

Xth- EROLL NO. 16





INTRODUCTIONArticle writing is an item on

one topic/subject with several paragraphs on that topic. It

can be to explain something, tell about an event, or to

describe something.


TitleAuthor’s Name &

Designation Matter

First thing to do is to give an attractive heading that forces the reader to read the whole article.Next, in the first paragraph define the meaning of the heading and provide the supporting information for the opening statement.Then give some solution to the problem discussed, the outcome of the subject of the article, or the next step expected; followed by a conclusion or closing statement.Write your name and the date under your name.

WHY WE WRITE ARTICLES?It may be for the purpose of propagating the news, research results ,academic analysis or debate.A news article discusses current or recent news of either general interest or of a specific topic.A news article includes accounts of eye witnesses to the happening event. It contains photographs, accounts, statistics, graphs, recollections, interviews, polls, debates on the topics, etc.The writer also gives facts and detailed information following answers to general questions like who, what when, where, why & how.References to people are made through written accounts of interviews and debates.All these are also possible by other means, but articles gives the fact along with general public view to a large audience.

TYPES OF ARTICLESText articlesAcademic paper- is an academic article published in an academic journal. The status of academics is often dependent both on how many articles they have had published and on the number of times that their articles are cited by authors of other articles.Blog- some styles of blog articles are more like articles. Other styles are written more like entries in a personal journal.Encyclopedia article- in an encyclopedia or other reference work, an article is primary division of content.Marketing article- an often thin piece of content which is designed to draw the reader to a commercial website or product.Usenet articles- are messages written in the style of e-mail and posted to an open moderated or unmoderated usenet newsgroup.

Spoken articlesIn the general context, this terms refers to articles produced in the form of audio recordings. They are also referred to as prodcasts.

LenticelsArticles whose primary content is a list.


Article is usually on a well defined topics that are related in some ways.The writer is objective and shows all sides to an issue.The sources are identified and are reliable.Show, don’t tell.

AUTHORSHIPPublications obtain articles in a few different ways:Staff written- an article may be written by a person on the staff of the publication.Assigned- a freelance writer may be asked to write an article on a specific topic.Unsolicited- a publication may be open to receiving article manuscripts from freelance writers.

STEPS TO WRITE AN EFFECTIVE ARTICLECollection of material: you can write only when you know the subject- matter. For this purpose, it is essential that you read widely. Have a keen power of observation & write down from your own experience. Think over the topic and jot down the points that come to your mind. Make a selection of points you have jotted down and strike out those which are irrelevant or unimportant.

Arrangement of material: when you have collected the material, divide it under different headings. Arrange the points in logical order. The different ideas should be collected under it’s proper headings. Avoid repetition.Writing the article: devote one paragraph to each main heading. See that paragraphs are related to one another. A paragraph should talk of one main heading only. It’s first sentence should be the key sentence. All other ideas expressed in the paragraph should be related to the main idea.

ELEMENTS OF AN ARTICLEHeadlineA headline is text at the top of a newspaper article, indicating the nature of the article. The headline catches the attention of the reader and relates well to the topic. Modern headlines are typically written in an abbreviated style omitting many elements of a complete sentence but almost always including a non- copula verb.

Byline A byline gives the name and often the position of the writer.

LeadThe lead (sometimes spelled lede) sentence captures the attention of the reader and sums up the focus of the story. The lead also establishes the subjects, sets the tone and guides the reader into the article.

BodyDetails and elaboration are evident in the body and flow smoothly from the lead.Quotes are used to add interest and support to the story.The inverted pyramid is used with most articles. If less vital details are pushed towards the end of the story, the potentially destructive impact will be minimised.

A feature article will follow a format appropriate for it’s type. Structures for featured articles may include, but are not limited to:

Chronological- the article may be the narrative of some sort.

Cause and effect- the reasons and results of an event or process are examined.

Classification- items in an article are grouped to help aid understanding.

Compare and contrast- two or more items are examined side-by-side to see their similarities and differences.

List- a simple item-by-item run down of pieces of information.

Question and answer- such as an interview with a celebrity or expert.

CONCLUSIONOne difference between a news story and a feature article is the conclusion. Endings for a hard news article occur when all of the information has been presented according to the inverted pyramid form. By contrast, the feature article needs more definite closure. The conclusions for these articles may include, but are not limited to:

A final quoteA descriptive scene.A play on the title or lead.A summary statement.

HOW TO ELIMINATE CHILD LABOUR Today hundreds of children are acting on stage as artists in serials. They are talented kids. Production houses are making TV shows featuring kid actors. But I think they are playing with the lives of the children. Rehearsals for serials take a lot of time. Their talent is being discovered and polished at the cost of their education. The kid actors neglect their studies. They start dreaming of earning name, fame and fortune. Many of them will regret their mania for show business.Maharashtra government has justly decided to take legal action against eight production houses for violating the child labour act. According to rules, child artists must get one hour rest after every three hour hours of shooting.Everyday we celebrate on June 12 World Day Against Child labour. But this campaign will do no good to little kids unless they get education . State protection are removal of poverty. All the children must compulsorily go to school. This should be the national agenda.X.Y.Z.

THE EVIL OF RAGGINGRagging means playing practical jokes on somebody. It is annual entertainment held by students to collect money for charity. Today is every college the seniors indulge in a dirty game. They go mad. They say they are welcoming the freshers by harassing them. They play cruel jokes on them. As a result so many new corners run away from college for their safety. The fear of ragging drives them mad. There have been so many cases when the victims of inhuman ragging died.‘Say “No” to Ragging’- This is need of the hour in professional and technical institutes. The supreme court and the government are deeply concerned how to stop the evil. The threat of fine or short term rustication or even cancelling the admission of the raggers are not enough. The guilty should be sent to jail and the killers be hanged.How shameful that even girls also join the boys in humiliating the freshers. Such interaction between the newcomer and the seniors is hateful and a violation of law. I wonder why and how the brilliant students in medical and technical institutes become so stone heated.

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