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Writing and Publishing Article & Plagiarism 1 Dr. R S Mehta, MSND, BPKIHS

Writing, publishing article & plagrism

Apr 16, 2017



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Page 1: Writing,  publishing article & plagrism

Writing and Publishing Article &




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“There is no way to get experience except through experience.”

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Few Questions?1. How many of you have known about Plagiarism earlier?

2. How many of you have published Research article in Any Indexed journals?

3. How Many of you have published Research articles in Nursing and Other Journals of Nepal?

4. How many of you have published any health related article in any journals?

5. How many of you have B&W CV ready?6. So How contribute to Professor?

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Why write and publish research papers?

Ideally – to share research findings and discoveries

with the hope of improving healthcare.Practically –

to get fundingto get promotedto get a jobto keep your job!

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“Scientists are rated by what they finish, not by what they attempt”

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Getting a paper published

Competition for space in journals

Rejection rates vary AJP = 50% JBC = 65% NEJM, Science, Nature = 90%

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Major reasons for rejection

Confirmatory (not novel article) Poor experimental design

- Poor controls - Hypothesis not adequately tested

Inappropriate for journal Poorly written

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Tips1. Know the journal, its editors, and why you

submitted the paper there

2. Pay close attention to spelling, grammar, and punctuation

3. Make sure references are comprehensive and accurate

4. Avoid careless mistakes

5. Read and conform to “Instructions for Authors”8Dr. R S Mehta, MSND, BPKIHS

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Publish or perish

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Publish and perish“The Seven Deadly Sins”

1. Data manipulation, falsification

2. Duplicate manuscripts

3. Redundant publication (unnecessary/useless)

4. Plagiarism

5. Author conflicts of interest

6. Animal use concerns

7. Humans use concerns 10Dr. R S Mehta, MSND, BPKIHS

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What makes a good research paper?

Good science Good writing Publication in good journals

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What constitutes good science?

Novel – new and not resembling something formerly known or used (can be novel but not important)

Mechanistic – testing a hypothesis - determining the fundamental processes involved in or responsible for an action, reaction, or other natural phenomenon

Descriptive – describes how are things are but does not test how things work – hypotheses are not tested.

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What constitutes a good journal?

Impact factor – average number of times published papers are cited up to two years after publication.

Immediacy Index – average number of times published papers are cited during year of publication.

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Journal Citation Report, 2003

Journal Impact Factor Immediacy Index

Nature 30.979 06.679 Science 29.162 05.589

Hypertens 05.630 00.838 AJ P Heart 03.658 00.675 Physiol Rev 36.831 03.727

Am J Math 00.962 00.122 Ann Math 01.505 00.564

5907 journals

AM J MATH 0002-9327 002353 00.962 00.122 AM J MATH 0002-9327 002353 00.962 00.122

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Things to consider before writing

1. Time to write the paper? - has a significant advancement been made?- is the hypothesis straightforward?- did the experiments test the hypothesis?- are the controls appropriate and sufficient?- can you describe the study in 1 or 2 minutes?- can the key message be written in 1 or 2 sentences?

“Those who have the most to say usually say it with the fewest words”

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Things to consider before writing

2. Tables and figures - must be clear and concise- should be self-explanatory

3. Read references - will help in choosing journal- better insight into possible reviewers

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Things to consider before writing

4. Choose journal - study “instructions to authors”- think about possible reviewers- quality of journal “impact factor”

5. Tentative title and summary

6. Choose authors

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Guidelines on authorshop, International committee of Medical Journal Editors,Reprinted by kind permission of the Editor of the British Medical Journal of Sept14, 1985. J Clin Pathol 39: 110, 1986 18Dr. R S Mehta, MSND, BPKIHS

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Writing the manuscript

The hardest part is getting started.

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Parts of a manuscript


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Write in what order?


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Methods and materials Best to begin writing when experiments still in progress. Should be detailed enough so results can be repeated by others. Reference published methods where appropriate. Include animal/human use approval information. Use descriptive subheadings

Animals Surgical procedures Histochemistry

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Tables and figures must be straight forward and concise

Present main findings referring to tables/figures.

Do not speculate or over discuss results.

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Build case for why study is important/ necessary

Provide brief background

State hypothesis / central question

Give a one sentence summary of findings

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First answer question posed in introduction

Relate your conclusion to existing knowledge

Discuss weaknesses and discrepancies

Explain what is new without exaggerating

Do not repeat results

Conclusion Implications

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Relevant and recent

Be highly selective

Read the references

Do not misquote

Use correct style for journal26Dr. R S Mehta, MSND, BPKIHS

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Abstract Critical part of paper State main objective Summarize most important results State major conclusions and significance Avoid acronyms Write and rewrite until flawless•Descriptive/unstructured or informative or structured.•Word limit: 100-400, average 250•Headings:

- Background/Objective - Methodology- Results- Conclusion 27Dr. R S Mehta, MSND, BPKIHS

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Will determine whether paper gets read Avoid long title (see journal rules) Avoid abbreviations

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Words and expressions to avoid

Jargon Preferred usea considerable amount of muchon account of becausea number of several Referred to as calledIn a number of cases someHas the capacity to canIt is clear that clearlyIt is apparent that apparentlyEmploy useFabricate make

Day, RA. “How to write and publish a scientific paper,” 5th edition, Oryx Press, 1998. 29Dr. R S Mehta, MSND, BPKIHS

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Revise, revise and revise

All authors should participate

Review order of data presentation

Polish the writing style

Double check references

Double check spelling

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Develop a good writing style

Read well written articlesTry to get good writers to reviewLearn from editing changes

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Report Writing: Review• One idea per sentences only• Not more than 20 words per sentences• Not more than 5 sentences per paragraph• Not more than 3 paragraph per heading• Do not use that or which more than one

per sentences• Check spelling and grammar• Acknowledge: original source

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1. Should be self explanatory2. Should always have table number & title3. Names of the variables (units) must be

mentioned4. Choice of row and column 5. Number should always add to the group


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• Percentages should be rounded to make total 100.0

• Number of digits after the decimal place(output)

• Table and text could co-exist on the same page

• For binary variable, one category and the total can be given

• For quantitative variable, specify (mean, SD, median, range, etc.)


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1. As simple as possible and self-explanatory2. Mostly to show important points3. Table followed by a diagram, not advisable4. Must specify: names of variables, units,

legends5. Like tables, graph and text can be on the

same page6. Golden rule is that it should speak by itself

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1. Read instructions carefully2. Fill out all necessary forms

Copyright transferConflict of interest

3. Write cover letter (suggest reviewers)4. Confirm receipt after 6 weeks

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Process of Research Publication

Completion of research

Preparation of manuscript

Submission of manuscript

Assignment and review







Rejection37Dr. R S Mehta, MSND, BPKIHS

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Responding to reviewers

1. Carefully prepare your responsesEach comment should be addressedEach change should be statedBe enthusiastic

2. Reviewer may be wrong3. Be tactful – thank the reviewers4. Do not respond to reviewers while upset5. Never call the editor6. Get help from other authors

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Important Resource

International Committee of Medical Journal

Editors website

‘Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication’

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Every paper will get published somewhere!

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Plagiarism: Catching the Cheats

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• Deliberate plagiarism is cheating.

• Deliberate plagiarism is copying the work of others and turning it as your own.

• Whether you copy from a published essay, an encyclopedia article, or a paper from a fraternity's files, you are plagiarizing.

• If you do so, you run a terrible risk. You could be punished, suspended, or even expelled.

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•The verbatim copying of others work without acknowledgement.

• The close paraphrasing of others work by simply changing a few words of altering the order of presentation.

• The unacknowledged quotation of phrases.

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Catching the Cheats

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Turnitin Programme: The turnitin software programme is widely available for originality checking and submitting the online assignments of the student to their concerned teachers.

This programme has the facilities of assignment submission on online, originality checking, peer marking, grading the assignments, marking the assignment and feedback the students.

This programme requires individual user account and passwords. Now a day in western universities it is commonly used and in India it’s use is rapidly increasing.

The detail of the programme and online audiovisual demonstration is available at

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iThenticate Programme: This programme iThenticate has the facilities of Plagiarism or Duplication prevention, IP Protection, and Doc-to-Doc Comparison.

iThenticate offers the ultimate in context verification technology, whether ensuring contents integrity, discouraging, misappropriation of property content or performing textual comparison between documents

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Cross-Check received the Association for Learned and Professional Society Publishers Award for Publishing Innovation in 2008.

The details of the programme iThenticate along with audiovisual demonstration is available at

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