Building Your Personal Brand/Online Presence - For College and High School Students

Post on 09-Jan-2017



Leadership & Management



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Kelly BarrettSocial Media Manager,United Way WorldwideTw: @KellyAlysiaLi: kellyabarrettFb: /kellyalysiaIG: @KellybYoga

{ agenda }• Scary stats (not actually that scary)• Three must-do steps for rocking at

social medias that have almost nothing to do with social media

• My prescribed “ground rules” for social

• My best pro tips, for pros and pros-to-be

• Q&A

{ point of clarification }• This presentation is mostly for your

own personal social media presence.• BUT. It’s important to keep in mind

each of you are an extension and ambassador for your Student United Way AND United Way overall.

• When each of you look good, the organization looks good and we all look good together.


2 out of 5companies use social

networking sites to vet job candidates.


92%of companies use social

networking sites to recruit for job opportunities.

When using social media, you’re

more likelyto get hired. And you’re

more likelyto stay employed longer.

What’s the best way to do social media successfully?

But, seriously…?

Where to start?

{#1}Make yourself a personal website.

I promise it’s easy.

{#1}Make yourself a personal website.

No, you don’t have to know how to code.

All $Free.99 per month.

{#2}Buy your domain name. It’s cheap.

Like, as little as $3/year.

{#3}Set up your domain URL to forward to your personal


Why do I need a website?

Why do I need a website?


Why do I need a website?

1.Search.2.Visibility + polished


Why do I need a website?

1.Search.2.Visibility + polished


Why do I need a website?

1.Search.2.Visibility + polished

appearance.3.Professionalism.4.To stand out or at least,

never be behind.

Why do I need a website?

1.Search.2.Visibility + polished

appearance.3.Professionalism.4.To stand out or at least,

never be behind.5.Perfect link to collect all the

great stuff you do.

Where should I put my website?

1.Business card

Where should I put my website?

1.Business card2.Résumé

Where should I put my website?

1.Business card2.Résumé3.Every form you fill out about

yourself (Eventbrite invites, scholarship application forms)

Where should I put my website?

1.Business card2.Résumé3.Every form you fill out about

yourself (Eventbrite invites, scholarship application forms)

4.Social media sites

Where should I put my website?

1.Business card2.Résumé3.Every form you fill out about

yourself (Eventbrite invites, scholarship application forms)

4.Social media sites5.Wherever else it could be


Get the facts.

Highly visual


Friends, family

Less personal insights

Merge personal/professional

News following

Real-time updates

50/50 personal/professional

Mix of industries

Highly visual

Brand & media heavy

Establishes authenticity Source


Professional Networking

Thought leadership

Long-form writing Expert connection

High visibility


For everything you post on social media, ask yourself if

you’d be cool with:- Your grandma reading it

- Your professor/coach reading it- Your future boss reading it

Make all your social media profiles public. It’s good

practice and shows people you’re not trying to hide

anything.(If you’re posting stuff that should be private, maybe you

shouldn’t be posting it.) #justsayin

Try to keep some consistency around who you are from

platform to platform. This helps your digital persona to be more

recognizable, and make you more memorable to people.

Let’s look at Linked…

#Protip: Make an account on SlideShare. Upload presentations from projects you have

created to highlight your skills.

#Protip: Make your Linkedin shine by checking out the areas you can fill in like volunteer engagement, leadership roles, college courses, awards, test scores (if good). You’re already doing this stuff so get credit for it!

#Protip: Make your cover photo pop.

{ Misc. #Protips }

#Protip: Google yourself.

#Protip: Make yourself a résumé Pinterest board.

{ on Twitter }• Find the people whose jobs you

want one day, and follow them.

{ on Twitter }• Find the people whose jobs you

want one day, and follow them.• If they ask a question and you

have an answer, reply to them.

{ on Twitter }• Find the people whose jobs you

want one day, and follow them.• If they ask a question and you

have an answer, reply to them.• Engage in a non-creepy way,

occasionally (retweets/favorites).

{ final thoughts }• Be positive.

{ final thoughts }• Be positive.• Share content that reflects who

you are and what you love.

{ final thoughts }• Be positive.• Share content that reflects who

you are and what you love.• Be nice to people, because every

connection is important.

{ questions }

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