Bologna, 27 Aprile 2006 WMAP – 3-year results Fabio Finelli INAF/OAB & INAF/IASF-BO Lauro Moscardini Dip. Astronomia UniBo.

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Bologna, 27 Aprile 2006

WMAP – 3-year results

Fabio Finelli


Lauro Moscardini

Dip. Astronomia UniBo

Bologna, 27 Aprile 2006

1. WMAP 1st year papers 2. WMAP 3rd papers

3. A. Lewis, astro-ph/0603753

4. Planck Bluebook, astro-ph/0604069

5. Wayne Hu’s webpage:


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• WMAP: spinning (~0.5 rpm), precessing satellite orbiting L2

• dual Gregorian (1.4×1.6m) mirror system

• passively cooled to <95K

• radiometers measuring phase and amplitude of incoming waves

• Proposed in 1995; selected in 1996; launched in june 2001; possibly 8-years mission

• 13 papers in 2003, 7311 citations up today

• 4 new papers in march 2006, 160 citations up today

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• frequencies: 22, 30, 40, 60, 90 GHz (3.3 to 13.6 mm wavelength)

• resolution: 0.23-0.93 degrees

• sensitivity: ~35µK per 0.3×0.3 degree pixel

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• frequencies: 22, 30, 40, 60, 90 GHz (3.3 to 13.6 mm wavelength)

• resolution: 0.23-0.93 degrees

• sensitivity: ~35µK per 0.3×0.3 degree pixel

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Sky Maps


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Temperature Map

• foreground subtraction: spectra differ from the CMB's Planck spectrum

• comparison of signals from different channels

• fitting of foreground templates

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Power-Spectrum Analysis

• subtraction of mean temperature; relative temperature fluctuations

• expansion into spherical harmonics; coefficients acoefficients a


• power spectrumpower spectrumCCll=<|a=<|a

lmlm||22>> , related to the

matter power spectrum P(k)

• principal effects:

– Sachs-Wolfe effect

– acoustic oscillations

– Silk damping

Bologna, 27 Aprile 2006Courtesy by W. HuCourtesy by W. Hu

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Mechanisms for anisotropies

density:density: adiabatic process compression increases T, while expansion decreases T

gravity:gravity: gravitational red- or blue-shift

velocity:velocity: Doppler effect

Different contributions must be summed up

Primary anisotropies:Primary anisotropies: produced on the last scattering surface

Secondary anisotropies:Secondary anisotropies: produced along the trajectory to the observer

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On scales larger than the horizon (i.e. large angles, small l)

Velocity can be neglected (dipole), microphysics too, gravity wins against density!

Temperature fluctuations are directly proportional tothe gravitational potential: Sachs-Wolfe effectSachs-Wolfe effect

Notice: overdensity are colder than average!

Already observed by COBE in 1991!

Good estimates for amplitude and slope of P(k),but problems of cosmic variance

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The cosmological parameters (I):the density parameters i

• Matter: m

• Dark energy: DE (w P/ c2=-1 is the cosmological constant ; w -1 is the quintessence)

• Baryons: b

• Curvature: K=1 - i

• Total: 0 =1- K

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The cosmological parameters (II):the spectral parameters

Standard inflationary models predict that primordial fluctuations are

• Gaussian• Adiabatic• Scale invariant, i.e. with logarithmic slope of the

power spectrum n=1: P(k)=A kn

The amplitude A is usually expressed in terms of the variance computed on a scale of 8 Mpc/h: 8

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The cosmological parameters (III):the other ones

• The Hubble constant HHubble constant H00 and its redshift evolution: measures the expansion rate of the universe and enters the distance definitions

• The optical depth The optical depth : it is related to the probability that a CMB photon with an electron along the trajectory:

dP=ne T c dt=-d If there is re-ionization at a given redshift zre, photons are

diffuse there is a suppression of fluctuations on scales smaller than the horizon scale at zre (warning: degeneracy with spectral index n). The higher is zre, the smaller is the angular scale involved by diffusion.

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Power Spectra and Cosmological Parameters

Varying the baryonic density

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Power Spectra and Cosmological Parameters

Varying the Hubble constant

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Power Spectra and Cosmological Parameters

Varying the matter density

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Power Spectra and Cosmological Parameters

Varying the total density

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CMB Polarisation

• CMB photons have last been Thomson scattered

• directional dependence of Thomson cross section imprints polarisation

• polarisation pattern has similar, but shifted power spectrum

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Polarisation and Reionisation

• Universe recombined when CMB formed

• hydrogen was later reionised

• ionised hydrogen damps primordial fluctuations

• creates secondary polarisation

• constraints on reionisation from temperature-polarisation and polarisation power spectra

Bologna, 27 Aprile 2006

Where were we?

WMAP 1st year results (Feb.03): TT & TE

EE detection by DASI (02), CBI (04), CAPMAP (05), Boomerang (05)

2dF: Percival et al. (02), Cole et al. (05).

CMB anisotropies

Galaxy surveys

SDSS: Tegmark et al. (04), Seljak et al. (05).

Ly used heavily in WMAP1, but not in WMAP3: “… further study is needed if the new values are consistent with

Ly data.” See however Viel et al. (06), Seljak et al. (06) for WMAP3 + Ly

Bologna, 27 Aprile 2006

Issues after WMAP 1st year

Low amplitude for low multipoles of the Cl pattern

Weird alignment of the l=2,3 of alm

Sticky points out of the CDM fit

High value for

Evidence of running of the spectral index ?

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Will these “waves” in 1st year data persist?

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Temperature WMAP3 plus small scale CMB data

The spectrum is cosmic variance limited to l=400

(354 1st year)and S/N>1 up to l=850 (658 1st year)

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Red: WMAP1Black: WMAP3

Points: ratio of WMAP3 over WMAP1 value

Red line: ratio of window function WMAP1 over WMAP3

Red: WMAP1 with 06 analysis and 06 windows function

Black: WMAP3

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Anomaly on the octupole alleviated; quadrupole remains low

TE in better agreement with CDM; is almost half of 1st yr value

Some (but not all) of the sticky points remain

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Lines:Red: WMAP1

Orange: WMAP1 + CBI +ACBARBlack: WMAP3

Points:Grey: WMAP1Black: WMAP3

Bologna, 27 Aprile 2006courtesy from Spergel et al., 2006

CDM plus constraints

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courtesy from Hinshaw et al., 2006

CDM plus is a good fit to WMAP

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Polarization only useful for measuring tau for near future

Polarization probably best way to detect tensors

CMB Polarization

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Cosmological Parameters: Main WMAP3 parameter results rely on polarization

courtesy from A. Lewis, 2006

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WMAP3 TT with tau = 0.10 ± 0.03 prior (equiv to WMAP EE)

Black: TT+priorRed: full WMAP

courtesy from A. Lewis, 2006

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Implications for Nucleosynthesis

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courtesy from Page et al., 2006

From =0.170.04 (1st year)

To=0.090.03 (3 years)

Bologna, 27 Aprile 2006courtesy from Spergel et al., 2006

1 e 2 contours:Light Blue: WMAP1


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ns < 1or tau is highor there are tensorsor the model is wrongor we are quite unlucky

ns =1 So:

Is Harrison-Zeldovich Ruled out?

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Dark Energy: wDE≠ w = -1 for CMB anisotropies we needDE perturbations

wDE constant in time

cDE =1

(pDE=c2DE DE+…).

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WMAP 3 years results without DE perturbations are flawed

Effect known since Caldwell,Dave, Steinhardt PRL 1998

Abramo, Finelli, Pereira PRD 2004

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Massive Neutrinos

courtesy from Spergel et al., 2006

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Curvature K≠0

courtesy from Spergel et al., 2006

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Curvature K≠0 plus Dark Energy

courtesy from Spergel et al., 2006

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Gravity Waves

Baldi,Finelli,Matarrese, PRD72 (2005)

r0.002 < 0.55 (2) WMAP3 only

r0.002 < 0.28 (2) WMAP3 plus SDSS

rk* = PT(k*)/PS(k*)

r0.002 < 1.28 (2) WMAP1 only

r0.002 < 1.14 (2) WMAP1 plus 2dFGRS

Bologna, 27 Aprile 2006

LCDM+Tensors No evidence from tensor modes

-is not going to get much betterfrom TT!

courtesy from A. Lewis, 2006

Finelli et al., in preparation (2006) Leach & Liddle, PRD (2003)

Single standard scalar field inflation: r = - 8 nT

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Black: SZ marge; Red: no SZ Slightly LOWERS ns

SZ Marginalization

Spergel et al.

WMAP-3 yr twist: SZ

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CMB lensing and WMAP3

Black: withred: without

- increases ns

not included in Spergel et al analysisopposite effect to SZ marginalization

Bologna, 27 Aprile 2006

And Planck?

• to be launched in 2008

• improved frequency coverage (30-857 GHz) for improved foreground subtraction

• improved resolution (>5') and sensitivity (~µK)

• more accurate polarisation measurement

• foregrounds!

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Planck vs WMAP:1

courtesy from C. Burigana

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Planck vs WMAP:2

courtesy from C. Burigana

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Planck vs WMAP:3

courtesy from Planck Bluebook, astro-ph/0604069

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Planck vs WMAP:4

courtesy from Spergel et al., 2006

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courtesy from Planck Bluebook, astro-ph/0604069

Planck vs WMAP:5

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