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Quaere quid baroniae tuae causa facere potes. Quaere quid baroniae tuae causa facere potes. Quaere quid baroniae tuae causa facere potes. Quaere quid baroniae tuae causa facere potes. Non quaere quid baronia tua facere tua causa potest; Non quaere quid baronia tua facere tua causa potest; Non quaere quid baronia tua facere tua causa potest; Non quaere quid baronia tua facere tua causa potest; Official Newsletter of The Barony of Atenveldt Palm Prints Palm Prints Palm Prints Palm Prints Volume XXXXXXIV July 2009 Issue 1

Palm Prints - Barony of Atenveldt, · Palm Prints Palm Prints ... Demo Coordinator: AVAILABLE Chancellor of Youth:

Sep 01, 2018



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Page 1: Palm Prints - Barony of Atenveldt, · Palm Prints Palm Prints ... Demo Coordinator: AVAILABLE Chancellor of Youth:

Quaere quid baroniae tuae causa facere potes.Quaere quid baroniae tuae causa facere potes.Quaere quid baroniae tuae causa facere potes.Quaere quid baroniae tuae causa facere potes.

Non quaere quid baronia tua facere tua causa potest;Non quaere quid baronia tua facere tua causa potest;Non quaere quid baronia tua facere tua causa potest;Non quaere quid baronia tua facere tua causa potest;

Official Newsletter of

The Barony of Atenveldt

Palm PrintsPalm PrintsPalm PrintsPalm Prints

Volume XXXXXXIV July 2009 Issue 1

Page 2: Palm Prints - Barony of Atenveldt, · Palm Prints Palm Prints ... Demo Coordinator: AVAILABLE Chancellor of Youth:

Palm Prints 2 July 2009

SENESCHAL: Thegn Rhys ap Trahaearn, {Allen Nearing}, 602.340.8779

[email protected]

Emergency Deputy: Lord Konrad von Eltz, {Zane Gray}, [email protected]


Deputy: THL Jean Andr`e Boey`e, {James Boeye Sr.}, [email protected],


Chatelaine: Lady Morgaine Rhys ap Gruffydd, {Marianne McElroy}, [email protected], 480.250.8480

No calls after 9 pm

Emerg. Deputy Chatelaine: Count Richard Ironsteed, MSCA, OP {Rick Cook},

[email protected], 602.973.6012

Hardsuit Deputies Chatelaine: Lord Gil Gareth Greywolf {David Harris}

[email protected], 602.256.6472

Rapier Deputies Chatelaine: Master Ritchyrd McUath {Richyrd Handley},

[email protected], 602.486.5742

Demo Coordinator: AVAILABLE

Chancellor of Youth: AVAILABLE

Officers of the Barony

Court of the Barony of Atenveldt

BARON & BARONESS: Otto Langenhurst von Baden & Lisabetta Bartholomea Zanca,

{Tracy & Sherri Alger}, [email protected], 623.939.6577 No Calls after 9 pm

BARONIAL HEIRS: Edward de Foxton & Annalies Katerina Schneider

Stewards: Lady Dionysia Lysell {Diane Riebesehl}, [email protected], 602.751.5250 No Calls after 9 pm & Lord Deyv the Mailer

Head Lady in Waiting: Lady Morgaine Rhys ap Gruffydd, {Marianne McElroy}, [email protected], 480.250.8480 No calls after 9 pm Captain of the Guard: Lord Marcus Rinnelly Bond {Robert W Wahl Jr}, [email protected], 602.400.4269 No calls after 9 pm Baronial Hardsuit Champion: THL Jean Andr`e Boey`e, {James Boeye Sr.}, [email protected], 602.486.0359

Baronial Rapier Champion: Lord Gall Fox Baronial Archery Champion: Lord Angus MacLeod {Steven Phillips}

Baronial Arts & Sciences Champion: Dame Katharine of Cate Hall, O.P., O.L., {Catherine Rogers-Cook},

[email protected], 480.231.8599

Baronial Bardic Champion: Lord Thome Spyle Syngere “Spellsinger”

Baronial Youth Champion: m’lady Kirsten

Lord & Lady of Love: Lady Damaris Baroid & Lord Roland Childeric de Laon

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Palm Prints 3 July 2009

Emerg. Deputy Chancellor of Youth:


Sheriff: Morgan MacDuff {J.D. Fultz},

480.202.5240, [email protected]

EXCHEQUER: Baron Ian Calloway, {J.F. Wantland}, [email protected],

480.342.9875 No calls after 9 pm

Emerg. Deputy Exchequer: AVAILABLE

Keeper of the Regalia: M’Lady Aiko, {Taylor

Dozer}, [email protected], 602.339.0032

KNIGHT MARSHAL: HG Trelon of the

Woods, [email protected]

Emerg. Deputy Knight Marshal: Lord Osric Maximillian vom Schwarzwald, {Vince

Welsh}, [email protected]

Rapier Marshal: Lord Sihtric of Baelibeg, {Frederick (Rick) Kneale},

[email protected], 602.739.5638

Emerg. Deputy Rapier Marshal: Capt. Scarlette Hawkins, {Mouse}, [email protected],


Captain of Archery: {has been filled}

Youth Combat Marshal: Jax, {Joshua Chavez}, 480.818.5297,

[email protected]

Waiver Table: M’Lady Susanna Broughton, {Susan Brahs}, [email protected],

602.510.7916 No calls after 9pm

Ministry of the Lists: Lady Arianna, {Samantha Elliott}, [email protected],


ARTS & SCIENCES MISTRESS: Lady Angelika von Schwaben, {Angelika Perry},

602.741.2374, [email protected]

Emergency Deputy: Bellana NicMorgan, {Heather Passow}, 480.286.2047,

[email protected]

Minister of Dance: Master Ritchyrd McUath {Richyrd Handley}, [email protected],



Emerg. Deputy Herald: AVAILABLE

Argent Palms Herald: Master Ritchyrd McUath {Richyrd Handley},

[email protected], 602.486.5742

Lead Scribe: AVAILABLE

CHRONICLER: Lady Kirsten Matz {Trina Taylor} 602.235.0942 No calls after 9pm,

[email protected]

Deputy Chronicler: AVAILABLE

Web Minister: Lord Romanus Rodrigo, {Robert Rodriguez},

[email protected], 602.320.5160

CHIRURGEON: M’lord Davin ap Einion, {H.L. Davin Wright},

[email protected], 602.339.0374

Officers of the Barony - CONTINUED

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Palm Prints 4 July 2009


Palm Prints is a publication of the Barony of Atenveldt, Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. Palm Prints is not a corporate publication of the SCA, Inc., and does not delineate SCA policies. Copyright © 2009 Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. For information on reprinting photographs, articles, or artwork from this publication, please contact the Chronicler listed in the front of this publication, who will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Palm Prints is available at Wednesday night fighter practice or on-line at


Officer photographs provided by Lord Godfrey von Rheinfels.

Cover & Pages 5, 9, 14, & 16: Clip art used from .Broderbund’s

ClickArt® 750,000. Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited, 2002

Page 4, 5, & 15: Drawings by Silviana del Zara Pages 19: Clip art used with permission from Dover Clip Art & Pictorial Archive Books; Victorian Designs, Mineola, N.Y. : Dover, 2002.

Monthly puzzle riddles provided from:

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Palm Prints 5 July 2009

Officers of the Barony of Atenveldt .......................................................................2-3 Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................4 Greetings from the Coronet ....................................................................................6-7 From the Seneshal .....................................................................................................8 From the Barony at Large.....................................................................................9-11 Bardic Information ......................................................................................9 UPDATED!! 40th Anniversary Palm Prints Submission Information ......9 UPDATED!! Scriptorium Schedule ...................................................10-11 From the Marshal’s Office ......................................................................................11 UPDATED!! Baronial Want Ads .....................................................................12-13 POPULOUS SUBMISSION Elena’s Visit to the East .....................................14-15 Monthly Puzzle........................................................................................................16 Business Meeting Minutes .................................................................................17-18 Their Excellencies Progress ....................................................................................19 Around the Kingdom .........................................................................................20-21 Kingdom Royalty & Officers ..................................................................................22 Barony of Atenveldt fighter practice, archery practice & officer meeting maps.....23


Page 6: Palm Prints - Barony of Atenveldt, · Palm Prints Palm Prints ... Demo Coordinator: AVAILABLE Chancellor of Youth:

Palm Prints 6 July 2009

Unto the Populous of this Unto the Populous of this Unto the Populous of this Unto the Populous of this “The Grand Barony of Atenveldt” doth “The Grand Barony of Atenveldt” doth “The Grand Barony of Atenveldt” doth “The Grand Barony of Atenveldt” doth Baron Otto and Baronessa Lisabetta send Baron Otto and Baronessa Lisabetta send Baron Otto and Baronessa Lisabetta send Baron Otto and Baronessa Lisabetta send

warm greetings and well wishes.warm greetings and well wishes.warm greetings and well wishes.warm greetings and well wishes.

We have Heirs!! Congratulations to HE Edward de Foxton and Lady Annalies Katerina Schneider. They will step up as the Baron and Baroness on Septem-ber 12th. Huzzah!!

As many of you may know we have lost our Wednesday night’s at Encanto Park. We have been given Thursday night, due to a soccer league taking Wednesday. We are currently asking for input from you, the populace of this Grande Barony, whether to stay at Encanto on Thursday or re locate to a new park on Wednesday. We have heard from some of you and wish to hear from more pending this very difficult decision by Us and their Nextellencies, Ed and Annalies. Please send us your wishes via e-mail to [email protected] Please tell us if you wish to stay at Encanto on Thursday or leave Encanto to have a Wednesday night fighter Practice.

We would like to thank all those that journeyed north with us for Highlands War. What a War, we will remember this one fondly for many years.

Please mark your calendar for September 12th, the Barony of Atenveldt will be celebrating its 40th year. What a milestone for the oldest Barony in the Knowne World. We hope you will join us in welcoming back our Founder and many others from our past at this lovely event. The final details for the site are currently being worked on so please look to the lists and next months Palm Prints for more information. Hope to see you there.

We wish to take this opportunity to say “Thank You” to all those members of the populace who have stepped up and filled an office or offered assistance at events. We truly are blessed to have a populace that is so generous with their time and resources. As the old saying goes “Many hands make light work” and, you, our populace, prove that every day.

So, if you have been thinking “What can I do for my Barony?”, in the next 6 months we will have three very important events for the Barony. The first one is Baronial Anniversary, September 12th. The second is Baronial Champions

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Palm Prints 7 July 2009

Baron Baronessa

on October 31 and finally Baronial Yule will be held on December 5th. All of these events can use a hand when planning and at the event. If you would like to assist please contact the autocrats as soon as they have been announced. We hope to see you at these three Baronial events and the other fine events coming up. Remember, helping out, if only for a few hours, increases every-one’s enjoyment of the event!

Attention all Fighters!! Our next Fall Novice Tournament will be held on Sep-tember 10th. The list will open at 7:00 pm with fighting to commence at 7:30. Don’t forget your consort. There will be 2 lists… Her Excellency’s List with be held for individuals who have been fighting 2 years or less and His Excel-lency’s List for individuals who are non Chivalry and have been fighting 2 years or more. Fighters are encouraged to use whichever weapon’s form they feel most competent and may in any round choose a different weapon’s form. Please bring your pageantry and consort and join us for this fun tournament. Depending on how many show up will depend on tournament format.

The lists are open to ALL fighters of the fine Kingdom of Atenveldt, please help support this. There will be prizes awarded for the winner in each list as well as a prize for best field presence (appearance, manners, etc) in each list (to be decided by the Baron/Baroness) We are eagerly looking forward to a Grande Tournament with many displays of Heraldry and encourage all mem-bers to compete! !

In closing, a few final thoughts: Have Fun! Take care of each other. Spend a few moments to meet someone new. And, remember why you got into the SCA ~ enjoy yourself~

We remain in service to this “The Grand Barony of Atenveldt”

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Palm Prints 8 July 2009

From the Seneschal

Citizens of Atenveldt - Hear These Words The use of Encanto Park for fighter practice is an item that must be negotiated three times a year with the City of Phoenix Parks central district parks office. League requests take precedence over group use requests. Leagues have requested and been granted Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights for the fall term. The city representative is aware of our long history; however he is bound by policy. Therefore he processed our request for the next available night instead of merely returning our request as declined. For this we thanked him. The day granted for our use of Encanto for the fall term is Thursday night. We must determine by the first week of August whether we wish to accept the Thursday night slot at Encanto, or decline and seek out another practice location to maintain our Wednesday night tradition. Baron Otto, Baroness Lisabetta, and I are accepting written opinion on this matter. Please make clear whether you prefer to keep Wednesday night as the practice night and find another venue, or keep Encanto Park and practice on Thursday nights.


1) This will be renegotiated for the January 2010 to May 2010 period. If we want to return to Encanto then, we can submit a request to do so. 2) Written opinions are necessary in order to insure proper representation. E-mail to Their Excellencies at atenveldtcoronet @ gmail . com or to me at seneschal @ Please copy both if sending e-mail. Physical letters accepted by either party; we will tabulate and confer. 3) Anyone is welcome to submit an opinion. Best Regards, Thegn Rhys ap Trahaearn Seneschal, Barony of Atenveldt PS: At the time of this writing, less than 20 opinions have been submitted. Your opinion now counts more than ever.

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Palm Prints 9 July 2009


Bardic circle is held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 8-9 PM at La Padera Park. All

performers AND audience members are invited, and there is no pressure on anyone to perform.

Send your submissions for the 40th Anniversary issue

of the Palm Prints to:

[email protected]

Submissions must be received no later than August 1.

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Palm Prints 10 July 2009

Scriptoriums, Scriptoriums, Scriptoriums, Scriptoriums, Heraldry Consultations,Heraldry Consultations,Heraldry Consultations,Heraldry Consultations,

Sewing Workshops and More!!!Sewing Workshops and More!!!Sewing Workshops and More!!!Sewing Workshops and More!!! Everyone is invited!!! We will be holding scriptoriums in the Art Classroom at Glendale High School located at 6216 W Glendale Ave, Glendale, AZ 85301 (at 62nd Ave and Glendale Ave).

June 26th:

Scriptorium- Painting Butterflies and Insects If you are interested in painting or calligraphy, this is the time to get started! We are currently holding a series of workshops in calligraphy and illumination. Whether a returning scribe or someone who is just looking to get started, these workshops are designed to help scribes grow and learn more about period designs and techniques. I will have some pens, ink, paints and brushes available for new comers that just want to check it out and see if they like it before investing in supplies. I will also have some pre-drawn designs specific to the topic of the illumination workshops. Others are welcome to join us too! You can come and sit at the desks to work on small projects that are separate from the classes. So, illuminators who don’t want to learn calligraphy, calligraphers who don’t want to learn the illumination, scribes from other Baronies or working on Kingdom stuff can all work there. Likewise, if someone wants to bring smaller A&S projects like embroidery, inkle weaving, beading etc can all join us too. The room will be open from 6-9pm. The Scribal workshops will start at 7pm. This will give everyone a chance to arrive and settle in before the workshops begin. This will give people a chance to take advantage of multiple activities if they choose, finish projects, ask questions, get stuck in traffic, use the light tables or simply enjoy the time to chit chat before getting down to business. To get to the classroom, it is recommended that you park in the teachers and visitor parking which is the parking lot closest to 62nd Ave. We will open the gate and post signs to direct you from there. It is basically straight in from the gate, so no one should be getting lost. However, if you wish to join us and do get a little off track, you can reach me at 602-295-8283. After scriptorium, generally several of the scribes go out for food and/or pie afterwards. Currently we have been going to Village Inn (more variety and better desserts than Denny's) located at I-17 and Northern. If you have other

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Palm Prints 11 July 2009

From the Marshal’s Office

ideas, please let us know. Everyone is welcome to join us even if you don't go to the scriptorium.

Upcoming Schedule of Classes:

(please note that this schedule is subject to change)

July 10th:

Scriptorium- How to Write A&S Documentation Heraldry Consultations

July 24th: Scriptorium- Jewels and Pearls

August 14th: Scriptorium- Painting Scatter Borders

If you have any questions, please email me or call the number above. Thank you and we hope to see you there. Yours in Service, Lady Safaya

Attention all Fighters!!

Our next Fall Novice Tournament will be held on September 10th. The list will open at 7:00 pm with fighting to commence at 7:30. Don’t forget your consort. There will be 2 lists… Her Ex-cellency’s List with be held for individuals who have been fighting 2 years or less and His Ex-cellency’s List for individuals who are non Chivalry and have been fighting 2 years or more. Fighters are encouraged to use whichever weapon’s form they feel most competent and may in any round choose a different weapon’s form. Please bring your pageantry and consort and join us for this fun tournament. Depending on how many show up will depend on tournament for-


The lists are open to ALL fighters of the fine Kingdom of Atenveldt, please help support this. There will be prizes awarded for the winner in each list as well as a prize for best field presence

(appearance, manners, etc) in each list (to be decided by the Baron/Baroness).

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Palm Prints 12 July 2009


Baronial Herald & Baronial ScribeBaronial Herald & Baronial ScribeBaronial Herald & Baronial ScribeBaronial Herald & Baronial Scribe

(Open until September 31)

Wanted:Wanted:Wanted:Wanted: If you know these people, please contact the local Seneschal immediately. They are

considered, valuable property of the Barony of Atenveldt. Baronial Herald- Wanted for coordinating sketchy activities such as Vocal Heralds to stand in Court, and for assisting in the submissions of ulterior name documentations and heraldic devices. Baronial Scribe- Wanted for the teaching of subversive artworks and award scrolls, and for supplying the Baron and Baroness of secretive materials before every court. These positions will be open until September 31st. If you wish to submit your letter of intent, please send it to [email protected]

*********************************** Chancellor of the Youth Chancellor of the Youth Chancellor of the Youth Chancellor of the Youth

(Open until Filled)

The young are the future of the SCA but without activities to provide them diversions at events they will have no desire to continue in the SCA. To that end the Barony is seeking a Chancellor of the Youth. The office is responsible for coordinating youth activities and ensuring compliance of the youths and their guardians with Society policies in coordination with the Seneschal staff at events. The job is what you would make of it and benefits from a large selection of deputies. As part of the ongoing improvements in the Society youth activity programs volunteer can expect a background check to be conducted by the SCA. Please contact the Seneschal for specific details of the background check program and what the background check would involve if this causes any concern. If you are interested in the Office as the Chancellor or as a deputy please contact the Seneschal and their Excellencies with a letter of intent detailing your experience and the role you wish to assume.

*********************************** Keeper of the RopesKeeper of the RopesKeeper of the RopesKeeper of the Ropes

(Open until Filled)

This individual should be able to set-up, tear-down, transport and store the ropes for the Barony’s weekly fighter practice. Interested parties should contact the Seneschal or their


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Palm Prints 13 July 2009


Deputy ExchequerDeputy ExchequerDeputy ExchequerDeputy Exchequer

(Open until Filled)

The Barony Exchequer is soliciting applications for the position of Deputy Exchequer. This is a 2 year warranted position. The Deputy Exchequer reports to the Baronial Exchequer and assists in all financial activities for the barony. This position requires an ability to work with Baronial Officers and members of the populace, an understanding of Baronial Financial Policies, and strong writing and organizational skills. If interested, please send an letter to the Baronial Exchequer, Seneschal and Their Excellencies for consideration. Thanx Baron Ean

*********************************** Deputy ChroniclerDeputy ChroniclerDeputy ChroniclerDeputy Chronicler

(Open until Filled)

As we get well into this year, I find that I am in need of a Deputy Chronicler, whom I can train, and who may take over publication of the Palm Prints toward the end of this year as my warrant comes up. Any interested parties should be able to comply with the following items:

• Have Experience with writing, editing, as well as, printing or publishing experience, which may be SCA or non-SCA. Current publication is done in Publisher and I am willing to train.

• Balance and judgment in matters political

• A working telephone

• Transportation to a copy shop or where the Palm Prints is being printed

• Regular contact with Baronial activities and populous

• Reliable email/internet access

• Helping publish the Palm Prints on a monthly basis

• Other duties and special projects that may be assigned by their Excellencies (i.e. the Baronial Book of Days)

• Attendance at the monthly Baronial Business Meeting

Interested persons should submit a letter of intent to Lady Kirsten Maria Matz,

[email protected]

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Palm Prints 14 July 2009

I was born into the SCA in The Kingdom of Atenveldt in The Barony of Atenveldt and have lived in no other. I have many friends who have come from other lands and have told me stories of their lives elsewhere but I have had no opportunity to visit our people outside of Atenveldt.

During the week of June 1st, A.S. XLIV, I found myself in The Kingdom of the East traveling in the service of my benefactor. I was put to lodge in The Barony of Dragonship Haven, a village that would be modernly known as New Haven, Connecticut. When my Lord Husband Seeloss heard of my impending travels, he consulted the Western Winds of Wisdom and found the location and date of the local fighter practice. On Thursday, June 4th, I mounted my rented, red steed, Santa Fe, and made my way to the Keefe Center in the town of Hamden. The center, as I found out in conversation, is a city owned building that allows many groups to use their facility. Not only was the fighter practice held there (indoors), they also held their Baronial Meetings there. All that I spoke to felt fortunate that they had the use of such a great location at no charge from the city.

I was immediately greeted and welcomed to sit and join the conversation. We talked about many different subjects and I found that we have the same strengths and weaknesses as well as the same struggles in the operations of running a Barony. One of the first ladies I met was, Renye Wurm OL, the Baronial Seneschal. She was a very pleasant woman who showed great interest in how we do things in Atenveldt. I was then introduced to many of the attendees of the fighter practice including their Baron, His Excellency Adhemar of Villarquemada, OL, OP.

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Palm Prints 15 July 2009

At approximately 9:30 p.m., His Excellency decreed that it was time to sup and I was invited along. We went to a great eatery called Three Brothers Diner a short distance from the fighter practice. I had the honor of sitting next to His Excellency as we traded stories of Pennsic War and Estrella War. We discussed the ever increasing difficulty of finding sites for our events and the costs of these sites. At one of their recent one-day events, the site cost over 4,000 ducats! Alas, the night had to come to an end. I was quite honored when His Excellency paid for my apple pie because I was a guest. On my next visit, I would be family.

As my memory would not serve these fine gentles in a fashion in which they would deserve, I passed a parchment around the table and asked them all to scribe their names so that I would remember to thank them for their hospitality in this missive.


His Excellency Baron Adhemar de Villarquemada, OL, OP Renye Wurm, OL, Seneschal Gwendolyn of Basing, OP Joseph of the Red Griffin, OP Tristan de Warrell, Gottellier de Maison St. Claire Joan of Coggeshall Kathryn Lyons Ramsey And Bronwen Rose of Greyling, Self Proclaimed Serf

May the winds of fate blow me in your direction again so that I may see your warm smiles, hear your hearty laughter and feel your warm kindness again.

Lady Elena House Staghold Barony of Atenveldt Kingdom of Atenveldt Written this 7th day of June, Anno Societatis XLIV

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Palm Prints 16 July 2009

The dank earth, wondrously cold,

first delivered me from her womb.

I know in my mind I wasn't made

from wool, skillfully fashioned with skeins.

Neither warp nor weft wind about me,

no thread thrums for me in the thrashing loom,

nor does a shuttle rattle for me,

nor does the weaver's rod bang and beat me.

Silkworms didn't spin with their strange craft for me,

those strange creatures that embroider cloth of gold.

Yet men will affirm all over this earth

that I am an excellent garment.

O wise man, weigh your words

well, and say what this object is.

On earth there's a warrior of curious origin.

He's created, gleaming, by two dumb creatures

for the benefit of men. Foe bears him against foe

to inflict harm. Women often fetter him,

strong as he is. If maidens and men

care for him with due consideration

and feed him frequently, he'll faithfully obey them

and serve them well. Men succour him for the warmth

he offers in return; but this warrior will savage

anyone who permits him to become too proud.

Solutions on page 19

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Palm Prints 17 July 2009

Barony of Atenveldt, Society for Creative Anachronism

Minutes of the Business Meeting held on June 1, 2009

The meeting was opened at 7:34 p.m. By There Excellencies Those present were: Name: SCA Name Office Tracy Alger Otto Langenhurst Baron Von Baden Sherri Alger Lisabetta Bartholomea Baroness Zanca Officers/Champions: Allen Nearing Rhys ap Trahaern Seneschal James A. Boeye Sr. Jean Andre' Boeye' Deputy Seneschal J. Wantland Ian Calloway Exchequer Kristin Eakins Safaya bin Ahmet ibn Abdullah Herald/Scribe Angelika Perry Angelika von Schwaben A&S Thomas Batt S eelos Massman Dp Marshal Sam Elliott Arianna List Trina Taylor Kirsten Matz Chronicler Marianne Mc Elroy Morgaine Rhys ap Gruffydd Chatelaine Ritchyrd Handley Ritchyrd McUath Dance/Dp Herald Others Attending: Eric Jones Roland Lord of Love Marsha Jones Damaris Baroid Lady of Love Catherine Cook Katharine of Cate Hall Pam Sylvis Dalla of the Misty Forest Alfred Chavez Aedan Mac Neill Zachary W. Offices not represented at meeting: Youth Chirurgeon Sherriff Officers’ Reports:

I Seneschal: The Kingdom Collegium and polling is this weekend. Practice will be at La Padera Park from now through August. Baronial Championships are October 31. We need information on this by then. Jean Andre will talk to Yahuda. We need a site for Investiture in September. We need bids for Yule in December. The next meeting is July 6th. Need bids for next years calendar events.

II Exchequer: $10,800 III Chronicler: Ninety copies of the letters of intent were handed out at fighter practices.

She needs missives from the officers. IV List: There were 2 tournaments in May. The novice tourney was held on the third week.

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Palm Prints 18 July 2009

Kristin of Tyr Ysgithr and Ryan won the two list. The end of the month tourna-ment was bastard sword. Michael of Kilkenny won the tournament and most chivalrous. There should be a rapier tournament in June.

V Heralds/Scribe: Lady Safaya will be going to California. She is hoping this is temporary.

Lord Kediware will be the herald during the summer. He will be doing the reports. We use of the school on Fridays during the summer.

VI Marshal: April and May reports are complete. There were no injuries. He still needs to

talk to the archery and rapier people. VII A&S: There are 2 scriptoriums this month. Lady Safaya will be teaching gothic illumi-

nation and Dame Jenifer will be teaching gothic calligraphy. There will also be an Italian sewing class.

Old Business:

I Kingdom Collegium: We will have a bake sale and the books set up for sale. Arianna is

taking charge of this. II Baronial Anniversary: We are looking at other sites. Hopefully, we will have an answer

by this weekend. III Baronial Champions: Need somebody to take the lead. Jean Andre will talk to Master

Yahuda about a combined event at the equestrian center. Angus has been having health issues.

New Business: I Yule: Need bids and autocrats II Next Meting: The next Business meeting will be July 6, 2009 at Jerry’s Restaurant at

7:30pm. Discussions: I Lights: Seelos: We will have lights Wednesday night. II OP: Ritchyrd: Please update your OP. He will be available on Wednesdays. III Archery: Aedan: Practice is at 8:00am

Close: The meeting was closed at 8:52 pm. Respectfully submitted this 14th day of June, 2009 James A. Boeye Sr.; know in the Society as THL Jean Andre’ Boeye’ Deputy Seneschal, Barony of Atenveldt, Society of Creative Anachronism, Inc

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Palm Prints 19 July 2009

Progress for Otto & Lisabetta 2009Progress for Otto & Lisabetta 2009Progress for Otto & Lisabetta 2009Progress for Otto & Lisabetta 2009



8th Ered Sulabration! Barony of Ered Sul

22nd-23rd Mace&Great Sword / Barony of Mons Tonitrus

Baronial Anniversary

29th29th29th29th----30th30th30th30th Middle East Feast (S)Middle East Feast (S)Middle East Feast (S)Middle East Feast (S) Barony of Twin MoonsBarony of Twin MoonsBarony of Twin MoonsBarony of Twin Moons


5th-6th Crown Tourney/ Barony of Ered Sul

Warlord Tourney

12th12th12th12th----13th13th13th13th Baronial Anniversary/Baronial Anniversary/Baronial Anniversary/Baronial Anniversary/ Barony of AtenveldtBarony of AtenveldtBarony of AtenveldtBarony of Atenveldt

Aten Collegium (S)Aten Collegium (S)Aten Collegium (S)Aten Collegium (S)

26th26th26th26th Chocolate Revel (S)Chocolate Revel (S)Chocolate Revel (S)Chocolate Revel (S) College of BrymstoneCollege of BrymstoneCollege of BrymstoneCollege of Brymstone


31st-1st Champions Barony of Atenveldt

Top: Mail Shirt

Bottom: Fire

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Palm Prints 20 July 2009

Around the KingdomAround the KingdomAround the KingdomAround the Kingdom

The Big FeastThe Big FeastThe Big FeastThe Big Feast

Glendale, AZ July 18, 2009

The Big Feast has a date and a place! It will be held on Saturday, July 18, 2009 in Glendale, Arizona. What is The Big Feast? Well, I have a FAQ about this event below but in brief it's a 16th century English feast being put on by members of the Collegium Cortina Draconis (a cooking group based in the Barony of SunDragon) where we focus not only on the food but on the ambiance. For example, we will be providing feast gear appropriate to Elizabethan England. The Big Feast will have space for 40 seated guests at an approximate price of $20 per person (we still need to nail down the food costs but I don't expect this to change more than +/- $5). At this time I am taking reservations for people interested in being a seated guest at this event. You will need to pre-pay for the event but not at this time. Right now I just need someone's contact info (including SCA name, modern name, mailing address, e-mail, and phone number) and the number of guests in their party (not to exceed four people). I expect that there will be more people interested than we have slots for so it will be a first-come-first-served with the reservations but priority will be given to those who help with The Big Feast prior to the event (for example someone who helps us build benches for The Big Feast will be given priority over someone who hasn't helped in our many workshops). You don't have to be a seated guest though to enjoy the feast. Anyone who works the event will get to enjoy all of the food and the ambiance and you won't have to pay the fee. We will need people to help with serving, garnishing, entertainment, set-up, tear-down, etc. I am also taking names of people interested in helping out with the feast and what areas you'd like to help with. Any questions or you just want to make a reservation? Please e-mail me at [email protected] or phone me at (623) 570 - 2215. In Service, Katheline

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Palm Prints 21 July 2009

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Palm Prints 22 July 2009

Kingdom of Atenveldt RoyaltyKingdom of Atenveldt RoyaltyKingdom of Atenveldt RoyaltyKingdom of Atenveldt Royalty King and Queen of Atenveldt TRH Craven and Elzbieta,

[email protected]

Seneschal Baronessa Isabeau della Farfalla, OP

Leslie Vaughn 602-758-0079

[email protected]

Exchequer Lady Morwenna teg Caernarvon

Terri Martin [email protected]

Chronicler Baroness Eilidh MacMurtrie

Ellen B Parker 480-488-9461

[email protected]

Chirurgeon (acting) Lady Donwenna Dwn

Gilne Jones 602-622-0197

[email protected]

Aten Principal Herald (acting) Dame Anita de Challis

Anita Challis 480-200-5266

[email protected]

Earl Marshall Viscount Dmitri Miscovich Katzmier, KSCA

[email protected]

Minister of Arts & Sciences Lord Raven Mayne Erik Contreraz

[email protected]

Sheriff Lord Karl Teransson av Drakkar

Karl D. Long 602-677-1575

[email protected]

Kingdom of Atenveldt OfficersKingdom of Atenveldt OfficersKingdom of Atenveldt OfficersKingdom of Atenveldt Officers

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Palm Prints 23 July 2009

Atenveldt Baronial Fighter PracticeAtenveldt Baronial Fighter PracticeAtenveldt Baronial Fighter PracticeAtenveldt Baronial Fighter Practice

When: Wednesday nights Where: La Padera Park, located at 6876 N 39th Ave Time: 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Atenveldt Baronial Archery PracticeAtenveldt Baronial Archery PracticeAtenveldt Baronial Archery PracticeAtenveldt Baronial Archery Practice

When: Sunday Mornings Where: El Oso Park, located on 75th Ave South of Indian School Road Time: 8 AM - 11 AM

Atenveldt Baronial Meeting (Populace & Officers)Atenveldt Baronial Meeting (Populace & Officers)Atenveldt Baronial Meeting (Populace & Officers)Atenveldt Baronial Meeting (Populace & Officers)

When: 1st Monday evening of the month Where: Jerry’s Restraunt located at 2323 E Thomas Ave, Phoenix, AZ Time: 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

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sletter of the Barony of Atenveldt



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