Assign 3-Harvey One Loaf

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Meet Harvey One Loaf, candidate at large in the state of Delaware. He represents the underrepresented, which in this election is the poor the <$11,344 per annum (single person, 2010 census). That’s right, the middle class and the upper class have already been put through the washer, the dryer, and recyclables bin, but what about the poor? Harvey One Loaf is hear to listen to you.

Harvey One Loaf found support amongst friends and random people as he visited local establishments in Washington, D.C.

While representing the poor in Delaware was a hot topic, many Washingtonians found the subject less interesting. Harvey One Loaf, nevertheless, kept his chin up, his smile solidified and a good attitude in place to ensure his message was properly communicated and hopeful that one day everyone would care to debate the needs of the <$11,344 per annum (single person, 2010 census) .

Harvey One Loaf, one loaf at a time.

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