Beatification of Alvaro del Portillo in Madrid

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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Alvaro del Portillo to be beatified in Madrid on September 27, 2014 The life of Bishop del Portillo, whom many people call "Don Alvaro", is closely linked to the city of Madrid, where he was born on March 11, 1914, and where he spent his childhood and youth with his parents and 7 siblings. It was also in the capital of Spain that he met St. Josemaria Escrivá and decided to join Opus Dei in 1935. After finishing his civil and ecclesiastical studies, he was ordained in Madrid on June 25, 1944, and he carried out his priestly ministry there until he moved to Rome in 1946. During Don Alvaro's years in Rome, the Holy See entrusted a number of tasks to him, and he carried these out with great dedication. On September 15, 1975, Don Alvaro was elected as St. Josemaría’s first successor. When Opus Dei was established as a personal prelature on November 28, 1982, Pope John Paul II appointed him Prelate of Opus Dei. The Holy Father later ordained him as a bishop on January 6, 1991. Early in the morning of March 23, 1994, God called his good and faithful servant to Himself. Stichting De Oude Gracht in cooperation with VNB offers 7 different travel arrangements for participation in the ceremony of beatification in Madrid.


Don Alvaro 1914-1994 The Beatification of Alvaro del Portillo Madrid, September 27, 2014

Don Alvaro 1914-1994

Alvaro del Portillo priest and father

Don Alvaro 1914-1994


his life Madrid 1914 - Rome 1994

the person engineer, priest, prelate of Opus Dei

his beatification Madrid, September 27

organized travel flights Friday 26 to Monday 29 September

Don Alvaro 1914-1994

Alvaro del Portillo was born in

1914 in Madrid (Spain). His

mother was Mexican, his father

Spanish. He studied civil

engineering, philosophy and


Don Alvaro 1914-1994

Don Alvaro 1914-1994

injured by a monkey wrench

during catechism for children

in a suburb of Madrid (1934)

Don Alvaro 1914-1994

He was one of the first members of Opus Dei and was a

direct collaborator of St .Josemaria. It was him who

stimulated Don Alvaro to become priest in 1944.

Don Alvaro 1914-1994

In the Netherlands (Brabant) 1958: St. Josemaria together with Don Alvaro

Don Alvaro 1914-1994

a visit to the Onze Lieve Vrouwekerk, Amsterdam, 1958

Don Alvaro 1914-1994

During Don Alvaro's years in

Rome (1946-1994), the

Holy See entrusted a

number of tasks to him, and

he carried these out with

great dedication. He

participated at the Vatican

Council, among others as

secretary of the

Commission of clerus and

laymen (Presbyterorum Ordinis). Vatican 5-3-1960:

St John XXIII, St. Josemaria, Don Alvaro

Don Alvaro 1914-1994

Vatican 5-3-1976: Paul VI and Don Alvaro

On September 15, 1975,

Don Alvaro was elected as

St. Josemaría’s first

successor. When Opus Dei

was established as a

personal prelature on

November 28, 1982, Pope

John Paul II appointed him

Prelate of Opus Dei.

Don Alvaro 1914-1994

Torreciudad, July 1977

Don Alvaro 1914-1994

Amsterdam, 1970-1980

Don Alvaro 1914-1994

In Kenia 7-4-1989

Don Alvaro 1914-1994

ordained bishop by St. John Paul II, 6-1-1991

Don Alvaro 1914-1994

with St. John Paul II, 18-5-1992

Don Alvaro 1914-1994

The last h. Mass 22-3-1994, in the Church of the Cenacle, Jerusalem

Early in the morning of

March 23, 1994, God called

his good and faithful

servant to Himself.

He just came back of a

pilgrimage to the Holy

Land. The day before he

celebrated his last holy

Mass in the Church of the


Don Alvaro 1914-1994

St John Paul II in the Prelatic Church, Rome, 23-3-1994

After his dead, the same day, St John Paul II visited him at the

Prelatic Church.

Don Alvaro 1914-1994

Miracle through Bishop Alvaro's intercession: recovery of

Jose Ignacio. The Holy See has attributed to the intercession of

Bishop Alvaro the recovery of the newborn Jose Ignacio Ureta

Wilson after a cardiac arrest lasting longer than half an hour.

José Ignacio with his parents 2013

Don Alvaro 1914-1994

March 12, 2014 Through his Secretary of State, Pope Francis urges those taking part in the conference on Alvaro del Portillo to imitate his "humble, cheerful, hidden and silent life, a life determined to give testimony to the perennial newness of the Gospel." His Holiness exhorts you to imitate his humble, cheerful, hidden and silent life, but a life that was also determined to give testimony to the perennial newness of the Gospel, by announcing the universal call to holiness and the furthering through one’s daily work of the salvation of all mankind. Cardinal Pietro Parolin .

Don Alvaro 1914-1994

The Almudena Cathedral

Beatification of

Don Alvaro del Portillo

in Madrid

3-days flight, September, 26 to 28

4-days flight, September, 26 to 29

Don Alvaro 1914-1994

Program Friday, September 26: departure of

flights from Schiphol airport. Saturday, September 27: Beatification

Mass, presided over by Cardinal Angelo Amato at the Valdebebas Park.

Sunday, September 28, Thanksgiving

Mass presided over by Bishop Javier Echevarría, Prelate of Opus Dei, at the Valdebebas Park;

departure of first flight. Monday, September 29, Departure of

the other 6 flights.

Don Alvaro 1914-1994

travel arrangements include

flight with KLM incl. all charges transport within Madrid, airport to

hotel, hotel to Valdebebas Park, etc.

Stay at a three star hotel with breakfast in a double room

public transport

not included

consumptions, lunch and diners accommodation of young people travel and cancellation insurance free gift for local organizer

Don Alvaro 1914-1994

Hotel rooms In a 3 star hotel; for stay in a single room, there is an additional fee. Youth Flight MA1403 is for youth (boys) and flight MA1406 for youth (girls). Both groups will have accommodation in schools. More information about the beatification: about Opus Dei: Contact regarding travel arrangements: VNB other aspects: Stichting De Oude Gracht,

Don Alvaro 1914-1994

Travel code

heenreis terugreis verblijf tariff charge single room

MA1401 26-9-14 13:40 16:15 29-9-14 12:50 15:25 hotel Aravaca € 489,- € 150,-

MA1402 26-9-14 20:50 23:25 29-9-14 17:10 19:50 hotel Aravaca € 489,- € 150,-

MA1403 26-9-14 20:50 23:25 29-9-14 17:10 19:50 school € 295,-

MA1404 26-9-14 9:30 12:05 29-9-14 20:15 22:45 hotel Eurostars € 489,- € 150,-

MA1405 26-9-14 9:30 12:05 28-9-14 17:10 19:50 hotel Eurostars € 439,- € 100,-

MA1406 26-9-14 9:30 12:05 28-9-14 17:10 19:50 school € 295,-

MA1407 26-9-14 6:55 9:30 29-9-14 20:15 22:45 hotel Eurostars € 489,- € 150,-

Don Alvaro 1914-1994

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