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Applied TechnologyResearch Center

Dubai ComputerServices

Farooqui Enterprises

Blue Thumbs Robotics

ATRC Newsletter 9 December 2016 Page 1/62Back to table of contents.

Newsletter 9 December 2016

Table of contents


Selling in tough times is a matter of attitude. Page 3


Sunlight is key to fighting childhood obesity and diabetes. Page 7

10 Disturbing Reasons Why Sugar is Bad For You. Page 9

Statins need to be researched by the consumer. Page 20

Congestive heart failure. Page 31

Quotes Page 38


What is cyanogenmod and why you can use it. Page 41

New products and services from our companies.

What is renewable energy course in Karachi. Page 43

Solar pumping solutions by tawanai. Page 45

Distance learning courses offered globally. Page 46

Open Computer Driving License (OCDL) Page 47

CRM trial offer from Dubai Computer Services. Page 52

DCS SME Server Page 55

Special software development services. Page 58

About Dubai Computer Services Page 60

About The Training Company Page 61

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Selling in tough times is a matter of attitude.


Having started two successful businesses during recessions and having learned how to sell in

a tough commodity market, I feel uniquely qualified to write on selling in tough times and

tough markets. The United States government defines tough times as two consecutive

quarters of negative economic growth. On a personal level, you know when things are tough

—the market feels soft and buyers negotiate harder than when demand is greater than


At this time, we have a whole generation of salespeople that have only sold during great

economic times. We also have veteran salespeople that may have forgotten how to sell in

tough times. One out of four will fail in tough times. Seventy percent barely survive. And five

percent will thrive. Which are you?

You fight this battle on two fronts. One, you fight it on the streets with your knowledge and

skills. Two, you fight it in your mind—your thinking and your attitude. In this article I discuss

the mental side of selling in tough times. You must win this psychological battle to thrive in

tough times.

Attitude drives behavior. We move in the direction of our thoughts. We behave as we believe.

What we feel on the inside we generally demonstrate on the outside.

Consider the source

During tough times you are surrounded by bad news. Everywhere you turn you hear

negativism: the media, peers, customers, concerned family and friends, and a worried

management that is trying desperately to keep things afloat. How you choose to input and

process this information determines your attitude and behavior.

A major problem that salespeople experience during tough times is that they believe

everything that people tell them and allow it to influence their thinking. You must selectively

input this information. How credible is the source? There are three types of people to


The commiserator wants information, time, and empathy. This person has legitimate concerns

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and uses you as a sounding board. Listen and provide helpful information. Empathy is not the

same thing as sympathy. Empathy is the intellectual understanding of someone’s pain.

Sympathy is crying with the other person. Empathize, don’t sympathize.

The manipulator wants to use whatever means and opportunities he has available to his

advantage. Therefore, the manipulator will use the negative press and scuttlebutt to negotiate

tougher with you. Don’t fall for this game. Remember, you cannot make a good deal with a

bad guy.

The professional pessimist has a full-time job being negative. The sky is always falling in and

the next disaster is just around the corner. Don’t give this much time and attention. Consider

the source.


One study of salespeople found that optimistic salespeople sold on average thirty-seven

percent more products and services than their negative counterparts. Hang on to your

optimism. How do you maintain this positive attitude in tough times?

First, view success in the long term and failure in the short term. You are working diligently

toward your success. That is your long-range goal. Of course there will be failures along the

path! But the failure is always short term. You experience momentary setbacks as you pursue

success. Everyone encounters these short-term failures. How you process this experience

determines whether you learn from it or you inhibit and limit yourself because of it.

If you define success as the quality of your habits—work and personal—you are living

success the minute you leave the house in the morning and begin your day of calling

activities. By emphasizing quality efforts, you are practicing the habits of successful people.

Second, reframe what you hear and see. Perception is the meaning that you attach to

incoming stimuli. It’s how you choose to interpret events. There is generally more than one

way to interpret that which occurs around you. If you habitually think in terms of the worst

possible outcome, you will live a life of worry and despair. You’ll fret over the smallest things.

Ask yourself, “Is there another way to perceive this situation?” “Is there something positive in

this message?” The meaning that you attach to events determines your attitude and

response. Habitually negative people have learned only one way to interpret life—the

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negative way.

Third, remain focused. Lock in on your goal and lock out the distractions along the way. There

is plenty of noise or clutter on your radar screen during tough times. It’s everywhere. Focus is

positive tunnel vision. It’s concentrating your efforts with laser-like activities on those areas

that will give you the return that you desire. On which would you rather focus: all of the

negative information that many people overdose on or the positive actions that you can take

to elevate yourself to the next level.

You may not be able to control your environment totally but you can control your reaction. You

may not be able to control the outcome of your efforts but you can control your input. You may

not be able to silence the cynics and the critics but you can prove them wrong with your

attitude and behavior.

Fourth, give tough times an appropriate amount of emotion. Is it scary? Yes. Is it disabling?

No, unless you allow it to disable you. Does it require a reasonable amount of concern from

you? Yes. Does it require incessant hand wringing? No, unless you permit it. Tough times are

unnerving but not incapacitating. It’s normal to feel the emotion. Feel it. That means you’re

alive and knee-deep in reality. How you choose to use this emotion determines whether or not

it’s healthy.

Some salespeople view this energy as extra fuel for their afterburners. It fuels their hard work.

Others are intimidated by it and it causes them to retreat into the helplessness that victims

feel. “What’s the use? I can’t do anything about the economy.” That’s how victims talk to


Those who thrive in tough times capitalize on this energy to work harder. It gets them out of

bed earlier in the morning. It stirs their creative juices for better solutions. It sharpens their

negotiating focus. You have a choice for how you want to use this energy and emotion. It can

stimulate you or discourage you.

Positive mental programming

Garbage in—garbage out. Good in—good out. That’s the old computer principle. We can

apply that same principle to your thinking. Put good stuff into your head and good stuff will

come out in your behavior. Surround yourself with motivational quotes and slogans. For

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“Tough times never last, but tough people do.” Robert Schuller

“Any fact facing us in not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our

success or failure.” Norman Vincent Peale

“The last of human freedoms: to choose one’s attitudes in any given set of circumstances, to

choose one’s own way.” Victor Frankl

Read inspirational stories of others that have persisted in the face of defeat and failure. It

helps to know that others have walked this path before you. Fuel yourself emotionally,

spiritually, and mentally. Your abilities will expand to your capacity for believing.

Positive mental programming is how you talk to yourself and how you program your thinking.

Program yourself for success by concentrating on those things that will help you versus hurt

you. Does it really help you to obsess on the negative news from your industry or to go out

and increase your calling efforts?

Paradoxically, salespeople reduce their calling efforts in tough times by thirty-eight percent.

They call at sixty-two percent of their good times calling rate. If you increase your efforts by

twenty-five percent you have in effect doubled your exposure on the streets. This is positive

mental programming. Successful salespeople make it a habit to do those things that others

can’t or won’t do for whatever reason.

Regardless of your industry, there are great challenges ahead of you. Tough times are a

reality of business. If you’re in business long enough, you will experience a downturn in your

industry followed by an upturn. That is the cyclical nature of business. Watch the stock

market. It ebbs and flows. Professional athletes also understand this. There will be good

years. There will be bad years. And there will be great years. The one constant in all of this

can be your performance.

What makes you a champion in any profession, market, or business is how you perform your

job and excel at your career. There are no sometimes champions. Those that thrive in tough

times do so because they practice the habits of success all of the time. It’s never too soon to

think about your future and never too late to do anything about it.

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Sunlight is key to fighting childhood obesity and diabetes, Scots scientists revealSPENDING more time in the sun could be the key to beating obesity and


Soak up the sun rays to slow weight gain and control metabolism

A natural gas called nitric oxide, which is released by the skin after exposure to sunlight, helps

people to control their metabolism and slow weight gain.

Rubbing a cream containing nitric oxide on to the skin can have the same effect, experts from

the University of Edinburgh have found.

The discovery could lead to a treatment that halts the progress of Type 2 diabetes, which is

fueled by obesity and an unhealthy lifestyle and costs the NHS £9billion a year.

Scientists from Edinburgh and Southampton, led by colleagues at the Telethon Kids Institute

in Perth, Western Australia, found applying nitric oxide to the skin of overfed mice had the

same effect of curbing weight gain as exposing them to ultra-violet light.

The mice displayed fewer warning signs of diabetes, such as abnormal glucose levels and

resistance to insulin.

The findings, published in the journal Diabetes, show the benefits of moderate exposure to

the sun’s rays.

Dr Richard Weller, senior lecturer in dermatology at the University of Edinburgh, said: “We

know sun-seekers live longer than those who spend their lives in the shade. Studies such as

this are helping us to understand how the sun can be good for us. We need to remember that

skin cancer is not the only disease that can kill us and should perhaps balance our advice on

sun exposure.”

Previous studies have shown that nitric oxide can lower blood pressure after exposure to

ultra-violet lamps.

Sunlight exposure could help prevent obesity in children, scientists have found [PA]

These findings support the idea that a healthy lifestyle should include time outside in the

sunshine, not only for exercise but also to benefit from sunlight on skin

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Professor David Ray, of Manchester University

Dr Martin Feelisch, of Southampton University, said: “Our observations indicate that the

amounts of nitric oxide released from the skin may have beneficial effects not only on heart

and blood vessels but also on the way our body regulates metabolism.”

Dr Shelley Gorman, of the Telethon Kids Institute, said: “Our findings are important because

they suggest that exposure to sunlight, together with plenty of exercise and a healthy diet,

may help prevent the development of obesity in children.”

Professor David Ray, of Manchester University, said: “These findings support the idea that a

healthy lifestyle should include time outside in the sunshine, not only for exercise but also to

benefit from sunlight on skin.”

As well as nitric oxide, the body produces vitamin D in response to sunlight, which also has

health benefits.

Dr Richard Elliott, of Diabetes UK, said: “This study in mice suggests that low doses of

sunlight might help to reduce risk factors for Type 2 diabetes by an effect unrelated to vitamin

D, but further research is needed to see if this also applies in humans.

“We know that spending more time outdoors contributes to a healthier lifestyle in other ways,

such as through exercise.”

Back to table of contents.

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10 Disturbing Reasons Why Sugar is Bad

For You

Added sugar is the single worst ingredient in the modern diet.

It can have harmful effects on metabolism and contribute to all sorts of diseases.

Here are 10 disturbing reasons why you should avoid added sugar like the plague.

1. Added Sugar Contains No Essential Nutrients and is

Bad For Your Teeth

You’ve probably heard this a million times before… but it’s worth repeating.

Added sugars (like sucrose and high fructose corn syrup) contain a whole bunch of calories

with NO essential nutrients.

For this reason, they are called “empty” calories.

There are no proteins, essential fats, vitamins or minerals in sugar… just pure energy.

When people eat up to 10-20% of calories as sugar (or more), this can become a major

problem and contribute to nutrient deficiencies.

Sugar is also very bad for the teeth, because it provides easily digestible energy for the bad

bacteria in the mouth (1).

Bottom Line: Sugar contains a lot of calories, with no essential nutrients. It also causes tooth

decay by feeding the harmful bacteria in the mouth.

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2. Added Sugar is High in Fructose, Which Can Overload

Your Liver

In order to understand what is so bad about sugar, then you need to understand what it is

made of.

Before sugar enters the bloodstream from the digestive tract, it is broken down into two

simple sugars… glucose and fructose.

• Glucose is found in every living cell on the planet. If we don’t get it from the diet, our

bodies produce it.

• Fructose is different. Our bodies do not produce it in any significant amount and there

is no physiological need for it.

The thing with fructose is that it can only be metabolized by the liver in any significant


This is not a problem if we eat a little bit (such as from fruit) or we just finished an exercise

session. In this case, the fructose will be turned into glycogen and stored in the liver until we

need it (3).

However, if the liver is full of glycogen (much more common), eating a lot of fructose

overloads the liver, forcing it to turn the fructose into fat (4).

When repeatedly eating large amounts of sugar, this process can lead to fatty liver and all

sorts of serious problems (5).

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Keep in mind that all of this does NOT apply to fruit. It is almost impossible to overeat fructose

by eating fruit.

There is also massive individual variability here. People who are healthy and active can

tolerate more sugar than people who are inactive and eat a Western, high-carb, high-calorie


Bottom Line: For people who are inactive and eat a Western diet, large amounts of fructose

from added sugars get turned into fat in the liver.

3. Overloading The Liver With Fructose Can Cause Non-

Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

When fructose get turned into fat in the liver, it is shipped out as VLDL cholesterol particles.

However, not all of the fat gets out, some of it can lodge in the liver.

This can lead to Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), a growing problem in Western

countries that is strongly associated with metabolic diseases (6).

Studies show that individuals with fatty liver consume up to 2-3 times as much fructose as the

average person (7, 8).

Bottom Line: Excess fructose gets turned into fat, which can lodge in the liver and cause

non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

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4. Sugar Can Cause Insulin Resistance, a Stepping Stone

Towards Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes

Insulin is a very important hormone in the body.

It allows glucose (blood sugar) to enter cells from the bloodstream and tells the cells to start

burning glucose instead of fat.

Having too much glucose in the blood is highly toxic and one of the reasons for

complications of diabetes, like blindness.

One feature of the metabolic dysfunction that is caused by the Western diet, is that insulin

stops working as it should. The cells become “resistant” to it.

This is also known as insulin resistance, which is believed to be a leading driver of many

diseases… including metabolic syndrome, obesity, cardiovascular disease and especially

type II diabetes (9).

Many studies show that sugar consumption is associated with insulin resistance, especially

when it is consumed in large amounts (10, 11).

Bottom Line: When people eat a lot of sugar, it can cause resistance to the hormone insulin,

which can contribute to many diseases.

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5. The Insulin Resistance Can Progress to Type II


When our cells become resistant to the effects of insulin, the beta cells in our pancreas make

more of it.

This is crucial, because chronically elevated blood sugars can cause severe harm.

Eventually, as insulin resistance becomes progressively worse, the pancreas can’t keep up

with the demand of producing enough insulin to keep blood sugar levels down.

At this point, blood sugar levels skyrocket and a diagnosis of type II diabetes is made.

Given that sugar can cause insulin resistance, it is not surprising to see that people who drink

sugar-sweetened beverages have up to an 83% higher risk of Type II diabetes (12, 13).

Bottom Line: Because of the harmful effects of sugar on the function of insulin, it is a leading

driver of type II diabetes.

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6. Sugar Can Give You Cancer

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide and is characterized by uncontrolled

growth and multiplication of cells.

Insulin is one of the key hormones in regulating this sort of growth.

For this reason, many scientists believe that having constantly elevated insulin levels (a

consequence of sugar consumption) can contribute to cancer (14).

In addition, the metabolic problems associated with sugar consumption are a known driver of

inflammation, another potential cause of cancer (15).

Multiple studies show that people who eat a lot of sugar are at a much higher risk of getting

cancer (16, 17, 18).

Bottom Line: There is considerable evidence that sugar, due to its harmful effects on

metabolism, can contribute to cancer.

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7. Due to its Effects on Hormones and the Brain, Sugar

has Unique Fat-Promoting Effects

Not all calories are created equal.

Different foods can have different effects on our brains and the hormones that control food

intake (19).

Studies show that fructose doesn’t have the same kind of effect on satiety as glucose.

In one study, people drank either a fructose-sweetened drink or a glucose-sweetened drink.

Afterwards, the fructose drinkers had much less activity in the satiety centers of the brain and

felt hungrier (20).

There is also a study where fructose didn’t lower the hunger hormone ghrelin nearly as much

as glucose did (21).

Over time, because the calories from sugar aren’t as fulfilling, this can translate into an

increased calorie intake.

Bottom Line: Fructose doesn’t cause satiety in the brain or lower the hunger hormone

ghrelin nearly as much as glucose.

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8. Because it Causes Massive Dopamine Release in The

Brain, Sugar is Highly Addictive

Sugar can be addictive for a lot of people.

Like abusive drugs, sugar causes a release of dopamine in the reward center of the brain


The problem with sugar and many junk foods is that they can cause massive dopamine

release… much more than we were ever exposed to from foods found in nature (23).

For this reason, people who have a susceptibility to addiction can become strongly addicted

to sugar and other junk foods (24).

The “everything in moderation” message may be a bad idea for people who are addicted to

junk food… because the only thing that works for true addiction is abstinence.

Bottom Line: Because sugar causes a large release of dopamine in the brain, it can cause

addiction in a lot of people.

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9. Sugar is a Leading Contributor to Obesity in Both

Children and Adults

The way sugar affects hormones and the brain is a recipe for fat gain disaster.

It leads to decreased satiety… and can get people addicted so that they lose control over

their consumption.

Not surprisingly, people who consume the most sugar are by far the most likely to become

overweight or obese. This applies to all age groups.

Many studies have examined the link between sugar consumption and obesity and found a

strong statistical association (25).

The link is especially strong in children, where each daily serving of sugar-sweetened

beverages is associated with a whopping 60% increased risk of obesity (26).

One of the most important things you can do if you need to lose weight is to significantly cut

back on sugar consumption.

Bottom Line: Because of the effects of sugar on hormones and the brain, sugar dramatically

increases the risk of becoming overweight or obese.

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10. It Ain’t The Fat… It’s SUGAR That Raises Your

Cholesterol and Gives You Heart Disease

For many decades, people have blamed saturated fat for heart disease… which is the #1

killer in the world.

However… new studies are showing that saturated fat is harmless.

The evidence is mounting that sugar, NOT fat, may be one of the leading drivers of heart

disease via the harmful effects of fructose on metabolism

Studies show that large amounts of fructose can raise triglycerides, small, dense LDL and

oxidized LDL (very, very bad), raise blood glucose and insulin levels and increase abdominal

obesity… in as little as 10 weeks

These are all major risk factors for heart disease.

Not surprisingly, many observational studies find a strong statistical association between

sugar consumption and the risk of heart disease

Here is what happens. Sugar causes inflammation of the arteries. The arteries are fixed by

one type of cholesterol. This is like repairing the highway. The fixing cholesterol gets in the

way of the traffic and is therefore called bad. Once this cholesterol has done its repair work,

the second type is responsible for cleaning up the repair work area. This type of cholesterol is

called good because it seems to clear up the ateries (highway) for traffic. But both are

required for us to function. So if we eat sugar, we get a lot of bad cholesterol running around

created to fix the arteries being inflamed by the sugar.

Since most doctors see a lot of cholesterol, they prescribe chemicals designed to destroy

cholesterol. These chemicals are called statins. The statins whack cholesterol left right and

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center. But this causes some people to experience memory loss and other issues. Why ? Well

cholesterol is required for the brain. If you whack a lot of cholesterol, you can expect and do

get effects on brain functions.

For details on statins and cholesterol read the article on statins included in this news letter.

Take Home Message

For people who can’t tolerate it, added sugar is incredibly harmful.

Empty calories are just the tip of the iceberg.

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Statins need to be researched by the


Note : This article is included not to promote Q10 but to explain the negative effects of statins.

The idea is to reduce sugar consumption, increase sunlight exposure to about 15 minutes per

day and gain better health.

By William Faloon

Impressive research published in 2003 indicates that coenzyme Q10 may

have broader clinical applications than originally identified. These new

human studies further validate the efficacy of coenzyme Q10 in the adjuvant

treatment of cardiovascular disease.1-9

In particular, a study of heart attack patients showed that compared to

placebo, supplementation with 120 mg a day of coenzyme Q10 reduced

secondary cardiac events by 45% and significantly reduced the number of

cardiac deaths. Many of these heart-attack patients were prescribed a

“statin” drug to lower cholesterol levels. The major adverse effect of statin treatment was

fatigue that occurred in 40.8% of the placebo group, whereas only 6.8% of the patients

supplemented with coenzyme Q10 experienced fatigue.2

In newly published findings over the past year, positive results were shown when coenzyme

Q10 was tested against disorders including macular degeneration, Parkinson’s disease, viral

myocarditis, and hereditary neurodegenerative diseases.10-21 Additional studies indicate that

coenzyme Q10 deficiency is linked with disorders such as infertility and brain atrophy.22-23

The Problem With “Statin” Drugs

Massive advertising by drug companies has resulted in millions of Americans taking statin

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William Faloon

drugs every day. Because consumers are supposed to take these drugs possibly for the rest

of their lives, statins have become the most profitable drug class in the world. While statin

drugs do lower cholesterol, there is a controversy as to how effective these drugs are in

extending overall life span.

Peter H. Langsjoen, MD, is the foremost authority on the use of coenzyme Q10 in the

treatment of heart disease. His numerous research studies can be found in the world’s most

prestigious scientific journals.24-32

In 1990, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science published Dr. Langsjoen’s

studies on the safety of statin drugs. Dr. Langsjoen explained that the mechanism by which

statin drugs lower cholesterol also inhibits the natural biosynthesis of coenzyme Q10 in the

liver. Dr. Langsjoen said that he conducted these studies because, “if lovastatin were to

reduce levels of coenzyme Q10, this reduction would constitute a new risk of cardiac disease,

since it is established that coenzyme Q10 is indispensable for cardiac function.” Dr.

Langsjoen then reported that his animal and human studies showed that lovastatin does

indeed lower levels of coenzyme Q10.30 Dr. Langsjoen went on to describe case histories of

his lovastatin patients who suffered from progressive cardiac degeneration, but whose heart

function improved after oral administration of coenzyme Q10.

Move forward to July 8, 2002, and we find that Dr. Langsjoen has become a vocal critic of

statin drugs and has published a new paper titled “Statin-Induced Cardiomyopathy.” In an

excerpt from this paper, Dr. Langsjoen describes his 17-year experience with statin drugs as


“I have seen a frightening increase in heart failure secondary to statin usage, ‘statin

cardiomyopathy.’ Over the past five years, statins have become more potent, are being

prescribed in higher doses, and are being used with reckless abandon in the elderly and in

patients with ‘normal’ cholesterol levels.”33

Dr. Langsjoen attributes these heart failure cases as being caused by “statin-induced

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coenzyme Q10 depletion” that is preventable if statin drug users supplemented with

coenzyme Q10.

The “Forgotten” Merck Patents

Pharmaceutical companies have long been aware that statin drugs can wreak havoc on

cardiac patients and that taking coenzyme Q10 along with the statin drug would eliminate

these side effects.

The evidence supporting coenzyme Q10 as an antidote to statin drug complications is so

clear that in 1989 and in 1990 Merck patented the use of coenzyme Q10 in combination with

statin drugs to both prevent and treat these complications. However, Merck has neither

exercised these patents nor educated physicians or patients about the necessity of taking

coenzyme Q10 along with statin drugs. One of the two Merck patents states that:

“Since Coenzyme Q10…is of benefit in congestive heart failure patients, the combination with

HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statin drugs) should be of value in such patients who also

have the added risk of high cholesterol.”34

This patent was filed on behalf of Merck & Co on June 12, 1990. Now, almost 14 years later,

most doctors and their patients remain ignorant that those taking statin drugs should also

supplement with coenzyme Q10.

Last year, Life Extension made numerous calls to Merck’s press and media office to discuss

its patent of the statin-coenzyme Q10 combination and why this invention was never brought

to market. Unfortunately, we were unable to obtain a response as to why all of this time,

money, and research had been undertaken by a leading pharmaceutical company only to let

their patents sit in a file cabinet. To this day, few doctors are aware of the coenzyme Q10

depletion problem caused by statin drugs, despite the extensive research undertaken by

Merck, Dr. Langsjoen, and others.

Dr. Julian Whitaker Files a Petition Against the FDA

Based on this overwhelming body of evidence, Julian Whitaker, MD, filed a petition against

the FDA that meticulously documented the many lethal effects that would occur if patients

prescribed statin drugs were not supplemented with 100-200 mg a day of coenzyme Q10.

The objective of this petition was to force the FDA to mandate on the package insert that

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patients taking statin drugs should also take coenzyme Q10.

Dr. Whitaker’s petitions state that statins

deplete coenzyme Q10 stores in the body

and increase congestive heart failure and

cardiomyopathy risk. They call on the

FDA commissioner to take immediate

action to safeguard the millions of statin

drug users.

Dr. Whitaker’s petition explains that statin

drug use may be inducing adverse effects

in as many as 575,000 people worldwide.

The petitions go on to state that statin

drugs work by blocking production of

cholesterol and coenzyme Q10 in the

same pathway, and that consumption of

100-200 mg per day of coenzyme Q10

can reverse depletion induced by statins.

Dr. Whitaker asserts that most patients and doctors do not realize that statin drugs block the

production of coenzyme Q10. Dr. Whitaker went on to describe how coenzyme Q10 has been

found to be essential for cellular energy production as well as for the functioning of the heart

muscle. According to Dr. Whitaker:

“Statin drugs have proven in clinical trials to deplete coenzyme Q10, the ‘sparkplugs’ of the

human body. Patients who take statin drugs without coenzyme Q10, particularly those with a

history of heart disease, are especially prone to developing complications that can have fatal


FDA Fails to Protect Statin Users

Dr. Whitaker’s meticulously documented petition was filed on May 24, 2002. For the past 20

months, however, the FDA has ignored it. The result is that millions of statin drug users are

needlessly being subjected to lethal side effects.

The failure of the FDA to amend the drug package insert to recommend that statin users

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Dr. Whitaker’s Proposed Warning for Statin Drugs

Dr. Whitaker petitioned the FDA to mandate that thefollowing warning be included in the package insertsof all statin drugs, with a big black “Warning” box surrounding the text:

Warning: HMG CoA reductase inhibitors (statin drugs) block the endogenous biosynthesis of an essential cofactor, coenzyme Q10, required for energy production. A deficiency of coenzyme Q10is associated with impairment of myocardial function, with liver dysfunction and with myopathies (including cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure). All patients taking HMG CoA reductase inhibitors should therefore be advised to take 100 to 200 mg per day of supplemental coenzyme Q10.35

The fact that the FDA does not mandate this warning on the package

insert of statin drugs demonstrates the political nature of the agency’s

decisions. The FDA pretends to be a consumer protection agency, but

its actions clearly show that its primary function is to protect the

economic interests of the drug industry. Statin drugs cause potentially

lethal coenzyme Q10 deficiencies in millions of Americans, but drug

company profits are obviously more important to the FDA than saving

Americans’ lives.

Life Extension has filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the FDA seeking to

ascertain the agency’s basis for not mandating the simple change to the labeling of statin

drugs. Based on past experience, the FDA will ignore our Freedom of Information Act request,

even though the law mandates that it respond.

What Makes Life Extension Foundation Different

Drug companies have a simple recipe for economic success. They find a molecule that can

be patented, convince the FDA to approve it as a drug, and then market the new drug to

physicians and the public. Even if the drug has serious side effects, pharmaceutical

companies have been known to relentlessly market these drugs until the patent expires (or

until they are forced to recall it).36

The Life Extension Foundation, on the other hand, has a commitment to maintain the health

and well being of its members. Few consumers realize the extent to which Life Extension

designs products to provide additional ingredients to protect against potential side effects of

the active nutrient.

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An example of the extra steps that Life Extension

takes can be found in the oil-based coenzyme

Q10 supplement it offers. While coenzyme Q10

has antioxidant properties, its cellular effect of

boosting mitochondrial energy levels may result

in the production of excess free radicals. Aging

humans suffer from a variety of ailments related

to mitochondrial exhaustion, and coenzyme Q10

is one of the most important nutrients to energize

aging cells. In order to increase energy

production, however, greater amounts of fatty

acids have to be burned (oxidized) in the

mitochondria. Recognizing that coenzyme Q10

intake could result in the generation of excess

free radicals, Life Extension includes the most

potent natural antioxidant (the tocotrienols) in the

two most popular coenzyme Q10 supplements

that it offers.

Tocotrienols are very expensive, but they provide

a tremendous degree of natural protection against toxic free radicals. Brain cells produce very

high levels of mitochondrial energy, and thus are particularly vulnerable to oxidative stress.

The tocotrienols have demonstrated significant protective effects against oxidants (free

radicals) that damage neurons. To our knowledge, no commercial supplement company

fortifies its coenzyme Q10 with expensive tocotrienols.

The multiple benefits of alpha lipoic acid are well documented and it has become a popular

dietary supplement. The only problem with alpha lipoic acid is that when more than 100 mg is

consumed, it can compete with biotin and interfere with biotin’s activity in the body. Life

Extension fortifies its alpha lipoic acid supplements with biotin to make sure that no one

suffers a deficiency of this critical nutrient.

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CoQ10 Improves Parkinson’s Symptoms andSlows Disease Progression

In a study of Parkinson’s disease patients, 360 mg a day of coenzyme Q10 was administered for only 4 weeks and there was a mild symptomatic improvement compared to placebo. More important, an established clinical test to measure Parkinson’s symptomfunction showed significantly better improvement of performance in the coenzyme Q10-supplemented patients compared with the placebo group.12 This new study helped corroborate a report last year that Parkinson’s patients consuming 1200 mg a day of coenzyme Q10 showed a 44% reduction in the decline of motor skills, movement, and mental function compared to the placebo group. Those receiving this high-dose coenzyme Q10 also demonstrated an improved ability to performdaily living tasks. What was remarkable about this 16-month study was that coenzyme Q10 slowed the progression of thedisease, something that Parkinson’s drugs donot do.13

Folic acid is recognized by conventional medicine as the best-documented disease-

preventing nutrient. There is a small risk that when people supplement with folic acid, it can

mask a lethal case of pernicious anemia caused by a vitamin B12 deficiency. Life Extension

therefore fortifies all of its folic acid supplements with potent amounts of vitamin B12 to guard

against the manifestation of a serious anemic condition.

Chlorophyll is the most effective nutrient to protect against DNA gene mutation, but some

people are concerned about the free copper that may occur naturally in chlorophyllin

supplements. Life Extension adds a small amount of zinc to its chlorophyllin supplements to

reduce the absorption of any free copper that may be present.

Drug companies obviously care little about the longevity of their customers, but a similar

analogy can be drawn about commercial vitamin companies that sell supplements without

providing added ingredients to guard against potential adverse reactions.

Warning Members of Potential Risks

When it is not possible to add an ingredient to protect against

potential side effects of the active nutrients, Life Extension

warns members to take additional nutrients to protect against

potential adverse effects. For example, it is now clearly

established that supplementing with the “alpha” tocopherol

form of vitamin E depletes the critically important “gamma” tocopherol fraction. The latest

study showed that when a group of human study subjects supplemented with 400 IU of alpha

tocopherol daily, there was a 58% reduction in the gamma tocopherol levels in the body after

only two months.38

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University have attributed the conflicting results obtained from

cardiovascular and cancer trials using vitamin E to the gamma tocopherol deficit that occurs

in response to alpha tocopherol supplementation. The Johns Hopkins researchers point out

that gamma tocopherol has disease-preventive benefits and that supplementing with alpha

tocopherol by itself may not make scientific sense.

FDA Sought To Ban CoQ10

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What is truly ironic is that from 1985 to 1994, the FDA made a concerted effort to

completely outlaw coenzyme Q10. One of the FDA’s arguments was that because

coenzyme Q10 is sold as a prescription drug in Japan, it should not be freely available to

Americans as a dietary supplement.

The FDA tried to embargo imports of coenzyme Q10 from Japan and launched criminal

investigations against those who promoted it in the United States.

Life Extension’s CoQ10 supplements were seized twice (and won back both times in legal

actions). The FDA’s excuse for the first seizure was that the cardiovascular health claims

made by Life Extension turned the coenzyme Q10 into an illegal “drug.” During the second

seizure, the FDA claimed that coenzyme Q10 was so “dangerous” that it posed an

“imminent threat” to the health of the American public. These allegations were of course

baseless, and fortunately federal judges eventually saw through the FDA’s charade.

The sad facts were that statin drugs (approved by the FDA) were killing Americans by

causing lethal coenzyme Q10 deficiencies. Instead of addressing the statin drug issue, the

FDA sought to ban CoQ10—the best antidote for statin drug toxicity.

The FDA continues to proclaim that it “protects” the health of Americans by denying

“unproven” therapies. The FDA’s statements about “protecting” consumers’ health may go

down in history as one of the greatest medical hoaxes of all time.

It took an enormous amount of effort by health freedom activists to derail the FDA’s efforts

to deny Americans free access to CoQ10.

References1. Ellis CJ, Scott R. Statins and coenzyme Q10. Lancet. 2003 Mar 29;361(9363):1134-5.

2. Singh RB, Neki NS, Kartikey K, et al. Effect of coenzyme Q10 on risk of athero- sclerosis in

patients with recent myocardial infarction. Mol Cell Biochem. 2003 Apr;246(1-2):75-82.

3. Ohmoto N, Fujiwara Y, Kibira S, Kobayashi M, Saito T, Miura M. Cardiomyopathy showing

progression from diffuse left ventricular hypertrophy to dilated phase associated with

mitochondrial DNA point mutation A3243G: A case report. J Cardiol. 2003 Jan;41(1):21-7.

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4. Fosslien E. Review: Mitochondrial medicine—cardiomyopathy caused by defective

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5. Engelsen J, Nielsen JD, Hansen KF. Effect of coenzyme Q10 and ginkgo biloba on war-

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placebo-controlled cross-over trial. Ugeskr Laeger. 2003 Apr 28;165(18):1868-71.

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7. Sarter B. Coenzyme Q10 and cardiovascu- lar disease: a review. J Cardiovasc Nurs. 2002


8. Piotrowska D, Dlugosz A, Pajak J. Antioxidative properties of coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E

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9. Tran MT, Mitchell TM, Kennedy DT, Giles JT. Role of coenzyme Q10 in chronic heart

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11. Blasi MA, Bovina C, Carella G, et al. Does coenzyme Q10 play a role in opposing

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mild symptomatic benefit in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Neurosci Lett. 2003 May


13. Shults CW, Oakes D, Kieburtz K, et al. Effects of coenzyme Q10 in early Parkinson

disease: evidence of slowing of the function al decline. Arch Neurol. 2002 Oct;59(10):1541-


14. Beal MF. Mitochondria, oxidative damage, and inflammation in Parkinson’s disease. N Y

Acad Sci. 2003 Jun;991:120-31.15. Beal MF. Bioenergetic approaches for neu- roprotection in

Parkinson’s disease. Ann Neurol. 2003;53 Suppl 3:S39-47; discussion S47-8.

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16. Kishimoto C, Tomioka N, Nakayama Y, Miyamoto M. Anti-oxidant effects of coen- zyme

Q10 on experimental viral myocarditis in mice. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2003 Nov;42(5):588-


17. Jauslin ML, Meier T, Smith RA, Murphy MP. Mitochondria-targeted antioxidants protect

Friedreich Ataxia fibroblasts from endogenous oxidative stress more effective- ly than

untargeted antioxidants. FASEB J. 2003 Oct;17(13):1972-4. Epub 2003 Aug 15.

18. Sandhu JK, Pandey S, Ribecco-Lutkiewicz M, et al. Molecular mechanisms of gluta- mate

neurotoxicity in mixed cultures of NT2-derived neurons and astrocytes: pro- tective effects of

coenzyme Q10. J Neurosci Res. 2003 Jun 15;72(6):691-703.

19. Chuang YC, Chan JY, Chang AY, et al. Neuroprotective effects of coenzyme Q10 at rostral

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20. Shults CW. Coenzyme Q10 in neurodegen- erative diseases. Curr Med Chem. 2003


21. Kishimoto C, Tamaki S, Matsumori A, Tomioka N, Kawai C. The protection of coenzyme

Q10 against experimental viral myocarditis in mice. Jpn Circ J. 1984 Dec;48(12):1358-61.

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linked to infertility in varicocele patients? Metabolism. 2003 Apr;52(4):402-6.

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Neurology. 2003 Apr 8;60(7):1206-8.

24. Langsjoen PH, Langsjoen A, Willis R, Folkers K. Treatment of hypertrophic car-

diomyopathy with coenzyme Q10. Mol Aspects Med. 1997;18 Suppl:S145-51.

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Q10 in clinical cardiology: a long-term study. Mol Aspects Med. 1994;15 Suppl:s165-75.

27. Langsjoen PH, Langsjoen PH, Folkers K. Isolated diastolic dysfunction of the myocardium

and its response to CoQ10 treatment. Clin Investig. 1993;71(8 Suppl):S140-4.

28. Folkers K, Langsjoen P, Langsjoen PH. Therapy with coenzyme Q10 of patients in heart

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failure who are eligible or ineligible for a transplant. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1992

Jan 15;182(1):247-53.

29. Folkers K, Hanioka T, Xia LJ, McRee JT Jr, Langsjoen P. Coenzyme Q10 increases T4/T8

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complex. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1991 Apr 30;176(2):786-91.

30. Folkers K, Langsjoen P, Willis R, et al. Lovastatin decreases coenzyme Q levels in

humans. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1990 Nov;87(22):8931-4.

31. Langsjoen PH, Langsjoen PH, Folkers K. A six-year clinical study of therapy of car-

diomyopathy with coenzyme Q10. Int J Tissue React. 1990;12(3):169-71

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36. Dangerous prescription [transcript]. "Frontline." PBS television. November 17, 2003.

37. Chris Adams, Alison Young. Prescription for trouble: FDA loses hold on marketing by

drugmakers, November 5, 2003, Detroit Free Press Washington Bureau.

38. Huang HY, Appel LJ. Supplementation of diets with alpha-tocopherol reduces serum

concentrations of gamma- and delta-tocopherol in humans. J Nutr. 2003 Oct;133(10):3137-


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Congestive HeartFailure

By : Khawar Nehal Date : 7 December 2016 male and female patients between the ages of 45 and 73, who were affected by chronic heart failure defined as NYHA functional class II, were treated either with Crataegus extract or with a placebo preparation. The extract LI 132 was administered to the patients in the form of 3 dragées a day (verum preparation) corresponding to a daily dose of 600 mg. Treatment was continued over a period of 8 weeks, with a wash-out phase of one week. The confirmatory parameter used to asses the efficacy of the preparation was the patients' working capacity which was measured using an ergometer bicycle. Before the start of the study, an increase in the patients' working capacity of at least half an exercise step on the ergometer bicycle (12.5 watt) was determined to be clinically relevant. Apart from the compatibility of the preparation, a score system was used to assess the severity level of the typical symptoms. Fromday 0 to day 56 of the trial, the median values obtained for the working capacity of the patients treated with the verum preparation were found to have increased by 28 watt, while the increase in the working capacity of the placebo patients was as little as 5 watt. The difference was statistically significant (p < 0.001). Apart from that, a significant reduction of the systolic blood pressure, of the heart rate and of the pressure/rate product was observed for the patients treated with the verum preparation, compared to the patients treated with the placebo preparation. Also, the clinical symptoms (score system) were found to have improved significantly. There were no severe side effects observed.

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Other Names:

Aubepine, Aubépine, Aubépine Blanche, Aubépine Épineuse, Bianco Spino, Bois de Mai, Cenellier, Chinese Hawthorn, Crataegi Flos, Crataegi Folium, Crataegi Folium Cum Flore, Crataegi Fructus, Crataegus cuneata, Crataegus kulingensis, Crataegus laevigata, Crataegus monogyna, Crataegus oxyacantha, Crataegus pinnatifida, Crataegus rhipidophylla, English Hawthorn, Epine Blanche, Epine de Mai, Espino Blanco, Fructus Crataegi, Haagdorn, Hagedorn, Harthorne, Haw, Hawthrone, Hedgethorn, LI 132, LI132, May, Maybush, Maythorn, Mehlbeebaum, Meidorn, Mespilus laevigata, Nan Shanzha, Noble Épine, Oneseed Hawthorn, Poire d’Oiseaux, Sable Épine, Shanzha, Shen Zha, Weissdorn, Whitehorn, WS 1442, WS1442.

HAWTHORN Overview Information

Hawthorn is a plant. The leaves, berries, and flowers of hawthorn are used to make medicine.

Hawthorn is used for diseases of the heart and blood vessels such as congestive heart failure (CHF), chest pain, and irregular heartbeat. It is also used to treat both low blood pressure and high blood pressure, “hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis), and high cholesterol. So far, research suggests that hawthorn might be effective in treating congestive heart failure, but there hasn’t been enough research on other heart-related uses to know if it is effective for them.

Some people use hawthorn for digestive system complaints such as indigestion, diarrhea, and stomach pain. It is also used to reduce anxiety, as a sedative, to increase urine output, and for menstrual problems.

Hawthorn is also used to treat tapeworm and other intestinal infections.

Some people apply hawthorn to the skin for boils, sores, and ulcers. Hawthorn preparations are used as a wash for sores, itching, and frostbite.

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You will find hawthorn among the ingredients in candied fruit slices, jam, jelly, and wine.

Before taking hawthorn, talk with your healthcare professional if you take any medications. It has major interactions with several prescription medications.

How does it work?

Hawthorn can help improve the amount of blood pumped out of the heart during contractions, widen the blood vessels, and increase the transmission of nerve signals.

Hawthorn also seems to have blood pressure-lowering activity, according to early research. It seems to cause relaxing of the blood vessels farther from the heart. It seems that this effect is due to a componentin hawthorn called proanthocyanidin.

Research suggests that hawthorn can lower cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL, or “bad cholesterol”), and triglycerides (fats in the blood). It seems to lower accumulation of fats in the liver and the aorta (the largest artery in the body, located near the heart). Hawthorn fruit extract may lower cholesterol by increasing the excretion of bile, reducing the formation of cholesterol, and enhancing thereceptors for LDLs. It also seems to have antioxidant activity.

User Reviews

Learn about User Reviews

1-4 of 4 Reason for taking: Congestive heart failure (CHF)8/31/2016 5:14:14 AM

Reviewer: Arizonan, 55-64 on Treatment for 10 years or more (Consumer)


Current Rating: 5

Ease of Use

Current Rating: 5


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Current Rating: 5

Comment:After By-pass surgery in 2000 following a heart attack, I was told that I had congestive heart failure and my Cardiologist prescribed medication for that. However the side effects of the medication made my heart beat slow down so much (low 40s in beats per minute)that the physician wanted to give me a pacemaker to speed up my heart beats so that I could take more of the medication. I chose not to have apacemaker and I quit going to that Cardiologist. I then read about Hawthorn Berry (Nature's Way Brand: Standardized Hawthorn) and on my own I began taking 2 capsules once to twice a day. After a year's time on this regimen, I contacted a new Cardiologist and he ran tests which indicated that although I had some heart damage from the earlier heart attack, I no longer had congestive heart failure. Thus no need for the congestive heart failure medication. Boy was I happy about that!! Regarding Hawthorn's other benefits -- well, I can't tell whether Hawthorn Berry has helped me in cholesterol and blood pressure readings because I am still taking medications for those things. Perhaps the Hawthorn supplementation helps support those other medications, but I still found them necessary. Nevertheless I am very grateful to a kind Father in Heaven who guided me through prayer to find this beneficial herb that he has placed on this beautiful earth so that my health prognosis as a 60 year old man is very good with good performance in my treadmills and other tests. I am a firm believer in finding natural herbs where ever possible and Hawthorn Berry in my mind is a "God send."Hide Full Comment

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Report This PostReason for taking: Congestive heart failure (CHF)8/22/2015 8:28:39 PM

Reviewer: angie, Female


Current Rating: 3

Ease of Use

Current Rating: 3


Current Rating: 3

Comment: I apologize for using this rating space, but there is no space to ask a question. How can this herb both decrease and increase congestive heart failure, in different studies? Doesn't WebMD check the studies when two opposite sets of results are obtained?

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Reason for taking: Congestive heart failure (CHF)1/13/2015 12:16:43 PM

Reviewer: D, 45-54 Male on Treatment for 6 months to less than 1 year (Consumer)


Current Rating: 5

Ease of Use

Current Rating: 5


Current Rating: 5

Comment:It really helps with SVT (Supraventricular Tachycardia) as I was diagnosed with congested heart failure, later came the high blood pressure. Most all medication I tried, 14 different type, gave me incredibly bad headaches or flu like symptoms. I then tried Bystolic, it worked well, but my diastolic was averaging over 110 and could not get it lower. (Heart average was 168/110 pulse 70). Hawthorn not only lowered my diastolic but also helped in treating my SVT. I have been able to take 1 Bystolic 5mg and 1 Hawthorn standard each day. I now average 117/70 pulse 55. (I take Hawthorn in the evening and the Bystolic in the morning). No more heart palpitations and no irregular heart rhythms ! The only side effect was getting a rough voice during the day. Dividing the two up, one at night and one in the day seems to help this problem. Also I have noticed it is a more of a perfect balance dividing them up as I feel more alert and not tired during the day. It is truly a life saver for me ! I highly recommend Hawthorn Standardized. 1.8-2.2% vitexin as it says on the bottle, by Natures Way premiumextract. Hide Full Comment

9 people found this review helpful.Was this review helpful? Yes | No

Report This PostReason for taking: Congestive heart failure (CHF)9/29/2013 11:40:37 PM

Reviewer: roz, 45-54 Female on Treatment for less than 1 month (Consumer)


Current Rating: 5

Ease of Use

Current Rating: 5


Current Rating: 5


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I was having chest pains & palpitations and after taking hawthorn for sometime, I don't have that problem any more. Could it be the hawthorn Or has it just subsided and went away by itself? I say its the hawthorn.....

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Wisdom (Quotes)

I am a Hacker not a terrorist by Khawar Nehal 26 Jan 2006

I am a hacker not a crackerI am a muslim not a terrorist.These are antonyms by their denotationsNot synonyms by media's connotations

Make some brownies to keep away the frownies

12 apr 2006

from a tv comedy serial

ATRC Newsletter 9 December 2016 Page 38/62Back to table of contents.

This poem was nominated poem of 2005 for the best poem, written by an African

kid.........amazing thought!!!

When I born, I Black,

When I grow up, I Black,

When I go in Sun, I Black,

When I scared, I Black,

When I sick, I Black,

And when I die, I still black.

And you White fella,

When you born, you Pink,

When you grow up, you White,

When you go in Sun, you Red,

When you cold, you Blue,

When you scared, you Yellow,

When you sick, you Green,

And when you die, you Gray.

And you calling me Colored?

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An antivirus for windows desktops.

Support for this antivirus software is available from us. Download and enjoy.

ATRC Newsletter 9 December 2016 Page 40/62Back to table of contents.

What is cyanogenmod and why you can use it.

CyanogenMod (pronounced sigh-AN-oh-jen-mod), is a customized, aftermarket firmware distribution for several Android devices (See above for supported devices & how to install CyanogenMod on said devices). Based on the Android Open Source Project, CyanogenMod is designed to increase performance and reliability over Android-based ROMs released by vendors and carriers such as Google, T-Mobile, HTC, etc. CyanogenMod also offers a variety of features & enhancements that are not currently found in these versions of Android.

More Info & Community Members

While this build is heavily optimized, it is also capable of pushing your phone much harder. CyanogenMod and it’s team hold no responsibility to any damage caused to your phone, loss of earnings as a result of damaging your phone or anything else that is connected to the development of this rom.

For a list of devices officially supported by CyanogenMod, check out the official devices page. Such is the craze for CyanogenMod, that devices that aren’t officially supported, still manage to receive ports of the ROM courtesy of enthusiasts and developers. CyanogenMod offers the mostbarebone Android experience coupled with some very powerful tweaks. This whole package by now is not wholly developed by CyanogenMod developers alone, but is a collaborative effort between them and independent developers around the world.

Right now, CyanogenMod consists of four parallel and active major versions: CyanogenMod 10 (Android 4.1), 10.1 (Android 4.2), 10.2 (Android 4.3) and 11 (Android 4.4). The variants of the firmware are split into categories, such as: Stable, Release Candidate, M-series and Nightlies. The Stable version, as suggested by the title, is the tried and tested variant of the firmware proven to be mostly bug free and suitable for daily use. The latest stable version is available for an assortment of the officially supported devices. A Release Candidate (RC) build may not be the final version, but a variant that has no fatal flaws or bugs, on the stabilization stages to become the final product that is the Stable variant. M-series releases behave similar to the RCs, but are considered ‘stable’ for our users. Lastly we have the Nightlies, which are as volatile as afirmware can get. These releases keep coming at an interval of a day or two and if you do end uptrying one of these, do not be alarmed if your device goes cuckoo on you. These ROMs are largely untested, and as advised by CyanogenMod, not meant for use for an average user. These releases, are meant to test untested waters that may or may not break your phone.

ATRC Newsletter 9 December 2016 Page 41/62Back to table of contents.

What is CyanogenMod all about?

CyanogenMod is a custom version of the Android operating system. It’s here to offer a 'better' version than Google can provide, with more features and more control for the hardcore user.

It may sound a lot like one of those custom interfaces you get with phones like the Samsung Galaxy S6. But with CyanogenMod there’s no performance-denting, memory-sapping bloat, and it’s pretty easy to get the look and feel of a standard Android phone if that is what you’re after.

With CyanogenMod OS 12 now hitting compatible handsets around the globe, and with the news that Microsoft might be preinstalling its apps on future iterations, it's clearly a pretty hot topic right now.

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What is RenewableEnergyAgenda :

Types of Energy. Conventional, alternative andrenewable energy.Costs and benefits of different types of energy. Discussion.Questions and answers.Quiz/Exam.

Course location : Karachi. (Only registered delegates shall be provided the actual venue)Course fees : Rs 1000 per participant.Course Dates : 14 Dec 2016Timings : 10:00 – 14:00 Email the following information to forregistration. Full Name, Email, Mobile number, Organization name,Designation, Postal Address.Call +92-331-2036-422 if you have any questions.

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Trainer : Khawar NehalCEOTawanai

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Get a minimum of 75% discount over theprice of diesel water pump operations via

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Distance learning for many courses now

available.We are offering many courses trainings via distance learning. This shall

allow you to take the course, exam and certificate any where in the world.

No more waiting for a class to be held.

We are also actively looking for partners like training institutes,

educational institutions, and universities to develop and deliver courses

which shall be beneficial today and in the future for the students and


List of courses

ATRC Newsletter 9 December 2016 Page 46/62Back to table of contents.

Open Computer Driving License (OCDL)The open computer driving license is a course designed, taught and examined by Applied Technology Research Center (ATRC). It is designed to cover the basics required to use mobiles, computers and the Internet network.

It is designed to be vendor neutral.

Date : 18 January 2015.

Course Outline OCDL

Module 1: Computer Essentials 1 Computers and Devices ICT Hardware Software and Licensing Startup Shut Down

2. Mobiles







Backup and restore

3. Desktop,Icons, Settings Desktops and Icons Using Linux Tools and Settings

4. Outputs Working withText Printing

5. File Management Introducing Files and Folders Organising Files and Folders Storage and Compression

6 Networks Network Concepts Network Access

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7. Security and Well-Being Protecting Data and Devices Security loopholes Ergonomics Energy Efficiency

Recyclable IT components and consumables

OCDL Module 2: Online Essentials

1. Web Browsing Concepts Key Concepts Securityand Safety

2. Web Browsing Using the Web Browser Tools and Settings Bookmarks Web Output

3. Web-Based Information Search Critical Evaluation Copyright, Data Protection

4. Communication Concepts Online Communities Communication Tools E-mail Concepts

5. Using E-mail Sending E-mail Receiving E-mail Tools and Settings Organising E-mails Using Calendars

Using public email

OCDL Module 3: Word Processing

1. Using the Application Working withDocuments Enhancing Productivity

2. Document Creation Enter Text Select, Edit

3. Formatting

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Text Paragraphs Styles

4. Objects TableCreation Table Formatting Graphical Objects

5. Mail Merge Preparation Outputs

6. Prepare Outputs Setup Check and Print

OCDL Module 4: Spreadsheets

1. Using the Application Working with Spreadsheets Enhancing Productivity

2. Cells Insert, Select Edit, Sort Copy, Move, Delete

3. Managing Worksheets Rows and Columns Worksheets

4. Formulas and Functions Arithmetic Formulas Functions

5. Formatting Numbers/Dates Contents Alignment, BorderEffects

6. Charts Create Edit

7. Prepare Outputs Setup Check and Print

OCDL Module 5:Presentation

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1. Using the Application Working with Presentation Enhancing Productivity

2. Developing a Presentation Presentation Views Slides Master Slide

3. Text Handling Text Formatting Lists Tables

4. Charts Using Charts Organisation Charts

5. Graphical Objects Insert, Manipulate Drawing

6. Prepare Outputs Preparation Check and Deliver

OCDL Module 6: I.T. Security Security Concepts Data Threats Encryption Value of Information Personal Security File Security

Malware Definition and Function Types Protection

Network Security Networks Network Connections Wireless Security Access Control

Secure Web Use Web Browsing Social Networking Storage and Compression

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Communications E-mail Instant Messaging

Secure Data Management Securing and Backing up Secure Destruction

OCDL Module 7: Using Databases

1. Understanding Databases Key Concepts Database Organisation Relationships Operation

2. Using the Application Working with Databases Common Tasks

3. Tables Records Design

4. Retrieving Information Main Operations Queries

5. Objects Forms

Course duration : 6 classes of 4 hours duration.

Course training fees.

Fees : Rs 15,000 per participant

Distance learning : Rs 5,000 per participant.

Minimum 5 people in a private group.

Available also via distance learning.

Exam : Rs. 3000

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CRM trial offer from Dubai Computer


We are offering free trials for CRM softwares to qualified clients.

If you are in existing customer or would like to apply for a free trial, please

contact us.

We provide third party local support for a lot of softwares and cloud services.

This allows customers in UAE and Pakistan to be at ease and not have to worry

about deploying everything and managing IT departments in small and medium

enterprises. Most small and medium enterprises (SMEs) do not have the

resources to host an IT department to manage the required technologies and

business related support in-house.

By letting Dubai Computer Services (UAE) and Applied Technology Research

Center (Pakistan) manage the services, they can focus on their business.

You can use these services globally if you host on a server on the interet.

We shall provide full support for the server hosted on the internet.

Customer Relationship Management Services

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DCS Services for Vtiger and SugarCRM.

What is a CRM and what is it used for ?

Sugar CRM

Vtiger CRM

Cost Comparison

All prices are in USD per user per month.

Zoho CRM : 12 to 50

Sales force : 25 to 250

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Microsoft Dynamics : 15 to 65

SAP CRM : 89 to 199

Oracle CRM : 75

Sugar CRM : 35 to 150

Sage CRM : 45

Infusionsoft : 75 to 76

NetSuite CRM : 129

Nimble : 15

Goldmine : 47 to 50

By hosting your own server, you can decrease these

recurring costs substantially.

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SME Server by MuftaSoft

Features :

Servers included


Web Mail


Email on mobile

Authentication server (LDAP and Active Directory)

Domain Name Server (DNS)

File Server

Certificate Manager (SSL)

Printer Sharing

Domain Host Control Protocol (DHCP)

HTTP Proxy


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Mail Filter

Chat Server

Virtual Private Networking (VPN)

Traffic Management (Bandwidth)

Technical details

Mail Compatibility• Native compatibility with Microsoft Exchange Server Protocols

• Software integrated: OpenChange®, Postfix, Dovecot, Sieve, Fetchmail

• Native compatibility with Microsoft Active Directory® • Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication

• Administration through server or Microsoft Active Directory®

• Software integrated: Samba4, OpenLDAP®, Heimdal Kerberos® • Multiple Virtual Mail Domain • Email, calendars, contacts

• Software integrated: OpenChange®, Postfix, Dovecot, Sieve, Fetchmail • Webmail

• Software integrated: SOGo, OpenChange®, Postfix, Dovecot, Sieve, Fetchmail • Supported email clients

• Microsoft Outlook® 2007, 2010, 2013 • Native connectivity, no plug-in or connector needed

• Mozilla Thunderbird®, Evolution®, etc. • Supported protocols: MAPI, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, CalDAV, CarDAV, SIEVE

• Software integrated: OpenChange®, Postfix, Dovecot, Sieve, Fetchmail • Synchronization with mobile devices

• Native connectivity with Android™, iOS (ActiveSync® support)

• Software integrated: Z-Push®, SOGo

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Authentication Server Compatibility• Native compatibility with Microsoft Active Directory® • Central domain directory management • Users, Security Groups, Distribution Lists, Contacts • Multiple Organizational Units (OUs) & Group Policy Objects (GPOs) • NETLOGON scripts & Roaming profiles • Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication

• Supported OS: Windows® XP, Windows Vista®, Windows® 7, Windows® 8

• File sharing in Windows® environments (CIFS) • Users & Groups access and modification permissions (ACLs) • Antivirus with integrated quarantine for file server

• Software integrated: Samba4, OpenLDAP®, Heimdal Kerberos®

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Special software development services.We provide software related services for many types of softwares.

Integration software development.

Many companies have multiple systems for different tasks. Sometimes it is more efficient if

the data between them is moved automatically. This type of software are created to link

different systems together.

Custom software development

Sometimes the company could use a software for their vertical market to jump over the

competition. Such softwares might be available in general but not perfectly tailored to the

exact requirements.

Or they may be not as efficient as could be made.

Ready made softwares.

We search for softwares from other suppliers and evaluate them for functionality, reliability,

security, support and cost. This allows companies to have a through evaluation of the

software for their needs without having to pay for a new software. We provide experience in

software evaluation and an independent review from the business aspect without technology

or industry bias.

Modification of existing softwares to meet changes.

The company could have existing softwares to be changed and also many opensource

options are available for many cases. Our company can assist in modifying the company's

software or source obtained from other companies to suit your requirements. This is a way to

get a near custom designed software without having to pay for a completely new

development. Also this usually results in less time and better reliability for the finished first


Other than our specialization we can offer experience and consultancy for ICT solutions

support for other requirements.

Want to run maximize your profits over the entire business ?

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Need one company to manage almost all of the departments or all of the departments with a

comprehensive solution.

Let DCS evaluate your business and provide you ideas on how to increase profitability.

We only propose solutions which are highly beneficial to our client's business and

demonstrate a serious return on investment.

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems integrate internal and external management

information across an entire organization, embracing finance/accounting, manufacturing,

sales and service, customer relationship management, etc. ERP systems automate this

activity with an integrated software application. The purpose of ERP is to facilitate the flow of

information between all business functions inside the boundaries of the organization and

manage the connections to outside stakeholders.

ERP systems can run on a variety of computer hardware and network configurations, typically

employing a database as a repository for information.

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About Dubai Computer Services

We provide the following consultancy, support, services and products to assist your business


Computer Software : We develop software based on your requirements.

Software modification : We modify software existing softwares for your changed needs.

System integration : We combine different systems from different suppliers so they work

together to meet your needs.

Training for softwares : We train your people to use the existing software better.

Internet Marketing and integration with existing media : We provide training, consultancy and

support to help your company utilize the new internet marketing medium along with the

traditional mediums to get better sales and marketing results.

Awesome profitability via performance and


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About The Training Company

Since 1992 The Training Company has trained over 5000 students in subjects related to Computers, Energy, Management, and Technology. We offer courses in Pakistan and UAE. We are planning on offering courses online to expand the reach of our trainings so they can be beneficial to more people via the available Internet technologis. of the time.

We are also actively looking for partners like training institutes, educational institutions, and universities to develop and deliver courses which shall be beneficial today and in the future for the students and clients.

Contact : Khawar Nehal

Phone : 971-55-639-8386


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