April 25, 2021 - Benizi

Post on 12-Jul-2022






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Order of Friar Servants of Mary

St. Philip Benizi Catholic Community

MISIÓN PARROQUIAL Nosotros, la Comunidad Católica de San Felipe Benizi, enriquecidos por nuestra diversidad cultural, reconoce-mos, aceptamos, y respondemos al llamado para vivir el Mensaje Evangélico de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Nos alimentamos con la Palabra de Dios y los sacramentos, nos energizamos a través de la participación en diver-sos ministerios y reuniones sociales, y con compasión servimos a nuestros hermanos y hermanas en necesidad.


We, the Catholic Community of St Philip Benizi, en-riched by our cultural diversity, recognize, accept, and respond to the call to live the Gospel Message of Jesus

Christ. We are nourished through Word and Sacrament, energized through participation in various ministries and social gatherings, and compassionately serve our broth-

ers and sisters in need.

PARISH OFFICE: 235 S. Pine Drive Fullerton, CA 92833

Phone: (714) 871-3610 Fax (714) 871-5827 E-Mail: spbenizi@gmail.com

Website: www.benizi.us

Faith Formation Office: (714) 870-0561 St. Vincent de Paul Office (714) 871-9317



Tuesday/ Martes: 9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Wednesday/ Miercoles: 9:00 a.m.— 4:00 p.m. Thursday/ Jueves: 9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Friday/ Viernes: 9:00 a.m.— 4:00 p.m.


12:00pm – 1:00pm

OFFICE CLOSED: Saturday, Sunday & Monday OFICINA CERRADA: Sábado, Domingo y Lunes


Weekday Eucharist Monday– Saturday: 8:30 a.m. (English)

Tuesday & Thursday: 6:30 p.m. (Spanish)

Sunday Eucharist Vigil Saturday / Sábado: 5:00 p.m. (English)


8:30 a.m. (English) 10:00 a.m. - Distribution of Communion ONLY

10:30 a.m. (English) 12:30 p.m. (Español) 6:30 p.m. (Español)

4:30 p.m. (Indonesian) (2nd & 4th Sunday)

All masses are livestreamed on our Facebook page.

CONFESSIONS (Confesiones): Monday, Wednesday & Saturday after 8:30 am Mass and

Tuesday & Thursday after 6:30 pm Spanish Mass

Lunes, Miercoles y Sabados despues de Misa de 8:30 am y Martes & Jueves despues de Misa de 6:30 pm

PASTOR: Rev. Dennis Kriz, O.S.M. PAROCHIAL VICAR: Rev. David Gallegos, O.S.M. PAROCHIAL VICAR: Rev. Sebastian Mulu, O.S.M.

April 25, 2021


April 25, 2021 St. Philip Benizi, O.S.M Catholic Community Page 2


Monday, April 26 8:30 a.m. + Richard Veloria Tuesday, April 27 8:30 a.m. + Paul Bernhard 6:30 p.m. + Celedonio Calvino Wednesday, April 28 8:30 a.m. + Laverne Bernhard Thursday, April 29 8:30 a.m. + Al Stensby 6:30 p.m. + David Contreras Friday, April 30 8:30 a.m. + Joseph & Victoria Nowacki Saturday, May 1 8:30 a.m. St. Peregrine Mass 5:00 p.m. + Earl Mazzocco Sunday, May 2 8:30 a.m. + Al Stensby 10:00 a.m. COMMUNION SERVICE ONLY 10:30 a.m. For SPB Staff 12:30 p.m. + Carmen Prudencio + Salvador Lupesio 6:30 p.m. SPB Parishioners

“WELCOME” New Parish Visitor We extend our hearts and hands in Christian hospitality to you. To begin communication with the parish office, please complete this form. You may send it by mail, or drop it in the collection basket. Please stop by the parish office to complete a registration form or if not we can also email one to you.

Any questions give us a call at (714) 871-3610.

Check us out at www.benizi.us



PHONE: (_____)_________-______________


+Maria Gonzalez Lopez +James Chauvin +Efrain Fernandez +Juana Castro +Josefina Hernandez

+ Giuliana & Gary Aubert +Philip Schultz + Adelita Ortiz +Erika Doris Valdivia +Maria Hernandez + Laurine Shawula

+ Al Stensby +Naty Denolo Delfin + Ann Turner +Nancy Shawula + Jenevieve Raygoza + Luis Tovar +Letticia Solis

+Matthew Farias +Silvino Carino + Tim Russell +Tomasa Molina

PRAY FOR THE SICK Pasqualina Evenson, James Arceneaux, Vale-ria Avila, David DuMoulin, Francine Weat-herly, Maxine Musser, Lucila Bocanegra, Jean-ne Becker, Celia Castañeda, Gary Mohler, Yuliana Eklemis, Dennis Sipes, Rodrigo Mesa, Connie Brinker, Harry Muller, Ryan Mellano,

Oscar Bocanegra, Randy Laya, Angelina Iramategui, Clotilde Gonzalez, Oscar Armenta, Ofelia Urquiza, Fernando Tamayo Rescendiz, Maria San-doval, Adriana Robles, Edith Guaderrama, Mike Garibay, Susie Mellano, Terry Sorgdrager, Jose Miguel Gustavo Garcia, Mike & Cindy Kendrick, Lorna Gona, Maria Elena Aguilar, Maria Guevara, Alouish Koskat, Greg Walgenbach, Chris Taddei, Fred March, Mary Garza, Francisco Garcia, Lucy Ramirez, Grace Miguel, Stella Cardoza, Jesus Eugenia Cota, Patty Baldenegro, David Carpio, Irineo Plietez, Jose Torres, Carmen Medina, Tony Lombardi, Larry Haraksin, Maria Diaz, Michael Baudel, Al Stensby, Marlene Luiz, David Bukovansky, Jesus Ocaña, Maria Vivar, Ling Rosete, Jess Corrigan, Jose Luis Meza, Joanne Sarlese, Ellie Nelson, Kay Moy-nahan, Rogelio Castaneda, Maxine Musser




Michael Hallmeyer, , The Navarro Family, Tracy Quick, Pedro Rodriguez, Benito Peña, Mary Hogden, Jesus Ramirez, Merce-des Robledo, Maura & Graciela Magdaleno, Darlene Apolinar, Anthony Munoz, Familia Martinez, Teresa Quiñones, Lourdes Palafox, Jasmin Gallardo Palafox, Maria Gonzalez Lopez, Alber-to Castro, Gildardo Gil, Emmanuel Lopez, Socorro Pacheco, Sandra Cota, Teresa Enriquez, Mary Hodgden, Catalina Garcia, Ermina Munoz, Reynaldo Gonzalez, Ruth Enriquez, Hector Mo-jaras


+Cristina Benitez +Maria Luisa Ortiz +Alicia Arias + Claudia Nieves + Wagih El Masry +Maria del Socorro Al-cala + Aurelio Solis + Pedro Rodriguez Gonzalez +Liliana Noria +Rafael Mora Vazquez + Cruz Ortiz + Catalina Va-ras de Serta + Manuel Gomez + Fr. Ramon Mora Vazquez + Jose Daniel Ramos + Ma. Del Carmen Pinedo Jara + Edelmira Bravo +Cathy Martinez +David Villanueva Jr.

We still have many dates available for your Mass Intentions. If you would like a Mass Intention for a loved one either living or deceased call, email or mail us your request and we would be happy to help you. The donation per Mass is $10. Any questions you can reach us (714) 871-3610 or spben-izi@gmail.com

April 25, 2021 St. Philip Benizi, O.S.M Catholic Community Page 3

PENSAMIENTOS DE NUESTRO PARROCO PASTORS PONDERINGS Dear Parishioners, On the occasion of this Sunday, the Fourth Sunday of Easter or “Good Shepherd” Sunday, I wish to report to you that our whole staff is working hard to realize the Diocese’s goal of safely and expeditiously re-open the Parishes. In this regard, on behalf of the whole staff, I first humbly ask you for your prayers and then honestly for a number of small but concrete actions on your parts: First, since we will still NOT have a festival this year, which would bring in a net $50K a year to the parish, I do ask that every parish family that is not already doing so, to please raise your weekly donation to the parish to $10/week. Dur-ing this year, we’ve all become more aware of where we spend our money and how much things cost, and I do think that $10/week is something that every family can afford, and it would make a big contribution toward allowing us to reo-pen in the capacity that we would like. And naturally for our professionals, please reflect on your capacity to give and note that it’s been longstanding Diocesan policy to ask that each family give 1 hour (1/40th) of its weekly household income to support the parish. Second, in Communion with the whole of the Catholic Church from the Holy Father to our bishops to all our clergy at St Philip’s, we ask you to please take the vaccine, if not for yourselves then for the common good. Yes, in a Faith as large as ours, we will always find someone somewhere, pro-tected by some Bishop somewhere saying something contra-ry to the expressed direction of the rest of the Catholic Church. However, we are asked to follow what our hierar-chy tells us to do. We have lost a fair number of our loved ones to COVID during the past year, please let us not lose any more. Finally, despite everything that I wrote above, unless we are _ordered_ by the Diocese (which I hope not, as the Courts would have something to say about that), we will NOT de-mand that everyone be vaccinated. Instead, like good parents, we simply ask that you do what we really believe is the right thing. And after saying so, we will simply pray for everyone in the parish and seek to give good example. But yes, please do remember that everyone from Pope Francis, to retired Pope Benedict (no “liberal”) to our Bishop Kevin Vann, to his assistant Bishops Timothy Freyer, and Thanh Thai Nguyen, to myself, Fr. David and Fr Sebastian to everyone of our Dea-cons, we have all been vaccinated, all for the sake of the Common Good. And we hope that you all will do the same. May God bless you, and under the guidance of Jesus, the Good Shep-herd we always seek to do his will. -- Fr. Dennis

Queridos feligreses, En ocasión de este domingo, el cuarto domingo de Pascua o Domingo del “Buen Pastor”, deseo informarles que todo nues-tro personal está trabajando arduamente para realizar el objeti-vo de la Diócesis de reabrir las parroquias de manera rapidita si también segura. En este sentido, en nombre de todo el personal, primero les pido humildemente por sus oraciones y luego honestamente por una pequeña serie de acciones concretas de su parte: Primero, dado que todavía NO tendremos nuestro Festival Parroquial este año, lo que generaría un ingreso neto de $ 50 mil al año a la parroquia, les pido a todas las familias parro-quiales que eleven su donación semanal a la parroquia a $ 10/semana. Durante este año, todos nos hemos vuelto más cons-cientes de dónde gastamos nuestro dinero y cuánto cuestan las cosas, y creo que $ 10 a la semana es algo que todas las fami-lias pueden pagar, y sería una gran contribución para permitir-nos reabrir en la capacidad que nos gustaría. Y, naturalmente, pido a nuestros profesionales, que reflexionen sobre su capaci-dad de ofrecer y que tengan en cuenta que ha sido póliza dio-cesana de largo tiempo pedir que cada familia dé 1 hora (o 1/40) de sus ingresos familiares semanales para mantener a la parroquia. En segundo lugar, en comunión con toda la Iglesia Católica desde el Santo Padre hasta nuestros obispos y todo nuestro clero en San Felipe Benizi, les pedimos que se vacunen, si no para ustedes, entonces por el bien común. Cierto, en una Fe tan grande como la nuestra, siempre se encuentra a alguien en algún lugar, protegido por algún Obispo en algún lugar que diga algo contrario a la dirección clara por el resto de la Iglesia Católica. Sin embargo, se nos pide que sigamos lo que nuestra jerarquía nos dice que hagamos. Hemos perdido un buen nú-mero de nuestros seres queridos a causa de COVID durante el año pasado, por favor no perdamos más. Finalmente, a pesar de todo lo que escribí arriba, a menos has-ta que lo ordené la Diócesis, NO vamos a chequear que todos sean vacunados. En cambio, como padres buenos, simplemente le pedimos que hagan todos lo que realmente creemos que es lo correcto. Y después de decirlo, simplemente oraremos por todos en la pa-rroquia y buscaremos dar un buen ejemplo. Pero recuerden todos bien que desde el Papa Francisco hasta el Papa Benedic-to retirado (y nadie lo puede acusar a ser “un liberal"), hasta a nuestro obispo Kevin Vann y sus obispos asistentes Timothy

Freyer y Thanh Thai Nguyen, hasta a mí mismo, el p. David y el p. Sebastián y a cada uno de nuestros diáco-nos, todos hemos sido vacunados, todos por el bien común. Y esperamos que todos hagan lo mismo. Que Dios los bendiga, y bajo la guía de Jesús, el Buen Pastor, siempre buscamos hacer su voluntad. - P. Dennis

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Visit : our webpage at www.benizi.us. Click on GIVE ONLINE and follow the indications on the fol-lowing page. If you have any questions or need help you can always email Marybell Bravo @ mbravospb@gmail.com and she can help you get this done. Visite: SupportYourParishOC.org o visite nuestra propia página web en www.benizi.us. Haga clic en DAR ONLINE y siga las indicaciones de la siguiente página. Si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita ayuda, siempre puede enviar un correo electrónico a Maryb-ell Bravo @ mbra-vospb@gmail.com y ella puede ayudarlo a hacerlo.


Are you being called to teach RCIA? Has the Holy Spirit been nudging you to share your faith as a catechist at St. Philips? RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) might be the perfect place for you to companion and help form the special people reaching out for the Sacraments of Bap-tism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist. To help you in your calling, Faith Formation will offer potential catechists two courses that cover the same material, one in English, one in Spanish, to equip lay ministers with best practices and methods for effective evangelization and catechesis in the modern world, as well as, forming team mission and support.

RCIA & the Lay Minister/Catechist Course English 6 Week Course -Led by

Michael Pascual and Jorge Ledesma – Via zoom and in person.

Monday nights @ 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Please register by April 26th, 2021, at the Faith For-mation Office.

Registration Fee is $30 per person. (714) -870-0561 stpbfaithformation@gamial.com

¿Te llaman para enseñar RCIA? ¿Ha sentido el impulso del Espíritu Santo de compartir su fe como catequista en San Felipe? RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos) po-dría ser el lugar perfecto para que usted acompañe y ayude a en la formación de las personas que buscan los sacramentos del bautismo, la confirmación y la Santa Eucaristía. Para ayudarles en su llamamiento, la oficina de forma-ción de Fe ofrecerá a los catequistas potenciales dos cur-sos que cubren el mismo material, uno en inglés, otro en español, para equipar a los ministros laicos con mejores prácticas y métodos para la evangelización y catequesis efectivas en el mundo moderno, así como, formar misión de equipo y apoyo.

Curso de 6 semanas en español presentado por Jorge Ledesma y Michael Pascual

Vía zoom y presencial. Sábados 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Inscribirse antes del 26 de abril de 2021, en la oficina de Formación en la Fe.

(714) 870-0561 stpbfaithformation@gamial.com


Easter Season is 50 Days. The last time we were together, we talked about the Easter season. During your At-Home Week, you made Resurrection Sets for your home altars/ prayer spaces and re-viewed resources that provided ideas for how to celebrate the fifty days of Easter as a fam-ily. This week, please:

• Read The Blood and Water John 19:31-37. • (Optional for tweens/teens) Watch the video Jesus is • Pierced on Cross (from The Passion of the Christ) (1:22 min). • Learn about St. Longinus, the centurion at the foot of the Cross. • Watch the Divine Mercy Chaplet: 4 Promises - Catholic-

Minute • Show your Resurrection sets. • Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. First Children Reconciliation For Children Receiving First Communion in July. Para los niños que van a recibir la Primera Comunión en Julio. Lunes / Monday 3 Church 6:00pm-7:30pm Miércoles / Wednesday 5 Church 6:00pm-7:30pm Formation Office: (714) -870-0561



April 25, 2021 St. Philip Benizi, O.S.M Catholic Community Page 5

Ramona Rodriguez –Funeral Mass April 26 at 1pm Nancy Shawula—Funeral Mass April 30 at 12pm Jose Cruz Aranda - Saturday, May 15 at 2pm Al Stensby - Thursday, May 27 at 11am (10:30am Rosary) Philip Schultz - Funeral Mass date pending May their souls rest in peace..... and perpetual light shine upon them.




World Day of Prayer for Vocations will be observed on Sun-day, April 25, 2021 also known as "Good Shepherd Sunday." The purpose of this day is to publicly fulfill the Lord's instruc-tion to, "Pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest" (Mt 9:38; Lk 10:2). Please pray that young men and women hear and respond gen-erously to the Lord's call to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life, societies of apostolic life or secular institutes. La Jornada Mundial de Oración por las Vocaciones se celebrará el domingo 25 de abril de 2021, también conocida como "Domingo del Buen Pastor". El propósito de este día es cumplir públicamente la instrucción del Señor de: "Rogad al Señor de la mies que envíe obreros a su mies" (Mt 9:38; Lc 10: 2). Ore para que los hombres y mujeres jóvenes escuchen y respon-dan generosamente al llamado del Señor al sacerdocio, el di-aconado, la vida religiosa, las sociedades de vida apostólica o los institutos seculares.

Weekend of: TOTAL INCOME April 18 & 19, 2021 G TOTAL

5:00 PM $575.00 8:30 AM $1,465.00

10:30 AM $931.00 12:30 PM $952.00

6:30 PM $425.00 TOTAL COLLECTIONS $4,348.00 10 am Communion Service $27.00 Debt Reduc on $2,136.00 Sunday Collec ons - Dropped off to office $2,857.00 Easter Collec on $1,775.00

OTHER $1,254.37

Electronic Giving $1,463.00


On the weekend of May 1-2, 2021, all people of the Diocese of Orange will have the opportunity to donate to the Parishes in Collaboration Collection. This collection is for the purpose of assisting parishes in the Diocese of Orange that exhibit ongoing needs that cannot be paid for by their ordinary income and have urgent needs (such as repairs and maintenance). All money do-nated to this collection is put into a restricted fund that is admin-istered by a group consisting of laity and clergy of the diocese. Parishes with needs as stated above may apply for grants from this fund to be used for their specific needs. Most recently the committee has focused the grants to safety issues including emergency electrical, plumbing repairs and roofing By partici-pating in the Parishes in Collaboration Collection, all people of the Diocese of Orange are helping one another support the works of our parishes that struggle financially. Thank you for your gen-erosity.

El fin de semana del 1 y 2 de mayo de 2021, todas las personas de la Diócesis de Orange tendrán la oportunidad de donar a la Colecta de Parroquias en Colaboración. Esta colecta tiene el fin de ayudar a las parroquias de la Diócesis de Orange que presentan necesidades que no pueden ser cubiertas por sus in-gresos ordinarios y tienen necesidades urgentes (como repara-ciones y mantenimiento). Todo el dinero donado a esta colecta se pondrá en un fondo restringido que será administrado por un grupo de laicos y clero de la diócesis. Parroquias con nece-sidades como se indicó anteriormente puedan aplicar para sub-venciones de este fondo que se utilizará para sus necesidades específicas. Más recientemente la Comisión se ha concentrado en conceder asistencia para proyectos de seguridad incluyendo la emergencia eléctrica, reparaciones de plomería, y techumbre. Participando en la Colecta de Parroquias en Colaboración, todas las personas de la Diócesis de Orange están ayudando mutua-mente apoyar los trabajos de nuestras parroquias que luchan económicamente. Gracias por su generosidad.



April 25, 2021 St. Philip Benizi, O.S.M Catholic Community Page 6 RESPUESTA AL LLAMADO




AN ACT OF SPIRITUAL COMMUNION My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.

Mi amado Jesús, creo que Tú estás presente en el Santísimo Sacramento. Te amo sobre todas las cosas, y deseo recibirte en mi alma. Ya que no puedo, en este momento, recibirte sacramentalmente, ven, al menos, espiritualmente a mi corazón. Te abrazo como si Tú estuvieras ya ahí y me uno a mi mismo completamente a Ti. Nunca me permitas estar separado de Ti. Amén.


Do we truly know the voice of Christ? Do we truly respond to the voice of our shepherd with our own distinctive voice? How often we attempt to imitate those around us, appropriat-ing the response of another member of the flock to Christ. Perhaps we need to balance the image of being sheep of one flock with the image from the second reading, which tells us that we are all children of God. What child has precisely the same interaction with parents as his or her siblings? Instead, they frequently do and say things to distinguish themselves in the eyes of their parents. Whether we use the image of children or of sheep to under-stand our relationship with Christ, we believe that we are all known and called by name. With this great gift comes a re-sponsibility: to respond to the call with our own distinctive voice, to take time to discern exactly what our call is, to de-termine precisely what the will of the Father is for each of us. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

The Gospel Reading The climax of the Liturgy of the Word comes with the procla-mation of the Gospel. Everything tells us that something im-portant is happening. We stand. We sing special acclama-tions. Servers with candles and sometimes incense lead the deacon or priest to the ambo, where the reading is proclaimed from a special book. All of the readings are important, but the liturgy directs spe-cial attention to the Gospel for a reason. “[A]mong all the inspired writings, even among those of the New Testament, the Gospels have a special place, and rightly so, because they are our principal source for the life and teaching of the Incar-nate Word, our Saviour” (Dei Verbum, the Dogmatic Consti-tution on Divine Revelation of the Second Vatican Council, 18). In the Gospels, the narrative of Christ’s saving life, death, and resurrection continues to be proclaimed in our midst. Our Sunday Lectionary is structured so as to allow us to hear as much of the Gospels as possible. The readings are arranged in a three-year cycle. In Year A, the Gospel readings are tak-en mainly from Matthew; in Year B, from Mark and John; and in Year C, from Luke. In this way, over the course of three years, we hear a substantial portion of all four Gospels. —Corinna Laughlin, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

¿Realmente conocemos la voz de Cristo? ¿Respondemos real-mente a la voz de nuestro pastor, con nuestra propia y distintiva voz? ¿Con qué frecuencia intentamos imitar a los que nos ro-dean, apropiándonos de la respuesta de otro miembro del rebaño de Cristo? Tal vez la necesidad de equilibrar la imagen de ser ovejas de un rebaño con la imagen de la segunda lectura, que nos dice que todos somos hijos de Dios. ¿Qué hijo tiene precisamen-te la misma interacción con los padres como sus hermanos? Por el contrario, con frecuencia hacen y dicen cosas que se distin-guen en los ojos de sus padres. Ya sea que utilicemos la imagen de los niños o de las ovejas para entender nuestra relación con Cristo, creemos que todos somos conocidos y llamados por su nombre. Con este gran regalo viene la responsabilidad: responder a la llamada con la voz propia y distintiva, sacar un tiempo para discernir exactamente cuál es nuestro llamado, para determinar con precisión cuál es la volun-tad del Padre para cada uno de nosotros. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Segunda Lectura Mientras que en la Misa Dominical la primera lectura siem-pre está relacionada con el Evangelio, la segunda lectura sigue su propio ritmo. Aun así, sin forzar la situación, parece obvia la vinculación o relación que ésta tiene con las demás lecturas. La segunda lectura está tomada de los escritos paulinos o de otros escritos apostólicos. La selección de las mismas durante los tiempos litúrgicos específicos es suma-mente cuidadosa. A lo largo del Tiempo Ordinario, siguen su propio ritmo y gran parte de la relación de esta lectura con las demás, depende de la creatividad del homilista. Puesto que es una lectura diferente, se sugiere siempre un proclama-dor o proclamadora distinto a quien proclamó la primera lectura. La asamblea litúrgica es capaz en sí misma de captar que es un mensaje distinto, más no por eso, es ajeno a la cen-tralidad del Evangelio. Durante el Ciclo Dominical A, la proclamación de la segunda lectura inicia con la 1 Corintios, Romanos, Filipenses y Tesalonicenses; El Ciclo Dominical B: 1 Corintios 6 – 11, 2 Corintios, Efesios, Santiago y He-breos 2 – 10; el Ciclo Dominical C: 1 Corintios 12 – 15, Gá-latas, Colosenses, Hebreos, Filemón, 1 Timoteo, 2 Timoteo y 2 Tesalonicenses. ——Miguel Arias, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

April 25, 2021 St. Philip Benizi, O.S.M Catholic Community Page 7

Pastor: Fr. Dennis Kriz, OSM Parochial Vicar: Fr. David Gallegos, O.S.M. Parochial Vicar: Fr. Sebastian Mulu, O.S.M. In residence - Fr. Gerald Horan, O.S.M.

Deacon: Dick Glaudini Deacon: Jose Antonio Luna Deacon: Richard Doubledee Deacon: Roger Vandervest Parish Business Manager: Marybell Bravo Parish Liturgy & Ministries Coordinator: Gloria Wheeler Parish Bulletin Editor: Marc Camba Hall / Maintenance Coordinator: Benito Gonzalez Maintenance: Noemi Rodriguez Sacristan/Key Keeper: Francisco Garcia Faith Formation Coordinator: Marivel Alvarado Confirmation Coordinator/ Youth Minister: Diana Trout Stewardship: George & Debbie Kamer Pastoral Council: Diana Trout Finance Committee Chairperson: Ted Johnson Indonesian Community : Ignatius Suwita Wedding Coordinator: Lucy Aviña Filipino Ministry President: Bing Denolo-Chavez Presidente del Consejo Hispano: Silvia Garcia Parish Music Administrator (English Liturgies): James Post Music Coordinators (Spanish Liturgies): Jose Luis Meza Altar Server Ministry: Deacon Richard and Deacon Tony Altar Server Schedules: Gloria Wheeler Lector Coordinators: Tony Sanchez & Edgar Perez Womens Council President: Patty Hallmeyer Secular Order Servants of Mary: Joseph Simmons, OSSM. Comunidad Nuestra Sra de los Dolores: Maria Rojas, OSSM St. Vincent de Paul Society President: Bill Deisenroth Marthas Coordinator: Sharon Barker Pugh Jovenes Para Cristo: Antonio Castro & Javier Zambrano Grupo de Oracion: Maria Vivar Legion of Mary: Elena Regullano

DEVOTIONS / DEVOCIONES EXPOSITION OF BLESSED SACRAMENT ~ Thursdays from 9:15am—10:15am & 7:15pm—8:15pm EXPOSICION DE SANTICIMO SACRAMENTO ~ Los jue-ves a las 9:15am—10:15am y 7:15pm—8:15pm ST. PEREGRINE DEVOTION ~ In English on the First Saturday of the Month at 8:30 am Mass DEVOCION DE SAN PEREGRINO ~ En español el Primer Martes del Mes a las 6:30 pm.

SACRAMENTS/ SACRAMENTOS RECONCILIATION / CONFESSIONS ~ Tuesdays, Thurs-days and Saturdays after the 8:30 am Morning Mass RECONCILIACION / CONFESIONES ~ Martes y Jueves después de Misa de 6:30 pm. BAPTISM ~ PRIVATE BAPTISMS ONLY— Baptisms for infants and children under the age of 7 here at St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church will be as follows: Currently only scheduling Private Baptism Ceremonies. Please call the parish office to see available dates. Por el momento solo ofrecemes Bautizos en Privado. Comuni-quense con la oficina parroquial para ver disponibilidad. Pre-Baptism classes are mandatory. Parents and godparents must attend the Pre-Baptismal class one month prior to the date of the Baptism. (Ex: June class/July Baptism) Parents, ad-vanced registration at the Parish Office during regular office hours is required to reserve your Baptism date. MARRIAGE ~ Couples planning to be marr ied should con-tact a Priest or a Deacon at least six months before scheduling a date for their wedding. MATRIMONIO ~ Parejas planeando en casarse debe de con-tactar un Sacerdote o Diacono por lo menos 6 meses antes de la fecha en cual le gustaría llevar acabo su boda.




All news requests for publication to our bulletin must … 1. Be sent to spbbulletin@aol.com. 2. Be received before 11:00 am Monday (before Sunday).

Please use our bulletin to advertise your busi-ness … Your advertisement will help your business, our parish and possibly get a colored bulletin in the future. For more info call or email your bulletin editor.

Please DON’T drop the kneelers during Mass time &

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GREEN 05/02/21

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:1-10 Tuesday: Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-7; Jn 10:22-30 Wednesday: Acts 12:24 —13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Jn 12:44-50 Thursday: Acts 13:13-25: Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27; Jn 13:16-20 Friday: Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6 Saturday: Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 14:7-14 Sunday: Acts 9:26-31; Ps 22:26-28, 30-32; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8

Sunday: Fourth Sunday of Easter; World Day of Prayer for Vocations Wednesday: St. Peter Chanel; St. Louis Grignion de Montfort Thursday: St. Catherine of Siena Friday: St. Pius V; National Arbor Day Saturday: St. Joseph the Worker; First Saturday

April 25, 2021 See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the

children of God. — 1 John 3:1




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