Atlas IEDC Internal Marketing

Post on 16-May-2015






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Atlas CEO Ben Wright presents "Internal Marketing" at the International Economic Development Council's 2013 Marketing and Attraction Conference on October 4, 2013 in Philadelphia PA.


Internal Marketing: Generating Community-

Wide Involvement

Questions We Will Answer

1. What are people in my community saying about economic development?

2. What are appropriate goals for internal marketing?

3. What audiences are most important?

4. What is the role of internal marketing in High Performing Organizations?

5. What are five internal marketing tactics you are likely doing now that you should keep doing?

6. What are five internal marketing tactics you are likely not doing now that you should start doing?

7. What are five things you should stop doing?

Download the slides, listen to the video, continue the dialogue

• Continue the Conversation: – Follow us on Twitter:– Tweet questions using hashtag #AskAtlas– Join Next Gen Economic Development Marketers LinkedIn

Group• View and share the slides with your colleagues

(available now):

What are people in your community saying about economic development?

How To Vote via TextingEXAMPLE

Poll Question: What percentage of your staff time are you spending on internal vs. external marketing?

What are appropriate goals for internal marketing?

Appropriate goals for internal marketing

Increased retention conversations

Increased investment Generalized support for ED

Positive company “buzz”

Support for specific community projects

Larger “sales team”

“Consulting” relationships with


Increased entrepreneurial activity

Better partnerships with content providers and

What audiences are most important?

Board Members/Largest Employers: Chris Ciaccio

1. Largest board member2. Company planning an expansion3. One of the largest employers in

the Bradenton, FL Area

Vice President of Marketing and Sales– IMG Performance

What Chris needs and doesn’t needWhat Chris Needs

• Access to elected officials• Access to incentive programs• To feel like his company is

valued • Help marketing the area to

attract world class talent• To know he is making a

difference in the community• Projects to work on and own

What Chris Doesn’t Need

• Demographics about the area• A good website• Generalized economic news• Long meetings that drone on

Elected Officials: Mayor John Lewis

1. Entrepreneurial 2. Active in support of economic

development3. Built extensive digital

communications team within Town

Former executive at Apollo Group, University of Phoenix

What Mayor Lewis needs and doesn’t needWhat Mayor Lewis


• Oversight into the direction of economic development programs

• An active, measured approach to communications

• Full access to projects and deals

• To show a return on budgeted activities

What Mayor Lewis Doesn’t Need

• To execute outbound recruitment marketing himself

• To be targeted using your website

Community Partners: Mike Freeman

1. Former economic developer2. Runs largest incubator in Fort

Collins 3. Works with 75+ companies per


CEO at the Rocky Mountain Innosphere, an incubator/accelerator in Fort Collins, CO

What Mike Freeman needs and doesn’t needWhat Mike Needs

• Low cost financing for his space

• Access to partners (Such as Colorado State)

• Investment from City of Fort Collins

• To be aware of ED services for his customers (financing, EZ credits, etc)

What Mike Doesn’t Need

• To be a part of City meetings• To have to go through tons of

reporting red tape

General Business Leaders: Carl Byers

1. Venture Capitalist 2. Never been engaged in economic

development 3. Likely thinks he knows what

economic development is

Venture Partner at Fidelity Biosciences

What Carl needs and doesn’t needWhat Carl Needs

• To know how economic development is relevant to him

• To know when to contact an economic developer

• To understand the difference between EDO and tax collector

What Carl Doesn’t Need

• To be sold on Boston as a good location for biotech

What is the role of internal marketing in High Performing Organizations?

What “High Performance Economic Development” is• It is the first measurement of

the outcomes (Inquiries, jobs, capital investment) that EDO’s create on this scale.

• It proves the ways we make a difference, and in some cases, the ways we don’t.

• It can help drive your strategic and marketing planning using actual outcomes, instead of activities, using national benchmarks as your guide.

The Framework

• It establishes the RELEVANCE of what you and your organization does

• It EDUCATES your internal audiences about what you can do for them• It CONNECTS you and your organization in a timely manner• It ENABLES CONVERSATIONS that put you in a position to solve

problems for companies

Summary: How internal marketing serves your audiences

Poll question: What percentage of the people in your community who meet the profiles above know what you do?

What are five internal marketing tactics you are likely doing now that you should keep doing?

The public dashboard

The email newsletter

The board retreat

Active in market media relations

The Linked In group

What are five internal marketing tactics you are likely not doing that you should start doing?

CEO blog and public commentary

Developing industry champions that are not on staff, and making them accessible

The video briefing or webinar

The EDO as consulting services organization

Content marketing via Slideshare

What kinds of internal marketing should you stop doing?

Things to stop doing

1. Fewer “make an appearance” meetings

2. The printed newsletter/Fact book

3. The generalized “buy local” campaign

4. The “run my recruitment campaign locally” approach

5. Local projects that don’t meet your stated metrics goals


1. What are people in my community saying about economic development?

2. What are appropriate goals for internal marketing?

3. What audiences are most important?

4. What is the role of internal marketing in High Performing Organizations?

5. What are five internal marketing tactics you are likely doing now that you should keep doing?

6. What are five internal marketing tactics you are likely not doing now that you should start doing?

7. What are five things you should stop doing?

Contact Atlas

Contact information:

1128 Grant Street

Denver, CO 80203

Contact: Ben Wright

t: 303.292.3300 x 210

LinkedIn Profile | LinkedIn Group | Twitter | Blog | Slidespace

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