Brenda Talley, PhD, RN, CNAA - UAH€¦ · Brenda Talley, PhD, RN, NEA-BC The University of Alabama in Huntsville College of Nursing EDUCATION AND CREDENTIALS Doctor of Philosophy

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Brenda Talley, PhD, RN, NEA-BC

The University of Alabama in Huntsville College of Nursing

EDUCATION AND CREDENTIALS Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Nursing Administration, Augusta University, (formerly the Medical College of Georgia), Augusta, Georgia, 1998.

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), Rural Community Health Clinical Specialist

(MSN), Honors, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, Georgia, 1990.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), Magna Cum Laude, Armstrong State

University, (formerly Armstrong State College), Savannah, Georgia, 1980.

Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN), Cum Laude, Armstrong State University, (formerly Armstrong State College), Savannah, Georgia, 1978.

Registered Professional Nurse (RN)

State of Alabama, Alabama Board of Nursing, License number: 1-127110

State of Georgia, Georgia Board of Nursing, License number RN 054838

Board Certified: Nurse Executive, Advanced (NEA-BC)

American Nurse Credentialing Center, American Nurses' Association. Certification number: 0180128-11


University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL

Academic Rank: Clinical Associate Professor, part time: January 2016-present Faculty, Coordinator of RN-BSN/MSN (Online) Program

On-line Faculty in the RN-BSN/MSN, MSN and the DNP programs. Leadership role in RN-BSN Program includes involvement in curriculum revision, evaluation, strategic planning, policy development, and faculty mentoring, course development, synchronization, and scheduling. Responsible for student orientation. Academic advisor for all RN-BSN students.

Academic Rank: Associate Professor: August 2010 – December 2015 Faculty, Coordinator of RN-BSN/MSN Program, Adjunct Graduate Faculty Appointments, University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa) and University of Alabama Birmingham

Faculty: RN-BSN/MSN, MSN and the DNP programs. Responsibilities included service and scholarship activities. Leadership role in RN-BSN Program included curriculum revision, evaluation, strategic planning, policy development, and faculty mentoring. Service contributions included preparation for CCNE and SACS-COC accreditation site visits. Responsible for student orientation. Academic advisor for all RN-BSN students.

Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA.

Academic Rank: Associate Professor (tenured). September 1994-December 2010

Faculty: RN-BSN/RN-MSN Program and Graduate Program, MSN and DNP. In addition to teaching responsibilities, was involved in MSN and DNP program and course development and evaluation, service and scholarship activities.

Armstrong State College (now Armstrong State University), Savannah, GA. Graduate Nursing Program (Nursing Administration), affiliated program with Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA.

Academic Rank: Assistant Professor, September 1992-August 1994

Teaching responsibilities included all graduate nursing administration specialty courses and selected graduate core courses.

Bulloch Memorial Hospital, Statesboro, GA.

Position: Staff Development Coordinator, November 1991 – August 1992

Responsible for developing and implementing plan for successful JCAHO (now known as The Joint Commission) on-site visit. Responsibilities included engaging and educating nursing staff in visit preparation and participation.

Employed strategic planning and change modeling in gathering staff support for and the implementation of a new nursing care delivery model.

Position: Staff Development Coordinator, August 1990 - August 1991

Designed, implemented, and taught orientation and in-service education to nursing staff. Coordinated orientation and evaluation for newly hired RNs. Submitted and was approved budgetary and program innovations.

Memorial Medical Center. Inpatient Rehabilitation and Brain Injury Unit, Savannah, Ga. Position: part-time staff nurse. August 1990-February 1997

Ogeechee Home Health Agency, Statesboro, GA. Position: Director of Nursing Services, January 1982-August 1990

Responsible for quality assurance, policy development and implementation, hiring, staffing, recruitment, evaluation of professional and non-professional staff. Coordinated referrals, admissions and discharges of patients. Developed and was approved expanded nursing roles and pay scale, provided budgetary input. Interfaced with funding entities such as private insurance companies, Medicare and Medicaid, ensured clinical compliance with state and federal regulations. Functioned as liaison with professional, political, and community organizations. Provided for on-going in-service education of staff.


Extensive experience in online education, program and course development and teaching in the on-line environment. Proficient in Blackboard, Canvas, Folio, and Angel platforms.

Areas of expertise include:

Nursing leadership, management, professional development Socio-political issues in health care Health care economics and finance Community, population, and public health nursing Epidemiology Program planning, implementation, and evaluation Micro-systems analysis and metrics, outcomes measurement Nursing theory Nursing research and bioethics Health choices and behaviors Transcultural nursing Nursing Informatics

Current and recent teaching responsibilities:

RN-BSN courses at the University of Alabama in Huntsville

NUR 410: Transition into Professional Roles – Online NUR 411: Theoretical applications in Professional Practice - Online NUR 412: Caring for Families, Aggregates, and Populations – Online NUR 413: Leadership for Professional Nursing Practice -- Online NUR 419: Nursing Research – Online

Master of Science in Nursing courses, University of Alabama in Huntsville

NUR 638: Healthcare Informatics - Online NUR 699: MSN Thesis

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) courses at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (beginning August, 2010):

NUR 743: Evidence Based Practice Strategies - Online NUR 737: DNP Interdisciplinary Leadership and Role Development - Online NUR 739: DNP Scholarly Practice Project:

RN-BSN courses at Georgia Southern University (through December, 2010):

NURS 4138: Management and Leadership – Online NURS 4738: Management and Leadership Practicum – Supervised Clinical NURS 4133: Complex Nursing Concepts – Online NURS 4353: Community Health Nursing and Practicum – Online NURS 4229: Critical Analysis of Nursing Concepts (“Capstone”) – Online

Masters of Science in Nursing Courses at Georgia Southern University: NURS 7520: Community Health for the Advance Practice Nurse I - Hybrid NURS 7511: Community Health for the APN Clinical I – Supervised Clinical

NURS 7530: Community Heath for the APN II - Hybrid NURS 7521: Clinical: Community Health for the APN II –Supervised Clinical NURS 6311: Organizations and Informatics for APNs - Online NURS 6220: Epidemiology and Transcultural Issues for APNs - Hybrid

NURS 6221: Practicum: Epidemiology and Transcultural Issues for APNs - NURS 6811/6812: Graduate Research Practicum NURS 7890: Independent Study Research

Doctor of Nursing Practice Courses at Georgia Southern University,:

NURS 9134: Health Care Organizations, Financing, and Policy Development - Online NURS 9136: Population Focused Grant Initiative - Online NURS 9921: Clinical Immersion Project (DNP Projects)



In progress: The effectiveness and safety of “vaping” as a harm reduction strategy for smokers: A meta-analysis of related literature. Principle Investigator: Dr. Brenda Talley, co-investigator: Dr.

Deborah Allen. Smokeless tobacco use among rural women. (2012-2013). Principle investigator, Dr. Brenda Talley, co-investigators, Dr. Deborah Allen, Dr. Rose Mary Gee, Dr. Elaine Marshall. Funded,

$9791.00. University of Alabama in Huntsville, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, Distinguished Faculty Research Award. Obtaining a medical history to include smokeless tobacco. (2009). Principle investigator, Dr. Brenda Talley, co-investigators, Dr. Deborah Allen, Dr. Rose Mary Gee, Dr. Elaine Marshall.

Educational needs of Georgia public health nurses related to pharmacology. (2007). Principle investigator: Dr. Brenda Talley. Cooperative project with the Georgia Public Health Practice and Education Workgroup. Teens who experience more than one pregnancy. (2003-2004). Principle investigator: Dr. Brenda Talley.

Community needs assessment. (2004). Evaluation of the health related concerns in a 24 county area of rural Georgia. Principle investigator: Dr. Donna Hodnicki. Co-investigators: Dr. Brenda Talley, Dr. Carol Cornwell. Doctoral dissertation, (1998). Excellence and success in small rural hospitals: The interrelationships of power, participation in decision-making and organizational commitment in rural nurses. Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA.


Contributions to Edited Volumes: Talley B. (In press, 2016). Finance and Economics. In Elaine S. Marshall & Marion E. Broome

(Eds). Transformational Leadership: From Expert Clinician to Influential Leader (2nd ed.).

NY: Springer Publications.

Talley, B., Alexander, S., & Adams, E. (2014). Informatics and public health. In Susan

Alexander and Karen Frith (Eds.). Applied Clinical Informatics in Nursing. Jones and

Bartlett Publishers.

Billings, D. M., Dickerson, S. S., Greenburg, M. J., Yow-Wu, B. & Talley, B. (2013). Quality

monitoring and accreditation in nursing distance education programs. In Karen Frith. &

Deborah Clark (Eds.). Distance Education in Nursing (3rd ed.). NY: Springer


Talley B. (2011). Finance and Economics. In Elaine S. Marshall (Ed.). Transformational

Leadership: From Expert Clinician to Influential Leader*. NY: Springer Publications.

* American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year 2011, Leadership and Management.

Note: Second edition in progress, editor, Dr. Marion Broome

Jakeway, C. & Talley, B. (2006). The history of the Georgia Practice and Education Workgroup.

In Carole Jakeway and Elizabeth Cantrell (Eds.). The Georgia Practice and Education

Toolkit. Atlanta, GA: Georgia Department of Human Resources, Division of Public

Health, Office of Nursing. 3-7.

Talley, B., Bush K., & Williams, A. (2006). Best Practices. In Carole Jakeway and Elizabeth

Cantrell (Eds.). The Georgia Practice and Education Toolkit. Atlanta, GA: Georgia

Department of Human Resources, Division of Public Health, Office of Nursing. 25-32.

Talley, B. (2004). A traditional United States healing practice example: Traditional health

beliefs and practices of the Georgia lowcountry. In Roxana Huebscher and Pamela A.

Shuler (Eds.). Natural, Alternative, and Complementary Health Care Practices.

Philadelphia: Mosby/Harcourt.

Talley, B. (1995). Creativity in nursing. In Barbara Fuszard (Ed.). Innovative Strategies in

Nursing Education. Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen Publishers.

Gueldner, S., Daniels, W., Sauter, M., Talley, B. Johnson, M. & Bramlett, M. (1994). Learning

Rogerian Science: An experiential process. In Elizabeth Barrett and Mary Madrid (Eds.).

Rogers' Scientific Art of Nursing Practice. NY: National League for Nursing. Pub No. 15-


Talley, B. (1994). Dying. In Elizabeth Barrett and Mary Madrid (Eds.), Rogers’ Scientific Art of

Nursing Practice. NY: National League for Nursing. Pub No. 15-2610.

Talley, B. (1994). Someday. In Elizabeth Barrett and Mary Madrid (Eds.), Rogers' Scientific Art

of Nursing Practice. NY: National League for Nursing. Pub No, 152610.

Peer Reviewed Journals: Talley, B., Rushing, A., & Gee, R. M. (2014). Smokeless tobacco use among women in rural N.

E. Alabama. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 31: 1-13. Doi:


Note: The above article was reported by over 1400 internet sites as health news in

December 2014 and January 2015.

Talley, B., Gee, R., Allen, D., Marshall, E., Encinas, K., & Lim, S., (2011). Assessment of

smokeless tobacco use in the history and physical examination by primary health care

providers. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 23(8), 443-447.

Smith, T.M., Talley, B., Hubbard, M., & Winn, C. (2008). Evaluation of a tobacco prevention

program for children: ToPIC. Journal of Community Health Nursing (4)25, 218-228.

Jakeway, C. C., Cantrell, E. E., Cason, J. B. & Talley, B. S. (2006, Mar-April). Developing

population health competencies among public health nurses in Georgia. Public Health

Nursing, 23(2), 161-7.

Talley, B. (2006). Nurses and nursing education in Ghana: Creating collaborative opportunities.

International Nursing Review: Official Journal of the International Council of Nurses 53,


Talley, B., Rushing, A., & Gee, R.M. (2005). Community assessment using Cowling’s Unitary

Appreciative Inquiry: A beginning exploration. Visions, Journal of the Society of Rogerian

Scholars 13(1).27-40.

Talley, B. (2000). Integrality of the meditative and creative experience. (Abstract). Rogerian

Nursing Science News 12(1).

Other Journal Publications: (Invited/Editorial Board Reviewed)

Talley, B. (2004) Communication. Visions: Journal of the Society of Rogerian Scholars 12(1):


Talley, B. (2003). The values of SRS…The Society of Rogerian Scholars. Visions: Journal of

the Society of Rogerian Scholars 11(1). 69-71.

Talley, B. (March 2002). Womanheart. Rogerian Nursing Science News 1(2). 1p.

Talley, B. (March 2002). Windvoices. Rogerian Nursing Science News 1(2). 2 p.

Additional Publications:

Talley, B., Allen, D., Rushing, A., Shilling, D., Gee, R. M. (September 12, 2012). Smokeless

Tobacco Use Among Rural Women in Southeastern U.S.A. Virginia Henderson Global

Nursing e-Repository. Publication of Presentations, International Research Conference,

Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing. Available at:

Authorship, Certificate Program University of Georgia Center for Continuing Education.

Authorship contract was a competitive award, University System of Georgia, competition open

to faculty from all thirty-one Board of Regents Institutions.

Talley, B. (2006). Leadership skill development for the first-time supervisor. Leadership

Certificate Program Online. Athens, GA: The University of Georgia Center for Continuing

Education, Georgia University System Board of Regents, Office of Technical


Talley, B. (2006). Management ethics & values-based decision-making. Leadership Certificate

Program Online. Athens, GA: The University of Georgia Center for Continuing

Education, Georgia University System Board of Regents, Office of Technical


Modules available on-line at:


Refereed paper presentations:

Accepted for Presentation:

Talley, B. (June 8-10, 2016). Acausality: Predications, probabilities, possibilities and infinite

potentials. Joint Conference of the International Association for Human Caring and the

Society of Rogerian Scholars, Boston, Mass.

Talley, B. & Allen, D. (July, 2015). E-Cigarettes as a harm reduction strategy for cigarette

smokers. Sigma Theta Tau International's 26th International Nursing Research

Congress, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Talley, B., Allen, D. & Anderson K. (March, 2015). Are e-cigarettes an optimal choice for harm

reduction for tobacco smokers? Innovation vs Stagnation: Health in the 21st Century.

Annual Research Conference, Mu Kappa Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor

Society of Nursing, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA.

Talley, B., Rushing, A. & Gee, R.M. (October, 2013). Patterns of smokeless tobacco use in

rural women: Their own stories. Conference of the Society of Rogerian Scholars,

Newman Conference Center, Baruch College, New York City, NY.

Talley, B., Gee, R.M., Allen, D., & Shilling, D. (March, 2013). Smokeless tobacco among rural

women. Research Conference of Beta Phi chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International

Honor Society of Nursing, University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL.

Talley, B., Gee, R.M., Allen, D., & Shilling, D. (August, 2012). Smokeless tobacco among rural

women in the Southeastern U.S.A. Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of

Nursing, International Research Congress, Brisbane, Australia.

Talley, B. (June, 2009). Internet education of health care personnel: Promises and challenges.

8th International Conference on Health Economics, Management, and Policy. Athens

Institute for Education and Research, University of Athens, Athens, Greece.

Talley, B. & Allen, D. (March, 2008). Get real: Creating presence in the on-line classroom.

Conference of the International Alliance of Teacher Scholars, California State

University/Cal Poly, Pomona, Pomona, CA.

Talley, B. (April, 2007). Searching for questions. Research Conference Mu Kappa Chapter

Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing and the Southern Professional

Nurses’ Network of the Georgia Nurses Association. Georgia Southern University,

Statesboro, GA.

Talley, B. & Jakeway, C. (November, 2004). Creating and sustaining academic-practice

partnerships for public health nursing: The Georgia Model. Conference of the American

Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

Talley, B. Jones, P., Marks, L. B., & Zittrouer, M. L. (June, 2004). Parenthood at a very young

age: Exploring the life pattern and finding expression using Cowling’s Unitary

Appreciative Inquiry. Conference of the Society of Rogerian Scholars, New York

University, New York City, NY.

Talley, B. (February, 2004). Creating collaborative opportunities: Experiencing public health

nursing in Ghana. Southern Regional Transcultural Nursing Conference, Savannah,


Talley, B. & Brown, C. F. (November, 2003). Finding mantras in our own traditions. Conference

of the Society of Rogerian Scholars. Savannah, GA.

Talley, B., Brannen, P., & Hurley, V. (September, 2003). Practice based research: A

cooperative effort of practice and education. Georgia Public Health Association’s 74th

Annual Meeting and Conference, Augusta, GA.

Talley, B., Brannen, P., & Hurley, V. (March, 2003). Collaboration between public health

practice and education. Georgia Public Health Leadership Summit, Calloway Gardens,


Rushing, A., Talley, B., Anumolu, A., Poopola, M. M., & Brown, C. F., (June, 2001). Evolution

of energetic healing: Contributions of multiple traditions. Conference of the American

Holistic Nurses Association, Society of Rogerian Scholars, and Space Nurses Society,

Huntsville, AL.

Talley, B. (June, 2000). Power, participation in decision-making and organizational commitment

among rural nurses. Conference of the Society of Rogerian Scholars, New York

University, New York City, NY.

Talley, B., Rushing A. M., Gee, R. M., Brown, C. F., & Hulse, S. (October, 1999). Integrality of

the creative and meditative experience. Conference of the Society of Rogerian Scholars,

Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA.

Talley, B., (April, 1999). Excellence and success in small rural hospitals: The interrelationships

of power, participation in decision-making and organizational commitment among rural

nurses. Georgia League for Nursing, Brasstown Valley Resort, Young Harris, GA.

Talley, B., Rushing A. M., Gee, R. M., Brown, C. F., & Hulse, S. (June, 1998). Community

health nursing and Rogerian Science. Conference of the Society of Rogerian Scholars,

New York University, New York City, NY.

Talley, B., Brown, C. F., Gueldner, S., Bramlett, M. H., & Loftin, W. (June, 1994). Experiential

learning of Rogerian Science. Conference of the Society of Rogerian Scholars, New

York University, New York City, NY.

Invited presentations

Talley, B. & Alexander, S. (May, 2015). Adaptive technologies in the on-line classroom. Faculty

Development Seminar. College of Nursing, University of Alabama in Huntsville,

Huntsville, Alabama.

Talley, B. (December 2014). Honoring our past, embracing our future. Mu Kappa Chapter,

Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Georgia Southern University,

Statesboro, GA.

Talley, B. (October 2013). Derivation of professional contributions from life experiences. Beta

Phi Research Conference, Beta Phi Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor

Society of Nursing, University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL.

Talley, B. (March 2013). History of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing

and Global Connections. Research Conference of Beta Phi Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau,

University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL.

Talley, B. (February, 2008). The care and feeding of faculty who teach on-line. Conference of

the Georgia Association of Nurse Educators, Calloway Gardens, GA.

Talley, B. (December, 2007). History of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of

Nursing and a look at Vision 20/20. Induction Ceremony, Mu Kappa chapter Sigma

Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Statesboro, GA.

Talley, B. (May, 2006). Development of a model for the Clinical Nurse Consultant. Speaker for

Nurse’s Week Celebration, Georgia Department of Human Resources, Division of

Public Health, Office of Nursing, Atlanta, GA.

Talley, B. (May, 2005). The role of the Clinical Nurse Consultant. Speaker for Nurses’ Week

Celebration, Georgia Department of Human Resources, Division of Public Health, Office

of Nursing, Atlanta, GA.

Talley B. (February, 2002). Traditional health beliefs and practices of the Georgia lowcountry.

Within a collective presentation: Rushing, A. M., Talley, B., Anumolu, A., Poopola, M.

M., & Brown, C. F., in: Evolution of energetic healing: Contributions of multiple traditions.

Regional Conference of Transcultural Nursing Society, Savannah, GA.

Talley, B., (May, 1998). Nursing education: Valuing our past, embracing our future. Keynote

address, Closure Ceremony of the Associate Degree Program, Armstrong Atlantic State

University, Savannah, GA.

Selected Refereed Poster Presentations:

Gee, R.M., Talley, B., Allen, D., & Marshall, E. (April, 2012). Smokeless tobacco among rural

women. Mu Kappa chapter Research Day, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor

Society of Nursing, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA.

Talley, B., Jakeway, C., McCloud, M. Y. (June, 2008). Preparing state level public health

nurse consultants for their new role in population health. Annual Institute of the

Association of Community Health Nurse Educators, Atlanta, GA.

Talley, B., Tabi, M., Rushing, K., Brannen, P. & Hurley, V. (November, 2004). Early

motherhood: Having two or more children while still a teen. Conference of the American

Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

Talley, B. (June, 2000). Excellence and success in small rural hospitals: The interrelationships

of power, participation in decision-making, and organizational commitment in rural

nurses. 2000 Regional Research Conference, Emory University Conference Center,

Atlanta, GA.

Talley, B. (February 2000). Georgia Learning Alliance for Nursing. Transcultural Nursing

Society’s Regional Conference, Savannah, GA.


Community Professional Engagement: Invited participant: Roundtable discussion with U. S. Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary for Health, Dr. Howard Koh. The Affordable Care Act in Alabama. Top of Alabama Regional Council of Governments, April, 2013, Huntsville, AL. Content consultant and reviewer: Conference Abstract Reviewer, Society of Rogerian Scholars: (2014) Content Reviewer: Evolve-Elsevier Publishing. Nies and McEwen (Eds.) Community/Public Health Nursing: Promoting Health of Populations, (4th ed., 2009 and 5th ed., 2011). Content and format reviewer: Evolve-Elsevier Publishing: Stanhope and Lancaster (Eds.), Community and Public Health Nursing (2nd ed., 2007), Community Health on-line course modules. New Textbook proposal reviewer: Elsevier Publishing: Community Health (2006). Content Reviewer: Elsevier Publishing: Nies and McEwen (Eds.). Promoting the Health of Populations, (4th ed., 2006).

Content Reviewer: Prentice Hall: Neiswiadomy, R. M. Foundations of Nursing Research. (4th

ed., 2002). Consulting Activities (compensated):

Georgia Center for Continuing Education, University of Georgia, Certificate Program:

Health Care Management. January 2016 – current.

CCNE Accreditation Preparation consultant. Independent Contractor Status, current.

Department of Human Resources, Division of Public Health, Office of Nursing. 2004-2005 (Independent Contractor status) Introduction of Population Focused Nursing, Federal grant funding.

Grant awards:

Smokeless Tobacco Among Rural Women. The University of Alabama in Huntsville,

Distinguished Faculty Research Award, 2011-2012, $9,791.00.

Faculty Travel Grant. The University of Alabama in Huntsville, Office of the Provost, 2012, $500.00

Georgia Southern University Faculty Travel Grant, 2009, $3500.00

Georgia Southern University Summer Intensive 2008 Online Course Development Project.

Awarded $3000.00 to develop doctoral level course in health economics and finance.

Georgia Southern University Summer 2005 Online Course Development Project. Nominated by

the Dean of the College of Health and Professional Services. Awarded $3000.00 for development of graduate level course in epidemiology and transcultural issues in nursing.

Georgia University System Board of Regents, Division of Continuing Education, (Georgia LEAD)

University System wide competitive award for the development of continuing education on-line material on leadership and ethics. January 2005. $4200.00.

Georgia Southern University Faculty Service Grant, implemented summer 2003: The Ghana Project. $5000.00. Purpose of the project was to establish a collaborative initiative with the University of Cape Coast in Ghana for the sharing of learning opportunities.

Georgia Southern University Center for Excellence in Teaching, Faculty Development Summer Grant Award 2002, $3000.00 for Development of an on-line health assessment course.


Professional Memberships and Activities

Commission on Colleges of Nursing Education (CCNE) Accreditation Site Evaluator:

Since 2003, on-site accreditation evaluator for the Commission on Collegiate Nursing

Education, an accreditation body for baccalaureate and graduate nursing programs. In the past three years, participated in five CCNE accreditation visits for DNP programs

at five major universities. Professional and Community Organizations:

National/International: Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Beta Phi and Mu Kappa chapters

American Nurses Association

International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi

Center for Linguistic and Cultural Competence in Health Care at the U. S. Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health

Healthy People 2020 Consortium, U. S. Health and Human Services

Society of Rogerian Scholars

Conference Planning Committee for 2014 Conference, celebrating the 100 th anniversary of the birth of Martha E. Rogers, University of Tennessee. (and the birthday of Margaret Newman).

Director, SRS (elected) Executive Board 2005-2007, 2000-2002; President 2003-2005, President-Elect 2002-2003; Conference planning chairperson August 2000-2004. Member of Conference Planning Committee 2005 Conference. Member of nominating committee, 1998-2000.


Top of Alabama Regional Council of Governments (TARCOG). TRANSITIONS Program.

Member, Board of Directors

Alabama Nurses Association

Alabama Rural Health Association (past member in Georgia) Beta Phi Chapter, University of Alabama in Huntsville, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing

Governance Committee 2013-2015, Vice President, 2011-2013, Convention Delegate, 2011. Program Committee 2013-2014,

Mu Kappa Chapter, Georgia Southern University, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing

President, 2008-2010, President–elect, 2006-2008. Convention Delegate, 2007. Member Regional Conference Planning Committee 2007-2008. Vice-President, 1998-2000, Treasurer 1993-1995, Vice-President 1989-1992. Program Planning Committee chairperson for Mu Kappa Research Conference 2003-2004. Member Program Planning Committee 2004-2007. Charter member, charter officer.

Community Service Activities: Better Breathers Support Group. Guest speaker on a variety of topics (2001- 2010)

Georgia Public Health Nursing Council. Invited participate 2001-2008 (Academic Consultant).

Collaborated on educational and research development for Council. Assisted in developing a state wide research agenda for public health nursing. Served as Academic Chairperson.

Georgia Department of Human Resources, Division of Public Health, Office of Nursing. Consultant, 2005-2007.

Collaborated with Georgia Public Health Office of Nursing leadership and those in the newly established role of state office nurse consultants to develop a nurse consultant model and define role development issues. Conducted a focus group with nurse

consultants on perceptions of practice expectations and need for skill development. Multiple presentations to state level nurse consultants.

Georgia Public Health Education Practice Workgroup

Academic Co-Chairperson, 2002-2005; Program Co-chairperson for Public Health

Nursing Leadership Summit, Callaway Gardens, Ga. March 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2006.

Provided academic insight to various projects of the group and participated in professional presentations and communications.

Population Focused Nursing Education Project

Collaborated in developing and teaching an academic credit course for practicing public

health nurses in population focused nursing. Taught both on-line and face-to-face sessions at three sites across Georgia to public health nurses. Selected to teach the course by Public Health State Nurse Consultants at the State Office for Public Health Nurse Leaders on the state level, Atlanta, GA.

Service as nursing faculty member

University of Alabama in Huntsville:

Service to the College of Nursing:

Coordinator, RN-BSN/MSN Program

Chair, RN-BSN curriculum taskforce

Strategic Management Council 2015-2016

Faculty Council, 2010-2012 chairperson, 2013-2015

Chairperson, Search Committee, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs 2015

RN-BSN Curriculum Sub-committee, 2010 continuing, chairperson, 2013-2015

DNP Progression Committee, 2010 continuing, chairperson 2013-2015

Graduate Faculty Committee, 2010 continuing

DNP Faculty Committee, 2010, continuing

Curriculum Committee, 2012-2015

New Faculty mentor

Course revisions: select RN-BSN courses; DNP Leadership and Role Development course

Participated in preparation for CCNE accreditation visit 2015. Service to the University:

UAH Committee for SACS-COC Reaffirmation (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges): 2014-2015

o UAH Committee for SACS-COC Reaffirmation: Governance Committee: 2014-2015

Faculty Senate, 2010-2012

UAH Faculty Affairs Committee, 2010-2012. Revision of UAH Faculty Handbook, hiring, promotion and tenure.

Georgia Southern University

Service to the School of Nursing:

Graduate Committee 2004-2010

Rural Nursing Outreach Program Advisory Board 2004-2010

Promotion and Tenure Committee 2006-2010

Faculty Affairs Committee, member 2000-2006, chairperson 2003-2006, (Chairperson is chair of faculty search committee). At the request of SON chair, continued as chairperson of faculty search committee 2007-2008.

Other School of Nursing Activities:

Coordinated School of Nursing Activities in Ogeechee Wellness Fair 1997-2005, and student participation in annual University Wellness Event 1998-2006

Responsible for planning and coordination Georgia Southern University School of Nursing “Health and Healing Retreat, 1999-2009

Faculty mentor, New faculty orientation Service to the University:

University Faculty Senate, representing the College of Health and Professional

Sciences, 2006-2010

University Subcommittee for Core Curriculum Outcomes, 2010.

University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, 2006-2008

University Academic Affairs Committee, 2006-2008, chairperson, Fall, 2007

Selected Continuing Education Activities

The UAH Quality Education Practice Online course, completed February 2016.

Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, International Research Congress, (July 2015) San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Doctor of Nursing Practice Intensive (March 11-13, 2015). University of Alabama Birmingham, Birmingham, AL.

Writing the Team Report (January 2015). Commission for Collegiate Nursing Education

(CCNE). Webinar update for on-site evaluators.

Conference of the Society of Rogerian Scholars, (October 2014). Martha E. Rogers: her life

and her legacy, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN

Doctor of Nursing Practice Intensive, (March 2014), University of Alabama, UA Conference

Center, Tuscaloosa, AL.

CCNE Evaluator Training Part 1: Revised CCNE Standards for Accreditation of Baccalaureate and Graduate Nursing. (December, 2013). American Association of

Colleges of Nursing.

CCNE Evaluator Training Part 2: Revised CCNE Standards for Accreditation of Baccalaureate and Graduate Nursing. (December, 2013). American Association of Colleges of Nursing.

Conference of the Society of Rogerian Scholars, (October, 2013). Newman Conference

Center, Baruch College, New York City, NY.

AACN Hot Issues Conference. (April, 2013). American Association of Colleges of Nursing.

St. Louis, MO.

Human Subjects Protection Certification. (March, 2014). Office of Sponsored Programs, University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL.

Creating a Legacy through Research, Innovation, and Global Collaboration. Sigma Theta

Tau International Research Congress. (July/August, 2012), Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Brisbane, Australia.

University of Alabama Birmingham DNP Intensive. (March, 2012). University of Alabama Birmingham, Birmingham, AL.

Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing Biennial Convention, (November

2011). Grapevine, TX.

Multiple Perspectives in Nursing Practice. DNP Intensive, (Nov 11, 2011). University of

Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL.

Building a Diverse Health Care Workforce. (April, 2011). DNP Intensive. The University of

Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL.

8th International Conference on Health Economics, Management, and Policy. (June 2009).

Athens Institute for Education and Research, University of Athens, Athens, Greece.

Retraining of On-site Evaluators, CCNE Telecast. (December, 2008). Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.

Transforming Care through Education and Scholarly Practice. (October 9th - 11th, 2008)

First National Doctors of Nursing Practice Conference, Memphis, TN.

Designing for Learning. (March 20-22, 2008). Conference of the International Alliance of

Teacher Scholars, California Polytech University, Pomona, CA.

Educating Policy Makers on the Crisis in Public Health Nursing and the Faculty Shortage. Georgia Legislative Conference. (February 4, 2008). Sponsored by Kennesaw State University, Atlanta, GA.

Doctorate of Nursing Practice. (October 2006). American Association of Colleges of Nursing. Teleconference Update.

Doctorate of Nursing Practice, (November 2005). American Association of Colleges of Nursing. Workshop: Emory University, Atlanta, GA.

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