April 23rd Bulletin

Post on 17-Mar-2016






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An update of events that are happening in the church.


Sabbath School

The Coat of Different Colors Genesis 37:3

The Church at Study 9:30 a.m. to 10:40 a.m. Superintendent: Alex Golovenko

Musician: Cliff Munro Praise Leader: Carter Team

Next Week: Super: Mike Keim Music: Gordon Baptiste Praise: C Team

Worship Hour

Song and Praise ……………………………………………………Men’s Group

Opening Song……No. 154 …When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

Intercessory Prayer…………………………………………Ray Thompson

Praying for Education Next Week Praying for Mission

Offering Appeal…. Conference Advance ……Michael Golovenko

Children Story………………………………….…………………………Puppets

Sermon Title: Radical Resurrection Testimony Pastor Alex Golovenko

Scripture Reading…….Matthew 27: 45-51........ Sandra Dicker

"Lift High the Cross"

Choral Cantata

Closing song…................No.526….....................Because He Lives

Benediction…......................................................Aroldo Anniehs

Sunset this Sabbath 8:15 pm Next week 8:23 pm

Please send all the bulletin related information to: bekorben@hotmail.com

Announcements 1. We invite every church member to the time of Prayer,

every Wednesday 7 pm. A Prayer Group is also meeting at North London Church every Wednesday morning 10am-12noon. You have an option of “shifts” to come and interceded for our church family, for our city, for leaders. We have seen miraculous answers to prayer, and experienced the goodness of God, connecting to His Mystery and presence in prayer.

2. Special! “What’s the Connection?” 3-night teaching for CHIP graduates, and all interested in understanding the connection between our spirituality and physical well being will be presented by Pastor Golovenko May 3-5 starting at 7 pm.

Tuesday May 3 Connecting Physical and Spiritual Wednesday May 4 Surviving a hostile environment Thursday May 5 Mind’s role over matter Every night’s program will be preceded by a light supper at 6 pm. Gifts of books will be shared every night. Meetings will be hosted at the Church Sanctuary, 805 Shelborne Street, London Seventh-day Adventist Church.

3. Membership Update. Second reading: Transfer IN: Kaku Paw, baptized in the refugee camp, requesting membership by profession of faith. Sheena Teague, recommendation given from the North London SDA Church. Transfers OUT: 21 members to the London Spanish Company: Mario & Maria Carcamo; Anzora family: Raul Sr., Maria, Raul Jr., Dennis, Steve, Bianka and Jurgen; Isabel Erazo and Andres Peres, Clemencia Gallardo, Eduardo Heras, Flora Iriarte, Juan David Ramirez, George and Anna Perez, Hernandez family: Romeo, Rosalba, Pablo and Gabriel.

4. Children's Ministry is pleased to announce that the Adventurers Club is holding its first Family Network Meeting on Sabbath, April 30th at 7:00 p.m. Paula Ferreira-Gaspar (Pediatric Nurse) will be making a presentation to the children on Taking Care of Your Body and Heather Baptiste (Social Worker) will be speaking on Child Development. We will have a display of all the children's work and a social hour will follow. All families with young children are invited to attend. Please feel free to bring finger foods. For more information about this evening or about the Adventurers Club, please contact Lucy Simoes.

5. Next Elders session will take place May 1st Sunday evening from 5 to 8 pm at Hilton downtown. The theme – Realizing God’s Vision for our Church in the city.

6. Adventist World & Canadian Messenger: For members only, free of cost, if interested in receiving please print name and correct mailing address on the Sheet at the Front Desk. One copy per family. Any questions, contact Kay Gaikwad, Church Clerk.

7. Easter Potluck today, April 23rd. Come and enjoy the fellowship as we celebrate our Lord’s resurrection. (Social Life committee meeting scheduled for after the potluck has been postponed to allow everyone more time with their families) Please bring an item from the section of the first letter of your last name. Note that we will change the categories each month. Feel free to bring additional items from any category. A-C Drink/Juice D-F Salad/Raw vegetables G-I Bread/Buns J-M Main course/Casserole N-R Cooked vegetable/Soup S-Z Dessert/ Fruit

8. A big thank you to Edwin and all his helpers for a great Kenyan Cultural evening....we learned more about Kenya and enjoyed some great music and food as well.

9. There has been a request for a folding ping pong (table tennis) table and board games such as crokinole, chess, or dominoes (in good condition) for use in our social hall. If anyone has items to donate, please contact Don Topper or members of the Social Life Committee.

10. VBS, it’s almost that time again and we are looking for volunteers to work as leaders and assistant leaders. VBS this year is on July 18 – 22 for children ages 4-12 from 5:30-8 pm. If you can help; please contact: Doris Van Leeuwen @ (519) 452-7073. Thank You.

11. Constituency Meeting regarding school will be on May 14th from 7pm to 8pm at the church. Please come and support your local church school!

12. Marriage Banns first publishing!

Gordon Louis and Shelley Lynn Pelissero, parents of Leanne Alexandra Pelissero and William Walter James and Carolyn Lavina Dowdell, parents of Nathan William George Dowdell are joyfully announcing the marriage of their children on July 31st 2011. If any of you know cause or just impediment, any reason in law why these two persons should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony, ye are to declare it.

13. Worship Committee meeting is scheduled for April 26th Tuesday starting at 7:30 pm.

14. Pathfinders will be attending the Induction today at the Hamilton Club, starting at 5:30 pm. Seven of our team will be inducted, including two new counselors.

15. Church Board decisions from Monday, April 11th

Kay Gaikwad will facilitate a community yard sale for fundraising purposes, date will be announced

General membership (Business) meeting is called on May 7th for 8 pm on the renovation projects and memorial Funds distribution. More details will be given in announcements.

Federal Elections will use our fellowship hall on May 2 for $630 rental income

Creation vs. Evolution debate series will be hosted for the Community May 12, 13 & 15.

Friendship Evangelism training will be conducted during worship hour June 18

Evangelistic outreach with Cheri peters is scheduled for May 5-13, 2012

Stewardship Conference will be conducted by treasurer Onyango in August

Elders and Deacons will be ordained on April 30th

Mothers’ Day breakfast is planned by Women’s ministry for May 8 at 10:30 am

A Bible worker is considered for this summer and fall follow-up work with interests and media evangelism

Social Life Committee is given “green light” to paint the mural for the kitchen window, and to begin fundraising for the dish-washer.

Happy Birthdays Apr 24 Beatrice Kasule Apr 26 Idelio Ferreira

Apr 24 Maria Lucia Catarino Apr 27 Maria Carcamo

Apr 26 Dorothy Gilbert Apr 27 Simone Biggs

Apr 26 Jack Polihronov Apr 28 Keenan Bancroft

There is a Birthday List at the front of the church and we hope that we have everyone on it so we don’t miss anyone’s birthday. Please that a look and we are missing anyone feel free to add your name and date at the bottom of the list.

Pastor’s Blog. Revival means Resurrection!

I’ve been told that this weekend is the annual “super bowl” for pastors, so “sweat extra” preparing the sermon to impress the CEO Christians (“Christmas & Easter Only”). After all this is only one of two chances you get to communicate to those who may consider returning into worship again.

As I read through some emails from different pastoral sites this week, I wondered to myself if many have not missed the point. Seems that since the medieval obsession with the physical sufferings and death of Christ many are still carrying on this idea that this “passion week” is to commemorate the death of Christ. I wonder if we had emphasized the cross too much, to the exclusion of the life and glory and power of Christ’s resurrection.

It’s almost as if Christians are happy filling their mind with pictures of Christ in weakness, Christ upon the cross, Christ dying, Christ suffering, most of all Christ hanging dead...Why do we concentrate on that passing episode that lasted a few hours as if that were the last word and the final scene, as if the curtain dropped upon the horror of disaster and defeat?

Christ is Alive. He is Risen! Halleluiah!!! To the end of unending eternity Christ is alive, Christ rules and reigns and triumphs. Think on this! Act like this! Let Him be present in your today experience. The resurrection is the most essential part of the Christian message. The Salvation has not been finished in the price paid, but in a deliverance from life of death and sin to a new life of righteousness in God by the Holy Spirit.

The Church itself makes sense only when the church is headed by the risen Christ. The Church came into existence upon the resurrection, Ascension, and Reception of the Holy Spirit. Our doctrine of last things, of end times hinges completely on the Resurrection. The practical, applied side of Christianity is nonexistent without the truth of the Resurrection. Apostle Paul says that our hope is vain, except Christ is risen from the dead (1st Corinthians 15:14).

The miraculous conception and birth, the sinless life, the perfect teaching, the sacrificial death, and the victorious resurrection of Christ must be taken together, or we strip the gospel of its power, its sufficiency and its transforming grace.

Remember the Resurrection. Have you met Him? You know, because your life since cannot be the same as before. He is alive!

In service of the Great Shepherd, pastor Alex Golovenko



805 Shelborne Street, London, ON. N5Z 5C6

A Place where Every Believer is a Minister. Discover Your Calling!

Sabbath, April 23, 2011 Pastor: Alex Golovenko (519) 281-9706



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