Atenveldt Palm Prints January · 2016. 1. 7. · 7 Atenveldt Palm Prints January 2016 Open Baronial Officer Positions

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  • 1 Atenveldt Palm Prints January 2016

  • 2 Atenveldt Palm Prints January 2016

    Baron and Baroness

    Seelos and Fiordalisa Elena

    Warrant Expires 4/28/2017

  • 3 Atenveldt Palm Prints January 2016

    Words from Their Excellencies Happy New Year to the Fabulous Populace of the Barony of Atenveldt!

    The holiday season has passed and a new year has arrived! We hope that 2016 finds everyone healthy and


    The much anticipated Tri-Baronial Yule: A Merrie Tudor Christmas, came and went on Saturday, December

    the 12th. This was one event that will be locked in Our memories forever. The entire autocrat team went above

    and beyond everyone’s expectations. Sir Czyper’s BTM Tavern Tourney was amazing! Certainly one that Our

    cousins Twin Moons should be very proud of. There were so many activities that everyone could enjoy

    themselves regardless of their interests. Lord Maine and The Phryde Pipers provided musical entertainment.

    There was an astounding silent auction. (At which Her Excellency might have spent a ducket or two.) Then

    there was feast! The ‘yums’ were aplenty as the culinary masterpieces were served to all who partook. Lord

    Niklaus and his team truly outdid themselves. Lady Susannah and her team assured that the feast hall had the

    perfect ambiance for such a celebration. Or course! Who could forget Santa? He arrived just in time to share

    his merriness with the children from all three baronies. There was so much pageantry and the feeling of family,

    it saddened Us to have to go home.

    The Thrown Weapons Champion competition was held, Saturday, December 19th, at the home of HE Dalla of

    the Misty Forest. What a great night! Competition and food and laughter. In the end, Lord Jerome bested all

    and has become the barony’s newest Thrown Weapons Champion.

    Estrella War is on the horizon; please keep an eye out for announcements regarding camping with the barony.

    Pre-registration is important. Please see the Estrella War website for details.

    We would like to remind everyone of the archery and thrown weapons practices. Both the archery and the

    thrown weapons community are full of amazing, talented people who love to share their martial art. For more

    information, check the Tome of Faces pages for each of these groups.

    We continue to be in awe of the populace of this great barony and appreciate the privilege to continue to serve.

    Yours In Service,

    Seelos & Elena

    15th Coronet of the Barony of Atenveldt

    Premier Barony of the Society

  • 4 Atenveldt Palm Prints January 2016

    Retinue of the Barony of Atenveldt

    Head Lady-In-Waiting: Lady Rachel Phethean of Sons of Scotia

    Steward: Lady Thyri Eiriksson

    Current Baronial Champions: Hard Suit Champion: Lord Chadwyke von Mangold

    Rapier Champion: Master Ritchyrd McUath

    Arts and Science Champion: Lady Aoife inghean Oisin

    Archery Champion: Master Jean Andre Boeye

    Bardic Champion: m'lord Maine of Galway

    Thrown Weapons Champion: Lord Jerome the True

    Youth Champion: m'Lord Micah


    Map Courtesy of Kingdom of Atenveldt page.

    Picture of Lord and lady of Love taken by Lady Izza-al-Zarga

    Rogues, Rascals, and Rapscallions picture: Folio 87v (page 178). Tacuinum sanitatis, Codex

    Vindobonensis, series nova 2644. Northern Italy, probably Verona, 1380-1399.

    Southern War Practice photo: Estrella Woods Battle Photo by Sir Thomas

    Heroes of the Silent Angels Archery picture: Andalius de Nigro Januensis, Tractatus de

    sphaera. Date d'édition : 1325-1330

    Heroes of the Silent Angels picture: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Latin 1171, f. 71r. Book

    of Hours, Rome. 16th century

    Central War Practice Photo: Photo by Sir Thomas the Diaemus

    Northern War Practice photo: Estrella War Melee Photo by Sir Thomas

  • 5 Atenveldt Palm Prints January 2016

    Baronial Officers Seneschal:

    Jean-Andre Boeye

    James Boeye


    (No calls after 9pm)

    Warrant Ends: 5/31/16

    E.D. Seneschal:

    Edeline de Diekirche

    Warrant Ends:

    Parks Liaison:

    Henry Vanderbilt

    Warrant Ends: 12/31/15

    Deputy Parks Liaison:

    Ivan du Grae

    Warrant Ends: 12/20/16



    Deputy Regalia:

    Galen of Kildromy

    Warrant Ends: NA

    Chancellor of Youth:

    Katerina of Otford

    Warrant Ends: 9/14/2017

    Deputy Youth:

    Available Waiver Minister:


    Warrant Ends: 9/30/16

    E.D. Waiver Minister:

    Aelia Musa

    Warrant Ends: 06/30/16


    Beartlaoi mac Mathghamhna

    Ends: 1/31/17

    E.D. Exchequer:

    Thyri Eiriksson

    Warrant Ends: 10/07/16


    Wade Greenwall

    Warrant Ends: 6/18/15

    E.D. Herald:



    Joseph Grunewald of York

    Warrant Ends: 9/30/16

    E.D. Webminister:

    Mattne Dona

    Facebook Admin:

    Galen of Kildromy

    Warrant Ends: NA


    Sorcha inghean ui Ghadhra

    Warrant Ends: 11/30/17

    E.D. Chronicler:

    Kedivor Talmabcadwgan

    Warrant Ends: 11/30/17

    Knight Marshal:

    Baldric der Kreiger Warrant


    E.D. Marshall:

    Nicholaus von Erlach Warrant

    Ends: 10/07/16

    Youth Marshal:

    Heinrich der Brauer

    Warrant Ends: 11/27/15

    Rapier Marshall:

    Duncan Mac Kennie

    Warrant Ends: 3/14/17

    E.D. Rapeir Marshall Available

    List Minister

    Roseline D’Avignon

    Warrant Ends: 9/25/15

    E.D. List Minister:


    Warrant Ends: 1/31/16

    Captain of Archers: Merewyn of Edington

    Warrant Ends: 1/31/17

    Lt. of Archers:

    Jerome the True

    Warrant Ends: 1/31/17

    Field Support:

    Katerina of Otford

    Warrant Ends: NA

    A&S Minister:

    Aoife inghean Oisin

    Warrant Ends: 5/26/17

    E.D. A&S Minister:

    Rhiannon Cyra

    Warrant Ends: 5/26/2017

    Gold Key Ceridwen verch Deykin

    Warrant Ends: 5/01/16

    E.D. Gold Key:



  • 6 Atenveldt Palm Prints January 2016

    Baronial Signet Ritchyrd McUath

    Warrant Ends: NA


    Mercuro da Spin

    Warrant Ends: 4/1/2017

    E.D. Sheriff


    The next Barony of Atenveldt Business Meeting is

    January 7th, 2016 at the University of Advancing

    Technology (2625 W. Baseline Rd., Tempe, AZ 85283)

  • 7 Atenveldt Palm Prints January 2016

    Open Baronial

    Officer Positions

    The Big Red Officer Core is looking for a few volunteers to help run the Barony

    either as a deputy or the principal officer. Come and learn how the Barony runs

    from a business perspective. Help is always appreciated and gratefully accepted. If

    you want more details about any of these positions either contact the principal

    officer if there is one or the Seneschal's office.

    Knight Marshal – authorizes fighters, makes sure all rules are followed and armor

    is safe, reports incidents, files monthly reports to the seneschal and kingdom

    marshal. Position open till filled.

    Emergency Deputy Marshal - assist the marshal as needed, may need to become

    qualified as an authorizing marshal for hard suit. Position open till filled.

    Emergency Deputy Sheriff - assist sheriff as needed, works with lost and found,

    organizes and runs a watch at all baronial events, files monthly reports with the Kingdom

    Sheriff and the baronial seneschal - Position open till filled

    Regalia - maintains baronial regalia and is responsible for making sure it gets to

    events - we currently have 2 deputies. Position open till filled

    Emergency Deputy Herald - assist with field heraldry, court heraldry and possible

    book heraldry. Position open till filled

    Emergency Deputy Rapier Marshall - assist the marshal as needed, may need to

    become qualified as an authorizing marshal. Position open till filled

    Deputy Chatelaine - assist the Chatelaine with new comers, loaner garb and as

    needed. Position open till filled

    Deputy Chancellor of Youth - Assist the Chancellor of Youth as needed. Open till


  • 8 Atenveldt Palm Prints January 2016

    Planned Coronet Progress for

    January 2016 (Consult with their Excellencies about actual attendance plans for a specific event)

    01/02/16 12th Night (BTY)

    01/03/16 Southern War Practice (BTY)

    01/10/16 Heroes of the Silent Angels Archery (BSD)

    01/16/16 Heroes of the Silent Angels (BSD

    01/17/16 Central War Practice (BSD)

    01/24/16 Northern War Practice (BGM)

    01/27/16 Court Night (BofA)

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    Upcoming Events

    Rogues, Rascals, and Rapscallions Saturday, January 2nd, 2016 6:00pm - 11:00pm

    Grace St. Paul Episcopal Church in McBride Hall 2331 E Adams

    St, Tucson

    Calling all scoundrels, all tricksters, all ner-do-wells, come and

    join us at Rogues, Rascals, and Rapscallions in the Barony of Tir

    Ysgthir! The guilds of Thieves, Assassins, Highwayman, and

    Privateers will be present for this rare joint meeting under the

    watchful eye of the Bandit Lord and Lady. Impress the Bandit

    seat with your skill at games of chance! Eliminate your rivals so

    that your guild might grow stronger! Expose the traitors among us before they bring down our

    brotherhood! But above all, come for the food, the frivolity, the fellowship and the shenanigans.

    Given that this is a revel themed around black sheep, we ask that all who attend come dressed as

    something unsavory in period. Executioners, swindlers, corrupt officials, those of ill-repute,

    lepers, and the like are all welcome in our company this night. There will be a prize, voted on

    by those in attendance, for the gentle who is the most unsavory.

    Food will be served buffet style in 3 courses, Appetizers, Entrees and Desserts. The food will be

    a fusion of Mediterranean and Latin American fare.

    Event Fee (including buffet):

    Adult: $8

    Child (5-17): $5

    Child (Under 5): Free

    $5 Non-Member surcharge will apply to site fee.

    The site is discreetly wet. Smoking is permitted in assigned areas. Please no pets. Court will be

    at the discretion of their Excellencies.

    Event Stewards: Lord Riàn hua Tadgàin & M'Lady Æsa Væna

    Food Steward: Lady Avelina Skarlet

  • 10 Atenveldt Palm Prints January 2016

    Kingdom Southern War

    Practice Sunday, January 3rd, 2016 9:00am - 5:00pm

    Himmel Park at 1035 N. Treat Ave., Tucson

    *Fighting will begin at 10AM with words

    from the Crown

    *Court will follow fighting

    *Chivalry Circle will follow Court while

    teardown takes place, please lend a hand if

    you are able.

    Greetings Atenveldt! The sound of the war drums is fast approaching! So let us make ready,

    and rally our troops for battle at Estrella War!

    Join us for Southern War Practice so we might be ready on the fields of Estrella to face our

    enemy in battle! Southern War practice will take place in Tucson at Himmel Park, in soccer

    fields A & B to the south of the library on Sunday, January 3rd. Site opens at 9am and closes at

    5pm. Court will be held at Their Majesties' discretion. There is no site fee for this event. The

    site is discreetly wet, smoking is allowed but please be mindful of litter, and pets are welcome,

    but must be leashed and picked up after.

    There will be a silent auction with items from the many Great Artisans of Tir Ysgithr. The

    procedes will go to support Tir Ysgithr's printed copy of our baronial newsletter the Tusker

    Times. There will be a soup kitchen with a variety of soups, with some gluten free and

    vegetarian options free of charge. Donations will be gladly accepted to help pay back the cost of

    propane, bowls and utensils. So please come join us for some southern hospitality and let's

    prepare for War!

    Event Steward: Lady Berkedei Kokosara

    Heroes of the Silent Angels Archery Sunday, January 10, 2016 - 10:00 am

    El Oso Park Archery Range

    It is with great excitement we announce the 6th Annual Heroes of the Silent Angels Archery

    Tournament to benefit

  • 11 Atenveldt Palm Prints January 2016

    The theme will be:

    Star Wars: Light vs Dark

    We encourage everyone to come dressed as your favorite Star

    Wars Character or creature. If you are competing in the

    archery tournament and you dress as a Dark Side character

    you will be shooting at Light Side targets and vice Versa for

    Light Side Characters. If you choose not to dress up you will

    draw for your side. There are prizes for both adult and youth


    Raffles will be ongoing throughout the tournament with some

    fabulous prizes available, so be sure to enter the raffle and

    help support the cause.

    Costume contest? Why yes enter the contest with prizes for both adults and youth.

    There will be fun to be had whether you choose to shoot in the tournament, enter the costume

    contest or just show up to have fun and win prizes. As a big Star Wars nerd I am calling out all

    my fellow brother and sister nerds to come out and help support the Silent Angels, it is a most

    worthy Cause. As always may the Force be with you.


    Lord Ulrich Von Wolfsfeldt aka Lord Vader

    Event Steward.

    Heroes of the Silent Angels January 16th, 2016 9:00 am – 8:00 pm

    Cheyenne Elementary School, 11806 N 87th Ave, Peoria

    Greetings unto the magnificent populace of Atenveldt the


    Once again, the sweet sun that is our herald has withdrawn. Our

    winter months lie ahead; we will find solace in each other’s

    close company. Rejoice in the weather and the firelight.

    Remember well, our winter is the time to make ready for war.

    With the spring our Sun will again be reborn, our spirits and the

  • 12 Atenveldt Palm Prints January 2016

    melee. In this time of winter our heroes acknowledge by both their prowess as well as their

    chivalry, by both our warriors and our populace. With our war practice comes also one of the

    grand occasions where the heroes among us take the time to shine with the benevolence as

    forceful as our beloved Sun.

    This year, is the 7th annual Heroes of the Silent Angels Charity Event, hosted by the gracious

    Barony of Sundragon. The event promises to be an occasion where Heroes in the eric and in the

    gallery will remind each other and those amazing families that Atenveldt has chosen to

    champion are determined to help fight for a cure!

    If you have never attended, for any reason, come! As always it is free and absolutely no

    donation is expected. We will feed you, we will entertain you and we desperately hope that we

    will inspire you. Bring those friends to whom you would introduce to our dream. We could not

    be more excited about sharing this event with all of you.

    As our tradition has become, there will be tournaments for heavy list, rapier as well as youth

    with associated helm auctions each resulting in a purse of $200 in silver for the adult fighter and

    their sponsor and $50 in coin for the youth and their sponsor. The silent auction is sure to draw

    the most interesting and exquisite objects from the talents or collections of artisans from all

    over the kingdom and other kingdoms. There will also be merchants on site.

    This year we are especially pleased to present a Queen's Prize tourney for the arts and sciences

    for which the prizes have yet to be determined. There is entertainment to bedazzle and

    wonderfy in the works. As ever we are working with new friends and new ideas alongside the

    help and support of those who have stood with us and lent aid and advice since first we set our

    shoulders to this task. We have worked miracles on this day amongst ourselves and our own

    weary hearts, but also on the hearts of the families that we have supported. The fame of what

    we do is here is branching out and touching other kingdoms and affecting hearts Society wide

    as well as within the Rett community internationally. As is our custom, their Excellencies,

    Gwenfrewi and Simon of Sundragon, request that all effort be made towards pageantry and

    chivalry both on and off the field.

    For those who may not have heard of Rett Syndrome here is a brief description of this

    syndrome and how it affects these Angels. Rett Syndrome is a severe neurological disorder the

    primarily affects girls. Rett Syndrome is caused by a mutation in the gene MECP2 a protein that

    regulates the expression of other genes by turning them off at the appropriate time. The

    mutation is spontaneous and the effects are seen in early childhood between 6 to 18 months of

    age. The disorder destroys speech, movement, and functional hand use. Many children lose the

    ability to walk, they struggle daily with severe seizures, scoliosis, breathing abnormalities, and

    often the child becomes dependent on others for a lifetime of care. These children’s normal life

    expectancy is to the age of 14 to 17.

  • 13 Atenveldt Palm Prints January 2016

    Site is Dry, Animals are allowed on leashes, No smoking on the school campus.

    If you would like to donate to the silent auction, be a merchant or volunteer your time in

    anyway with this event please contact the autocrats or volunteer stewards.

    Contact us at: Volunteer Stewards or interested in being a

    merchant donate to the silent auction the autocrats

    In humble service to the Crown and the dream,

    Seadgheaghn An Cathan, Catharine Of Renfewshire, Arianna Marie della Luna

    Central War Practice January 17th, 2016 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

    Cheyenne Elementary School, 11806 N

    87th Ave, Peoria

    The drums of Estrella War are calling us

    home. Our King Casca desires the best

    His army can sustain, and our Queen

    Melissa has beauty to share. Join them at

    Central War Practice on January 17th,

    2016 at 9 am to once again practice and

    drill and fight!

    The original soup kitchen will once again be up and running at this event. More details will


    No Smoking, No Drinking. Pets on leash only.

    Northern War Practice January 23rd, 2016 9:00 am

    Memory Park in Chino Valley 1021 W. Butterfield Rd, Chino Valley

  • 14 Atenveldt Palm Prints January 2016

    As Estrella War approaches, we must gather and

    train our forces to defend our beloved Atenveldt

    from those who wish to invade our lands. Please

    join us in the Barony of Granite Mountain for

    Northern War Practice on Saturday, January 23,

    2016 and join your brethren to prepare to defend

    our Kingdom! The event will take place at Memory

    Park in Chino Valley (1021 W. Butterfield Rd.,

    Chino Valley, 86323). Site will open at 9:00 a.m.,

    with fighting starting at approximately 11:00 a.m., Closing court will take place in the afternoon

    after fighting has ended. Northern War Practice is a FREE! The Barony will provide an

    afternoon luncheon of hardy soups & breads with warm drinks to ward away the chill. We also

    invite artisans to bring your latest projects and join us in the A&S pavilion.

    Event Steward: Lord Kitajima Ichirou Matai

  • 15 Atenveldt Palm Prints January 2016

    Love Letters

    Greetings to the Premier Barony of the Known World,

    As we enter another illustrious year on the common calendar we are reflecting on

    the past. There have been many wonderful couples who have held the title of Lord

    and Lady of Love or King and Queen of Love over the years. These couples have

    helped to build a wonderfully rich tradition and we are grateful to them. If you are

    one of these good gentles, please send your

    memories of this office to

    As we look to the future of this new and inspiring

    year, we would look forward to sharing the Love

    Stories of the populace of this amazing Barony on

    social media. We have collected some of those

    stories already but are in need of more. If you

    would like to share your Love Story, please send it


    In Love and Service,

    Lord Merrick Dowling and Domina Aelia Musa

    Lord and Lady of Love – Barony of Atenveldt

  • 16 Atenveldt Palm Prints January 2016

    A&S Corner

    On the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of January we will be having Barony of Atenveldt Arts

    and Sciences Night at the University of Advancing Technology; 2625 W. Baseline

    Rd., Tempe, AZ 85283

    Personal projects are always welcome and encouraged. Please feel free to bring

    your personal projects should you

    need any assistance or


    Please remember, all classes are

    subject to change, please check your

    baronial or kingdom pages for


    Please see Lady Aoife inghean Oisin

    or Lady Rhiannon Cyra for what

    classes will be held.

  • 17 Atenveldt Palm Prints January 2016


    Greetings and Happy New Year from your barony’s archers. With the New Year upon us, I,

    your Captain of Archers, am very excited about the coming year and the great possibilities it

    holds. This year there are plans for some very fun archery tournaments, as well as the always

    enjoyable traditional holiday shoots.

    Please come out and join us. Unless otherwise

    posted, archery is held at El Oso Park, Phx.,

    3451 North 75th Ave. There is loaner gear

    available, bows, arrows, etc.. Archery is a fun

    activity for the entire family, and youth are

    encouraged to participate. We hope you will

    join us.

    DID YOU KNOW ???

    Vikings were not only great warriors with the sword, but were also spectacular archers. In the 13th century Icelandic saga "The Story of Burnt Njáll", much is told of Gunnar Hámundarson, a 10th century Icelandic chieftain. It was said that Gunnar was the best shot with the bow of all men, and never missed his mark. In fact it is said that Gunnar once shot an arrow at a man and that his arrow passed through the man’s shield and into his eye. While this may just be a story based on a real person and/or events, it does show that the possession of great archery skills was highly revered.

    Finally, I hope to start having a table out at fighter practice at least once a month. If you have any

    questions, please stop by and we can talk. Happy New Year – Yours in Service; Merewyn.

    January 2016 Archery Schedule

    3 Practice – 9 a.m.

    10 Hero’s of the Silent Angles Archery Tourney. 10 a.m.

    17 Gauntlet Shoot 9 a.m.

    24 Practice – 9 a.m.

    31 Winter Society Seasonal Archery Tourney – 9 a.m. El Oso Park

    Hero’s of the Silent Angles Archery Shoot This year’s theme is Star Wars, and all are encourages to dress as their favorite SW character, creature, or race, though it is not necessary to have fun at this event. The tournament will be Light vs Dark. Loaner gear will be made available for those who would like to participate; bow, arrows, etc. You do not have to compete in archery to have fun. There will also be a costume contest for both youth and adults. There are prizes for adult and youth archery and costume competitions. There will also be a raffle for both the youth and adults. If you have any questions about this shoot or would like to donate prizes please contact Lord Ulrich Von WolfsFeldt (Tex Boteler) at or on FB

    Winter Society Seasonal Archery Competition

    The theme is Yin Yang. There will be two timed rounds shot back to back at 20 yards and two Un-timed rounds are shot back to back at 20 yards. Each round will consist of six (6) arrows. Scoring will be standard scoring but with negative values for hitting the Foe/Other side. Yes, your total for any given round can be negative! Come on out and join us for a fun morning of archery.

  • 18 Atenveldt Palm Prints January 2016

    Thrown Weapons

    Live steel weapons are thrown at wooden rounds and straw bales. Sound

    fun? Come try your hand at the art of Thrown Weapons. Instruction is

    provided for new throwers at all practices. Seasoned throwers can record

    scores at all published practices.

    Thrown Weapons Practice is held at 4500 N. 13th Pl in central Phoenix.

    We have a heater and plenty of room for watching.

    Thrown Weapons Practice is on

    January 15th and January 30th.

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