brands die

Post on 12-May-2015






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about brands die



Poor marketing strategy

Wrong positioning

Product Life Cycle

Poor Product

Brand replacement

Merger & Aquisation

Candy is the 14 inch Color TV launched in 1999 with much hype.

Candy was truly a Color TV, in the market where all TVs were either black or grey

Candy came with four color variants

TV had a wireless headsets which would ensure privacy to the audience.

Attractive colors on the cabinet and the cordless headset act as a differentiator

This unique brand is a classic case of entire marketing mix gone awfully wrong.

A good idea killed by poor marketing strategy.

The brand was priced well above the existing 14 inch televisions.

Price was obviously the villain

Candy was struggling to find the right positioning

This brand was launched with much hype in 2001.

Versa was the first luxury Multi Purpose Vehicle from Maruti 's stable.

Maruti roped in the Big B and the small B ( Amitabh and Abhishek Bachchan) to endorse the brand.

The brand was positioned as " Two luxury cars for the price of one" . The ads talked about twin A/C, comfort and space.

The basic issue was the price.

Versa was launched with a price of Rs 5.15 lakh for the base model and the top end model costs around Rs 6 lakh.

The ' mini bus ' shape of the car also was a put off for many customers

Lack of Luxury

In April 2004, Coca Cola India (Coke) had launched Vanilla Coke, Coke's first flavor extension in India.

The concept of ice-cream floats in cola was quite common in urban restaurants in India.

Vanilla Coke targeted urban youth and young adults (12 to 29 age group) in the high and middle income groups.

It carried the tag line Ice Creamy Thanda.

Vanilla Coke failed to excite the Indian palate

'Irrelevant' advertising was cited as one of the reasons for Vanilla Coke's failure

Wrong positioning & mismatch of target group and communication.

Consumers also did not like the taste of Vanilla Coke.

Commercial itself was out of context and had no connection with Coke as a brand.

Fair & Lovely Sunblock Cream was launched on April 2006

Targeted towards womens aged between 18 to 35

Protection from harmful UV rays

It was a product extention of Fair & Lovely






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