Assessing algal biomass and bio-optical distributions in … · Assessing algal biomass and bio-optical distributions

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Polar Science 8 (2014) 73e85

Assessing algal biomass and bio-optical distributions in perenniallyice-covered polar ocean ecosystems

Samuel R. Laney a,*, Richard A. Krishfield a, John M. Toole a, Terence R. Hammar a,Carin J. Ashjian a, Mary-Louise Timmermans b

aWoods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543, USAbDepartment of Geology & Geophysics, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511, USA

Received 21 March 2013; revised 25 November 2013; accepted 18 December 2013

Available online 27 December 2013


Under-ice observations of algal biomass and seasonality are critical for understanding better how climate-driven changes affectpolar ocean ecosystems. However, seasonal and interannual variability in algal biomass has been studied sparsely in perennially ice-covered polar ocean regions. To address this gap in polar ocean observing, bio-optical sensors for measuring chlorophyll fluo-rescence, optical scattering, dissolved organic matter fluorescence, and incident solar radiation were integrated into Ice-TetheredProfilers (ITPs). Eight such systems have been deployed in the Arctic Ocean, with five profilers completing their deployments todate including two that observed an entire annual cycle in the central Arctic Ocean and Beaufort Sea respectively. These time seriesrevealed basic seasonal differences in the vertical distributions of algal biomass and related bio-optical properties in these tworegions of the Arctic Ocean. Because they conduct profiles on daily or sub-daily scales, ITP bio-optical data allow more accurateassessments of the timing of changes in under-ice algal biomass such as the onset of the growing season in the water column, thesubsequent export of particulate organic matter at the end, and the frequency of intermittent perturbations, which in the centralArctic Ocean were observed to have time scales of between one and two weeks.� 2014 Elsevier B.V. and NIPR. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Phytoplankton; Bio-optics; Profiler; Arctic Ocean

1. Introduction

Pelagic ecosystems in polar oceans are expected toexperience significant climate-driven changes in theupcoming decades, especially the high-latitude oceanregions that currently experience perennial ice cover.In regions of the Arctic Ocean that remain ice coveredyear-round, both the thickness and the areal extent ofperennial, multi-year ice are decreasing (Kwok and

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 508 289 3647.

E-mail address: (S.R. Laney).

1873-9652/$ - see front matter � 2014 Elsevier B.V. and NIPR. All rights

Rothrock, 2009; Laxon et al., 2013; Tucker et al.,2001). Decreasing thickness of sea ice allows moresunlight into the under-ice environment, deepening theocean’s euphotic zone and increasing the amount oflight energy available for photosynthesis and primaryproduction (Zhang et al., 2010). Decreases in theareal extent of perennial ice cover exposes more of theupper Arctic ocean to wind forcing during summer(Rainville et al., 2011), increasing the flux of kineticenergy into the surface ocean and potentially alteringthe nutrient supply to the euphotic zone during the timeof year when light levels are sufficient to support


74 S.R. Laney et al. / Polar Science 8 (2014) 73e85

photosynthesis (Carmack et al., 2004; Yang et al.,2004). These two phenomena represent significant al-terations to the current photosynthetic environment inperennially ice-covered ecosystems, where the extantalgal assemblages have evolved to survive in relativelyquiescent, low-light conditions.

The impact of future loss and thinning of perennialice cover on polar algae and primary production isdifficult to predict. Uncertainties are exacerbated bythe lack of a synoptic, comprehensive climatologyshowing the present spatial, seasonal, and interannualvariability of phytoplankton in those Arctic marineecosystems that currently experience year-round icecover. Not having the observational capability forgenerating this much-needed climatology of under-icealgal biomass and related biogeochemical propertiesrepresents a critical gap in the nominally ‘global’ocean observing infrastructure. Improved measurementof basic ecosystem parameters in perennially ice-covered ocean regions is one focus of the ArcticObserving Network (AON), whose objectives specif-ically include the development of autonomous systemscapable of providing such observations in the centralArctic Ocean (National Science Foundation, 2007).

One of the most successful ocean observing pro-grams developed for ice-covered regions of the ArcticOcean is the Ice-Tethered Profiler (ITP), which since2004 has conducted long-term, autonomous verticalsampling of the ocean’s top 750 m across much of thecentral Arctic. The ITP was initially developed tomeasure basic physical properties of the water columnincluding ocean temperature and salinity (Toole et al.,2006, 2011), and over 70 such ITPs have beendeployed to date. ITP-enabled observations of thephysical structure of the upper water column haveconsiderably advanced our understanding of heat andsalinity variations in the central Arctic Ocean(Timmermans et al., 2010, 2011), the distribution andseasonality of dissolved oxygen (Timmermans et al.,2010), and Arctic iceeocean interactions, especiallywith respect to the role of ocean heat content on sea ice(Toole et al., 2010). ITPs are often deployed inconjunction with other autonomous systems includingthose that monitor ice mass (e.g., Ice Mass Balancebuoys, Richter-Menge et al., 2006), atmosphericchemistry (e.g., O-buoy, Knepp et al., 2010), and oceancurrent structure under the ice (e.g., AutonomousOcean Flux Buoys, Shaw et al., 2008). Such multi-platform ‘Ice-Based Observatories’ (IBOs, seeProshutinsky et al., 2004) are a source of vital data forbuilding a better understanding of the Arctic climatesystem. In situ profilers like the ITP and the Polar

Ocean Profiling System (Kikuchi et al., 2007) providethe necessary observations of ocean physical propertiesin the top half kilometer of ocean directly below.

Motivated by the ITP’s contribution to understand-ing the spatial, seasonal, and interannual variability inthe physical structure of upper Arctic Ocean, andmotivated by progress in long-term use of bio-opticalsensors on open-ocean profilers at lower latitudes(Bishop and Wood, 2009; Boss et al., 2008a), an effortwas begun in 2009 to add bio-optical capabilities to theArctic ITP network. The primary goal of this effort wasto collect the first-ever daily and sub-daily observationsof the vertical distributions of algal biomass, relatedbio-optical properties, and underwater irradiance in thetop few hundred meters of the Arctic Ocean. Theseobservations would provide better quantification of thespatial, seasonal, and interannual variability that algalassemblages exhibit in perennially ice-covered eco-systems in central Arctic Ocean. Ecological phenom-ena of interest included the timing of the onset and theend of the summer growing season, and the temporaldynamics of algal biomass under ice cover. Of equalinterest was the subsequent export of organic matter todepth: its timing and magnitude during the summergrowing season and also at the end of summer whenphotosynthetic rates are minimal. Bio-optical ap-proaches for studying these phenomena have a longhistory of use in lower-latitude ocean ecosystems.Their successful integration into autonomous platformssuch as the ITP could dramatically improve our un-derstanding of seasonal and interannual variability inbasic ecological properties of under-ice ecosystems inthe Arctic.

2. Technology and methods: ITP-based bio-opticalobservations

A prototype bio-optical sensor suite was developedfor use on Ice-Tethered Profilers to meet specificmeasurement criteria for ensuring high data qualityover the expected year-plus deployments, and to meetspecific operational criteria necessary for incorporatingnew sensors into the existing ITP system (refer toKrishfield et al., 2008 for a description of the base ITPtechnology). The bio-optical sensor suite included acustomized ‘triplet’ fluorometer (ECO FLbb-CD,WETLabs Inc.) to measure chlorophyll fluorescence,dissolved organic matter fluorescence, and opticalscatter (Table 1), as well as an irradiance detector(PAR-LOG, Satlantic Inc.) to measure the intensity ofthe photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) in thevisible wavelengths in the water column. The

Table 1

Performance specifications for the combination fluorometer-

backscatter sensor used in this study (WETLabs ECO FLbb-CD).

Values for sensitivity reflect typical values reported in calibration

data sheets supplied with the sensors.





Range Sensitivity Units

Scattering 700/700 0e3 1.8 � 10�6 m�1 sr�1



470/695 0e30 0.007 mg l�1



370/460 0e375 0.09 ppb

75S.R. Laney et al. / Polar Science 8 (2014) 73e85

fluorometer and radiometer were mounted onaluminum struts affixed to the top endcap of the ITP,oriented side-by-side in acetal clamps and lookingupward (Fig. 1). These sensors were placed adjacent tothe standard conductivity, temperature, and depth(CTD) sensor used on all ITP systems (SBE41CP, Sea-Bird Electronics Inc.), and all of the ITPs described inthis study also included a SBE43I dissolved oxygensensor. Placement of the bio-optical sensors at the verytop of the ITP endcap is optimal because measurementself-shading of the irradiance sensor by the ITP isminimized. As well, the view orientation of the fluo-rometer (i.e., directly up) minimizes any possiblereflection of the profiler itself into the sensor’s field ofview. Furthermore, locating the fluorometer adjacent to

Fig. 1. A Satlantic PAR irradiance sensor (a) and a WETLabs FLbb-

CD ‘triplet’ fluorometer (b) were mounted to the ITP’s top endcap (c)

adjacent to the Seabird SBE41CP CTD (d) with integrated SBE43I

dissolved oxygen transducer. A copper shutter (e) protects the optical

faces of both sensors and is rotated out of the way during profiling (as

pictured) by an electromechanical actuator (f).

the irradiance sensor allows for the use of a singlecopper shutter plate to provide physical protection forboth sensors and to help reduce potential biofouling byvirtue of the toxic effects of copper (Manov et al.,2004). During an ITP profile, an electromechanicalactuator (Bioshutter-II, Satlantic Inc.) rotates thisshutter out of the sensors’ sample volumes to enablemeasurement of the water volume close to the CTDintake (as depicted in Fig. 1). When the shutter isclosed, this bio-optical sensor suite is compact enoughso that the entire system can fit through the standard28 cm (1100) diameter hole that is drilled through seaice to deploy an ITP.

Engineering modifications at the factory wererequired to increase the manufacturers’ pressure rat-ings of the fluorometer and the shutter actuator, to meetthe ITP’s depth requirements and payload limitations.A titanium housing on the irradiance sensor savedconsiderable weight compared to the previous stainlesssteel version, an important concern for ballasting ITPsand trimming their buoyancy. Custom low-powercontrol electronics placed inside the ITP endcapinterfaced these bio-optical sensors with the ITP hostcontroller and provided special power-monitoringfeatures that stretched bio-optical sampling to wellover a year. These electronics sample and then reportbio-optical data at 4 Hz, four times faster than theCTD, providing finer-scale vertical assessment of bio-optical structure in the water column. At an ITP’stypical profiling speed of w0.25 ms�1 along the tether,this corresponds to w6 cm vertical resolution. Bio-optical data were merged with the physical and engi-neering ITP data streams and included in the daily ITPdata transmissions over an Iridium satellite link.

The triplet fluorometers used on these ITPs werecalibrated by the manufacturer following factory pro-tocols. The scale factor for chlorophyll fluorescencewas determined using a monoculture of phytoplankton(Thalassiosira weissflogii), calibrated against chloro-phyll concentrations as determined by the absorptionmethod. The scattering scale factor was determinedusing suspensions of proprietary microspheres. TheCDOM fluorescence scale factor was determined bycalibrating against solutions of quinine sulfate dihy-drate. The manufacturer also determined the ‘dark’offsets of each optical measurement in the absence ofany sample, by recording apparent fluorescence andscatter while the triplet’s windows were blocked withblack electrical tape. Additional efforts to refine thesecalibrations further were deemed impractical, given theenvironmental variability in optical properties thatthese sensors were expected to encounter during long-

Fig. 2. Drift tracks of the five bio-optical ITPs described in this

study. The two in the Transpolar Drift (ITP48 & 60) are drifting

counterclockwise in this view. The remaining three in the Beaufort

Sea are drifting generally southward.

76 S.R. Laney et al. / Polar Science 8 (2014) 73e85

term deployments through various regions of the ArcticOcean. More accurate estimates of chlorophyll con-centration from in vivo fluorescence would requireknowledge of algal taxonomic composition and pho-tophysiology, which is impossible to predict withconfidence for an ITP traveling hundreds of kilometersover a seasonal period. Similarly, spectral properties ofmarine CDOM differ considerably across the ArcticOcean (Stedmon et al., 2011), precluding more refinedcalibrations given that the excitation and emissionmaxima of environmental CDOM varies in an unpre-dictable manner. Optical scattering also involvessimilar challenges for more refined calibration givenexpected environmental variability in composition andsize distribution of particles. For these reasons, ITPmeasurements of chlorophyll fluorescence, CDOMfluorescence, and scattering intensity should each beconsidered as operational estimates of the

Table 2

Deployment specifics for 5 bio-optically equipped Ice-Tethered Profilers d

profiles of bio-optical data were collected from the total number of profiles

initially in the Transpolar Drift; those with ‘BEA’ were deployed in the Bea

ITP Dates operational Deployment location Ic

48 9/12/2011e11/19/2012 84� 48.8 N, 166� 12.9 E (TPD) 1.

52 8/5/2011e11/23/2011 78� 0.4 N, 139� 55.5 W (BEA) 4.

60 9/8/2012e12/23/2012 85� 3.4 N, 122� 43.0 E (TPD) 1.

64 8/28/2012e8/24/2013 78� 46.5 N, 136� 39.8 W (BEA) O

65 8/27/2012e6/29/2013 80� 53.4 N, 137� 25.8 W (BEA) 1.

concentration of chlorophyll, CDOM, and scatteringrespectively, not as direct measurements of theseproperties in a strict sense.

3. Observations: bio-optical distributions andseasonality under perennial sea ice

3.1. Deployments

Five ITPs were outfitted with this prototype bio-optical sensor suite and were deployed in late sum-mer of 2011 and 2012 as part of the Arctic ObservingNetwork (Fig. 2, Table 2). The 2011 deployments werelocated in the Transpolar Drift above 84� N (ITP48)and in the Beaufort Sea around 78� N (ITP52). Theprimary profiling mode of these particular ITPs was tocomplete two excursions to w200 m before con-ducting a third excursion to w760 m, resulting in a‘deep’ pair of profiles (down, then up) every thirdcycle. The interval between each down- or up-profilewas set at 6 h in the months between March andOctober inclusive, but from November throughFebruary the time spent at depth between profiles wasincreased to 18 h to conserve battery power and extendoperational lifetime. During this winter period theprofiling pattern was also altered so that every secondpair of profiles went to w750 m. All ITPs were pro-grammed to stop upward motion at w7 m to avoidcontact with the overlying sea ice. Bio-optical datafrom ITPs are therefore not collected in the very top ofthe water column, immediately under ice cover.

Of the two profilers deployed in 2011, ITP52operated for approximately 110 days and traveled atotal of 925 km along-track in the Beaufort Sea beforeall transmissions ceased, presumably due to destructionof the ice floe containing the system (other buoysdeployed on the same floe ceased functioning aroundthe same time). In contrast ITP48 in the TranspolarDrift continued to operate for over 14 months, per-forming 1370 vertical profiles and traveling approxi-mately 3085 km cumulatively. ITP48’s bio-optical time

escribed in this study. The final column indicates how many usable

of each unit. ITP locations with abbreviations ‘TPD’ were deployed

ufort Sea.

e thickness Distance covered Profiles Bio-optical profiles

2 m 3085 km 1370 1299

2 m 925 km 377 373

5 m 1200 km 260 131

pen water 3324 km 1124 1057

5 m 2671 km 904 871

Fig. 3. Vertical distributions of chlorophyll in the top 200 m near the

three ITP deployment sites in the Beaufort Sea (ITPs 52, 64, and 65).

Traces indicate the in vivo fluorescence reported by each ITP for its

first full profile. Symbols indicate extracted chlorophyll measure-

ments from bottle samples from hydrocasts taken nearby (asterisks),

with the corresponding in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence measure-

ments from a rosette-mounted fluorometer (open circles). The dif-

ference in time (in hours) between the hydrocast and the subsequent

first full ITP profile is noted at the bottom of each panel.

77S.R. Laney et al. / Polar Science 8 (2014) 73e85

series captured the end of the 2011 growing season aswell as the entire growing season of 2012. This profilerwould likely have continued to operate longer had thedrifting surface ice not brought it to waters shallowerthan its 790 m long tether, which likely grounded theanchor and destroyed the tether. The three additionalITPs in 2012 were also deployed in these same generalareas of the Transpolar Drift (ITP60) and the BeaufortSea (ITP64 and ITP65). One of these 2012 systems(ITP64) also operated for nearly a year, traveling over3300 km during its 12 month operation in the BeaufortSea and collecting 1124 vertical profiles. Note thatITP64 was deployed in open-water conditions, freelyfloating, because no ice floes were found at that timeon which an ITP could be safely installed. Newer ITPs in2012 incorporated a tapered, more buoyant surfacepackage that allows for open-water deployments andwhich provide a means to survive fall freeze-up of sea ice.

3.2. Bio-optical vertical structure and seasonality

The periodic ‘deep’ profiles to w750 m providedimportant information regarding the behavior of theoptical signals measured by the triplet, especially themeasurements of chlorophyll fluorescence. Theaverage apparent chlorophyll concentration rangedbetween w0.20 and 0.29 mg l�1 at 700 m depth forthese five ITPs, even in mid-winter. This likely repre-sents an elevated instrument offset rather than an actualchlorophyll biomass of those magnitudes, given thatmid-winter algal biomass at such depths is expected tobe very low if not below the level of detection of thesefluorometers (0.015 mg l�1). Consequently all chloro-phyll fluorescence data presented in this study includea correction that subtracts an empirically determinedinstrument offset, calculated as the average apparentchlorophyll measured between 690 and 710 m. For allsubsequent plots presented in here, data from theinterleaving ‘shallow’ profiles between 7 and 200 m orvice-versa are omitted in order to eliminate any biasthat might arise from correcting profiles of fluores-cence data with ‘deep’ offsets computed from anearlier or later profile. Some degree of offset may alsooccur in the CDOM and scatter data but this is moredifficult to assess empirically. With respect to CDOMfluorescence, concentrations of CDOM can reasonablybe expected to be nonzero in deep Arctic waters(Stedmon et al., 2011) and thus no analogous ‘deep’background measurement is available. For opticalscattering, it may similarly be inappropriate to assumelow or no scattering at depth during midwinter fromwhich an empirically derived offset could be

computed. Consequently, the CDOM fluorescence andthe scattering data are presented here as reported by thesensor, converted from raw counts to the relevantphysical units but uncorrected for any offset beyondthat determined during factory calibration.

For the three ITPs deployed in the Beaufort Sea,independent chlorophyll measurements were availablefrom hydrocasts performed near to the ITP deploymentlocation, roughly within one day prior to the first full-depth ITP profile. Chlorophyll concentrations ondiscrete bottle samples taken during these hydrocasts,as determined by the extraction method (Fig. 3,asterisk symbols), were not uniformly greater or lessthan the chlorophyll concentration estimated by the insitu fluorometer used on the rosette (open circles).Discrepancies between these two standard approachesranged between 12% and 40%. Once corrected for theempirically determined deep offset, chlorophyll mea-surements from these ITPs (Fig. 3, traces) comparedfavorably with those from hydrocasts, capturing verti-cal structure in the top 100 m (e.g., elevated concen-trations between 60 and 80 m for ITP52) and closelymatching the low levels seen deeper in the water

Fig. 4. Potential temperature (top) and salinity (bottom) at 15 m depth along the drift tracks of ITP48 (left column) and ITP64 (right column).

78 S.R. Laney et al. / Polar Science 8 (2014) 73e85

column. Differences in the time and location of thesehydrocasts and the subsequent first full ITP profilepreclude an exact comparison of vertical distributions.

Numerous ‘spikes’ can also be seen in the ITP-derived chlorophyll and scattering profiles that are notapparent in the hydrocasts. These presumably reflectalgal aggregates or other larger particles, akin to whatBoss et al. (2008b) inferred when using similar opticalsensors on autonomous floats in the North Atlantic.Such features can be easily disturbed or erased whenperforming standard hydrocasts from ships and espe-cially icebreakers, which can strongly alter local watercolumn structure in the top tens of meters. Such fea-tures are less likely to be missed or disturbed whenprofiling with an ITP given its relatively slower verticalspeed, smoother vertical profiling rate, smaller size, andfast (4 Hz) bio-optical sampling rate.

During its 14 month journey in the Transpolar Drift,ITP48 passed through several different water masses,as indicated by changes in the temperatureesalinityrelationships measured by its onboard CTD (Fig. 4, leftcolumn). For this initial analysis we used the physicalproperties at the 15 m depth horizon to discriminateroughly between water masses, in order to helpdetermine if apparent days-scale changes in bio-opticalprofiles could be attributed to sampling different watermasses. In the Beaufort Sea, ITP64 similarly experi-enced changes in the water masses it sampled over itstwelve months of operation (Fig. 4, right column).With ITP48, movement of the overlying ice brought

the profiler into a different water mass at the beginningof December 2011, which appears in the bio-opticaltime series as a baseline shift most clearly in thescattering and CDOM data (Fig. 5, left column). ForITP64, the sharp shift in CDOM seen around April2013 (Fig. 5, right column) coincides with a fresheningin salinity as the profiler encountered the southwestboundary of the Beaufort Gyre. These co-occurringchanges in water column physical structure allow usto discount the hypothesis that the observed bio-opticaldiscontinuities reflect a sudden change in sensorbehavior.

Beyond these baseline changes in bio-optical dis-tributions that can be attributed to encounteringdifferent water masses, the three bio-optical variablesall show seasonal trends related to the growth of under-ice algal assemblages (Fig. 5). For ITP48 in the centralArctic above 85� N, chlorophyll and scattering maximaoccurred high in the water column in the top w20 m.Application of the offset correction resulted in peaksummertime chlorophyll concentrations on the order of0.45 mg l�1, not the apparent w0.7 mg l�1 that wouldbe indicated by not accounting for this offset. ForITP64 in the Beaufort Sea, apparent chlorophyll wasslightly lower in magnitude and chlorophyll and scat-tering maxima were found deeper in the water column,around 70 m during mid-season. This difference islikely due to the insolation that the Beaufort Sea re-ceives compared to the deep central Arctic. Being atlower latitudes, the Beaufort experiences higher levels

Fig. 5. Deptheproperty plots of chlorophyll fluorescence (top row), scattering (second row), and CDOM fluorescence (third row) for the top

100 m for the entire time series of ITP48 (left column, 14 months) and ITP64 (right column, 12 months). Before contouring, all profiles were

smoothed with a running average corresponding to roughly 1 m in the vertical. Chlorophyll data were corrected for instrument offset as described

in the text. Corresponding time series of salinity at 15 m depth are shown for each ITP.

79S.R. Laney et al. / Polar Science 8 (2014) 73e85

of insolation in general, and receives more light earlierin the year. This basic difference in insolation wouldpresumably lead to rising chlorophyll levels occurringearlier in the season in the Beaufort, which is in fact

observed in the ITP64 time series: chlorophyll beginsto increase noticeably in March and April, compared toJune and July for ITP48. The higher surface insolationat lower latitudes would also allow chlorophyll to

Fig. 6. Patterns in chlorophyll biomass (left column) and optical scattering (right column) in the vertical distributions measured by these five ITPs

between August and the end of December of 2011 (ITPs 48 and 52; top two rows) and 2012 (ITPs 60, 64, and 65; bottom three rows). ITPs 48 and

60 were deployed in the Transpolar Drift; the other three were deployed in the Beaufort Sea.

80 S.R. Laney et al. / Polar Science 8 (2014) 73e85

survive deeper in the water column, which is seen inthe Beaufort Sea where chlorophyll and scattering max-ima progressively deepen between April and June.Observed concentrations of CDOM also reveal seasonaltrends but its temporal evolution ismore complex becauseonly part of the CDOM signal is related to biological ac-tivity (bottom row). Refractory CDOMalso contributes tothis signal and so a non-seasonal component can be ex-pected. In these two annual time series, vertical distribu-tions of CDOM differ strongly between the Beaufort andthe central Arctic, with the former showing a strong sea-sonal component and the latter showing highest concen-trations deeper in the water column.

These broad regional differences between the cen-tral Arctic Ocean and the Beaufort Sea are morebroadly confirmed with data from the remaining three

profilers (Fig. 6). The two profilers deployed in theTranspolar Drift (ITP48 & 60) both indicate maxima inalgal biomass closer to the ice cover, within the top30 m. The three deployed in the Beaufort Sea allexhibit chlorophyll maximum levels deeper in thewater column, around 50 m or below. The previouslydescribed effect of lower incident sunlight at higherlatitudes could explain this general trend, all otherfactors being equal. Scattering magnitudes also showcommon trends at the end of the growing season inthese different regions: in the Transpolar Drift scat-tering intensity decreases with depth in each, whereasin the Beaufort Sea the scattering layer at w50 m(which corresponds with the chlorophyll layer) grad-ually shoals between October and November. Pre-sumably this latter observation reflects an end-of-

Fig. 7. The 2012 seasonal trends in (a) depth-integrated chlorophyll

between w7 and 50 m, (b) the time rate of change in depth-

integrated chlorophyll, (c) the number of ‘spikes’ in chlorophyll

detected between 750 and 220 m depth (see text for details), (d) the

mixed-layer depth and (e) the difference from freezing temperature

computed at 15 m depth, all observed in the ITP48 time series.

Mixed-layer depth was defined as the critical density difference of

0.25 kg m�3 from the shallowest measurement. Arrows in (b)

represent events indicated in the text. Solid lines in each panel

represent a smoothed, ten-point running average to emphasize the

overall trends.

81S.R. Laney et al. / Polar Science 8 (2014) 73e85

season response to decreasing day lengths and dimin-ishing light levels.

3.3. Short-term fluctuations in apparent algalbiomass

A novel finding in these daily time series of bio-optical properties is the occurrence of short, weeks-scale fluctuations in under-ice algal biomass. ForITP48, the integrated, baseline-corrected chlorophyllin the top 50 m (i.e., w7e50 m) along the ITP48 drifttrack began to increase around June and was stillmeaningfully above background in early November(Fig. 7a). The time-derivative of depth-integratedbiomass e often used as a proxy for algal growthrate e showed distinct weeks-scale increases inbiomass between June and early August (Fig. 7b, up-ward arrows). These fluctuations correlate, with aslight lag, with the difference in water temperatureabove freezing (Fig. 7e). This was followed later in theseason by similarly distinct negative changes in

biomass throughout August and September (downwardarrows).

Export of ice algae into the water column from abovemight contribute to these fluctuations, as chlorophyll inice algae cannot be discriminated from that in watercolumn phytoplankton using this sensor suite. Thesefluctuations might also reflect in situ changes in algalbiomass due to phytoplankton population growth andlosses, due to changing irradiance or nutrient availabil-ities. Unfortunately during this period the irradiancesensor on ITP48 was experiencing intermittent faults,presumably due to a manufacturing flaw that the vendoridentified in other PAR sensors produced at that time.Consequently these weeks-scale changes cannot beinterpreted in the context of any change in underwaterlight levels resulting from fluctuations in cloud cover orchanges in the transmissivity of the overlying ice thatwould alter the absolute intensity of the underwater lightfield on those several-day scales. Regardless of the ul-timate cause of these short time-scale fluctuations, thesechanges indicate substantial alterations in apparentupper water column algal biomass. An ability todiscriminate the ice algal contribution in these bio-optical signals would provide important insight intothe ecological dynamics that underlie these fluctuations.

3.4. ‘Spikes’ and assessment of particle export

The so-called ‘spikes’ seen in these bio-optical datawere also examined in more detail, to see if their fre-quency might provide a means to identify and quantifysedimentation and export events in these under-ice as-semblages. Our approach is similar to the one describedby Briggs et al. (2011) for bio-optical data measured onopen-ocean profilers, except that we assessed spike dy-namics in profiles of chlorophyll fluorescence alone. Thespikes observed in the 4 Hz ITP bio-optical data streamtypically represented individual chlorophyll fluores-cence readings that were well above the local averageand also not symmetric, i.e., very few spikes lower thanthe local average. Thus these individual readings couldnot be ascribed to random noise and were insteadinterpreted as particularly large aggregates of algalmatter passing in front of the sensor’s sample volume.Spikes were observed not only in the upper water col-umn above 100m but alsowell below the euphotic zone,where light levels were too low to sustain photosyn-thesis. Spikes observed at depth were therefore assumedto represent the chance sampling of large particle ag-gregates being exported out of the euphotic zone.

We developed an empirical metric for quantifyingthis phenomena that examined every datum in the

82 S.R. Laney et al. / Polar Science 8 (2014) 73e85

4 Hz chlorophyll fluorescence data stream and aver-aged the two prior and two subsequent samples. If thedatum in question was over 10% greater than thislocal average it was considered a ‘spike’ (i.e., anobservation of a large aggregate particle). Using thisempirical definition we computed the total number ofnominal spikes in chlorophyll in each upward profilebetween 750 m and 220 m, well below the euphoticzone. The trend in these spike counts suggested thatparticle export into these depths began in mid-July forITP48, approximately 1.5 months after the start of thegrowing season (Fig. 7c). It is interesting to note thatthe onset of these spikes occurred concurrently with adistinct shoaling of the mixed layer (Fig. 7d) but alsowith the movement of this ITP into the cold haloclinewhere there is little influence from Pacific water. It ispossible that water mass differences may be responsiblefor at least part of this difference in spike frequency seenat this time. Spikes remained relatively frequent at thesedepths until the end of October, when counts returned tothe levels seen in early spring 2012 before the growingseason began. This bio-optical approach for estimatingparticulate export out of the euphotic zone is not quan-titatively rigorous, partly because of its empirical naturebut also because it depends strongly on the impulseresponse of this particular commercial fluorometerwhich itself has not been adequately described. None-theless, it does provide a useful qualitative metric for thetiming of particle presence in waters below the euphoticzone, if not its magnitude.

4. Discussion and conclusions

4.1. Implications for assessing algal distributions inArctic Ocean

Knowing how the vertical distribution of phyto-plankton varies in different regions of the ice-coveredArctic Ocean is fundamental to understanding photo-synthesis and primary production in Arctic marineecosystems. Numerous field programs have examinedalgal distributions in the Arctic Ocean (e.g., Gosselinet al., 1997; Hill and Cota, 2005; Lee and Whitledge,2005; Reigstad et al., 2002; Sherr et al., 2003;Tremblay et al., 2008), yet none have generated thedetailed, daily-scale observations that autonomousprofiling systems can provide when equipped witheven a basic complement of bio-optical sensors.Measurements of optical and bio-optical properties inthe upper water column beyond just chlorophyll fluo-rescence, such as scattering magnitudes, CDOM con-centrations, and irradiance, are more scarce from the

Arctic Ocean but remain an area of active interest (e.g.,Gueguen et al., 2007; Stedmon et al., 2011). At pre-sent, bio-optically equipped ITPs represent an effectiveand tested approach for observing seasonality andinterannual variability in algal biomass and theserelated bio-optical properties in under-ice Arctic Oceanecosystems.

The preliminary observations we present here illus-trate some important insights into these under-ice eco-systems that can be obtained using autonomousprofilers. The time of year when under-ice phyto-plankton assemblages begin growing in the summer inparticular is a critical variable for modeling primaryproduction and ecosystem dynamics under perennial seaice (Ji et al., 2011; Jin et al., 2012; Popova et al., 2010;Zhang et al., 2010). The timing of when organic mate-rial begins falling out of the euphotic zonee both duringand after the growing season e is similarly central tomodeling carbon cycle dynamics in under-ice ecosys-tems. Few actual observations are available to helpconstrain estimates of these fundamental ecosystemevents, and the under-ice environment is not readilysampled by traditional methods such as ships or satel-lites. This lack of observational capability has been themajor impetus behind developing new autonomous ap-proaches for assessing under-ice polar ecosystems suchas the ITP, the POPS, and newer untethered profilersystems such as the Autonomous Polar ProductivitySampling System (APPSS; P. Matrai, pers. comm.).

It is important to reiterate that with these basicoptical sensors it is impossible to determine directlywhat fraction of the water column chlorophyll biomassunder ice cover represents phytoplankton per se, asopposed to sea ice algae that have been released fromthe overlying ice and are advecting vertically throughthe euphotic zone. Release events can introduce asignificant contribution to algal biomass in the upperwater column during its export to the deep ocean orbenthos (Boetius et al., 2013; Pineault et al., 2013). Atpresent we are unable to discriminate these eventsclearly in our time series, given the types of sensorsused on these first-generation bio-optical ITPs. Moresophisticated bio-optical measurements on future ITPs,which might incorporate hyperspectral radiometry foruse with optical inversion algorithms (Moline et al.,2012), multispectral fluorometry to discern changesin assemblage composition (Proctor and Roesler,2010), or variable fluorescence to probe photosyn-thetic state (Laney, 2011), may provide additional av-enues for discriminating the different contributors tototal water column algal biomass and their associatedphotosynthetic state. An ability to measure such

83S.R. Laney et al. / Polar Science 8 (2014) 73e85

properties beyond biomass, over seasonal time scales,would dramatically advance our understanding ofseasonality in algal ecology and primary production inperennially ice-covered regions.

Autonomous profilers can provide a uniqueperspective into pelagic water column ecosystems,even in perennially ice-covered regions of the Arctic aswe show here with these bio-optically equipped ITPs.Under-ice profilers are only one part of a much broaderlarger Arctic environmental observing effort, and anysynoptic assessment of bio-optical seasonality andinterannual variability in the central Arctic Ocean willrequire considerably more data than have been or arebeing collected with these first eight systems. Threemore bio-optical ITPs were deployed in summer 2013,again in the Beaufort Sea and in the Transpolar Drift,bringing to eight the total number operating in theArctic Ocean in this three-year period. An eventualgoal is to make assessments of chlorophyll fluores-cence, irradiance, and other bio-optical properties astandard part of the ITP observational network.

4.2. Long-term bio-optical measurements underperennial sea ice: challenges

A major perceived limitation with integrating bio-optical sensors into autonomous systems is power de-mand, particularly for active sensors such asfluorometers.For modern fluorometers the use of light emitting diodeshas largely mitigated this concern, and the profiling fre-quency or operational lifetime of these bio-opticallyequipped ITPs is not limited by the power requirementsof its optical sensor suite. One important limitation thatdoes remain is the inability of ITPs to collect observationsfrom the top fewmeters under the ice.Often, considerablebiomass of phytoplankton and/or hanging ice algae canoccur in these first fewmeters (e.g., Gradinger, 1996) andby not sampling close to the ice bottom, ITP-based ob-servations of the under-ice water columnmay likely missa fraction of the total algal biomass. A more completeassessment of variability in under-ice algal biomass, andits subsequent impact on under-ice productivity in theArctic Ocean, will require advances that allow measure-ment in this thin, near-surface layer.

The potential for biofouling was a concern whendeveloping a bio-optical sensor suite for ITPs, eventhough very little biological accumulation has beenobserved in the few prior instances where ITPs havebeen recovered after many months of deployment inthe Arctic Ocean. Autonomous floats in general typi-cally include no active mechanism for protecting bio-optical sensors against biofouling (Bishop and Wood,

2009; Boss et al., 2008a,b), and the use of shutters inparticular has been advised against. The InternationalOcean-Colour Coordinating Group (IOCCG, 2011), innoting that shutter use below 300 m had not yet beendemonstrated, indicated that power consumptionwould make such an approach prohibitive in long-termautonomous profilers. Our shutter system represents aninnovation in this respect, being adequate for use todepths of around 800 m with a power demand that doesnot limit an ITP’s overall deployment lifetime. ForITP48, which provided the longest ITP bio-optical timeseries collected to date (1370 profiles over 14 months),none of the bio-optical parameters exhibited noticeableindications of biofouling over the entire deployment.This would likely have been evident as strong, mono-tonic changes over time in the ‘deep’ chlorophyll offsetor in the scattering magnitudes at depth, neither ofwhich was observed. We continue to explore additionalapproaches for minimizing the possible effect ofbiofouling on ITP bio-optical observations, e.g., byadding brushes to the shutter plates in order to wipe theoptical surfaces of the irradiance sensor before andafter each profile. We could not apply this approach tothe WETLabs triplet fluorometer we used on theseITPs, unfortunately, because even soft brush bristlescan scratch the low durometer optical resin that thissensor uses on its optical face.

The effect of sensor drift over time becomes impor-tant with autonomous systems such as the ITP, wheresubsequent recovery after long deployments is notenvisioned. This is especially the case when usingcommercial bio-optical sensors, given that most are notrigorously assessed in terms of their performance andlong-term stability in cold polar waters. Moreover, mostcommercial in situ oceanographic optical sensors do notincorporate built-in test and calibration hardware totrack and report their own performance over time, whichcomplicates their use in long-term observing scenarioswhere eventual shifts in sensitivity cannot be discounteda priori. The PAR irradiance sensor used on our proto-type bio-optical ITPs is passive, involving a photodiodedetector and associated amplifier circuitry whose tem-perature dependence and long term drift are relativelystraightforward to characterize. In contrast, fluorometersand other active optical sensors employ light sources thatto some degree age with time, and whose excitation in-tensities might be expected to decrease over the courseof these deployments.

To address this issue our profilers, the shutter plateson these prototype bio-optical ITPs incorporated aformed rigid image conduit molded into the top side ofthe shutter. This conduit acted as an optical feedback

84 S.R. Laney et al. / Polar Science 8 (2014) 73e85

system such that when the shutter is closed and thesensors are on, excitation energy from the fluorome-ter’s blue excitation source is relayed back to theirradiance sensor. This occurs for 2 min prior to thestart of the profile, while the sensors warm up, and fora comparable period immediately after each profile iscompleted. Irradiance measurements during these pre-and post-profile self-monitoring periods can be exam-ined day-to-day, with any change in this coupling overlonger time scales potentially indicating biofouling onthe optical faces, decreases in the sensitivity of theirradiance sensor, decreases in optical output of thefluorometer, or a combination of these factors. Acomprehensive model for the combined effect ofsensor drift and biofouling is difficult to develop whenapplying such an external approach to the commercialfluorometers we used on our prototype bio-optical ITPs(compared to how an internal, built-in test and cali-bration system might be devised). We continue toassess this optical feedback approach and exploreimproved ways to infer changes in drift and biofoulingin the bio-optical data we continue to collect with ourongoing ITP program.


Initial development of the ITP was supported by aCecil H. and Ida M. Green Technology Innovationaward, an internal program at the Woods HoleOceanographic Institution (WHOI). Initial develop-ment of a bio-optical component for ITPs was sup-ported by WHOI’s Arctic Research Initiative.Incorporation of bio-optical sensors on the ITPsmentioned in this paper was supported by a grant fromthe National Science Foundation’s Arctic ObservingNetwork program (grant ARC-0856479). Any opin-ions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this publication are those of the authorsand do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation. We thank the captains and crew ofCCGS Louis S. St. Laurent and of R/V Polarstern, andespecially Dr. Benjamin Rabe and colleagues atAlfred Wegner Institute for logistical support withthe Transpolar Drift deployments. Chlorophyll bottledata were collected and made available by researchersfrom Fisheries and Oceans Canada at the Institute ofOcean Sciences, through the Joint Ocean Ice Studiesprogram in collaboration with the Beaufort GyreExploration Program ( Technical efforts by McLane ResearchLaboratories Inc., Sea-Bird Electronics Inc., WETLabsInc., and Satlantic Inc. were also important to this

research. Importantly, we thank our three anonymousreviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions.


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