
Appalachian Region

Social Studies 9Mr. Schofield

Lesson 4Wednesday, April 16th, 2014

Today’s pathway• Check-in, attendance• Current Events• Hook: Take Up Homework (Prizes)• Handout Booklet (template)• Lesson on Appalachian• Look at Atlases of Appalachian Region• Go through filling in diary as a class• Closing: Check for understanding• No homework (enjoy time with family)• Next Class: Next region

Appalachian Region

• Textbook Pg. 164-165• Topography• Climate• Vegetation• Plus: (use the Atlas)– Where is this?– Which cities are there?– Which bodies of water?


• Do you have any questions?• Homework: Enjoy time with family & friends• Next Class:– We will move on to the next Region– Remember to sign-up for the current events

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