Bright Yellow Marketing Printed Newsletter

Post on 13-Jul-2015



Social Media



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Hello, we’re Sara and Chris

from Bright Yellow Marketing -

welcome to our newsletter.

Read on for some tips on how

changing your password can

gain you more business! Plus

details of Norwich networking

events and workshops.

Brighter Training

Google Plus Beginner’s Workshop

28th January 2015 12th March 2015 4th June 2015

Twitter/ Hootsuite Training 10am - 1pm

LinkedIn Training 2am - 5pm

Venue: Centrum Building, John Innes Centre

Cost: £79 per half day

Book a Half Day or a Whole Day. Email for details.

13th February 2015 29th April 2015

Time: 10am - 12 noon Cost: £59

Email to book your place.

Is The Workshop Right For You? 9 Do you already have a Twitter account

and tweet on a regular basis? 9 Do you wish you could be more efficient? 9 Are you looking to get better results? 9 Are you willing to learn a free tool

(Hootsuite) to help you get those results?

If the answer is “yes” then the Twitter workshop is for you.

9 Do you have a LinkedIn account? 9 Are you not quite sure what you should

be doing on LinkedIn? 9 Do you want to get better results and

more leads for your business using LinkedIn?

If the answer is “yes” then the LinkedIn workshop is for you.

How to Find Useful ConnectionsHow to Set Up Your ProfileHow to use Google Plus to help your SEOHow to use Google Plus to promote your business

Why Twitter is like TobleroneWhen I mention Twitter to people who are not already using it, their first reaction is “I don’t get it, why should I be interested in someone making a cup of tea?” or “Oh yes, Stephen Fry”

Well, although I am quick to say that Twitter is not all about people talking about food and drink, Tweets about food actually get a lot of response.

Why? Because Twitter appeals to our innate need to be accepted, to be part of a community, and, in amongst the business tweets, you need a sprinkling of humour, colour, personality.

Norfolk has a very active community of “foodies”, so if you are new to Twitter, and wondering what on earth to tweet, just look out for conversations about food or pets, or hobbies, and join in. That’s the great thing about Twitter – unless it’s obviously a private conversation, no one minds if you join in.

And for local businesses who are in the food or hospitality industry Twitter is fantastic.

One weekend, for example, I was catching up on Twitter on my way into Norwich on the bus, and briefly saw a tweet about a stall selling vinegar at the market. Someone replied saying that raspberry vinegar was good for sore throats.

I wouldn’t have known there was a market that day if it wasn’t for Twitter, but thought “I’ll just stop off on the way to my meeting”.

Whilst there, I remembered the tweet about raspberry vinegar and went to look for the stall, just out of curiosity, and of course ended up with a jar of pickled pears in my bag. (As you do)

Nearly all the stand holders had a Twitter presence so, even though I had never met some of them before, I felt as if I knew them and so was very keen to try their produce.

One of the businesses there is particularly good at using Twitter – if you want to see an example of good Twitter etiquette, follow @Brays_Cottage. Sarah has achieved great things for her business using Twitter as a marketing tool.

And Toblerone?

Well, like Twitter, you bite off a huge chunk at the beginning and it gradually melts in your mouth until you reach the real nuggets.

It’s quite tough to bite off at first – you go through peaks and troughs, but it’s great for sharing, and in the end it’s all worth it.

And talking of food, why not talk about Toblerone in your next tweet and see what happens?

Norwich Social Media


Norwich Networking Events

How Changing Your Password Could Lead To More BusinessDo you get mad every time you have to change your password? It is so hard to keep track of passwords. Everyone knows you shouldn’t write them down, but I can’t tell you how many times I sit with people at their desk to do some training with them, and they bring out their little black book with their list of passwords - for some reason it’s always a black notebook and it’s always little! (And it’s usually kept in their drawer next to their desk).Some large firms require their staff to change their password every month - how annoying is that?

Well, I read a story the other day about a guy who decided to change this into a positive thing.He picked a goal each month and created a password that would remind him of his goal. Not only did it make his password memorable, it kept his goal at the front of his mind each day as he logged in - and guess what? He started to achieve these goals.Now, something similar happened to me this year in relation to a big client that I wanted on board.I set up a daily alert via “”

for the business that I wanted as a client. This meant that if anything interesting happened, it would give me the chance to contact them and say “congratulations” or such like.Now, to be honest, the alerts that came through weren’t that useful but do you know what it did? It kept that business (ie that goal) in my mind every day. When we had a new product that I thought would be of interest to them, I immediately contacted them (because they were at the front of my mind) and they became a client.

Are you running searches for mentions of your business and / or mentions of your prospects? Here are a few other tools that you might want to try:

Social Mention: This searches over 100 social media properties and you can set up a daily email.

Hootsuite: You can set up a search within hootsuite for Twitter mentions of your own business, clients, competitors, or prospects. You don’t need to follow people on Twitter to do this.

OFunnel: This is a tool which alerts you about things happening with your LinkedIn network. For example, if you are trying to make contact with a particular business, you can set up an alert for when someone is added to your network who has connections with that business. Alternatively, if you are looking to work with a particular type of business, such as lawyers, it will alert you whenever a lawyer joins your network.

So after that slight detour around some useful tools, my tip this month is to set your passwords or online alerts to remind you of your number one goal each day – and to set up searches for mentions of your business, competitors or prospects.

14th January 2015:

Tour of Norwich City Football Ground and

Meal at Yellows

Time: 5.30pm for 6.15pm tour

Cost: £7.50 payable to Yellows on the door

Email to book your place.

21st January & 18th February 2015:

Coffee at Caistor Ladies Networking

Time: 10am -12 noon

Venue: Caistor Hall Hotel

Cost: £9 on the door or £8 if booked online

5th February 2015

Brighter Networking

Following demand from guests at our November

event, we will be running another afternoon event:

Introductions, short talk, networking and a chance to

promote your business.

Time: 3pm - 5pm

Cost: £9.


24th February 2015

Free event - short tour of NCFC and

advertising opportunities at the football

ground, talk by Delia’s Canary Catering

about the facilities offered for businesses,

followed by bacon rolls and coffee.

Time: 8am

Email to

book your place.

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