Aubrey de Gery

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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  • 8/12/2019 Aubrey de Gery


  • 8/12/2019 Aubrey de Gery



    l)cCtu\: Nho hrs r Ph.l). in biohs,a lronrCrn]nnlsc Ulrivorsitr'. is r bioDcdicnl ilrlontolosisr. r scicrrist \lm hics to do(Lol)n.N\nls tr) co brt rsir)s.l\lrDr ofhis pr.r\rrc inftnirrcd br hinr. sonro srr rlrrl nNclrolo irg to (te Grc rs r scnntist tdiDls therntna frotussion 7i r r,,1,r, I..r'ir. I scroos. scholxrl,v n snznrr t) bljshed bv Nll'll(crl so fur rs to hold r.ontcs(. ollcrina rs2o.000 Drizc to tlrc s.turlist Nlm roulll)ro\c rhrt {lo Grct is. indecd. tlll ol slrit(llo( sDocilicnu tht so0l Nrs ro dc onsrrurc to I Nncl oi judscs dnt dc Llrcr'ichi0fnler\'rs so N onslhrt it is DNorthtoll.rrred dtbNt(l )Nobo(lr Notr.

    One ol lhc r.$ons n\ lrrtrt lo sinrdl"disDissdcCR] is Lhalho c\tRoriin{ril billirnt. Itren his dcnrclors.oDccde as nnrclr.SlreN,nr Nuhnd. r rctned lilc pr)fcssordndruLhof ol lli,i Il.Dh.hasollcddcCfcrn "sinsl0 nrirdcrl rcxlof Nln coukl crtrsctho desttrrctnD olour pluctl butherlsoron\Jdd dc Grcr:\ intcllcct rDd orisinrliqto thrl oit, dr\rinciIithcrNr).dcsltulerof da\rinci,itsccmsirrpo ant t{) sdious\' considcr Nhrt hchis to sr\ rnd \hrt il could nrcrtr il hc is

    lrccrusc \,lrrt l)r A brq l)nvm Nicholxs.Jrspcr dc Llt s. s is thrt Nodo rot hrYe lo

    0t c0uRs rT s0uN0s pcEP0srER0ls.I kDoN ihis. lnrt nging. rs dc Crct likcs totoint out, is r poori undcrstood phonotrrcnor. l-hough $'c rccc|t is incritrblc thrlc\.e.y hunhr bcins is dcsLinc.l to rgc rDddic.Yestill don l ImoNNh):AginBe\Dertsasrcc thrt tltc nIin rcnsor\ c dll verr out our crllul.r and Drolecu-lrr sc.ffoldins nrcrorblr dcteriortrring,no mdltcf ho\\ nNch Nc cxercisc or howNell Nc ert is bccrusc nrtuml seloctionncvcr nslio{l us rot lo.This is Lr^Yn rs crolurnmrfy rcgl.ct. Orcc Ne Act r In\ e8sDrst rcproductilt rgc, thcrc rs Do cloLLtnnldf k,rson \c recd to.orlintrc Ii i'rs.

    'l-hrl doesrft mcrd it hrs to h{Dlret. fhcconscniF rnurgbiolosisls js dut thc biochenricrl sisnrls cDcoded in our DNA ir)strucL ourbo(lics lo locusoD sellrcprn onllonscrouSh Ior us lo rcpqh'cc rnd cnsnredre sucrcss olour olhprins.llut Nhrt itNecould lc[n ihesc sisnr]s? And rtljlst thenNsrges theJ re tryinEto vrxl?It\ nor jLrst onrli$s likc de Grcr'\lrohxve rcli$e.l lo lreckl .cccDt our lrtc.'''fhc.cis nothi4 nr biolosvreltlund lhrtindicrtos tl[ iDt itabilily oi dorlh]-\roteItichrftl l.ctnnun. one ol thc lunrinrriesof trycnticth .criln) scieDcc. $ho shdfcdthr r d5 Nobcl I'rizc nr Phlsics. (Hr dicd nr

    r93s.) fhis sul*3srs to rtr'tlrrt it is not rtrll incvitdbl. rnd thrt it isorrlyaD0ttcrorljrrc bcibrc rhc bn)logisls disco cfNhrt iljs thdt is clnsnrgus lhe tiNblcl'Dc c.eyinsists lhrl. iihisDhn is l nlcdind shoNn to *ork. jll possiblc d t tltrli$t 1.000 yerr old hunur hNrhctd bccnborn. dd mdyLrc lhc :i,000 lcrr old.rnd Dcrluls clen drc lirsl I million. .oF

    olil. Yes: a lrnilhm rclr olil. Iln not cn-cunrbercd hyconrcntnDl hesi,Ys. ,\nd l\nnot ininnnlnto(l b Dissing pcoDle oft l''lhe host Ddl ofdc Ore '.s Dlu is tlut $twon\ mcrclt bc lrinliins on, \rithorrd rnddccrcpir. rll llksc ycr.s. Not in tltc Crc s plrn (lls n)r nrillcrnjunr rftclnrilldrntun) olr''outh, olligor olscr. Ilctit$dre nriddle'trgcd ro$. de CreJ Nill rc'juvcnitc our colls to Dcdornr rs if thcy.0

    Such possibilitics rrc 0DprrcDtl not ouLsidc the h\$ oiDaltrrc. lhcrc rhcndr e\istorsuisnls tlut hrdl seem torge: Bristle-conc pines cxn livc;.000 ycdrs: lhcrcscv ctrcc thrt uno brctrdrl sPores h{vcsuNiled li nrilhm lcrrs: botlr tlrc h1".1.r.r tinr'ftnNrtorttrinIl Nith lhnr. stnrgnrgteDtrclcs. rnd r snr.ll. bell-shaDed joll t]sh.'litrrnopsis nuti n1t kt. Nplcti inntrur.lroN|gnrs url ruy n c.d be inmorlrl. fhccu still Dcrish-ilJo crush thcm. il youronrorc lhcnr nonr rvtrtcr but old aec Nt\

    Agifg. $ dc ajrcrsc.s it. is thc nnst dcvrstrtlrs hnmdit. .n crisis ol rll tirtr'_Ixclv .htl'lrc sals, tnore thrn 100.000Ircoplc die ol rsinsl ltls unlnthonrrbk'tohnn rhrl r)ost olthc\1)rldi toD btuScron-t{noitisls.nrhisoDinnm.snnflJ rsstrnrcth{ttlging is incvihblc hd sDcnd tinton othcr Dr{)jccts \vc\'e dll victims of I

  • 8/12/2019 Aubrey de Gery


    'Drr rsiD tnn... isdccr$ c{llsiL.'$Ic f0suficrins thc cquntrlcrr ol thiftr \\orkl'lix(1. Ccnlcrs I da . rn{l no orcs rloini rrHE FIrsT TlllE I SAlil AUBeEY DE(;r$ dd tro mrlt(r' ho\'tur lccl rbonthiD. ifs frrttr hd|11 to inrscr \onr initirlsiJtlrlins NN rt Cdnrh nlse Unncrsnr lstScDl(rnbcf. \lNc hc Ntrs hostnrr n livr dryconli.cncc highliijhtins thc htrsl rlistovcrics nr nsnrsrahlod rcsurrlr\\'hcn I Nrlked ir. on llre.onltfcn.csopfnnrg (lrr: lufulr $.s rboul to bc s.ncd.rn{l c\c.} rlt.n(lcc sr\c onc NNs slrollingno tlrc l..lue hrll to thc dnrina.oonrrlotr8 thc.ongeslcd Dcririetcr ol r linssr"qurdrNnsle D. (;re olcourse. N$ thc cr.cDlior.,\sho.lcr. quickcf rtrrtL \vrs rv.ilrblc. rnrl I Nntchod ns ho DdfoftrNt r sortolDrimtc olcr r loNconcrct0 \ rll. bo trditr rcloss tht srass,rnd Nnlr uoth.r jcta. strinsins bncl ontoth. snlc\rlk. fher he disrDpcircd into thc

    tlis encrsr- lhoush, is not the chicf.on$tr dc Grc is inrnrcdintely nrcnurblc.Ilshh h{ir llc (;rcy hN r bt oihrL A 8tr'dlrcddish b.o\vn man rtop lris lrcrd. $rllyl|sso0d into r nr iI]g por-\'hil: r bush)'horscshoc oI r Dustache: topiall sidc-buNs: dd. orusitrghcrds to lum Nhcrcverlrcgocs. \'l[t.ouki be n)istrkcn tof a rrc-cootrdrtrslinglronr his.hirIr rlltlre tiDe I sDenrNith dc Gr y.I sashinr Nc{r{suir rnd tic only{mcc. to dclivcrr lcchnc rr rhc N \vYork Acddcnrr ofSci-cnccs. lhor \'rs ro lrbcl ir thcjaclier "ldrink it.s tuo tlrc Srlution ADrl hc srys.IIis osurl outiit is r \rinkled Fshift, tadcd.icitrs. rn(t okl Strn SDths. lin tr rccentrurcdrrncc on cNN. hc norc ftr7zy pinksrcks. He does not own r tollvisior or rccll Dhonc. thouAh ho usNcrs lris c nrailohscssilel]. on r NhcDook ltu with a prFtialb b.okln s$ccr. Hc hrsD t becD to rhenro ics, lrc srys, iDsi\lecn ycrN. and intlreprsl dccrdc hN rc.d onl thc H [y l'ortcrbooks lor plcisufe. He'.s +6 ]errs old. rslrddc o cr six ieet trll. nrd thin rs r nril.Nilh rn uDDcf.crnst llritishrccortsoflercdb,vi slightlisp.rnd sknr N pt'[ rs r ltshly

    IIis wilt. Adclrid( CrDentcr u ,^nre.icrn borD S.ncti.isl sNcirliziDs nr thc srLd.voi irrit lli(s. works if r hlr rt Crnnrr sc.Slrcs niDeka{ Icr$ oldcr thu do ajrot.She\.lso nrissins ne flr rll herliont Lccth.I sot llrc lcclins that neither .lo C.ct rolCdrp.ntc.lrc beholdrn to rnythiDgso b.n{l $ trpporrrdc.. rs il lhcytl trrNccnded$rch supc iri.lilics ud lnc alNos( crclusivcl ir lhc rcrlN oithe nrird'lhty retuscd io lci Nc lisil drcn CanrbrnHc dp&tNent-hy rll acrounts, nrcludnrs de LlrlJs. iti rn utlcr mcss. Tho hrrcno childr n Ki(ls rrc rinro .onsuNingl' lrcsrls. anrl li)rs of otlnl pcoplc scctrr Dericcllr

    I). crr lriNsclfis rn onlr child, D.oushtI jn nriddl.-chss conrrbrL nr r Londonlorn housc b r snrslc N)thcr (ll0 nc\crnrc( his litheo lvhcn his nrnlrer crcoulrrsr.l hnn io trkr uD tltr'pirno.lrc Rtused-hesals. b0crusc lrc rdlizcd lh.t llrc bcst Possiblcoutco rNrs thxl hcil bccomt. src{tpinrist. Nlrj.h v[ld Devcf rlterth. courscoI hisld'rr ltvcr scli-d\rrc. dc Crcy is tlrcJirsl tocall hinrscli in uosut basl|.d]llc ...cncd r hnchokn's rl0grcc lrcnlCrDhrnl8t nr conrlnrtcfs.icrlcc.rd sltDt rdocr{lc on dro do0lop rrt oi rdillcirl intclligcrcc O.l rtt.rlre nhuied CrlHrtcr:nr 1991. d hc bc.ome obscssed Nith .sinsthco4r nnmcrsiDB hnnself in lhe rclevrntlitchtrk. He read. dar and rrisht, rofthreeIerrs rnd cnrcrs.d Nith 4n idca abotrl rheDn'chdnics of DiLochondia. llc e\prn.lodhis ide inro a book. ?r.n:ltrdthondrnn /trttkrli.oI I horu ol Aih1s, \rl\ich rrgued thrtduur,o ro nlilochotrdri.l DNA NN one otthc chicf cals's ofrgnrg. The book so iFprcssld urc fr.ulty rl crnrb|idge rhat tlrcy

    Thc bcsl {.iy to ohserlc de Crer- nrnxlrl Nork, or rt le{sr rhe best ivrr I ftmrd, isto lecd him sterdy.liot (A dcc.Dtlinslish rle, pfclcubli Dc.r dc Crcr loldmc. is rn iderl utdlsl ior itrstiutnD. li\I vory good solrcc ol enel3_vl he nrsisred,_iI yor Dcrrbolizc il Nelll'He nretaboliTesit wcll. OD sclcnl occrsions- I t ed to keeDpr.c Nith hinr, bcer lbr becf. Dontidcatnmlor scR\{ed Donrific^tnnr, an.l crh tnne Iended np with sercml dozen notcbook pr8cscorcrcd nr illesiblc jdtings. Otrc cvennrg,\ncn I strrtcd roldg, h. rrchcd acrossrhctrblo rnd lirislnl trr oNn bccr.Thxisrnrenighr.I kcDr aDrrcisc listoirllthesolid loodhc iDgcstcd over rhe coufsc oi rr intense,ctrcrSelic l\velvelrourDe.iod. lhcr{)rrl: tNocubcs olChedda. cheese.r\t de CEyi conleruncc, I Dct nrdnyDeoplc toutnrslilc c\tcrsion nleN. ihe sorrrhtrt crrp np,lik. a llrloroithe nronth- onirstrbourcroyhcrlLh tr'l ied\vebsitcandh cv.ry D)dgrzinc. The calorie rest.icters.'fh. c\croik gurrs. The olinu$tr dielers.'fhcSd(inix dicte$. l-he Novtr Scotir dicrcr\. Thcrc \vcrc a couple olrcsvcratd puslrcrs. ind onc suy trlknrg up pills rhrrwoulrllcnsrhcn my tcldncN tlrc Drrtcctive opsonrhccndsoll)NA pro i.liDsyc&soiccl-

    l). Grey ignofes all ol thcsc. He docsnliollo$,dny slecial diet or adhcrc lr) rny c\ercisc rcsiDef . lhese Dayrd.l,ver.sloyolrliic.butto a nr{n shoolinstufr nrillonnnu ,theyle lirlle nnF thD .ound inS .fors. Hedocs norown n crr.hc srrs,bccrtrsc dttef iak-inlilonrdrivitrglcssons dtte tZ he rcrlizcdhc lrrd d trrdssive nrenial block oboutpild-nrg rn trnsunled nrissile:' Aird nr cNc hc'sND olerwhile Dcdalinshis alcienr Sun Soloten speed drcund Crmbrnlsc, hls signcdp lo Dc c.roDreserlld at Alco., r ircilily inScousdrle. whcrc 'lcd Willirrls-shcrd is re-poftedlystorud. (t x in utd a r pdit 160)

    AubreydeGrey pfJis.rirnd m, r ,,.c(lr, orrrr,rc3r.ri y e ei iED,s.t, rt,EV ra i gh yoiye::o be Er( r'r.

    1 I

  • 8/12/2019 Aubrey de Gery


    xrr Il irurc lskr(l1D \lr\ l. rll ol \rhdt\.rf up lf thr Dri\on nQr i(ldidltut \hrr lr\ hr(l lhosc sltrrrlis bRti0t:'licr r \.xpons c|trrsc. tc rurrs rn{lcr rnrcinlrnrsrdr.s. \ns i Dl)ssib[. siircc llrcS,rhhs drfrt)0{l llrrir ,rns o\c rr(l: rlltlir Sr chfll,)i\ irt.\trul \'rrt I t\ srriv5h.ll \ings Lollnrs rrrur(l lh. htrl Solli. l],trfnnnfnl \$ \l .lt Nitli t\\cnlrhrd Iirrtcsl srr\ \ r\rI Iirmknltr\'rr. \'lr)Ir(ls rhc ,)]Jlxrsili, Sorahcllei Nrln rlI'nrl\r _\\'hrl rh. hdLl (lo tlrcl r/, \ilh lhosI rrllrl, lho\.rn1rrkr tlicrr inl..our orir r\ (hrrij0. lhfr cr it lrl on rnr\1rftu rrc tlror g,,iig ri) ij.:r"ll\ lrt. rrinrr srndins lhert l|(k loSonrrllr \ns dolornnuon t'in[rhlf rns\at ]l lhc pi)rts it (irrncn{l\fr. t0 nt,s l(l l,) l)fln\c llll lh. IcLlrn.l 1\rcrrlr rl[cf (.nrIrlrnns nrig]l L)f c\.I{{1i10{l ll Llirl tuL.rsc(l thrcc s.J.holn)ish,A1rg(s. \htrl \rs tlrr lrifn? \\'hrt brtLcr( \rs rilh0rsnlc s,,ltA ro tol:r .\ud ll lhr)rtr..(l.r lhxl l)1'inr. llrfr insisliuJr tlirt {lil.horl rn.l lt,,lriD rn(laonrrd h trl tlic riislritl\ r.n 1l). sonrrhs \frc drll\crr(l \,irkt simt,l\b( rnrlliriorlrsc,i r(irrrros. liuf.thrtnighr rLl \cfnr nr ,^.d\ doliQlc lrnrsrtt 'tr0ms.L0LrlldiDl(Nr.\ rn{l h'islrrf,LrntrN d( irsr llif rnuthcit i n dl lLLInof[.\ n (]in0s s0nun r dL.frtrs.ln rn\ cNo. lhc Linslif (lnl nol losmnnhl\i i\11rr the l\o t)lxn0s. onf Qr Nrn(irLb0rl rn(l lrG shiunrt0s. lcll tlic rlisuipn(r (ir Cr,l llr0t llu{lr.l nur Ll]f lt^$ ol(irr^fr ti ,\l \hifh t),,int llnv \'frcnll {l.1ruir(l h l,ul )lli.N lnr lhr rulh'rrlirs in l\rnlLrr(1. rn rrl(mrno \ rc$rn Insonrrl Lhr rn ruNslnddiiu ilL.srll\ in l\rrrllrnl. hnt (lilbcrlir\r hr rnd ltr)bin rrd Conrrd \'0rc tr.rL.drs g 0st\. lnvlsIr(l \i1h bNl(ts ol li0sh irilrn(l lrkf n sl ,1)tin nn u \'rlsir (lr\s lrt0r: tlrr llrr.. S.vrlitllois llc\ro ti.n\r. \'lr.ra tlrc\ lror o(1 n ('frrri.r'.irl llishll,)\'icl,rir,\tlhrnltrrl.rrD,tl..r\ {trtrslnnrs lhrt rrid. Il (hf thr00\fn i1c(l 1,) rn$\0r b.r,)rd lh. obvnnN.\ \ns rhxr rhrlil hrit r nns0h tc lrr).in s.D lii trnd lir(l n,il.\|oclc{l l{r c\.r n"tLrrr lr) Ilrltr: \l,,sllt. (iilb0 \rDL(a 1. gr)honf llis Nili \1ts tol \\rlllfl lit hLni rtlh. riLtr,d. bf0ruse:lr. d b(.n nd so ninflllnr,s h. \rs conritt honk rnd lic nc\er diLl

    xna nic dnlriL bfln\0 hd r1trrkl tlii\ rim..l(her rrn \hr \orL.ln t bflic ( il rnlil shc:r\ liiii sldllmj] in 1|r (l,trtNr\ ol lhulli,in. hrllirr\ t, llr. Nirtrrm on lhc r,)rn\\'hrf ilr. di(l srf hnn nrfslr l n{l(illhf i I s1x11.(l lr)slinlie irlil hr\ rrDD0dhn r r* rrorn(lh0i rn(l kiss((lh.'.,\n{llh.rrrlr(\ rl, nl lIcrf. l ,1(ling .r.h ot r0r utrL lth.) did lhc slt(,s dr

    rrtA.r. lli.hrcl lt'\cLl('\Nl(l ro slul) lir(trorirrrrhrl \ hiclr is hxsi.dll\ tIe 0rrlJpingol Nrt0r: rr(L lh( rtrrL \'rhf co kl d,, Llirl \N to i(iiri thr L.rsl surrdsii lr(.rlist.d rn(l slrdirl. rn{L lit hclticdrlrrrl lh. s0r drrr(l Llrf SolcIcllc itrncrisl. xls. rnrl e\rnlrrll\ hc bcQric r \.11dcLrss hrd )trxphof\ho n.\ silson I Unilc{l

    ^_xrrons trn.l \lrdt ing f.rlin0nlrl shchfr(\yhich is l),,1h nrra inl0resturA rnl nrrai to rnltlurilsoun(lnljnl ho $rs rl , r sril,r. ind nn t$cnli\fn \or$ lrf {li(l lhf nutir. nud nDsll}rrcrc0lul rhirl1]r (qtrnod o1 tL0 sfrrlrfll(sLonst (iurnl IIr frl()ll.d tlic rrchiD.ligod(lN'rrrL.d lror(|ing l(i rA li\r's rn(l l)urs0seinrrs rnd Nrlclrcd 1r)r b.rls {lumIins oilrDd \'$lr rtd. on orcrsnm. rcitur(L lh.cr0\ ol r llrrn{L.nng \$sel l\|sfl1. rcsolhrur h lh. rinlis. I,trrn,nlrl rgrin rr{lrgdin. r11 lh0 \rtrr tr l,) li(rLloDxnl roknrfl.dnd lhou. in thr ScDlrnrlD ol hrs t\fotI.rghth rcrr ,)l s.Nirr. rbout lhc llrn (lilbcrl \'irl{r'\'rs lltmg homc. hf Nis Drl itrhl r,, lhf orLirc srrrn.llo isr lhir rn{li) L sIl)l{.n Drn. nt(l odcrDlrnrcntll irf tr ro(xlrninsundcNLnlf rNrl_l hc rlr lhifslhrt hnsLhrnsr(ll lirsrJsinrccor rring hiscd.o0r _is 1hc Dirrf\ rssu0l'Y r. tht pitu\ N .. rs il il \tort r rc.,)nliijur0d lislicrns igulrln r &'s.Ll('IroNs ho\'lrigh thr slrlics rrc.,\ll$ tr Inllli,rrhcrrL nrr nrnrnrnrs. lhcrtlr.l{s 1)ick0dtr r$in n] Oclobcr: l{) tlrr \rh0cLlirrf \0r ncrr (hilJ k'|ltls ol rltrn0l|(jhijr kin s. tJ rclut(t bl sucrcsslu on.s.On Ocl{)Ur'2ri. r ktuc(l llrllish cotDlr.I'rulni(l ltr.hrl fhrndl0r. \ $. Ldprtrnl buclsi\l\ nrLl0s oul ol \Iirl{r'ir,ti lhcir vrcht. llrcrrn,/Itfd/.'l lrrr rtr n,n Noilthrl thc ln iLishljovorrnrcrt rflirn,s lo DrIn mn trr. rnl rlt)ross tidrr th.t \u0 still bciriA h(l(l iii lln'llr Solclicll0s is/rals rr. quitc srcur0.$rk lhc\ulrN rnnrnd rli|irnd thr r.sloi lhf ltrcf isllndsi nxlc0(1. ovc ll llrnism{lltilrr(l r b rlv t)0rarItiblc I D.irott ur hsllois .rrldirs cc,n nr-lh. 011001 rn lh.sdhom0 in{luiL ns. ho$cror ht rlrcr(lb(n dcvrsrrlin fhc tLrnr crlrh is (lo\fnnurlr'n rhitrl .s Lh0 llcrt hrs nud(l soullrl,) irlcr .t 10ss lr{iucli\ \trtofs. \nirhir lrm fuirlr0s t|r 1 nx.rnno[ or \hliirho nrri(fr1\ lr)glsrrniD|)\oL l\n t crlls hrubccf .ut i| hrll. rnd rrulsr liD.\ hrro di\cdcrl th.n nmlos. lhelrrnn-\rchL rcnltrll) siftss in lhf s{tlrrn isIn(ls is {lcnn]'srfs s0crctrr ,)l srrto .,orn I'r l Adrm'l).?r/. A trl ilrh. pirrl0s \orf lr) linrLt $rc(c.d rt nbhingr borl lull oit,Nf srs:r'crl,r

    'ln rtol{rrl lhr Sf)Llr.ll \ \'rlds. R'srllrlirs nItro\i nrL.ll on. hun{lrrd \ril,,s. rnxirt,ldr rnl llios0l\yr t)rtrrl l)orls. Nhichrllrn (r \(lJons nr si,,ns co\ rn's nlhrl l.nilr)r lrr sr\ct (tits rs. ol coul\c.imIl)ssiblc. ni Llr. s.lchollos hr (llr(l inrcinliir.rnr. 1s lho lirr)t)crr Lrnn rnillhf Lrfllc(lslrtcs both rohlc nru vossrlslhi{r h. Nd lLr nrrvcillrtrL. lircrrlL liorri\lrlra -\\r usf irtrlligrn.fl ltosoltc sr s._fhor0 rrr r l{n ,) \cssoLs ir t r0 rru. rn(lrir(rrlt lJr\sing o\fr lhrt pro\ i(1. \rr ,o.{l

    ]\nd th0r0 hrvcbrrtr src.oss0s. '\rraslirgtll)s r\yfn11 Lh(r' somrlis. lnr irstrnf.:olcn ll lhc \'.fo f\arrtunllr rcrJdrrirl.d. rtlu\l lhr] \u. trkcn oll lh( Inl(l lar I lcNr Drhs l-rtol on l)f.crrh.i ;. rn ItU ril.Mll sportc(l rlrcr 1riIlf borts t\Yr rtlr(lisliillsrn{ln\lislirl lirgcrnxnlrrriliifl r lit'rlc nrf c rhrr o0 niilcs nrLlh\c\{ ol llrlia'lli.7nrd:, on0 rl lltr (orsr , rRl.s t)rlrol

    b,)rls. slcnnrrd t,^\rr(t rhonr. ln lhr drr k 1'll)0ccnrhcr ri. rh. 7i,/d:\ndtrrt,ickr(l p l\.rrruf ls. llirlt Dilos out trrtrlfl,Aif tlt l\0nllkn,ns \ hon thc sl.l i \or r litlL. nxn0lhxn r hrll nril0 orL. ((l trr.r. rnrtns \LLllh0 skr: //r'r. NILi,t sinrn' l-nur0.irf. lh.foDnrr rl.r .l rh. h/d:: tlxrrilrl //r,r.r,.,rlldx. lhnl\ t\\o r'Qrs Li lh..orsl , noN h0s rtlirg \lr)l rl 'l\'0 rclcr hccriri r N hcsfts l) 1lhis\ nsnrfr irLri.rnnr. \ llh trrlhrLLo$ ni lhfnir.'lhr 7i,r/i .0luinr(l ljrr. \'r ing shols.rna lho Dir'trlcs lrBnr (hn.kus $cr|onsiito tln scn. l1lfr. rh.\ knoN lhr r. ltrrronblc. ther i sl st)r)r'sr\s Rrsctlf. -lliflmi |l 1[_ l,] (hslroy lhr 0\nlocr. lrrr llif\sI,,1)lJ ll\ dr\lishl.llrc 7i,/)n: hx(lflrvon Somlhs in cust( lr: thre( Nl,rnili( rillrs. nrlon0 11(lcl t)r,1 lLll r.nrdc thrt dilt l $.1d nUCd qri(kll onou h. rn.l L\,' sl{ill:\. thollrikl l \ing sunk nllrr it colli(tr{t \ ilh lh0

    'fliricrsor llr{'srrr rrslsrr0n,,tnl)lf islhdLr]l)sc clc o ftr ] r.trxll bc lrlc(l sh,rninsrl rcorn gtrIllborl is r :l)ccillr(rin]0. \\tslirnLln:,.1on \ritlr il rrd nx^\ llitm\'0 r'r scri, Is] mr s \\rrvrl lir ni lulr\ ru. \no nr,l',1irrc(lcn11 ,D \illr (lrlb0 \'irt( i crDl{r's _llllnssdls m{ do noLronr lxrnr. h.lLL{Do\

    Or tlr0 otIcr lrrr(1. i) \hrl? So \rhnl ilr lr\r Sonrrlis s{L\rrriLor lIcir In.s lt lh(n0N S0r.h(ll,)is prison Nins hriir builrrrslli,r rlrcnrl whr" \nrl(l lhrt \1,' r rnt otlnr'S,)i li so m0linc{l ll'rr rr\ri lo os.nIt r(t..rcDil lilc id n .r'llrt)sott nntnnr. 0\c i rllhoonl t,lnrsihk Nrl out is in n lQk ski11?'l|crc rr. llrlr ol thos. Uirls IntL llr rtrhr.orst srrrl {lork ir \In],,fi1. \11trhc(llilr[ .hIt. ronc ror. rhrn t\r0nt] li\1lt.Llors.litlcrfl Nilli synnsos rnd dlihilnnsto liglrt oll irlirtiors rr(l skin hoilstlrrt rnut rltcr dnrs nrd \..1{s rmnim0ditrl,) r ll,)rtrng cnsf l\\,',) rh. skilldc D.oDlrorl up onsh,rf. lhon hulls Ilil.dNitI libcr.rlr\\ lr1]| nnd rncrrc(l \ llh pritltrs cltfrD onrJltlAo. rn{l llr.r l,trnt rs illhe .orl(l.rpsi^ lri r stillNifd rishl thcrcon ldd. lhc rrr tlrr(l.lritL$ol{lcst,crnt.n r. trfd llr0rf rtr hrrdrc(ls nr'rf nolrr-s,,1\( Llif D.obl0D in s,rMlirl sr\s R(,{.11. "ll lhorc\rns rrl'nlNinrl LnsonrrLLril lhoro Nns s..uril:. il l)roDl0 \lrkl hr\riobs. lhr llr,ltrm \lotrkl b0 sohr(l li'rs'inf illhr\ \us n foli( lnrrc. lh.rf\rsrIl. l0rs rhrl lrrtrg 1lr r n nonl \rs. lD.g.iin.ltccr se llrrr. i$il dil linsn l lt(n. rnrlfo orc scfnls lr) hr\r tlrc \u(fsr nr)1nn oI_lr \ousol\'0 rhf t,r)ltr[.nsl n0: hrstr\5liirllrl_thdr \ ill r i brr I)mlrdn. scnl

    ANo rNE PRoE LE M crtrr,n h. nn\0d rl s(.rirltr'liur. tIr triIr(s rrl surcL] lr slrrLcnllv ouc csriNrl(.. llIir sr(ofs: Lrlr rlu]lvscillrs r v.ssfl thor'nllrck ln,t)prd lionrd:J tJ.t.ft in l00i ltJ.l 1)( l.Nl rcrrNlir..\cr hrn{lrels hr\r h0cn nRslc(l rrdrrorNririrsrr l. in.l[liris(lo/0nsir K. ] r:nr l\rntlr hr\'0 rlr01dr lfi({t rntl(orvicr(rl. lnd rnothcrsr\.trv.l\1) susD0rts

  • 8/12/2019 Aubrey de Gery


    lnrt thosc rchicvcn.nts. su.h xs ttre\0 rcq ix.d in Ntonishnrs n ,bilizirionol rcsllfr.s The honch rnd SDrnhh arcIf0itrg thcn connnrrci.l rl.ots. thc Scrlrcllcs is buikling r ne\'trison rvin*. LhcliL'. NllO. nnd llrc Us. rrc pnt.olling tlicsers nnd lJ lLnrg suNcilhn(r (M1l i. thcrir rllrr d cost olnrnn]' tdrs of millions ollollr.s to trv l(, thwrrl nrcn dnd bols Nillrsocondhod surs ironr r nro{l dd l)j(i.{bk Drl(| olAnicrn dese|t.'l0l slill lhe keep conring. S.Drli, spitlingh.r sons out onlo tlt'oDcn sc$In thc tirsr t\rc \'.cks oftrlrrch 2010.lhchcsuinnrsolthc pcrk Dirrtc seasot folldlnreth0\'irtr.nrorsoons. rt le$t Lrlr su cctcdDnnrcs Ncre uested nrch ins el.ven scnt1{,llrc serchclles A l)rdlsh destrorcr lnilddn rllrcL{ norr thc Ho or]\l ca. I n.nchfiiljrto srrbbca 1\\entr.tNo snspc.t\ .rght -n\0 nril.s of rhc coast ol.. (igrdhliu. rndor illdrch 1+ rNrd aurds on r sprnishlund bort chnscd r$ rn rtLx.k shitrr n1$..iAhtr Dilosrionrlhha'l hc Dihtcs hrle b.come r pon tcn( nuisrnco. n rjsk Lo bc nrlnalrcd. rn occrsionrlbc suftled Fo. Ffancislkrr.ou, thrl nrcanl sDcndingthe scNon on\lrhi. lhcshiDhe. tt^inedIorn(rl .de-rtrdc. rllc hrlitl, ot.dn L,rphr??: \'rs sone.'lhc Dihl.s torched hcr sootr iftcr rcleNins

    Roucou nrd his (rc\r bumld l)cr t. tho\vrtcrline. ind Lct hcr cu(r$ sink to thcbolldN Pmbrblr' \rolldr'l hrtr. nuncrtl irhid hecn ablo to brilr ] hcr honro. rnr'\vrvl-ounsrs don\ wrtrt nr sril to thc sorth.nislnnds. Srltr lo ill: lht h0 hns tro rcgrcrsrboul sroiiicing thrco nxnrths olhis lili toDiril.\. fhis is r brnulifulconnt'\a hcsn$onorltcnoon \rhcn lrc\ sittiDgon his liorch.drc gron nrNrliin ol \lrha rising belonddrc hibiscus hush in his rn.d. )\td I NouldIrrhcrdic thrn bcthynr corf 0\'l'RobnrSrnrson isolllhe\'{tcI too. llciliinson his lithor in lrNs hnd on r hill rbov.r b0arh or Prrslin IIc nnkos pLrslcr ostsof tul)i.rl lish th^r ho prints rtrd sells nomn slrnd on thc sidc oirhe ro.d, Nhcrc thcr.d xlso som \ud crNiriss rnd jcNclN{nd. t.'rhrrcd Lor pcrch. r bat drnt hrs D.cnknoNnt(ibirc Deoplc. NoN']hcsr s. I rnr rcrriLsnr.trl IIcdoes not sornd enth sirstic.IIc docsDt trlk rboul hh.ronths nr cnl)tnitv Nith nt roLiceiblo cnulion or rnrbundrnt dcuil Hc tlrousht Littlc CnDL int.errcd drc thrcc olihem N ftscls 10 bc t.o-tcLrcd. \nich. rll thnrss cotrsidcrcd. is rborrs \fcll $ onc coukl hoDe Lo be trerfud. H.ncrcr thousht hc Nould be killcd or lo..trucd llc docsn t .rier nruch bcrond thdt._lf vo \'e Ldlltcd to Cilbcrll Robin srls."hes

    conrnd d.csrit tell rn sLd rlrll nnur... Hc Norkins chrrlcrs. rndhc'll rn$vcr his ccll Dl)orc rnd sxv hc ll b0brcl rt ridcn lsland it hv. rnd hc ll nrr.tvou somo\rhcrc.l six. hrt ho\von t s xrl 1.rn{l hr'll do tlrh o. somethnrJl sinrihr scr.rrrl tiDrcs rntil. hnallr hc stops dnsN..ilA.\s lbr Cilbe . \fh.n hc tclh his sto[: ]lcomcs.uL nr sDr.ts rnd ivith ncquctrl inltFmuions bccnuse 0crtain prr1s. rrltl p^r1s.rkc Gilbcr.t cft nnd h. hrs l. \'iD. his cr"osind sNrllovthc luDp frD his thrort. Irn1not in tuvo. ol soins (o \rr nr Sonrllir: h.srrsrtoncDojnt Rut I rm in INorofkillinsdrrsctcoDlcinsmllbontsl'llut hc crnt do lhrt. So lre Nrnngcs rs best hc cnn. Hti brclt rt scr. skiDperira r-achls rgrit. Hcs nlrerd sriltdfron Srlrlrh. in omrn. to lirhr:. d mutcth.l. no mrltcr hon cir.rili\rs..oukldthehr hut tahc hnn lllQsh DirrtcNrtos. b0cruserll ofthc ers|on Indirn orcrr rs noN''$. srilus. \'c r.e Nhrt lo crll lhiclihcrdcd reoplc: hcsays. ,\nd \vhdtc^n I do?Tliis ishow I mrlc rlJ br rd]''nro N0rks lrlcr h. tlc\v to l\bnl t. srilnnneorc elsclr bortio thoscychcll.s a

    sDAN FLYNN 'sd Ga.rfr,s?rrrux

    Life Begins at 140.\nnmJt n1r jnsLrcxm bbacronlol.gv lrbs.onc ol tlrr rbsL.\ discovcricsiu ol\cs r clnss ol pfol.ins qlled sirluins.-lh. r'c iound ir orgrtrisnrs nom brcbrrto humrns ntrl ric thought to bc r LlDc ofgcnclic $riLch thrt conlrols rging. IliPrhc inuins on. tho lhcor rnd rtin iis signilicrntly sl{^\'cd l.eonr Currcntc.. rlll biologr lrolrssor rho fionceredthc Nork. hrs gredtlv e\pandd lhc lifc c\D0ctd$ oi lcrst. clndrin Kcnyon. of thcUnn.r\itr of Crliftnrid. Srn Frrncisro.hrs nunipuhtcd siduiN m tiu wornscrlled ('ftrdr)dr(/;/tr f/t'L.rJ dtrd secnthcnr sr^ilc si\ tnnos their trorMl lilist,rn. Rohe.t.,. shmookler Reis, rt th0 Unilcrsilv or Arkrns . hrs r.portedlr ufperlrhrr to tor tinrs d rcsult. ii d plicdtcd

    in humnns. thit trrnshtcs inlo de"smagicnl1.000-lerFoklnran.Si risPhrrmrrr liclls. co-foundcd b), Hr.u.d D.otcssorl)i\i.t sinchir. is itr lhe tfocess of dc .loD_iirg drrss dDt [rget htrnan si uins such

    is llr lclci ol orthism tlrdt the compnnN.s rc.endr Durch.scd by GlNosnrithKlnrewhenl.skde(lreyrboulsirluins.hcsrvcs

    oll the Nholc {rcr ol.cs..rch \.ith I teNo r.jonrder:'NotDron)isirgl TheultiinrtctsulLor such stLdrr he errlrirs. coukl ricld nror thrtr thc dela ol okl rge. His plrnct ls iof .sinstobchrLltcd illoeclhcr

    ocbck in Llrc moNnrg on J tre ;. 2000.itr . lrotcl room in NIrnh.ltrn llerch. Crlilo.rir Nherc hc nrs dttcndrng r bioli$of.tolosy conlcrencc Jet.hssrd bcvond dnvhoDc olslr.p, d. Cret lct his drouBhrsdriftItrtlN rlrnn \rcstlc Nith rll Llrc i'rtricrlc.nrlerlirltcd Drctrbolic clenrents dral couldbc rcsponsiblr lorcrusingthe bod]' lo liroNold ud di.. he dccided ro snnflily thi'rssforg.t undcistrndir , the yslert of rgins:itrsrcrd. horv boul iLrsl /i fr,r it:'H. srrbbod r l[n $d jotted do\tr .listolcverlhirB lhdt h{d to bc rurcd lo |r cntthc ons.l.l Dhysicrl nml nlctLdl dcscnerrtid1. Though thc crtc8orics Ncrc sonrc\lhrlbrorrl. lo his gr0at surlt'isc thcre Ncr oiilrin. nens sin(e then. rhc list lus bcct dis.tillcd ro scrcn.0d most ofdc Grt cnc'slhrs b..r locused on lornuliting a grrndDlu'D int ondirins r srp-b\ -stcp tIortnNrlro crch (soc bor. Dnse u3).liccrlls his Dltnstutcsics lor ltnsineefed NeAlirliLrle scncscencc. orSllNs. TheSrNS project isconrpl0\bcrotrd conDrchcnsion edch n iv rLrlsLep. ir srcccsslullr'rccomdish0d. is lroD'{blv }o r r dozetr N.bel Pizos. lu Dhrci'plel hcsrys.\e rherdr"kno{ ho$'to lixrllscrer.'fhisisgoinatohrpDen.Thcre\n (h

    morerhm a50 pcrcrtrt chrnccthrl nnn0on.ilctodlr\ill liv. to ber.000r'I Lrrh idcCrcllsiinx is dclotcd l. rrisitrs Nnrqr Hcdocsnol.un a hbonturl flc Denbnns no handson expcriDcrts. llrthcr than ronhnnla hLDrsellto or. rr oN held. his rcI. in SDNS isthnt olorc.drchirg th0orclici.n. Hc itrl 7esoLhef pcoDlc\ suk. d chi.ts thc nN^rlions {Dd disrppolnlNcnts nnrn hundr.dsofhbs do/cns oidisci incs.Thctrhcsrndrcsizcs rll this nrlo.nMtiotr rtra nfDlics\'lr11.sDc nrent to hisghrd idcr.Ilisiob. nresscncc. is to think. Heiels hoN bc tbinks {.crn cur cnncr: itr No.d. telo.rc.cs.'Itkntrcrls rrc the genotic eqri rlcnl.ltlroc |s rt the .nds ol sh Lhc DrcventDNA sh{Dds rt thc cnds or chron nnncsnonrnnrrv0lints.Drchtnncrcclldit cs.tlrcteloDocs bcco.r. r htrle \oI do\n Oncothqie rsed ur. thcccll quirkl scllilcstN'cls.Cclh hd\r the ability t. rcneN thcirtcl{nncrclcngrh byDrodr.ingrn eD^nro crllcd. dalu-rrlly onolu|h. rclomcr^sc. lhis cnrltn is th.

    crncer celh rcprodu.c.t r turious pncr..nd in so doing qricklr Ncrr thcir tcn)nrcrcsdo$n to Lhc rrbs.Ther rc\ or r lib.enl squi oflelonieuse to rcn.r'therrtrDsso llr. cdn continnc orl-or.contrclgFNrh Ifde Grcy can liDd \'r to hrll tl)rp.odnction oI l.loDeirsc. rhc onnc$..llsrvill rcdch thc lcl.nrcficroD.s ind frll apn.t. ^"o tunror No crnccrArd lhis applios tocrcrvkind orcrncorIti difiicnlt to delennrc ho\ Dossiblethis rcrll1' is. Ccne thc.rpt onc oillre chieltools in dc GrcIls plu isslill ni ilsi'ihn.r:-fo hrle "nv chmcc olb.lielins in dc Grctideds. lor hnvo ki lJelievc. rs hc {locs. t )r1

  • 8/12/2019 Aubrey de Gery


    Nir.l th. cusp of rn lgc ofbiotcchnolosr'innoution. l)r GN likcs to conrprrc thclLrturc oi trcrlhrg rgina to llrc tiin0 linc oflrunnn Do{.r d ilight. Ior Nillonnir, mrndronnrcd ol ilvirg NoLhing hrDpctred. Filchurdrcd I cuf, rao. Leonrrdo dr vnr.i Drcscntcd detnilca d.dNnrss oI ll,\'nrg nrnchnlcsNothnrJt lrrDDcncd fhcr. in rnud rrsLr.\'.crtrDrltcd nonrthclvrightbrodl$s toLindboruh to thc Concordc to thc sr)r.cshuitl0FcNcr lhrn si\t\ ycr$ hrlc Dnsscd snlcc\\'rtson rtd c|iclt nrodcn nrcdicnrc'.\ Or_vrllc nrd wjlbur proDoscd ihe shl.Lt c oll)NA Onl s.von ycrrs hNd Dass.d sincc drcllLnn.n (lcnonlc Projcct n Dlcd oo.Ecnct'.scqucncc. ccfc tlrcnD n'.sD1 cven dlco-ri^d until lhc 1960s. lr dre DNt lcw vcrrs, it\boon s.d hr n jor edicrl brorkLlnllshs:Itn'rs nscdto cnrc squirrel nronkels ofcoLorbliirdness. rnd reccnrlydodoN ir Pr suscdit toslowri.fulbmnr discasccrllcd X hrked{d.cnolcllodyst.oDhy in young bo s. [4]atcomcs ncst. de crcy Drcdicrs. is r scries otc\tuo.dinalr n1cdicd1 l]rcsr.ssnlrs, orch rtufthe. odcr of nusniiL'dc nrore *Dhisli_crrcd dun dnnhirg avrilaDlc todrr:Dc Cr t\ nrst challengc is to sl)ov thrttlr\c Uicrrpics\ ork on Dricc. lf noncvvorcf oohjcct.hcbclickswccookl bcontlr0 prlhro lr insllcLln$elrh nlice nr lcss tlrrn r de'crdc Thctr it\ on to hum^ns. h.grcss \ illcont hrlrnrglx r bredltthrouBh h.rc,I {tbrck thcre. lht ii. likc rvirtioil- Llrc advuccskccD mountir)g. thcn its lhcor.ticrlll Dos-siblethrt llre hunr n lilcsrrDNill.or r cFrgr. b. lensrhon0d rrr?thrn oncvcr.. crvycrl lt\ nol olf-the'.harts d.zv] ovcr drr.oursc ollhc Lvcntietlr ccnlury. lhc rvcrige,\moricrn lifc sprn {.nt f.onr .15 v.ars torbout 77-roughll, fou. months p$vedrD. (lrcr &coldnrs to his nrrny c rrcs. issinr dn l^test proponcnt olhhtory3 Ldtgesr'running DiDe drcr of ctcrnnl vollhln 2oo5 r sttltcmcnt signcd lry trcntv_ciahtlcidjns.\D0fts \'rs Dublishld nr Lhcjotrrnrloi thc Lurofcrn trlolccullr Biolog oryrnihtion _'fhc jdcrthatrrcse.rchprorjrrnrnrcorsrniz..l dound thc SltNs rsenth willnoron\' rcLrrd rschA, bot lho r0vcNe n-c.ertinglonngpcoplc from old otres-rnddo soNithin our lifttimc. is so fN lronr phusibletlnt il .o0D,nds no .csrrecr rt rll \rilhintho nrlornrcd scn$Ljlie connnnnnlf- drc\rFte IIcr0 is \{hrt some othcf rcscrrche$hiv.s abouL dc Gry plrf: ltl sp0ciotrsnonscnscl lxeudoscicntihc p.opqrndrl'"rncl.bohtcdrccptiora hrsicrlLhilkinsl'\.ienrilic nris.onductl , ctrtlc biomedicrLr rtNli and d iii'ytrlc:Not clrerD hnytalc, ci(hcrwhrtd.Grenccds fionr us-lron la\Di,\,cfs, or dotrors. orchriliblc lonndrtions-is a billion dollrrsOlc hundrcd nrillion dolla.s I yor lor thenc\t ton ycaN. hc estnndtcs. to cootulnrteud frnd rl1 dre hbortory rvork. r)oslll"usnrsnricc.Nhich {,ill Drove his SENS thcsis:Asins is { nrolcculrr "nd ccllLrlrr discff e thrlcrn, Nith rd\.nccd technololil Lrc curedNorc of thc criticisn idzcs dc CrcI' intholcrst. llc stNs tlr.l nis detractds t.r-ditiotrnl scicntists. oDscssed with obscNnrsrnd trndcrstrtrding nnd dcconstNctnrgpo$0ss lirLle crcrrivity or nrentrl ileribilillllfDcollc likc thcnr rllcd rhc $orld, hc sdys.\ard srill bc trritrs lo sct phncs Lo ill bt

    flrDDing thcii sinas. NIosl scientists-'hcrdds, rr rc{llynot vcf'get Ovcr \4rrt de Grevcdlh drc-conccDturl bcnds" rndrcccDt Lhatsom0 ol us nrisht cclcbrdr. our nrousnndtlrbi.drdn\s. therc e still sertous rtuesttons toitrsNcr For orc- hoN rrc Nc gojnsto lutrdle

    Naturall,\r dc Crc h.s an ans{er' Heconr.nds that drcrc dlnl gonrg to De an)cxtrr pcoplc Al nrst. ,\,es, thc DoDulationwill n shroonr wnh t.w Deople dvins,tlr{t bourd lo luppcn bll fieedo nonrold agc will hN to bc coupled Nith somescvoe dcnrosftDhic shd.htes One orrhsedc Grcy srrs. is r li|tual halt otr havirs bibics. Thc boildjns blocks oilile-thrr h, ourscnes hrve bcen passcd nonr sencdtion roson$rtion. b^ck 1o llre dawn of huDanitbick lo ou honlnrid lDcesro$. ro thcveN orisnrs oi liie on earth.This means, Scnetically sDcaknrs, {e n.c already innnorLrlDeC.ctiiswil instodnd thischanr. \\'c mdr incsscn.e. Lreconrc r \ oild withoutchildrenTo those \rho sdv thrt hc is rtLeDrlnmgtonreddle nr Cods rcrlD. dc Gre poi'ris orttl t fo. most ol huDrtr histoqr liL crDec'rancr \ rs Drobablr no more llratr l*entvy.ars. Should Nc notlrnlenrcrcised ir?.r,\rcry no\' rnd rhen, ndic.l ideas rLrrnout to bc n11ei *r'otconcolihe judses of rhe'ItdtnolB RcLi?r' corlest, Nrthan NII'ln'rcld.achildp.odiByNhocomplclcdhis Ph Drl Prnrccton ii theorltical and nDtlrenraticalplr,\,sics LLt rse 23 rnd larcf iv.s chiel tcch_nology oilicer ol llic.osoft. lndeed, thesec{cDtions rre ottctr Lhe most moDrenlons

    It e rtopoke rnn rtAobrerdcG.ey nndhis qui\otic idc^s, btrt ^ coultc otNccks inhis prcsencc nndc irobvious to nrc thltlres.rrirelt serious rbouLhisqnest.I don lthinkhe.s ftrll of shit in rhe lcast. I have no idea if dsnrsle onc oihis scvcn stcDs will \ rk, butl\n gmtetul ror his drzy dcvorion. He snyshc never rrkcs r dd olt bccausc he\ ncltelyr\rdrc tlut cvd dry hc dclaved merns.noihcr 100.000 hunans Nill die llct norscttnr8 iclr drd isn\ driven bv his osn selrDrcscfvrlion. Rrthcr. hes Dra.licrll kiliinghnnself, itsonrctilnes secns, sotlr.t tlrc resrol us nuy halc d chdco lo live I, lof on.,deeplywish iof his sncccss.The truth is.I dlikotoLreloungagrin. ld liltcto b0vouDg for

    And evon iI de C.ey isn't corrcct th0.cmay bc signilicdni rnciiliN benehts ro h$idcas. So nDybe w0 wotr t livc to bc a lhou-sud. but Dc.lups dc Greyrnd his tcaN $illnr.lie a rew small$ br *th.onghs .nd we'llrllsct io l5o. OrDe raps his cfforts will tcbcu.e AlzheiDefs disorsc. O. dirbclcs. Orcuccr Illris irsishrs helpus lileonlv nve ex-tu yc"N. or iust one yerr or' helli oncNonrh isnt Lhdr wofih th. three brcks hedsks tiom e\err nran, \ onun, and chikl nrtl{ United Strtes? Nl.ybetossnrsabillion atdcGreyisn\r Ndste rt rll. Mtlvbe. once voulhinkrbonrit.n\.tr,bsolutcb.rstin drrr.HaEL rrNxEL 1;r.r dlrr, ,;s./a,i i/, nrr6n rt,rtano an.l torl.l lik(toeonthntr

    Additional CreditsPaces rr6 rrT.From elrll 1e sl30:Baidofodidere Shoes $235 A enEdmonds 2 re S20lDpman TLeba $15 theTeBarShoes $630 ChL,chsBer Brykrk.poclersq are BrooisBrotheE3 ne Sl35,Bfbefi BooE ded2.Shoes $393 lohiVarvarosPodker sqlare: Robed la bon. 5 rle. s93 ldhn varvdosPacerrs.FrDm etr I shtr. sl6s, sielei A anTe $r30 GuccL shDes $393 BrcokBrorhec2 ShtrL $355: D&G.I e Sl30 BandorouGders3 Shnt.s395:oolce&Gabbatu Ie.tl30 BanddlOuG ders. LGIere $545 Cau re dpreDatory Ie m0 rl&M Shoes,s4so: Ba v5 Sh n.$49l,eaha n Honne 1e.$30: H&MShoes $375 cav i Kencdlrecioi.Pascrr9.FrDmrefr I shtrr.9140 A.Pc ne.$50:BenShoroan ShDes $325 A enEdmondsSocks Pa.therela 2. Sh ii. 5364: RatS mDnsne $7B,Naked&Fomols0enm Shoes $3ss &ddksBrothere Socks: N're.3 Shn s345:34 e^c aga bvN'corschesqueie Te $30:H&M Shoes $39 GHBassaCo Socks AmefnApoare 4 shit.S50Iopman Te $150:Surbery 8006. 5163: F oEhe mPasel20.Lert shr g:MarcoMar.D.Hees:pereHardy nrage eatrrnBs and r ng (on I ns l isd) PaneaLo for Zac Posen Rru1dn nder {incer): can erRght. rrBh$ Wo rord Pumps chrst0nLoubournPace 121 Wakh CasoG Sho.k\irherc ro Bly t? Go to cQ. romisoirashion d rccroies

    .oPtRrcHr O 2oro.oNDi N4sr'

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