
Build Integrity In: From Vision to Delivery

integrity (in-’te-gr&-tE) – an unimpaired condition : soundness [free from flaw, defect, and decay]

by Chris Sterling

Teams spin their wheels working to create quality software

Organizations must deal with the hole created by low quality

The deeper the hole gets the harder it is to get unstuck

There must be a way to get our organization unstuck

Assuring integrity from the start will get our organization moving

Keep our software free from flaw

Establish Clear Product Vision

Elevator Statement

Product Roadmap

Iteration Goals

Drive Features from User Perspective

Know Your Users








User Story • Card• Conversa,on• Confirma,on

The INVEST Model

Work with Product Team

Executable Specifications

Keep Our Software Free from Defects

Develop Vertical Slices

Minimize Software Debt in Product

Definition of “Done”

Pair Programming

Capture Intent in ProgrammerTests

Appropriate Conversation

Drive Implementation from Acceptance

Common Domain Model Is Scrum

This or That?

Find defects as soon as possible

Test-Driven Development

Write Tests

Write Code


Treat Programmer Tests as Well as Implementation


Keep our software free from decay

Solicit Feedback Early and Often

I’ll know it when I see it

Short Iterations

Capture Feedback

Emergent Design

Last Responsible Moment

Refactor Mercilessly

Need-Driven Design


The System Always Runs

Continuous Integration

A Healthy Build

Push-Button Release

Can Building Integrity In

keep us from getting stuck in

a hole?

Overcome impacts to your organization’s agility

Build Integrity into your software

As business changes our software can change with it

Let’s get unstuck!

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