingly impossible.

Since their inception in 1947, PJs have saved more than thirty thousand lives. They can pluck near-frozen climbers off jagged mountaintops as well as recover shot-down jet pilots stranded deep inhostile territory. PJs parachute into ominous black waves that loom twenty feet tall to savedistressed seamen, and brave the cruelest and most desolate deserts to recover victims. U.S. AirForce pararescuemen have played a prominent role in every armed conflict since the Korean War,rescuing thousands of soldiers from behind enemy lines.

Guardian Angel provides a rare glimpse at a PJ’s mind-blowing adventures. Learn what it takes tolower from a helicopter onto the slippery decks of storm-tossed ships to rescue dying sailors. Feelwhat it’s like to be caught in the middle of a bomb blast so powerful that it tears high-risebuildings in half, and flattens armored vehicles hundreds of yards away. This is a deadly seriousbusiness: when things go wrong, they can go terribly wrong. Aircraft crash into mountainsides,killing all onboard, while some PJs live through horrendous helicopter crashes only to strugglewith freezing temperatures, snapped limbs and torn flesh in a desperate fight for survival.

$29.95 • 320 pages • 16 pages of photos9781612001227 – hardbackSeptember 20129781612001340 – ebook

Perilous MoonOccupied France, 1944—The End GameStuart Nimmo

This exceptional, lavishly illustrated book invites the reader into intimate familiarity with OccupiedFrance during World War II, through the eyes of a downed British bomber pilot who clandestinelymade his way to Paris and became immersed in its political and moral complexity.

In these pages we not only follow Lancaster pilot Neil Nimmo’s fateful encounter with a Luftwaffenightfighter over France, we also follow that Me-110 pilot’s career and the most successful day ofhis short life, when he shot down five British bombers in twenty minutes. Helmut Bergmannaccounted for 38 British airmen that fateful night, most of them killed, but Nimmo was able toparachute to the ground, whereupon he found a Nazi-occupied country of endless ambiguity.

It is during Nimmo’s undercover life in France that we see how World War II—in between thefierce combatants—transpired in gay Parée. Though full of German soldiers on the one hand, itwas stacked with Maquis on the other. But for the average Parisian, life went on as normal,individualism trumping politics, and hardship met by either resignation or resolve. It was onlytoward the end, when the contest between German domination and the liberation promised bythe Anglo-Americans appeared to sway in favor of the latter that France itself turned as bloody asthe battlefront. And Nimmo was there as he saw the tide turn, and long-dormant passions beganonce again to rise.

$34.95 • 8 x 10 • 336 pages16 pages of illustrations9781612001241 – hardbackOctober 2012 9781612001364 – ebook

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Year of GloryThe Life and Battles of Jeb Stuart and His Cavalry, June 1862–June 1863Monte Akers

No commander during the Civil War is more closely identified with the “cavalier mystique” as MajorGeneral J.E.B. (Jeb) Stuart. And none played a more prominent role during the brief period whenthe hopes of the nascent Confederacy were at their apex, when it appeared as though the Army ofNorthern Virginia could not be restrained from establishing Southern nationhood.

Jeb Stuart was not only successful in leading Robert E. Lee’s cavalry in dozens of campaigns andraids, but for riding magnificent horses, dressing outlandishly, and participating in balls andparties that epitomized the “moonlight and magnolia” image of the Old South.

Stuart was blessed with an unusually positive personality—always upbeat, charming, boisterous,and humorous, remembered as the only man who could make Stonewall Jackson laugh, recitingpoetry when not engaged in battle, and yet never using alcohol or other stimulants. Year of Gloryfocuses on the twelve months in which Stuart’s reputation was made, following his career on analmost day-to-day basis from June 1862, when Lee took command of the army, to June 1863,when Stuart turned north to regain a glory slightly tarnished at Brandy Station, but foundGettysburg instead.

It is told through the eyes of the men who rode with him, as well Jeb’s letters, reports, andanecdotes handed down over 150 years. It was a year like no other, filled with exhilaration at theimminent creation of a new country. This was a period when it could hardly be imagined that thecause could dissolve into grief.

$32.95 • 368 pages • 16 pages of illustrations9781612001302 – hardbackSeptember 20129781612001425 – ebook

The Drive on Moscow, 1941Niklas Zetterling

At the end of September 1941, more than a million German soldiers lined up along the frontlinejust 180 miles west of Moscow. They were well trained, confident, and had good reasons to hopethat the war in the East would be over with one last offensive. Facing them was an equally largeSoviet force, but whose soldiers were neither as well trained nor as confident. When the Germansstruck, disaster soon befell the Soviet defenders. German panzer spearheads cut through enemydefenses and thrust deeply to encircle most of the Soviet soldiers on the approaches to Moscow.Within a few weeks, most of them marched into captivity, where a grim fate awaited them.

Despite the overwhelming initial German success, however, the Soviet capital did not fall. Germancombat units as well as supply transport were bogged down in mud caused by autumn rains.General Zhukov was called back to Moscow and given the desperate task to recreate defense lineswest of Moscow. The mud allowed him time to accomplish this, and when the Germans againbegan to attack in November, they met stiffer resistance. Even so, they came perilously close to thecapital, and if the vicissitudes of weather had cooperated, would have seized it. Though Germanunits were also fighting desperately by now, the Soviet build-up soon exceeded their own.

The Drive on Moscow, 1941 is based on numerous archival records, personal diaries, letters, andother sources. It recreates the battle from the perspective of the soldiers as well as the generals. $32.95 • 288 pages • 16 pages of photos • maps

9781612001203 – hardbackSeptember 20129781612001333 – ebook

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The Battle of the Denmark StraitA Critical Analysis of the Bismarck’s Singular TriumphRobert Winklareth

To Great Britain and Germany, the Battle of the Denmark Strait came like a thunderclap in thespring of 1941. The pride of the Royal Navy, HMS Hood, was utterly destroyed, and its newestbattleship, Prince of Wales, severely damaged and forced to withdraw. This was at the hands ofGermany’s huge battleship Bismarck, on its first foray into North Atlantic waters. The blast of heavyshells between the behemoths resonated both in Whitehall and Berlin.

However, despite the wealth of documentary information and photographic evidence available onthe battle, there continues to be controversy as to how the conflict was actually fought. This bookattempts to resolve the remaining issues by a detailed technical analysis of the circumstances,while new discoveries, revealed for the first time in this book, shed new light on the battle inwhich the best of both navies traded salvoes and over 1,500 Royal Navy sailors were obliterated.

By carefully considering the factors affecting naval gunnery, such as flight time of shells to theirtarget, reaction time for correcting the fall of shot, and recycle times of the various gun systems,the battle has been painstakingly reconstructed in this book within all of the established time anddistance parameters. Not limited to the battle itself, the book also explores the relevant eventsleading up to the titanic clash, and those events associated with its aftermath.$32.95 • 336 pages • 16 pages of illustrations

9781612001234 – hardback October 20129781612001357 – ebook

Leyte, 1944The Soldiers’ BattleNathan N. Prefer

When General Douglas MacArthur arrived in Australia in March 1942, having successfully left thePhilippines to organize a new American army, he vowed, “I shall return!” More than two years laterhe did return, at the head of a large U.S. army to retake the Philippines from the Japanese. Theplace of his re-invasion was the central Philippine Island of Leyte. Much has been written aboutthe naval Battle of Leyte Gulf, but almost nothing has been written about the three-month longbattle to seize Leyte itself.

Originally intending to delay the advancing Americans, the Japanese high command decided tomake Leyte the “Decisive Battle” for the western Pacific and rushed Imperial Army units to halt andoverwhelm the Americans on Leyte. As were most battles in the Pacific, it was a long, bloody, andbrutal fight. As did the Japanese, the Americans were forced to rush in reinforcements tocompensate for the rapid increase in Japanese forces on Leyte.

This battle also saw a major Japanese counterattack—a carefully thought-out counteroffensivedesigned to push the Americans off the island and capture General MacArthur. American andJapanese battalions spent days surrounded by the enemy, often until relieved or overwhelmed.Under General Yamashita’s guidance it also saw a rare deployment of Japanese paratroopers inconjunction with the ground assault offensive. Finally there were more naval and air battles,designed to protect or cover landing operations of friendly forces. Leyte was a three-dimensionalbattle and did indeed decide the fate of the Philippines in World War II.

$32.95 • 368 pages • 16 pages of illustrations9781612001555 – hardbackOctober 20129781612001562– ebook

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Bailout Over NormandyA Flyboy’s Adventures with the French Resistance and Other Escapades inOccupied FranceTed Fahrenwald

This is the remarkable, newfound memoir of a U.S. fighter pilot, who after his escapades ofshooting down German troops in France found himself shot down by them in turn, thence to beginan even greater adventure.

Ted Fahrenwald was a 22-year-old daredevil pilot in the famed 352nd Fighter Group when hebailed out of his burning P-51 Mustang two days after D-Day on his 100th mission. Parachutinginto the farmlands of Normandy, he was immediately picked up by the local Maquis, the guerrillabranch of the French Resistance. His rudimentary French, wily personality, and backwoods skillsallowed him to quickly make fast friends of these unruly outlaws. He spent the next severalmonths carousing and raiding with their band. Determined to rejoin his squadron, Ted left his newcomrades to hike through the fields and forests of the most heavily occupied areas of northernFrance toward the Channel coast, and the advancing Allied liberation armies.

Captured by the Wehrmacht, however, interrogated as a spy, and interned in a POW camp, theauthor made a daring escape just before his deportation to Germany. Nothing diminished Ted’stalent for spotting the ironic humor in even the most aggravating or dangerous situations, nor hispenchant for extracting his own improvised and sometimes hilarious version of justice. Asuspenseful page-turner and an outrageously witty tale of daring and friendship, this book bringsto life the daily intrigues of the multiple sides of World War II.

$29.95 • 264 pages • 16 pages of photos9781612001579 – hardbackAugust 20129781612001586 – ebook

Building for WarThe Epic Saga of the Civilian Contractors and Marines of Wake Island in World War IIBonita L. Gilbert

This intimately researched work tells the story of the thousand-plus Depression-era civiliancontractors who came to Wake Island, a remote Pacific atoll, in 1941 to build an air station for theU.S. Navy. Author Gilbert charts the contractors’ hard-won progress as they scramble to build thenaval base as well as runways for the U.S. Army Air Corps’s B-17 Flying Fortresses while war cloudsgather over the Pacific.

Five hours after their attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese struck Wake Island, which was nowisolated from assistance. The undermanned Marine Corps garrison, augmented by hundreds of thecivilian-contractor volunteers, fought back, ultimately repelling several Japanese landing attemptsas the enemy laid siege to the atoll for two weeks. Finally succumbing to an overwhelmingamphibious attack, the surviving Americans, military and civilian, were taken prisoner. Used asslave laborers by the Japanese, and subject to a brutal massacre toward the end of the war as U.S.forces finally closed in, the civilian contractors who had risked distance and danger for well-payingjobs ended up paying a steep price: their freedom and, for many, their lives.

Written by the daughter and granddaughter of civilians who served on Wake Island, Building forWar sheds new light on why the United States was taken by surprise in December 1941 and shinesa spotlight on the little-known, virtually forgotten story of a group of civilian workers and theirfamilies whose lives were forever changed by the events on the tiny atoll that is Wake.

$32.95 • 448 pages • 16 pages of photos9781612001296 – hardbackSeptember 20129781612001418 – ebook

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Backwards, in High HeelsFaith Whittlesey, Ronald Reagan’s “Madam Ambassador” in Switzerland and theWest WingThomas J. Carty

“Ginger Rogers did everything that Fred Astaire did, but she did it backwards and in high heels.”Faith Whittlesey popularized this quotation during the 1980s, and many books attribute the line toher. In this book Faith Whittlesey gives concrete meaning to the quotation through her life andcareer as an effective “Madam Ambassador” in the worlds of both money and politics. Raised inwestern New York State by highly motivated Irish-American parents, she worked to reach eminentposition as Ronald Reagan’s Ambassador to Switzerland, and to serve as the highest-rankingwoman on Reagan’s White House staff from 1983–1985. There she occupied the West Wing officesoon to be Hillary Clinton’s, and as a widow with three children provided a female influence of herown to a presidential culture well before it was fashionable.

In addition to her activities in U.S. policy and politics, for more than 30 years Whittlesey has provento be one of the most important liaisons between the United States and Switzerland, a sisterrepublic as well as financial superpower. Whether operating from her second floor office in theWest Wing or the bucolic Ambassador’s residence in Bern, Switzerland, Whittlesey made a practiceto advocate Reagan’s policies through thoughtful debate and persuasive argumentation. Afterleaving government service, she practiced private-sector diplomacy, serving as Chairman and thenEmeritus of the American Swiss Foundation.

This book provides a fascinating look into how one woman, despite daunting obstacles, was ableto achieve exceptional influence, thence use her position for the furtherance of common good.

$29.95 • 288 pages • 8 pages of photos9781612001593 – hardbackOctober 20129781612001609 – ebook

General Mark ClarkCommander of U.S. Fifth Army and Liberator of RomeJon B. Mikolashek

General Mark Clark is one of the four men—along with Eisenhower, Patton, and Bradley—whohistorian Martin Blumenson called “the essential quartet of American leaders who achieved victoryin Europe.” A skilled staff officer, Clark rose quickly through the ranks, and by the time Americaentered the war he was deputy commander of Allied Forces in North Africa. Several weeks beforeOperation Torch, Clark landed by submarine in a daring mission to negotiate the cooperation of theVichy French. He was subsequently named commander of U.S. Fifth Army and tasked with theinvasion of Italy.

From the September 1943 landing at Salerno, Clark and his army fought their way north againstskilled German resistance, augmented by mountainous terrain. The daring January 1944 end-runat Anzio set the stage for Fifth Army’s liberation of Rome on 4 June 1944. The war in Italy was notover, but the taking of Rome intact was a tremendous achievement. Pitted against one of Hitler’smost able commanders, Fifth Army spent another ten months in ferocious combat from the GothicLine to the Po Valley, as Clark moved up to head all ground forces in Italy as commander of 15thArmy Group.

The brutal Italian Campaign has been long overshadowed by D-Day and the campaign across Franceand into Germany. Likewise, General Mark Clark has been largely overlooked when one thinks ofthe great captains of the war. Mikolashek remedies this situation, shedding much needed historicallight on one of America’s most important fighting generals in this “warts and all” biography.

$32.95 • 352 pages • 16 pages of illustrations9781612001319 – hardbackNovember 20129781612001432 – ebook

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$32.95 • 352 pages • 16 pages of photos9781612001258 – hardbackNovember 20129781612001371 – ebook

The Silent Service in World War IIThe Story of the U.S. Navy Submarine Force in the Words of the Men Who Lived ItMichael Green (Ed)

When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941, the U.S. Navy had a total of 111submarines. However, this fleet was not nearly as impressive as the number suggests. It wasmostly a collection of aging boats from the late teens and early twenties, with only a few of thenewer, more modern Gato-class boats. Fortunately, with the war in Europe was already two yearsold and friction with Japan ever-increasing, help from what would become known as the SilentService in the Pacific was on the way: there were 73 of the new fleet submarines underconstruction.

The Silent Service in World War II tells the story of America’s intrepid underwater warriors in thewords of the men who lived the war in the Pacific against Japan. The enemy had already begun todeploy advanced boats, but the U.S. was soon able to match them. By 1943 the new Gato-classboats were making a difference, carrying the war not just to the Japanese Imperial Navy, but tothe vital merchant fleet that carried the vast array of materiel needed to keep the land of theRising Sun afloat.

As the war progressed, American success in the Solomons began to constrict the Japanese sealanes, and operating singly or in wolfpacks they were able to press their attacks on convoysoperating beyond the range of our airpower, making daring forays even into the home waters ofJapan itself. Taking on Japanese warships, as well as rescuing downed airmen, U.S. submarinesmade an enormous contribution to our war against Japan.

ParatrooperThe Life of General James M. GavinT. Michael Booth and Duncan Spencer

World War II, which occurred precisely at the juncture between air transport capability and theinvention of the helicopter, saw history’s first and only mass use of paratroopers dropped intobattle from the sky, perhaps the most courageous combat task seen in modern warfare. And“Jumpin’ Jim” Gavin was by all accounts America’s best paratrooper leader.

His first combat jump was in Sicily, where as a battalion commander he found his men scatteredall over the landscape in one of airborne’s greatest fiascos. Yet his stand with a few stalwarts atBiazza Ridge is credited with saving the U.S. invasion front. In Normandy, as assistant divisioncommander of the 82nd Airborne, he won the eternal affection of his men for continuing to lead incombat, M-1 slung over his shoulder, even as his paratroopers were similarly scattered and facedGerman fire on all sides. His cool leadership served to coalesce the paratrooper bridgehead behindenemy lines until infantry from the beaches could finally reach them.

During Operation Market Garden, now as commander of the 82nd, Gavin wrote a new chapter inparatrooper heroism, seizing all his objectives despite a serious spinal injury on landing. Withhardly a respite after the grueling campaign in Holland, Gavin and his men were called upon forperhaps their most dangerous task—stemming the German onslaught during the Battle of theBulge. Though most historical kudos have gone to the 101st Airborne in that battle, it was the82nd’s stand at St. Vith—where the Germans truly wanted to break through— that equally foiledHitler’s last offensive attempt in the west.

$32.95 • 496 pages • 16 pages of illustrations9781612001272 – HardbackAugust 2012

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Fighter Pilot“McScotch”

$29.95 • 5 x 7.5 • 276 pages • 9781612001463 – hardback • November 2012 • 9781612001470 – ebook

“McScotch” himself describes his book and pays tribute to a colleague in this note, which appears at the front ofthe volume: This book consists of the reminiscences of an ordinary fighter pilot of the R.F.C. who had the privilegeof serving in one of the leading Fighter Squadrons and who had the honor of being the friend of the supremefighter of all the Air Forces, that indomitable and lovable patriot, ‘MICK’ MANNOCK, V.C., D.S.O., M.C.”

Available records and publications show “McScotch” himself as a fighter pilot with 40 Squadron, holding the rankof lieutenant and then captain. He is credited with 12 kills of German opponents. This is a detailed and excitingaccount of squadron life and shows the bravery and true comradeship of these flyers.

An Air Fighter’s ScrapbookIra Jones

$29.95 • 5 x 7.5 • 340 pages • 9781612001500 – hardback • November 2012 • 9781612001517 - ebook

Ira “Taffy” Jones was a well-known air fighter during the First World War, having scored about 40 victories flyingSE5 scouts in France with 74 Squadron. Well known in flying circles, Jones recorded stories drawn from his ownexperiences during the war and wrote of the many personalities he had met or known by association, both duringthe war and in the post-war flying years.

An Air Fighter’s Scrap Book recreates the atmosphere of the days of the biplane, of wartime flying, of earlypeacetime adventures in the air, the development of civil aviation, and breathtaking record beating flights, allevoking the sheer delight in flying that characterized those early years.

Night Raiders of the AirA.R. Kingsford$29.95 • 5 x 7.5 • 220 pages • 9781612001487 •–Hardback • November 2012 • 9781612001494 – ebook

A.R. Kingsford flew with 100 Squadron, the unit that dropped the first bomb at night on Germany and, onNovember 11, 1918, the last one. One of the many who came to Europe from all over the Commonwealth to fight inthe First World War, Kingsford had sailed from New Zealand in 1914. He joined the Royal Flying Corps in 1917 andlearned to fly at Northolt, before being posted to 33 Squadron at Lincoln, where he flew against Zeppelins which hadbeen sent from across the North Sea on night bombing raids. Kingsford joined 100 Squadron in France early in 1918.He had an active career with this famous squadron up until the end of the war. Full of incident and adventure, NightRaiders of the Air is a first-person account by this young Commonwealth volunteer on his experiences during the waragainst Germany.

Jagdstaffel 356The Story of a German Fighter SquadronM.E. Kahnert

$29.95 • 5 x 7.5 • 124 pages • 9781612001449 – hardback • November 2012 • 9781612001456 – ebook

Although the author has given this Jagdstaffel a fictitious number and changed the names of the pilotscomposing it, the incidents related in this book have the genuine ring of truth and will be recognized as facts byanyone who has had experience of flying on the Western Front or who has studied it since. Many experts believethis work draws on the experience of the Bavarian Jasta 35, which flew against the British; however, whatever itsreal number may have been, Jagdstaffel 356 undoubtedly fought in the air over Flanders in 1918.

This book is an exciting account, obviously written from firsthand experience, of the air war from the German side.

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Axis SallyThe American Voice of Nazi GermanyRichard Lucas

$18.95 • 6 x 9 • 324 pages • 16 pages photos • 9781612001395 – paperback • October 2012 • 9781935149804 –ebook

“…fascinating, well-researched account.”—Publishers Weekly

“Arguably one of the more odious civilian figures to emerge from World War II was an American woman whobroadcast radio propaganda aimed at U.S. troops. . . . What created the monster named Axis Sally? Mr. Lucasmakes much of the deprivations suffered by a failed actress, and her frantic quest for fame.”

If Chaos ReignsThe Near-Disaster and Ultimate Triumph of the Allied Airborne Forces on D-Day, June 6, 1944Flint Whitlock

$18.95 • 6 x 9 • 400 pages • 32 pages of photos • 9781612001524 – paperback • October 2012 • 9781612000114 – ebook

“An examination of the Normandy landings that concentrates exclusively on the activities of the American, British,and Canadian airborne forces that descended upon Normandy in the dark, pre-dawn hours of 6 June 1944. Drawingon numerous first-hand accounts, Whitlock details not only the formation, training and deployment of the Allies’parachute and glider troops, but the events on the ground at the many targets.”—Britain at War

“An excellent and well-balanced view of the airborne operations on D-Day as well as tackling the background thatled up to the events on that most famous of days.”—Military Modeling

Holy Wars3000 Years of Battles in the Holy LandGary L. Rashba

$18.95 • 6 x 9 • 312 pages • 32 pages illustrations • 9781612001531 – paperback • October 20129781612000190 – ebook

“Employing a variety of sources from the Old Testament to modern scholarly works . . . a compelling tale of howthis spiritually and politically charged area of the globe has long been a place of pivotal battles.”—Library Journal

“…effectively traces the military history of the Holy Land and examines the tactics, motivations, and capabilitiesof the armies that through the millennia have warred for dominion over the sacred and all too often blood soakedregion.”—Military History

1781The Decisive Year of the Revolutionary WarRobert L. Tonsetic

$18.95 • 6 x 9 • 284 pages • 16 pages illustrations • 9781612001548 – paperback • October 20129781612000787 – ebook

“There’s a reassuring solidity to battlefield analyses made by a historian who’s seen actual battlefields. 1781 sawthe effective end of large-scale British warring in America, but the principal strength of Tonsetic’s book is that henever takes the victory at Yorktown for granted as so many Revolution writers do; he never writes ‘backward’ fromthe surrender of Cornwallis, nor should he: Americans need periodic reminders that they could just as easily havelost.”—Open Letters Monthly

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AF Editions

50 Fighters PlanesCarlos Fresno

$120 • 12.5 x 13.5 • 336 pages 543 illustrations • 9788496935419 – hardbackJune 2012 • English/Spanish Text

This is the first installment on the developmentand operational life of 50 fighter planes fromaround the world.

The first of a total of three volumes, this bookcovers 22 fighter planes in chronological orderof their first flight including color profiles,multiple views, unit emblems and more. Thefollowing aircraft are included:– Airco DH.2 (1915)– SPAD A.2 (1915)– Fokker Flugzeug-Werke G.m.b.H. Series E (E.I to E.IV) (1915)

– Hanriot HD.1 (1916)– Sopwith F.1 Camel (1916)– Royal Aircraft Factory S.E.5 (1916)– SSW D.III Simens-Schuckert and D.IV (1917)– Packard LUSAC-11 (1918)

Tokubbetsu Kogeki Tai.Special Attack UnitsEduardo Cea

$49 • 8 x 11.5 • 195 pages164 illustrations, 6 maps9788496935372 – paperback • Now available

• Complete with comprehensive statistics andamazing color artwork

In this beautifully illustrated book, Eduardo Ceagoes into fascinating detail of each of theSpecial Units and Special Attack Units in turn.

Complete with superb full color artwork, battleorders, lists of pilots and other essential factsand figures, this comprehensive history ofJapanese Military Aircraft will interestmodelers, enthusiasts and historians alike.

Special Units of theImperial ArmyEduardo Cea

$42.95 • 8 x 11.5 • 135 pages • 217 illustrations9788496935365 – paperback • Now available

• Complete with comprehensive statistics andamazing color artwork

In this beautifully illustrated book, Eduardo Ceagoes into fascinating detail of each of theSpecial Units and Special Attack Units,commonly known as kamikaze units in theImperial Navy, or the SimBu-Tai in the ImperialArmy, in turn.

Complete with superb full color artwork, battleorders, lists of pilots and other essential factsand figures, this comprehensive history ofJapanese Military Aircraft will interestmodelers, enthusiasts and historians alike.

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Airfile Publications

Wings of the FleetUS Navy & Marine Corps Aviation 1919 – 1941Peter Freeman

$30 • 8.25 x 11.5 • 100 pages80 illustrations and 30 photographs9781904644354 – paperback • July 2012

This book covers the relatively little-documented period in US Navy and MarineCorps aviation ‘between the wars’ from 1919-1941’, which is widely regarded as the ‘GoldenEra’, when US Navy and Marine Corps aircraftcarried some of the most striking schemes andmarkings ever seen. Over 550 different aircraftmodel designations appeared during thisperiod, many numbering only a handful ofaircraft, but of those which went in to full scaleproduction, many were significant aircraftwhich contributed to the development of navalaviation worldwide. With scores of full colorprofile and 4-view illustrations, and some wellselected representative contemporary photos,the book covers aircraft development, colorschemes and markings, in a chronologicalformat, presenting each aircraft type from itsfirst entry into service until obsolescence, witha cutoff date of 7 December 1941 – the datethat the United States of America enteredWorld War Two – allowing the reader toappreciate the gradual evolution of the manycolor schemes and markings, both service andunit applied.

V - BombersBritain’s Cold War Nuclear DeterrentGlen Sands

$30 • 8.25 x 11.5 • 152 pages80 illustrations and 50 photographs9781904643227 – paperback • July 2012

Featuring the three V-Bombers – VickersValiant, Handley Page Victor and Avro Vulcan,this ‘special’, covers the camouflage schemeand markings development of each type, inthree separate sections, from the prototypes tothe final operational versions. Containingdozens of contemporary photos, many in color,as well as scores of full color profile and 4-views, all with detailed and informativecaptions, the book is a ‘one stop’ referencesource that also includes a development,historical and operational thread.

The Battle of BritainCamouflage & Markings 1940Peter Scott

$35 • 8.25 x 11.5 • 172 pages150 illustrations and 40 photographs9781904643364 – paperback • July 2012

This On Target ‘70th Anniversary Special’features one of the most famous periods inBritish aviation history, the summer and earlyautumn of 1940, when RAF Fighter Commandand the German Luftwaffe battled for airsuperiority over the English Channel and thesouth eastern part of the British Isles.Mainstreaming on the main period, from 10July to 31 October 1940, the book also goesback to the beginning of World War Two,covering the Phoney War and then the Battlesof France and the Low Countries, beforedealing with the Battle of Britain proper,which went through a series of marked phases,all of which are covered in detail, and show thedevelopment of the camouflage schemes andmarkings carried by all the combatants,including the French Armée de l’Air, ItalianRegia Aeronautica, RAF Bomber Command andthe Royal Navy’s Fleet Air Arm, in over 100pages of profile and 4-view full colorillustrations.

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Airfile Publications

Air War Over the FalklandsMay – June 1982

$30 • 8.25 x 11.5 • 84 pages • 200 illustrations and 40 photographs 9780956980236 – paperback • July 2012

Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the conflict between the United Kingdom and Argentina over thesovereignty of the Falkland Islands in the spring of 1982. The book covers the color schemes and markings of theBritish and Argentinean aircraft that were used in combat in what became known as the Falklands War. Featuringsuch types as the Sea Harrier FRS.1, Harrier GR.3, Avro Vulcan, numerous Royal Navy and Army Air Corpshelicopters, opposed by such types as Mirage Ideas, IAI Daggers, A-4 Skyhawks, Super Standards, Canberras and alarge and eclectic range of secondary aircraft types and helicopters, the book offers over 70 pages of well-researched and carefully illustrated full color profiles and 4-views.

RAF Trainers Volume 11918 – 1945

$28 • 8.25 x 11.5 • 76 pages • 160 illustrations and 20 photographs9780956980243 – paperback • August 2012

‘RAF Trainers Volume 1’ offers over 70 pages of profiles and 4-views of the bright and often gaudy color schemesand markings applied to RAF aircraft used in the Training Role from the end of World War One and the creation ofthe RAF in April 1918 until the end of World War Two in May 1945. The aircraft types and numbers used in thetraining role during these years was vast, and color schemes just as eclectic, making for a unique and fascinatingreference source for modelers and aviation enthusiasts alike. Volume 2, already being researched and workedupon, is planned for 2013, and will continue the theme, from the immediate postwar era in 1945, with theintroduction of jet-engine types, right up to the aircraft types used today.

Hawker-Siddeley/British Aerospace First Generation Harrier in World Wide Services Volume 1 1960 – 2000

$28 • 8.25 x 11.5 • 76 pages • 130 illustrations and 35 photographs9780956980250 – paperback • August 2012

The Harrier is amongst the most recognized and loved postwar British-designed military aircraft ever produced,and this book, the first of two volumes dealing with the type, covers the color schemes and markings applied tothe design from the prototype and development P.1127/Kestrel airframes of the early 1960s and in to its serviceuse with the RAF as the GR.1/GR.3 and T.2/T.4, the Fleet Air Arm as the Sea Harrier FRS.1 and the upgraded F/A.2,US Marine Corps AV-8A, Spanish Navy ‘Matador’, Indian Navy FRS.51 and Thai Navy navalized Harriers. Coverage ofthe original ‘tin wing’ versions is taken right up to 2000 with hundreds of full color profiles and 4-views, withdetailed and informative captions.

BAe/McDonnell-Douglas/BoeingSecond Generation Harrier in World Wide Service Volume 2 1980 – 2012

$28 • 8.25 x 11.5 • 76 pages • 130 illustrations and 35 photographs9780956980256 – paperback • July 2012

Following on from the first volume, this book covers the color schemes and markings applied to the so-calledsecond-generation Harriers, extensively redeveloped by McDonnell Douglas and British Aerospace (now parts ofBoeing and BAE Systems respectively), which evolved in to the Boeing/BAE Systems AV-8B Harrier II. This volumecovers the the Boeing AV-8B Harrier II and Harrier II Plus, used by several NATO countries, including Spain, Italy,and the United States, and the British Aerospace-built Harrier GR.5/GR.7/GR.9s which entered service in the mid1980s that was used by the RAF and the Royal Navy until the type’s unexpectedly early retirement in December2010.

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Amber Books

The Downfall of the Third ReichDuncan Anderson

$39.95 • 11.75 x 9 • 256 pages275 photographs and artworks • maps9781908696533 – paperback • August 2012

The final year of World War II in western Europesaw the world’s largest amphibious operation atD-Day, the largest airborne operation for its timeat Arnhem and proved with Hitler’s offensive inthe Ardennes that victory was not going to beeasily won. Also in that year, the FrenchResistance fought openly against their Germanoccupiers, more than 15,000 French civilianswere killed by Allied bombing, and the scale ofthe concentration camps was discovered. TheDownfall of The Third Reich is a military history ofthe Western Campaign from D-Day in June 1944to the fall of Berlin in May 1945. It covers all thebattles and campaigns, including Villers-Bocage,Operation ‘Market Garden’ and OperationDragoon/Anvil, where the Allies landed insouthern France in August 1944. It also featuressidebars on the major commanders, such asRommel, Montgomery, MacArthur andEisenhower. The authoritative text iscomplemented by full-color maps, which explainthe movement of forces. Thoroughly researched,authoritatively and accessibly told and packedwith 250 outstanding color and black and whitephotographs that document the military andcivilian experience, The Downfall of The ThirdReich is a superb work of World War II history.

Civil Aircraft1907–PresentPaul E Eden

$34.95 • 9.5 x 7.5 • 192 pages200 artworks and 40 photographs9781908696649 – hardback • September 2012

Illustrated with outstanding color profileartworks, The Essential Identification Guide: CivilAircraft is the definitive study of non militaryaircraft from the early experiments tobarnstorming daredevils to today’s latestcommercial airliners. Arranged chronologically,the book describes in depth the various typesfrom propeller aircraft to airships, from jets tohelicopters to supersonic flight. All the keyaircraft types are featured, from Boeing 747s to787 Dreamliners, from seaplanes to Lear Jets,from Concorde to the Airbus A380, frombiplanes and triplanes to heavy transportaircraft. With detailed background historiesand specification boxes accompanying the full-color artworks, The Essential IdentificationGuide: Civil Aircraft is an excellent referenceguide for modelers and aviation enthusiasts.

Submarines1914–PresentDavid Ross

$34.95 • 9.5 x 7.5 • 192 pages200 artworks and 40 photographs9781908696663 • hardback • September 2012

The emergence of the submarine in 1914 as amajor strategic weapon was swift andunexpected. On 5 September 1914, a British lightcruiser, HMS Pathfinder, was sunk by the Germansubmarine U-21, becoming the first victim of afree-fired torpedo. The basis of naval warfare hadbeen changed forever. The Essential NavalIdentification Guide: Submarines 1914–Presentoffers a highly illustrated guide to all the mainclasses of submarines to be used in naval warfarefrom the beginning of World War I to the presentday. Divided by era, campaign and country, thebook includes sections on submarine forces in1914, technical developments during the 1930s,the Atlantic convoy war during World War II,Soviet submarine development during the ColdWar, the introduction of nuclear-poweredsubmarines, submarines of the Falklands War,and the latest ICBM carriers. All the main typesare included, from the World War I-era GermanU-1 and British F-class, through the Type VII U-boats and US Gato class of World War II, andcoming up-to-date with the latest missilesubmarines, such as HMS Astute, USS Virginia,the Russian Borei class, the Chinese Shang classand the INS Arihant.

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Roman Body ArmourHilary Travis

$32.95 • 6.75 x 9.75 • 176 pages105 images, 60 illustrations and 45photographs, 33 in color, plus 16 colorpages • 9781445608037 – paperback July 2012

This book assesses current views of bodyarmor used by the Roman army and itsdevelopment, melding these with thearchaeological evidence available. It draws together streams of publishedinformation of sculptural imagery and archaeological evidence. This hasinvolved a return to basics in attempting to reproduce the aspects of theartifacts observed through physical reconstruction.

The reconstructions produced were subjected to low-level, simulatedwear, over several years, to view component interaction, and simulatedcombat/ destructive testing using a range of weaponry to view whichparts were more susceptible to damage, and what features may beanticipated on artifacts as evidence of regular wear, combat damage andfield repairs. Discrepancies were noted between current reconstructionsof Roman military equipment and the actual artifacts, which may causeus to rethink not only the appearance, but also the function/fightingmethods of the Roman soldier.

AgincourtRosemary Hawley Jarman

$29.95 • 6 x 9 • 192 pages • 70 illustrations9781445602332 – hardback • May 2012

A small English expeditionary force inNorthern France battling to reach the coastbefore being cut off by an enemy superior innumbers and equipment; a victory pluckedfrom the jaws of certain-seeming defeat –this story is familiar in the twentiethcentury. It is also the story of Agincourt in the fifteenth.

The distinguished historical novelist Rosemary Hawley Jarman hererecreates the whole of the brief, foolhardy expedition mounted by a 28-year-old English king determined to regain the realm across theChannel.The siege of Harfleur, the ravages of disease, the gradualencirclement, the decision to break out and march through hostileterritory to Calais, all lead up to the rainy dawn of 25 October 1415 – StCrispin’s Day – when the ragged, hungry English came face to face with amighty and magnificently accoutered French army and won one of themost overwhelming victories in the chronicles of war.

William theConquerorPeter Rex

$19.95 • 4.75 x 7.75288 pages • 40illustrations, 20 in color,plus 16 pages in color9781445606989 –paperback • July 2012

William the Conqueror’s is revealed as thebrutal and violent product of his time, capableof great cruelty, and prone to a sort of grislyhumor, yet, with all that he could also be aloyal friend and affectionate husband andfather. His military reputation rests on hisvictory at Hastings and he showed little sign ofstrategic or tactical genius. He was acompetent rather than inspired general,benefiting from the mistakes of his foes. Heinspired great loyalty in some and even greaterhatred in others. His primary attribute was hisruthless will which made him the driving forcebehind Norman ambition in North WesternEurope.

VikingWarfareIan Stephenson

$29.95 • 6.75 x 9.75128 pages • 46illustrations, 25 in color,plus 16 pages in color9781848686908 –paperback • July 2012

Despite a wealth of archaeological evidence onthis subject, there has been no major study inEnglish since the nineteenth century. IanStephenson examines the types and range ofweapons and armor found, and considers otheraspects in order to build a complete picture ofthe warfare of the period.

The quantity and quality of the finds allow usto build a picture of not simply an individual’spanoply, but also of army structure and tactics.Alongside this, the artifacts allow us toexamine the cultural interaction between theRoman and Barbarian worlds, which, as thefinds show, was not a simple one-way process:each side impacted on the other.

RomanCamps inBritainRebecca Jones

$32.95 • 6.75 x 9.75160 pages • 94illustrations plus 16pages in color9781848686885 – paperback • July 2012

The Roman Empire was one of the greatestempires of the ancient world. Whileconsiderable research has been undertaken onRoman frontiers, fortresses and forts, Romancamps are often overlooked in the study of thefortifications of the Roman army, and were themost basic form of accommodation, occupiedfor a very limited period of time. Although onlyoccupied for a short period, a number of campsites have survived the ravages of time to tellus something of the movements and activitiesof the Roman army in provinces around theempire.

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Spitfire VoicesDilip Sarkar

$19.95 • 4.75 x 7.75 • 320 pages169 photographs •9781445606958 - paperbackJuly 2012

Spitfire Voices represents animportant oral history of theSpitfire. Drawing upon thepersonal letters, diaries andmemories of pilot’s families andcomrades, the author recounts thedeeply moving stories of thosewho made the ultimate sacrifice.Illustrated with photographs fromthe pilots, Spitfire Voicesrepresents what it was like flyingto war in a Spitfire – in the wordsof those who lived to tell theirtales.

The First WorldWar in the AirPhil Carradice

$29.95 • 6 x 9.25 • 192 pages • 150illustrations • 9781445605128 –paperback • September 2012

The years between 1914 and 1918saw an incredible growth in airpower. Beginning with the flimsyearly aircraft, the author paints apicture of a bygone era whennobody knew what could beachieved, or how aircraft could beused. From the early years of theFirst World War to the final stageof the conflict when huge,streamlined airplane fleetsdominated the skies.

The FewDilip Sarkar

$19.95 • 4.75 x 7.75 • 320 pages 129 photographs 9781445607016 – paperbackAugust 2012

The Battle of Britain started on 10July 1940, ending 16 weeks lateron 31 October 1940. TheLuftwaffe’s intention was todestroy Fighter Command,domination of the skies beingcrucial to Hitler’s invasion plan.During that fateful summer, youngRAF fighter pilots, flying Spitfiresand Hurricanes, were scrambledtime and time again to faceinsuperable odds - and theLuftwaffe was, until that point,unbeaten.

The Best 500Cockney WarStories $19.95 • 4.75 x 7.75 • 224 pages70 illustrations • 9781445608662– paperback • September 2012

Shortly after the end of the FirstWorld War, The Evening News,asked readers to send in theirstories. Of the countless talesreceived, the newspaper selected500 and compiled them into abook that is both amusing andpoignant. Complete with theoriginal cartoons provided byfamous wartime artist BertThomas, this book is a fittingtribute to the men who riskedeverything for King and country.

Spitfire PilotRoger Hall

$34.95 • 6 x 9 • 256pages • 50 photographs9781445605579 –hardback • July 2012

The Battle of Britainmemoir of Roger Hall, aSpitfire pilot in 152 Squadron based in theSouth East of England, the heart of the fightingduring the epic battle. Roger recounts inexhaustive detail his own experience of air-to-air combat with Me109s and Me110s, and thatof his fellow pilots.

Hall had no compunction in revealing his fearof wartime flying. He strips away the veneer ofglory, smart uniforms and wild parties anduncovers the ordinary, very human young menwho lived a life in which there was notomorrow. There is no nostalgia here.

Too Few, Too FarGeorge Thomsen

$19.95 • 4.75 x 7.75 • 160pages • 32 illustrations,19 in color, plus 16 pagesin color • 9781445606200– paperback • July 2012

Published to coincide with 30th anniversary ofthe outbreak of the Falklands War on the 2April 2012.

They fought alone against an overwhelminginvasion force and yet had the enemy reelingon the ropes. This is the story of true Britishgrit, sheer bloody mindedness, professionalismand ingenuity. The Royal Marines’ courageousaction on that day changed the balance of TheSouth Atlantic War.

The Sinkingof the HMSRoyal OakDilip Sarkar

$19.95 • 4.75 x 7.75160 pages103 photographs9781445607436 – paperback • July 2012

HMS Royal Oak was a Revenge-class battleshipof the British Royal Navy, torpedoed at anchorby the German submarine U-47 in 1939. RoyalOak was the first of the five Royal Navybattleships and battle cruisers sunk in theSecond World War. The loss of life was heavy:833 were killed that night or died later of theirwounds. Now lying upside-down under waterwith her hull beneath the surface, Royal Oak isa designated war grave.

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Woman at the FrontMemoirs of an ATS Girl D-Day to 1945Sylvia Wild

$19.95 • 6.25 x 9.25 • 128 pages9781445603698 – paperback July 2012

Prior to D-Day Gen. Montgomery, theCommanding Officer of HQ21 ArmyGroup gathered together a group ofgirls who had volunteered to serveabroad. Sylvia was one of them. Thisbook tells the story of Sylvia workingfor the Senior Royal Engineer officerswho, initially, were developing the D-Day plans concerning ports, docks,harbors and railways as part ofOperation Overlord.

A Little Girl’s WarWendy Appleton

$19.95 • 4.75 x 7.75 • 128 pages9781445606392 – paperback July 2012

Wendy ran home through thestreets of Bexleyheath with theair-raid siren wailing. Just as shereached her front gate, a Spitfirespiraled out of the air and crashedinto the field at the end of theroad. You never forget a momentlike that. Through the eyes of achild, we see family life on theHome Front – from bombed-outhouses to burnt potato peelings,from math lessons to air-raidsirens and crashing planes.

Agent Tate Tommy Jonason

$19.95 • 4.75 x 7.75 • 272 pages56 illustrations • 9781445608648– paperback • September 2012

This is the career of the longestserving double agent in the DoubleCross system, Harry Williamson.Working under the cover nameTATE, he went on to send morethan a thousand messages duringthe war. Harry took part in D-Day,provided the Nazis withmisinformation, and misled theGerman Navy with faultyintelligence over U-boat minefields.After the war he was almostcompletely anonymous until hisname was revealed in the 1990s.

Boy in the Blizt Colin Perry

$19.95 • 4.75 x 7.75 • 224 pages70 photographs • 9781445606965– paperback • July 2012

This is what survives of a journalColin Perry kept between Marchand November 1940, when he waseighteen years old. The journalwas never intended forpublication. It spans ‘... the GreatDays from 8 August – 31 October1940’ and the fifty-seven nightswhen the bombing of London wasunceasing. This is the periodenshrined in our history as theBattle of Britain.

Through TimeD-Day Beaches David Evans

$24.95 • 6.25 x 9.25 96 pages 180 illustrations9781848687677 –paperback • July 2012

The stretch of beach along the Calvados coastis famous for the part it played in turningaround World War II on the 6th of June 1944.

Normandy is marked by this momentousevent, and the ensuing months leading to theliberation of France and the rest of Europe.Visitors today can explore old army bunkersand other war relics along the five beaches.Museums and memorials stand as reminders ofwhen Allied Forces gradually advanced fromlanding beaches through villages, towns andcountryside to liberate the French people.

Churchill’sAngelsBernard O’Connor

$32.95 • 6 x 9 • 288 pages30 illustrations plus 16pages of mono section9781445608280 –hardback • August 2012

Over 70 female agents were sent out byBritain’s Special Operations Executive duringthe Second World War. These women wereflown out and parachuted or landed intooccupied Europe on highly dangerous missions:their job was to work with resistancemovements before and after D-Day. There arestories of rigorous training, thrilling undercoveroperations, evading capture by the Gestapo,tragic betrayals and extraordinary courage.

The RealDad’s ArmyThe Story of theHome GuardNorman Longmate

$19.95 • 4.75 x 7.75 • 192pages • 112 illustrations,17 in color, plus 16 pagesin color • 9781445606880 – paperbackJuly 2012

The enduring popularity of the BBC TV seriesDad’s Army has focused attention on one of thestrangest and least military armies everformed — The British Home Guard. Whatstarted as an improvised band of volunteers,had grown by 1942 into a conscripted,disciplined and well-equipped force with astrength of nearly two million men.

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The Long Way HomeJohn McCallum

$15.99 • 5 x 8 • 160 pages • 4 pages of bwillustrations • 9781843410225 – paperbackAugust 2012

A true story of romance and escape during theSecond World War.

At the age of nineteen, Glasgow-born JohnMcCallum signed up as a SupplementaryReservist in the Signal Corps. A little over a yearlater, he was in France, working frantically toset up communication lines as Europe oncemore hurtled towards war. Wounded andcaptured at Boulogne, he was sent to thenotorious Stalag VIIIB prison camp, togetherwith his brother, Jimmy, and friend Joe Harkin.

Ingenious and resourceful, the three men setabout planning their escape. With the help ofTraudl, a local girl whom John had met whileworking in nearby Bad Karlsbrunn, they puttheir plan into action. In an astonishingcoincidence, they passed through the town ofSagan, around which the seventy-six airmen ofthe Great Escape were being pursued andcaught. However, unlike most of these otherescapees, John, Jimmy and Joe eventuallymade it to freedom.

Now, due to the declassification of documentsunder the Official Secrets Act, John McCallum isfinally able to tell the thrilling story of hisadventure, in which he recaptures all thedanger, audacity and romance of one of themost daring escapes of the Second World War.

Churchill 1940-1945Under Friendly FireWalter Reid

$20.50 • 5 x 8 • 416 pages • 16 pages of bwillustrations • 9781843410591 – paperbackNovember 2012

In April 1945 Churchill said to Sir Alan Brooke,Chief of the Imperial General Staff, ‘There isonly one thing worse than fighting with allies,and that is fighting without them!’ When hebecame Prime Minister on 10 May 1940Churchill was without allies. Dunkirk and theBattle of Britain saved Britain from immediatedefeat, but it was evident that Britain alonecould never win the war.

Churchill looked to America. He said that untilPearl Harbor ‘no lover ever studied every whimof his mistress as I did those of PresidentRoosevelt’. But would Roosevelt have enteredthe war if Pearl Harbor had not taken place?Until then his actions were ambivalent, andeven afterwards America’s policy was largelyshaped by self-interest and her idea of what apostwar world should be like. Churchill’saccount of relations with his allies andassociates was sanitized for the historical recordand has been accepted uncritically. In reality hehad to battle with the generals and the CIGS,Tory backbenchers and the War Cabinet, deGaulle and the Free French and – above all –the Americans. Even his wife, Clementine,could on occasions be remarkablyunsupportive.

Wojtek the BearPolish War HeroAileen Orr

$17.99 • 5 x 8 • 240 pages • 16 pages of bwillustrations • 9781843410577 – paperbackAugust 2012

This is the inspiring true story of one of theSecond World War’s most unusual combatants– a 500-pound cigarette-smoking, beer-drinking brown bear. Originally adopted as amascot by the Polish Army in Iran, Wojtek soontook on a more practical role, carrying heavymortar rounds for the troops and going on toplay his part as a fully enlisted ‘soldier’ with hisown rank and number during the Italiancampaign.

After the war, Wojtek, along with some of hisPolish compatriots from II Corps, came toBerwickshire, where he became a significantmember of the local community beforesubsequently moving to Edinburgh Zoo.Wojtek’s retirement was far from quiet: apotent symbol of freedom and solidarity forPoles around the world, he attracted a hugeamount of media interest that shows no sign ofabating more than 45 years after his death. Inan extended introduction, journalist andhistorian Neal Ascherson reflects on the Polishexperience in the Second World War and givesfull recognition to the Poles’ heroic sacrifice andthe extraordinary influence they had on thecountries in which they served.

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Eagle Editions Ltd.

After GettysburgCavalry Operations in the Eastern Theater July 14, 1863 to December 31, 1863.Robert J. Trout

Among all that has been written of America’s Civil War, however, one enormous void has existed inthe scholarship: that of the period following the Gettysburg Campaign to the end of the 1863calendar year. Historian Robert J. Trout has finally filled that void. His new study of the intensefighting that filled the fall of 1863 admirably fits the bill. Trout, renowned as the authority on theArmy of Northern Virginia’s horse artillery and on Maj. Gen. J. E. B. Stuart’s staff, has taken a novelapproach to these actions.

Included in Trout’s detailed examination of these events are the cavalry engagements at BrandyStation of August 1 and October 11, 1863, the fight at Culpeper Court House of September 13, thefight at Jack’s Shop on September 22, and the so-called “Buckland Races” on October 19. Alsoaddressed is the infantry battle at Bristoe Station on October 14, where Lt. Gen. A. P. Hill’s Corps ofthe Army of Northern Virginia suffered a severe and embarrassing defeat, and the Mine Runcampaign of November 27-December 2, 1863. These actions are covered in detail here for the firsttime. Entire section of maps included.

$26 • 6 x 9 • 366 pages • b/w maps by author9780979403576 – hardback • Now available

The U.S. 86th Fighter Group in WWII1942–1945Steve W. Luce

This volume is the commemoration of the sacrifices and dedication of a group of extremelycourageous, though largely unheralded young men who volunteered to answer a call, and toprosecute to its finish, in a manner up close and very personal, a war not of their making so as tomake the world free of tyranny and a safer, better place in which to live.

Written by Steve Luce, the son of one of the members of the 86th, their story is presented by over225 photographs from the veterans, most never before published and with personal stories abouttheir war experiences. This is the story of the men and machines of the 86th Fighter-BomberGroup, 12th Air Force. The 86th was operationally assigned only two aircraft during WW II. Fromtheir combat debut in early July, 1943, out of Korba, Tunisia and later based out of Italy, until thesummer of 1944 they flew the North American A-36 Apache or Invader. They also flew a smallnumber of the straight P-51, the cannon-armed version of the same airframe, for pinpointdemolition work where the Browning .50 caliber weapon, of which the A-36 carried six, wasconsidered too light, and bombs were considered too inaccurate. From the summer of 1944 untilVE-Day they flew the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt. In the interim between official assignments,they filled in with P-40s.

$34.95 • 8.5 x 11 • 144 pages • 20 illustrations,230 color and b/w photos • map9780972106085 – hardback • Now available

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Eagle Editions Ltd.

Wings of the Black CrossNumber SevenJerry C. Crandall

$18.95 • 8.5 x 11 • 36 pages • 65+ b/w and 2color photos and 8 full color illustrations9780979403569 – paperback • Now available

Wings of the Black CrossNumber EightJerry C. Crandall

$18.95 • 8.5 x 11 • 36 pages • 65+ b/w and 2color photos and 8 full color illustrations9780979403552 – paperback • Now available

Wings of the Black CrossNumber NineMark Proulx

$18.95 • 8.5 x 11 • 36 pages • 65+ b/w and 2color photos and 8 full color illustrations9780979403583 – paperback • Now available

The Focke-Wulf Fw 190DoraVolume OneJerry C. Crandall

$95 • 9 x 12 • 344 pagesfull color • 365 b/w and40 color photos plus 72 illustrations9780976103455 – hardback • Now available

Contains:– Story of prototype development – Study of the five known types of gun cowlsby factory– First losses and victories– Hans Dortenmann’s diary describing his all-Yellow tail W. Nr. 210003 D-9– Combat stories of D-9 pilots– The system of tactical markings and colorsused by JG 301– Situation reports of JG 2 Dora 9 activityduring attacking the Remagen bridge– Flugbuch excerpts from Dora 9 pilots– Accurate and detailed drawings of the D-9,D-9/R5, and D-9 with the Ta 152 tail

The Focke-Wulf Fw 190DoraVolume TwoJerry C. Crandall

$95 • 9 x 12 • 400 pagesfull color • 377 b/w and76 color photos plus 54 color illustrations and17 top and bottom views • 9780979403514 –hardback • Now available

Contains:– The story of JV 44 and the Doras of theGalland Circus– Rare photos, profile and story featuringAdolf Galland’s JV 44 Me 262– Detailed story of the rare Fw 190 D-13 and“Yellow 10” – Section on WGr 21 cm and R4M rockets– Patterns and colors used by the factories thatproduced the Fw 190 Doras– Recognition bands, tactical and I.D. bands– Technical features of main parts such aslanding gear variations, propellers etc.– Reports of unit operating the D-9 in servicedescribing technical problems– The study of recovered D-9s listing colors,units, pilots and technical details

The Focke-Wulf Ta 152Thomas H. Hitchcock

$75 • 9 x 12 • 208 pagesfull color • 180 b/w and40 color photos, 36color illustrations, 75drawings and 19 tables/charts9780914144533 – hardback • Now available

The Focke-Wulf Ta 152 was a high-performance airplane produced in smallnumbers that appeared late in the war. It wasthe culmination of a research and developmentprogram that brought together an advancehigh-performance engine within an innovativeairframe. Only one example of the Ta 152survives and is part of the unrestoredcollection at the National Air and SpaceMuseum.

Here is a unique collection of Luftwaffe aircraft images gathered over the past 40 years by author Jerry Crandall and augmented by collector/author MarkProulx. Presented in a series of booklets are 36 pages of rare, mostly previously unpublished black and white plus color photos. In each caption are valuablehistorical notes and references to each photo. Each volume highlights a specific subject such as newly discovered photos of Gunther Rall’s Bf 109 F-4 or ErichHartman’s Bf 109 G-6, or Martin Drewe’s Bf 110 plus rare Bf 109Ks and Fw 190 A-9.

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Frontline Books

X-PlanesGerman LuftwaffePrototypes 1930–1945 Manfred Griehl

$50 • 8 x 10 • 288 pagesillustrated throughout9781848325555 – hardbackOctober 2012

Renowned German aviationspecialist Manfred Griehl hascollected a unique and valuableselection of photographs ofLuftwaffe projects that nevermade it into battle. They remainedon the drawing board or atprototype stage either becausethey were deemed unsuitable orthe developers simply ran out oftime and the projects never wentinto production.

This book also details theinnumerable alterations that weremade to existing service aircraft toequip them for new roles. Thereare examples of Fw190sdeveloped for the delivery ofchemical and toxic weapons, thehigh altitude Junkers EF 61, theearly prototype WNF 342helicopter as well as numerousexamples of developmental jetfighters that could very well havebeen realized had it not been forthe effectiveness of the Alliedbombing campaign in restrictingthe supply of necessary materials.

To the Last ManThe Battle for Normandy’sCotentin Peninsula andBrittanyRandolph Bradham

$24.95 • 6 x 9 • 192 pages9781848326651 – paperbackOctober 2012

This book provides a detailedoverview of the battles that makeup the Cotentin PeninsulaCampaign. While historians oftencite specific examples of thefighting that took place on thepeninsula, most treat the battlesas individual events or singularparts of the overall Normandycampaign. In this work Bradhamtakes a different approach,focusing on the unique set ofbattles that had to be fought inorder for the Allies to secure theirfoothold on Normandy.

Bradham not only discusses thestrategy used to secure thepeninsula, but also gives detailedaccounts of the major battles andtactical doctrine that wasdeveloped to fight them. Alongthe way he provides biographicalinformation on the main actors,explaining how key personalitytraits along with personalrelationships influenced theirconduct while in battle. In doingso, the author outlines the effectof the campaign on the overallconduct of the war.

The World’s FirstSWAT TeamW. E. Fairbairn and theShanghai Municipal PoliceReserve UnitLeroy Thompson

$50 • 6 x 9 • 208 pages 80 photographs and diagrams9781848326040 – paperbackAugust 2012

In turbulent Shanghai in the yearsbetween the World Wars, theInternational Settlement was amercantile powerhouse that facedunrest from Communist laborunions, criminal gangs, spies,armed kidnappers and assassins.Adjoining the Settlement were theFrench Concession and the Chinesecity, both hotbeds of intrigue andcrime themselves. Called the mostsinful in the world, the Settlementrelied on its police: the ShanghaiMunicipal Police, one of the mostadvanced forces in the world.

After an incident in 1926 when thepolice fired upon demonstrators,which resulted in unrest andstrikes, W. E. Fairbairn was chargedwith forming a specialized unit todeal with riots and armedencounters. The resulting ReserveUnit became the prototype forfuture SWAT teams, as it developedtactics for using snipers, hostagerescue tactics, aggressive riot-dispersal tactics and various othertactical innovations.

Frederick theGreatA Military HistoryDennis Showalter

$50 • 6 x 9 • 9781848326408 –hardback • August 2012

Frederick the Great is one ofhistory’s most important leaders.Famed for his military successesand domestic reforms, hiscampaigns were a watershed inthe history of Europe – securingPrussia’s place as a continentalpower and inaugurating a newpattern of total war that was toendure until 1916.

However, much myth surroundsthis enigmatic man – hispersonality and his role aspolitician, warrior and king. Thisbook provides a refreshingdepiction of Frederick the Greatand an objective, detailedreappraisal of his military, politicaland social achievements.

Early chapters set the scene with anexcellent summary of 18th centuryEurope – The Age of Reason; ananalysis of the character,composition and operatingprocedures of the Prussian army;and explore Frederick’s personalityas a young man. Later chaptersexamine his stunning victories atRossbach and Leuthen, his defeatsat Prague and Kolin and Prussia’semergence as a European power.

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Frontline Books

Doorway toHellDisaster in SomaliaBG. Ed Wheeler

$29.95 • 6 x 9 • 272pages • 9781848326804– paperback • October2012

It started as a mission of mercy-to feed thehungry, cure the sick and bring peace to acountry ravaged by civil war. No formalgovernment or organized infrastructure existedin this fourth world country governed bywarlords and their armed bands of ‘gunmen’.Operations Restore Hope and Continue Hopewere planned and implemented with the aimof bringing order to chaos. Unfortunately, whatshould have been a victory for the UnitedNations deteriorated into a humiliating defeatof massive proportions.

Ordeal byExocetHMS Glamorgan and the FalklandsWar 1982Ian Inskip

$24.95 • 6 x 9 • 256pages • 8 pages of plates • 9781848321311 –paperback • July 2012

HMS Glamorgan was in the thick of the fightingthroughout the war. While attacking the enemy,Glamorgan faced missiles, bombs, shells androckets. Personal accounts recall these attacks,and other operations including the PebbleIsland raid. All the Exocet attacks on the BattleGroup are included, culminating with thedesperate fight to save the ship, which cameperilously close to sinking. The aftermath andthe trauma experienced by those who lostshipmates brings home the gruesome reality ofwar.

SpecialRelationships People and PlacesASA Briggs

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 256pages • 16 pages ofplates • 9781848326675– hardback • August 2012

July 2011 marked the 90th birthday of LordAsa Briggs. A Cambridge graduate, BletchleyPark code-breaker, and one of the mosteminent and influential historians of our time.Briggs delves deep into his own history-fromthe origins of his highly distinctive name andhis early education; through his recruitmentinto the Intelligence Corps and his wartimeexperiences as a cryptographer. Along the wayhe sets out to ‘trace those personalrelationships which have most shaped (his)life’.

Mercenaries in theClassical Worldcirca 664–323BCStephen English

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 192 pages • approximately20, 8 page plate section • 9781848843301– hardback • September 2012

Mercenaries were a significant factor inmany of the wars of the Classical world,being employed in large numbers bymany states. By far the most famous were Xenophon’s ‘Ten Thousand’,who had to cut their way out of the Persian Empire after the death oftheir employer and such Greek infantry were the most dominant type,but there was a wide variety of mercenaries available. Some, such asCelts and Thracians were hired for their love of fighting, while otherswere valued for their specialist skills, such as archers or slingers. Thisbook examines the role of the mercenaries and their influence on thewars of the period down to the death of Alexander the Great. It also looksat the social and economic pressures that drove tens of thousands tomake a living of fighting for the highest bidder, despite the intensedangers of the ancient battlefield.

Of Honour andHonourable Quarrels A Gentleman’s Guide to DuellingVincentio Saviolo

$39.95 • 9.25 x 6 • 256 pages9781848325272 – hardback December 2012

In the early 1590s, Shakespeare andVincentio Saviolo were both based inLondon. It is almost certain that Saviolocame in contact with Shakespeare, and there is evidence that theplaywright hired Saviolo as his bodyguard and was employed to trainactors in stage combat.

This book sets down the etiquette for fighting a duel - Saviolo’s guidewas written in a time when rapier play was seen as a great improvementto the old-fashioned sword-and-buckler fighting and better suited to therequirements of a gentleman.

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22 TO ORDER: Visit or call (610) 853-9131

Frontline Books

RussianEyewitnessAccounts oftheCampaign of1812Alexander Mikaberidze

$50 • 6 x 9 • 288 pages • 9781848326354 –hardback • September 2012

The Napoleonic era has been analyzed innumerous studies, but many fail to portray theRussian side of the events due to the scarcity ofRussian sources in English. Only a handful ofRussian memoirs have been translated inEnglish while dozens remain unknown. Thisbook seeks to fill this gap by providingpreviously unavailable memoirs of Russianparticipants using documents show the otherside, providing insight on the Russianleadership and what a soldier experienced ashe progressed towards victory.

The WeddingFeast WarThe Final Tragedy ofthe Xhosa PeopleKeith Smith

$50 • 6 x 99781848326811 –hardback • November2012

The last of the nine Frontier Wars foughtbetween 1799–1877 was in many ways a‘prequel’ to the more famous Zulu War of 1879,featuring many of the British regiments andpersonalities who were to fight at Isandlwana,as well as being the final defeat of the Xhosapeople.

This book uses British Parliamentary Papers,official War Office dispatches and personalaccounts to tell the full story of this neglectedyet fascinating episode of South Africanmilitary history.

Wellington’sVoiceThe Candid Lettersof LieutenantColonel JohnFremantle,Coldstream Guards,1808–1821Gareth Glover

$50 • 10 x 9 • 322 pages • 9781848325739 –hardback • December 2012

John Fremantle was on Wellington’s personalstaff through the later years of the PeninsularWar and Waterloo campaigns.

In letters written to his Uncle, Fremantle dealswith military matters in detail and gives agreat insight into Wellington’s honest views ofmatters. He also talks a great deal about thepersonalities in ‘Wellington’s family’ and the‘Great Man’, giving honest views of theirstrengths and failings, bringing many little-known incidents to light.

The Waterloo Archive:Volume IVThe British SourcesGareth Glover

$50 • 6 x 9 • 304 pages • 9781848326552– hardback • September 2012

This volume contains letters and journalswritten largely in the aftermath of thecampaign of 1815, both from the frontlinetroops and the support services. Thisvolume includes:• Letters by Sir Hussey Vivian and a much fuller version of the famousdescription by Frederick Ponsonby of his wounding and subsequentadventures.• The correspondence of officers in the infantry such as John Gardinerand George Barlow of the 69th Foot.• Lifeguards, who appears to have written the opening circumstantialnarrative of ‘A Near Observer’ for Miss Eaton and George Packe of the 13thLight Dragoons.• A series of letters to Sir Charles Bell from various surgeons attending tothe wounded in Brussels give both a fascinating and appalling view ofthe consequences of war.• A fascinating description from a witness of Napoleon onboard HMSBellerophon at Plymouth including an original drawing of him before hesailed into exile on St. Helena.

Cromwell Hath TheHonour, But...P. R. Hill

$50 • 6 x 9 • 256 pages • 9781848326545– hardback • July 2012

Much has been written about the first Civil War and the triumphs of OliverCromwell. Less is known, however, of theskirmishes of the second Civil War or therole and military prowess of the youngMajor-General John Lambert.

Lambert a brilliant general who demonstrated exceptional tactical skillsbut he was also a brave leader who was well liked by his men andmerciful to his captured enemies. This carefully researched and readableaccount reexamines contemporary sources to shed light on Lambert’sdecisive northern campaign of 1648–1649.

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Grub Street Publishing

Open CockpitArthur Gould Lee

$24.95 • 8.25 x 5.25 • 224 pagesphotos included • 9781908117250 – hardbackAugust 2012

Thanks to a broken leg during flight school,Arthur Stanley Gould Lee gained valuableadditional time flying trainers before he wasposted to France during World War I. InNovember 1917 during low level bombing andstrafing attacks, he was shot down three timesby ground fire. He spent eight months at thefront and accumulated 222 hours of flight timein Sopwith Pups and Camels during astaggering 118 patrols; being engaged incombat 56 times. He lived to retire from theRAF as an air vice-marshal in 1946. Author ofthree books, this is by far his best. Lee puts youin the cockpit in a riveting account of life as afighter pilot at the front. At turns humorousand dramatic, this thoughtful, enlightening,true account is a classic to be ranked withWinged Victory by W. V. Yeates, also publishedby Grub Street.

Iron ManRudolf Berthold: Germany’sIndomitable Fighter Ace of World War IPeter Kilduff

$39.95 • 9.75 x 6.75 • 224 pagesphotos throughout • 9781908117373 –hardback • December 2012

One of the most successful German fighterpilots of World War I Hauptmann RudolfBerthold was victorious in forty-four aerialcombats. He was also shot down or forced toland after six fights and survived crashlandings in every case. Early in World War I,when only fighter pilots were awarded theKingdom of Prussia’s highest decoration, thePour le Mérite, Rudolf Berthold became thetenth recipient of the honor. Of that earlycohort of air heroes, only Berthold and oneother pilot survived the war. This book tells hisremarkable story.

Described by one of his pilot protégés as, ‘an IronMan – with an absolutely unbendable iron will’,he was a dedicated patriot. He demonstrated afierce fighting spirit in many encounters withadversaries. Berthold was so relentless in hisapproach to aerial combat, when badlywounded, he cut short his convalescent leave toreturn to flying with his comrades.

Kilduff has produced a landmark volume basedon extensive research into Rudolf Berthold’slife and military career to form the mostcomplete account about Germany’s sixthhighest scoring fighter ace of WWI. Iron Mantells the tale of this ruthless, fearless andpatriotic fighter whose perseverance andbravery made him one of the most famousairmen of World War I.

The SowreysA Unique and Remarkable Record ofOne Family’s Sixty-Five Years ofDistinguished RAF ServiceAir Commodore Graham Pitchfork

$39.95 • 9.5 x 6.75 • 224 pages • approx 80photos • 9781908117311 – hardbackOctober 2012

A fascinating look into the extraordinaryhistory of the Sowrey family; an RAF dynastywhose service spans the first sixty-five years ofthe RAF’s existence.

Members fought in both world wars and five ofthe Sowreys were awarded the Air Force Cross,amongst their other numerous decorations.Three brothers, John, Fred and William, allserved in World War I with distinction beforeservice in Iraq and the Middle East. The nextgeneration of Sowreys started at Cranwell in1938; one was killed in action in the WesternDesert but John Jr. and Freddie servedthroughout, on fighter operations in the desertand north-west Europe, whilst a sister servedin the WAAF. Also during World War II Air CdreWilliam Sowrey served as an AOC in the often-forgotten campaign in East Africa. John Sowreywent on to become a test pilot in the halcyondays of 1950-fighters and Freddie served infighters before taking up more senior policyand diplomatic appointments during the ColdWar.

Their diverse individual careers andexperiences worldwide provide great scope forstudy into the history and development of theRAF from World War I to the later stages of theCold War.

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24 TO ORDER: Visit or call (610) 853-9131

Grub Street Publishing

Alfie’s WarA World War II Fleet Air ArmLieutenant’s Exciting Exploits on HMSIllustrious, in Greece and CreteRichard Pike

$39.95 • 9.25 x 6 • 192 pages • 8 pages b/wphotos • 9781908117410 – hardbackNovember 2012

Written in three parts, and as a sequel to SevenSeas, Nine Lives, Richard Pike continues theremarkable experiences of Captain AWF ‘Alfie’Sutton CBE DSC and bar RN. During eventswhich come as close to fiction as is imaginable,the first part describes how Alfie, badly injuredand close to death during the bombing of HMSIllustrious by the Luftwaffe in January 1941,wakes to find himself laid out amongst thedead, but miraculously still able to help theship on to Malta. After full recovery, part twostarts with his involvement in the Alliedcampaign in Greece in the spring of 1941,leading to him eventually evacuating theGreek royal family in a flying boat. Afternumerous escapades he fights with thedefenders during the German invasion of Cretein 1941. Admiral Cunningham was later todescribe Sutton’s efforts as “an example ofgrand personal courage under the worstpossible conditions which stands out brightlyin the gloom.” It was a struggle doomed tofailure, but Alfie survived to continue his warand tell his story to author Richard Pike whorelates it here with passion, pace and drama.

Lancaster Down!The Extraordinary Tale of Seven YoungBomber Aircrew at WarSteve Darlow

$19.95 • 9.25 x 6 • 224 pages • 16 pages b/wphotos • 9781908117267 – paperback July 2012

During WWII, on one raid alone, NuremburgMarch 1944, more Bomber Command airmenlost their lives than were lost in the Battle ofBritain. These were ordinary men who becamepart of extraordinary events. One such wasArthur Darlow, the author’s grandfather. Apilot of a Lancaster crew in 405 RCAF, he wasone of the legions of men who took theoffensive against the enemy for most of thewar. Their story, vividly recreated here, isspecial. The crew’s tour starts with BomberCommand’s Main Offensive in late 1943.German night fighters and flak regimentsdefend their homeland with grimdetermination and losses are high. But ourcrew survive. Thousands do not. Darlow’s crewcontinue, through D-Day and the invasion ofWestern Europe. One day though, they are shotdown over Belgium, to become, in turn,prisoner, evader, casualty. Collectively theyexperience it all. Not romanticized but writtenwith feeling and respect, this book should beread by all age groups.

Pathfinder CompanionSean Feast

$39.95 • 9.5 x 6.75 • 256 pages • illustratedthroughout • 9781908117342 – hardbackNovember 2012

What sort of men were the Pathfinders, thecorps d’élite of Bomber Command? What didthey do? What risks did they face? And whatcontribution did they make to the air war andthe ultimate defeat of Germany?

By drawing on hundreds of hours of interviewswith surviving veterans – many speaking forthe first time, Sean Feast looks to answer thesequestions and more, seeking to put thesemen’s achievements in the context of the time.

The Pathfinder Companion, launched tocoincide with the 70th anniversary of thefoundation of Pathfinder Force in 1942,highlights the raids and the losses, thesuccesses and failures, the terror and theturmoil these men endured, as well as theinevitable humor in the face of tremendousadversity. Illustrated throughout with photosand memorabilia, the book shows how apoorly equipped, disparate group was forgedover time into one of the most effective anddevastatingly efficient fighting forces evercreated. It includes stories and reminiscencesnot just from the Master Bombers and LongStops, but also the journeymen Pathfindercrews whose support was so essential tosuccess and final victory. A must for anyoneinterested in Bomber Command.

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Harpia Publishing

African MiGsVol. 1:Angola toIvory CoastMiGs and Sukhoisin Service in Sub-Saharan AfricaTom Cooper

$64.95 • 8.25 x 11 • 256 pageswith 10 b/w, 117 color pictures, 12 maps, and127 color drawings • 9780982553954 –paperback • Now available

This second, expanded and revised edition ofthe groundbreaking book African MiGsexamines the role and deployment history ofMiG- and Sukhoi-designed fighters in no fewerthan 23 air forces in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Updated with information, photographs andartworks, it is the most reliable source on eachof the features air forces, their organization,unit designations, camouflage, markings andcombat deployment.

Arab MiGsVol. 1MiG-15s and MiG-17s, 1955-1967,Mikoyan i GurevichMiG-15 and MiG-17in Service with AirForces of Algeria,Egypt, Iraq and SyriaTom Cooper

$64.95 • 8.25 x 11 • 256 pageswith 161 b/w, 10 color pictures, 7 maps, and32 artwork drawings • 9780982553923 –paperback • Now available

Starting in 1955, MiG-15 and MiG-17 formedthe backbone of several Arab air forces. Theyplayed a prominent role in four major wars anddozens of minor incidents.

Covering the first decade of this period, thisstudy provides a unique and previouslyunavailable insight into the service history ofboth types with five Arab air forces.

Arab MiGsVolume 3The June 1967 WarTom Cooper

$64.95 • 8.25 x 11 256 pagesIllustrations, color andbw photos • maps • 9780982553992 –paperback • November 2012

The June 1967 War fought between an Araballiance and Israel was a pivotal event in themodern history of the Middle East. This studyprovides detailed coverage of the Arab airforces during the course of that conflict.Supported by original documentation, andhundreds of accounts from participants andeyewitnesses, the result is a gripping narrativethat uncovers stories for the first time.

African MiGsVol. 2:MadagascartoZimbabweMiGs and Sukhoisin Service in Sub-Saharan AfricaTom Cooper

$64.95 • 8.25 x 11 • 256 pages • with 19 b/w,137 color pictures, 11 maps, and 120 colordrawings • 9780982553985 – paperback • Nowavailable

Completing an in-depth history of thedeployment and operations of MiG and Sukhoifighters in sub-Saharan Africa, Volume 2 covers11 additional air forces, from Madagascar toZimbabwe.

This encyclopaedic account is so far the onlyone of its kind to provide detailed analysis ofaerial conflicts including those waged betweenEthiopia and Somalia, Tanzania and Uganda,and in Sudan.

Arab MiGsVol. 2SupersonicFighters:1956–1967Tom Cooper

$64.95 • 8.25 x 11 256 pages • with 207 b/w, 27 color pictures, 2 maps, and 31 color drawings9780982553961 – paperback • Now available

Largely based on previously unavailabledocumentation from official archives, thesecond volume in this series is anunprecedented study of the developments ofthe Egyptian, Iraqi, Syrian, Algerian, Lebaneseand Jordanian air forces during the late 1950sand 1960s. For the first time, the authorsexplain how and why specific air forcesdeveloped in the way they did, and why theyreceived specific aircraft types.

Silver WingsServing andProtecting CroatiaKatsuhiko Tokunaga

$64.95 • 8 x 11.75 •160 pageswith 120 high qualitycolor pictures and 15color drawings • 9780982553916 – hardbackNow available

This top quality photo monograph features theactivities of the today’s Croatian Air Force: TheDefenders, The Fire Fighters, The TransportElement, The Training Element, Wings of Stormand ZTZ. This book features the work andaction of the men and women serving andprotecting Croatia. It covers not only thedifferent aircraft in service, but also the menand women flying and maintaining it.

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26 TO ORDER: Visit or call (610) 853-9131

Harpia Publishing

LatinAmericanMiragesMirage III / 5 / F.1/ 2000 in Servicewith SouthAmerican AirArmsSantiago Rivas

$64.95 • 8.25 x 11 • 256 pages • with 12 b/w,223 color pictures, 7 maps, and 40 colordrawings • 9780982553947 – paperbackNow available

For more than four decades, different versionsof the classic Dassault Mirage fighter haveserved as some of the most potent combataircraft in Latin America. Equipping the airforces of seven South American nations insignificant quantities, the delta-winged jetshave seen action in various different wars andinternal conflicts, and they continue to fulfilltheir mission with a number of operators.

IraqiFighters1953–2003:Camouflage &MarkingsBrig. Gen. AhmadSadik

$59.95 • 8.25 x 11156 pages • with 44 b/w, 96 color pictures, 66color drawings and one map • 9780615214146– paperback • Now available

This book provides an exclusive insight intoservice history of 13 fighter jet types thatserved with Royal Iraqi Air Force and Iraqi AirForce between 1953 and 2003.

Serious investigative research, includingexclusive primary evidence gathered by bothauthors in- and outside Iraq, generate a levelof detail and color of unmatched degree in anyprevious publications about any Arab air force.

Fall of theFlyingDragonSouthVietnamese AirForce 1973–75Albert Grandolini

$64.95 • 8.25 x 11256 pages • with 294 b/w, 117 color pictures, 1map, and 30 color drawings • 9780982553978– paperback • Now available

Compiled with help from previouslyunavailable documents that have emergedfrom official Vietnamese archives, and alsowith the assistance of narratives from dozensof participants and eyewitnesses, this volumereveals that air warfare over Vietnam did notend when the US pulled out of Southeast Asia.On the contrary, in the wake of the USwithdrawal, and following the ceasefire inearly 1973, North Vietnam redoubled its effortto conquer the southern part of the country.

LatinAmericanFightersA History ofFighter Jets inService withLatin AmericanAir ArmsIñigo Guevara

$64.95 • 8.25 x 11 • 256 pages32 b/w, 186 color pictures, and 18 maps9780982553909 – paperback • Now available

This book for the first time describes themilitary fighter jet aviation in Latin America. Itcovers the eventful history of fighter jets in 17countries ranging from Mexico in the northdown to Argentina in the south. Each countryis covered type by type in chronological order.Information on each type is being providedrelated to purchase, squadron service, losses,upgrades and service history.

IRIAF 2010The ModernIranian Air ForceTom Cooper

$59.95 • 8.75 x 11.75160 pages • 124 colorpictures • and 1 map9780982553930 –paperback • Now available

This richly illustrated book describes thecurrent organization and equipment of theIslamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF).Drawing on a wide range of digitalphotographs, IRIAF 2010 presents all types ofcombat, transport and training aircraft, as wellas helicopters, currently operated by the IRIAF,many of which are supported by captionsdetailing individual aircraft histories.

ModernChinese AirPowerPeople’sLiberation ArmyAir ForcesAndreas Rupprecht

$64.95 • 8.25 x 11256 pages • Illustrations, color and bw photosmaps • 9780985455408 – paperbackNovember 2012

This uniquely compact yet comprehensivedirectory serves as a magnificently illustrated,in-depth analysis and directory of modernChinese air power. It is organised in threeparts: the most important military aircraft andtheir weapons found in Chinese service today;aircraft markings and serial number systems;and orders of battle for the People’s LiberationArmy Air Force and Naval Air Force.

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Souvenirsde GI’s,1944-1945De la bataille deNormandie aucoeur del’AllemagnenazieDaniel Blanchard

$45 • 8.5 x 12 • 116 pages • full colorthroughout • 9782840483335 – hardbackJuly 2012 • French Text

Included in this richly illustrated work byDaniel Blanchard are over 50 portfolios ofAmerican soldiers, ranging from paratroopers,pilots, infantrymen, tank specialists, plus manymore. Blanchard retraces the history ofAmerican military units via their uniforms andequipment brought back by the GIs.

La 101stAirborneDivisiondans laSecondGuerreMondiale“Vanguard of the Crusade”Mark Bando

$69.95 • 8.5 x 12 • 312 pages • 465illustrations, 13 maps, 32 color pages •9782840483304 – hardback • July 2012 •French Text

Mark Bando has dedicated this work to thisfamous American airborne division engaged inthe Normandy and Ardennes battles. He relaysin dramatic detail the histories recounted byhundreds of veterans, making this work anecessary addition to the enthusiast’s library.

Les Parasde la 82eAirborneSicile, Italie,Normandie,Holland,Ardennes

$22.95 • 8.5 x 1280 pages • full color throughout9782840483328 – hardback • July 2012French Text

Heimdal offers here a detailed presentation ofthe uniforms worn by the Americanparatroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division, the“All American,” throughout the course of theSecond World War.

Le Panzers face auDébarquement6-8 Juin 1944Georges Bernage

$27.95 • 8.5 x 12 • 80 pagesfully illustrated throughout9782840483199 – hardbackJune 2012 • French Text

• A close examination of the decisivemoments between 5th and 8th of June1944

In this important new work on Normandy, Georges Bernage offers a closeexamination of the decisive moments between 5 and 8 June, 1944, whenthe Panzers arrived on the front line. He details their units and their veryfirst engagements on the battlefield, using remarkable originalphotographs.

This highly detailed album adds up to an invaluable resource for the avidmodeler, keen tank enthusiast and general historian alike.

France 1940: Les PanzersJean-Yves Mary

$39.95 • 8.5 x 12 • 160 pagesfully illustrated throughout9782840483175 – hardbackJuly 2012 • French Text

• Many fantastic color photographs ofthe German tanks, their units and theirleaders, along with a detailed history oftheir engagement

After the success of Jean-Yves Mary’s previous works, in particular LesCorridor des Panzers and Zur Küste, it was quite clear that there was stilla huge demand for similar high-quality, detailed books on tanks andtheir important role in World War II.

This first volume contains many fantastic color photographs of theGerman tanks, their units and their leaders, along with a detailed historyof their engagement. Any avid modeler, keen tank enthusiast or generalhistorian will find this an invaluable resource.

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28 TO ORDER: Visit or call (610) 853-9131


La Flak de laHohenstaufenPierre Tiquet

$27.95 • 8.5 x 12 • 80pages • 130 photosand documents, fullcolor throughout9782840483267 –hardback • July 2012French Text

Pierre Tiquet presents the history of the Flak ofthe 9.SS-Panzer-Division “Hohenstaufen,”which was engaged in the East in Normandy,then in Hungry, until its final capitulation.Included are over 130 previously unpublishedphotos along with day by day reportage from17 December 1944 to the capitulation fromSturmmann Semmler of the 4th battery.

La Batailledes TroisFrontièresMai-Juin 1940Jean-Yves Mary

$85 • 8.5 x 12 • 352pages • over 1000photos, maps,drawings, and figures • 9782840483311 –hardback • October 2012 • French Text

Jean-Yves Mary offers here an excellentcompanion piece to the encyclopedia of workon the battles of May-June 1940. Mary focuseshere on the battles that took place in theLongwy region. He begins with the Longwystronghold, which was constructed in 1680 byVauban, and integrated into the Maginot Linein 1920.

Heimdal is pleased to offer this exceptionalwork accompanied by 55 maps, drawings andfigures, along with over a thousand neverbefore seen photos.

La femmedans laSociétéMedievalFlorent Véniel

$45 • 8.5 x 12 • 144pages • richlyillustrated, full colorthroughout • 9782840483281 – hardbackJuly 2012 • French Text

Florent Véniel offers here the anticipatedcontinuation of La Vie Quotidienne de lafemme au Moyen Âge. The medieval woman ispresented in the context of her life, in the veryheart of her society. Véniel focuses on therelationships in her life: neighbors, husband,community. She also considers society’s viewon the medieval woman in all of itscomplexity, sometimes even contradictory innature.

1940 LesBlindésFrançaisCollectif

$42.95 • 8.5 x 12160 pages • profiles,full color throughout• 9782840483182 –hardback • December 2012 • French Text

1940 French Tanks offers a detailedpresentation of the equipment, uniforms, andcommanders, in addition to meticulousdescriptions of the tanks themselves. A copiousnumber of photos are included throughout thework, providing an accurate image of the tankson the battlefield.

50Aérodromespour uneVictoireJuin-Septembre1944F. Robinard

$79.95 • 8.5 x 12336 pages • full color throughout9782840483274 – hardback • July 2012French Text

Beginning on June 6, the Allies were able toestablish their first airfields in Normandy. Herewe will discover the fifty airfields that playedan essential role in the Allied victory inNormandy. The authors offer detaileddescriptions, maps, and archival photos foreach of the airfields. In addition to thetechnical plans for the runways, the squadronsassigned to the airfields along with more thanone hundred color profiles of the aircraft areincluded.

Raid deBruneval etde LaPoterie –Cap d’AntiferMystéres etVéritéAlain Millet

$69.95 • 8.5 x 12 • 320 pages • fully illustratedthroughout • 9782840483151 – hardbackApril 2012 • French Text

After twenty years of interviews and research,author Alain Millet details the British airborneunits as well as the German radar technicians,the latter providing him with superb andexceptional photos from the battle.

The work is also accompanied bydocumentation of the German radar systemsand their positions along the Normandy coast.Along with an extensive collection of black andwhite images, Millet provides several colorphotographs.

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Objectif LaHaye-du-Puits3-9 Juillet 1944Georges Bernage

$26.95 • 8.5 x 1280 pages • full colorthroughout9782840483212 – hardback • November 2012French Text

The extreme difficulty of the battles in theCotentin marshes has already been discussedin Operation Cobra, during which Mont Castrerepresented a primary obstacle. Here Heimdalpresents La Haye-du-Puits, the final hurdle toachieve in order to prepare the departure basenecessary for the ultimate breach. Highlyillustrated with numerous color photos, thiswork offers a rich description of the terrain andequipment used on the battlefield.

Tiger-Abteilung503La schwerePanzerabteilung503 du front del’Est à laNormandieDr. Franz-WilhelmLochmann

$79.95 • 8.5 x 12 • 432 pages • over 940photographs, documents, and color profiles9782840483243 – hardback • October 2012French Text

Dr. Franz-Wilhelm offers a well-researchedhistory of this famous unit that wasestablished on 4 May 1942, made famous notonly by its efforts in the East but also inNormandy. More than 940 photographs andoriginal documents, along with color profilesare included in this highly detailed work.

Prises deguerreInsignes etPhotos de laWaffen-SSMark Bando

$95 • 8.5 x 12 • 368pages • full colorthroughout, 820color photos, 180 b/w photos9782840483298 – hardback • July 2012French Text

Mark Bando and Michael Beaver present in thisillustrated work objects taken from theWaffen-SS by American soldiers between 1944and 1945. Included are photos, badges, andmedals, along with many other souvenirsbrought back by the troops. Included amongthe rich photographic documentation areimages of the capturing of German soldiers bythe Americans. This limited run edition offersthe collector and enthusiast a must-have work.

StrumgeschützBrigade 191La “Buffelbrigade” de 1940-45des Balkans à la steppe desKalmouksBruno Bork

$65 • 8.5 x 12 • 276 pages • over 360photographs and documents9782840483236 – hardbackOctober 2012 • French Text

Established on 1 October 1940, the Sturmgeschütz Brigade participatedin Operation Barbarossa in Ukraine all the way to the gates of Moscow. In1942 it fought on the Terek in the Ukraine and then onto Sebastopol,Yugoslavia and then Hungry. Its successes can be attributed to thenumerous recipients of the Knights Cross included among its ranks. Over360 photographs and original pieces of documentation are included inthis well researched work.

Dieppe19 Aout 1942, Le RaidNicolas Bucourt

$57.95 • 8.5 x 12 • 224 pages • fullyillustrated throughout • 9782840483168– hardback • Now available • French Text

Originally conceived in April 1942 asOperation Rutter, the Allies planned toconduct a major raid on a German-heldport on the French channel coast. Theyplanned to hold it for the duration of atleast two tides, so as to effect the greatest amount of destruction ofenemy facilities and defenses before withdrawing. However, the firstlanding attempt in Normandy ended as a disastrous bloodletting failure.

Almost 4,000 Canadian and British troops were killed, wounded or takenprisoner on 19 August, 1942; the Canadians lost two thirds of their forcealtogether during the virtual slaughter of the first assault.

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30 TO ORDER: Visit or call (610) 853-9131

Helion and Company

Panzer LehrDivision1944-45Dr Frederick P.Steinhardt (ed)

$49.95 • 6 x 9 • 352pages • photos, tables,diagrams, 41 maps •9781906033521 – paperback • August 2012

The Panzer Lehr Division was one of the mostélite German armored formations in existencein early 1944. Its baptism of fire was in thedeadly Normandy bocage. Although sufferingheavy losses in Normandy, the Divisioncontinued to fight in North-West Europe untilthe end of the war, seeing particularly notableservice during the Ardennes Offensive and inthe Ruhr.

From Addisto the AostaValleyA South African inthe North Africanand ItalianCampaigns 1940-45Keith Ford

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 256 pages • approximately 70b/w photos, illustrations, maps9781908916242 – paperback • December 2012

Based on the author’s diaries, From Addis to theAosta Valley is the account of Keith Ford’sservice in the Second World War from 1940-1945. As a gunner, he was deployed ‘up north’to East Africa and experienced his first taste ofaction with the 1st South African Divisionduring the invasion of Italian Somaliland;thereafter he was involved in the Abyssiniancampaign and was with the victorious Allieswhen Addis Ababa was liberated.

US ArmyInfantryDivisions1943-45Volume 1Organisation,Doctrine &EquipmentYves J. Bellanger

$49.95 • 8 x 11 • 256 pages • 74 b/w charts •9781874622277 – paperback • August 2012

In the first of a three-volume study, the authorpresents an extremely detailed record of theorganization, doctrine and equipment of U.S.Army infantry divisions during the latter partof World War II. Yves Bellanger presents eachof the division’s sub-units - from the divisionalHQ to an infantry battalion and the divisionalartillery to its combat engineer element. Foreach, the author examines their organization,their training and tactical doctrine.

The GermanFallschirmtruppe1936-41Its Genesis and Employment inthe First Campaigns of theWehrmachtKarl-Heinz Golla

$79.95 • 6 x 9 • 640 pages •approximately 100 b/w and 12 colorphotos, 28 color maps9781908916525 – hardback • November2012

The Fallschirmtruppe of the Wehrmacht won recognition for their valorand endurance not only from their fellow German soldiers, but from theirformer enemies as well. On the basis of careful and comprehensiveresearch, including utilizing extensive unpublished documentary andpersonal materials, the author covers the history of the Fallschirmtruppefrom its genesis and early training to its employment in combat inScandinavia, the Albert Canal in Belgium, Holland, the Greek mainlandand, of course, at Crete.

The reasons for the remarkable successes of the German Fallschirmtruppeduring this period are analyzed, as are also the conceptual weaknessesinherent in its formation, and the faults in the command and controlduring its combat employment.

Man of Steel andHonour: GeneralStanislaw MaczekSoldier of Poland, Commander ofthe 1st Polish Armoured Divisionin North-West Europe 1944-45Evan McGilvray

$69.95 • 6 x 9 • 224 pages •approximately 120 b/w photos, 4 maps •9781908916532 – hardback • December2012

This is a biography of one of the most undervalued commanders of theSecond World War, General Stanislaw Maczek. Unlike most Polishcommanders he rocked no boats and after his service was complete in1947 he retreated into relative obscurity. One had to be acquainted withthe 1st Polish Armored Division in order to know anything of the man.This book is an attempt to put the record right and place front and centerinto the wartime historiography the story of an extraordinary man.

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Helion and Company

The Role of theSoviet Union inthe Second WorldWarA Re-examinationBoris Sokolov

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 120 pages 2 tables • 9781908916556 –paperback • October 2012

This book investigates severalcontroversial issues regarding therole of the Soviet Union and theperformance of the Sovietgovernment and Red Army. Theprimary question explored by theauthor regards the effectivenessof both the Red Army and of theSoviet military economy.

Dr. Sokolov argues that the chiefdefect of the Soviet militaryeconomy was the disproportionateemphasis on the production oftanks and aircraft at the expenseof transportation means and themeans of command and control.This leads the author to look at therole of Lend-Lease during the war.Through the delivery of radio sets,trucks, jeeps, locomotives, fuel,explosives and so on, the authorconcludes that Lend-Lease wascritical to the Red Army, and thatthe Soviet Union would not havebeen able to wage a long waragainst Germany without theLend-Lease supplies - a conclusionthat defies decades of Sovietclaims to the contrary.

The Viaz’maCatastrophe, 1941The Red Army’s DisastrousStand against OperationTyphoonLev Lopukhovsky

$79.95 • 6 x 9 • 576 pages 69 b/w photos, 19 color maps9781908916501 – hardbackDecember 2012

This book describes one of themost terrible tragedies of theSecond World War and the eventspreceding it. The horriblemiscalculations made by theStavka of the Soviet SupremeHigh Command and the Frontcommands led in October 1941 tothe deaths and imprisonment ofhundreds of thousands of theirown people. Until recently, themagnitude of the defeats sufferedby the Red Army at Viaz’ma andBriansk were simply kept hushedup. For the first time, in this booka full picture of the combatoperations that led to this tragedyare laid out in detail, usingpreviously unknown or little-useddocuments.

The author was driven to writethis book after his long search tolearn what happened to hisfather, the commander of the120th Howitzer ArtilleryRegiment, who disappearedtogether with his unit in themaelstrom of Operation Typhoon.

The RzhevSlaughterhouseThe Red Army’s Forgotten15-month Campaignagainst Army Group Center,1942-1943Svetlana Gerasimova

$59.95 • 6 x 9 • 224 pages112 b/w photos, 38 b/w maps9781908916518 – hardbackDecember 2012

Historians consider the Battle ofRzhev “one of the bloodiest in thehistory of the Great Patriotic War”and “Zhukov’s greatest defeat”.Veterans called this colossalbattle, which continued for a totalof 15 months, “the Rzhevslaughterhouse” or “the Massacre”,while the German generalsnamed this city “the cornerstoneof the Eastern Front” and “thegateway to Berlin”. By theirterritorial scale, number ofparticipating troops, length andcasualties, the military operationsin the area of the Rzhev - Viaz’masalient are not only comparable tothe Stalingrad battle, but to agreat extent surpass it. The totallosses of the Red Army aroundRzhev amounted to 2,000,000men; the Wehrmacht’s total lossesare still unknown precisely to thepresent day.

The Armed Forcesof Poland in theWest 1939-46Strategic Concepts,Planning, Limited Successbut no Victory!Michael Alfred Peszke

$29.95 • 6 x 9 • 80 pages • 20photos, 3 maps • 9781908916549– paperback • October 2012

This monograph focuses on thestrategic concepts, planning andthe limited success of the Polishmilitary, leading up to the BritishGuarantee of March, 1939 andthen throughout the SecondWorld War.

It discusses the contribution of thePolish Military to its allies, Franceand the United Kingdom leading upto the war, and the respite theyreceived due to Poland’s spiriteddefense that degraded Germanoffensive capability by at least half ayear. Recreated in France, the PolishMilitary conceptualized a liberationpolicy of encouraging both Franceand the United Kingdom toundertake a Balkan Strategy toPoland’s freedom. Polish relations,with Hungary in particular, andRomania, while British relationswith Greece and Turkey, made this apromising policy option. In early1941, Britain did send troops to aidGreece and the Poles were alsoabout to send their Middle East-based force to Greece.

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32 TO ORDER: Visit or call (610) 853-9131

Helion and Company

A Pride of EaglesA History of the Rhodesian AirForceBeryl Salt

$79.95 • 6 x 9 • 752 pages • 800 photos, 70 diagrams, maps 9781908916266 – paperbackDecember 2012

This is the story of military aviation inRhodesia from the days of ‘bush’ flying inthe 1920s and ‘30s to the disbandment of the Rhodesian Air Force(RhAF) in 1980. In 1939 the Royal Rhodesian Air Force (RRAF) becamethe first to take up battle stations even before the outbreak of theSecond World War. The Rhodesian squadrons served with distinction inEast Africa, the Western Desert, Italy and Western Europe.

After the war, Rhodesia rebuilt its air force, equipping it with Ansons,Spitfires, Vampires, Canberras, Hunters and Alouettes. Following theunilateral declaration of independence from Britain in 1965,international sanctions were imposed, resulting in many innovations.The bitter ‘bush war’ followed in the late 1960s and ‘70s, with the RhAFin the vanguard of local counterinsurgency operations and preemptivestrikes against vast guerrilla bases. With its aging fleet, the RhAF wasable to wreak havoc on the enemy.

SAAF’s Border WarThe South African Air Force inCombat 1966-89Peter Baxter

$29.95 • 8 x 11 • 72 pages • 5 pages coloraircraft profiles, 1 page color aircraftinsignia, 3 pages color photos, profuselyillustrated with b/w photos, maps 9781908916235 – paperback • November 2012

This is the story of the South African AirForce over the 23-year period that became known as the ‘Border War’.

Set against the backdrop of the Cold War, the SAAF was effectively SouthAfrica’s first line of defense against Soviet expansionism in southernAfrica. That the Soviets, through their surrogates-the Cuban military,Angola’s FAPLA and Namibia’s SWAPO-sought a communist regime inSouth Africa is indisputable, as too was the SAAF’s skill and capability todefeat the best Soviet air defenses of the time. This account covers allthe major operations that the SAAF was involved in, from OperationBlouwildebees, the opening salvo of the conflict at Omgulumbashe,South West Africa in 1966 to the final curtain, Operation Merlyn, the so-called April Fool’s Day ‘war’ of 1989 when the SAAF and Koevoetfrustrated SWAPO’s last throw of the dice with its illegal invasion ofSouth West Africa.

Tumult in the CloudsStories from the South African AirForce 1920-2010Dean Wingrin

$69.95 • 6 x 9 • 640 pages • 130 b/wphotos, 8 maps • 9781908916273 –paperback • December 2012

The South African Air Force (SAAF) is thesecond oldest air force in theCommonwealth. The air arm played a majorrole in securing victory for the Allies during the Second World War and inKorea in the 1950s. The SAAF assisted Rhodesia in the 1960s and ‘70s,made a major contribution to the ‘Border’ war, participated in thetransition to a new democracy in South Africa and continuously supportsSouth African peace missions.

The SAAF is not just about aircraft; it is made up of people and it is inthis compilation that these people find their voice. These are theirstories, all told in the first person by the actual participants as personalrecollections. Through their stories, the reader will follow the history ofthe SAAF. The final chapter includes a collection of squadron pub songsfrom the Second World War, Korea and the Border War.

LZ Hot!Flying South Africa’s Border WarNick Lithgow

$29.95 • 6 x 9 • 152 pages • approximately50 color and 40 b/w photos9781908916594 – paperbackNovember 2012

This book captures the experience of theSouth African Air Force helicopter pilot asnever before; from ‘rookie’ to seasonedcombat aviator in one of history’s most intense counterinsurgencyconflicts – the South African Border War. Nick Lithgow’s work relatesthe grueling endurance of SADF National Service.

LZ Hot! relates the drama of recovering downed fighter pilots under fire,responding to the horror of mine-strikes with soldiers dreadfully injuredand needing urgent evacuation, or deep penetration operations intoAngola in support of South African Special Forces. It also relates thecandor of mess life, the characters and incidents that amuse, deliveringmuch needed relief from the demands of operational flying - Nick’saccounts of mess dinner hijinks are especially entertaining and will berecognizable to all who have served!

Flying mountain rescue missions and responding to terrifyingshipwrecks, a crazed Military Policeman during a casevac, Lithgow takesall in his stride.

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Helion and Company

Mau MauThe Kenyan Emergency 1952-60Peter Baxter

$29.95 • 8 x 11 • 72 pages • 8 pages colorphotos, many b/w photos, maps9781908916228 – paperback September 2012

The Second World War forever altered thecomplexion of the British Empire. Africa inthe late 1940s and 1950s was energized bythe grant of independence to India. The British on the whole managedto disengage from Africa with minimum violence.

In Kenya, matters were different. A local settler had accrued significanteconomic and political authority under local legislature. Mau Mau wasless than a liberation movement, but more than a civil disturbance. Itshistoric importance is based primarily on the fact that the Mau Maucampaign was one of the first violent confrontations in sub-SaharanAfrica.

This book journeys through the birth of British East Africa as a settledterritory of the Empire and confrontation that emerged from theunequal distribution of resources and power. It covers the growth of MauMau, and the strategies applied by the British nullify a powerfullysymbolic black expression of political violence.

A Whisper in the ReedsNine Charlie 32: Signalling ‘TheTerrible Ones’Justin Taylor

$29.95 • 6 x 9 • 136 pages • approximately60 color and 60 b/w photos, 4 maps9781908916587 – paperback December 2012

This work relates the experiences of JustinTaylor who served as the Signals Officer forthe South African Defense Force’s infamous 32 Battalion. As a youngofficer he trained in the intricacies of Signaling before volunteering forBorder Duty and service with 32 Battalion.

This book takes you into the discipline of military communications asnever before. It illustrates how a unit’s Signals Officer sits at the core ofmilitary operations, allowing Command elements to control andcoordinate war-fighting, whilst countering the never ending failures ofequipment and communications. What is more, it emphasizes how theSignals Officer needs to remain abreast of enemy eavesdropping.

Little is known of 32 Battalion. Most of its troops were blackPortuguese-speaking soldiers. Established by the legendary ColonelBreytenbach and barracked at ‘Buffalo Base’ in the Caprivi Strip, 32Battalion was to develop a reputation for military prowess that wassecond to none.

Brown Waters of AfricaPortugese Riverine Warfare 1961-1974John P. Cann

$49.95 • 6 x 9 • 264 pages • 33 photos, 31 maps, 21 tables • 9781908916563 –paperback • December 2012

During World War II, Portugal played itscards uncommonly and subsequentlybecame a member of NATO. Thismembership resulted in modernizing its navy and its integration intothe Atlantic Alliance.

By 1960, when other colonial powers were abandoning their empires,Portugal made the decision to cling to its possessions. Without themPortugal saw itself as only a small European country, whereas withthem, it would be a great nation. Portugal ultimately would fight a 13-year war against nationalist movements in Africa to retain itspossessions. By the mid-1950s, it became apparent to the PortugueseNavy that it would fight in Africa, and it began to make preparations.Ultimately, it would perform a wholesale conversion from the oceanicnavy that supported NATO to a brown water or riverine one to fight inAfrica. This is the story of that conversion and the great “battle of therivers” in Africa.

Shadows of a ForgottenPastTo the Edge with the RhodesianSAS and Selous ScoutsPaul French

$29.95 • 6 x 9 • 136 pages • approximately60 color and 60 b/w photos, 12 maps9781908916600 – paperback December 2012

This all-new work chronicles the experiences of Paul French who, uponleaving the British Army’s 21 SAS, sought adventure and excitement in CSquadron of the Rhodesian SAS. Upon passing the arduous RhodesianSAS selection course, Paul was thrown into the maelstrom that was theRhodesian Bush War. Here he participated in the SAS’s infamous raid onJoshua Nkomo and numerous other operations against insurgent forces.Passing selection for Ron Reid-Daly’s elite counterinsurgency specialists,the Selous Scouts, the author took part in ‘externals’ against FRELIMOand ‘ attachments’ with the Mozambique National Resistance. Paulcontinued to serve on operations with the Rhodesian SAS until the endof the ‘Chimurenga’ in 1980. Paul then went on to join the South AfricanDefense Force’s elite 6 Reconnaissance Commando. A career in privatesecurity followed, with a series of assignments in Angola, Iraq andSomalia.

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34 TO ORDER: Visit or call (610) 853-9131

Helion and Company

The GreatTrek UncutEscape from BritishRule: The BoerExodus from theCape Colony 1836Robin Binckes

$69.95 • 6 x 9 • 584pages • 30 b/w illustrations, 30 maps9781908916280 – paperback • December 2012

It is impossible to separate the Great Trek fromevents which took place as far back as thePortuguese explorers because those eventsshaped the backdrop to the causes of the GreatTrek. Most writers have specialized in the trekitself whereas Binckes has adopted a broaderapproach that studies the impact of the earlierwhite incursions and migrations on southernAfrica, to create a better understanding of thetrek and its causes.

Anecdotes ofthe Anglo-Boer War1899-1902Tales from ‘TheLast of theGentlement’s Wars’Rob Milne

$29.95 • 6 x 9 • 176 pages • approximately 200b/w photos, illustrations, maps 9781908916259 – paperback • December 2012

Rob Milne has compiled this selection ofAnglo-Boer War stories from all over SouthAfrica and recounts them in a book thatsaddens, mystifies, but most of all entertains.Tales include the lone Boer sniper who held offthe entire Guards Brigade for more than a dayand the ghosts of the British officers that stillhaunt the Elands river valley.

The Battleof WoerthAugust 6th 1870G.F.R. Henderson

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 96pages • approximately30 illustrations andmaps 9781907677274– paperback • May 2012

This is a companion volume to the sameauthor’s classic, The Battle of Spicheren August6th 1870, providing an account of the ‘other’battle fought at Woerth. The Battle of Woerthwas, like Spicheren, an encounter during theopening phase of the Franco-Prussian War, andhad the same result - after courageousdefense, the French were forced to withdrawfrom the battle.

Three Weeksin NovemberA Military Historyof the Swiss CivilWar of 1847Ralph Weaver

$49.95 • 6 x 9 • 96pages • 24 pages colorplates including uniform figures, 40 b/willustrations, 5 color and 1 b/w maps, 1 b/wdiagram • 9781908916570 – hardback August 2012

The phenomenon known as the ‘Springtime ofthe Nations’ swept through Europe in 1848forcing autocratic regimes to grantconstitutions to the people and bringing largescale campaigns to cities across the continent.What is not known is that a precursor to theseevents had already taken place in the Alpinevalleys of the collection of independent statesknown as Switzerland.

Generals ofthe DanishArmy in theFirst andSecondSchleswig-HolsteinWars, 1848-50 and 1864Nick B. Svendsen

$69.95 • 6 x 9 • 320 pages • 73 b/willustrations, 32 pages color maps and figures •9781908916464 – hardback • December 2012

The first half of the 19th Century was amomentous time for Denmark. The call for ademocratic constitution caused socialdisturbance and the monarchy continued to layclaim to their duchies. The author examinesthree Danish generals, Olaf Rye, FriederichAdolph Schleppergrell, and Claude du Plat whobegan their careers as officers in Norway andRussia and were all killed in either 1848-50 or1864.

The LoyalSuffolkHussarsThe History of theSuffolk Yeomanry1794-1967Margaret Thomas

$79.95 • 6 x 9 • 304 pages • approximately 120b/w illustrations and photos, 8 pages colorillustrations, 8 pages color maps9781908916457 – hardback • December 2012

The book is the first complete account of theSuffolk Yeomanry from its formation in 1794 asvolunteer cavalry to its eventual disbandmentand merger with T.A. units in 1967. With accessto previously unpublished material, theauthors give a detailed account of how thisvolunteer unit served the British Army and thecivil power responding to the challengespresented by a succession of crises at homeand abroad.

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Helion and Company

The Advance from Mons1914The Experiences of a GermanInfantry OfficerWalter Bloem

$35 • 6 x 9 • 128 pages • 9781907677045 –paperback • Now available 9781907677908 – ebook

This is an outstanding personal memoirpenned by a German infantry officer recalling his experiences during theinitial days and weeks of the war in the West, July-September 1914.Walter Bloem was a Captain in the German 12th Grenadier Regiment.His narrative gives a superb insight into the outbreak of war and hisregiment’s mobilization, followed by the advance through Belgium andFrance, including the author’s participation at the battles of Mons, LeCateau, the Marne and the Aisne.

His account of what it was like to face Britain’s ‘Old Contemptibles’ atMons is particularly valuable. Before the war, the author was a novelist,and The Advance from Mons clearly shows this - it is written with a greateye for detail, careful yet vivid descriptions abound and importantly,from a historical perspective. This is a high quality reprint of the 1930original, newly typeset.

A ConsiderableAchievementThe Tactical Development of the56th (London) Division on theWestern Front, 1916-1918Matt Brosnan

$69.95 • 6 x 9 • 192 pages • approximately 20photos, 8 color maps • 9781908916471 –hardback • December 2012

The operational performance of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) onthe Western Front during the First World War is a debated subject. Thedominant perception is one of a conflict characterized by mud andtrenches, presided over by incompetent commanders. Over the lastthirty years a different view has emerged. Many have argued that theBEF deserves more credit for the wartime learning curve it underwent inevolving from a small force into a mass citizen army.

This book enters into this debate by taking a look at a single infantry-the 56th Division. By focusing on and comparing three key battles in theDivision’s service, this study provides insight into 56th Division’s tacticaldevelopment. It suggests that by the last year of the war, 56th Divisionhad developed sophisticated offensive tactics born out of years of hard-fought experience.

Sniping in France 1914-18With Notes on the ScientificTraining of Scouts, Observers, andSnipersMajor H. Hesketh-Pritchard DSO MC

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 144 pages • 20 sketches, 11photos • 9781906033491 – paperbackAugust 2012

Sniping in France provides a detailed and richly informative account ofhow the snipers of the Great War British army trained and fought, andmeasures taken against their German counterparts.

The author was responsible for organizing a cohesive structure to thetraining of the snipers via the First Army School of Scouting, Observationand Sniping, established in 1916.

Written in a very readable style, filled with anecdotes and fascinatingdetail, the author’s study covers the genesis of sniping in the army, hisearly days instructing XI Corps, and then First Army, including much onthe curriculum and work at that unit’s School of Scouting, Observationand Sniping. It also includes anecdotal chapters describing snipingmemories, before concluding with recollections of training thePortuguese Expeditionary Force’s snipers, and looking ahead to thefuture of sniping. Detailed appendices reproduce relevant excerpts fromthe army’s wartime training manuals.

‘Young Citizen OldSoldier”. From boyhoodin Antrim to Hell on theSommeThe Journal of Rifleman JamesMcRoberts, 14th Battalion RoyalIrish Rifles, January 1915–April 1917David Truesdale (ed.)

$59.95 • 6 x 9 • 224 pages • approximately130 bw photos, 3 maps • 9781908916488 – hardback • August 2012

For almost 43 years three school notebooks lay in obscurity in the CountyArmagh home of sixty two-year old James McRoberts. The closely filledpages recorded just over two years in his life in uniform as he played hispart in what was then known as the Great War.

During the Home Rule crisis of 1914, one of several in Ireland’s history,James McRoberts, like many other men, joined the Young CitizenVolunteers, an organization that eventually became the 14th Royal IrishRifles, a battalion of the 36th (Ulster) Division.

These notebooks, written at the time and with footnotes added someforty years later, record his Army service between 8 January 1915 and 3April 1917. They tell, with remarkable immediacy, of his time atRandalstown, County Antrim and the move to Seaford in East Sussex.From here, after further training, James moved with his Battalion to thetrenches of the Western Front.

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36 TO ORDER: Visit or call (610) 853-9131

Histoire and Collections

Kharkov 1943Philippe Naud

$24.95 • 7.75 x 9.5 • 80 pages9782352502371 – paperback • July 2012

Between February and March 1943 Ukraine’ssecond town, Kharkov, was the scene of afierce struggle between the Red Army and Axistroops. Feeling optimistic after the Stalingradtriumph, Stalin thought that his adversarieswere in full flight. But Feldmarschall vonManstein kept a cool head. Thanks to the SS-Panzerkorps which had just been created, heplanned a counteroffensive. In mid-Februarythe SS army corps managed to extricate itselffrom Kharkov with great difficulty and a fewdays later launched the great counterattack. Inthree weeks the Red army found itself in fullretreat and with great difficulty managed toget out of the grips of the enemy whodemonstrated its great mastery of the war ofmovement.

The SS recaptured Kharkov a month afterlosing it but by doing so probably deprived vonManstein of an even greater victory. Thesituation stabilized with the thaw leaving bothadversaries completely exhausted.

Although the situation had changed in favor ofthe Allies, the Eastern Front now included newprotagonists – the Waffen-SS armored units onwhom Hitler was counting to work somemiracles and defeat his mortal enemy.

Philippe Naud is Professor of History and aspecialist of the Eastern Front. He is the authorof numerous articles in VaeVictis, Steelmastersand Tank Zone magazines.

The Swiss in French Service1785–1815Didier Davin

$24.95 • 7.75 x 9.5 • 80 pages9782352502357 – paperback • August 2012

That association of mountainous territories shutin among the European powers, Switzerlandsolved part of its financial problems as early asthe Renaissance by developing a truly mercenaryindustry. Each canton could sign a contract (acapitulation) to recruit military units with theirown officers and regulations in exchange for payand equipment for a neighboring state. On theeve of the Revolution there were therefore Swissunits in the government guards or the troops ofthe Line in France, the Italian States, Spain andthe United Provinces.

The revolutionary process in France ran upagainst their loyalty to their employer: theKing, and the sad events of the massacre of theSwiss Guard on 10 August 1792 whereas theSwiss regiments of the Line were disbanded.

During the vast European reorganization led byFrance between 1793 and 1813, Switzerlandwas politically and geographically transformedand furnished its big neighbor whether it likedit or not with troops of great worth who upheldtheir favorite motto “Honneur et Fidélité”.

A lot has already been written on the Swissregiments. The book skims over the Swisstroops in service with the King on the eve ofthe Revolution to concentrate on those whoserved the Republic, the Consulate and thenthe Empire, focusing on less well-knownaspects.

Allied Forces: Under theBattledressJean Bouchery

$55 • 8.25 x 9.75 • 144 pages • over 300illustrations • 9782352501916 – hardbackJuly 2012

This is the third volume of the vast trilogydevoted to the Allied troops under the Anglo-Canadian command of the 21st Army Group(the Tommy during the Liberation, 2 vols., andthe Canadian during the Liberation).

The aim of this book is to discover thedistinguishing features of these volunteerswho donned British battledress: Belgians,Luxemburgers, Frenchmen, Dutchmen, Poles,Norwegians, Czechs and Danes and who wereengaged from the Normandy beaches to wellinto the heart of the Reich.

It is intended for all sorts of amateurs ofhistory: collectors, model-makers, historiansand reconstitution groups.

Jean Bouchery is a specialist of 1944-1945 andas such he is one of the regular authors for thespecialized press, especially Militaria Magazineand has taken part in a number of workspublished by Histoire and Collections.

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Histoire and Collections

Panthers in Normandy116 Panzer Division July – August1944Didier Lodieu

$44.95 • 9 x 12.25 • 128 pages9782352502326 – hardback • Now available

The Panther battalion of the 116. PanzerDivision, during the Battle of Normandy.During the night of 19-20 July 1944, theI./Pz.Rgt. 24’s 76 Panthers set off in a onekilometer column, four yards between eachtank. There would now be new battles for theveteran Panzerschützen; for the recruits, thiswould be their baptism of fire.

This book by Didier Lodieu – one of France’sforemost specialists on the fighting inNormandy – traces the odyssey of the 1stBattalion of Panthers of the 24th Regiment ofthe 116. Panzer Division, just back from theEast… From the first engagements in July tothe crossing of the Seine at the end ofAugust…a day by day account of the terriblefighting during the “hedgerow” war.

German PioneerEquipment and VehiclesAmphibious VehiclesRodolphe Roussille

$49.95 • 9 x 12.25 • 144 pages • 200 b/wphotographs, 30 color profiles9782352501602 • hardback • June 2012

The fruit of the seven years’ research, this is thefirst of a series devoted to the vehicles andcrossing equipment used by the Germanpioneers during World War Two, a themeneglected by military specialists until now. Thisbook now fills the gap, tracing thedevelopment of amphibious vehicles from theinitial hesitations in the thirties to the secretprojects at the end of the war which remainedon the drawing board.

Illustrated with thirty or so color profiles andmore than 200 black and white periodphotographs, of which a hundred or so are asyet unpublished, this book is the new referencefor as yet relatively unstudied subjects such as:

– The Trippelwagen amphibious cars and howthey evolved.– The Land-Wasser-Schleppers in all its forms– The L.W.S. II Panzerfähre– The Skoda LWS III Project– Amphibious trailers

A historian and model-maker, RodolpheRoussille has specialized for more than tenyears now in engineers’ vehicles andequipment, and in the secret weaponsdeveloped by the Allies and the Axis forcesduring WWII; he is the author of numerousarticles on the subject.

The Art of the JeepFrom Propaganda to AdvertisingJérome Hadacek

$55 • 9 x 12.25 • 160 pages • approximately350 illustrations • 9782352502210 – hardbackNow available

The Jeep, despite its small engine and publicunderestimation, represents the most wellknown example of an American manufacturer’ssuccess at making the transition from warpropaganda to mainstream popular advertising.

Made famous by the appearance of a fewarticles, images of the Jeep could be foundeverywhere: on stationary, match boxes,playing cards, and appeared to invade Americaand then the world. The firm Willys furtherstrengthened the phenomenon by inundatingthe press with large format coloradvertisements in order to compete withBantam, the original maker of the engine. Whilethe group was in reality too small to tackle boththe demand of this project and the needs oftheir major client Ford, Willys was neverthelessable to dominate the publicity about the allterrain vehicle by devoting excellent illustratorsto the job. Given the firm’s success, the image ofthe Jeep was thus highly exploited and used inother campaigns advertising the promotion ofother products, personnel recruitment, as wellas a variety of other items.

Organized by product, Hadacek’s work gatherstogether a superb collection of illustrationsand material, retracing an entire periodfocused on a vehicle that initially wentunnoticed but quickly became a major symbolof postwar ingenuity.

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Histoire and Collections

Les ParasFrançais enAlgerie1954-1962Eric Adams

$49.95 • 9 x 12.25160 pages600 illustrations • 9782352501640 – hardbackJuly 2012 • French Text

The airborne troops of the French Army, thesubject of this first volume, witnessed anenormous growth during the Indo-China war.Eric Adam and Patrice Pivetta present inmeticulous detail descriptions of the uniformsof the paratroopers in Algeria as well asprofiles of their badges, the famous red beret,the parachutes, drop material, and weaponry.

GuerreAérienneen LibyeL’armée del’air auCombatJean-Marc Tanguy

$34.958.25 x 9.75 • 128 pages • 280 photographs9782352502197 – paperback • July 2012French Text

Eight months of aerial warfare have beengathered together in this exceptional book.For the first time since the end of theoperations in October 2011, here is a workillustrating the commitment of the pilots andmechanics in the air force before and afterOperation Harmattan in Corsica, Crete, Italyand in the Libyan skies.

LesCoiffuresMilitairesFrançaises1870-2000Frédéric Coune

$27.95 • 7.75 x 9.584 pages • 280 photographs9782352502418 – paperback • July 2012French Text

Illustrating the great variety of headgear wornby French soldiers, this new edifying book willhelp us to understand the evolution of thisheadgear from 1870 to the present day. Thispanorama of more than 250 headpiecesconcentrates mainly on the Képi, theemblematic hat worn by the army, but alsoillustrates the variety of shakos, bi-corns, caps,chechias and berets, as well as airmen’s andsailors’ caps, not to forget the Gendarmerie.

L’Armée Française1943–1956Paul Gaujac

$24.95 • 7.75 x 9.5 • 96 pages9782352501954 – paperbackNow available • French Text

After adopting the Americanuniform in 1943 when the FrenchExpeditionary Corps in North Africawere equipped by the UnitedStates, the high command and the units were constantly improving itwith additions conforming to French military traditions. However, oncepeace had returned, its metropolitan army needed new dress anduniforms.

The result of this development bore its fruit in 1954, nine years after theend of the conflict. It was in that year that the TTA 148 appeared, a set ofregulations for all the arms, in color, given over to the uniforms andinsignia of the French Army.

This fully illustrated volume includes the black and white plates of theofficers’ uniforms published in April 1954, and shows how from 1943 to1956, the high command and the units managed to transform a uniformwhich was dull by its very nature into a rather becoming and tastefuluniform inspired by the great tradition of the French Army.

Les Blindés etFigurines Heller1965-2012Jean-Christophe Carbonel

$24.95 • 7.75 x 9.5 • 64 pagesover 220 photographs9782352501930 – paperbackJuly 2012 • French Text

It wasn’t until 1960 that a Europeanbrand launched the creation ofmilitary miniatures. That company was Airfix, with the Sherman M4, wellafter the American and Japanese manufacturers. A few simple modelkits appeared in France under the brand “Les Plastiques Dermatt.” Suchmodels could be found in packets of Bonux dish soap!

Illustrated with over 220 photos, this work recounts the evolution of theHeller product line that continues on through the present day

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ChinaThreat in SouthAsiaDr Pushpa Adhikari

$27.95 • 5.5 x 8.5326 pages9781935501329 –hardback • July 2012

This book is a result of years of China watchingby a scholar who has developed great insightinto the minds and methods of ruling elite ofChina while working as advisor to RadioBeijing. He would prefer rise of Asia with therise of Chindia but signs are to the contrary.

IAFAnd it’s WarAir Vice Marshal AKTiwary, VSM

$27.95 • 5.5 x 8.5256 pages9781935501336 –hardback • July 2012

This is an analytical account of the entireoperational history of the Indian Air Force inone volume. Within five years of its creationthe fledgling Flights of No 1 Squadron wereundergoing trials by fire in NWFP. In its historyof 80 years the IAF has also operated inCounter Insurgency role on many occasions.

IndianDefenceReviewOct–Dec 2011Bharat Verma (Ed)

$18.95 • 9 x 12112 pages9788170622482 – paperback • July 2012

IN THIS VOLUME:•Why New Delhi is Unable to Prevent TerroristAttacks? • Indian Air Force: Into the Future • Air-To-Surface Weapons • Submarines: Technologies and Trends • Aerospace and Defense News • India and the Afghan Imbroglio • The Darkness in Afghanistan • Peoples’Liberation Army:• Thrust on Integrated Joint War-fighting • The Military Must Find Its Voice • Cyber Warfare • Growing Strength of thePLAAF: Implications for the IAF

I Was aPrisoner ofWar in ChinaLt Col KN Bakshi, VSM

$18.95 • 5.5 x 8.5100 pages9788170620662 –hardback • July 2012

This book reveals for the first time, a true andhuman story of a soldier who carries physicaldisabilities to this day from this war. Details ofa Chinese prison camp come out vividly afteran exhausting war and capture.

KashmirIts Aborigines andTheir Exodus Col Tej K Tikoo

$27.95 • 5.5 x 8.5700 pages9781935501343 –hardback • July 2012

Exodus of Kashmiri Pandits from Kashmirvalley in 1989 /1990 was their seventh suchexodus since the arrival of Islam in Kashmir inthe fourteenth century. This exodus resultedfrom the appalling events of 1989, whenPakistan sponsored insurgency broke out at fullblast across the valley. The radical Islamiststargeted this miniscule community creatingenormous fear, panic and terrible sense ofinsecurity.

IndianDefenceReviewJan–Mar 2012Bharat Verma (Ed)

$18.95 • 9 x 12120 pages9788170621560 – paperback • July 2012

IN THIS VOLUME:•Pakistan at War with Itself • The IAF at 79 — The Challenges Ahead • Developing Leadership in Arms • Are the Days of the Manned Combat AircraftNumbered? • Defending Indian Skies against the PLAAF • Taking Nuclear War-Fighting Seriously •Coastal Security Paradox • Insurgency, Counterinsurgency and Peace • Critical Technologies and Self Reliance — The Road Ahead for India • Unfolding US foreign policy attempts tocontain China.

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German FighterProjects 1935 –1945 A Complete History of Might-Have-Been German Air ForceFighter ProjectsMarek Rhys

$59 • 8.25 x 11.75 • 192 pages 30+ b/w photos • 60+ colordrawings • 9788361421764 –hardcover • October 2012

The speculation about what theGerman Air Force (Luftwaffe) might have achieved if World War II hadcontinued into 1946 is a fascinating and rapidly growing field of interest.This book develops some of this intriguing speculation with extensive,believable, illustrations of aircraft that never flew, from the mid thirtiesuntil the end of WWII.

Second, updated, edition of two best-selling books:German Air Projects 1935–1945 vol. I; ISBN: 839163275XGerman Air Projects 1935–1945 vol. II; ISBN: 8389450070Revised text and new color drawings.

Lockheed P-38 J-LLightningRobert Peczkowski

$35 • 8.25 x 11.75 • 112 pages100+ b/w photos, 150+ colorphotos, scale plans, 32 color profiles9788361421696 – hardbackAugust 2012

The P-38 was the only Americanfighter aircraft in productionthroughout American involvementin the war, from Pearl Harbor to VJDay. With its unusual twin-boom design, this was one of the mostdistinctive fighters of WW2, and saw action in all theaters of the war,being especially effective in the Pacific area. This book describes thedevelopment of the later versions of this iconic warplane, with fulltechnical details and many detail photos.

Profusely illustrated with photos, including a comprehensive walk-around section showing all aspects of the airframe, and diagrams fromofficial manuals. Includes 1/72nd and 1/48th scale plans, and colorprofiles showing many of the colorful schemes applied to the P-38 by itsusers.

Malta Spitfire Vs –1942Their Colours and MarkingsBrian Cauchi

$39 • 8.25 x 11.75 • 128 pages100+ b/w photos • 30+ colorprofiles • 9788361421795 –paperback • November 2012

In the desperate battle for Malta in1941-2, when German and Italianbombers pounded the island, thearrival of Spitfire Vs helped turn thetables in favor of the Allies. Flownfrom RN and USN carriers, and some even direct from Gibraltar, theSpitfires significantly enhanced the defenses. For many years argumentshave raged about the precise color schemes carried by these aircraft – inthis new book Brian Cauchi looks at all the evidence, from photos andpersonal memories through to surviving parts of these aircraft, andpresents his personal interpretation of the many color schemes, officialand otherwise, carried by these hard-pressed and hardworkingwarplanes.

Bomber Aircraft of305 SquadronLechoslaw Musialkowski

$59 • 8.25 x 11.75 • 160 pages200+ b/w photos • 30 color profiles9788361421801 – paperbackDecember 2012

History of this successful Polishbomber squadron during WW2. No.305 ‘Weilkopolski’ Squadron RAFwas a Polish bomber squadron thanoriginally served as a night bombersquadron, but later converted todaylight operations in 1943 and ended the war as a low-level bombersquadron.

The book covers the history of the squadron and the history of theaircraft used – Vickers Welligton, B-25 Mitchell and de HavillandMosquito. Also details of the markings and camouflage changes aredescribed with many unpublished photos and color profiles.

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SwedishPistonFighterColours1926 – 1954Mikael Forslund

$69 • 8.25 x 11.75 • 192pages • 200+ b/w photos, • 72 color profiles9788361421726 – hardback • October 2012

This book describes and illustrates all thefighter aircraft used by the Swedish armedforces during from the mid ‘20s to the end ofthe piston-engine era. Covering both theindigenous designs employed early on throughto the American fighters flown for much of theperiod, the camouflage and markings of theseaircraft are described and illustrated in greatdetail.

MacchiMC.202FolgorePrzemyslaw Skulski

$35 • 7 x 10 • 144pages • 100+ b/wphotos, 150+ colorphotos, scale plans, 32color profiles • 9788361421665 – paperbackJuly 2012

Second edition, revised and extended.

This expanded 2nd edition contains: scaleplans, photos and drawings from TechnicalManuals, superb color illustrations ofcamouflage and markings, and rare b/warchive photographs. Color photos of thepreserved aircraft illustrate all aspects of theairframe. Essential reading for aviationenthusiasts & scale aeromodelers.

Douglas F3DSkyknightJose Fernandez

$27 • 7 x 10 • 112pages • 100+ b/wphotos, 100+ colorphotos, scale plans, 16 color profiles9788361421702 – paperbackNovember 2012

The F3D was designed as a carrier-based all-weather fighter aircraft. It saw service with theUnited States Navy and United States MarineCorps. It downed several MiG-15s as a nightfighter over Korea with only one air-to-air loss.

The design, development and operations ofthese aircraft are described in detail, illustratedwith many previously unpublished photos.

HungarianFighterColoursDénes Bernád

$69 • 8.25 x 11.75 • 192pages • 200+ b/wphotos, 72 colorprofiles9788361421719 – hardback • September 2012

This book describes and illustrates all thefighter aircraft used by the Hungarian armedforces during WW2. Covering both theindigenous designs employed early on throughto the German and Italian fighters flown formuch of the period, the camouflage andmarkings of these aircraft are described andillustrated in great detail.

Fully illustrated with many rare wartimephotos. Full color profiles of manyrepresentative aircraft.

MesserschmittBf 108TaifunJan Forsgren

$27 • 7 x 10 • 112pages • 150+ b/wphotos, 120+ colorphotos, scale plans, 32color profiles • 9788361421672 – paperback •June 2012

The Messerschmitt Bf 108 Taifun (German for“typhoon”) was a German single-enginesports, touring and communications aircraftdeveloped by Bayerische Flugzeugwerke. Theexperience gained by Messerschmitt indeveloping this aircraft led to the mostimportant German fighter of World War II, theMesserschmitt Bf 109. Profusely illustratedwith photos, including a comprehensive walk-around section showing all aspects of theairframe, and diagrams from official manuals.

MesserschmittBf 109 F Robert Michulec

$29 • 7 x 10 • 160 pages• 200+ b/w photos • 48color profiles9788361421757 –paperback • November2012

This book covers the development of the ‘F’variants of the most famous German WW2fighter, the Messerschmitt Bf 109. Contains:scale plans, photos and drawings fromTechnical Manuals, superb color illustrations ofcamouflage and markings, rare b+w archivephotographs, color photos of the preservedaircraft. Essential reading for aviationenthusiasts & scale aeromodelers.

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The Pucará StoryDr. Ricardo Caballero

$49 • 8.25 x 11.75 • 128 pages120+ b/w and color photos • 30color profiles • 9788361421825 –paperback • December 2012

The Argentine designed and builtIA-58 Pucará light attack aircraftwas developed in the late 1960s inresponse to a requirement drawnup by the Fuerza Aérea Argentina(Argentine Air Force). After a longdevelopmental period the design went into series production in 1974.The aircraft remains in active service to this day, with the FAA and withseveral foreign air forces. Best known for its involvement in theMalvinas conflict (Falklands war) in 1982, the Pucará remains aneffective and much appreciated warplane. This book tells the full storyof the design, development and operational use of the Pucará, includingthe many upgrades and redesigns tested and planned at various stages.Based on access to Argentine air force sources and archives, anddiscussions with serving and former Pucará crew, this is the first English-language book to describe this iconic aircraft in such detail.

The Man WhoReally Made theMiniA Biography of Leonard LordMartyn Nutland

$59 • 148 pages • 120+ b/w photos9788361421788 – hardcoverOctober 2012

Leonard Lord was one of the finestproduction engineers working inBritain in the 20th century. AtMorris, Austin and then BMC he had a major role in the motoringindustry and was responsible for the production of some of the mostsignificant popular cars of the ‘30s, ‘40s and ‘50s. During the war hemasterminded the conversion of Austin’s peacetime production facilitiesinto major producers of war materiel – trucks, aircraft, munitions. Buthis role has been overlooked and belittled, and the true story of thisimportant industrialist has yet to be fairly recounted. This book takes anunbiased look at his career, and draws on personal accounts, officialarchives, plus family photos and memories, to paint a rounded picture ofLord, the engineer, businessman and family man.

French Wings No.3Breguet 27Jose Fernandez

$23 • 8.25 x 11.75 • 80 pages 100+ b/w photos, 16 color profiles9788361421771 – paperbackDecember 2012

This third title in the “FrenchWings” series tells the story of theBreguet 27 aircraft in the French AirForce. The Breguet 27 was a 1930sFrench biplane militaryreconnaissance aircraft, built for the Armée de l’Air (French Air Force)and also exported to Venezuela and China. Breguet 27s continued inmilitary service through the outbreak of World War II, still equippingthree Gropes at the time of the initial German offensive.

The design, acquisition and operations of these aircraft is told in detail,illustrated with many previously unpublished photos. Color schemes andmarkings are described and illustrated.

Polish Wings No.16Supermarine Spitfire XVI1944–1946Wojtek Matusiak

$25 • 8.25 x 11.75 • 80 pages200+ b/w photos • 30 color profiles9788361421689 – paperbackOctober 2012

This new book in the popular“Polish Wings” series tells the storyof Spitfire XVIs used by Polish pilotsin Britain, covering the years 1944-1946, both in Polish squadrons and in RAF and auxiliary units. It includeslistings of losses and of officially credited victories. There are over 200photographs (about half of which have not been published before) andabout 30 color profiles (plus top and bottom views for tworepresentative aircraft).

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The Americans InNormandyJean Quellien

$59.95 • 8 x 10.5 • 260 pages 400 illustrations • maps •9782815101141 – paperback •July 2012

Alongside their British andCanadian allies, the Americantroops landed on the Normandybeaches on the 6th of June 1944.Today, their presence inNormandy on D-Day appears as ifit were perfectly obvious. Thereality behind it is a little morecomplicated.

First and foremost, this bookoffers an account of their longjourney. It also concentrates onthe hostilities that marked thesummer of 1944, covering aspectswhich are often left in theshadows, such as how the armyoperated out in the field, the day-to-day lives of the GIs, theirrelationships with the localpopulation or the great burden ofthe presence of the Americans inNormandy - for by late July, therewere three times as many GIs inthe Cotentin and Bessin as therewere inhabitants!

SwordFrom Pegasus Bridge ToCaenYann Magdeleine

$11.50 • 6.75 x 9.5 • 36 pages 80 illustrations • maps9782815101066 – paperbackJuly 2012

At 00:16, Major John Howardlanded with his company just afew yards from Bénouville bridge.In the early hours of D-Day, hisBritish paratroopers were the firstAllies to set foot on French soil.They were the vanguard of the6th Airborne Division whosemission was to secure the eastflank of the landing zone, a fewhours before the amphibiousoperation. At dawn, the British3rd Division, backed bycommando units, includingCommandant Kieffer’s 177 Frenchtroops, landed on Sword Beach. At13:00 hours, Lord Lovat’s menjoined forces with theparatroopers at Bénouville,forging a vital link between theliberators from the skies andthose from the seas.

GoldTarget BayeuxYann Magdeleine

$11.50 • 6.75 x 9.5 • 36 pages 80 illustrations • maps9782815101042 – paperbackJuly 2012

On the night of the 31st ofDecember 1943, two Britishcommandos successfully collecteda few samples of sand and peatunder the very nose of theGermans posted at Ver-sur-Mer.Five months later, some 25,000men followed in their footstepsand landed on the same shores,code named Gold Beach. Barelyhad they landed, the Britishtroops set out to building anartificial harbor, undoubtedly oneof the finest technical feats of theSecond World War. It was to provea major asset for securing Alliedsupremacy in the months thatfollowed the D-Day Landings.

Mulberry HarbourMichel Chevalet

$40.00 • 5.25 x 7.5 • maps3760186450033 • DVD • July 2012English/French Text

For the general population, the D-Day Landings are often associatedwith unforgettable scenes fromfilms such as The Longest Day orSaving Private Ryan. Yet they arefrequently oblivious to the factthat, behind this spectacularmilitary feat, there was also oneof the most audacious logisticundertakings in History intowhich Michel Chevalet offers us afascinating insight: theconstruction of 2 artificial harbors.Just like a 500-piece, 1/2 amillion-tonnemeccano set, itsvarious elements were shippedover from England andreassembled in just 8 days to landsome 200,000 vehicles and 2million men. Without Omaha and,more specifically, Arromanches,the Allied landings may well havefailed to accomplish their ultimateaim.

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44 TO ORDER: Visit or call (610) 853-9131

Pen and Sword

Barbarossa Through Soviet EyesThe First Twenty-Four HoursArtem Drabkin

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 224 pages • over 30 illustrations • 9781844159239 – hardback • July 2012

22 June 1941 changed the direction of the Second World War. It also changed the direction of human history.Unleashing a massive, three-pronged assault into Soviet territory, the German army unwittingly created its ownnemesis, forging the modern Russian state in the process. Thus, for most Russians, 22 June 1941 was a critical pointin their nation’s history. After the first day of ‘Barbarossa’ nothing would be the same again – for anyone. Now, forthe first time in English, Russians speak of their experiences on that fatal Sunday. Apparently caught off guard byHitler’s initiative, the Soviets struggled to make sense of a disaster that had seemingly struck from nowhere. Hereare generals scrambling to mobilize ill-prepared divisions, pilots defying orders not to grapple with the mightyLuftwaffe, bewildered soldiers showing individual acts of blind courage, and civilians dumbstruck by air raid sirensand radio broadcasts telling of German treachery.

Front-LineStalingradVictor Nekrasov

$24.95 • 5 x 7.75 • 336 pages9781848847712 – paperbackJuly 2012

Victor Nekrasov’s masterpiece Front-Line Stalingrad is one of the classicnovels to come out of the pitilessfighting on the Eastern Front in theSecond World War. His grippingnarrative is set against the background of the grim struggle of the SovietUnion against Nazi Germany – among the battered, exhausted,outnumbered Red Army soldiers desperately defending Stalingrad.

Prussian ApocalypseThe Fall of Danzig 1945Egbert Kieser

$40 • 6 x 9 • 240 page9781848846746 – hardbackJuly 2012

Egbert Kieser’s graphic account of theRed Army’s assault on East Prussia in1945 is one of the classic histories ofthe destruction of Hitler’s Germany,and it has never before been availablein English. Using extensive, firsthand,unforgettable eyewitness testimony, he documents in riveting detail thecatastrophe that overtook German civilians and soldiers as they fledfrom the Soviet onslaught and their world collapsed around them.

Sniper on the Eastern FrontThe Memoirs of Sepp Allerberger, Knight’s CrossAlbrecht Wacker

$24.95 • 6 x 9 • 192 pages • illustrated 9781781590041 –paperback • June 2012

An Austrian conscript, after qualifying as a machinegunner he was drafted to the southern sector of theRussian Front in July 1942. Wounded at Voroshilovsk, heexperimented with a Russian sniper-rifle whileconvalescing and so impressed his superiors with hisproficiency that he was returned to the front on hisregiment’s only sniper specialist.

In this sometimes harrowing memoir, Allerberger provides an excellent introduction tothe commitment in field craft, discipline and routine required of the sniper, a manapart. There was no place for chivalry on the Russian Front. Away from the filmcameras, no prisoner survived long after surrendering. Russian snipers had used theillegal explosive bullet since 1941, and Hitler eventually authorized its issue in 1944.The result was a battlefield of horror.

StalingradDay by Day Jason Turner

$29.95 • 8.5 x 11 192 pages • 160 b/wphotos and 8 maps9781848848580 –hardback September 2012

The Battle ofStalingrad was theturning point of World War II. The armies of Hitler’sNazi Germany and Stalin’s Communist Soviet Unionfought to the death in this industrial city on the banksof the Volga. Over a period of three months this armywas bled white while Hitler refused to let it break outto the west.

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Pen and Sword

SecondWorld WarInfantryTacticsThe EuropeanTheatreStephen Bull

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 224 pages • 40 illustrations9781848840706 – hardback • July 2012

The history of infantry tactics is too rarelystudied and often misunderstood. StephenBull, in this in-depth account, concentrates onthe fighting methods of the infantry of theSecond World War. He focuses on the infantrytheory and the combat experience of theBritish, German, American and Soviet armies.

The FatalDecisionsSix Decisive Battlesof the SecondWorld War fromthe Viewpoint ofthe Vanquished William Richardson

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 272 pages • 9781848848764 –hardback • August 2012

Six key Second World War conflicts wheredecisions of the Nazi dictator Adolf Hitlercontributed to his eventual downfall. Eachtheater of operations written up by a Germangeneral who was on the spot and involved incarrying out the uncompromising orders of theFührer. This is an ‘other side of the hill’collection of accounts which gives valuableinsight into the machinations of a sycophantichierarchy immediately surrounding Hitler.

The PolishUnderground1939–1947David G. Williamson

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 256pages • 30 illustrations9781848842816 –hardback • July 2012

David Williamson’s graphic account goesbeyond the formal end of the Second WorldWar, for Poland remained in a state of flux as aclandestine civil war was waged between theCommunists and former members of the HomeArmy until the Communist regime took powerin 1947. His study offers an absorbing insightinto the plight of Poland during the war andinto its immediate postwar history.

SecondWorld WarLivesPublished inassociation withthe Second WorldWar ExperienceCentreJames Goulty

$24.95 • 6 x 9 • 224 pages • 40 illustrations9781848845022 – paperback • August 2012

The Second World War was a momentousevent in twentieth-century history and it is afascinating period for family historians toexplore. Numerous records are available toresearchers whose relatives served in the war,and James Goulty’s book is an accessible guideon how to locate and understand these sources- and get the most out of them.

SS PeiperBattle CommanderSS LeibstandarteAdolf HitlerCharles Whiting

$24.95 • 6 x 9 • 208pages • 20 b/w images9781848848610 –paperback • July 2012

Jochen Peiper was notorious for hisparticipation in the massacre of Americansoldiers at Malmedy in December 1944, hemight have felt he had paid the price when hewas released from prison in 1957. But asCharles Whiting vividly demonstrates, a grislyend still awaited him.

The WolfPacks GatherMayhem in theWestern Approaches 1940Bernard Edwards

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 208pages • 8 pages of b/wplates • 9781848846241 – hardback July 2012

The capture by the German surface raiderAtlantis of the British steamer City ofBaghdad’s secret code books in July 1940enabled the Nazis to de-cypher Admiraltyconvoy plans with deadly effect. This bookdescribes the resulting appalling Allied lossessuffered by four convoys during the Autumn of1940. Admiral Donetz, aware of themovements of the Allied convoys, marshaledas many of his U-boats as possible.

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46 TO ORDER: Visit or call (610) 853-9131

Pen and Sword

Sacrifice,Captivityand EscapeThe RemarkableMemoirs of aJapanese POWPeter Jackson

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 208pages • 8 pages ofb/w plates • 9781848848351 – hardbackOctober 2012

Peter Jackson’s memoir brings alive thecharacters of his comrades and also of theJapanese who he encountered. Some of theJapanese treated their prisoners humanely andPeter was able to form a relationship withthem but others were sadistic psychopaths.Throughout his memoir there is a sense ofhopefulness that, as young men, they wouldsurvive and get back to their homes.

Jock’s inthe Jungle The SecondBattalion of the42nd RoyalHighlandRegiment, TheBlack Watch, andthe FirstBattalion of the26th Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) asChindits.Gordon Thorburn

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 240 pages • 9781848847927 –hardback • November 2012

In 1943, there was no thought of good timesfor two battalions of Scottish soldiers. Forthem, India meant a new and unimaginablyarduous kind of training. These were first-classBritish infantry, but not the super-selectedspecial forces types that we know today.Nevertheless, it was a special-forces job theywere supposed to do and that is what theywere called, Special Force.

With TheEastSurreys inTunisiaand Italy1942 –1945Fighting forEvery River and MountainBryn Evans

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 240 pages • 16 pages of b/wplates • 9781848847620 – hardbackNovember 2012

The East Surreys were in near continuousaction from November 1942, when theylanded in North Africa through to May 1945Armistice. By that time they had cleared theGermans from Tunisia, taken part in OperationHUSKY and fought up through Italy as far asRiver Po. This story of the East Surreys showshow a single battalion can make a hugedifference.

The Devil’sDoctorsJapanese HumanExperiments onAllied Prisonersof WarMark Felton

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 208pages • 8 pages ofb/w plates • 9781848844797 – hardback July 2012

The brutal Japanese treatment of Allied POWsin WW2 has been well documented. Theexperiences of British, Australian and AmericanPOWs on the Burma Railway, in the mines ofFormosa and in camps across the Far East, werebad enough. The author reveals distressingevidence of Unit 731 experiments involving USprisoners and the use of British as controlgroups in Northern China, Hainau Island, NewGuinea and in Japan.

Carve HerName WithPrideR.J. Minney

$19.95 • 6 x 9 • 192pages24 pages of plates9781848847422 –paperbackSeptember 2012

Carve Her Name With Pride is the inspiring storyof the half-French Violette Szabo. Her task wasto coordinate the work of the FrenchResistance in the area in the first days after D-Day. She was captured by the SS ‘Das Reich’Panzer Division and handed over to theGestapo in Paris. From Paris, she was sent toRavensbruck concentration camp where shewas executed in January 1945.

NotOrdinaryMenThe Story of theBattle of KohimaJohn Colvin

$24.95 • 6 x 9 • 272pages • illustrated9781848848719 –paperback • November 2012

Kohima was initially manned by only 266 menof the Assam Regiment and a few hundredconvalescents and administrative troops. Theywere joined, on April 5, by 440 men of theFourth Battalion of the Royal West KentRegiment, straight from the Battle of Arakan.In pouring rain, under continualbombardment, this tiny garrison held theassaults of thirteen thousand Japanese troopsin hand-to-hand combat for sixteen days

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Pen and Sword

WinstonChurchillPortrait of anUnquiet MindAndrew Norman

$39.95 • 6 x 9 224 pages • 16 pagesof plates9781848846777 –hardback • July 2012

In a study of Winston Churchill’s life, certainbizarre character traits become discernible. Byclosely and painstakingly examining thestatements of Churchill’s doctor, of Winstonhimself, his family, his friends andacquaintances, Dr. Norman, as a medical man,has been able to ascertain the true nature ofWinston’s disorder. It is now possible for thevery first time, to understand the man himselfand what made him ‘tick’.

TheGerman 88The MostFamous Gun ofthe SecondWorld WarTerry Gander

$24.95 • 6 x 9 • 176pages • 100 b/willustrations • 9781848848320 – paperbackJuly 2012

The German 88 mm guns became the mostfamous and feared artillery pieces of theSecond World War. As well as a detailedtechnical description of the gun and itsdevelopment, this book features vivid accountsof the 88 in action in many of the maintheaters of the Second World War, in NorthAfrica, Italy, France and Germany, and on theEastern Front.

FortressKentRoy Ingleton

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 192pages • 16 pages ofb/w plates9781848848887 –hardback October 2012

Since the dawn of civilization, Britain has beenmenaced by foreign powers and invasivehordes, anxious either to pillage and plunderor to invade and rule over this green andpleasant land.

This book is the story of these powers: thethreats which led to the erection andconstruction of various defensive obstacles,their upkeep and garrisoning and, in somecases, their ultimate destruction.

UneartingChurchill’sSecretArmyThe Official Listof SOE Casualtiesand Their StoriesJohn Grehan MartinMace

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 272 pages • 140 images •9781848847941 – hardback • September 2012

The Special Operations Executive was one ofthe most secretive organizations of the SecondWorld War. The fate, of many of its agents wasnot revealed to the general public other thanthe bare details carved with pride upon theheadstones and memorials of thosecourageous individuals. These are stories ofbravery and betrayal, incompetence andmisfortune, of brutal torture and ultimatelydeath.

Anti TankMark Carter

$29.95 • 6 x 9 • 192pages • 16 pagesb/w9781848848115 –hardback September 2012

This is a vivid andperceptive insight into the horrors of war asexperienced by British soldiers of the RoyalArtillery in the Desert War in 1941–2. Theauthor, who fought in the campaign, brings tolife the true nature of the fighting as Britishgunners struggled to defend their comradesfrom the armored power of the Axis forcesunder Erwin Rommel.

Walking D-DayPaul Reed

$29.95 • 8.5x 5.5 •240 pages • over 120color and b/willustrations •9781848848368–paperback August 2012

Paul Reed’s latest battlefield walking guidecovers the site of the largest amphibiousinvasion of all time, the first step in the Alliedliberation of France and the rest of northwestEurope. All the most important sites arefeatured, from Pegasus Bridge, MervilleBattery, Ouistrehem and Longues Battery toJuno, Gold, Omaha and Utah Beaches, Pointedu Hoc and Sainte-Mère-Église.

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Pen and Sword

The FourGeniusesof theBattle ofBritainWatson-Watt,Henry Royce,Sydney Cammand RJ MitchellDavid Coles

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 256 pages • 70 approx withintext mono • 9781848847590 – hardbackSeptember 2012

Had it not been for the vital contributions ofthe four men and their inventions described inthis book the Battle of Britain could not havebeen won by the Royal Air Force. Each of thesebrilliant men contributed enormously to theaircraft and equipment upon which the gallantRAF fighter pilots depended to take on anddefeat the hitherto overpowering Luftwaffeduring Hitler’s European onslaught.

So Few GotThroughMartin Lindsay

$24.95 • 6 x 9 • 272pagesillustrated9781848848566 –paperback August 2012

On D-Day, 27 officers and 565 men of 1stBattalion Gordon Highlanders landed on thecoast of Normandy. By the time the 51stHighland Division reached Bremen thefollowing April, after ten months continuousfighting, 1st Gordons had lost 75 Officers and986 men in battle. The author, a formerdistinguished explorer, commanded theBattalion in 16 operations, here tells his epicstory.

A TalentforAdventureThe RemarkableWartimeExploits of Lt ColPat SpoonerMBE.Pat Spooner

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 256 pages18 b/w images • 9781848848108 – hardbackAugust 2012

This book covers a range of wartime exploitsfrom operating behind Japanese lines inBurma and Malaya to laying secret dumps onremote islands in the Bay of Bengal for thebenefit of RAF aircrew unable to reach theirbase.

The BattleEast ofElsenbornWill Cavanagh

$24.95 • 6 x 9 • 192pagesillustrated •9781848848924 –paperback October 2012

This book tells of the courageous story of menwho believed in their heritage, and who,through their heroic teamwork and dedication,stopped the main effort of the German SixthArmy. American veterans who participated inthis battle remember the events, even aftersixty years, as only yesterday.

TheSchweinfurt-RegensburgMissionThe AmericanRaids on 17August 1943Martin Middlebrook

$29.95 • 6 x 9 • 368 pages16 pages of plates • 9781848847606 –paperback • July 2012

On 17 August 1943, the entire strength of theAmerican heavy bomber forces in England setout to raid two major industrial complexesdeep in southern Germany, the vastMesserschmitt aircraft factory and the vitalKGF ballbearing plant. For Americancommanders it was the culmination of years ofplanning and hope, the day when their self-defending formations of the famous FlyingFortress could at last perform their true role.

The Lifeand Fate ofVasilyGrossmanJohn Garrard

$50 • 6 x 9 • 464pages 30 illustrations9781781590010 – hardback • August 2012

Vasily Grossman served for over 1,000 dayswith the Red Army as a war correspondent onthe Eastern front. He was present during thestreet-fighting at Stalingrad, and his 1944report ‘The Hell of Treblinka’, was the firsteyewitness account of a Nazi death camp. Thismeticulously researched biography usesarchival and unpublished sources that onlybecame available after the collapse of theSoviet Union.

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Pen and Sword

Hitler’sOlympicsThe Story of the1936 Nazi GamesAnton Rippon

$24.95 • 6.75 x 9 •220 pages70 illustrations9781848848689paperback • August 2012

Nazi Germany achieved an astonishingpropaganda coup when it staged the OlympicGames in Berlin. Hiding their anti-Semitismand plans for territorial expansion, the Nazisexploited the Olympic ideal. This account,which is illustrated with almost 200 rarephotographs of the event, looks at how the riseof the Nazis affected German sportsmen andwomen in the early 1930s.

RommelAndCaporettoJohn Wilks

$24.95 • 6 x 9 • 224pages • illustrated9781848848832 –paperbackSeptember 2012

Rommel was to become the most respected ofall generals in World War Two but no-oneoutside of a small clique in the German Armyhad heard of him in 1917. His role at theBattle of Caporetto in 1917 has received littleattention yet it was the springboard for hisfuture success. This makes for a fascinatingand important story.

An Anzacon theWesternFrontThe PersonalRecollections ofan AustralianInfantrymanfrom 1916 to1918H.R. Williams

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 208 pages • 30 b/w images9781848847675 • hardbackOctober 2012

This is a graphic account of one soldier’s servicein the First World War – an account that isbased on a diary he maintained whilst onactive service. H.R. Williams enlisted in 1915,joining ‘A’ Company, 56th Battalion AIF. Withthis unit he would see service in Egypt andthen the Western Front – participating in someof the biggest battles of the First World War.

The Nazis’NurembergRalliesJames Wilson

$39.95 • 6.75 x 9176 pages • 250images9781848847576 –hardback • July 2012

This book describes the background to and thedevelopment of the Nazi Party Rallies held atNuremberg each September from 1933 to1939. These Reichsparteitage (National PartyDays) were vast and meticulously stagedmanaged extravaganzas in which ritual andceremony played an important part.

TheGermanArmy ontheWesternFront 1915Jack Sheldon

$50 • 6 x 9 • 336pages • 40 original b/w images9781848844667 – hardback • October 2012

Jack Sheldon examines the German mindset atthe close of 1914 when it became apparentthat a quick victory was no longer a possibility.Both sides were temporarily exhausted instatic positions from the Channel to the SwissBorder. In a reversal of roles, the Frenchlaunched major offensives in Champagne andArtois, while the British Army, went on theoffensive.

Raiding on theWesternFront Anthony Saunders

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 224pages • 8 or 16pages of b/w plates9781848844858 – hardback • July 2012

The trench raid came to typify the aggressionand close-combat of trench warfare on theWestern Front. Inevitably, raiding byaggressively minded units had a psychologicaleffect on the enemy. This is the first book tolook at how raids were carried out, thesuccesses, the failures, the consequences ofraiding, and their effect on morale and theircontribution to military operations on theWestern Front.

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50 TO ORDER: Visit or call (610) 853-9131

Pen and Sword

A Gunner’s WarAn Artilleryman’sExperience in the FirstWorld WarIan Ronayne

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 192 pages • 24b/w photographs 9781848846081 – hardbackDecember 2012

This artilleryman’s completejournal consists of around 25,000words, with a focus on experienceduring the Battle of the Somme, inthe fighting around Ypres, and,after he was wounded for thesecond time.

The Journey’s EndBattalionThe 9th East Surrey in theGreat WarMichael Lucas

$50 • 6 x 9 • 272 pages • 30illustrations • 9781848845039 –hardback • August 2012

Not only does the book shed newlight on the wartime career of R.C.Sherriff, but it is a valuable recordof the operation of a Britishbattalion on the Western Frontduring the Great War.

MurderousTommiesJulian Putkowski

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 224 pages • 30illustrations • 9781848846265 –hardback • December 2012

Drawing on contemporary records,this carefully researched workchronicles the circumstances inwhich each of these murderousTommies either slaughtered one oftheir comrades or an unarmedcivilian.

At War with the16th Irish Division1914-1918The Letters of J H MStaniforthRichard Grayson

$50 • 6 x 9 • 272 pages • 30illustrations • 9781848846340 –hardback • November 2012

The letters of John ‘Max’ Staniforthare among the most perceptive,graphic and evocative personalrecords of a soldier’s life to havecome down to us from the GreatWar.

With the GermanGunsFour Years on the WesternFrontHerbert Sulzbach

$24.95 • 6 x 9 • 256 pages • 12pages of plates • 9781848848641– paperback • July 2012

One of the very few availablerecords of an ordinary Germansoldier during the First World War.

VimyPierre Burton

$24.95 • 6 x 9 • 256 pages9781848848627 • paperback –November 2012

The action is placed within thecontext both of the Battle of Arras,of which this attack was part, andas a milestone in the developmentof Canada as a nation.

Last Man StandingThe Memoirs, Letters &Photographs of a TeenageOfficerRichard Van Emden

$24.95 • 6 x 9 • 208 pagesillustrated • 9781848848658 –paperback • July 2012

At 19 years of age, Norman Collins,the author of this memoir lead aplatoon of men into the carnage ofthe Battle of the Somme.

The Great WarExplainedPhilip Stevens

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 240 pages • 16pages of plates • 9781848847644– hardback • July 2012

Written for the layman by alayman this book summarizes thekey events and contributions ofkey individuals in the Great War,some well know, others unknownbut with a story to tell.

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Pen and Sword

The Fearin the SkyVividMemories ofBomberAircrew inWorld War TwoPat CunninghamDFM

$39.95 • 6 x 9 256 pages • 80 mono approx • 9781848846487– hardback • September 2012

The young men who flew with RAF BomberCommand in World War Two were a complexmixture of individuals but they all shared thegift of teamwork.

The USEighth AirForce inEurope Eager Eagles:Summer 1941- 1943 Vol 1Martin Bowman

$50 • 6 x 9 • 256pages • 60 mono in plates • 9781848847491 –hardback • December 2012

Using narrative accounts and new insights thisbook catalogues the dramatic and firsthandoral testimonies of the US Army Air Corps’bomber crews of the Eighth Air Force.

4 GroupBomberCommandAnOperationalRecordChris Ward

$50 • 6 x 9 • 256pages • integrated9781848848849 – hardbackSeptember 2012

The book contains individual squadronstatistics, their commanding officers, stationsand aircraft losses. It provides a detailedreference for one of the RAF’s most importantoperational groups.

Stratofortress The Story of the B-52Martin W. Bowman

$34.95 • 6.75 x 9.5 • 224 pages12 pages of plates at the end9781848848603 – paperback July 2012

Boeing’s mighty B-52Stratofortress has seen continuousoperational service with theUnited States Air Force since thetype was introduced in 1957. Theaircraft has been upgraded severaltimes and has assumed manydifferent new roles since it wasoriginally conceived and thenprovided the key airborneplatform for America’s strategicnuclear force.

Flying CatalinasThe Consoldiated PBY Catalina inWWIIAndrew Hendrie

$50 • 6 x 9 • 256 pages • 100 b/wintegrated images9781848847804 – hardbackAugust 2012

In this book Andrew Hendrie tellsthe story of the “Flying Cats”, oftheir achievements and exploits,of the heroism of many of thecrews and the problems they hadto endure.

Liberator: TheConsolidated B-24Graham Simons

$50 • 6 x 9 • 256 pages • 250 b/wphotos • 9781848846449 –hardback • August 2012

This book focuses on the design,engineering, development andtactical use of the many variantsthroughout the bomber’s servicelife.

BomberCommand:Reflections of WarVolume 4 – The Tide Turns1943–1944Martin Bowman

$50 • 6 x 9 • 256 pages • 60 monoplates • 9781848844957 –hardback • December 2012

This, the fourth volume in theBomber Command series,continues with the pace andquality we have come to expectfrom Martin Bowman.

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52 TO ORDER: Visit or call (610) 853-9131

Pen and Sword

B-29:SuperfortressGiant Bomber of World War2 and KoreaGraham M Simons

$50 • 6 x 9 • 256 pages • approx480 mono • 9781848847538 –hardback • November 2012

The Boeing B-29 Superfortress wasa four-engined heavy bomberflown primarily by the United Statesin World War Two and the KoreanWar. The B-29 remained in servicein various roles throughout the1950s. The B-29 was the progenitorof a series of Boeing-built bombers,reconnaissance aircraft, trainers andtankers including the variant, B-50Superfortress.

Short SunderlandThe “Flying Porcupines” inthe Second World WarAndrew Hendrie

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 192 pages • 80integrated b/w images9781848847798 – hardbackOctober 2012

This book covers the developmentof the Short Sunderland and itsoperation in the Second WorldWar.

Glider Pilots inSicilyMike Peters

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 224 pages • 16pages of b/w plates9781848846838 – hardbackDecember 2012

Newly formed Air landing troopswere delivered into battle in Sicilyin gliders they knew little about.This is the first account of theSicily air landing operation.

Secrets of theSpitfireThe Story of BeverleyShenstone, The Man WhoPerfected the EllipticalWingLance Cole

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 20 mono photos inplate section plus line within text9781848848962 – hardbackAugust 2012

This book tells the tale of thebrilliant aerodynamicist BeverleyShenstone. It was Shenstone who designedthe Spitfire’s wing – the wing thatgave the Spitfire its crucialadvantage in the Battle of Britain.

OnSpartanWingsThe RoyalHellenic AirForce in WorldWar TwoJohn Carr

$39.95 • 6 x 9 •192 pages • approx 20 b/w photos in 1 x 8page plate section, 2 maps • 9781848847989 –hardback • July 2012

Rarely has an air force gone into combat aspoorly prepared and outgunned as the RoyalHellenic Air Force had to when Mussolini’s Italydragged Greece into war on 28 October 1940.

TheArmedRoversBeauforts andBeaufighters overtheMediterraneanRoy ConyersNesbit

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 224 pages • 30 illustrations9781848848955 – hardback • November 2012

By far the most dangerous of the RAFoperations during the Second World War weredaylight attacks on enemy shipping, yet littlehas been written about this aerial campaign.

SommeSuccessThe RoyalFlying Corpsand the Battleof The Somme1916Peter Hart

$24.95 • 6 x 9 224 pages9781848848825 – paperback • September 2012

High above the blood soaked trenches of theSomme during the Summer and Autumn of1916, the Royal Flying Corps were acting out -and winning - one of the first great aerialbattles of history.

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Pen and Sword

Heroes andLandmarks ofBritish MilitaryAviationThe first 50 years: FromAirship to Jet FighterPeter J Edwards

$50 • 6 x 9 • 256 pages • 70 mono9781848846456 – hardbackAugust 2012

Each chapter presents a biographyof a particular aviation pioneerand includes details of the aircraftthat they developed, Aviationachievements, breakthroughs anddisasters firsthand accounts.

AviatorExtraordinaireMy StoryAir Commodore G J ChristopherPaul, CB, DFC

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 200 pagesillustrated • 9781848849013 –hardback • August 2012

Interwoven with his own careerprogression and experiences areworld events and situations.Coupled with this we can clearlysee the development of aircraftover a period of over fifty years.

Lightning EjectThe Dubious Safety Recordof Britain’s Only SupersonicFighterPeter Caygill

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 208 pages • 60mono in plates • 9781848848856– hardback • October 2012

This book looks at Lightningaccidents and incidents inchronological order using theofficial accident reports, Board ofInquiry findings and firsthandaccounts from pilots. It puts thereader very much ‘in the cockpit’.

RAF StrikeCommand 1968 -2007Aircraft, Men and ActionKev Darling

$50 • 6 x 9 • 256 pages • 300photos – mono intext and 16 pagecolor plate section9781848848986 – hardbackDecember 2012

This book looks at the origins of theWorld War Two Commands andtheir outline histories until 1968. Italso looks at the operations thattook place during Strike Commandsexistence, the aircraft they flew andthe men who flew them.

WingedWarrior Memoirs of aCanberra andTornado PilotThomas PaulMcDonald

$50 • 6 x 9 • 304pages • 40 approx,mono in plates9781848847484 – hardback • December 2012

Paul McDonald is a former RAF fast-jet pilotwhose flying career spanned 34 years. Hespent 14 years on operational tours overseasincluding 2 tours at the height of the Cold Waron a Tornado tactical nuclear squadron inGermany.

ThroughtheBarrierFlying FastJets in the RAFand USAFAir Vice-MarshalClive Evans CBE DL

$39.95 • 6 x 9 224pages • 50 in plates • 9781848847545 –hardbackNovember 2012

Clive Evans had a lengthy front-line flyingcareer in which he flew Hunters, Canberrasand Lightnings. Apart from his personnelexperiences he describes all these types inconsiderable detail, explaining technicaldetails and the nuances of each type.

FlyingScotAn Airman’sStory Air CommodoreAlastair MackieCBE, DFC*

$39.95 • 6 x 9 256 pages • 60mono in plates9781848847569 – hardback • September 2012

This is the memoir of a 26 year career in theRAF, told with humor and modesty that beliesthe danger of flying over 47 different types ofmilitary aircraft in war and peace.

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54 TO ORDER: Visit or call (610) 853-9131

Pen and Sword

B-17 MemphisBelleGraham Simons

$29.95 • 7.5 x 9.5 • 128 pages 120 mono • 9781848846913 –paperback • July 2012

Without doubt Boeing FlyingFortress B-17F 41-42285 MemphisBelle and her crew generate animage that is an all-American icon.

Royal Flying CorpsAlistair Smith

$29.95 • 7.5 x 9.5 • 160 pages 120 b/w photos • 9781848848894– paperback • October 2012

This book contains selectedimages from three different RoyalFlying Corps albums. Photographsinclude training in Canada and atTangmere. There is a large varietyof different aircraft featured, aswell as images of pilots andofficers.

Stuka: Hitler’sLethal DiveBomberAlistair Smith

$29.95 • 7.5 x 9.5 • 160 pages 120 b/w photos • 9781848848047– paperback • November 2012

The photographs in this collectionbelonged to Luftwaffe Stuka reargunner and radio operator ErichHeine. The collection includesphotographs of flights of Stukas information, operating trainingaircraft, and a selection ofdifferent Luftwaffe uniforms andflight gear.

British Tanks1945 to the Present DayPat Ware

$50 • 7.5 x 9.5 • 128 pages • 150photographs • 9781848845664 –hardback • July 2012

In this companion volume toBritish Tanks: The Second WorldWar, Pat Ware provides an expertintroduction to the design,production and operation ofBritish tanks since 1945.

ArmouredWarfare inthe BattleforNormandyAnthony Tucker-Jones

$29.95 • 7.5 x 9.5144 pages • 200illustrations • 9781848845176 – paperbackJuly 2012

The remarkable photographs collectedtogether for this book show in graphic detailthe role armor played in the Allied struggle toexploit the D-Day landings and liberateoccupied France – and the skill and tenacity ofthe German panzer units that confrontedthem.

SpecialForcesVehiclesPat Ware

$24.95 • 7.5 x 9.5128 pages • 150photographs9781848846425– paperbackSeptember 2012

Pat Ware, uses all his expert knowledge of thehistory of military vehicles to show thefascinating variety of machinery that has beenused, from converted Jeeps and Land Rovers toa bizarre collection of even more remarkable,sometimes purpose-built strike vehicles.

PattonTanksMichael Green

$29.95 • 7.5 x 9.5208 pages250 b/w images9781848847613– paperbackDecember 2012

The end of WW2 and the early Cold War yearssaw the need for a more powerful tank thanthe Sherman and Pershing tanks. As thisfascinating book reveals Pattons were madeinto specialist role vehicles, be they anti-aircraft, flame throwers, recovery, combatengineer.

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Pen and Sword

Kalashnikovin CombatRarePhotographsfrom WartimeArchivesAnthony Tucker-Jones

$29.95 • 7.5 x 9.5160 pages • 200 illustrations • 9781848845794– paperback • September 2012

In Kalashnikov in Combat Anthony Tucker-Jones gives the reader a brief history of theweapon and he offers a visual record of theimpact of the AK-47 on the battlefield up tothe present day. His account is illustrated witha wealth of archive photographs ranging fromVietnam to the American-led invasion of Iraqand beyond.

SS-TotenkopfFrance1940Jack Holroyd

$24.95 • 7.5 x 9.5128 pages • 250-300b/w illustrations9781848848337 – paperback • October 2012

SS-Totenkopf is a photographic account of thatunit’s birth and first month of active service.The Division, formed from concentration campguards, fought alongside Rommel’s 7th PanzerDivision against the only British armoredcounterattack of the campaign. The translatedtext appears inter spaced with the author’sexplanations.

NorwichBlitz Martin W. Bowman

$29.95 • 7.5 x 9.5144 pages • 120 b/wphotos9781848847552 –paperback • August2012

Norwich suffered enemy air attack and duringa period of almost three and a half yearsbombs were dropped in every part of the city.The first German raid occurred on Tuesday 8July 1940; the last on 6 November 1943. Thetotal number of Alerts during 1943 was 95with a total duration of 54 hours. The CrashWarning was sounded 50 times with a totalduration of 19 hours 8 minutes.

The Russian RevolutionWorld War to Civil War 1917-1921Nik Cornish

$29.95 • 7.5 x 9.5 • 128 pages • 200photographs • 9781848843752 – paperbackJuly 2012

Contemporary photographs show the leadingcharacters in the drama of the RussianRevolution – Tsar Nicholas II, Kerensky, Leninand Trotsky and other Bosheviks, and theWhite commanders Denikin, Kolchak, Wrangeland the rest. But they also record, in anunforgettable way, the ordinary people whowere caught up in the surge of events.

American ExpeditionaryForceFrance 1917-1918Jack Holroyd

$24.95 • 7.5 x 9.5 • 144 pages • 300 b/wimages • 9781848848771 – paperback August 2012

The book is split into eight chapters which dealwith different pivotal moments during the FirstWorld War from the American perspective,from the reasons behind the Americaninvolvement in the war and initial training tothe major battles at Cantigny, Chateau Thierryand St. Mihiel.

The Germans in Flanders1915 – 1916David Bilton

$24.95 • 7.5 x 9.5 • 176 pages • 250 b/wphotos • 9781848848788 – paperback August 2012

The book covers the actions of the GermanArmy in the Low Countries during 1915 and1916. In its broad compass it looks at thebattles with the French, Belgians and British,concentrating mostly on the latter. Each phaseand aspect of the period is detailed from theGerman point of view using primary andsecondary sources from both Germany andBritain.

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56 TO ORDER: Visit or call (610) 853-9131

Pen and Sword

Robert Craufurd:Wellington’sWayward MartinetIan Fletcher

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 224 pages • 32b/w pics • 9781848846166 –hardback • October 2012

Crauford’s own letters arepublished here for the first timeever. Follow his controversialcareer from India, Ireland, SouthAmerica and, finally, to the IberianPeninsula where he achievedimmortality as one of Wellington’sfinest generals.

Journal of theWaterlooCampaignCavalie Mercer

$50 • 6 x 9 • 400 pages • 60illustrations • 9781848843653 –hardback • August 2012

Mercer’s journal is the mostoutstanding eyewitness account ofthe Waterloo campaign everpublished. As the bicentenary ofWaterloo approaches, thisbeautifully prepared, scholarlyedition of Mercer’s work will beessential reading for anyone whowishes to know what it was reallylike to fight in the final, greatbattle against Napoleon.

Walcheren 1809Scandalous Destruction of aBritish ArmyMartin R. Howard

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 224 pages • 16pages of b/w plates9781848844681 – hardbackOctober 2012

In July 1809, with the Dutch coast‘a pistol held at the head ofEngland’, the largest Britishexpeditionary force everassembled, over 40,000 men andaround 600 ships, weighed anchoroff the Kent coast and sailed forthe island of Walcheren in theScheldt estuary.

The Old WestCountryRegiments (11th,39th and 54th)Jeremy Archer

$60 • 7.5 x 10.25 • 512 pages340 photos, many in color9781848845121 – hardbackDecember 2012

Drawing on the distinguishedrecords of the three original WestCountry Regiments, this delightfuland substantial book bringstogether a superb and variedcollection of military anecdotesreflecting Britain’s Imperialhistory.

RedcoatsThe British Soldiersof the NapoleonicWarsPhilip Haythornthwaite

$50 • 6 x 9 • 256 pages70 illustrationsintegrated9781844159581 – hardback • August 2012

In this landmark book Philip Haythornthwaitetraces the career of a British soldier fromenlistment, through the key stages of his paththrough the military system, including combat,all the way to his eventual discharge. Hisfascinating account shows how varied therecruits of the day were, from urban dwellersand weavers to plowboys and laborers.

Waterloo:The FrenchPerspectiveAndrew Field

$50 • 6 x 9 • 256 pages30 color and black andwhite illustrations9781781590430 – hardbackSeptember 2012

The author has tracked down over ninetyfirsthand French accounts and he hascombined them with accounts from the otherparticipants in order to create a graphic newnarrative of one of the world’s decisive battles.

The Battle ofMaida 1806Richard Hopton

$24.95 • 6 x 9 • 224pages • illustrated9781848848900 –paperback November 2012

The Author brilliantly describes the cast ofcolorful yet highly improbably characters whofate and circumstances brought together.Arguably pride of place must go to FerdinandII, Ruler of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies,whose eccentricity was only exceeded by hisabject incompetence.

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Pen and Sword

The Tyrants ofSyracuse Vol. II, 367-211 BC Jeffrey Champion

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 272 pages • 8 pages ofcolor plates, 10 maps and diagrams9781848843677 – hardback • July 2012

This is the story of one of the mostimportant classical cities, Syracuse, andits struggles for freedom and survival.Situated at the heart of theMediterranean, Syracuse was caught in the middle as Carthage, Pyrrhus ofEpirus, Athens and then Rome battled to gain control of Sicily. The threatof expansionist enemies on all sides made for a tumultuous situationwithin the city, resulting in repeated coups that threw up a series ofremarkable tyrants, such as Gelon, Timoleon and Dionysius. In this firstvolume Jeff Champion traces the course of Syracuse’s wars under thetyrants from the Battle of Himera against the Carthaginians down to thedeath of Dionysius I, whose reign proved to be the high tide of the city’spower and influence. One of the highlights along the way is the city’sheroic resistance to, and eventual decisive defeat of, the Athenianexpeditionary force that besieged them for over two years, an event withmassive ramifications for the Greek world.

The Spartan WayNic Fields

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 208 pages • 8 pages ofb/w photos, 8 maps, 3 diagrams9781848848993 – hardback December 2012

The Spartan Way examines howSpartan society, through its rigid lawsand brutal educational system, wasthoroughly militarized and devoted toproducing warriors suited to the intensedemands of hoplite warfare - professional killers inculcated with thevalues of unwavering obedience and a willingness to fight and die fortheir city. The role of Spartan women, as mothers and wives, in shapingthe warrior ethic is considered, as are the role of uniform and rigoroustraining in enhancing the small-unit cohesion within the phalanx , andthe psychological intimidation of the enemy.

The final chapters chart the course of Sparta’s successes through theperiod of the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars, through the Corinthianand Theban wars of the fourth century BC, which culminated with theshattering military defeats at Leuctra and 2nd Mantinea, and the yearsof her decline with the Spartans as a source of mercenaries for the warsof other states.

Great Battles of TheHellenistic World Joseph Pietrykowski

$24.95 • 6 x 9 • 256 pages • 75 b/wtactical maps and diagrams9781848846883 – paperback July 2012

Pietrykowski analyses the Macedonianart of war from its development underPhilip II, perfection under Alexander theGreat, and further adaptation under theSuccessor States. Focussing on twenty battles spanning the era ofMacedonian primacy, we see the evolving just the forces, strategies andtactics employed by Hellenistic generals and gain an understanding oftheir successes and ultimate failures when facing new foes such as theRomans. Clear diagrams make the action easy to follow.

Sparta’s KingsJohn Carr

$29.95 • 6 x 9 • 208 pages • 16-20 b/wphotos in 1 x 8 page plate section9781848848498 • hardback November 2012

In ancient Greece, Sparta was unique inhaving a dual kingship – two kingsfrom different clans, the Agiads and theEurypontids, reigning simultaneously.The institution was already well-developed by the 8th century BC, when Theopompos of the Eurypontidclan emerges as the first recorded Spartan king. At least fifty-seven menheld office as Spartan king between Theopompos and the AgiadKleomenes III who died in 222 BC. For almost all this period the Spartankingship was primarily a military office, and thus the kings embodymuch of the military history of Sparta.

John Carr offers a chronological account of the kings and theiraccomplishments (or lack thereof), from the founding Herakleidai clanto Kleomenes III and his successor, the dictator Nabis, and the Romanconquest in the middle of the 2nd century BC. The book will be a humaninterest and war story, focusing attention on the kings’ personal qualitiesas well as their military accomplishments and, where applicable, theirpolitics as well.

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58 TO ORDER: Visit or call (610) 853-9131

Pen and Sword

The Sword of RomeMarcus Claudius MarcellusJeremiah B. McCall

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 192 pages • 8 b/w maps • 9781848843790 – hardback • July 2012

Marcellus’ military exploits were largely unmatched by any other aristocrat of Roman Middle Republic. As a youngsoldier in the First Punic War, he won a reputation for his skill in single combat. In his first consulship, he earned atriumph for defeating a Gallic tribe, no small feat in and of itself, and also slew the Gallic chieftain Britomartus insingle combat. Consequently, he earned the spolia opima, an honor, according to Roman antiquarians, which hadonly been earned twice before, once by Romulus himself. He went on to defeat the hitherto-invincible Hannibal ina small battle around the central Italian city of Nola, and subsequently led an army to subdue and plunder thepowerful city of Syracuse in an epic 2 year siege (despite the ingenious defensive measures of the inventorArchimedes). Yet, despite his undeniable success as a warrior and commander, Marcellus met with considerablepolitical opposition at Rome.

AetiusAttila’s NemesisIan Hughes

$50 • 6 x 9 • 304 pages • 32 photos in16 page plate section, 14 maps9781848842793 • hardback • July 2012

In AD 453 Attila, with a huge forcecomposed of Huns, allies and vassalsdrawn from his already-vast empire,was rampaging westward across Gaul,then still nominally part of the WesternRoman Empire. Laying siege to Orleans,he was only a few days march from extending his empire from theEurasian steppe to the Atlantic. While Attila is a household name, hisnemesis remains relatively obscure.

Offa and the MercianWarsThe Rise and Fall of the FirstGreat English KingdomChris Peers

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 256 pages • 20 to 30illustrations • 9781848844438 –hardback • August 2012

In England in the eighth century, Offaruled Mercia, one of the strongestAnglo-Saxon kingdoms. For over 30years he was the dominant warlord in the territory south of the Humberand the driving force behind the expansion of Mercia’s power. Yet thetrue story of Offa’s long reign and of the rise and fall of Mercia are littleknown although this is one of the most intriguing episodes in this little-recorded phase of England’s past.

The Anglo-Saxons atWarPaul Hill

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 224 pages • 20-30illustrations • 9781848843691 –hardback • July 2012

The weapons and armor of the Anglo-Saxons are described – the spears, thescramsaxes, axes, bows, swords,helmets, shields and mail that wereemployed in the close-quarter fightingof the day. Among the most valuable sections of the study are thosedealing with actual experience of battle and siege – with the brutalreality of combat as it is revealed by campaigns against the Danes.

The Tactics of AelianChristopher Matthew

$50 • 6 x 9 • 224 pages • 36 b/wdiagrams • 9781848849006 – hardback• December 2012

Christopher Matthew’s new edition isbased on the 1616 edition but writtenin modern English with new renditionsof all its accompanying figures. It hasthe original 1616 notes as well ascomprehensive new notes and crossreferences to the other ancientmanuals (such as Arrian and Leo) that drew upon it.

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Pen and Sword

The World Sea Power GuideDavid Wragg

$50 • 6 x 9 • 288 pages • 80 b/w integrated Images • 9781848848795 – hardback • September 2012

Compiled by the author of Jane’s Air Forces of the World, this book is a must for naval experts and enthusiasts.In one volume the reader will find the composition and details of all naval elements of a staggering 137nations’ armed forces including paramilitary organizations as the US Coast Guard Service. In each case, thehistory is followed by details of current fleet sizes, composition and deployments.

HMS RodneySlayer of the Bismarck andD-Day SaviourIan Ballantyne

$32.95 • 6.75 x 9 • 320 pages • textand plates • 9781848848702 –paperback • August 2012

The CompleteGeorge CrossA Full Chronological Recordof all George Cross HoldersKevin Brazier

$50 • 6 x 9 • 256 pages • 40illustrations • 9781848842878 –hardback • August 2012

Dictionary Of FieldMarshals Of TheBritish ArmyT A Heathcote

$29.95 • 6 x 9 • 384 pagesillustrated • 9781848848818 –paperback • September 2012

Atrocities,Diamonds andDiplomacyPeter Penfold

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 224 pages 16 pages of b/w plates9781848847682 – hardbackAugust 2012

FrigateCommanderTom Wareham

$24.95 • 6 x 9 • 304 pages9781848848597 – paperbackNovember 2012

Yorkshire VCsAlan Whitworth

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 240 pages • 40illustrations • 9781848847781 –hardback • July 2012

Badges AndUniforms Of TheRAFMalcolm Hobart

$24.95 • 6 x 9 • 224 pagesillustrated • 9781848848948 –paperback • November 2012

Light DragoonsThe Making of a RegimentAllan Mallinson

$29.95 • 6 x 9 • 384 pages9781848848801 – paperbackSeptember 2012

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60 TO ORDER: Visit or call (610) 853-9131

Pen and Sword

Ian Fleming and SOE’s Operation POSTMASTERThe Top Secret Story behind 007Brian Gordon Lett QC

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 240 pages • 16 pages of b/w plates • 9781781590003– hardback • December 2012

This is a true story of a force of ‘licensed to kill’ secret agents, commanded by a real war time secret servicechief code names M, with whom Ian Fleming worked, and upon whom his James Bond stories were based.Theauthor, an experienced criminal QC, proves beyond doubt that this thrilling operation, and the men whocarried it out, were the inspiration for Fleming’s James Bond.

The Atlantic WallHistory and GuideJ.E. Kaufmann

$60 • 6.75 x 9 • 384 pages • 200illustrations • 9781848843875 –hardback • December 2012

Broken SwordThe Tumultuous Life ofGeneral Frank Crozier1897–1937Charles Messenger

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 256 pages • 8pages of b/w images9781848848979 – hardbackDecember 2012

Britain on theBrinkThe Cold War’s MostDangerous Weekend, 27-28October 1962Jim Wilson

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 208 pages b/w plates • 9781848848146 –hardback • December 2012

The Thin GreenLineThe History of the RoyalUlster Constabulary GC1922-2001Richard Doherty

$32.95 • 6 x 9 • 320 pagesillustrated • 9781848848634 –paperback • July 2012

Admiralty Salvagein Peace and War1906-2006 ‘Grope, Grub and Tremble’ Tony Booth

$24.95 • 6 x 9 • 224 pages 16 pages of b/w photos9781848848931 – paperbackOctober 2012

The Brunei Revolt1962–1963Nicholas Van Der Bijl

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 224 pages 16 pages of b/w plates9781848846401 – hardbackDecember 2012

DangerousFrontiers Campaigning in Somalilandand OmanBryan Ray

$24.95 • 6 x 9 • 224 pages 16 pages of b/w plates9781848848573 – paperback July 2012

Confessions of aEuroscepticDavid Heathcoat-Amory

$39.95 • 6 x 9 • 192 pages 16 pages of b/w plates9781781590485 – hardbackAugust 2012

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Savas Beatie

The Battles that Made Abraham LincolnHow Lincoln Mastered his Enemies to Win the Civil War, Free the Slaves, andPreserve the UnionLarry Tagg

Today, Abraham Lincoln is a beloved American icon, widely considered to be our best president. Itwas not always so. Larry Tagg’s The Battles that Made Abraham Lincoln is the first study of its kindto concentrate on what Lincoln’s contemporaries thought of him during his lifetime, and theobstacles they set before him. Be forewarned: your preconceived notions are about to beshattered.

Boisterous and venomous enough to be good entertainment, The Battles that Made AbrahamLincoln rests upon a wide foundation of research. Tagg includes extensive treatment of the politicalcontext that begat Lincoln’s predicament, riding with the president-elect to Washington andwalking with him through the bleak years of war up to and beyond assassination. Throughout,Tagg entertains with a lively writing style, outstanding storytelling verve, and an unconventional,wholly against-the-grain perspective that is sure to delight readers of all stripes.

Lincoln’s humanity has been unintentionally trivialized by some historians and writers who haveobscured the real man behind a patina of bronze. Tagg’s groundbreaking book helps all of us betterunderstand the great man Lincoln was, and how history is better viewed through a long-distancelens than contemporaneously. The Battles that Made Abraham Lincoln will be the “must-read” titlefor general readers and scholars alike.

$19.95 • 6 x 9 • 576 pages • 2 photos, 31illustrations • 9781611211269 – paperbackOctober 20129781611211276 – ebook

General Grant and the Rewriting of HistoryHow a Great General (and Others) Helped Destroy General William S. Rosecransand Influence our Understanding of the Civil WarFrank P. Varney

In 1885, a former president of the United States published one of the most influential books everwritten about the Civil War. An entire generation of Americans had eagerly awaited his memoirsand it has remained so popular that it has never gone out of print. Historians then and now havemade extensive use of Grant’s recollections, which have shaped how we understand and evaluatenot only the Union army’s triumphs and failures, but many of the war’s key participants. TheMemoirs of Ulysses Simpson Grant may be a superbly written book, Frank P. Varney persuasivelyargues in General Grant and the Rewriting of History, but is so riddled with flaws as to beunreliable.

Juxtaposing primary source documents (some of them published here for the first time) againstGrant’s own pen and other sources, Professor Varney sheds new light on what really happened onsome of the Civil War’s most important battlefields. He does so by focusing much of his work onGrant’s treatment of Maj. Gen. William S. Rosecrans, a capable army commander whose reputationGrant (and others working with him) conspired to destroy. Grant’s memoirs contain not onlymisstatements but outright inventions to manipulate the historical record. But Grant’s injustices gomuch deeper. He submitted decidedly biased reports, falsified official documents, and evenperjured himself before an army court of inquiry. There is also strong evidence that his often-discussed drinking problem affected the outcome of at least one battle.

The first of two volumes on this subject, General Grant and the Rewriting of History aptlydemonstrates, however, that blindly accepting historical “truths” without vigorous challenge is aperilous path to understanding real history.

$32.95 • 6 x 9 • 336 pages • 16 photos, 13maps • 9781611211184 – hardback November 20129781611211191 – ebook

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62 TO ORDER: Visit or call (610) 853-9131

Savas Beatie

Robert E. Lee in War and PeacePhotographs of a Confederate and American IconDonald A. Hopkins

Robert E. Lee is well known as a Confederate general and as an educator later in life, but mostpeople are exposed to the same handful of images of one of America’s most famous sons. It hasbeen almost seven decades since anyone has attempted a serious study of Lee in photographs, andwith Don Hopkins’s painstakingly researched and lavishly illustrated Robert E. Lee in War andPeace, the wait is finally over.

Dr. Hopkins, a Mississippi surgeon and lifelong student of the Civil War and Southern history with arecent interest in 19th Century photography, scoured manuscript repositories and privatecollections across the country to locate every known Lee image (61 in all) in existence today. Thedetailed text accompanying these images provides a sweeping history of Lee’s life and acompelling discussion of antique photography, with biographical sketches of all of Lee’s knownphotographers. Hopkins offers a substantial amount of previously unknown information aboutthese images, how each came to be, and the mistakes in fact and attribution other authors andwriters have made describing photographs of Lee to the reading public. Many of the images in thisbook are being published for the first time.

In addition to several rare photographs uncovered during the research phase of Robert E. Lee inWar and Peace, the author offers—for the first time—definitive and conclusive attribution of theidentity of the photographer of the well known Lee “in the field” images, and reproduces astartling imperial-size photograph of Lee made by Alexander Gardner of Washington, D.C. Otherportraits previously attributed to Michael Miley of Lexington, Virginia, are shown to be instead theproduct of Charles Rees of Richmond.

$34.95 • 7 x 10 • 288 pages • 134 photos9781611211207 – hardbackDecember 2012 • 9781611211214 – ebook

Confederate General William “Extra Billy” SmithFrom Virginia’s Statehouse to Gettysburg ScapegoatScott L. Mingus Sr.

William “Extra Billy” Smith, the oldest and one of the most controversial Confederate generals onthe field at Gettysburg, was also one of the most colorful and charismatic characters of the CivilWar and the antebellum Old South. Despite a life full of drama, politics, and adventure, until nowno full-length biography of this former general, governor, and attorney existed, other than abiased account in the 19th century by his brother-in-law. Scott L. Mingus Sr. has ably filled thishistorical void with Confederate General William “Extra Billy” Smith: From Virginia’s Statehouse toGettysburg Scapegoat.

Despite his advanced age Smith took the field and fought well at First Manassas, was wounded atSeven Pines and again at Sharpsburg, and marched with Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia intoPennsylvania. There, on the first day at Gettysburg, Smith’s frantic messages about a possibleUnion flanking attack remain a matter of controversy to this day. Did his aging eyes see distantfence-lines that he interpreted as approaching enemy soldiers—mere phantoms of hisimagination?—or did his prompt action stave off a looming Confederate disaster? What we doknow is that his calls for support diverted limited Confederate manpower away from attacksagainst Cemetery Hill and Culp’s Hill that might have turned the tide of Southern fortunes inPennsylvania.

Mingus’s biography draws upon a wide array of newspapers, diaries, letters, and other firsthandaccounts to paint a broad, deep, and colorful portrait of one of the South’s most interesting leadersand devoted sons. Complete with original maps and photos, Extra Billy Smith will satisfy anyonewho loves politics, war, and a great story well told.

$29.95 • 6 x 9 • 336 pages • 27 photos, 14maps • 9781611211290 – hardback November 2012 • 9781611211306 • ebook

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Savas Beatie

The Battle of Big BethelCrucial Clash in Early Civil War VirginiaJ. Michael Cobb

The Battle of Big Bethel: Crucial Clash in Early Civil War Virginia is the first full-length treatment ofthe small but consequential June 1861 battle that reshaped both Northern and Southernperceptions about what lay in store for the divided nation. In the spring of 1861, many people inthe North and South imagined that the Civil War would be short and nearly bloodless. The firstplanned engagement of the war at Big Bethel, however, provided undeniable evidence of just howwrong popular opinion could be.

Major General Benjamin F. Butler was in command of Union forces at Fort Monroe, Virginia, at thetip of the peninsula between the James and York rivers only ninety miles from the Confederatecapital at Richmond. Opposing the Yankees was the aggressive and dramatic Col. John BankheadMagruder, who decided to lure Butler into a fight. Magruder fortified a strategic swampy creekcrossing, skillfully placed several artillery pieces, selected excellent defensive positions for his1,500 men, and camouflaged the whole with brush.

Although the carnage was light compared to later battles, the combat at Big Bethel remainedindelibly imprinted on those who fought there.Years in the making, The Battle of Big Bethel reliesupon letters, diaries, newspapers, reminiscences, official records, and period images—some usedfor the first time. The authors detail the events leading up to the encounter, survey thepersonalities as well as the contributions of the participants, set forth a nuanced description of theconfusion-ridden field of battle, and elaborate upon its consequences.

$27.95 • 6 x 9 • 240 pages • photos, 5 maps9781611211160 – hardback • October 20129781611211177 – ebook

The Maryland Campaign of September 1862Volume II, AntietamGeneral Ezra A. Carman

Many authors have written about the climactic September 17 battle of the 1862 invasion ofMaryland, but it is impossible to do so without referencing Carman’s sweeping and definitive mapsand 1,800-page manuscript. His work guides every Civil War historian and comprises the basis ofthe National Park Service’s interpretive programs at Antietam. Indeed, even the basic layout of theNational Park battlefield was based upon Carman’s groundbreaking work. Carman had theadvantage of not only participating in the battle as a colonel in the Union army, but knowing,corresponding with, and conversing with hundreds of Northern and Southern soldiers from corpscommanders all the way down to privates. Over the decades he amassed a vast collection ofletters, maps, and personal memoirs from many key participants. He used this treasure trove offirsthand accounts to create his compelling narrative.

Carman’s invaluable prose is augmented by his detailed maps of the dawn to nearly dusk fightingon September 17, which have never appeared in their original form in any book on the battle. Evenmore exciting are the newly discovered 19th Century photographs authorized by Carman todocument his work laying out the battlefield, a haunting record of how the battlefield appeared toCarman as he tried to unravel its mysteries.

The result is The Maryland Campaign of September 1862: Antietam, the most comprehensive anddetailed account of the battle ever produced. Jammed with firsthand accounts, personalanecdotes, detailed footnotes, maps, and photos, this long-awaited study will be read andappreciated as battle history at its finest. Indeed, we will never see such a study again.

$37.50 • 6 x 9 • 672 pages • 9 photos, 44 maps9781611211146 – hardback • September 20129781611211153 – ebook

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64 TO ORDER: Visit or call (610) 853-9131

Savas Beatie

The Civil War Lover’s Guide to New York CityBill Morgan

Few Americans associate New York City with the Civil War, but the most populated metropolitan area in thenation, then and now, is filled with scores of monuments, historical sites, and resources directly related to thosefour turbulent years. Veteran author Bill Morgan’s The Civil War Lover’s Guide to New York City examines morethan 150 of these largely overlooked and often forgotten historical gems.

Morgan’s book takes readers on a nearly endless journey of historical discovery. Walk inside the church whereStonewall Jackson was baptized (which still holds services), visit the building where Lincoln delivered his famous“Cooper Union Speech,” and marvel that the church built by the great abolitionist Henry Ward Beecher is still usedfor worship. A dozen Civil War era forts still stand (the star-shaped bastion upon which the Statue of Liberty restswas a giant supply depot), and one of them sent relief supplies to besieged Fort Sumter in Charleston. Visit thetheater where “Dixie” was first performed and the house where Stephen Crane wrote The Red Badge of Courage.

Complete with full-color photos and maps, Morgan’s lavishly illustrated and designed The Civil War Lover’s Guideto New York City is a must-have book for every student of the Civil War and for every visitor to New York City.

$18.95 • 7 x 10 • 352 pages 300full color photos andillustrations and a fold-out map9781611211221 – paperbackDecember 20129781611211238 – eb ook

The Ultimate ChiefPetty OfficerGuidebookTips, Tactics, and Techniques forSailors Who are Serious aboutBecoming a Chief Petty OfficerJames C. Glass, MACS, USN, Ret.

$18.95 • 6 x 9 • 192 pages • 11 photos,33 tables and graphs • 9781611211245– paperback • October 20129781611211252 – ebook

Anyone who has undergone the transition from Sailor to Chief PettyOfficer will tell you it is a lot tougher and more challenging than mostSailors imagine. It takes drive, initiative, and hard work. James Glass’ in-depth and informative The Chief Petty Officer Guidebook: Tips, Tactics,and Techniques for Sailors Who are Serious about Becoming a Chief PettyOfficer is the perfect step-by-step guide to reach your goal.

Some Sailors mistakenly believe that reaching this rank is all about whoyou know. The simple truth is that there are no tricks, gimmicks, orfriendships that will elevate you to this prestigious level. Chief Petty Officerscome from all walks of life, but it’s much more than just about rank. It’sabout a sense of purpose, drive, and the satisfaction you get knowing youare setting the example for other enlisted Sailors to follow—not only forSailors under your charge, but within the Navy as a whole.

Former Command Master Chief Glass’ informative The Chief Petty OfficerGuidebook is a comprehensive, practical, and easy-to-follow how-to guidewritten specifically for every Sailor who even thinks about one daybecoming a Chief Petty Officer. Glass offers step-by-step instructions andpractical solutions, including helpful charts and graphics, to prepare you toreach your goal and excel before the Chief Petty Officer Selection Board.

Hunt and KillU-505 and the U-Boat War inthe AtlanticTheodore P. Savas (Editor)

$19.95 • 6 x 9 • 312 pages • 62 photos,3 maps • 9781611211283 – paperbackSeptember 2012

One of WWII’s pivotal events was thecapture of U-505 on June 4, 1944. Thetop secret seizure of this massive TypeIX submarine provided the Allies withpriceless information on Germantechnology and innovation. After the war, U-505 was transported toChicago, where today several hundred thousand visitors a year passthrough its well-preserved hull at the Museum of Science and Industry.

Now in paperback, Hunt and Kill offers the first definitive study of U-505. Chapters include her construction, crew and commanders, combathistory, an assessment of Type IX operations, naval intelligence, theeight fatal German mistakes that doomed the ill-fated boat, her capture,and final transportation and restoration for posterity.

The contributors to this fascinating volume—a Who’s Who of U-boathistorians—include: Erich Topp (U-552, Odyssey of a U-boatCommander); Eric Rust (Naval Officers Under Hitler); Timothy Mulligan(Neither Sharks Nor Wolves); Jak Mallmann Showell (Hitler’s U-boatBases); Jordan Vause (Wolf); Lawrence Patterson (First U-boat Flotilla);Mark Wise (Enigma and the Battle of the Atlantic); Keith R. Gill (formerCurator, U-505, Museum of Science and Industry), and Theodore P. Savas(editor, Silent Hunters: German U-boat Commanders of World War II;author, Nazi Millionaires).

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Scarab Miniatures

War and ConquestEpic Battles in the Ancient and Medieval WorldRob Broom

Become a great commander from history and shape destiny! Taking an army of models soldiers, you can recreate a famous battle, or simply enjoy arelaxing game with friends across the tabletop.

War and Conquest is an exciting and dynamic publication, with a modern and contemporary look. The book specifications gives customers a rich,quality product to match the visuals. The book is fully illustrated with photographs throughout. These - in conjunction with the captions - explain therules further and were all taken especially for the book.

Written by Rob Broom. Design and layout by Pete Borlace. Both worked at Games Workshop where Rob was Warhammer Historical Manager. Jointprojects included Warhammer Ancient Battles and the ‘Legends’ series.

Advertising support: Reviews of the game can be found in forthcoming issues of Wargames Illustrated, Miniature Wargames, Battlegames andWargames Soldier Strategy. All alongside an advertising campaign and online activity.

Player support: Free army lists online via the Scarab Miniatures forum.

$49.95 • 176 pages • full color • 9780957114609 –hardback • July 2012

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66 TO ORDER: Visit or call (610) 853-9131

Seaforth Publishing

Rebuilding the Royal NavyWarship Design Since 1945D K Brown

$39.95 • 8.75 x 8 • 208 pages • more than 400b/w photographs & line drawings9781848321502 – paperback • October 2012

This design history of postwar British warshipdevelopment, based on both declassifieddocumentation and personal experience, is thefourth and final volume in the author’s masterlyaccount of development of Royal Navy’s shipsfrom the 1850s to the Falklands War. In thisvolume the author covers the period in whichhe himself worked as a Naval Constructor, whilethis personal knowledge is augmented byGeorge Moore’s in-depth archival research onrecently declassified material.

The RN fleet in 1945 was old and worn out,while new threats and technologies, andpostwar austerity called for new solutions. Howdesigners responded to these unprecedentedchallenges is the central theme of this book. Itcovers the ambitious plans for the conversion orreplacement of the bigger ships; looks at all thenew construction, from aircraft carriers, throughdestroyers and frigates, to submarines (includingnuclear and strategic), to minesweepers andsmall craft. The authors pay particular attentionto the innovations introduced, and analyses theimpact of the Falklands War.

At the start of the twenty-first century theRoyal Navy is still a powerful and potent forcewith new and a number of innovative classes,both surface and subsurface, coming onstream. This book offers a fascinating insightinto how the postwar fleet developed andadapted to the changing role of the Navy.

The Roman NavyShips, Men & Warfare 350BC – AD475Michael Paul Pitassi

$50 • 8 x 10.25 • 224 pages • 150 b/w & colormaps & illustrations • 9781848320901 –hardback • December 2012

The Roman Navy was remarkable for its size,reach and longevity. As significant as the RoyalNavy was to the British Empire in thenineteenth century, the Roman Navy wascrucial to the extraordinary expansion ofImperial power and for its maintenance over aperiod of more than 800 years. The fabric andorganization of this maritime force is at thecore of this new book.

At the height of its power the Roman Navywas, at least in numerical terms, the largestmaritime force ever to have existed. Itemployed tens of thousands of sailors andmaintained and fought fleets of ships largerthan any forces since. In these pages theauthor looks at all the aspects of the Navy inturn. Shipbuilding, rigs and fittings, andshipboard weaponry are covered as are all theprincipal ship from the earliest types to thevery last. The command structure is outlined,as are all aspects of the crews’ lives, theirrecruitment, terms of service, training anduniforms. Life onboard, food and drink,discipline, religion and superstition aredescribed, while seamanship and navigationare dealt with along with bases and shoreestablishments. Operations featureprominently, the allied and enemy naviescompared, and specimen battles employed toexplain fighting tactics.

BroadsidesCaricature and the Navy 1756 – 1815James Davey

$32.95 • 8.25 x 11.75 • 64 pages • 85 color andb/w illustrations • 9781848321465 –paperback • October 2012

Broadsides explores the political and culturalhistory of the Navy during the later eighteenthand early nineteenth centuries throughcontemporary caricature. This was a period ofintense naval activity – encompassing theSeven Years War, the American War ofIndependence, the wars against revolutionaryand Napoleonic France, and the War of 1812.

Naval caricatures were utilized by the press tocomment on events, simultaneously remindingthe British public of the immediacy of war,whilst satirizing the same Navy it was meantto be supporting.

The thematic narrative explores topics frompolitics to invasion, whilst encompassingdetailed analysis of the context and content ofindividual prints. It explores pivotal figureswithin the Navy and the feelings andapprehensions of the people back home andtheir perception of the former. The text, likethe caricatures themselves, balances humorwith the more serious nature of the content.

The emergence of this popular new form ofgraphic satire culminated in the works ofJames Gillray and Thomas Rowlandson, bothhere well represented, but a mass of othercontemporary illustration makes this work ahugely important source book for those withany interest in the wars and history of this era.

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Tattered Flag

Stalin’s ClawsFrom the Purges to the Winter War: Red Army Operations Before Barbarossa1937–1941E.R. Hooton

In the late 1930s the Soviet Union experienced a brutal Ezhovshchina – or Purge – which sweptthrough all levels of its society with millions arrested and tens of thousands shot for reasonslacking any form of ethics or justification.

One of the driving forces for the Red Army Purges was a bitter dispute between the conservativesand radicals who sought a form of warfare based on deep-roaming mechanized forces. But theconservatives’ ensuing bitterness was due to the fact that the radicals were unable to make themechanized forces viable operationally and this failure would prove to be the major factor indriving the radicals to the execution chambers.

Yet as the leadership of the Soviet forces was cut to pieces, the Red Army was deployed inoperations at the extremities of Stalin’s empire. Despite showing ominous signs of weakness, inevery case it triumphed. The Japanese had been defeated on the Korean border at Lake Khasan in1938 and a year later suffered a major defeat on the Mongolian border at the River Khalkin(Khalkin Gol) in an offensive directed by the future Marshal Zhukov. These guns had barely ceasedfire when there was a major invasion of eastern Poland following the Ribbentrop Pact. On the backof that, the Baltic States were compelled to allow the Russians to base forces in their borders.

Following detailed research, the author provides a vivid and important insight into the operationsconducted by the Red Army from 1937 to 1941 and makes some surprising conclusions about theimpact of the Purges.

$39.95 • 9.5 x 6 • 240 pages • maps9780954311551 – hardback • December 2012

SpacesuitA History through Fact and FictionBrett Gooden

The space suit is an icon of space flight. It is the very symbol of interplanetary exploration – ofpioneering adventure, of excitement and danger, and of man’s quest to learn more of other worlds.

This book follows the remarkable history of the space suit through science fiction and fact. With anabsorbing blend of drama and detail, Brett Gooden explains how this seemingly impossible dreamgradually evolved into the complex suits of today and how the quest continues for the ‘Mars andBeyond’ suits of tomorrow.

Gradually it became clear that to leave the earth’s atmosphere and gravity, our frail bodies wouldneed protection from many dangers. Jules Verne, in his epic novel Around the Moon in 1872,recognized this need and was one of the first to suggest that some form of suit, similar to thatused by deep sea divers, might allow his space voyagers to venture safely into the vacuum outsidetheir spaceship.

Complemented by astonishing and detailed illustrations, this book unlocks the seeminglyimpenetrable secrets of how the space suit was made into a practical and essential device. Howsimple everyday items such as the car tire, the caterpillar and the concertina provided critical cluesthat eventually brought the space suit to reality.

This is the fascinating, extraordinary and often bizarre story of the Space suit – through Fact andFiction.

$27.95 • 10 x 7 • 128 pages • 155 color and b/wphotos and illustrations • 9780954311544 –hardback • December 2012

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Wargames Foundry

God Of BattlesLow Cunning and Bloody Combat in an Age of Warring GodsJake Thornton

God of Battles is a tabletop fantasy battle game in which players command armies of modelsoldiers to fight against each other across Aren’s troubled lands.

I’ve tried to produce a game that is easy to learn and quick and fun to play, but which offers manytactical options and rewards players’ skill.

If you are new to all this, I’ve included some hints and tips throughout the book to help get youstarted. Have a look at the Scenario section as there’s a piece in there about playing your firstgame, which should point you in the right direction.

If you have played tabletop battle games before, you will find some new ideas and a few unusualconcepts in this one. They are no more complicated than in other games, less so in fact, they’re justdifferent. Have a game or two with only the Main Force part of your armies to get the hang of itand see what you think. It’s hard to judge any game from a quick skim through the rules. Let itcome alive on the tabletop!

Above all, with God of Battles I designed the type of tabletop battle rules that I always wanted toplay, where a group of friends could have a fun and characterful game that tells a good story. Ihope you get as many hours of enjoyment from it as I have!

$63 • 8.5 x 12 • 288 pages • highly illustrated,full color throughout • maps • 9781901543278– hardback • September 2012

The Black CompendiumRules, Campaigns, Painting Guides, Terrain Making & Historical BackgroundsEditor Jake Thornton

Rules, Campaigns, Painting Guides, Terrain Making and Historical Backgrounds. In this edition,called the Black Compendium, we have all sorts of things, including fascinating historical works onEgyptian-Hittite War by ancient expert and author Nigel Stillman, plus The Irish Brigade in theAmerican Civil War by David Bickley. Painting is covered by Kevin Dallimore with the most in depthguide to painting a single model we have ever published! Also we have three sets of rules fromJake Thornton, one for Ancient Greeks, one for English Civil War and one for the Second World War!Scenery building is covered by Craig Pauls and his wonderful medieval castle of the imagination.

$45 • 8.5 x 12 • 120 pages • highly illustrated,full color throughout • maps • 9781901543292– hardback • September 2012

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Lorimer / Philedition

Who Sank the Titanic?The Final VerdictRobert J. Strange

Designed as the technological marvel of her age, RMS Titanic claimed to be the largest, strongest,safest ship of the early 20th Century; a triumph of centuries of Great Britain’s unrivaledshipbuilding expertise. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. The 1500 American and Britishvictims of RMS Titanic went to their watery graves never knowing that much of the ship wasimperfectly forged from cheap and recycled scrap-iron and that the tragedy was caused by a chainof gross negligence and greed.

Crime investigator Robert Strange has studied scientific, forensic evidence from metal raised fromthe ship’s carcass miles deep on the ocean floor, and secrets hidden for a hundred years within thearchives of the shipyard that built and launched the Titanic, to answer the question: ‘Who Sank theTitanic?’

Who Sank the Titanic: The Final Verdict examines the intense cost-cutting pressures whichcontributed to Titanic’s demise and one of the greatest loss-of-life disasters in maritime history.The book uncovers gross negligence in every area of the ship’s planning and construction andaccuses her owners, her planners, her builders and the Government ministers who watched her setsail of complicity in one of the greatest mass-homicides in history.

Robert Strange is a highly experienced producer and director of TV programs both in the UK andUS. He has produced series for the BBC, ITV, Channel Four and satellite channels includingPanorama, Dispatches, Cutting Edge and True Stories. A one-time Fleet Street investigativereporter and crime correspondent, he has been fascinated by the Titanic disaster and this book isthe result of five years of extensive research.

$32.95 • 6 X 9.25 • 224 pages • 50–60illustrations • 9781848844704 – HarbackJune 2012

Aircrash 1990-1999Michel Garcia

$30 • 8 x 11 • 48 pages • over 60photographs • 9782918590026 –paperback • July 2012 • PhileditionFrench with English captions

This book details all the crashessustained by the French Air Force,French Navy and all other Frenchgovernmental agencies. Each crash isreported in giving the circumstancesof the loss as far as they are known,and also giving other details like the serial and code. Each loss isprofusely illustrated with photographs of the aircraft involved.

This is the first book of this new series which should cover all the Frenchmilitary aviation crashes of the postwar era.

The Invasion ofCanadaBattles of the War of 1812Ronald Dale

$19.95 • 8.25 x 9 • 96 pagesover 100 illustrations • maps9781552777848 – paperbackNow availanble • Lorimer

The War of 1812 played a majorrole in creating a Canadian identity. This popular history of the warfocuses on the major events and battles: the capture of Detroit, theBattle of Queenston Heights, the taking of York and Niagara, the victoryat Chateauguay, the Battle of Lundy’s Lane, and the battles waged atsea.

It is generously illustrated with archival images as well as withcontemporary color photography taken at historical sites associated withthe war.

Ronald Dale is a historian and the Superintendent of Niagara NationalHistoric Sites, including Fort George and Brock’s Monument. He is theauthor of Niagara-on-the-Lake: An Illustrated History.

Also New from Pen & Sword Books

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