Barksdale OSC October Newsletter

Post on 08-Jan-2016






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Events and Happenings in October!


  • Letter From the President:

    Honorary President:

    Kelly Goodwin Honorary Vice President Alli Parker Honorary Advisor (Global Strike) OPEN Honorary Advisor (8th Air Force) Amy Clark President Carri Walters 1st Vice President Valerie Nicholas 2nd Vice President Mandy Miser Treasurer Carol Beene Secretary OPEN Parliamentarian Rayna Mercer Social Coordinator Allison Winkepleck Tahya Neal Membership Coordinator Annalies McDonald Hail and Farewell Tonja Karren Shifra Willick Publicity and Public Relations Julie Taufaasau Property Manager Shifra Willick Reservations Jennifer Attaway Jenny Lamont Ways and Means Shifra Willick Newsletter and Webmaster Kim Vasey Volunteer Coordinator Jennifer Vann Charitable Coordinator Annie Vandenbussche Tiffany Fatur Scholarship Coordinator Robin Dickey Historian Shannon Harrington Community Representative Elizabeth Strong Associate Representative Jo Crone

    Board of Governors


    October 2015 Newsletter

    September 30, 2015

    Dear Barksdale OSC members,

    The boxes have been unpacked (mostly) for all those who PCSed, the kids are back in school, the

    summer heat has let up and now the time is right for our Barksdale Officers Spouses Club to

    begin another year. I am thrilled to serve as your President and looking forward to a great year.

    The year will hold many good times, fellowship, laughs, fundraising, volunteering, new

    friendships, and the coming together of spouses for the betterment of each other and our

    community. I am so excited about what this year has in store for us all. I look forward to

    meeting each of you and the memories that we will make together throughout the year. Our

    first social is right around the corner and promises to be an evening full of fun. I cant wait to

    see you all there!


    Carri Walters

    Treasurer Update:

    Fee Facts: Everything You Need To Know For BOSC

    Welcome back to a new social year for BOSC! I am Carol Beene, the returning Treasurer. I found

    that it took me a few months to get the hang of things the first year, so I just decided to keep

    going this year!

    There are several ways that you can pay for membership dues or social fees.

    The third way to pay is a NEW offering that we will try this year. Prior to the social you can

    follow the link to PayPal off our website or email and pay in advance, skipping the check in

    line! If you cancel your reservation prior to the cutoff date for that social, your fee will be

    refunded in full. Cancellations after the cutoff date cannot be refunded.

    Additionally, please know that our Bylaws state that if you make a reservation and do not cancel

    prior to the cutoff date, you are required to pay for the event even if you are unable to attend.

    The reason for this policy is that we must still pay the social bill based on our reservation

    numbers. The only exception that is made is if you find a replacement to take your reservation

    spot and that person did not already have a current reservation. If you miss a social, we will send

    you an invoice through PayPal and you can either mail a check or pay through the PayPal link.

    Thank you for your understanding on this situation.

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    October Social

    Reservations Policy

    To make a reservation for a BOSC social, please contact the Reservations Chairs, Jennifer Attaway

    and Jenny Lamont, at Permanent reservations are available upon

    request. A reservation or cancellation must be made by Noon the Friday prior to a social. If you

    do not cancel your permanent reservation prior to that time, you are considered a no show and

    you will be billed for the event. Email reminders will be sent out prior to event socials so that you

    have time to make reservations or a cancellation prior to an event..

    Wine and drinks will be available for purchase as well at the Hangar II Bar

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    September Social Pictures

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    Small Clubs

    Book Club:

    Book Club will be meeting Monday October 26thth at 7 p.m. to discuss the book Far from

    the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy. If you are interested in joining the BOSC Book

    Club or would like an Evite, please contact Sabina Squires at or 859-

    433-8740 or Julie Taufaasau at or 808-381-3790.

    Bowling Club:

    BOWL.....Barksdale Officer Wives League still needs bowlers....There are not many

    of us, but we do have a lot of fun each Tuesday A.M. at 9:15 at the base

    lanes. Come join us......Call or text Jo Crone @ 318-286-2880 for more information.

    Bunco Club:

    If you are interested in hosting the Bunco Club for the 2015-2016 year, please let a

    board member know!

    Wine and Cocktails Club:

    The wine and cocktail club is hosted by Kelly Goodwin. To be added to the evite

    list, please email

    Gourmet Club:

    The gourmet club is hosted by Jennifer Attaway and Karen Zhea. To be added to

    the evite list, please email

    Ankle Biters Club:

    The ankle biters club is sponsored by Erin Beene. To be added to the Facebook

    group to get information about our events please email

    Our October playgroup is Monday October 19th. It will be a Halloween Party!

    Pinterest Crafting Club:

    The Pinterest club is hosted by Annalies McDonald. The Pinterest club will meet

    on the last Wednesday of each month. To be added to the evite list, please email

  • Business Name

    Page 5

    Community Happenings

    This link provides a wide variety of local events

    The new Barksdale services site is very informational

    Oktoberfest Barksdale Club 10/2/15

    Tickets on sale now at BX and your squadron POC

    OG Auction 10/17/15

    Hoban Hall

    Brew 10/17/2015 Festival Plaza

top related