Business Meeting - 스피쿠스 Meeting Contents S tep2 Unit 01 해외출장일정잡기 I’d like to confirm ~ I’m

Post on 26-Jun-2020






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Business Meet ingC o n t e n t s

2S t e p

Unit 01 해외출장일정잡기 I’d like to confirm ~I’m wondering if that would conflict with ~One more thing before I forget. Could you ~ ?

Unit 02 경쟁사와상품비교하기 ~is superior to~While ~, our ~It’s an easy choice to ~.

Unit 03 인사및소개하기 Here is ~.You are welcome to ~ at any time.What ~ do you cover?

Unit 04 안건제시와의견내기 There is an important matter that ~.Let me start by ~.We can do this by ~.

Unit 05 발표자에게질문하기 ~ who are we creating to?By when do we expect to ~I’ll have to ~ on that.

Unit 06 가격협상 Is this price ~?Can you come down ~?The best we can do is ~.

Unit 07 합의도출 Is there anything that ~?What if ~?Can you do it for ~?

Unit 08 동의및반 하기 I disagree that ~.I believe that there are other ways ~.I absolutely agree with ~.

Unit 09 결론맺기 Do you have any better ideas?Let’s go with ~.We’ve decided on ~.

Unit 10 발표요약하기 So far, we have reviewed ~.To sum up, this calls for ~.That covers everything ~.

Unit 11 차트와그래프보기 According to ~, produced this chart.This bar graph illustrates ~.This chart breaks down ~ by ~.

Unit 12 실적발표 I’d like to present to you ~.Our net profits have ~.We should cut cost in ~.

●Function ●Key Expressions Unit 13 회사연혁소개 The company was established ~.They set up ~.It turned out to be ~.

Unit 14 안건에 한토론 Do you have suggestions?I’ve got an idea.Now we’re talking.

Unit 15 회의결론맺기 Let’s sum up ~.If necessary, ~.I’d like to wrap up ~.

Unit 16 마케팅전략발표 Our strategy is targeted for ~.At this point, we’ve considering ~.As for ~, we’ll concentrate more.

Unit 17 제품이나서비스에관해말하기 What kind of business ~? One of our core business areas is to ~ They decide which one is ~

Unit 18 청중의질문받기 I’d like to invite you to tell me about ~Does that answer ~?We could deal with ~.

Unit 19 멘토링 I’m here to help you ~.~ in this sink-or-swim environment.~ make it.

Unit 20 상품특징설명하기 Let me show you ~.It’s easy to see that ~.We can accomplish ~ by ~.

Unit 21 직장동료와의가벼운 화 I’m off to ~.I had the graveyard shift.Let’s ~ later.

Unit 22 식당에서업무 화나누기 Would it be okay if I suggest ~?Speaking of ~, ~?Allow me to ~.

Unit 23 귀국일정조정하기 ~ as in ~.It says here that ~.Preferably, ~.

Unit 24 귀국하기 Is there anything ~?Can I ~? ~ not good enough.

●Function ●Key Expressions



Liz : This is Liz of Starcom Company speaking. How may I help you?Kim : I’d like to confirm my itinerary for my July business trip.Liz : Sure, could I have your name, please?Kim : This is Josh Kim and the flight is scheduled for July 4th.Liz : Yes, I see that and we’ll make sure to have everything ready on

that date.Kim : But, I’m afraid I have to change the date to July 10th due to some

company matters. I’m wondering if that would conflict with yourcompany’s schedule.

Liz : That would be no problem at all. I’ll work that in right away.Kim : By the way, I meant July 10th, Chicago time.Liz : Certainly. Anything else that we could do for you?Kim : Oh, one more thing before I forget. Could you send someone to

escort us to the company from the airport?Liz : I’ll take care of that right away. Kim : Thanks a lot. Bye.

Biz Talk

_ Setting Business Trip Schedules


Liz : Starcom사의Liz입니다. 무엇을도와드릴까요?

Kim : 7월출장관련해서일정을확인하려합니다.

Liz : 네. 성함을말 해주시겠어요?

Kim : Josh Kim이고요, 7월4일비행기로예정되어있습니다.

Liz : 네, 확인했습니다. 그날저희쪽에서도준비가되도록하겠습니다.

Kim : 그런데, 회사사정이생겨서, 비행기출발일자를7월10일로바꿔야할것같습니다.


Liz : 전혀문제되지않습니다. 바로일정을조정해드리겠습니다.

Kim : 그런데, 시카고시간으로7월10일을말 드린겁니다.

Liz : 물론이죠. 더도와드릴것이있나요?

Kim : 아, 잊기 전에, 한 가지 더 부탁드리죠. 공항으로 저희 일행을 마중 나와 줄 분을 보내주실


Liz : 준비시키도록하겠습니다.

Kim : 감사합니다. 그럼이만.



■ one-way ticket 편도티켓 ■ round-trip ticket 왕복티켓

■ domestic flight 국내선 ■ international flight 국제선

■ connecting flight 경유비행선 ■ boarding pass 항공권

■ one-way(single) fare to ~까지의편도요금

■ special-saver fare 특별요금할인 ■ super-saver fare 초특급요금할인

■ first class 1등석 ■ business class 비즈니스석

■ economy class 일반석 ■ confirmation number 예약번호

■ on the waiting list 기자명단에있는 ■ excess baggage charge 초과중량요금


itinerary [aitín‰réri“ itín-] 여행일정, 일정표 company matters 회사사정

be scheduled ~하기로되어있다 conflict with ~와충돌하다, 상충하다

escort A to B A를B로바래다주다; 호위하다



Unit 01. Setting Business Trip Schedules - Preview

Pattern Focus

해외출장을준비하면서출장을가게될상 편회사와출장일정을다시확인해보는것은기본이겠죠?


Pattern Drills

I’d like to confirm .~을확인하려고합니다.

안녕하세요? 오늘의학습 Point입니다.

●정답_ 1. my flight on March 2nd 2. our business plans for next month3. my reservation under the name of Josh Kim

I’m wondering if that would conflict with .그것이~에차질을빚을까염려되네요.

●정답_ 1. your business meeting 2. his plan for this evening3. the travel schedule

1. 3월2일항공편을

2. 다음달에출장계획을

3. Josh Kim 이름으로된예약을

1. 당신의비즈니스회의에

2. 오늘저녁에있는그의계획에

3. 여행일정에

One more thing before I forget. Could you ?한가지더여쭤보자면, ~ 하시겠어요?

●정답_ 1. file that for me 2. make sure to bring your wife with you 3. take this up to Mr. Park for me

1. 그것을철해서정리해주시겠어요?

2. 당신부인과함께오실수있으시겠어요?

3. 제 신이것을Mr.Park 에게전해주시겠어요?


I’d like to confirm my itinerary for my July business trip.7월출장관련해서일정을확인하려합니다.

confirm 이라고하면, ‘~을확인하다’라는뜻으로주로이전에예약하거나이야기된내용에 해서다시한

번 확정을 짓고자 할 때에 주로 쓰는 동사입니다. 같은 표현을 전달하기 위해서는 double check, make sure를사용할수있습니다.


I’m wondering if that would conflict with your company’sschedule.귀사의일정에차질이생기지않을까염려되네요.

conflict with 는‘~과충돌하다, 상충하다’라는뜻으로서, 위와같은문맥에서는‘(기존에잡혀있는스케줄

이나 일 따위와) 겹치다, 부딪히다’뜻으로 사용되면서, 더 자연스럽게 해석하면‘~차질이 생기다’라는 뜻으로 연


I’d like to double check my itinerary.여행일정을다시한번확인하고자합니다.

I’d like to make sure my business trip schedule.출장일정을확인하고자합니다.


One more thing before I forget. Could you send someone toescort us to the company from the airport?잊기전에한가지더부탁드리죠. 공항으로저희일행을마중나와줄분을보내주실수있나요?

‘잊기 전에 ~하다’라는 표현을 하기 위해서는‘before I forget’이라고 말합니다. 위의 문장에서 onemore thing은 one more question(질문한가지더)을의미하겠죠.

ex Before I forget, I’d like to ask you a favor.잊기전에, 한가지부탁을드리고자합니다.

I’m afraid we would conflict with Tuesday’s scheduled meeting.화요일로예정된회의에참석할수없을것같습니다.


Let’s Talk on the Phone


Secretary : Hello, StarCom Company. May I help you?

You : (안녕하세요, 저는 M-Tech 회사의 (your name) 입니다. 7월 출장 일정을 확인하고자 전화드립


Role-play 다음 상황 설명을 읽고, 빈 칸에 들어갈 부분을 채우며 화를 해봅시다. 주어진 문장으로 먼저 이야기를 한 후, 밑줄을 괄호

안의표현으로바꾸어서다시 화를해보세요.

You’re supposed to go on a business trip on July 4th but due to company’smatters, you need to reschedule your itinerary with your client’s company. the following

You are about to call your client’s office in Chicago. You were supposed to visitthere on September 27th, but the schedule was changed. Explain thissituation and set a new schedule as follows.

예정된출장날짜* : 9월27일

수정된출장날짜* : 10월5일


수정사유: 자사업무일정변경


Secretary : I see that and you’re scheduled to be here on July 4th. Is thatright?

You : (유감스럽지만, 회사 사정으로 인해서 출발 일자를 7월 10일로 바꿔야 될 것 같습니다. 귀사의 계


Secretary : No problem at all. Then, I will reschedule your flight fromJuly 4th to 10th.

You : (감사합니다. 아, 잊기전에한가지더말 드리자면, 그날공항에저희를마중나올분들을보내


Secretary : Sure. I’ll make sure someone will pick you up on that day atthe airport.

Unit 01. Setting Business Trip Schedules - Let’s Talk on the Phone


You : Hi, this is (your name) of M-Tech Company. I’d like to confirm my itinerary for my Julybusiness trip.

You : I’m afraid I have to change the date to July 10th due to some company matters. I’mwondering if that would be a conflict with your company’s schedule.

You : Thanks a lot. Oh, one more thing before I forget. Could you send someone to escort usto your company from the airport?


This is Jason Park from Starcom Company. And I called you to reschedule my visitation. I’mso sorry to tell you this, but the date that I gave you last week which was on the 27th ofSeptember will be delayed until the 5th of October as Chicago time because of our company’sinternal working process. If the new schedule does not have a conflict with your schedule, I’dlike to visit your company on this date. Would this be possible?

With your own words

Which seat do you prefer? Aisle or window? Why? What kind of services are you con-sidering when you choose an airline? PLUS

Long Talk 다음의내용을참고하여 어로표현해봅시다.






Mike : Zenith 전자의 CXP500은 시장에 나온 다른 19인치 모니터보다 뛰어납니다. 우리의 LCD

모니터는 네오라이트 기술을 사용하여 다른 모니터보다 밝습니다. 선명할 뿐만 아니라, 긴

작업 시간 동안 눈이 아프지 않습니다. 응답 속도 역시 시장에서 최고입니다. 경쟁사 제품

들의 응답 속도는 8나노세컨드인 반면에, 우리의 19인치 모니터는 2나노세컨드에 응답합

니다. 격렬한 게임을 즐기는 소비자들에게는 큰 장점이지요. 마지막으로 Zenith 모니터의

디자인은 자리를 적게 차지할 뿐만 아니라 보기에도 좋습니다. 시중의 다른 모니터보다


Mike : Zenith Electronics’ CXP500 is superior to other 19 inch monitors

in the market. Our LCD monitors utilize neolight technology that

makes the screen brighter than the rest. While it offers clarity, it

won’t hurt your eyes during long hours of work. It also offers the

fastest response time in the market. While our competitors’

response time measures at 8 nanoseconds, our 19 inch monitors

respond in 2 nanoseconds. For active gamers, it’s a valuable

asset. Lastly, Zenith’s monitors are beautifully designed, not only

to save space, but to please your eyes. It’s an easy choice to select

CXP500 over any other monitor in the market.


Biz Talk

superior [s‰píÂri‰÷“ su-] 뛰어난, 우위의 clarity [kl®r‰ti] 투명성, 명백, 명료

technology [tekn£l‰d,i/-n≤l-] 기술 response time 응답시간

competitor [k‰mpèt‰t‰÷] 경쟁자 nanosecond [n®n‰sék‰nd] 10억분의1초 choice [t∫∞is] 선택


n n n



회의나발표를할때에, 속담이나관용구를사용한‘ 주의를끄는’표현을적절히사용해봅시다.

■ selling like a hot cakes 날개돋친듯팔리다

■ as a carrot 유화책으로서

■ hot potato (정치적, 사회적으로) 뜨거운감자, 다루기힘든문제

■ turn up the heat 적극적으로덤벼보다

■ catbird seat 유리한입장, 선망이되는입장

■ killing two birds with one stone 일석이조의효과

Expressions_ Comparing Products


He is clearly superior to the other candidate.그는분명히상 후보자보다우수하다.


Unit 02. Comparing Products - Preview

Pattern Focus

경쟁사의제품과비교할때유용하게사용되는표현에 해서알아봅시다.

Pattern Drills

is superior to .~ 이…보다좋습니다.

안녕하세요? 오늘의학습 Point입니다.

●정답_ 1. This wine, the wine we bought the other day2. The durability of this product, that of its competitor 3. The quality of the German automobiles, that of Americans

While , our product offers .~ 인반면에, 우리제품은…을제공합니다.

●정답_ 1. our competitors’ design is just simple, attractive design2. it weighs much, more functionality 3. there is a bubble in our competitors’ price, quality at reasonable prices

1. 이포도주가며칠전에산포도주보다

2. 이상품의내구성이경쟁사제품보다

3. 독일자동차의질이미국산자동차보다

1. 경쟁사제품의디자인이단순한, 매력적인디자인을

2. 우리제품은무게가나가는, 더많은기능을

3. 타사제품가격에거품이있는, 합리적인가격에양질을

It’s an easy choice to .~ 하는것은최선의선택입니다.

●정답_ 1. select our product in the market 2. contract with us3. deal with this matter in this meeting

1. 시장에서우리제품을선택하는것은

2. 우리와계약하는것은

3. 이번회의에서이문제를다루는것은


Zenith Electronics’ CXP500 is superior to other 19 inch monitorsin the market.Zenith 전자의CXP500은시장에나온다른19인치모니터보다뛰어납니다.

be superior to ~는‘ ~보다 우수한, 뛰어난’이라는 비교급을 나타냅니다. 비교 상을 than이 아니라 to뒤에쓴다는것에주의합시다. 참고로, be superior to의반 말은be inferior to‘~보다열등한’입니다.


While our competitors’ response time measures at 8 nanoseconds,our 19 inch monitors respond in 2 nanoseconds.경쟁사제품들의응답속도는8나노세컨드인반면에, 우리의19인치모니터는2나노세컨드에응답합니다.

주어진 내용과 조되는 내용을 언급할 때 접속사 while을 사용합니다. 이때 while은‘ ~하는 반면에’라는

뜻을가집니다. 같은뜻으로whereas를쓸수있습니다.


It’s an easy choice to select CXP500 over any other monitor inthe market.시중의다른모니터보다CXP500을선택하시는건아주쉬운결정입니다.

It is an easy choice to ~는‘ ~하는것은쉬운결정이다, 최선의선택이다’라는뜻입니다. select A overB는 ‘B보다A를선택하다’, in the market은‘시장에서, 시중에서’라는뜻이됩니다.

Let’s Talk on the Phone


Mr. Evans : How’s our new product compared to its competitors?

You : (우리제품은시장에나온다른제품보다훨씬뛰어납니다.)

Role-play 다음 상황 설명을 읽고, 빈 칸에 들어갈 부분을 채우며 화를 해봅시다. 주어진 문장으로 먼저 이야기를 한 후, 밑줄을 괄호

안의표현으로바꾸어서다시 화를해보세요.

Practice answering the following questions regarding the release of HanoverElectronics’ newest product, a flat-panel TV.


You : Our new product is superior to other products in the market.You : It is beautifully designed, not only to be simple, but to be handy to carry.You : I think it’s an easy choice to select our product over any other competitor’s in the



Our flat TV is superior to other competitor’s in the market. For example, it’s not only easy tolook at, but it will ease the pain during the long hours of watching. In addition, it is beautifullydesigned, not only to be simple, but to be functional. Our company is proud of its best productin the world.

You are an employee of LK Corporation, a flat TV manufacturer. You areexplaining why someone should buy your monitor instead of the competitor’s.Refer to the following.


Mr. Evans : How’s its design? Is it competitive enough?

You : (물론이죠. 심플해보일뿐만아니라휴 하기편하게디자인되었습니다.)

Mr. Evans : What do you think the response in the market would be?

You : (시장에서타사제품보다우리제품을선택하는건아주쉬운결정이라생각됩니다.)

Unit 02. Comparing Products - Let’s Talk on the Phone

With your own words

If you’re working for a company, which company is your company's competitor? Whydo you think so? PLUS

the following

- Simple design- Various 10 colors - 5 years warranty- Energy saving

Long Talk 다음의내용을참고하여 어로표현해봅시다.






securities [sikjùÂritiz] 증권회사; 유가증권 cover [k=v‰÷] ~을다루다, 망라하다

analyze [®n‰làiz] 분석하다 cf. analysis 분석, analytical 분석의 pharmaceutical [f¢;÷m‰sù;tikÂl] 제약의

coincidence [kouíns‰dÂns] (우연의) 일치

Mike : 안녕하세요. 처음뵙겠습니다. 저는Mike입니다. 말 많이들었습니다. 만나서반갑습니다.

John : 안녕하세요, Mike. 저는John입니다. 저역시만나서반갑습니다.

Mike : 이건제명함입니다.이메일주소는명함에적혀있습니다.

John : 네, Mike. 제명함은여기있습니다. 언제든지전화주십시오.

Mike : Oppenheimer 투자증권의분석가로일하시는군요.

John : 네맞습니다. Goldman Ham의컨설턴트로일하시네요.

Mike : 네. 그런데어떤분야를담당하세요?

John : 주로IT와제약분야를분석합니다.

Mike : 이런우연이! 사실저도요즈음제약회사프로젝트를맡고있거든요.

Mike : Hi, how do you do? I’m Mike. I’ve heard a lot about you. It’snice to meet you.

John : Hi, Mike, I’m John. Nice to meet you, too.Mike : Here is my business card. My email is on the card. John : Sure, Mike. And here’s mine. You are welcome to call me at any

time.Mike : Well, you are an analyst at Oppenheimer Securities.John : Yes. And you are a consultant at the Goldman Ham.Mike : That’s right. By the way, what areas do you cover?John : I mostly analyze the information & technology sector as well as

the pharmaceutical sector.Mike : What a coincidence! Actually, I’m doing a pharmaceutical

company project these days myself.



Biz Talk




v a

비즈니스상황에서상 방에게자기소개를하거나서로인사를하는자리에서꼭등장하는명함, 명함교환시에사용

할수있는표현에 해서알아봅시다.

■ Here’s my (business) card. 여기제명함입니다.

■ Let me give you my business card. 제명함을드리겠습니다.

■ I’m all out of cards. 남은명함이없네요. I ran out of cards.

■ My card is in English on the other side. 명함뒷면은 어로되어있습니다.

■ It might be helpful to get some printed in Korean. 한국어로된명함을갖는것도좋습니다.

Expressions_ Greetings and Introductions


Unit 03. Greetings and Introductions - Preview

Pattern Focus

외국바이어나고객을만나는자리에서자신을소개하고인사를할때에주로사용하는표현에 해서



Here is my business card. 이건제명함입니다.

상 방에게 물건을 건네면서‘이것은 ~입니다’라고 할 때 Here is~ 또는 Here are~ 를 니다. ‘이건 제

이메일주소입니다.’를 어로표현한다면‘Here is my email address.’가되겠죠.


You are welcome to call me at any time. 언제든지전화주십시오.

be welcome to ~는‘마음 로 ~할 수 있는’이라는 뜻입니다. 보통 formal한 자리에서 상 를 배려하는

표현으로 많이 쓰이지요. 예를 들어, 사무실에서 손님이 전화를 쓰길 원할 때 ‘You are welcome to use thetelephone.(마음 로 전화를 쓰셔도 됩니다.)’라고 하면 됩니다. 손님이 처음 당신의 집을 방문했다면 ‘You arealways welcome to my house.(저희집엔언제든지오셔도됩니다.)’라고반갑게맞이해주세요.

Pattern Drills

Here is .~ 가여기있습니다.

안녕하세요? 오늘의학습 Point입니다.

●정답_ 1. my fax number 2. my cell number3. my office address

You are welcome to at any time.언제나~해도환 입니다.

●정답_ 1. visit my office 2. call me3. stop by

1. 저의팩스번호가

2. 저의휴 폰번호가

3. 저의사무실주소가

1. 사무실을방문하셔도

2. 전화하셔도

3. 들르셔도

What do you cover?어떤~을담당하시나요?

●정답_ 1. areas 2. roles3. cases

1. 분야를

2. 역할을

3. 사건을


What areas do you cover? 어떤분야를담당하세요?

cover는‘~을 책임지다, ~를 담당하다’라는 뜻입니다. ‘What areas do you cover?’는‘어떤 분야를

담당하십니까?’라는 뜻으로서, 처음 만나는 직장동료나 conference 등에서 만나는 사람에게 유용하게 쓸 수 있


I particularly cover the pharmaceutical industry.저는특히제약산업을담당하고있습니다.


Let’s Talk on the Phone


Mike : Pleased to meet you.

You : (만나뵙게되어반갑습니다.)

Role-play 다음 상황 설명을 읽고, 빈 칸에 들어갈 부분을 채우며 화를 해봅시다. 주어진 문장으로 먼저 이야기를 한 후, 밑줄을 괄호

안의표현으로바꾸어서다시 화를해보세요.

You are sharing the business cards with your client. Practice answering thequestions.


You : It is a pleasure to see you, too.You : Here’s my business card. (And here’s mine.)You : Sure. You are welcome to call me at any time.


Hi. My name is (your name) at Fidelity Securities. Nice to meet you. I’ve heard so much aboutyou. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you. Here’s my business card and this is mycolleague, Ms. Liz Taylor. She’s in at the Investor Relations. So, how is your business going?

With your own words

You and your colleague are attending the annual reception held overseas. Youhappen to meet a foreign buyer who is interested in your company. Make abrief introduction including the following:


Mike : This is my business card.

You : (제명함은여기있습니다.)

Mike : My email is on the card.

You : (그렇군요. 저에게언제든지전화주십시오.)

the following

소속: Fidelity Securities직무: financial analyst리셉션참가이유: conference 참석

투자자관리를담당하고있는동료 Ms. Liz Taylor를소개시킴.

Unit 03. Greetings and Introductions - Let’s Talk on the Phone

What company are you working for? What’s the best thing about your company? If you’renot an office worker, explain what your ideal company is.PLUS

Long Talk 다음의내용을참고하여 어로표현해봅시다.

(휴 폰번호)


의견을제시할때사용하면좋은표현들에 해서알아봅시다.

■ I suggest that~ ~를제안합니다. ■ In my opinion 제생각에는

■ I propose that~ ~라고제안합니다. ■ I believe that~ ~라고믿습니다.

■ My recommendation is~ 제제안은~입니다.

■ I’m confident that~ 저는~라고확신합니다.

■ I’d like to emphasize~ ~를강조하고싶습니다.

■ I have a strong belief that~ ~라는것을확신합니다.

■ Do you have anything to add? 혹시더하실말 이있습니까?

■ Does anyone want to comment about this? 여기에 해하실말 이있으신분계십니까?




distribute [distríbju;t] 나누어주다, 배포하다, 배급하다 acceptable [æksèpt‰bÂl] 받아들일수있는, 만족스러운

sales force 판매인력 evident [èvidÂnt] 명백한, 분명한

to tell you the truth 솔직히말하면 ( to be honest with you, to be frank with you)

effectively [ifèktivli] 효과적으로

Jerry : 우리가 논의할 중요한 안건이 있습니다. 유인물을 나눠드리면서 시작하겠습니다. 보시다

시피 우리 회사의 판매는 40% 늘어났지만, 비용 역시 50% 늘어났습니다. 업사원의 수

를 늘림으로써 판매량이 늘어난 것이 확실합니다. 하지만 이것은 바람직하지 않습니다.

비용을 줄이고 판매를 늘려야 합니다. 저는 판매 인력을 줄임으로써 이것을 달성할 수 있

다고 믿습니다. 솔직히 말 드려서, 광고를 더 잘 활용하면 현재의 매출을 유지하거나 심

지어 더 늘릴 수 있습니다. 예를 들면, 텔레비전 광고를 줄이고 인터넷 광고를 이용할 수

도있습니다. 이건단지제사견입니다. 다들어떻게생각하십니까?

Jerry : There’s an important matter that we must discuss. Let me start by

distributing some handouts. As you see, our sales increased 40%,

but cost also increased by 50%. It is evident that our sales

increase was due to more sales people. This is not acceptable. We

must find a way to increase sales and lower cost. I believe that

we can do this by decreasing our sales force. To tell you the

truth, we can maintain or even increase our sales by utilizing

advertising effectively. For example, we can utilize the Internet

and cut down on the TV commercial. This is only my personal

opinion. What do you think?



Biz Talk





_ Stating Issues and Opinions


Unit 04. Stating Issues and Opinions - Preview

Pattern Focus

회의에서다룰안건을제시하는표현과자신의의견을나타내는표현에 해서알아봅시다.

Pattern Drills

There is an important matter that .~ 할중요한안건이있습니다.

안녕하세요? 오늘의학습 Point입니다.

●정답_ 1. we should think about 2. we must review3. we should deal with

Let me start by .~ 하면서시작하도록하겠습니다.

●정답_ 1. showing a chart 2. saying this 3. explaining our financial report

1. 생각해볼

2. 검토해볼

3. 처리해야할

1. 차트를보여드리면서

2. 이말 과함께

3. 재정보고서를설명하면서

We can do this by .우리는~함으로써이것을달성할수있습니다.

●정답_ 1. increasing PR costs 2. scaling down the budget 3. hiring more staff members

1. 홍보비용을늘림으로써

2. 예산을줄임으로써

3. 인력을더채용함으로써


There’s an important matter that we must discuss.우리가논의할중요한안건이있습니다.

위와 같은 뜻을 다른 문장 구조로 나타내면 ‘We have to discuss an important matter.’가 됩니다.

matter는회의나토의를하는상황에서‘ 안건’이라는뜻으로사용됩니다. discuss 신에‘토의하다, 검토하다’

라는 뜻으로는 go over도 자주 사용합니다. ‘I’d like to go over that problem with you.(그 문제에 해



Let me start by distributing some handouts.유인물을나눠드리면서시작하겠습니다.

start by ~ing은‘ ~하면서 시작하다’라는 뜻입니다. start 신에 begin을 써서 begin by ~ing로도 쓸



I believe that we can do this by decreasing our sales force.저는판매인력을줄임으로써이것을달성할수있다고믿습니다.

by는‘에의하여’라는뜻의전치사입니다. by 뒤에동명사가오면‘ ~하는것에의하여, ~함으로써’라는의미


Let me start by saying this.이말 을드리면서시작하겠습니다.

Let me start by reading the first sentence.첫문장을읽으면서시작하겠습니다.


I believe that we can do this by innovating the distribution system. 저는유통시스템을혁신함으로써이것을달성할수있다고믿습니다.


Let’s Talk on the Phone


Lynette : OK. (your name), do you have something to say?

You : (우리가논의할중요한안건이있습니다.)

Role-play 다음 상황 설명을 읽고, 빈 칸에 들어갈 부분을 채우며 화를 해봅시다. 주어진 문장으로 먼저 이야기를 한 후, 밑줄을 괄호

안의표현으로바꾸어서다시 화를해보세요.

Your company is having a problem with high costs and low profit. You want todiscuss the matter with your boss, Ms. Lynette now.


You : There’s an important matter that we must discuss.You : I believe we can start this by decreasing our researchers.You : Can you come up with any good ideas?


I’d like to go over that problem with you. For starters, our high cost is cutting into our profits.We must lower the cost. I believe we can start this by decreasing our sales force. What do youthink?

the following

With your own words

You are introducing an important issue at a meeting. Express your opinionincluding the following:


- 문제점: 높은비용으로인해수익이낮음.

- 의견: 비용을낮추어야함.

- 방안: 판매인력을줄이는방법이우선임.

- 기타: 다른참가자의의견을물음.


Lynette : You want to go over the high costs issue? I agree that it is a bigproblem. What can we do?

You : (저는우선연구인력을줄이는게먼저라믿습니다.)

Lynette : Yes, so we need to discuss this further.

You : (좋은생각이라도떠오르시나요?)

Unit 04. Stating Issues and Opinions - Let’s Talk on the Phone

At work, do you tend to be a follower of others opinion or do you replay your own opinion?PLUS

Long Talk 다음의내용을참고하여 어로표현해봅시다.





cater [kèit‰÷] 공급하다, 조달하다; 주문요리를제공하다 launch [l∞;nt∫“ l°;nt∫] 착수하다; 발사하다; 내보내다

multilingual [m>ltilí\gw‰l] 여러나라말을사용하는

Kim : 질문있습니다.이웹사이트는누구를 상으로하는거죠?

Lee : 고객사는 21살에서 32살 사이의 여성을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 여성들이 가지고 싶어하는


Kim : 의류도포함됩니까?

Lee : 네. 고객사는세계적인명품을판매하려고합니다.

Kim : 이일은언제까지끝내야합니까?

Lee : 다음달까지내보낼준비를끝내야합니다.

Kim : 마지막 질문입니다. 고객사가 웹사이트를 다른 시장에서도 사용할 건가요? 예를 들어, 다중


Lee : 알아보고말 드리겠습니다.지금은저도모릅니다

Kim : I have a question, who are we catering this web site to?Lee : Our client wants to attract women between the ages of 21 and 32.

They want to sell fashion accessories and products that the womenwould want.

Kim : Does this include clothing? Lee : Yes. Our client is going to sell clothes from the most recognized

brands of the world. Kim : By when do we expect to finish the project?Lee : We have to have it ready for launch by next month.Kim : Last question. Will they also use the site for another market? For

example, does our client want a multilingual site?Lee : I’ll have to get back to you on that. I don’t know at this time.



Biz Talk

듣기싫은말, 듣기좋은말, 하고싶은말, 하기싫은말…다양한말에관련된표현을살펴봅시다.

■ a honeyed word 달콤한말 ■ a spiteful remark 짓궂은말

■ a sarcastic remark 빈정 는말 ■ a slanderous remark 중상하는말

■ an insulting remark 모욕적인말 ■ an improper remark 부적절한말

■ a humorous remark 익살스러운말 ■ a witty remark 재치있는말

■ courteous expressions 정중한말 ■ a word of sympathy 동정의말

■ parting words 이별의말 ■ four-letter words / F-words 나쁜말

■ Take my word for it. 내말을믿어도좋다. ■ You can say that again. 그말한번잘했다.

■ beyond all description 말로다할수없는 ■ I was at a loss for words. 말문이막혔다.





_ Asking in Q&A Session


Could we get back to the original question of funding?다시원래의자금문제로되돌아가볼까요?


Unit 05. Asking in Q&A Session - Preview

Pattern Focus

각종회의나발표자리에서질문하거나 답할때유용한표현에 해서알아봅시다.


I’ll have to get back to you on that.그사안에 해서는알아보고말 드리겠습니다.

get back to ~는‘ ~로 돌아오다; 다시 연락주다’라는 뜻입니다. get back to you를 신해서answeryou later를쓸수도있습니다.


I have a question, who are we catering this web site to?질문있습니다. 이웹사이트는누구를 상으로하는거죠?

cater A to B는 ‘B를 위하여 A를 제공하다’라는 뜻입니다. 원래 cater는‘주문받은 요리와 서비스를 제공

하다’는뜻으로상 방의구미에맞춰준다는의미가들어있습니다.


By when do we expect to finish the project?이일은언제까지끝내야합니까?

By when ~?은 일이 완료되는 시점을 묻는 표현입니다. By when do we expect to finish ~?는‘ ~을

언제까지끝내야합니까?’라는뜻이지요. 비슷한표현으로는 ‘When is the deadline?’이있습니다.

Pattern Drills

caters to .~를상 로한다, 합한다.

안녕하세요? 오늘의학습 Point입니다.

By when do we expect to ?언제까지~

●정답_ 1. place an order 2. complete this project3. use a LAN

1. 주문을할겁니까?

2. 이프로젝트를완성해야합니까?

3. (언제쯤이면) LAN을이용할수있을까요?

I’ll have to .~ 하도록하겠습니다.

●정답_ 1. report to you tomorrow 2. give you a response on that this afternoon3. get back to the topic

1. 내일보고드릴게요.

2. 그문제에관해오늘오후에답변드릴게요.

3. 본론으로다시돌아가야할것같네요.

●정답_ 1. The store, the union members 2. This, his corrupt taste3. This restaurant, business executives

1. 그가게는조합원을상 로한다.

2. 이것은그의악취미에 합하는것이다.

3. 이식당은회사중역을상 로한다.

Who are we catering this ad-poster to?이포스터광고는누구를 상으로하는거죠?


By when do we expect to make a report?보고서를언제까지만들어야합니까?


Let’s Talk on the Phone


Kim : We are going to work on a new website.

You : (질문이하나있습니다. 이웹사이트는누구를 상으로만드는건가요?)

Role-play 다음 상황 설명을 읽고, 빈 칸에 들어갈 부분을 채우며 화를 해봅시다. 주어진 문장으로 먼저 이야기를 한 후, 밑줄을 괄호

안의표현으로바꾸어서다시 화를해보세요.

You are working for a web site construction company. Kim visits yourcompany to ask you to help him to work on a new web site. Now you areasking some questions related to the new project.


You : I have a question, who are we catering this website to?You : When do we have to finish the project?You : I’ll have to get back to you on that.


Who are we catering this project to?When do we have to finish this project?Can I get in touch with the person in charge of the project from the client’s company?

the following

You are told that you have a new project to work on. What would you ask toyour boss?

Three questions to ask about the new project :①프로젝트의 상은?


③상 업체의프로젝트담당자와연락할수있는가?


Kim : We must finish this project very soon.

You : (언제까지마감해야합니까?)

Kim : Can we make in multilingual on time?

You : (알아보고말 드리겠습니다.)

Unit 05. Asking in Q&A Session - Let’s Talk on the Phone

With your own words

Are you likely to ask many questions in a meeting? Or are you a good listener?PLUS

Long Talk 다음의내용을참고하여 어로표현해봅시다.




단가문의와가격협상에서주로사용되는유용한어휘나표현에 해알아봅시다.

■ come down (가격등을) 내리다 lower ■ reduce the cost 비용을줄이다

■ raise the price 값을올리다 ■ quote a price 견적가를산출하다

■ quantity discount 량주문할인 ■ rock-bottom price 최저가

■ wholesale price 도매가격 ■ market price 시장가

■ price list 가격표 ■ selling expense 판매비




market price 시장가 negotiable [nigóu∫•‰bÂl] 협의할수있는, 교섭할수있는

for starters 먼저, 우선 paperwork 문서업무, 서류작업

점원 : 어떤물건을찾으십니까?

Henry : 저기이상품300개를사려고하는데요. 이제품은단가가얼마입니까?

점원 : 개당10달러에드릴수있습니다.

Henry : 이가격은흥정할수있나요?8달러이상은쓸수없습니다. 게다가시장가가8달러인걸로


점원 : 그럼하나에9달러에드리겠습니다.

Henry : 좀더깎아주세요.

점원 : 저희가해드릴수있는최선의가격은개당8달러50센트입니다.하지만더이상할인은불

가능합니다. 아시겠지만저희도수지균형을맞추어야하니까요.

Henry : 좋습니다. 300개를사겠습니다. 배달은언제가능할까요?

점원 : 당장보내드리도록하지요. 우선가서서류작성을하겠습니다.

Salesperson : What kind of things are you looking for?Henry : Actually, I’m interested in ordering 300 of these. How

much is this per unit?Salesperson : I can give you these for $10 each.Henry : Is this price negotiable? I can only spend $8 each for

these. Besides, I heard the market price for this is $8 each.Salesperson : I will give you these for $9 each, then.Henry : Can you come down a little?Salesperson : The best we can do is $8.50 each. But this is our rock-

bottom price because we’ve got to make both ends meet,you know.

Henry : Fine, I’ll take 300 of these. When can I receive this?Salesperson : Right away. For starters, I’ll go start the paperwork.



Biz Talk


_ Price Negotiation


Unit 06. Price Negotiation - Preview

Pattern Focus

물건을사고팔때가격을흥정하는표현에 해알아보겠습니다.


Is this price negotiable? 이가격은흥정할수있나요?

negotiable은‘ 흥정가능한’이라는뜻으로, 가격협상의여지를물어볼때쓸수있습니다. ➞


Can you come down a little? 좀더깎아주세요.

come down은‘ 가격을깎다, 할인하다’라는뜻을지닙니다. ‘얼마까지할인해주실수있나요?’라고물을때

에는 ‘How far do you think you could bring the price down?’이라고 하며, 이때에 bring down도

come down과같은뜻입니다. 가격을흥정할때사용할수있는다음의표현도알아둡시다.

= Could you give me a discount?= Could you give me a better price?= Could you make it a little lower?

Pattern Drills

Is this price ? 이가격은~인가요?

안녕하세요? 오늘의학습 Point입니다.

●정답_ 1. negotiable 2. marked3. the rock-bottom price

Can you come down ? 가격을~ 할인해줄수있습니까?

●정답_ 1. by 5% 2. for $10 per unit3. on these for $7 each

1. 흥정이가능한가요?

2. 정찰제인가요?

3. 최저가격인가요?

1. 5%

2. 단가를10달러로

3. 이것들을개당7달러로

The best we can do is .해드릴수있는최선은~ 입니다.

●정답_ 1. $1,500 a box 2. $9 each3. $230 including the shipment cost

1. 한상자당1,500달러

2. 개당9달러

3. 운송비를포함하여230달러


The best we can do is $8.50 each.저희가해드릴수있는최선의가격은개당8달러50센트입니다.

the best we can do is ~는‘ 할수있는최선은~이다’라는 뜻으로, 가격 협상에서 조건을 제시할 때 사용

할수있습니다. 참고로, rock-bottom price는‘최저가’라는표현으로자주사용됩니다. 꼭알아둡시다.

Is this price reasonable?이가격은합리적인가요?


The best we can do is 10% discount.저희가해드릴수있는최선은10% 할인입니다.


Let’s Talk on the Phone


Salesperson : How can I help you?

You : (이상품을사려고요.)

Role-play 다음 상황 설명을 읽고, 빈 칸에 들어갈 부분을 채우며 화를 해봅시다. 주어진 문장으로 먼저 이야기를 한 후, 밑줄을 괄호

안의표현으로바꾸어서다시 화를해보세요.

You are negotiating the price of the item you want to buy. Practice answeringthe following questions.


You : I’m interested in this item.You : How far do you think you could bring the price down?You : Fine, I’ll take 10 of these.


I’d like to buy 30 LCD monitors. But there is one thing that we should make sure before weplace this order. The price that you proposed by email last week was $ 300 per unit, but I’mafraid that amount will exceed our budget which is set at $ 8,100. So I searched and foundanother store that will sell for $270 each, which is the discounted price for large orders. As amatter of fact if you can’t give us more of a discount than the other store proposed, I will haveto choose the other one.

With your own words

You are at a computer store to buy LCD monitors. Negotiate the price andmake the deal in the condition of the following list.


Salesperson : I can give you these for $10 each.

You : (어느정도까지가격을할인해주실수있습니까?)

Salesperson : The best that I can give you is $9 each. But this is our rock-bottom price.

You : (좋습니다. 이것으로10개주세요.)

Unit 06. Price Negotiation - Let’s Talk on the Phone

the following

1. 업체측이제시하는모니터단가: $ 300 2. 필요수량: 303. 당신의예산: $ 8,1004. 다른업체에서는 량구입시 10%의할인이있다고함.

Are you likely to negotiate a price when buying groceries or necessities? If so, how doyou negotiate a price?PLUS

Long Talk 다음의내용을참고하여 어로표현해봅시다.



합리적인의견도출을위해서는서두르는것은금물이겠죠? 이성적으로판단하기위한‘ 쉬어가는표현’들을살펴봅시다.

■ 이성적으로판단하세요. ■ 좀더생각할시간을주시겠어요?

Think rationally. Can you give me more time?

Don’t be irrational. I need more time to think.

Let’s be rational here. Could you please spare me a little more time?

Be realistic.(현실적으로생각하세요.)




Larry : 그래서저희는컴퓨터구입비를낮추어야합니다.

Anne : 쎄요, 그건곤란할것같습니다. 컴퓨터가격은벌써저희가해드릴수있는최저가입니다.

Larry : 무슨방법이없을까요?

Anne : AX 칩 신YEN 칩을사용한다면 당가격을20달러씩낮출수있습니다.

Larry : 그건안됩니다. YEN 칩을쓰면컴퓨터의속도가느려집니다.

Anne : 만약YEN칩을사용하면서속도를높이기위해메모리칩을하나더추가하면어떨까요?

Larry : 그럼컴퓨터가격이얼마나되나요?

Anne : 650달러입니다. 당5달러를줄이게됩니다.

Larry : 645달러에할수있습니까?

Anne : 네, 좋습니다.

Larry : Therefore, we need to lower computer prices.Anne : Well, we seem to have a problem here. The computers are

already at the cheapest price we can offer.Larry : Is there anything we can do?Anne : If we use YEN chips, instead of AX chips, we can lower the

price by 20 dollars per computer.Larry : That’s not possible. YEN chips will make the computers slower.Anne : What if we use the YEN chips, but add an extra memory chip to

make it go faster?Larry : How much will the computer cost, then?Anne : It’ll cost $650. You save $5 per computer.Larry : Can you do it for $645?Anne : Okay. You’ve got a deal.


Biz Talk

cheapest [t∫í;pist] 제일싼 offer [≤(;)f‰÷“ £f-] 제안하다, 제의하다

deal [di;l] 거래하다, 매매하다; 거래, 매매


v n


_ Coming to an Agreement


Unit 07. Coming to an Agreement - Preview

Pattern Focus

회의에서나오는다양한의견을잘조율해서합리적인합의로유도하는표현에 해서알아봅시다.

Pattern Drills

Is there anything that ?~ 가있습니까?

안녕하세요? 오늘의학습 Point입니다.

●정답_ 1. we can negotiate 2. can compromise the security3. can help boost our performance

What if ? ~ 하면어떻겠습니까?

●정답_ 1. I give you the red one for $1 less 2. we have a quick show of hands3. we meet the halfway

1. 우리가협상할수있는여지가

2. 안보를저해할수있는것이

3. 실적을높일수있는방법이

1. 빨간색을1달러싸게드리면

2. 간단히거수투표하면

3. 절충점에서합의하면

Can you do it for ?~ 에해주시겠습니까?

●정답_ 1. 10 dollars 2. 300 dollars per unit3. 250 dollars in total

1. 10달러에

2. 개당300달러에

3. 다해서250달러까지


Is there anything we can do? 무슨방법이없을까요?

토론이나회의의특정한상황에서어려운문제에맞닥뜨렸을때, 긍정적인 안을기 하면서의견을물어보는

표현입니다. 비슷한표현으로는 ‘Do you have any suggestions?’가있습니다.


What if we use the YEN chips?YEN 칩을사용하면어떨까요?

‘ ~하면어떨까요?’라는의미로 ‘What if+주어+동사?’를사용합니다. 자신의의견을제안할때회화에서자



Can you do it for 645 dollars? 645달러에할수있습니까?

가격에 한 협상중에 주로 사용하는 표현입니다. Can you do it for ~?가 상 의 의견을 물어보면서 답

을유도하는질문이라면, Let’s do it for ~는‘~로합시다’라는좀더강한표현입니다.

Is there anything that can make a high quality product?더높은품질의제품을만들수있는방법이있습니까?


What if we use the certified system?보증된시스템을사용해보면어떨까요?


Let’s Talk on the Phone


Karen : I can’t give it to you any cheaper.

You : (그렇지만저희쪽예산도제한이있습니다. 무슨방법이없을까요?)

Role-play 다음 상황 설명을 읽고, 빈 칸에 들어갈 부분을 채우며 화를 해봅시다. 주어진 문장으로 먼저 이야기를 한 후, 밑줄을 괄호

안의표현으로바꾸어서다시 화를해보세요.

You need to cut the cost on the computers, so you are negotiating the price.Practice answering the following questions.


You : I know but our budget is limited. Is there anything we can do?You : That’s not possible. The reason we try to buy computers is we’re looking for a CPU with

better specifications.You : Can you do it for $645? If it’s possible, I'll make a deal.


I’d like to buy 10 bookshelves for the office equipment. You told me that the black bookshelfcosts $47. But with the unit price, I can’t afford to buy 10 sets. Can you do it for $450 with 2dollars less for each. If it’s possible, I can meet the budget limit.

the following

With your own words

You are about to purchase 10 bookshelves from Arera Furniture Company. Youneed to make a deal with the salesperson. Now you are about to cut down theprice. Refer to the following:

- 구입희망아이템: 검은색책꽂이10세트

- 사용가능예산: 450달러

- 상 방제시가격: 개당 47달러, 총액 470달러

- 제안: 2달러씩깎아서총액 450달러로협상


Karen : We can exchange the CPU.

You : (그건곤란합니다. 컴퓨터를새로구입하는이유가더좋은사양의CPU를원하기때문이죠.)

Karen : It’ll cost you $650.

You : (645달러에할수있습니까? 그렇게가격을맞춰주신다면구입하죠.)

Unit 07. Coming to an Agreement - Let’s Talk on the Phone

To choose what to eat for today's lunch at work, what do you tend to do with your colleagues? PLUS

Long Talk 다음의내용을참고하여 어로표현해봅시다.




Pros & Cons, 찬성과반 를말할때유용한문장에 해서알아봅시다.

■ 전적으로찬성입니다. ■ 전적으로반 입니다.

I’m with you 100%. I disagree completely.

I couldn’t agree with you more. I’m totally opposed to that.

I’m all for it. I strongly disapproved of that.

I’d certainly go along with that. I object to that.

■ 동감이에요. ■ 전그렇게생각하지않습니다.

You took the word right out of my mouth. I don’t think so.

You read my mind. I don’t see it that way.

You’re talking my language. We don’t see eye to eye.

I’m of the same opinion. I’m afraid I can’t agree with you.




Jean : 그러니까우리는텔레비전광고를줄여야하는지를결정해야합니다.

Joe : 제생각으로는판매실적이줄어들것같습니다.

Jean : 하지만비용을줄여야합니다. 순익이줄고있습니다.

Joe : 우리의 광고 비용을 줄여야 한다는 건 동의합니다. 하지만 가장 효과적인 텔레비전 광고를

줄이는것은반 합니다.

Jean : 좋은의견이있습니까?

Joe : 다른방법이있을겁니다.

Ian : 저에게 좋은 생각이 있습니다. 주중 라디오 광고를 줄이고 주말은 유지하는 겁니다. 그리


Jean : 그거좋은생각입니다! 전적으로동의합니다.

Jean : So, we need to decide whether or not to cut down on our TVcommercials.

Joe : I think that would eat into our sales performance. Jean : However, we must cut the cost. Our net profits are decreasing.Joe : I agree with you that we must cut our ad cost. But I disagree that

we should cut down on our most effective advertising method.Jean : You have any suggestions?Joe : I believe that there are other ways to do it.lan : I’ve got an idea. We can cut down on our radio ads during the

weekdays, and maintain the weekend ads. We can further savemoney by utilizing the Internet ads.

Jean : Now, that’s an idea! I absolutely agree with that.


Biz Talk

effective [ifèktiv] 효과적인 absolutely [®bsÂlú;tli] 절 적으로, 전적으로

Vocabularya ad

_ Expressing Agreement and Disagreement

동의및반 하기

Unit 08. Expressing Agreement and Disagreement

Unit 08. Expressing Agreement and Disagreement - Preview

Pattern Focus

특정한주제나사안에 해서자신의찬성의견또는반 의견을말할때유용한표현에 해서알아봅


Pattern Drills

I disagree that .~에 해반 합니다.

안녕하세요? 오늘의학습 Point입니다.

●정답_ 1. we should use memory chips 2. we should make a unilateral approach3. we should suspend the negotiation

I believe that there are other ways to .~할수있는다른방법이있다고확신합니다.

●정답_ 1. solve the problem 2. cope with the phenomenon3. respond to the situation

1. 메모리칩의사용에 해

2. 일원적접근방식에 해

3. 협상을중지해야한다는것에 해

1. 문제를풀수있는

2. 현상에 응할수있는

3. 상황에 처할수있는

I absolutely agree with .~에전적으로동의합니다.

●정답_ 1. your idea 2. our client’s suggestion3. the policy from the board of directors

1. 당신의아이디어에

2. 거래처의제안에

3. 이사회의정책에


I disagree that we should cut down on the TV ads.텔레비전광고를줄이는것은반 합니다.

I disagree that~은‘ ~에 해서반 하다’라는의미입니다. 위의예문과같은뜻으로다음과같이말할수

도있습니다. ‘We should not cut down on the TV commercial.’


I believe that there are other ways to do it.그것을할수있는다른방법이있을거라고확신합니다.

I believe that~은주로자신의의견이나주장에 해서‘ 믿어의심치않다’라는뉘앙스를가집니다. I thinkthat ~보다강하게말하는사람의확신을드러내면서의견을전달하는표현입니다.


I absolutely agree with that.전적으로동의합니다.

absolutely(절 적으로, 완전히)라는부사를사용해서전적으로동의함을나타내는표현입니다. absolutely신에 totally, definitely, surely, certainly 같은 부사를 사용해도 같은 의미입니다. 반 로, ‘전적으로 반

합니다’라고 말할 때에는 다음과 같은 표현이 있습니다. ‘I really can’t accept that.’‘I’m completelyagainst that.’‘That’s out of the question.’

I disagree that we should hire more staffs.저는더많은직원을고용하는것에반 합니다.


I believe that there are other ways to increase the profit.수익을올릴수있는다른방법이있을거라고확신합니다.


I absolutely agree with your idea.당신의생각에전적으로동의합니다.


Let’s Talk on the Phone


Paul : We need to lower our costs. We should cut down on the labor cost.

You : (그의견에는전적으로반 합니다.)

Role-play 다음 상황 설명을 읽고, 빈 칸에 들어갈 부분을 채우며 화를 해봅시다. 주어진 문장으로 먼저 이야기를 한 후, 밑줄을 괄호

안의표현으로바꾸어서다시 화를해보세요.

You are talking about how to cut the costs. Practice expressing agreementand disagreement.


You : I’m completely against that. You : I just believe that there are other ways to do it.You : Now, that’s an idea! I totally agree with that.


I agree with you that we must cut the IT cost. But I believe that there must be another way. I just believe that IT is such an important technical support for a company especially in therapidly changing times like now. In addition, we can’t miss that IT industry has been growingup rapidly. Therefore, instead of cutting down the total IT costs, I suggest that we must utilizeoutsourcing.

the following

With your own words

You are having a discussion with your team. They think that the companyshould cut down on the Information&Technology costs while you have adifferent opinion. Define your stand including the following :

Your stand

- IT 비용삭감이필요하다는의견에는동의하지만다른방법이필요함.

- 이유1 : IT 부문은사업의기술적지원역할임.

- 이유2 : IT 산업이계속성장하고있음.

- 의 견: IT 비용의직접적인삭감 신, 필요부분에외부용역사용제안


Paul : Do you have any suggestions?

You : (다른방법이있을것같습니다.)

Paul : What if we take advantage of outsourcing?

You : (그거좋은생각입니다! 전적으로동의합니다.)

Unit 08. Expressing Agreement and Disagreement - Let’s Talk on the Phone

If your boss has a different opinion than you, would you rather compromise? Or stickto your opinion? PLUS

Long Talk 다음의내용을참고하여 어로표현해봅시다.






go with ~을따르다; ~에동의하다 contact [k£ntækt] 연락을취하다, 연락하다

portal site 인터넷포털사이트

Mike : Tom은라디오방송을줄이자고했는데요, 더좋은생각있습니까?

Sandy : 괜찮은생각인것같은데요.

Mike : 그럼 그 의견 로 하지요. Sandy, 라디오 방송국에 연락해서 광고를 줄이는 쪽으로 얘기


Sandy : 지금당장하겠습니다.

Mike : Tom, 당신의의견을따르기로결정했습니다.인터넷포털사이트에연락하세요.

Tom : 지금전화하겠습니다.

Mike : Tom has suggested that we should cut down on our radio ads, do

you have any better ideas?

Sandy : That sounds great.

Mike : Then let’s go with that idea. Sandy, contact the radio station and

discuss cutting down on the ads.

Sandy : Right away.

Mike : Tom, we’ve decided on your idea. Contact one of the Internet

portal sites.

Tom : I’ll call them now.



Biz Talk

‘ 보류합시다’‘ 상황을두고봅시다’처럼토론이나회의에서결론을맺을때쓸수있는다양한표현에 해살펴봅시다.

■ Let’s see what happens.

■ 상황을좀두고봅시다. Let’s wait and see which way the cat jumps.

■ Let’s leave it open. 이건은보류합시다.

■ This is passable. 이정도면무난할것입니다. This is about right.

■ Let’s wait and see how it turns out. 결과가나올때까지두고봅시다.

■ Let’s call it a day. 오늘은이만끝냅시다

■ There, that does it. 자, 다됐습니다



_ Reaching a Conclusion


Unit 09. Reaching a Conclusion - Preview

Pattern Focus

토론과회의의마무리단계에서결론을맺을때사용할수있는다양한표현에 해살펴봅시다.


(Do you have) any better ideas? 더좋은생각있습니까?

토론이나 회의에서 의견을 최종적으로 수합하고 정리하기 위해 하는 질문입니다. 비슷한 표현으로는 ‘Do youhave any other suggestions?’가있습니다. better ideas라고말하는것은이미나온어떤의견이 good이

라는것을뜻합니다. 따라서이표현은해결책이어느정도나온상태에서묻는것이일반적입니다.


Then let’s go with that idea. 그럼그의견 로합시다.

더이상의추가의견이나제안이없는경우, 가장좋은의견이라고생각되는쪽으로결론을도출하게됩니다.

비슷한표현으로는 ‘Let’s try that idea.’가있습니다.


We’ve decided on your idea. 당신의의견을따르기로결정했습니다.

decide on~은‘ ~로결정하다’라는뜻으로, 최종결론을내릴때쓰는표현입니다. 위예문과비슷한표현으

로는 ‘We are going with your idea.’가있습니다.

Pattern Drills

Do you have any ? ~ 있으십니까?

안녕하세요? 오늘의학습 Point입니다.

Let’s go with .~ 로합시다.

●정답_ 1. Tom’s suggestion 2. that idea3. what both parties have agreed on

1. 톰이제안한 로

2. 그의견 로

3. 양사에서동의한 로

We’ve decided on .~로결정했습니다.

●정답_ 1. his proposal 2. what the company chose3. what you advised

1. 그의제안으로

2. 회사가결정한 로

3. 당신이충고한 로

●정답_ 1. questions 2. better suggestions3. ideas

1. 질문이

2. 더좋은제안이

3. 아이디어가

Do you have any materials?자료를가지고계십니까?


Then let’s go with your suggestion.그럼당신의제안 로합시다.


We’ve decided on your business proposals.당신의사업제안서를택하기로결정했습니다.


Let’s Talk on the Phone


Tom : Let’s cut down on the radio ads.

You : (동의합니다. 더좋은생각있습니까?)

Role-play 다음 상황 설명을 읽고, 빈 칸에 들어갈 부분을 채우며 화를 해봅시다. 주어진 문장으로 먼저 이야기를 한 후, 밑줄을 괄호

안의표현으로바꾸어서다시 화를해보세요.

You are about to make a decision at the end of a meeting. Practice answeringthe following questions.


You : I agree with you. Do you have any better ideas?You : Then, you agree with the idea of cutting down on the radio ads. That sounds great.You : Yes, we have. We’ve decided on the idea.


Let me sum up what we discussed so far. Tom thinks that we should use internet ads. And Ithink there’s no better suggestion and Karen is also for the idea. Then let’s go with that idea.

the following

You are meeting with Tom and Karen to discuss whether you should useinternet ads or the radio ads. Make a decision and describe the meetingincluding the following:


- Tom:라디오광고 신에인터넷광고를이용하자고함.

- Karen:Tom의의견에동의함.

- You:Tom의아이디어로회의결론을맺고자함.


Sandy : Tom took the words right out of my month.

You : (그럼당신도라디오광고비를줄이자는의견에동의하는것이군요. 좋습니다.)

Tom : Have we decided on this issue?

You : (네, 그렇습니다. 그의견을따르기로결정했습니다.)

Unit 09. Reaching a Conclusion - Let’s Talk on the Phone

With your own words

What kind of a meeting is boring and what is motivating to you? PLUS

Long Talk 다음의내용을참고하여 어로표현해봅시다.



(이니요. 다른의견을)



Susan : 끝내기 전에 다시 중점 사항들만을 짚어보겠습니다. 지금까지 우리는 캐주얼 의류 시장

의 매출 실적을 검토했습니다. 요약하자면, 이 결과는 우리의 마케팅 전략을 강화할 것을

요구합니다. 말 드린 로, 북미와 유럽은 가장 중요한 시장입니다. 유럽과 북미 시장의

패션 경향을 연구하여 그 지역에서 매출을 개선할 방법을 찾아야 합니다. 결론적으로 우

리는 연구개발과 업 분야의 전략에 다시 주력해야 합니다. 이제, 다가오는 2007년은

우리에게 수익과 사업을 증진시킬 것을 요구합니다. 저는 우리 모두 그 목표를 달성할 거

라믿습니다. 오늘제발표는여기까지입니다.

Susan : Before I finish, let me just run over the key points again. So far,we have reviewed our sales performance for the casual market.To sum up, this calls for improvement in our marketing strategy.As I mentioned before, North America and Europe are the mostimportant markets. We must research the fashion trends inEurope and North American markets, and come up with ways toimprove our sales in those regions. In conclusion, we need torefocus our R&D and sales strategy. Now, the upcoming 2007will challenge us to improve our profits and business. I believeall of us will meet that goal. That covers everything I wanted tosay today.


Biz Talk

review [rivjù;] 검토하다 run over ~을훑어보다 ( go over)

to sum up 요약해서말하자면 call for ~을요구하다, 필요로하다

refocus [ri;fóuk‰s] ~의초점을다시맞추다 challenge ~ to... ~에게…해보라고요구하다

meet the goal 목표를성취하다



발표의결론부에이르러서발표한내용을요약하여요점을강조할때사용하는표현에 해서알아봅시다.

■ In a nutshell 요컨 ■ In short 간단히말해서

■ In sum 요약하면 ■ It means ~ 요약하면

■ On the whole 체로 ■ In conclusion 결론적으로보면

■ I’ll briefly summerize ~ ~을간단히요약하겠습니다.

Expressions_ Summarizing Key Points


Unit 10. Summarizing Key Points - Preview

Pattern Focus

프레젠테이션의결론및마무리부분에서활용할수있는표현에 해서알아봅시다.

Pattern Drills

So far, we have reviewed .지금까지~에 해검토해보았습니다.

안녕하세요? 오늘의학습 Point입니다.

●정답_ 1. the past and current situation of our company 2. current problems in the area of marketing3. how to utilize information

To sum up, this calls for .요약하자면, 이것은~을필요로합니다.

●정답_ 1. their personal career history and achievements 2. rights and responsibilities of our workers3. how to retain customers

1. 회사의과거와현재상황에 해

2. 마케팅분야의당면과제에 해

3. 어떻게정보를활용할수있는지에 해

1. 그들개인의경력과성과를

2. 우리근로자들의권리와책임을

3. 소비자유치방안을

That covers everything that today.이것이오늘~한(할) 내용의전부입니다.

●정답_ 1. I wanted to present 2. we have to discuss3. we have to review

1. 발표한(할)

2. 토론할

3. 검토할


So far, we have reviewed our sales performance for the casualmarket.지금까지우리는캐주얼의류시장의매출실적을검토했습니다.

So far, we have reviewed ~는발표를마무리할때사용하는표현으로서‘ 지금까지~한내용을검토하

다’는표현입니다. review와같은뜻으로go through를사용할수있습니다.


That covers everything I wanted to say today.오늘제발표는여기까지입니다.

cover는‘ ~을다루다’라는뜻을지닙니다. 위문장은‘지금까지의내용이내가말하고싶은전부를다루었다.’


= That brings me to the end of my presentation.= That covers all I wanted to say today. = That ends my talk.


To sum up, this calls for improvement in our marketing strategy.요약하자면, 이것은우리의마케팅전략을강화할것을요구합니다.

to sum up은발표의맺음말부분에서중요한내용을요약정리할때사용하는부사구입니다. call for ~는

‘~을필요로하다, 요구하다’라는뜻으로동사 require와같은뜻을지닙니다.

Let’s Talk on the Phone


You : (끝내기전에다시중점사항들만을짚어보겠습니다.)

Role-play 다음 상황 설명을 읽고, 빈 칸에 들어갈 부분을 채우며 화를 해봅시다. 주어진 문장으로 먼저 이야기를 한 후, 밑줄을 괄호

안의표현으로바꾸어서다시 화를해보세요.

Practice the conversation when you wrap up a presentation.


You : Before I finish, let me just run over the key points again.You : This calls for improvement in our marketing strategy.You : I believe we will meet that goal.


In conclusion, I’d like to say that this is our best year ever. However, I’d like to finish by sayingthat we’ve exceeded expectations but we can’t get lazy. As I have noted, we still need toimprove our market share in this industry. This calls for improvement in our marketingstrategy. We must do better in 2007. Of course, I am confident that we will succeed.

the following

With your own words

You are about to conclude a presentation. Describe the conclusion includingthe following:

-올해는기 이상의성공을거두었음.

- 여전히시장점유율을늘려야함.



Henry : What do we need to improve our sales in Chinese market?

You : (우리의마케팅전략을강화시켜야한다고생각합니다.)

Henry : Can we succeed?

You : (저는목표를달성할거라믿습니다.)

Unit 10. Summarizing Key Points - Let’s Talk on the Phone

If you happen to see some attendees dozing off during your presentation, what wouldyou do? Would ypu let them sleep or pause to refresh?PLUS

Long Talk 다음의내용을참고하여 어로표현해봅시다.




차트나그래프를설명할때에는, 자주사용되는주어부분과동사부분의표현을기억해두고둘을조합해서사용하면훨


■ 주어부분

the vertical axis 이세로축은 the horizontal axis 이가로축은

the solid(broken, dotted)line 이실선(파선, 점선)은 the curve 이곡선은

the colored area(section) 채색된이부분은 the shade quadrant 음 처리된4분면은

■ 동사부분

shows(indicates) sales 판매량을나타낸다

represents(stands for) unit cost 단가를나타낸다




according to ~에따라 salesperson [sèilzpË;÷sn] 업사원

chart [t∫°;÷t] 도표 illustrate [íl‰stréit“ il=streit] (실례, 도해등으로) 설명하다

break down ~을분류하다, 분해하다, 분석하다 strengthen [strè\^Ân] ~을강화하다, 튼튼하게하다

respectively [rispèktivli] 각각 ( each) face the music 현실을직시하고 책을세우다

Tom : 리서치부에서 제공한 차트에 의하면 저희의 가장 큰 고객들은 아시아 지역의 나라들입니

다. 이 막 그래프는 지역별 고객 분포도를 나타냅니다. 보시다시피, 이 차트는 우리 캐주

얼 브랜드를 구입한 모든 고객을 지역별로 분류했습니다. 가장 큰 고객들은 아시아 지역의

나라들입니다. 2006년에는 우리 제품의 71%가 아시아에 판매되었습니다. 저는 유럽과 북

미 시장을 강화시켜야 한다고 믿습니다. 우리는 아직 그 지역 고객들의 관심을 끌지 못하고

있습니다. 북미와유럽시장에서의매출은각각7.4%와12.1%에불과했습니다. 따라서우

리는 현실을 직시하고, 아시아 지역에서의 매출을 유지하면서 북미와 유럽 시장의 매출을


Tom : According to the chart produced by a research department, ourbiggest customers are the Asian countries. our salespeoplegathered, the research department was able to produce this chart.This bar graph illustrates buyers’ breakdown by region. As youcan see, this chart breaks down all the customers of our casualbrand by the region. Our biggest customers are the Asiancountries. 71% of our products were sold to Asia in 2006. Ibelieve we need to strengthen the markets in Europe and NorthAmerica. We have not yet attracted customers in that region. Only7.4% and 12.1% of our sales were in North America and Europerespectively. Therefore, we have to face the music and find waysto increase our sales in North America and Europe whilemaintaining our strength in Asia.



Biz Talk

Buyers’ Breakdown (Outside Hong Kong) by Region

Africa 1.6%

Central and South America 1.6%

Middle East 2.3%

Australia and Pacific Islands 4%

North America 7.4%

Europe 12.1%

Asia 71%




n v



_ Using Charts and Graphs




Unit 11. Using Charts and Graphs - Preview

Pattern Focus

프레젠테이션에서도표및그래프를효과적으로전달하는데사용되는표현에 해서알아봅시다.

Pattern Drills

According to , we produced this chart.~에따라서, 이도표를만들었습니다.

안녕하세요? 오늘의학습 Point입니다.

●정답_ 1. the information that has been collected so far 2. the reports given to us3. the analysis on the current conditions

This illustrates .이~는…을나타냅니다.

●정답_ 1. solid line, the revenue from exports 2. line graph, the percentage ofbuyers using the Internet shopping site 3. vertical line, the market share

1. 지금까지수집한정보에따라

2. 우리에게들어온보고에따라

3. 현상황에 한분석에따라

1. 이실선은수출로인한수입을

2. 이선그래프는인터넷쇼핑몰을이용하는구매자의비율을

3. 이세로축은시장점유율을

This chart breaks down by .이도표는~을…별로분류하 습니다.

●정답_ 1. expenditure, item 2. rights, subject3. approaches, target

1. 경비를, 항목별로

2. 권리를, 주체별로

3. 접근방식을, 상별로


According to the chart produced by a research department, ourbiggest customers are the Asian countries.리서치부에서제공한차트에의하면저희의가장큰고객들은아시아지역의나라들입니다.

according to ~는‘ ~에 따라, ~에 의하면’이라는 뜻으로, 그 뒤에는 주로 정보의 출처나 근원이 목적어로

등장합니다. 이표현은‘(상황과처지)에따라서’라는뜻의depending on ~과는구별해서사용해야합니다.


This chart breaks down all the customers of our casual brand bythe region.이차트는우리캐주얼브랜드를구입한모든고객을지역별로분류했습니다.

‘break down A by B’라고 말하면‘ (A를 B의 기준으로) 분류하다, 분해하다’라는 뜻입니다. 프레젠테이션



This bar graph illustrates buyers’ breakdown by region.이막 그래프는지역별고객분포도를나타냅니다.

프레젠테이션에서 도표나 그래프 같은 시각자료를 설명할 때‘ (이 그래프는) ~을 나타낸다’라는 표현에는

illustrate, represent, show, indicate 같은동사를다양하게사용할수있습니다.

The largest area of the pie chart shows the wireless communications business.이원그래프의가장큰부분은무선통신사업이차지하고있습니다.


Everything went according to schedule. 모든일이계획에따라서진행되었다.

The appointment can be changed depending on your schedule. 당신일정에따라서약속이바뀔수있습니다.

Expenditure on the project breaks down as follows.그프로젝트의경비는다음과같이분류됩니다.

Let’s Talk on the Phone


Daisy : Who made the chart?

You : (연구원들이모은자료에따라, 마케팅팀에서이도표를만들었습니다.)

Role-play 다음 상황 설명을 읽고, 빈 칸에 들어갈 부분을 채우며 화를 해봅시다. 주어진 문장으로 먼저 이야기를 한 후, 밑줄을 괄호

안의표현으로바꾸어서다시 화를해보세요.

Practice explaining the chart to the attendees at the presentation.


You : According to the data that our researchers gathered, the marketing team produced thischart.

You : As you can see, this chart breaks down our revenue by the year.You : ATNA and CUI dominate the Chinese pharmaceutical market by 40% and 30%



Our research department used the sales data to produce this chart. This chart breaks down bythe region of all the buyers of our casual brand. Almost 35% was sold to North America and20% to Europe in 2007. Compared with last year, the sales percentage of these regionsincreased dramatically while Asia’s sales percentage decreased. Therefore, we have to facethe music and improve our marketing strategy in these areas.

the following

With your own words

Explain the chart & graph as of the following :

2006 2007

Asia 90% 40%

North America 4% 35%

Europe 3% 20%

Other 3% 5%

Asia NorthAmerica

Europe Other







2006 2007


Daisy : What is this chart about?

You : (보시다시피, 이차트는우리회사의매출수익을연도별로분류했습니다.)

Daisy : What is the market share of pharmaceutical industry in China?

You : (ATNA사와CUI사가각각40%와30%를점유하고있습니다.)

Unit 11. Using Charts and Graphs - Let’s Talk on the Phone

Are you good at using programs, like MS Powerpoint, which makes your presentationlook nice to the audience? PLUS

Long Talk 다음의내용을참고하여 어로표현해봅시다.

(경 팀)

(50%, 20%)




tremendously [trimènd‰sli] 엄청나게, 매우 ( immensely, enormously)

market share 시장점유(율) prudent [prù;dÂnt] 현명한, 사려깊은

Steve : 안녕하세요. 저는 Steve McFly입니다. 지금부터 저희 주요 생산라인의 매출실적에 해

발표하고자 합니다. 사실 작년 매출과 재무 실적은 아주 좋았습니다. 또한 지난 3분기 동

안 매출 신장이 계속되었습니다. 아까 말 드렸듯이 총 매출은 20% 증가했습니다. 순익

은 15% 올랐습니다. 비용은 현저히 줄었으며 순익은 올랐습니다. 단히 성공적인 결과

입니다. 우리는 아시아 시장을 장악할 수 있었습니다. 하지만 아시아 지역의 작년 매출이

45% 오른 데 반해 다른 시장에서의 결과는 좋지 못했습니다. 따라서 다른 지역에서도 매

출을 더 올려야 합니다.유럽 시장의 매출은 겨우 2% 늘었고 북미시장의 매출은 오히려

1% 줄었습니다. 우리는 뛰어난 상품과 규모의 경제를 이용하여 매출을 늘리고 생산비용

을 줄일 수 있어야 합니다. 따라서 신제품을 내는 데 좀 더 집중하는 것이 현명하다는 제


Steve : Good morning. I’m Steve McFly. From now on, I would like topresent to you sales figures for our main product line. Actually,the sales and financial results from the last year were excellent.We’ve also kept increasing sales for the last 3 quarters. Asmentioned before, we were able to increase total sales by 20%.Our net profits have increased by 15%. Our cost decreasedtremendously, and our profits have gone up. The result is anabsolute success. We were able to grab a huge market share inAsia. However, even though we increased our sales in Asia by45% last year, the results from the other regions were not goodenough. So we need to do so with other regions as well. OurEuropean sales increased only 2%, and the North American saleseven decreased by 1%. With excellent products and ourutilization of economy of scale, we should be able to increasesales, and cut cost in producing the product. Therefore, I wouldlike to finish by suggesting that it would be prudent to focusmore on offering new products.



Biz Talk



흑자경 을위해이런것들만은반드시피해야하겠죠? 회사의경 이어려운경우에자주사용되는어휘및표현에


■ sound management 건전한경 ■ deterioration of business 경 악화

■ financial difficulties 경 난 ■ mismanagement 부실경

■ insolvency 채무초과 ■ insolvent companies 부실기업

■ financial soundness 재무건전성 ■ financial condition 재무상태

■ corporate bankruptcy 기업도산 ■ forbearance 부도유예

■ debt-equity swap 출자전환 ■ corporate work-out 기업개선작업

■ close down business 회사정리 ■ bankruptcy law 파산법

■ creditors committee 채권단 ■ clean up balance sheet 재무구조개선

■ liquidation 청산 ■ file for bankruptcy 파산신청

Expressions_ Going over the Results of Business


Unit 12. Going over the Results of Business - Preview

Pattern Focus

업실적에 해발표할때쓸수있는유용한표현들에 해서알아봅시다.

Pattern Drills

I’d like to present to you .~ 에 해서발표하고자합니다.

안녕하세요? 오늘의학습 Point입니다.

●정답_ 1. this year’s operational performance 2. Korea’s economic conditions last year3. sales figures for our major products

Our net profits have .우리의순이익은~했습니다.

●정답_ 1. increased by 30% 2. decreased by 15% last quarter 3. peaked in 2006

1. 올해 업실적에 해서

2. 지난해한국경제상황에 해서

3. 우리회사주요상품의판매실적에 해서

1. 30% 증가했습니다.

2. 지난분기에15% 감소했습니다.

3. 2006년도에최고치를기록했습니다.

We should cut cost in .~ 비용을절감해야합니다.

●정답_ 1. maintaining the factory workers 2. advertisement and promotion 3. direct investment

1. 공장근로자유지비용을

2. 광고홍보비용을

3. 직접투자비용을


I would like to present to you sales figures for our main productline.저희주요생산라인의매출실적에 해발표하고자합니다.

I would like to present to you~라고 말하면‘ 여러분에게 ~에 해 발표하고자 합니다’라는 의미가 됩

니다. 발표에서주로설명할내용을소개하는표현중의하나입니다.


We should cut cost in producing the product.생산비용을줄여야합니다.

cut cost in~이라고하면‘ ~에 한비용을깎다, 줄이다’라는표현이됩니다. ➞


Our net profits have increased by 15%.순익은15% 올랐습니다.

‘Increased by+수치’는‘ ~까지오르다, 상승하다’라는뜻입니다. 주로실적이나숫자와관련된발표에서자


I would like to present to you the results of last business trip.지난출장의성과에 해발표하고자합니다.


Our net profits have decreased by 30%.순익이30% 감소했습니다.


We should cut cost in wages.인건비를줄여야합니다.


Let’s Talk on the Phone


Boss : How are the sales and earnings results from the last year?

You : (작년에 단히훌륭한매출실적을거두었습니다.)

Role-play 다음상황설명을읽고, 빈칸에들어갈부분을채우며 화를해봅시다.

You are presenting to your boss the sales figures in the middle of the meeting.


You : We achieved excellent results in last year’s sales.You : As I have said, we increased the total sales by 30%.You : First of all, I believe that it would be prudent to focus more on offering new products.

the following

You are describing the sales and financial results during a presentation. Briefincluding the following:

- 지난2분기동안의매출실적에 해발표

- 매출신장이계속되었음.

- 총매출은20% 증가, 순익은10% 증가함.

- 목표:중국, 인도같은신흥시장에서의매출을늘려야함.


Boss : Where do we have to start to improve our sales in the Europeanmarket?

You : (우선신제품을내는데좀더 집중하는것이현명하다고생각합니다.)

Boss : How much did you say that the total sales increased by?

You : (말 드렸듯이저희는총매출을30% 증가시켰습니다.)


Good morning. I’m (your name) and I would like to present to you the sales figures for the lasttwo quarters. Actually, the financial results from the last year were excellent. We’ve alsokept increasing sales for last two quarters. As mentioned before, we were able to increasethe total sales by 20%. We increased our net profits by 10%. But yet, this isn’t enough toachieve our goal this year. We have to improve sales in emerging markets such as China andIndia. Therefore, at this point, I would like to finish by suggesting that it would be prudent tofocus more on offering new products.

Unit 12. Going over the Results of Business - Let’s Talk on the Phone

With your own words

Suppose your company achieves a great performance this quarter. What kind ofreward would you like to get?PLUS

Long Talk 다음의내용을참고하여 어로표현해봅시다.




회사경 에관한용어중, 특히돈과관련된용어에는어떤것들이있을까요? 함께살펴보도록합시다.

■ sales revenue 매출수익 ■ rewards 공로금

■ revenue 수익 ■ surplus 흑자 be in the black

■ performance 성과 ■ deficit 적자 be in the red

■ operation 운 , 업 ■ workers’ benefit 근로자혜택

■ profit 이윤 cf. net profit 순이익 ■ medical insurance 의료보험

■ remuneration 급여 ■ paid vacation 유급휴가

■ compensation 보수 ■ performance-based bonuses 성과급

■ bonus 상여금 ■ retirement allowances 퇴직금




partnership [p£;÷tn‰÷∫ìp] 제휴, 공동, 협력 expertise [éksp‰÷tí;z] 전문적기술, 지식 cf. expert 전문가

banking [b®\ki\] 은행업 finance [fin®ns“ fáinæns] ~에자금을공급하다

set up 세우다, 설립하다; (약속을) 잡다 branch [brænt∫“ br°;nt∫] 지점

foremost [f≤;÷mòust] 맨앞의, 일류의, 첫번째의 recognize [rèk‰´nàiz] ~을인정하다, 인식하다, 인지하다

Samanthea : Lynch & Company는 John Lynch와 Mike Lynch 형제 공동 경 으로 1915년

에 창립되었습니다. 형제는 그들이 가진 금융에 관한 전문 지식이 아시아의 근 화

에 도움이 될 거라고 생각했습니다. 1920년에 홍콩에 첫지점을 열었고, 그것은 즉

각적인 성공으로 나타났습니다. 그들은 곧 일본에도 지점을 열 수 있었습니다. 그

후 오랫동안 Lynch & Company는 개발도상국이 근 화하고 이윤을 낼 수 있도

록 자금을 조달해왔습니다. 전 세계에 132개의 지점을 거느린 Lynch &

Company는현재가장잘알려진이름입니다.Samantha : Lynch & Company was established in 1915, as a

partnership between John and Mike Lynch. The brothersbelieved that their expertise in banking can help finance themodernization of the Asian countries. In 1920, they set uptheir first branch in Hong Kong. It turned out to be aninstant success. They were soon able to set up additionalbranches in Japan. Over the years, Lynch & Company hasfinanced many developing industries to become modernizedand profitable. Representing 132 branch offices across theworld, Lynch & Company is a foremost recognized name inthe world.



Biz Talk








_ History of a Company


Unit 13. History of a Company - Preview

Pattern Focus

회사의설립배경및역사, 발전과정에 해서말할때에자주사용되는표현에 해서알아봅시다.

Pattern Drills

The company was established .그회사는~ 설립되었다.

안녕하세요? 오늘의학습 Point입니다.

●정답_ 1. about 30 years ago 2. by Steve Jobs3. in the 1970s

They set up .그들은~을구성했다, 구축했다, 세웠다.

●정답_ 1. a taskforce team 2. an infrastructure 3. authorities to find solutions

1. 약30년전에

2. Steve Jobs에의해

3. 1970년 에

1. 실무전담반을

2. 토 (인프라)를

3. 책반을구성해 안을

It turned out to be .~로밝혀졌다, 판명되었다.

●정답_ 1. wrong 2. a failure 3. good

1. 잘못되었다는것이

2. 실패 다는것이

3. 좋았다는것이


Lynch & Company was established in 1915.Lynch & Company는1915년에창립되었습니다.

establish는‘설립하다’라는 뜻으로, 회사를 주어로 하면 수동형이 되어‘설립되다, 창립되다’라는 의미가 됩

니다. 하지만 창업자가 주어일 경우에는 능동형으로 써야겠죠. establish와 같은 뜻으로 found를 쓸 수 있으며,

창업자는 founder입니다.


It turned out to be an instant success.그것은즉각적인성공으로나타났습니다.

an instant success는 a great success와같은표현입니다. ‘~으로드러나다, ~으로판명되다’라는의

미로는 turn out to be...를쓸수있습니다.


In 1920, they set up their first branch in Hong Kong.1920년에홍콩에첫지점을열었습니다.

set up의 뜻은‘~을 세우다, 시작하다’입니다. set up 신에 open을 써서 ‘They opened their firstbranch in Hong Kong in 1920.’이라고해도같은표현입니다.

We should set up a contingency plan.긴급 책[비상시 책]을세워야합니다.

In 2003, they set up their second branch in Paris.2003년에파리에두번째지점을열었습니다.


It turned out to be a terrible idea.그것은잘못된생각인것으로나타났습니다.


Let’s Talk on the Phone


Mr. Pine : When was SMD Corporation found?

You : (SMD사는1995년에설립되었습니다.)

Role-play 다음 상황 설명을 읽고, 빈 칸에 들어갈 부분을 채우며 화를 해봅시다. 주어진 문장으로 먼저 이야기를 한 후, 밑줄을 괄호

안의표현으로바꾸어서다시 화를해보세요.

You are working at the Investor Relations(IR) at SMD Corporation. Now, you’reintroducing your company’s history briefly to a foreign buyer who is interestedin investment.


You : It was established in 1995.You : They set up several new branches in Busan in 2000.You : It was an instant success.


Starcom Company was established in 1998 by the current chairman, John Williams. Thecompany has set up several new branches in North America since 2000. It turned out to be aninstant success. Representing 50 branch offices across the world, Starcom Company is now aforemost recognized name in the telecommunication field.

the following

With your own words

You are describing the company history to a group of newly hired workersincluding the following:

History about Starcom Company

- by whom: John Williams

- when: 1998

- new branches: North America

- recognition: highly-recognized company in telecommunication field.


Mr. Pine : When did they open their branches?

You : (회사는2000년부산에새지점을몇군데열었습니다.)

Mr. Pine : What was the result?

You : (즉각적인성공을거두었습니다.)

Unit 13. History of a Company - Let’s Talk on the Phone

Which company would you prefer to work for? A company with a long history and sta-ble organization, like an a government office? Or a new company targeting Blue Ocean?PLUS

Long Talk 다음의내용을참고하여 어로표현해봅시다.


(2002년, 인천)


Unit 14. Discussion on the Agenda



ad (advertisement의줄임) 광고 maintain [meintèin“ m‰n-] 지속하다, 유지하다

suggestion [s‰´d,èst∫Ân] 제안, 제언, 힌트, 의견 bulletin board 게시판 bring down 내리다

pop-up window (인터넷) 팝업창 banner [b®n‰÷] 플래카드, 현수막, 표지

equivalent to ~에상당하는 tend to ~하는경향이있다

surf [s‰;÷f] 인터넷상의정보를찾아다니다; 파도타기하다

Mike : 그러니까우리는매출을유지하면서광고비용은줄여야합니다. 좋은생각있습니까?

Jerry : 네, 한가지방법은텔레비전광고시간을줄이는겁니다. 그리고라디오광고를하는거죠.

Kim : 게시판에올려진광고도중단시킬수있습니다.

Mike : Kim, 그건 곤란해요. 회사 이름을 인식시킬 수 있는 게시판 광고는 계속해야 합니다. 게


Jerry : 좋은 생각이 있습니다. 텔레비전 광고량을 줄이되 주말 광고는 유지하는 겁니다. 인터넷


Mike : 계속하세요.

Jerry : 인터넷 팝업 창과 배너 광고를 이용할 수 있습니다. 라디오 광고와 가격이 비슷할 겁니다.


Mike : 이제얘기가되는군요!

Mike : Therefore, we need to cut our ad costs while maintaining oursales. Do you have suggestions?

Jerry : Well, one way to do this would be to cut the ad time on TV andstart advertising on the radio.

Kim : We can also stop the bulletin board ads.Mike : That’s not possible, Kim. We need to put our names on the

bulletins where it’s recognizable. If we bring them down, ourinvestors would be upset.

Jerry : I’ve got an idea. We can decrease the number of TV ads whilemaintainng the weekend ads. We can further save money byutilizing Internet ads.

Mike : Keep talking. Jerry : Well, we can have internet pop-up window ads and banner ads.

The price will be equivalent to the radio ads. Actually, ourcustomers tend to surf the net often.

Mike : Now we’re talking!



Biz Talk





회의자리에서'조용히앉아서중간이나가자'라는안이한태도는더이상금물~!! 자신의입장과의견을조리있게발


■ commit oneself on the subject 안건에 해분명한태도를보이다

■ lay one’s cards on the table 의사를분명히밝히다

■ drop the other shoe 엎친데덮친격이다

■ If I were in your shoes(position) 당신의입장이라면

■ It’s time to fish or cut bait. 거취를분명히할때이다.

■ take A into B A를설득하여B하게하다

■ take A out of B A를설득하여B하지못하게하다

Expressions_ Discussion on the Agenda

안건에 한토론

Unit 14. Discussion on the Agenda - Preview

Pattern Focus

토론과토의를하는상황에서조리있게의견을전달할수있는유용한표현에 해서알아봅시다.

Pattern Drills

Do you have ? ~이있습니까?

안녕하세요? 오늘의학습 Point입니다.

●정답_ 1. another idea 2. questions3. any request

I’ve got .~가있습니다.

●정답_ 1. a suggestion 2. a question 3. a proposal

1. 다른아이디어가

2. 질문이

3. 요구사항이

1. 제안이

2. 질문이

3. 건의사항이

Now .이제야~가되네요.

●정답_ 1. it makes sense 2. you’re talking nonsense 3. I agree with you

1. 말이되네.

2. 말도안돼.

3. 얘기가되네.


Do you have suggestions? 좋은생각이있습니까?

토론과 토의에서는 자신의 의견을 조리있게 전달하는 것 못지 않게, 상 방의 의견과 생각을 물어보는 것도 중

요합니다. 제안이나해결방안이있는지를상 에게물을때주로 ‘Do you have suggestions?’ 또는 ‘Do youhave any ideas?’라고합니다.


Now we’re talking! 이제얘기가되는군요.

‘이제야 화가되는군!’이라는과장된표현을통해상 와의견이맞는다는동의의뜻을나타냅니다. 비슷한표

현으로는 ‘That makes sense.’ ‘I agree with you.’ 등이있습니다.


I’ve got an idea. 좋은생각이있습니다.

have got은‘~을 가지고 있다’라는 뜻입니다. ‘ 좋은 생각이 있다’고 말할 때는 ‘I’ve got an idea.’ 또는

‘I’ve come up with an idea.’라고하면됩니다. 참고로, 상 방이참신한제안을했을때는다음과같이말해주

는 것도 좋겠습니다. ‘How did you come up with such a brilliant idea? (어떻게 그런 기발한 생각이 떠


Do you have an evidence?증거가있습니까?


I’ve got a request.요구사항이있습니다.


Let’s Talk on the Phone


Paul : What’s the agenda for today’s meeting?

You : (우리는매출을유지하면서광고비용은줄여야합니다. 의견을말 해주세요.)

Role-play 다음 상황 설명을 읽고, 빈 칸에 들어갈 부분을 채우며 화를 해봅시다. 주어진 문장으로 먼저 이야기를 한 후, 밑줄을 괄호

안의표현으로바꾸어서다시 화를해보세요.

Practice answering the following questions supposing you are in the meetingto cut the costs.


You : We need to cut our ad costs, while maintaining our sales. Do you have suggestions?You : One way to do this would be to cut down on TV ads and start advertising on the radio. You : Now we’re talking!

the following

You are a manager at the Inacom Company. You are having a meeting to cutad costs. Speak your opinion, including the following:


의견1. 비싼TV 광고 신에라디오광고를생각했음.

의견2. 그러나우리제품의이미지를소비자에게보여주어야하므로라디오광고는부적절함.

의견3. 라디오광고와가격이비슷한인터넷광고를제안함.


Paul : Why don’t we use the Internet ads? We can have Internet pop-upwindow ads and banner ads.

You : (이제말이되는군요!)

Paul : What should we do in this case?

You : (방법은텔레비전광고를줄이고라디오광고를하는겁니다.)


We need to cut ad costs. I have an idea on this. At first, I was thinking of putting up radio adsinstead of TV ads which cost a lot. However, it may not be the best solution for the issuebecause we want to promote our product to customers so that they can see and evaluate itsgreat features. In order to satisfy all of these issues, I finally came to the conclusion thatInternet ads will be the best alternative. The price will be equivalent to the radio ads. What’syour opinion on my suggestion?

Unit 14. Discussion on the Agenda - Let’s Talk on the Phone

With your own words

What is the most frequently discussed issue in your work recently? Can you come upwith any good ideas to solve the problem?PLUS

Long Talk 다음의내용을참고하여 어로표현해봅시다.


( 형텔레비전광고를기획하는것입니다.)




Mike : 우리가 합의한 내용을 정리해봅시다. 평일 광고 숫자를 줄이기로 했죠. 또한 인터넷 광고


Jerry : 좋네요. 그럼뭐부터시작하죠?

Mike : Jerry, 우선 사람들이 많이 찾는 인터넷 사이트에 접촉해보세요. 필요할 경우, 광고 비용

의 략적인견적과계약조건을미리알아두어야죠.

Jerry : 바로시작하겠습니다.

Mike : Kim, 광고를제일효과적으로할수있는사이트를찾아보세요.

Kim : 지금당장하겠습니다. 마케팅부에연락해볼까요?

Mike : 그래요, Kim. 이제 광고 비용도 줄이고 이익도 계속 극 화할 수 있을 겁니다. 그럼, 회의


Mike : Let’s sum up what we’ve agreed upon. We have decided that weshould decrease the number of ads during the weekdays. We willalso utilize the Internet ads.

Jerry : That sounds great. Where do we start, then? Mike : Jerry, for starters, I want you to contact all the Internet sites with

heavy traffic. If necessary, we need to know a rough estimate ofthe ad costs and the contract conditions in advance.

Jerry : I’m on it. Mike : Kim, can you find out what sites offer us the best opportunity for

ads? Kim : Right away. Should I contact the marketing department?Mike : Yes, Kim. Now we’ll be able to save on ad costs and continue

maximizing profits. That’s all, I’d like to wrap it up now.


Biz Talk

if necessary 필요하다면, 필요할경우 rough estimate 략적인견적

contract [k£ntrækt/k≤n-t] 계약 ( agreement) condition [k‰ndí∫Ân] 조건 ( term)

save on costs 비용을줄이다 maximize [m®ks‰màiz] ~을최 [극 ]로하다, 극 화하다


회의나협상의결론에서극적으로타협점을찾는것보다더큰결실은없겠죠? 협상및절충과관련된다양한표현에


■ find a middle-ground 타협점을찾다 ■ meet halfway 쌍방이타협하다

■ reach an agreement 합의를보다 come to term ■ agree to ~에합의하다

■ be under negotiation 절충중이다 ■ serve(act) as intermediary 중재역할을하다

■ concede a point to ~에게한발양보하다 ■ win a concession 양보안을얻어내다

■ off-stage negotiation 비공식절충 ■ behind-the-scene negotiation 막후협상




_ Concluding a Meeting



Unit 15. Concluding a Meeting - Preview

Pattern Focus

회의를마무리짓고마치고자할때사용하는표현에 해서알아봅시다.

Pattern Drills

Let’s sum up .~을요약해봅시다.

안녕하세요? 오늘의학습 Point입니다.

●정답_ 1. the ideas from the meeting 2. what kinds of claims we’ve had 3. what kinds of suggestions we’ve had

If necessary, .필요할경우, ~

●정답_ 1. we need to explain our company policy 2. we need to hire more staff 3. we need to review the contract

1. 회의에서나온의견을

2. 어떤클레임들이있는지

3. 어떤제안들이있는지

1. 회사방침을설명해야합니다.

2. 직원을더충원해야합니다.

3. 계약을재검토해야합니다.

I’d like to wrap up .~을마무리짓고자합니다.

●정답_ 1. the meeting 2. the discussion3. the deal as quickly as possible

1. 이회의를

2. 이토론을

3. 이거래를가능한빨리


Let’s sum up what we’ve agreed upon.우리가합의한내용을정리해봅시다.

sum up은‘ ~을 요약하다, 한 마디로 말하다’라는 뜻입니다. 위 문장에서 요약하는 상(목적어)은 whatwe’ve agreed upon이지요. 여기서what은선행사를포함한관계 명사로서‘~한것’이라고해석됩니다.


If necessary, we need to know a rough estimate of the ad costs.필요할경우, 광고비용의 략적인견적을미리알아두어야합니다.

If necessary는 If it is necessary에서 it is가생략된형태입니다. ‘ 필요할때는’이라는뜻입니다. ➞


I’d like to wrap it up now. 회의를마치겠습니다.

wrap up ~은‘ ~을 끝내다, 마치다’라는 뜻으로 회화에서 자주 사용하는 표현입니다. 화가 시작되는 초반

에활기를불어넣는것을warm up이라고하고, 마무리하는것을wrap up이라고한다는것을기억해두세요.

Let’s summarize what we’re discussed so far.우리가지금까지논의한것을요약해보자.

If necessary, we need to reduce the marketing cost.필요할경우, 마케팅비용을삭감해야합니다.


I’d like to wrap up this negotiation.이협상을마치겠습니다.


Let’s Talk on the Phone


Ann : I’m afraid we’re running out of time.

You : (지금까지우리가동의한내용에 해서요약해봅시다.)

Role-play 다음 상황 설명을 읽고, 빈 칸에 들어갈 부분을 채우며 화를 해봅시다. 주어진 문장으로 먼저 이야기를 한 후, 밑줄을 괄호

안의표현으로바꾸어서다시 화를해보세요.

Complete the dialogue questions regarding drawing a conclusion on cuttingcosts in the meeting.


You : Let’s sum up what we’ve agreed upon.You : If necessary, find out the cost estimate for internet ads.You : Then, I’d like to wrap it up now.


It seems that we are running out of time. Let’s get this thing settled. We have had twodifferent ideas on cutting ad costs. It’s either replacing the TV commercial with internetbanner ads or maintaining the current TV commercials. Well, may I suggest a compromise? Ithink it would be better to decrease the number of TV commercials during the weekdays andutilize internet ads more.

the following

You are a manager at Smart Company. You are concluding an internal meet-ing to cut ad costs. Make a short remark on wrapping up the meeting includ-ing the following:

광고비절감에 한의견정리

- 의견1. TV 광고 신인터넷배너광고로 체

- 의견2. TV 광고유지

- 회의결론:평일 TV 광고를줄이고인터넷광고를늘림.


Ann : We have decided that we should decrease the number of ads duringthe weekend. We’d better utilize the internet ads.

You : (필요하다면, 인터넷광고견적을알아보세요.)

Ann : I’m on it.

You : (그럼이것으로오늘회의를마무리짓도록합시다.)

Unit 15. Concluding a Meeting - Let’s Talk on the Phone

With your own words

Do you have a smart way to wrap up a meeting if the meeting is going over the time allotted?PLUS

Long Talk 다음의내용을참고하여 어로표현해봅시다.






David : 우리 회사는 22세에서~32세 사이의 여성을 타깃으로 캐주얼 의류를 개발하여 판매할

것입니다. 캐주얼 의류 시장이 의류업에서 가장 큰 시장인 만큼 이 시장에 진출하는 것

은 매우 중요합니다. 우리 제품의 가격은 50달러에서 350달러 사이로 결정될 겁니다. 생

산 후 제품은 직거래 유통 경로를 따르거나 도매 경로를 거칩니다. 현재로서는 우리 제

품을 유통시키기 위해 백화점 활용을 고려중입니다. 현재 접근한 백화점은 Neiman

Marcus와 Saks 5th Avenue입니다. 광고는 XOXO 또는 Runway 같은 여성잡지에 집


David : We are going to develop and sell the casual line to target womenbetween the ages of 22 to 32. The casual market is the biggest inthe clothing industry, and it is very important that we enter thismarket. Our products will be priced between 50 and 350 dollars.After production, our products will either follow the directdistribution route, or go the wholesales route. At this point,we’re considering utilizing the department stores to distributeour products. Several stores that we have approached areNeiman Marcus and Saks 5th Avenue. As for the advertisement,we will concentrate on women’s fashion magazines such asXOXO and Runway. I will now show you some samples of ourproducts.


Biz Talk

develop [divèl‰p] 개발하다, 만들다 clothing [klóu"i\] 옷, 의류

distribution [dìstr‰bjù;∫Ân] 유통, 배급 route [ru;t“ raut] 노선, 통로, 경로

concentrate [k£nsÂntréit/k≤n-] 집중하다


효과적인마케팅전략에는무엇이있을까요? 마케팅과관련하여자주쓰이는용어를정리해봅시다.

■ marketing 판촉 promotion ■ a prototype 시제품

■ special price sale 특가행사 ■ product development 제품설계

■ a focus group 소비자그룹 ■ niche market 틈새시장

■ an end consumer 최종소비자 ■ award bonus gifts 사은품을증정하다

■ tailored service 맞춤서비스 ■ trade-in program, trade-ins 보상판매

■ co-branding 브랜드제휴 ■ Point of Sales (POS) 판매시점

■ conduct market research 시장조사를실시하다

■ buy-one-get-one-free promotion 무료증정행사

■ Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM) 고객관리마케팅




n n


_ Presenting Marketing Strategy


Unit 16. Presenting Marketing Strategy - Preview

Pattern Focus

마케팅전략을제안하거나발표할때사용할수있는표현에 해서알아봅시다.

Pattern Drills

Our strategy is targeted for .우리의전략은~을 상으로하고있습니다.

안녕하세요? 오늘의학습 Point입니다.

●정답_ 1. those aged between 20 to 30 2. those between the ages of 40 and 603. those in their teens

At this point, we’re considering .현재로서는, ~ 하는것을고려하고있습니다.

●정답_ 1. adding more distribution channels 2. decreasing the labor cost 3. putting off development new product

●정답_ 1. the marketing 2. the customer’s satisfaction3. the development of technology

1. 20세에서30세사이를

2. 40세에서60세를

3. 십 를

1. 유통망을늘리는것을

2. 인건비를줄이는것을

3. 신상품개발을연기하는것을

As for , we’ll concentrate more.~에관한한, 우리는더욱집중할것입니다.

1. 마케팅에

2. 고객만족에

3. 기술개발에


We are going to develop and sell the casual line to target womenbetween the ages of 22 to 32.우리회사는22세에서~32세사이의여성을타깃으로여성캐주얼의류를개발하여판매할것입니다.

target은‘ ~을목표로삼다’라는뜻으로, 위문장에서 target의목적어는 women between the ages of22 to 32가 됩니다. ‘A살에서 B살까지의’라는 표현으로는 between the ages of A to B라는 표현을 사용할



At this point, we’re considering utilizing the department storesto distribute our products.현재로서는우리제품을유통시키기위해백화점활용을고려중입니다.

‘ 현재로서는’이라고 말할 때는 at this point, at the moment등의 표현을 사용할 수 있습니다. beconsidering ~이라고하면‘~를고려하는중이다’라는표현이됩니다.


As for the advertisement, we will concentrate on women’s fashionmagazines.광고는여성잡지에집중할겁니다.

‘ ~에 해서는, ~에 관한 한’이라는 뜻으로 as for, as to를 사용할 수 있습니다. 이 둘은 뜻은 같지만, asfor는 부분의 경우 문장의 맨 앞에 위치합니다. concentrate on은‘~에 집중하다’라는 뜻으로 focus on과



We are going to develop and sell a casual line to target women between the ages of 20 to 30.Since it’s one of the most attractive market in the clothing industry, it’s important for us toenter it. Our distribution strategy targets selling it on the Internet. I feel that it’ll be a hugesuccess. I’ll show you some of our products that we made so far.

the following

You are to make a presentation of making casual clothes. Please describeyour marketing strategy including the following:

- 타깃:20 에서30 사이의여성

- 제품:여성캐주얼의류

- 유통전략:인터넷사이트에서판매


With your own words

Can you think of a TV or magazine commercial that is impressive to you these days?Why is it impressive?PLUS

Let’s Talk on the Phone


Nina : What are we going to make?

You : (우리는30세에서40세의여성을타깃으로여성기성복을생산하여판매할것입니다.)

Role-play 다음 상황 설명을 읽고, 빈 칸에 들어갈 부분을 채우며 화를 해봅시다. 주어진 문장으로 먼저 이야기를 한 후, 밑줄을 괄호

안의표현으로바꾸어서다시 화를해보세요.

You are in the weekly marketing meeting and explaining the new product andthe target market.


You : We are going to develop and sell ready-to-wear-clothing to target women between theages of 30 to 40.

You : The ready-to-wear market is fairly huge in the clothing industry, and it is important thatwe enter this market.

You : Sure. I’ll show you some of our products that we made so far.

Nina : Why ready-to-wear?

You : (기성복시장은의류업에서꽤큰시장이며우리가이시장에진출하는게중요하니까요.)

Nina : Do we have some samples made?

You : (네. 샘플로만든제품을몇가지보여드리겠습니다.)

Unit 16. Presenting Marketing Strategy - Let’s Talk on the Phone

Long Talk 다음의내용을참고하여 어로표현해봅시다.

(40세이상의남성, 남성)




■ Our company produces a wide range of products. 우리회사는광범위한제품을생산합니다.

■ We have something to suit everyone. 우리는모두맞는것을가지고있습니다.

■ Our level of service is second to none. 우리의서비스수준은둘째가라면서럽습니다. Preview



Client : 당신의회사는어떤사업을합니까?

Kim : 우리의핵심사업분야중하나는우리고객을위한광고캠페인을만들어내는것입니다.

Client : 당신회사의주요고객은누구인가요?

Kim : 보통큰회사들이광고하고자하는특정제품을가지고우리회사로옵니다.

Client : 고객을위한광고캠페인을만들기위해무엇을하나요?

Kim : 목표시장은누구를 상으로하는지를알아내기위해그들에게제품에 해질문을합니

다. 그런다음우리는가서많은가능한옵션을기획하죠.

고객이준비가되면우리의광고팀이다시만나어떤것이가장좋은지결정합니다. Client: What kind of business is your company?Kim : One of our core business areas is to produce advertising

campaigns for our clients.Client: Who are your company’s main clients?Kim : Typically a larger company will come to us with a particular

product they need to advertise. Client: What do you do to design advertising campaigns for your

clients?Kim : We ask them questions about the product to gauge who their

target market is and draw up a number of possible options. When they are ready, our advertising team meets with the clientagain and they decide which one is the best.


Biz Talk

core 핵심 produce 생산하다 client 고객 typically 전형적으로 particular 특정한

advertise 광고를하다 a number of 여러차례, 다수의 gauge 판단하다 target market 표적시장(마케팅계

획충족에요하는일정한고객집단) draw up 기획하다 involve ~을포함하다 cooperation 협조

please 만족시키다, 기쁘게하다


_ Talk About product or service




Unit 17. Introducing a Product - Preview

Pattern Focus

회사가전문으로하는특정제품이나서비스소개에 한표현을알아봅시다.

Pattern Drills

What kind of business ? 어떤사업을/이~?

안녕하세요? 오늘의학습 Point입니다.

●정답_ 1. is Samsong 2. are you interested in3. did you aperate

One of our core business areas is to .우리의핵심사업분야중하나는~하는것입니다.

●정답_ 1. bring new products to market 2. help companies accesscritical information inexpensively 3. help them reduce expenses

1. 삼송은(어떤사업체)인가요?

2. 관심있나요?

3. 운 했었나요?

1. 신제품을상품화할수있도록돕는일이다.

2. 회사들이중요한정보를저렴하게이용할수있도록돕는것이다.

3. 그들이경비를절감할수있도록돕는것이다.

They decide which one is .그들이어떤것이~인지결정합니다.

●정답_ 1. the faster of the two 2. their target3. best suited to represent them

1. 둘중에어떤것이더빠른지

2. 어떤것이그들의목표인지

3. 그들을잘나타내는데어떤것이가장적합한지


What kind of business is your company?당신의회사는어떤사업을합니까?

사업의종류를묻는표현이다. business 신묻고자하는명사를what kind of 다음에넣으면된다. ➞


One of our core business areas is to produce advertising cam-paigns for our clients.우리의핵심사업분야중하나는우리고객을위한광고캠페인을만들어내는것입니다.

One of our core business areas가 주어이고 이를 설명해 주는 보어를 to부정사로 쓴다. 이때 to부정사



They decide which one is the best.그들은어떤것이가장좋은지결정합니다.

which one이이끄는절이동사 decide의목적어역할을하고있다. which는‘어느’의의미로 one을수식


One of our core business areas is to develop marketing strategies. 우리의핵심사업분야중하나는마케팅전략을개발하는것입니다.

One of our core business areas is to provide educational software. 우리의핵심사업분야중하나는교육용소프트웨어를제공하는것입니다.


They decide which one is better for them. 그들은어떤것이그들에게더좋은지결정합니다.

They decide which one is cheaper between the two.그들은둘중에어떤것이더싼지를결정합니다.


What kind of business are you in? 무슨업종에종사하고계신가요?

What kind of business do you run? 어떤사업체를운 하세요?


Let’s Talk on the Phone


Client : What kind of business is your company?

You : (우리사업분야중하나는고객을위해마케팅전략을개발하는것입니다.)

Role-play 다음 상황 설명을 읽고, 빈 칸에 들어갈 부분을 채우며 화를 해봅시다. 주어진 문장으로 먼저 이야기를 한 후, 밑줄을 괄호

안의표현으로바꾸어서다시 화를해보세요.

You are meeting with the important clinet and expaining the particular servicethat your company provides.


You : One of our core business areas is to develop marketing strategies for our clients.You : Typically a larger company will come to us with a particular product that needs an

aggressive marketing campaign.You : We ask them questions about the product and draw up a number of possible options.


Quite recently our Research and Development team has developed a new productcalled Magic-Food. The R&D team has been developing this product for over 2 years. The advantages of this produce are that it stays fresher longer and is easier for the animalsto digest.

the following

You are meeting with the important clinet and expaining one particularprocuct that your company has developed recently.

제품명: Magic-Food제품특징및장점: R&D팀이 2년간개발해옴

동물사료, 오랫동안신선하게유지됨, 소화가용이함


Client : Who are your company's main clients?

You : (보통큰회사들이공격적인마케팅캠페인이필요한특정제품을가지고우리회사로옵니다.)

Client : What do you do to develop marketing strategies for your clients?

You : (우리는그들에게제품에 해질문을하고가능한많은옵션을만듭니다.)

Unit 17. Introducing a Product - Let’s Talk on the Phone

What is your market share for this product?

What are the advantages this produce has over its competitors?


Long Talk 다음의내용을참고하여 어로표현해봅시다.

With your own words


(중소기업, 저비용의효과적인)


발표후이어질행사내용에 한공지사항을알리는표현에 해서알아봅시다.

■ I’d like to announce that~ ~에 해발표하겠습니다.

■ Let me simply announce that~ ~에 해서알리고자합니다.

■ May I have your attention, please? 주의를집중해주십시오.

■ be asked to make an announcement 공지사항을알려달라고요청받다




Lee : 이제여러분의의견을듣도록하겠습니다.질문있으십니까?

Kim : 질문이있는데요, 중국시장에우리제품을더노출시키는방법에는뭐가있을까요?

Lee : 좋은 질문이군요. 가장 중요하게는 10 의 관심을 끌고자 합니다. 10 여성들이 주로 보는

잡지에 적으로광고를할예정입니다.

Kim : 벌써잡지에는광고를하고있지않습니까?

Lee : 네, 하고 있습니다. 하지만 좀 더 세련된 여성들이 보는 패션잡지를 연구해 볼 겁니다. 그리

고 장기적으로 다른 분야의 잡지에까지 광고를 확 할 계획입니다. 음악잡지가 좋은 예가

되겠군요. 질문에 한충분한답이되었나요?

Kim : 한가지더요. 잡지를제외한다른형태의광고도생각하고있습니까?

Lee : 질문해 주셔서 감사합니다. 그렇습니다. 인터넷 판매도 생각하고 있습니다. 하지만 그 부분

은아직미정입니다. 아마나중에논의할수있을것같습니다.

Lee : Now I’d like to invite you to share your comments. Are there anyquestions?

Kim : I have a question. What are some ways to increase our exposure inthe Chinese market?

Lee : That’s a good question. Most importantly, we want to attractteenagers. We are planning to advertise heavily in magazines thatthese women read.

Kim : Don’t we advertise in the magazines already? Lee : Yes, we do. But we are going to focus more into fashion magazines

that attract more sophisticated women. We also plan to advertisein the non-fashion magazines in the long-term. Music magazinesare a good example. Does that answer your question?

Kim : One more thing. Are you also considering other forms ofadvertising besides magazines?

Lee : Thanks for asking. Yes. We are also considering Internet sales.However, it’s still up in the air. Perhaps we could deal with thatlater.


Biz Talk

exposure [ikspóu,‰÷] 드러내놓음, 발표, 노출 sophisticated [s‰físt‰kéitid] 정교한; 세련된

heavily [hèvili] 몹시, 많이 non-fashion 패션에관한게아닌

in the long-term 장기적으로 consider [k‰nsíd‰÷] 고려하다

up in the air 정해지지않은, 미정의 deal with ~을다루다, 처리하다


n a



_ Answering in Q&A Session



Unit 18. Answering in Q&A Session - Preview

Pattern Focus

프레젠테이션을마무리할때청중들의질문을받고 답하는상황에서유용한표현에 해알아봅시다.

Pattern Drills

I’d like to invite you to tell me about .~를말 해주시기바랍니다.

안녕하세요? 오늘의학습 Point입니다.

●정답_ 1. your comments 2. the suggestions that you have

3. the needs you have

Does that answer ? ~에답이되었습니까?

●정답_ 1. your question 2. what you were thinking of

3. your concerns

1. 여러분의의견을

2. 여러분의제안을

3. 여러분이원하시는바를

1. 당신의질문에

2. 당신이생각하던것에

3. 당신의관심사항에 해

We could deal with .~을다룰수있을것같습니다.

●정답_ 1. any problems that come up as you use the new program 2. any urgent situation

3. our company’s financial situation in a positive way

1. 새시스템을사용하면서나타나는문제를

2. 어떠한긴급사태도

3. 회사재정상태를긍정적으로


I’d like to invite you to share your comments.여러분의의견을듣도록하겠습니다.

I’d like to invite you to ~는‘ ~해주기를정중히요청합니다’라는뜻입니다. 위문장은발표후에의견이


= I’d like to invite your comments.= I’d be glad to try and answer any questions.


Does that answer your question?질문에 한충분한답이되었나요?

청중의 질문에 답한 뒤에 상 방이 답에 만족하 는지 확인하고자 할 때 ‘Does that answer your

question?’이라고합니다. 같은뜻으로 ‘Is that clear now?’라고도합니다.


We could deal with that later.아마나중에논의할수있을것같습니다.

deal with는‘ ~을다루다, 처리하다, 취급하다’라는뜻으로사용됩니다. 위문장은, 질문한사항이아직정해


How will you deal with this problem?이문제를어떻게다루시겠습니까?

Let’s Talk on the Phone


You : (이제여러분의의견을듣도록하겠습니다. 질문있으십니까?)

Role-play 다음 상황 설명을 읽고, 빈 칸에 들어갈 부분을 채우며 화를 해봅시다. 주어진 문장으로 먼저 이야기를 한 후, 밑줄을 괄호

안의표현으로바꾸어서다시 화를해보세요.

Practice going over the Q&A session at the end of the presentation.


You : Now I’d like to invite your comments. Are there any questions?You : I’m afraid I can’t really answer that.You : It’s still up in the air. Perhaps we could deal with that later.

With your own words

You just got a question from the reporter of the economic magazine as follow-ing. And the condition of the market environment is given below. What wouldyou answer to him?


Kim : I have a question. What are some ways to increase our exposure inthe Chinese market? Will we stop advertising in fashion magazines?

You : (유감스럽게도그부분에 해서는 답해드릴수가없습니다.)

Kim : Will we advertise elsewhere?

You : (아직은미정입니다. 아마나중에논의할수있을것같습니다.)

Unit 18. Answering in Q&A Session - Let’s Talk on the Phone

In which situation would you feel more comfortable? When no one has a question? Or

when you’re asked a critical question?


the following

질문: 미국시장에서귀사의점유율이떨어지고있다. 근본적인원인과향후전략은무엇인가?


1. 근본원인은임금상승으로인해가격경쟁력이약화되었기때문으로밝혀졌다.

2. 향후기업구조조정으로생산단가를하락시킬예정이다.


Well, that’s a very good point. I think there are many reasons for this crisis, but the mostimportant factor would be embedded in our product's higher price which increased with highwages. So, we are about to have a tactical restructuring of our company so that we can get ourmarket share back. As a matter of fact, the schedule is still up in the air, but it's gonna besometime in next February.

Long Talk 다음의내용을참고하여 어로표현해봅시다.


(유감스럽게도이부분에 해서는논의가좀더필요합니다.)

(나중에다시말 드리도록하겠습니다.)

사회생활의초년병으로자신만의‘ 멘토(mentor)’를두는것은여러모로도움이되겠죠? 여러가지노하우와진심


■ ask for advice 조언을구하다 ■ seek counsel from ~로부터자문을구하다

■ make a suggestion that ~을제안하다 ■ recommend that ~ 할것을추천하다

■ give a warning 경고를하다 ■ give a tip 요령을알려주다

■ follow(take) advice 조언을받아들이다

■ take no heed of one’s advice ~의조언을받아들이지않다

■ welcome criticism 비판을기꺼이받아들이다

■ let me help you (to) 당신이~하는것을도울게요




adjust to ~에적응하다,맞추다 stressed out 스트레스가쌓인 sink - or - swim 치열한

make every effort 전력을기울이다.

Daniel : 안녕하세요, 새로입사한Daniel Kim이라고합니다. 만나서반갑습니다.

Peter : Salomon Investment Advisors 입사를 환 합니다. 회사생활은 학생활과는 많이 다

를거예요. 새로운환경에적응할수있도록도와드릴게요.

Daniel : 고맙습니다.

Peter : 치열한환경속에서스트레스로지칠때도생길거예요.

Daniel : 네, 알고있습니다.

Peter : 조언이 필요하거든 언제든지 주저하지 말고 얘기해요. 나를 오빠라고 생각해요. 할 수 있


Daniel : 그렇게 말 해주시니 정말 고맙습니다. 저도 새로운 것을 빨리 배우는 편이니, 빨리 적


Peter : 잘 해내리라고 믿어요. 그럼 점심시간이니까 먼저 사내 식당 위치부터 알려줄게요. 이쪽


Daniel : Hi. My name is Daniel Kim and I’m new here. Nice to meetyou.

Peter : Welcome to Salomon Investment Advisors. Life in thecorporate world is a lot different from your college experience,and I’m here to help you adjust to the new environment.

Daniel : Thank you. I appreciate it. Peter : At times, you will be stressed out in this sink-or-swim

environment. Daniel : Yes, I understand. Peter : If you need any advice, you’re welcome to talk to me at any

time. Think of me as your older brother, and I’ll help in anyway I can.

Daniel : It’s very kind of you to say so. I’m a fast-learner, and I’ll makeevery effort to get used to this job.

Peter : I’m sure you can make it. Let me first show you where thecompany cafeteria is, because it’s lunch time. Come this way,please.



Biz Talk

_ Mentoring


Unit 19. Mentoring - Preview

Pattern Focus

회사에서후배로서선배혹은상사에게조언을구하거나, 선배로서후배에게조언할때사용할수있는

표현에 해서알아봅시다.


I’m here to help you adjust to the new environment.새로운환경에적응할수있도록도와드리지요.

‘ 당신이 ~하도록 도움을 주고 싶다’라는 표현을 하기 위해서는 ‘I’m here to help you+동사원형’과 같이

직설적으로 표현하는 방법이 있는가 하면, ‘Let me help you+동사원형’과 같이 좀 더 우회적으로 표현하는 방


Pattern Drills

I’m here to help you .당신이~하는것을도우려고합니다.

안녕하세요? 오늘의학습 Point입니다.

●정답_ 1. prepare the presentation 2. make a report on your business trip

3. figure out your job task

In this sink-or-swim environment, .치열한환경속에서, ~ 하다.

●정답_ 1. stress just keeps building up 2. competition is getting more intense

3. his words gave me quite a strength

1. 프레젠테이션을준비하는것

2. 출장보고서작성하는것

3. 업무를파악하는것

1. 스트레스가쌓이고있다.

2. 경쟁이심해지고있다.

3. 그의말이큰힘이되었다

make it.~ 성공하다, 해내다, 정하다

●정답_ 1. She can 2. We can by 3:00.

3. I think they can

1. 그녀는해낼수있다.

2. 우리는3시까지갈수있다.

3. 나는그들이시간약속을지킬수있을거라고생각한다.


You will be stressed out in this sink-or-swim environment.치열한환경에서스트레스를많이받을겁니다.

본래 sink-or-swim은 형용사로‘ 죽느냐 사느냐의 운명을 건, 흥망성쇠가 달린’이라는 뜻입니다. in thissink-or-swim environment라고 하면‘흥망성쇠가 달린 듯한 치열한 환경에서’라는 의미가 됩니다. 같은 뜻

으로는 cutthroat(경쟁등이치열한)을사용해서 in this cutthroat environment라는표현이있습니다.

in the stiff(fierce, intense, rough) competition치열한경쟁속에서



I’m sure you can make it. 잘해내리라고믿어요.

make it은 회화에서 많이 사용하는 표현 중 하나로서 (1)제 시간에 도착하다, 장소에 이르다 (2)제 로 수행

하다, 성공하다(3)출석하다, 오다(4)서로만나기로하다등다양하게쓰입니다. make it이전달하는의미의핵심

은‘의도한바에따라(시간안에) 해내다’입니다. 위의예문에서는(2)의뜻으로, ‘ 제 로수행하다, 성공적으로해

내다’라는뜻이됩니다. 그밖에make it을사용한다양한예문들을살펴봅시다.

We’ll make it there on time if the airplane is not delayed.비행기가연착되지않는다면, 우리는그곳에정시에도착할수있다.

I’m afraid I can’t make it at 3:00. How about 5:30 this afternoon?3시에는안되겠다. 오늘오후5시반은어때?


Let’s Talk on the Phone


Kim : Hi. My name is David Kim and I’m new here. Nice to meet you.

You : (반갑습니다. 당신이새로운환경에적응하도록도와드리죠.)

Role-play 다음 상황 설명을 읽고, 빈 칸에 들어갈 부분을 채우며 화를 해봅시다. 주어진 문장으로 먼저 이야기를 한 후, 밑줄을 괄호

안의표현으로바꾸어서다시 화를해보세요.

David Kim is a newcomer to your company. You are about to give him someadvice regarding the corporate life.


You : Nice to meet you, too. I’m here to help you adjust to the new environment. You : There are many challenges you need to overcome. At times, you will be stressed out in

this sink-or-swim environment.You : Don’t worry too much. I’m sure you can make it.


Don’t worry over the little things. Corporate life may be cutthroat and stressful, but I’m here tohelp you adjust to the new environment. Think of me as your older brother(sister), and you’rewelcome to ask me for advice at any time. I’d like to help you in any way I can.

You are introduced to a newcomer to your division. Explain the differencebetween the corporate life and the college life and how helpful it would be tohave a mentor in the corporate life.


Kim : How is the corporate life different from the college life?

You : (극복해야할힘든일들이많죠. 때로는치열한경쟁속에서스트레스를받기도합니다.)

Kim : Thank you. I am distressed with the expectations and worried aboutthe new environment.

You : (너무걱정하지말아요. 잘해내리라믿습니다.)

Unit 19. Mentoring - Let’s Talk on the Phone

With your own words

Under what situation do you feel stressed out? When you need help at work, who

would be your most desirable advisor and why?


Long Talk 다음의내용을참고하여 어로표현해봅시다.


(매일매일새로운도전과제들을만나게될것입니다. 조직생활에적응하는것도쉽지않죠.)




launch [l∞;nt∫“ l°;nt∫] 시장에내다, 출시하다 feature [fí;t∫‰÷] ~의특징을그리다, 특색을이루다

accomplish [‰k£mpli∫“ ‰k≤m-] 이루다, 성취하다 specialize [spè∫Âlàiz] 전문화하다

Lucy : 샘플을 몇가지 보여드리겠습니다. 왼쪽 사진의 모델은 우리 제품을 입고 있습니다. 보시다

시피 이 데님 재킷과 치마는 가을에 맞추어 만들었습니다. 우리는 캐주얼 의류를 다음 가

을부터 출시할 계획입니다. 오른쪽 사진의 모델은 경쟁사의 옷을 입고 있습니다. 우리 제

품이 색깔이 더 밝고 몸에 더 잘 맞는 것이 분명하지요. 디자인은 최신형이고 가격은 경쟁

사 제품과 비슷합니다. 우리는 캐주얼 의류 전문 디자이너들을 추가로 고용하여 이 일을

해 낼 수 있었습니다. 게다가 규모의 경제를 이용하여 이 제품을 좀 더 싸게 생산할 수 있

었습니다. 여기사진이더있습니다.Lucy : Let me show you some of our samples. The model in the leftphoto is wearing our products. As you can see, the denim jacketand skirt are designed for the fall. We plan to launch the casualline beginning next fall. The model on the right is wearing ourcompetitor’s clothes. It’s easy to see that our clothes featurebrighter colors and a better fit. Design is more modern and theprice is about the same. We can accomplish this by addingdesigners who specialized in casual clothes. In addition, oureconomy of scale made this product at a lower price. Here aremore photos.



Biz Talk

제품이생산되어소비자에게이르기까지의과정이유통이죠. 유통과관련된어휘를알아봅시다.

■ wholesale business 도매업 ■ retail business 소매업

■ medial wholesaler 중간도매상 ■ retailer 소매업자

■ distribution center 물류센터 ■ distribution margin 중간유통마진

■ conventional market 재래시장 ■ street vendor 노점상

■ mom-and-pop store 구멍가게 ■ neighborhood store 동네가게

■ Membership Warehouse Club 회원제창고형매장 ■ outlet 할인매장

■ franchise network 점포망 ■ franchise store 체인점

■ floor area 매장면적 ■ product display 상품진열






_ Product's Features


Unit 20. Product's Features - Preview

Pattern Focus

제품들의특징을비교하여자사의상품을강조할때자주사용할수있는표현에 해서알아봅시다.

Pattern Drills

Let me show you .~을보여드리겠습니다.

안녕하세요? 오늘의학습 Point입니다.

●정답_ 1. the specifics of our new product 2. how to use the new product

3. the major features of the new product

It’s easy to see that .~을쉽게알수있습니다.

1. 신제품의자세한사양을

2. 신제품의사용법을

3. 신제품의주요특징을

●정답_ 1. our product is superior to others 2. the durability of this product is superb

3. the design of this product is splendid

1. 우리제품이더우수하다는것을

2. 이제품의내구성이훌륭하다는것을

3. 이제품의디자인이화려하다는것을

We can accomplish by .~함으로써…을달성할수있습니다.

●정답_ 1. the successful result, cooperating 2. the considerable net profits, slimming down the

organization 3. the target revenue, increasing the number of the direct management stores

1. 협조함으로써성공적인결과를

2. 조직을슬림화함으로써적지않은순이익을

3. 직 점을늘림으로써목표한매출수익을


Let me show you some of our samples.샘플을몇가지보여드리겠습니다.

프레젠테이션에서 ‘Let me+동사원형~’이라고 하면‘ ~하도록 하겠습니다’라는 뜻입니다. 청중에게 자신의


= Here are some of our samples.


It’s easy to see that our clothes feature brighter colors and a bet-ter fit.우리제품이색깔이더밝고몸에더잘맞는것이분명하지요.

It is easy to see that ~라고말하면‘ ~을쉽게알수있다’즉‘ ~임이분명하다’라는뜻이됩니다.

obvious(명백한)를사용해서 It’s obvious that ~이라고해도같은뜻입니다.


We can accomplish this by adding designers who specialized incasual clothes.우리는캐주얼의류전문디자이너들을고용하여이일을해낼수있었습니다.

accomplish A by B는‘ B에의해서 A를달성하다, 성취하다’를뜻합니다. B의자리에는 by의목적어역할

을할수있는명사나동명사형태가오게됩니다. 참고로, specialize in ~은‘~을전문으로하다, 전공하다’라는


Let’s Talk on the Phone


Role-play 다음 상황 설명을 읽고, 빈 칸에 들어갈 부분을 채우며 화를 해봅시다. 주어진 문장으로 먼저 이야기를 한 후, 밑줄을 괄호

안의표현으로바꾸어서다시 화를해보세요.

You are comparing your product with other competitors’ at the meeting whereyou are sure of yourself that your product is way competitive.


You : Let me show you some of our samples.You : We designed the denim jacket and skirt for the springYou : It’s easy to see that our clothes have a better quality and a better fit.


Let me show you some of our samples. We designed the dress with short sleeves andminiskirt for the summer. This model is wearing our clothes and the other model is wearingour competitor’s clothes. It’s obvious that our clothes are more splendid and neater.

the following

With your own words

You are making a presentation about comparing casual clothes. You are goingto show some samples and compare it to the competitor’s. Please describeyour presentation including the following :



- 자사제품이훨씬세련되고깔끔함.


Unit 20. Product's Features - Let’s Talk on the Phone

Roy : Can we see some of the designs for the product?

You : (샘플을몇가지보여드리겠습니다.)

Roy : What season are we launching the product?

You : (이데님재킷과치마는봄에맞추어만들었습니다.)

Roy : How is our product compared to our competitors’?

You : (우리제품이질이더좋고몸에더잘맞는것을쉽게알수있습니다.)

Pick one object that you can see around you right now. Can you describe the features

or the details of the object to me as much as you can?


Long Talk 다음의내용을참고하여 어로표현해봅시다.


(가죽재킷, 조끼, 가을)


이런동료는꼭꼭씹어주고싶다~! 누구나꼭한가지씩있는단점을나타내는형용사를알아봅시다.

■ a bit too bossy 조금으스 는 ■ demanding 지나치게요구가많은

■ egotistical 자기중심의, 독선적인 ■ headstrong 완고한, 고집센

■ perfectionist 완벽주의자의 ■ indecisive 우유부단한, 미적지근한 wishy-washy

■ tight-fisted 인색한, 구두쇠의 stingy ■ two-faced 위선적인 hypocritical

■ too sensitive 민감한, 예민한 ■ unpredictable 예측할수없는

■ stubborn 완고한, 고집센 ■ narrow-minded 옹졸한, 편협한

■ moody 변덕스러운 ■ hasty 성격이급한, 서두르는




shift [∫ift] 교 조; 교체, 교 , 순환 graveyard shift (3교 제에서) 밤12시부터오전8시까지의근무; 그근무조

rough [r<f] 거친, 험한, 거칠거칠한 cf. rough day 일이많은날 client [klái‰nt] 고객

project [pr£d,ekt] 기획; 계획; 일 revenue [rèv‰nΔú;] 세입, 총수입; 수익

Tom : 좋은아침이에요, Susan.

Susan : 좋은아침이에요. Tom, 어디가는길이에요?

Tom : 커피한잔하러가는길이에요. 밤샘근무를했거든요.

Susan : 저런, 안됐네요. 어서잠깨야할텐데. 오늘일정이좀빡빡하거든요.

Tom : 무슨일이있나요?

Susan : 고객사가방문할거예요. 아마새로운프로젝트가하나들어올것같아요.

Tom : 어떤회사죠?

Susan : Cisco Systems예요. 매출수익을올릴방안을찾고있 요.

Tom : 그렇군요. 빨리다녀와야겠는걸요. 이따점심식사같이해요.

Susan : 좋아요. 정오쯤에봐요.

Tom : Good morning, Susan.Susan : Good morning, Tom. Where’re you headed?Tom : I’m off to grab a cup of coffee. I had the graveyard shift.Susan : I’m sorry to hear that. But you better wake up fast. It’s going to

be a rough day today. Tom : Why is that?Susan : We’re getting a visit from our client. I believe we got a new

project coming in. Tom : What company?Susan : Cisco Systems. They’re seeking help in boosting sales and

revenue. Tom : I see. I better run, then. Let’s do lunch later. Susan : Okay, I’ll see you around noon.



Biz Talk


n n

a n

_ Small Talk with a Colleague

직장동료와의가벼운 화

Unit 21. Small Talk with a Colleague - Preview

Pattern Focus

회사에서직장동료를만나가벼운 화를나눌때유용하게사용할수있는표현에 해서알아보겠습



I’m off to grab a cup of coffee. 커피한잔하러가는길이에요.

‘ ~에 가다’라는 표현으로 be off를 사용할 수 있습니다. ‘신혼 여행으로 뉴욕에 간다’라고 하려면‘We’re offto New York for our honeymoon.’이라고합니다. ‘어디가는길이야?’라고물을때는 ‘Where’re you offto?’라고할수있습니다.


I had the graveyard shift. 밤샘근무를했어요.

graveyard shift는 graveyard(묘지,묘소)에서묘지기들이작업하는시간 와비슷하다고해서붙여진말

로, 밤 12시부터오전8시까지의밤샘근무, 또는그근무조를뜻합니다. 같은표현으로는 midnight shift가있습

니다. 2교 경우에는, 낮 근무는 day shift, 밤 근무는 night shift라고 합니다. 참고로‘늦게까지 야근하다’는

work late 또는stay up late라고합니다.


Let’s do lunch later. 이따점심식사같이해요.

do lunch는구어체로‘ 점심을먹다’라는뜻입니다. 동료에게점심식사를제안할때사용할수있는비슷한표

현으로 ‘Let’s have lunch.’ ‘Let’s go for lunch.’ ‘Why don’t we go get some lunch?’가 있습니다.

‘오늘 점심 뭐 먹을까요?’라고 말하려면 ‘Where would you like to go for lunch?’ 또는 ‘What shall wedo for lunch?’라고하면됩니다.

Let’s talk over lunch.점심식사하면서이야기하도록합시다.

Pattern Drills

I’m off to .~ 하러가는길이야.

안녕하세요? 오늘의학습 Point입니다.

●정답_ 1. grab a light snack 2. take a short nap

3. work on my presentation

I had the shift yesterday.어제~ 근무 어.


1. 뭐좀간단한걸먹으러

2. 낮잠좀자러

3. 프레젠테이션준비하러

●정답_ 1. day 2. weekend

3. second

1. 낮근무 어.

2. 주말근무 어.

3. 2교 로일했어.

Let’s later.나중에~하자.

●정답_ 1. start off from here 2. review the report again

3. have a heart-to-heart talk

1. 여기서부터시작하자.

2. 보고서를다시검토하자.

3. 솔직히한번얘기해보자.

Let’s Talk on the Phone


Jake : Good morning, (your name). You look tired. Guess you didn’t sleepwell last night, huh?

You : (어제밤새야근을했어요. 거의탈진상태예요.)


Long Talk

다음 상황 설명을 읽고, 빈 칸에 들어갈 부분을 채우며 화를 해봅시다. 주어진 문장으로 먼저 이야기를 한 후, 밑줄을 괄호

안의표현으로바꾸어서다시 화를해보세요.

다음의내용을참고하여 어로표현해봅시다.

You had a graveyard shift last night. This morning, on your way for a cup ofcoffee, you run into your co-worker, Jake.


You : I had the graveyard shift last night. I’m totally exhausted.You : Well, I was just on my way to grab a cup of coffee. Why, what’s happening?You : Our bosses are getting too demanding, aren’t they? Anyway, let’s do lunch later.


Hey, Julie! I was about to grab a cup of coffee. I’m so tired after my graveyard shift last night.I heard we have a client coming in today. It’s definitely gonna be a rough day today, so I needlots of caffeine to stay awake. I better run, but let’s do lunch later, okay?

After a graveyard shift, you feel exhausted. The moment you leave your officeto grab a cup of coffee, you run into your co-worker, Julie. She asks whereyou’re going. What would you say?


Jake : Sorry to hear that. You better wake up fast, because it’s gonna be arough day.

You : (그러잖아도지금커피한잔하러가는길이에요. 그런데무슨일이죠?)

Jake : We have a client visiting today. I believe a new project is comingin.

You : (상사들이우리에게너무많은것을요구하는군요. 어쨌든, 이따점심식사같이해요.)

Jake : Okay, I’ll see you around noon.

Unit 21. Small Talk with a Colleague - Let’s Talk on the Phone

With your own words

Do you have any colleagues that you get along with well in particular? If you have a

break time at work, what do you usually do?







Mr. Johnson : 시간이 참 빠르군요! 벌써 점심 시간이에요. 점심 드시면서 업무 화가 괜찮으시


Kim : 괜찮습니다. 가시지요.


Kim : 음식 맛이 정말 끝내줍니다. 탁월한 선택이네요. 음식 관련해서 말인데요, 한국 음


Mr. Johnson : 한국에가본적은없습니다만, 동료들과종종한국음식점을들르곤한답니다.

Kim : 그러세요? 언제한번서울에오셨으면합니다. 훌륭한전통음식점에모시고가죠.

Mr. Johnson : 와, 말 으로도감사합니다.

Kim : 한국에오시게되면, 저도찾아주세요. 아시겠죠?

Mr. Johnson : 감사합니다. Mr. Kim. 그렇게 하죠. 점심은 다 먹은 것 같군요. 제가 계산을 하겠


Kim : 점심식사감사합니다. 맛있는음식과좋은시간내주셔서감사합니다.


Mr. Johnson : How time flies! It’s already lunch time. Would it be okayif I suggest a working lunch?

Kim : That sounds great to me. Let’s do that.(At a restaurant)

Kim : By the way, the food tastes phenomenal. What a greatchoice! Speaking of food, have you tried Korean food?

Mr. Johnson : I’ve never been to Korea before, but I frequently visit aKorean restaurant with my colleagues.

Kim : Really? I have to say I’m looking forward to your visitto Seoul. I have to take you to fantastic traditionalrestaurants.

Mr. Johnson : Wow, that’s so generous of you. Kim : Do look me up when you’re in Korea, will you?Mr. Johnson : Thank you so much, Mr. Kim. I’ll do that. I guess we’re

done with our lunch here. Allow me to get the tab. Kim : I appreciate the lunch. Thank you so much for the good

food and such a good time, Mr. Johnson.


Biz Talk

phenomenal [fin£m‰n‰l/-n≤m-] (구어체) 놀랄만한, 경이적인

be looking forward to+명사(구)~하기를고 하다

generous [d,èn‰r‰s] 관 한 tab (구어체) 계산서 ( bill)


레스토랑과음식점에서웨이터가오기까지기다리기만하셨나요? 이제다음의표현을익혀서자신있게사용해봅시다.

■ Can we have the menu, please? 메뉴좀볼수있을까요?

■ Could you take our order? 주문을받아주시겠어요?

■ We’ll call you when we’ve decided. 결정하면부를게요.

■ Where should I pay? 어디서계산을하나요?

■ Is this service charge included? 서비스팁이포함된건가요?




_ Business Talking at the Restaurant

식당에서업무 화나누기

Unit 22. Business Talking at the Restaurant - Preview

Pattern Focus

음식주문하기, 서비스요청하기, 계산하기등음식점이나레스토랑에서자주사용하는표현에 해서


Pattern Drills

Would it be okay if I suggest ? 제가~을제안해드려도괜찮겠습니까?

안녕하세요? 오늘의학습 Point입니다.

●정답_ 1. a different location 2. a new venue for this meeting

3. a change of plans

Speaking of , ?~에 해말하자면, …입니까?

●정답_ 1. deadlines, when is the deadline for the Brinx Project 2. trips, when do you plan on

going back to Singapore 3. meetings, at what time is our weekly team meeting

1. 다른장소를

2. 이회의를위한다른회의장을

3. 계획의수정안을

1. 마감일자, Brinx 프로젝트의마감일이언제

2. 여행에, 언제싱가포르로돌아갈계획

3. 회의에, 주간팀회의는몇시

Allow me to .제가~하도록하겠습니다.

●정답_ 1. introduce you to the rest of the team 2. get the door for you

3. show you around the office

1. 당신을팀원들에게소개시켜드리도록

2. 문을열어드리도록

3. 사무실구경을시켜드리도록


Would it be okay if I suggest a working lunch?점심드시면서업무 화가괜찮으시겠어요?

‘Would it be okay if I~’표현을 써서 말하게 되면, ‘제가 ~해도 괜찮을까요?’라는 뜻이 됩니다. sug-

gest는‘제안하다’라는 뜻의 동사로 request(요청하다)와 같이 목적어가 명사구가 아닌, 주어+동사가 갖추어

진명사절일경우에는 should가생략된채로동사원형이따라나오는것에유의하세요.


Allow me to get the tab. 제가계산을하겠습니다.

‘allow A to B’라고하면, ‘A에게 B하기를허락하다’라는뜻으로서, A의위치에 me를넣어서말한다면,

‘내가...하기를허락해주십시오’즉, 자신의의견을겸손히낮추어서말하는것이됩니다.


Speaking of food, have you tried Korean food?음식말인데요, 한국음식드셔본적있으세요?

speaking of 는‘~에 해서말하자면, ~에 해이야기하자면’이라는뜻이됩니다. 화를나누다가, 해당

화에서 연결되는 내용 중 어떤 주제를 콕 집어서 이야기를 하고자 할 때에‘speaking of ~’로 화 분위기를


The doctor suggested that he (should) take a walk 30 minutes everyday. 의사는그가매일30분씩걷기를해야한다고제안했다.


Speaking of something traditional in Seoul, you should visit In-Sa Dong.서울의전통적인것에 해말하자면, 인사동을꼭방문해봐야합니다.


Allow me to take you home by my car.제가차로 까지모셔다드리겠습니다.


Let’s Talk on the Phone


Mr. Johnson : How do you like the food?

You : (맛이정말끝내줍니다. 탁월한선택인걸요.)

Role-play 다음 상황 설명을 읽고, 빈 칸에 들어갈 부분을 채우며 화를 해봅시다. 주어진 문장으로 먼저 이야기를 한 후, 밑줄을 괄호

안의표현으로바꾸어서다시 화를해보세요.

You’re having lunch at a table with your client, Mr. Johnson.


You : The food tastes phenomenal. What a great choice!You : Speaking of food, have you tried Korean food?You : I have to say I’m looking forward to your visit to Seoul. I have to take you to fantastic

traditional Korean restaurants.You : Thank you so much for the good food and such a good time.


Like this delicious salad, our highspeed speaker is easy to connect with all kinds ofmultimedia. As an appetizer, the salad is suitable to any other foods. As such, our product issuitable to any other multimedia like TVs and computers in our sweet home, not only by itsdesign, also by technology. Especially in the case of your company’s LCD TVs, I think ourspeakers would be the best appetizer for them.

the following

You are having a working lunch with your client. Explain your product’s fea-tures comparing it with the salad on the table. Refer to the following.

당신의상품: 스피커

상품의특징: 모던한디자인, 다른멀티미디어기기들과연동이쉬움

협상포인트: 고객사의상품인LCD TV 판매에우리사의스피커를끼워서팔아달라

비교포인트: 샐러드가모든음식의에피타이저로사용되듯이우리사의스피커도고객사의LCD TV의



Unit 22. Business Talking at the Restaurant - Let’s Talk on the Phone

With your own words

Mr. Johnson : I’m happy to see that you like the food.

You : (음식이야기가나와서말인데요, 한국음식드셔본적있으세요?)

Mr. Johnson : I’ve never been to Korea before, but I frequently visit aKorean restaurant with my colleagues.

You : (나중에꼭한번서울에오세요. 제가근사한한국전통음식점에서식사를 접하겠습니다.)

Mr. Johnson : I’ll visit Seoul sooner or later. Then, allow me to get the tabthis time.

You : (맛있는식사와좋은시간내주셔서감사합니다.)

Is it comfortable to talk about business at the dinner table? If you have the chance to

treat a foreign client in Korea, what kind of food or drinks or entertainment would you rec-



Long Talk 다음의내용을참고하여 어로표현해봅시다.




(감사합니다. 나중에한국에서봬요.)



reservation number 예약번호 keep ~은그 로하다, 지키다

preferably [prèfÂr‰bli] 가급적이면, 오히려 around (시간앞에서)~즈음에, ~무렵에

non-stop 직항의 cf. via ~을경유하여

Airline agent : Korea 항공사입니다. 무엇을도와드릴까요?

Kim : 네, 제항공편시간을바꾸고싶습니다.

Airline agent : 네, 귀하의성함과예약번호를알려주시겠어요?

Kim : 제 이름은 Josh Kim입니다. 제 성은 K, I, M 과 같이 Kim입니다. 예약번호는


Airline agent : 알겠습니다. Mr. Kim. 귀하의항공편이5월19일오전8시로나오네요.

Kim : 날짜는 그 로 하고요, 저녁 때 다른 시간으로 바꾸고 싶습니다. 오후 6시쯤이


Airline agent : 알겠습니다. 그시간즈음에7시20분항공편이있습니다.

Kim : 네, 좋습니다. 그런데, 직항인가요?

Airline agent : 네, 그렇습니다. 예약하시겠습니까?

Kim : 네, 해주십시오.

Airline agent : Korea Airlines, how may help you?Kim : Yes, I’d like to change my flight time. Airline agent : Sure, could I have your full name and reservation

number, please?Kim : Yes, my full name is Josh Kim. My family name is Kim

as in K, I, M. My reservation number is 7864.Airline agent : All right, Mr. Kim. It says here that your flight is at 8

a.m. on May 19th. Kim : I’d like to keep the same date, but change it to a different

time in the evening. Preferably, around 6 p.m. Airline agent : Okay. We have a 7:20 flight around that time.Kim : That sounds perfect. By the way, is that flight a non-stop one?Airline agent : Yes, it is. Would you like your confirmation number?Kim : Yes, please.



Biz Talk



_ Adjusting Transportation


기내방송에서자주등장하는어휘와표현에 해서알아봅시다.

■ overhead bins 머리위선반 ■ under your seat 좌석아래

■ air sickness bag 비행기멀미용주머니 ■ seat pocket 좌석주머니

■ secure tray tables 선반을올리다 ■ make seat backs upright 좌석등받이를세우다

■ seat belt sign 안전벨트표시등 ■ smoking sign 금연표시등

■ emergency exits 비상탈출구 ■ serve beverages 음료를제공하다

■ customs declaration 세관신고서 ■ disembarkation card 입국신고서

■ take all of your belongings 모든소지품을챙겨가다


Unit 23. Adjusting Transportation - Preview

Pattern Focus

예약된내용을확인하거나정정할때에사용할수있는표현에 해서알아봅시다.

Pattern Drills

as in .~은…에서사용되는것과같은것입니다.

안녕하세요? 오늘의학습 Point입니다.

●정답_ 1. My name is Jordan, “Michael Jordan” 2. The office is located on “Klamath” Street, “Klamath

Falls” 3. That’s N as in November, A as in Alpha, T as in Tango, and E as in Echo.

It says here that .여기에~라고나와(쓰여) 있습니다.

1. 제이름은‘마이클조던’의조던입니다.

2. 사무실은‘Klamath 폭포’와같은철자의Klamath가에위치해있습니다.

3. 그것은11월을뜻하는N, 알파의A, 탱고의T, 그리고에코의E로되어있습니다.

●정답_ 1. your flight has been delayed due to poor weather conditions 2. the package

has already been delivered 3. your itinerary is subject to change without prior notice

1. 악천후로인해항공편이연기되었다고

2. 짐이이미배송되었다고

3. 사전공지없이여행일정은변경될수있다고

Preferably, .가급적이면, ~(이)가좋겠습니다.

●정답_ 1. in the evening 2. during the week

3. an aisle seat

1. 저녁이

2. 주중이

3. 통로쪽좌석이


My family name is Kim as in K, I, M.제성은K, I, M 과같이Kim입니다.

전화통화상에서나또는상 방에게보다명확하게알파벳철자를전달해야하는경우가종종발생합니다. 그런

경우에, 화 쌍방이 서로 잘 알고 있는 어 단어를 예로 들어서 설명하게 되는 데, 그럴 때 사용할 수 있는 표현이

‘~ as in ...’입니다.


It says here that your flight is at 8 a.m. on May 19th.귀하의항공편이5월19일오전8시로나오네요.

‘~라고쓰여있다’‘~라고적혀있다’라고말할때에는‘It says ~’라는표현을 니다. 위험물이나약병에

쓰여있는경고문구를나타낼때에도, ‘It says ~’라고말합니다.


Preferably, around 6 p.m. 오후6시쯤이좋겠습니다.

preferably라고하면, ‘더좋아하여, 가급적이면’이라는뜻이됩니다. ‘prefer A to B’표현이‘B보다 A

를더좋아한다, 선호한다’라는것과연결시켜서외워두면좋겠죠.

The initial for my last name is C as in Car. 제성의첫 자는자동차의C와같은자입니다.


It says Starcom Company on the billboard.게시판에‘Starcom 회사’라고써있네요.

The caution says ‘Keep out of reach of children’.‘아이들손이닿지않는곳에두십시오’라고주의문구가나와있다.


I prefer writing with a pencil to typing with PC.컴퓨터로쓰기보다는연필로 쓰는것이더좋다.


Let’s Talk on the Phone


Role-play 다음 상황 설명을 읽고, 빈 칸에 들어갈 부분을 채우며 화를 해봅시다. 주어진 문장으로 먼저 이야기를 한 후, 밑줄을 괄호

안의표현으로바꾸어서다시 화를해보세요.

You’re about to change your flight schedule from early of May 19th to lateevening


I’d like to change my reservation to Seoul. The departure date which was scheduled on the20th of May would be changed to 28th of May, if it’s available. And I’d like to have a non stopflight and I want it to be an aisle-seat, please.

You are calling a travel agency to change your flight reservation to Seoul.What would you tell him to change your reservation including the followinginformation.


Airline agent : Korea Airlines, how may help you?

You : (네, 항공편 시간을 바꾸고자 합니다. 제 이름은 (your full name)이고, 예약번호는


Unit 23. Adjusting Transportation - Let’s Talk on the Phone

With your own words

Have you experienced missing or wrongfully scheduling a flight? How far have you

traveled for a business trip before?


Airline agent : Could you spell out your last name please?

You : (say each alphabet of your last name using a well-known words)

Airline agent : I see. I found your name on the reservation list. It says herethat your flight is at 8 a.m. on May 19th.

You : (날짜는같게하고요, 저녁때쯤으로시간을바꿨으면합니다. 가급적이면저녁7시쯤으로요.)

Airline agent : We have a 7:20 flight around that time.

You : (딱좋습니다. 예약하겠어요.)


You : Yes. I’d like to change my flight time. My name is (your full name) and my reservationnumber is 2394KOE.

You : (answers will vary) You : I’d like to keep the same date, but change it to a different time in the evening.

Preferably, around 7 p.m. You : Perfect. I’d like to have it reserved.

the following

- 복도측좌석

- 출국예정날짜가5월20일에서5월28일로바뀜

- 전에는경유지가있었으나, 이번에는경유지가없는티켓으로예약을원함.

Long Talk 다음의내용을참고하여 어로표현해봅시다.



(아침, 아침7시)



■ airport tax 공항세 ■ reservation number 예약번호

■ mileage card 마일리지카드 ■ boarding pass 탑승권

■ departure form 출국신고서 ■ boarding time 탑승시각

■ departure time 출발시각 ■ weight limit 무게제한

■ carry-on 기내휴 수하물 ■ on board 기내에

■ maximum 최 ■ minimum 최소

■ excess 초과 ■ penalty fee 위약금

■ sharp (시간) 정각에 ■ shortly 곧

■ fair 합당한 ■ take off 이륙하다

■ land 착륙하다 ■ leave 떠나다

■ delay 지연되다




Airline staff : 여권과티켓좀보여주시겠습니까?

You : 여기요

Airline staff : 죄송합니다만남은자리가없네요. 탑승하시는비행기가오버부킹되어서요.

You : 어떻게도와주실방도는없나요?

Airline staff : 죄송하지만, 앞으로15분이기다리고계세요.

You : 지금당장매니저와얘기할수있을까요?

Airline staff : 매니저님께말 드렸고, 30분후에떠나는다음항공편을제공해드리겠습니다.

You : 만족스럽지않군요.

Airline staff : Can I see your passport and the ticket, please?You : Here you are.Airline staff : I’m sorry but the flight is full. The flight was overbooked.You : Is there anything you can do for me?Airline staff : I’m sorry but we have about 15 people on standby right

now.You : Can I talk to your manager right now?Airline staff : I’ve talked to my manager and we can get you a seat on

the next flight that leaves in 30 minutes.You : I think that’s not good enough.


Biz Talk

passport 여권 flight 비행, 항공편 overbook 예약을한도이상으로받다

on standby 기하고있는



_ Return home


Unit 24. Return home - Preview

Pattern Focus


Pattern Drills

Is there anything ? ~할것이있나요?

안녕하세요? 오늘의학습 Point입니다.

●정답_ 1. I should know about 2. in particular you’d like for dinner

3. I can get for you

Can I ? ~해도될까요? / ~할수있을까요?

●정답_ 1. ask a few things 2. let you know tomorrow

3. find a subway nearby here

1. 제가알아야할것

2. 저녁으로특별히뭐먹고싶은거

3. 뭐좀가져다드릴것

1. 질문좀해도

2. 내일알려드려도

3. 이근처에서지하철역을찾을수

is not good enough.~은충분하지않다/ ~정도는못된다/ 좋지않다

●정답_ 1. Sometimes doing one's best 2. The audio player

3. The money

1. 때로는최선을다하는것은

2. 향기기가

3. 급료가


Is there anything you can do for me? 도와주실방도가없나요?

도움을 요청할 때 쓰이는 말로, “도와주실 방도가 없나요?”라는 뜻입니다. 참고로 “There isn’t anything I

can do for you.”라고말한다면, ‘제가도와드릴수있는게없네요.’라는뜻이됩니다.

Is there anything you need?뭐필요한것없으세요?

Is there anything you want to tell me? 나한테하고싶은얘기라도있어?



Can I talk to your manager right now?


Can I stay one more night in that room?그방에서하루더묵을수있나요?

Can I reserve a table by the window?창가에있는테이블로예약할수있을까요?



That’s not good enough.도와주실방도가없나요?

물건이나상황이만족스럽지못할때에자주쓰이는표현입니다. 그렇지만잘못하면“이것가지고는안돼.”라는

뜻으로자칫너무강한뉘앙스를가질수있으니조금부드럽게하기위해앞에‘I think’를붙여서말하는게좋습

니다. 좀더강하게표현하고싶을때는“That is unacceptable.”이라고말할수있습니다.

Today's weather is not good enough for a picnic. 오늘날씨는소풍가기에탐탁하지않다.

He is not good enough to be a leader.그는지도자가될자격이없다.


Let’s Talk on the Phone


Airline staff : Good morning, sir. Can I have our passport and the ticket,please.

You : (안녕하세요. 여기있습니다.)

Role-play 다음 상황 설명을 읽고, 빈 칸에 들어갈 부분을 채우며 화를 해봅시다. 주어진 문장으로 먼저 이야기를 한 후, 밑줄을 괄호

안의표현으로바꾸어서다시 화를해보세요.

At the airport, you’re about to check in and the airline staff is asking youwhich seat you prefer and how many bags you want to check.


You : Good morning. Here you are.You : Let me get a windo seat, please.You : I do. I have three bags.

With your own words

You arrive late at the airport so the check-in counter is closed. You are sup-posed to be two hours before the flight.Explain your situation to the airline staff using the following and ask an air-port receptionist if she can help you.


Airline staff : Do you have a seating preference?

You : (창가쪽으로주세요.)

Airline staff : Okay. By the way, do you have any baggage to check?

You : (네, 가방이세개있습니다.)

Unit 24. Return home - Let’s Talk on the Phone

Have you ever been on a flight? What did you do in the plane? If not, what service do

you think is needed in the plane?


the following

비행명: K777이륙시간: 50분후

Long Talk 다음의내용을참고하여 어로표현해봅시다.


Excuse me, is this the line for flight K777 to New York? I'd like to check in for flight K777 but the check-in counter is already closed. This is my first time flying, so I didn't know that I was supposed to be here two hours beforethe flightMy flight leaves in fifty munutes. If I hurry, can I still make the flight? Is there anything you cando for me?



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