Cart Abandonment: Reasons & Ways to Improve

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Cart Abandonment Emails

Reasons & Ways to Improve

+1 (347) 709-9927

Listrak Shopping Cart Abandonment Index

74% is the average Cart Abandonment Rate

Number Of SCA Emails Sent By Top 1000 Retailers In 2015




4%1 Message2 Messages3 Messages4 Messages5 Messages6 Messages7 Messages8 Messages

10 Reasons Why Customers Abandon The Cart

Reason 1: Annoyed at Complicated Checkout Process

The checkout process needs to be as simple, smooth and quick as possible.

Don’t make the user fill out too many forms or perform too many complicated or repetitive actions

Reason 2: High Shipping Costs or Slow Shipping

10 Reasons Why Customers Abandon The Cart

People are not okay with paying high shipping rates High shipping costs increase the price and take

away motivation Online buyers are often buying goods on impulse

Reason 3: Shipping Costs Listed Late

10 Reasons Why Customers Abandon The Cart

10 Reasons Why Customers Abandon The Cart

Reason 4: Forced to Register and Create an Account Collecting client details is undoubtedly useful. A registered user is more likely to visit the site

again and develop loyalty. Most people just want to buy and leave. Allow the users to buy goods as guest visitors

Reason 5: Lack of Payment Options

10 Reasons Why Customers Abandon The Cart

There are dozens of different credit and debit card companies.

Customers abandon the carts because the ecommerce website doesn’t make provisions for the available method of payment.

10 Reasons Why Customers Abandon The Cart

Reason 6: Unsure of Security Features Customers afraid of phishing and other fraudulent

activities on small, less known websites

10 Reasons Why Customers Abandon The Cart

Reason 7: Coupon Codes and Promotional Offers Websites that have a coupon code button see a lot

of shopping cart abandonment

10 Reasons Why Customers Abandon The Cart

Reason 8: Lack of Product Information When customers do not find enough information

about the product, they decide not to buy it.

10 Reasons Why Customers Abandon The Cart

Reason 9: High Cost of Product If the product is too costly for the users, they will

not buy it.

10 Reasons Why Customers Abandon The Cart

Reason 10: Want to Look Around These visitors do not intend to buy, and there is nothing

you can do to stop them from abandoning the cart

Ways to Improve:

Shipping Cost

Essential Information

Details Matter

So Does Timing

Discount Helps

Frequency and Number of Emails

Subject Line

Additional Products


Rating & Reviews

Ways to Improve:

Some Tips:

You can drastically increase the amount of recaptured revenue from abandoned carts with a more personalized approach.

Never send a generic abandoned cart email, and make sure that product reviews and special shipping offers are highly visible throughout the transaction process.

Great Cart Abandonment Emails

Great Cart Abandonment Emails

Great Cart Abandonment Emails

Great Cart Abandonment Emails


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