
1. Problem Statement

We are now in a closed situation in University of Malaya, the best university in

Malaysia where there are so many facilities and accommodation including food stalls

convenience stores and so on. But surely stalls and stores will not open for 24 hours.

Humans also need to rest, they are not robots. There must be time limit for the operation

hours of all the stalls and stores. So it might be hard for students to find the most

important thing in their life, in such a situation that is ‘food’. All of us know, in the

student's life, sleeping early is very rare especially when there are exams or test ahead.

Sometimes, they stay awake for no reasons. Teenagers are always like that, texting

boyfriends or girlfriends, playing games, watching movies and so on. All of that needs

energy, so they surely need food. Unfortunately, shop is already closed. Therefore, the

need of food or snack is very high in that moment. So how are they going to withstand

that kind of situation?

2. Why our business is so important?

Our business is so important. It is about food, among the most important thing in

our life. Nobody can live without food, as it supplies energy for us. Yeah maybe it sounds

funny as the operation time for our business is around late night until midnight, where

most people are asleep and no one cares about filling their stomachs with something. But

we are here in university; we try to get deep into students’ life where night is no longer

time for you to fall asleep with sweet and delightful dreams. Assignments, tasks and late

night meetings are here, there and everywhere. How can you withstand yourself for a

long time at night without something to eat? That is why we are here. We come up with a

very great idea with unique selling points to try to solve your problems of finding food

late at night. Some students find out that it is so hard to find something to eat at night

especially around midnight as stalls and stores are closed, and there is surely no vending

machine that sells food. Yes, maybe we can find some food maybe at the nearest stalls

somewhere outside of the university, but the nearest is still far. For those who have their

own vehicles, it is ok but what about the others who don’t have their own vehicles? Taxi

fares will double around midnight until dawn. Who can afford it? By the way, for

students who have their own vehicles, they will also encounter some problems such as

difficulties in dealing with the security guards as the curfew is around 12am. Yet, they

will also waste their money on fuel and so on. So how are students going to deal with it?

Let us show you a business plan that can solve the students’ problem. You may see our

unique selling points in the next slide.

3. Unique Selling point

We decided to sell snacks. The snacks are Classic Fold over (Popia) and cucuk-cucuk.

The uniqueness of our business are:

1. Our business hour is start at midnight.

Our sales will begin at 11pm to 2am where by most shops are closed. Most students feel

hungry at this point as they are doing their assignments and task. Therefore, we want to

help students who stay up late at night to get snack while it is still hot and crispy.

2. Our business strategy is to sell from door to door.

Majority of students who live on campus are among the first year students. According to

the rules in the set, the first year students are not allowed to bring a vehicle. So, we make

a door-to-door sale which is more convenient for students. This would make it easier for

students to get food, and we also get to know our customers closer.

3. The recipe of our snack is family recipe.

It is our group member's family recipe. During the bazaar Ramadan sales, the spring roll

made from this recipe had been sold like hot cakes by one of our group member.

Therefore, we use this recipe to make our classic fold over to be enjoyed by our


4. Picture

Classic fold over (Popia)


1. Prawns.

2. Carrot.

3. Sweet turnip.



1. Fish ball.

2. Skewers.

5. Surveys


Classic Fold Over (Popia) and Cucuk-cucuk

Age: _________

Circle the following.

Student: (YES / NO )

1) Are you hungry when up till late night? ( YES / NO )

2) Do you all study till midnight? ( YES / NO )

3) Are you having difficulty to find or buying foods during late night? ( YES / NO )

4) How often do you eat snack? ( once / more than one /less than one per week )

5) Will you buy snack if someone sell snack door by door? ( YES / NO )

6) Do you like popia and cucuk-cucuk snack? ( YES / NO )

~Thank you for spending your precious time~

According to survey done, about 82.5 % of student will buy snack when we sell it door to

door at midnight because this method save their time and is convenient to them. There are

only about 17.5% people who will not buy snack at midnight when sell door to door.



If there is a snack sell door to door will you buy it?



Out of 40 students, about 32 students are feeling hungry in the midnight and only 8 persons

do not feel hungry.



Percentage of student hungry at the midnight.

90% of student sleep late in night as they have a lot of assignment, homework .Only 10% of

student sleep before 12 o’clock .



Percentage student who sleep late.

According to the pie chart above, only small amount of student would not try popiah and

cucuk snack which is only 5 person out of 40. The remaining 87.5% of student agree to buy

these snack as the ingredient in ‘popiah’ are vegetable which are high in fibre and the cucuk

are high in protein.

35 persons


Number of student who wish to try popiah and cucuk

Around 82.5%( 33persons) found that it is difficult to buy food in the midnight .This is

because most of the food stall are closed. Only 17.5%( 7 persons) can find or buy food in

midnight as some of them have their own snack.


7 persons

Number of students that having difficulty in finding/buying food late in night.

6. Customer

Our target market is the students who are looking for snack at the midnight. The reason

we choose them as our customer:

1) Most of student study or doing homework until midnight

Students have a lot of assignment, activities, tutorials and most of them will busy

doing all their work until midnight. They feel hungry easily when they had


2) Difficulty in buying food at midnight

Most of the food stalls or café are closed at the midnight. Student found that it is

difficult to find food as most of the food stalls are closed .

3) Lack of snack sell in the stall

Although some food stall might not closed, but the food they sell are in large

quantities or high in calories like fried rice. Students who wish to eat small snack

found that it is difficult to buy small snack as food stall didn’t sold small snack.

4) Wish to save time

Some café or kiosk might be too far from student hostel. Times for them are so

precious, they had to sacrifice their bedtime in order to done their work, so they

might feel it is waste of time to walk for a distance just to buy a snack.

7. Value preposition

1. Value that we deliver

According to business dictionary value means important and lasting beliefs or

ideals shared by the members of a culture about what is good or bad and desirable or

undesirable. Values have major influence on a person’s behavior and attitude and

serve as broad guidelines in all situations. Some common business values are fairness,

innovation and community involvement.

( )

Business hour

Our business unique selling point is business hour. This is because we start

our business at 11.00 pm until 4.00 am. This is the time usually student who

stay up will feel hungry and craving for food. We choose this range of time

because during this period no stall still available for student to buy snack.So,

we will be available at the time they need the most.

Snack for supper! We offer the type of food that is suitable with the time of our business hour.

Since we sell by midnight so we offer the type of food that is ‘light’ in other

word – snack. We cannot expect people to eat ‘nasi lemak’ during supper. So,

we take the initiative to sell the food that is easier to be consume such as

cucuk – cucuk and classic foldover (popiah).

Door to door Our business provide this kind of service. We will knock door by door. This is

one of the important value because it is so convenience! Imagine – when you

stay up to finish assignment which is the due date is tomorrow, you suddenly

craving for food! But, you don’t feel like to go to mamak stall. Due to the

hungriness, you cannot focus, you cannot think. At that time being, suddenly,

someone knock your door and said, “Dik, nak cucuk – cucuk? ”. It just like a

bless isn’t it?

2. Customer’s problem that we solve

By reffering to Bing dictionary, customer is a person who puchases goods or

services from another ; buyer ; patron. In order for the customer to buy our product,

we must offer a solution for problems that they faced. So that they have solid reason

to buy our product. On the other hand, problems means a perceived gap between the

existing state and a desired state, or a deviation from a norm , standard, or status

quo.Although many problems turn out to have several solutions (the means to close

the gap or correct the deviation), difficulties arise where such means are either not

obvious or are not immediately available according to Business

Safety issue Nowadays, this world is a very dangerous place.Is there any relationship with

our business? Of course there is! During midnight, if we want to walk to the

stall (if there is) for instance we maybe attacked by robber or even raper

especially for female students. So, by using our door to door service, we no

need to be worry. We will come right in front of your door. There will not be

another safety problem.

Convenience services Sometimes, the customer want to buy the product, but the service provided is

not convenience. For instance, the mamak stall even it is open for 24 hours but

it not provide any delivery. How about the student that don’t have the

transportation? Or just too lazy to go. Again, we provide the solution. We will

offer a call or sms and door to door services. In the flyers and facebook page,

we will inform our contact number. So that, our customer just can call us

whenever they want! (during our business hours)

Standard price Some of the business man that is greed sometimes,they sell their product at

the unreasonable price by using the excuse of the business hours besides the

student that are desperate. But we will sell our snacks at standard price

according to the market. Its doesn't matter day or night. We all are also

students, so we understands.

3. Customer’s need that we satisfy

According to Business, the defination of need can be divided into two:

1. General: A motivating force that compels action for its satisfaction. Needs range

from basic survival needs (common to all human beings) satisfied by necessities, to

cultural, intellectual, and social needs (varying from place to place and age group to

age group) satisfied by necessaries. Needs are finite but, in contrast, wants (which

spring from desires or wishes) are boundless. See also Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

2. Marketing: A driver of human action which marketers try to identify, emphasize,

and satisfy, and around which promotional efforts are organized.

Needs for food

As our business is a food business so we provide food that will satisfy their

crave. But we will offer is the kind of food that is suitable for supper. The hot

classic foldover and cucuk – cucuk. This kind of food it is easier to consume

and can be consider as night snack.

Door to door service

This kind of service is rarely found. Usually, people that want to sell cucuk-

cucuk will open a stall. But we will provide this door to door service to ease

our customer. Beside that, we covered the safety concern also. Why is that so?

This is because the customer don’t need to go out to buy food. We is the one

that will come to them. So that the student just need to stay inside their room.

Safety guaranteed!

4. Product and Services

According to Enterprise Value Framework, the product development life

cycle is:

Identifying value opportunities through research and development in order to

provide more value to customers, for example where an insurance company

augments its range of services to include new investment options like offshore


o Determining the feasibility of new ideas.

o Qualifying the value of the product in terms of profitability and

sustainability per market segment over the life time of the product.

Product development turns the product idea into reality:

o Product design defines the features needed that will add value to

strategic segments.

o Construction is the process of actually building the product or the

infrastructure for delivering a service.

o The product must be tested before it can be delivered to the market to

ensure it satisfy all the value requirements of each market segment.

Value delivery manages the project definition throughout the lifecycle of the


o Launching the project into a target market requires an initial review of

the acceptance of the market of the new product and making the

required adjustments to products where value expectations are not met.

o Establishing the product over time requires a continual review of the

value of the product over time.

o Ultimately when the product or service is no longer profitable or no

longer addresses a customer need, the product must be phased-out.


Our product are classic foldover aka popiah and cucuk - cucuk which is

include fish ball, meat ball, fish chip, ect. This kind of food is considered as

snack and covenience to be eaten especially during supper. Beside that, our

classic foldover is so special because it is made from one of our member's

family recipe. Plus, the prawn used in our classic foldover is fresh.



We provide services such as call, sms, delivery, and the main is door to door


They can call or sms us whenever they want and we will deliver to them. All

of these services is provided to ease our beloved customers. They can reach us

in many medium – phone, social network or even a direct order.

8. Channel

1. Flyers / Posters

The flyers and posters can be distributed and posted around University Malaya. This

kind of channel is effective to promote the opening of the business but for the long term

promotion, this kind of channel is not very suitable because it cost moneys compared to other

channel which is free.

2. Social networking

Social networking include facebook, twitter, e-mail, whatsapp, ect. This kind of channel

is very convenience, easy to access and customer friendly. This is because the customer can

access whenever they want. It is also free. If they want to order but their mobile credit is run

out, they can easily PM us through facebook. Or just tweet us!

3. Direct promotion

Direct promotion is when we promote the business directly to our customer. By meet

them personally, we can convince them about our business Beside that, it will leave greater

impact towards the customer because we meet them face to face. It is easier for them to

remember our business and the most important thing is to TRUST it!

The best of the best!

After several disscussion, we agreed that the best channel for our business is through

social networking specifically - facebook. This is suitable due to several reasons. First, it is

cost free. For a begginner like us, our modal is very limited. So, we need to maximise every

cent and cut off any cost that is not so important. Second, it is convenience. Our customer can

reach us anytime, anywhere. Lastly, facebook also integrate with customer routine. This is

because most of people nowadays have a facebook account. Usually they will open their

facebook daily. Therefore, they will not miss any update or maybe promotion about our


9. Customer relationship


What type of relationship does each of our customer segments expect us to establish and

maintain with them?

Customer expect us to provide good, fast and convenience services, and they also expect us to

give discounts and offers for festive seasons or for regular customers.

We prepared discount vouchers for our regular customers or during the festive seasons.

Example of discount voucher,

We also package offer. For example buy 5 free 1 and buy 10 free 3. These only valid if we

provide the package voucher.


We also listens to our customers reviews, problems, and suggestions through our company

facebook and e-mail. These forms of interaction capable of improving our services and enhance

our performance to satisfy our customers’ needs and wants.

How costly they are?

The costs are not much, there are profit. But that is not the point, these vouchers and offers will

very importand in maintaining our customers and expanding our business.

How are they intergrated with the rest our business model?

It is related to channel, value proposition, revenue stream, cost and key activities.

It related to channel because we can easily distribute the vouchers to our customer when they

buy our products. The vouchers increases our sales for our products and promotes our products

to larger community. It also related to key activities because when we organize events such as

‘one day one college’ event, we will be able directly interact with our customers hence make the

community of the college notice our business. The voucher cost and cost to maintain our

relationship will be explained future in the cost section.

10. Revenue stream

11. Key resources

1. Employee

As students, we need employees to work with us as it is very time consuming to

do a job like food preparation and packaging. The food preparation includes the process

to make the Classic Fold Over and cucuk-cucuk snack. Therefore, the employee should

meet our requirement. First and foremost, they should be expert in cooking, have an

experience in cooking or food preparation, or at least can cook very well. Our employee

would be middle aged full-time housewives as they have a lot of free time and this can

also help them to generate income for their family. They should be middle age as they

would have both experience and the physical energy required for this job. We would hire

4 employees and they would work daily, for 4 hours per day. Each employee also would

be paid monthly with a fixed wage which is RM500. Therefore, our employees are

important for us to keep our business running.

2. Products

Our products, Classic Fold Over and cucuk-cucuk are also our key resources. To

meet our customer demands and satisfaction, we would serve them our best. The foods

would be served warm. This is due to the fact that it would not be that appealing when it

is cold. Furthermore, it would not be crunchy and crispy anymore when it is cold. The

foods are also made from fresh ingredients especially the Classic Fold Over to enhance

the taste. We only choose the best ingredients to make our products.

3. Internet

Our products basically would be promoted mainly via the social networks such as

Facebook, and WhatsApp. This is because it is free, more convenient and customer

friendly. As the technology is getting advanced, we should make full use of it. Internet is

the key resource that we acquire from one of our key partner, the internet provider.

4. Vehicles and transport

Vehicles and transport are our physical resource which includes car and

motorcycle. Vehicles are very crucial in our business from the process of buying

ingredients to the food transportation. We need vehicles to take the prepared food from

our employee. Besides that, as our products would be sold in the residential college of

University Malaya, vehicles play an important part for the food transportation. It is more

convenient to use our own vehicles instead of public transport or rental vehicles. This is

due to cost wise and time wise. Public transport and rental vehicles would cost us more.

Moreover, the availability of public transport is not fixed and to wait for public transport

would consume a lot of time. Our own vehicles would be much convenient as we can use

it anytime and anywhere. Vehicles and transport enable our business to run smoothly as it

helps in our movement.

5. Maintenance

There are two type of maintenance; maintenance of transport and maintenance of

material. Our vehicles should be in good shape in order to run our business smoothly.

Therefore the vehicles should be serviced and it will consume some cost. This is included

in other expenditure which is RM200 per month, while the petrol will cost us RM48 per

month. The maintenance of material is important for us to store our food ingredients. This

is because fish ball, meat ball, squid ball, carrots, spring roll pastry and others will be

bought for a week supply. To store the large amount of quantity of stock, a fridge is

needed. This is to keep our stock in frost state and to prevent spoilage which will cause a

great loss to our company.

6. Food preparation

The food preparation is the most expensive key resource as it is cost and time

consuming. This is because many ingredients are needed in the preparation of the foods.

Besides, to prepare the foods in a large quantity per day for the colleges is very time

consuming. We estimated to prepare 300 Classic Fold Over per day and 300 cucuk-cucuk

per day. All in all, the cost of food preparation per week is RM2171.76 per week which is

higher than employees’ payment which is RM 2000 per month. In fact the employees’

payment is included in the food preparation cost.

12. Key partners

1. College Committee

For each residential college, there is a college committee. For each residential,

they have their own college committee or Jawatankuasa Tindakan Kolej (JTK). The

college committee members would be our key partners as they are in charge in

monitoring the activities and events that occur in the college. By having them as our key

partners, they can help us to advertise our foods. Besides that, they also can give us

permission to post our posters. They also can help us to get the stamp and signature of

college headmaster to legitimate our posters. Moreover, by having them as our key

partners, if there is any college event we can also take part by selling our foods.

Some of the residential college of University Malaya

2. Internet provider

The internet provider is University Malaya. University Malaya offers free Wi-Fi

for the students. The current Wi-Fi speed is 500 Mbps. There are a total of 1100 access

points around the University Malaya campus. University Malaya has one of the best Wi-

Fi internet access compared to many other universities. This is because it has

comprehensive coverage of the residential college campus students and building faculty,

institute, department and centre. With this, we can connect to the internet anytime using

our mobile phones or laptops as long as we are in the range of Wi-Fi.

Analysis Report on Wireless in UM on 24 August 2011 within 24 hours (Retrieved from

UM Accessibility On-Campus Access Point from January-July 2011 (Retrieved from



90.8 91.27















January February March April May June July




ge (



UM Accessibility On-Campus Access Point from January-July 2011

Percentage (%)



99.8 100












January February March April May June July




ge (



UM Wireless Performance Analysis Graph from January-July 2011

Percetage (%)

Residential College Access Point (AP)

First Residential College 30

Second Residential College 38

Third Residential College 32

Fourth Residential College 30

Fifth Residential College 61

Sixth Residential College 54

Seventh Residential College 43

Eighth Residential College 42

Ninth Residential College 58

Tenth Residential College 5

Eleventh Residential College 33

Twelfth Residential College 170

Total 566

UM Wireless Performance Analysis Graph from January-July 2011 (Retrieved from

Number of Access Point in Residential College

(Retrieved from

3. Facebook

Facebook is the most well-known social network in Malaysia. In fact, Facebook

penetration in Malaysia is 50.48%. The largest age group of Facebook users is 18 – 24

and followed by 25-34 which in the relative age of a university student. We can get our

feedback from our customers through their comments and likes on Facebook. We can

also make a survey on Facebook to ask each residential college students which food they

prefer more, so that we can increase the quantity of the food. Same goes for the food that

they prefer less, we can cut down the quantity of the food. This can help us to reduce loss

and boost our selling. This also will solve the problem of not enough food that our

customers prefer. With this, we can maintain our relationship with our customers.

User Age Distribution on Facebook in Malaysia (Retrieved from

4. WhatsApp

WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform mobile messaging application which

allows you to exchange messages without having to pay for SMS. As we all know, not

everyone is using the same line for mobile phones. There are Maxis, Celcom, Digi and U-

Mobile. If we send a messenger the charge would be different for different line. Our

customer also would be charged if the reply our messenger. Furthermore, the message is

sent one per person which will consume a lot of cost. By using WhatsApp, we can chat

with our customers and also get their feedback on our service. Besides that, only one

message is needed to be sent to all our customers. In addition to basic messaging we can

also send each other unlimited images, video and audio media messages.

13. Key activities

1. One Day, One College.

a. Since we are only limiting our business to six colleges, the digits are perfect

as we operate 6 days a week. Generally the plan is to open a stall rather than

delivering to them just for a day for every college. However, a crucial

question arises, “doesn’t this contradict to our value propositions, which the

main pillar is to deliver it to them?” true. So, why?

i. To show our product is up to the quality.

There are many kinds of customers and most of them surely want the

food they are about to eat is completely managed properly. They can

do so by observing the preparation themselves at the stall.

ii. Indirect survey.

By opening a stall, we can do a verbal survey about our services and

products. What product they prefer more or what can be done to make

it better. By that, it can be included in the weekly meetings and help us

improve what have to be improved.

2. Monthly Survey.

a. As explained in the ‘channel’ section, we concluded that social networking is

the best channel to maintain customer relationship as well as delivering our

promotions and business information. The key activity to be done in this

section is of course, monthly survey. The survey includes:

i. What product do they prefer more?

Initially we plan to sell a fix amount for every product. However, there

might be differences in their tastes and maybe they have a product they

prefer more. So by conducting this survey, we can revise about the amount

of every products to be sold in the next sessions.

ii. Do our services satisfy them?

It is important to maintain customer relationship and to know the level of

our services so it can be improved by next sessions.

iii. Suggestions.

We are open for suggestions, for the customers might have better ideas to

improve our business.

User Age Distribution on Facebook in Malaysia (Retrieved from

3. Delivery. (customer service)

a. As stated in value propositions and also our unique selling point, the key

activity is to deliver the food to the customers. The idea is to bring the choices

to the customers and make it convenient for them. It is quite hard to find food

when it is late and if there is, it is too heavy and surely not suitable for

midnight snack.

b. Example of heavy snacks:

i. Nasi lemak.

ii. Instant noodle

c. However we offer lighter snacks and easier to handle. Moreover, it is door to

door service.

14. Cost structure

The most important cost comes from the raw materials. We have decided to buy our stock

weekly because it is perishable and can only be best if bought weekly.

Weekly budget for raw materials.

Items Price per unit

(RM) Number of unit

Total Price


Spring roll pastry 3.6 36 129.6

Carrot 2.29 9 20.61

Chinese Turnip (1.39kg) 1.3 30 39

Prawn 17.99 18 323.82

Fish Ball 8.5 30 255

Meat Ball 10 30 300

sotong ball 9 30 270

Chilli Sauce (3 KG) 8.99 1 8.99

Beancurd (3 pieces) 1 36 36

Salt (500g) 3 1 3

Stick (300 pieces) 20 6 120

Chicken Stock 6 3 18

Cooking oil (Minyak Seri Murni) 3.25 30 97.5

Paper bag (500 pieces) 20 1 20

Mayonnaise 6 3kg 18

petrol 2 6 12

Flour 1.99 0.12 0.2388


However, wages given have to be taken into consideration as it has a significant effect on the

loss-profit table.

Workers’ pay weekly.




workers total(RM)

125 4 500

This makes the pay RM 500.00 for every person in a month.

And the total expenditure needed would be:

Total Cost(weekly).


Price per unit

(RM) Number of unit

Total Price


Spring roll pastry 3.6 36 129.6

Carrot 2.29 9 20.61

Chinese Turnip (1.39kg) 1.3 30 39

Prawn 17.99 18 323.82

Fish Ball 8.5 30 255

Meat Ball 10 30 300

sotong ball 9 30 270

Chilli Sauce (3 KG) 8.99 1 8.99

Beancurd (3 pieces) 1 36 36

Salt (500g) 3 1 3

Stick (300 pieces) 20 6 120

Chicken Stock 6 3 18

Cooking oil (Minyak Seri Murni) 3.25 30 97.5

Paper bag (500 pieces) 20 1 20

Mayonnaise 6 3kg 18

petrol 2 6 12

Flour 1.99 0.12 0.2388

workers' pay 125 4 500


After some meetings, we also have decided to put prices on our products, to meet the

requirements and the profit needed.

items price per


units to be

sold(daily) to be sold(weekly) total(RM)

popiah 1 300 1800 1800

cucuks 1 300 1800 1800


Profit= income-total cost (weekly)

RM 3600.00 – RM 2171.76

= RM 1428.24 (weekly)

The board is confident that the product will be sold out and the quota will be fulfilled because the

population of each college exceeds the product by 700% average.


college, Kolej Tuanku Kurshiah 4th

college, Kolej Bestari


college, kolej Tun Syed Zahiruddin 11th

college, Kolej Ungku Aziz


college, Kolej Kediaman Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah


college, Kinabalu residential college

As for the cost for key activities, it is insignificant because stall opening does not affect the

weekly cost but only on the initial budget account and the equipment is counted as an asset.

Other activities also are fully online and currently used under the privilege of being students.

Business Assets

Types Fixed Asset Cost



Skillet 15.00

Spatula 10.00

Stove 40.00

Utensils 20.00

stall 450

total 535.00

Our team blog:

Our group includes:














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