and a complete line of •prjH' - NYS Historic Newspapers · 2009-06-26 · Counsellor at Law, ^2 Margaret street, Plattsburgh, H. J., TLevy Mock, oppo ... For their 'gaileiBt sfemc*

Post on 04-Apr-2020






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f; * • - ^ T

r -' ! f l

fXl t-m H* ®

J * 1 „


*. •?*•

SATCRBJDAiY, •MA.IT 30, £003..

r i . H K A L A R M UiOXBt*. l^Brinkerhoft* aftd..Cattterjto«. l(h-Birinte*no# "sW/ ymfyuB*. l$~Rear Xormal Scboolj

is a i Fair Estate^

23~lBfArgaret ana Elm, ^ ^ M a r g a r e t and Riley Avenue. , sa^Jiiargaret and Protection AvenuSi 36—Bridge antt Bern. 38—Baker Brother^ QffWe. «*-Piat t and Cornelia. 6k~Battery and South Catherines-St-South Cattterl&e and BHzabeta. is—xorth of frestte oh Standjah. a—lK>rratoe and • Sailer • A.v»n»e. 124- eiatrison St.i between Guard House

and Sotith P ia t t Street, ^ | M 4 ^ « % M 4 ^ ^ u 4 ^

& s Best jready-to*wear

? CLOTftINQ l a the city a t our store

>rv" !\'.-L

For S

. &•

F. H. ftea, of Ellenuurgh. p to the city, hav ing arr ived h e r e last algiit*

?! R, £ a l > u k e r of Keesevlile> whs

acior g yesterday's vkitots to t>ur city* W.JE.'Cross left oh! last night's

sleeper for a sho r t visit t o >Xew York. J , W." Nolan* of -u3nrli3dgtub-, was in

the d t> yesterday o n a s h o r t business t ; i * • . ' . . . .

ft. <C. S tev jus , of feafce Placid, way among las t n igh t ' s , a r r iva ls in ou r city.

B. E . Holdea , of t i e fiflai of Weaver & 'Holden, Pern , spent l a s t n i g h t in.

tbts eity. i John stougfiton yesterday -t$>

turned from a two weeks* visit t o New York.

Sir. and 3ffrs. (Nathan Spear a n d son, Harold , of Burl ingtqhi a r e vis i t ­i n g in t h e city.

Congressman ithd a (party *o£ M e n d s a r e enjoying am ou t ing a t sRainboW .Lake.

Mr. anil <Mrs. J a m e s Rogers, of An-saWe 'Fpife , were among last -night's a? : v a l s i n t h e eity.

Miss; Maude t^fiDuke' left yes­t e rday t o S3>end a few days a t h e r home in fieesevllta

Mrs. J o h n I, Walsh and mother , Mrs. Baiter, have igohe to* Albany and

Helcf for Grand Jury.' On Thursday^ J. '&, ^bjalden.

State fish and $ame protector, In company "with - a young man framed

S^jenectady to spend a few days with: jfgnj:^ impee/went- to the Oreek to

Warm weather is here to stay until t h e base ball season is over, and pos­sibly a l i t t le longer. O u r Electr ic F a n s will blow i t pool. "£oa c a h ' t freeze ice <Jreain wfth an Electric j^utt, htit you can crea te a 4elightfal temperafute fit any of your rooms. We shaii: be pissed to Mftt or aett joo one. S r i ees reasonable .



M e n d s .

.Mrs, Anna M. Leady and .dajigaitir Gertrude left yesterday for Columbus, to join' her husband who is a xneih her of the 4th lafxatiry. -' • Rev. and Sim. W, & Be$fc will tpday «o to EtixauethiowH* -wi^ra Bfev. Ste Peek wilt t»nwrro*» occupy the jpat-pit of the Baptist iihurieh. . Hon. and: mt&. *3«or%e:, •&.. gtigyety*, of t a k e Placid* a r e spsuiding Memoi-ial Day tb.6 wmu of m. and Mrs, Charles Blair, at BsmneniPra,

airs. B. men »«r»#» a Veil tastowa Bantaier j^hopl leceirer, ihas re&ttned to MalOlie for the sajninei after sev-eral months* worfc In $(m %Qtk 00 text boolks.

AttflouneemeGl ls» made of l&e *a»:

s&geniest of iJSItes ^oiepblM J^thcr Fierce, of S t Aloans> m., t o Mt. J o h n 'SoShiOWi of ShM&urae, ¥%,.- Mr. BiftSbiPw is the son of 42frp& 0«?prge Etts&iow, of tfiie '-Ghapp|ajn Trans­portation Company, and .Jimt nmny friends la this cltr who flM iJoint Jn extending congrattflatlons.U

l i o a H 1C»:.- aJUBV alter we tell lyon that

ll^#ej|^14^»r|njf t|tl« present yf*0?.?'

\ Wfe 'hare -yet to and a easis .of ih-Jdisesfiloft that tljey will not reHem Qeaerilly;. t&w. ''brliig. about * .*«*& 3adjtt«* JE s epsi Cuttles #ure In-:d^^ i r ) i^ . J@o^UjU^A. . ' a4d[ . ,alk a t o n i -

a c h disoraensi Gaa b e obtained where

ffiedieilae Is soldi'


! . * • « ? tor »alfv.^Tfri!flt,Jhoi|ses^at : amngine fSM-'MwtiQ T^ws*a«r.: r

m e J5or - city lots for sale,at raBgjng fi»nj $25Q 'ttojrarda.

Iota are provided, with wa^w «ad seayersJ^'. Payt^e^tft'v k>h

ittttcai tern*. Money to loan on Bond «2ui Mortgage, CJaJl on or address; ,

- : • ' "'':('-- i'

John E. Judge, - ' * • i •


h i*11

X S S n l

Plattsi?urgh. N. Y,

/ •

50c per boscsfx boxes $2.50

Cor. Bridie «nd| narx*r«t 5treeU,


All Work

If j our waterl goes too fast


Baker's BookStore ffeadquarters for any Newspater

«r Periodical Pablished. r A FUIA LEfE OF '


Sefcaol Supplies a Specialty^

"«ffffillfF8H» PBOTIWi Pii

Etf warf E.Bafeer .16 BRINKERHOFF

•lAHfJER gilLV • t i M s r a s i fccxllns a a l v s in t h a w o r l d .

If your watch If it will not ko a t all


^ o e s t o o s l o ^


A. S . ALUBN Dannemora. N, Y*

MoaeytbL9a[n '" on, real estate security. Address oi ca i on $eth S. I Alijeni; Attorney iand Counsellor at Law, ^2 Margaret street, Plattsburgh, H. J., TLevy Mock, oppo­site post office. [ 2678nt3

Dressmaking Mrs. It. W. Cramer, an experienced ed to do all Mnds

No, 27 Cour t S t ,

dpresglmaker, is. prepar-dressiaaSlng-. _• o :

and tnr-rhUdrea,SMfe,st/r~e, Noopimtes.

m DO mW-Mfflt

fnKFrom3tifttopifii$h. While honors tm today W i g paid

t Ut * memor ies *>f t^,e heroes of he: elvj*. wau? who i ia*e io ine4 t l ie s r e a t maloritS", the tBen**ao'served their country froia the first tiO the tt«t battle of t.iat great straggle ahd are still living, sbodld ftot b« Idrgottea,

Few towns--icaft cl.aiQi -the! dliiUinetioa of ha;?ing a&ong its inhabitants a .•than «who-- Wa£ actioatjy' present, when-.-botli the feat m& .last .shid*t«lof the rebelllpa weds fired; but jPJaitsbuixh is ataohg that fsir. Sergfc Peter JSeilan, who jives to the south part of thev«ityv was at tht oi ibr to of the •war a member of Bttbty n» lit Ar-

same re^menit was afafeonjed at Fort ^tinttei? oh tb& hifliraSnR of A.pril IS, 1851, whea-at 4:80 0*<j3o« thfr -Goa-: federates Sred tte s h o t vt"hich pre« cipltate4 "the Woo^y scmlllcit, Ihere were at the fori ,70 ettllstei mea.,iaiid .'seven: officers^ ^tSJor Robert Aflder* son being in «}6i6i»and. w the pre­vious flay thejse sotolers, hiltt ^ya^aaV ed *or t Sldttlpdo, leaving f •sergeant: sad two nteB at foe latter fort to spike the ^ans. for t^ree days and nisBts this 'fal^aht. banjl fonght aptinst overwhelinipg odds, but were finally obliged to fenrr^ndar cohdi-r Hoiially and witih the toiiors of sjf> •they haying been without tood for the last 2& hou«-..of the $$m and. t&ey left Ihe fort with • oalprs flying "an'd tarrying their arms. "vThei the fight opened Mrs, *Sle|lan. whs ih the fort with her hi*sban«% butlefi;. 4t. lyith the other wonysnj |»efore the : surrender.

For their 'gaileiBt sfemc* t i e Oham-I ter p£ CommeVee ofi New -.^Torfe p re ­sented each ,o f ' t he hje^at|3B*<irt Sump-

ter ^itb a br4&i& medal, ow the face of wbfca i s t h e bus t oif '|ilajpr J tober t Anderson, h i s - , j name a n d ihe date* 1S6L On t h e ' r ^ v e r s e s ide a r e t h e T-vords: "The" C h a m b e r of <J<>ninierce, Xew Yorrk, H o n o r s ; th^e Defthde'rs oi For t Sumter , f^rft to Wiihsta n.d (Trea­son;"! Below t h i s is a sqldiejr ra is ing the -S ta r s and ^ t r ipes 'Which' i i d been ghot down, by Ifibe enemy.

The officer^ a|t . iPort Swmter /when i t was fired upoji were Major Ander­son, Captaiij JDpubleday, Capcain Sejv mour , U,eafc T a l b o t t , j Ldeht Ba l l , Lieut. Davis, of the Ist'HArtiilery,* a n d Surgeon Crawford, Gen. Fos ta r and Lieutenants ©syder .and rMeaa, of the Engineer Corps. ^ • I ; ' ' '

Sergeant Neilan se rved , 'w i t a ' the 1st Artil lery, un t i l 1862, joined 'Jhe f i n Art i l lery , and .yras wi th t h a t ieginaWt' a t Appomattox Court House Wfien Gen Lee surrendered and the war .Closed. During h is 33 years in t h e - a r m y he ; participated ' .invl# ba t t les a i d skir­mishes, wi thout receiving & juu^liot wound, altl iough several titcieif other­wise injured. - •

clothes enjpy t h e b e s t of n j>u-• - i . • • L ' '

t&Bon for *ai desirable qtiali-

tles. Not least of tfiese i« tie standard prices. $15.00 for

$utt» or overcoats. Ottjers

hlghsr and lower, of eourse,

all reasOnatne.

now have the call—and we

Ihave every food sort. 8No j)w

without a flt' The Studholine i

Way of d^iajr i t

'W tOB mm THBM FK0M m

THE NATION'S DEAD. Soldkra of the Rcp^lic Who

Sleep in Plattsburgh Cem-eteries.

We give below what we believe to, be a complete roster of the soldier dead who are buried in the Platts­burgh cemeteries, and whose graves will be decorated today:

tr. s. CJEMETER-S!; ' U. s. Art. 6th \Jt & lot.

6th. tJ. S. lot #na TJ,_ S. inf.


investigate reixjrts that seining was rgpfng? on In that vicinity. ' tAfter watohihg 6>r some time tbey iaw Oliver fieahaw and his son* Kapoleon, lei*e the beaeh and row into the bay, dropping their seine. ^When th«y re-tmM to t&e t&ore, Game 'pjn?tector Shedden a n d hhs companion Appeared on ihe shore1 and attempted to cap­ture; the seine, From this point the stories Vary materially. Mr. Shed­den jstates fhat the Beshaws threat­ened; to assault him and that he then drew? bjs revolver and struck 0Mv> ^teSJtjkW on. t h e h a n d s i n o rde r t o tri&ke him stop pullln« fee seine back Into the lake. Finding that this did, » o t W v e t h e des i red effect h e fired two &i$<M Mn iUbe^water i'or the pur­pose oi frisbtenin*; 33e*h*w and that he resamsd pallin« on the, r6\>e. While a t thja 4(1* revolver wa« acci­dentally discharged, the bullet strik­ing Beehaw in the calf of the right leg an t pasains entirely throu»fa. Beshaw and ail* son claim that they made no threats and that they had dropped i&* seine before the last snot -was 4r*d* 'They also eiaim that the last Shot was not accidental, but waa •jlMKl tlreiitfy a t the father. Utair version of the story 1« *ubstantlfted by William sMdDanlels. an ero»loye of the tmiw WOTia, w4io waa on the

jtj® and who states that he saw 'Hr. Slie^den flre the ahota, , '

(esh&w yesterday caused (t|he arjPesi Of Sift. Shedden on a charge of asfault in the second degree, and *t-terjiieariotf the evijience City Judge .33*mjs£ held him: iM #00- h«|l lU lKwalt," the 'chai

ctton of me «ra»4 jttry on vitateil in. the? -warrant.



How Sentenced 'lo* a Tern* *t Dannemora.

a t

n Blod^ett, of Saratoga pleadeji' «u0ty to burglary, fa second] -decree In • •CSHtntyl iCoo; ._ BaH'sttfn'Spa n^edneso^y^'sad ,j as-sentenpell to JRannemora for'not more than' t|wi* yea*s and: Hve months- jand not ieaajthan one yean .y j

He is a brother ot fermee Chief of Pbiipe Oeorse M, &to$$&%M$*&« atoga. .,^ast winter while Atten|ing the" -Salvation l4*thF meeting at Sjine-nectady lpio<3feeit. was. --coilv rted:- jknd confess stf! •to- tri&'b'urglaryf &%ln&[muL--self; »p to the Schenectady poiioi

George Spats, Co. D serht. tlnkno-wn.

gr» V, enrwn, Co. B X.^ Y. i y o n , Co. H.

Thps. Heron, Co. B, ..._ . . j ohn Kigby, Co. E , « n d TJ, S. Inf. Bgl H . H. McKay, Co. B, 42>ix& U S.

Int . JT. 1 \ ilurns, B a t t y K, 3d Art. "

- Sgt. Davta Atjder&OEu Unknown fcoidier. _ j4.nUrew MpGarVey, Bat t ' J ' K, ScS Art» TJiunxown soldier. * „ _ . Chas. £ Orm*, Co. X, 12th U. S. &ffi-Capt. W. .T. Wilson, ^ s s ' t Surgeon U".

S A. Carpi* Mawole. Co4 A, 21st, "born In

tierjnany. __ . , „ . Gotpl. C T*. Mauve, CO A, 21St» Corpi. Jam^s Andets^n Co. P , . Jos. Alichaelsr. Hosp. Corps. Unknown 1SI2. Eflward-Bolan, Co. A, i Thos. O'Kane. Go. S", Col. Horace Jewett. _ _


Peter Wells. Co. lr 2na IT. SL Cav. Jf. Y Sijf, Peter Burke, Reg. unknown. Myetle, 1812. Dennis oragoon, Begi unknown. Louis Douglass, Co I, ISth IT. S- Inf.

* Jos? Marlon, Co. I, liSth V. S. Ittf. ? a t e r Varno, Co. I. ttth V. S. in t . K . T . Bemey Varno, Co. H, lt^tto C. S. Int .

Sf. T . ^Noei Varno. Co. H, USth XI. S. Inf. James Ouimette, CO. K, USth TJ. S,

Inf *f V John ' Terrj-, ' Co. A, ilSOi tr. S. Inf.

N. r . - Bovgera, 1H12. John L»JSombard, M«?x*can "tVar. Lewi? Kecord. Co L. 2ti i K. T. Cay. Jos. St. Dennis, Co. t,, ilrwl X . T . Caw Rob't UaaOrottv Co. L, & d K» V- C*v. a'jios, zavaiiey, Co. ic, Ktn N, T> lax. P. fi, Barnawl. Co. Iff. Silt :N. T . Art. L . S,*Korraandeau, Co.'35, 17th JN. T. Etheme Br«u«eau, Co. K, B t h X. Y.

mr. AntoIn<» ftufenay. Co. A. fith Vt. Inf. BenJ. £>e3ot«Me. Co. G, USth X. T, Inf.

* Joa. aieroit iSii. tTulcnown soldier, A. J . Beeman. H««. unknown.

VO&XUM, JSti. Rwiwan Hoilana, K ? * unknown. Beiij. Miller, Co. JW. 2nfl » . T. Civ Jos. Collect. Co. M, JintJ Ov. X. Ca.v. Patrtrk.C'wfldy- J r . H<»? "nJpiown. JO*. J*ciupor, Co. M, 2na 2*. 1". Cav, Rpmie Dubie, Tier unknjown, P a f k Jtlyan, Co. £ , 2nd "Vt, ?hf, Louis BowvJa, IS12, Peter l^avillej'. Co. B. I9Sth X. Y. Int. 3 ui»*STOwn ssth j?. Y. Inf. S«t. F a t ' k Ho«an. Reg. unknown. tTnknown 17. S. soldier. Tcrrj. Riley, R^«r^ unknown. Exn'o Mauriei?. died Slay 9th, JtS», a^ed

SI, N«\V J^IS. . ^ Fx-ank Champagne, Co. E . I6th ».» T V h a k Sbarron, S*5th X. Y, Inf. October JUehaHl*. P . ft Xa%-y „ , , Edw«irsi >f?rritt, Co. It , Mtfc X. Y. Inf. Peter ftiehards, Co. A. l&h Conn. Inf. J»at'k asoftlt. Co. B . 3Gttt X Y. in^. Owen Conipy. Resr. unknttwn, Jno. Keeor, Cfr. J . 7th X X- Inf. Ambrols ParU, peg. junkiriown. Mi<!h'l Loraine. Co. C« l*th. X, Y. I n t Uwrrj B«Ktr TT. S. XaV}% ISIS, Martin IteynoJ.ts. Co. C, -Hh tr. S. r«f. Etfw'a K, Hairertj-, Cij>. H , 15iJt» X. Y.

Irn% —— Xertan, Re*, unknown. Eaw*«r Br«»o. Co L, ISth X. Y. Gh-Kj. St. Antoin. Co. » . l**th $t. Y. InC. Joa. Senee-tJ, Co. M, Snd X. Y. Cav. Aie*. Sfpnwat Co. A, I*th X. Y. Cav. SamueJ J . Jandrow, Co. C, 2nd X. Y.

Caw Frank Champagne, Co. E , ICih, X. Y .

Inf. Jonw, 3StS,

yu-'Ju* JBordo. iaj. Jno. 43cro, Co. M, 2nd V. S. Car . JO*. Mtyette. Co. E . i»m X. II. Inf. LlettC tJalatae, ls.J2-Jo*. Parent , Co, L. 3d Hass . Heavy Art Ja ines Mellon. Mex£e«« war TUorf, Clbtiona, Co. C. <>6jb X. Y. Inf. 1%1'k WnMnn, Co. 1L S#th X. Y. Inf. Stephen Furlong, Co. F . Sd X. Y.'-ca.v. Xfnknown rsoldlor 1«2, Jcs . HuTe. Co. H , UHh X. Y. In!t

, P . C«ttm*aj. Co. C. ISth N. Y. Inf. Kuyeae P«;ot. Co. K, sth X. Y. Caw Chaa. Cortwite. born France 1T7S,

Trench »a r , tr , S. aoWf^r UiZ, 33 and M, Tho», }>orre», Ri-(t wntaJawn. J n o , I/ewfe Co. C, S&th- X . X. Inf. Jno* JBWisetfe. Co , C* l |t& K«- Y, Xn£ " Gmm„Jesse,'CO, O. % t Df, Y. Int, . Wos. ,6ra t t*W-Co, A,. -With- Xv Y. Caw B*te* $b«t»ux< C g H. imh/X -* Y.. Inf. Je« . M^hor, Cft,' § , mi X Y. fnf. " Sfoloiaon Mawr , -Co, B^ma. X. Y, l»f, § k t Anthony MeSiftreJ- -tf» fe. A . MaL J ..El % « e y , Mt& X* T . to?, Joe SMmtpn E«^v trnklown. Pe te r B ^ k , Co, .i*\ ffl x ; Y . inc . .Xolw iRottsft, Mexican, :( g j j r^ -La te tav -Co. L m h X . Y. irit

tfiiknayra fto^teiCy ..,, John, Ch»itfpaMHi&-5th. S t . -.. - .

jno, carwr/Co, ET, i ip t a?„ Y.,.,l»fe -CnjwJes;,;Blaaehara. j»m X. ,Y, VoJ*.

Y. Cav.

snas'Haaeo, 24 \?et'Cav. -Jo*, cooit, "i6th x; Y, ;roK . -Louis J&^t',p}arie.rji?^- x, :Ya "Tot mm.m^mmiiL cp,jj.i6th.x. Y, vols. Major Chrteto&he^ 33^iak. " ~ "

Tote Y V

Co. E , iiit X. Y^'.Caw • , " , * '

PJtey Se meufc Co, 2>, te x« x,-atn<; Maior K-*^^7«jL«sv SlSth-JS. Y r J n t . f e o r ^ f«rdhain7Co. B» iSSUt X- 3u IiiS, Jmnis Maurice, ma X. Y. Inf.

g**er t JBeCoanep. Co..*B, tss* Pa. m t P«tejr_Lai«ire. Coe B. SStli X, Y. ~

M% #«*'• Paimeiv istn-iX, " 1 Ittf.

y. M. c. A.

Tlie General Rt-comuieiuli, J>Iysi(Ie Care For KUiinAilinni

Gen. J o h n Ludwig of Winoni j . Minn^ says: I contracted Rheumatism diir in the Civil War 'and hajve used al most every preparation known -for its cure and have also fakdn ftr^taaent at different hot springs, t am pleased to say Mystic Our© tor JtheumatiBm; is t i e only medicine thiat has given one tmmBdSate. relief; I gladly re. commend ' i t to .all jsufferesrs from iaenmatisto, Seiatie of 'like ailments. No medicines t h ^ t d have tried are

Sold by l>r. ahyw'here near lts| equal| Laitocane. druggist, Flaiisbugjh. *

-.. TheL, BaMwf ja£' fcpoomo'tive:: - Works turned out : JasUy^ar. i^20 engines, with a value M mjWfrflto,

*Ihe ;three o'clock meeting for Boys na Suniaiy will be addressed by Mr. BckerslsyL adhere will h i spe|ial

<jal and Instrumental mimic, :ljbe tmlQ msntiottinjrof the faetl thafclkr.

Bckerslcy. wiii spealc will: jJoubtless draw a large atteaftwee* Esther tjhjo Raw W J "M? Ba rke r of E l i a a b e t b t p J l -or Sfr. lEbkersley will addrfess men's meepngi 'Fhere.wlU. bje a T< solo aw ah interesttng meeting. All men afe| eprdlally Invited, ' '.- [

The bolys"., department jbasebftll team wtl play tbi Burlington! boys pn tbo. Nor? gal grounds at -11 • o'clock this .morning. I. - , "-. j j " -\'\~r ; 'The. n:jw seeretfery7t?'fr. Bffkefslly, is expected to arrive at 1:30 p. m, ip? day. . : '

fiEABriFUL PIGfURES, FREE p . T . l i a r k l u Givinic A w a y W o r k s o f i ' . I Art- •.-••]:•) -]."

O, T. La-'rkin, our enterprising drug­gist, offers m unufeiiai opportn^iity |o obtain beautiful pictttVes ivithant aiiiy es^ehse. .tie'has" secured the..'.agen^f for iHyontei Skin "Soapy. the ifamou|s;

^ ^ ^ ^ \ ^ ^ H s ^ jfflm^\: T ^ B ^ S ^ ^ 1 ^ 4

This doupon entitles every purchaser of ^ypmei Skin Soap j(lOc,> to their Setecr tioh fjrjom my beautiful asj gortmeht of picture^ . J |

'.' . M . O-jy, IiARKjTJSr.,. I

medicinal jtoilet soap, and withj every cake Will jgw an artistic .pictjore if above eottjion is presented. • {

Hyom.ef ?pKiin§oap ,"wjli curOaU itch* l o g h u m o r i p^ s the sk in a n d scalp, art! is » perfeot. ijoilet soap, whose djeiica'' fragranpe ^ndenrs it to all- users.

If 'perehjan'ce the soap 8houl|d, npi, please you! mjay return it to O, % :tigixt: kin and, be 'will refund, the mdneyji and yon 0*h keep the picture for youi trouble. J' , ' ' 1

Cfo -tPday. With your coupon while

tile assortment is complete.

f . X ^ r l s t t f i r T s f i ' - " " j - " ¥ « ^ . J e t e McDcrtnotti, Beg. unkabwa. John Fraxier. Co. %, 2«a X. Y. Caw

Ia"«n- ?«.,» 39rjrMtb. ^ajCfnd wi»: ' ifsn'ty R, -Barber! Be*. Unknown, gen, Rooersron. iS$s asS W6.

Jilliaro Hafle, 1812; " wwiiam Palteeev AS14 . 1 ,

Inf^' PU4ey Sloffre, 'CoJiC, JSib X»-Y,

•tjf: ' ^ '^' a r o «* r ^ '&>> p . -16th Xi. ,Y,.' 'J6htt-..Palmer; lmsT • I •TJwjuaa mm*. Mt . -Sa^lOdl jQ»w«Uv l^ftr • • '

Smith Mead. Ittf. rJ. Capt. Jno . Stephenson, 1113, Samuel Nonsirosa. 'Wtt Roa^ell A W i 1M2. ,

PrltidW, Co. B. $fith, X. Yr Joeephii* 1 Can t Walter |H. Senedlct> Co. X. Y. Inf.

^M)^ln«.i >Hi«*^W

I t 9«4

Inf. Y.- 3ijr.i Y. Inf/

. Caw ,

0> 'IBlb

A r t , Y. IpL

Gideon-Rugajt.KTS. Banieli Piat t , 11776. _ Wliiiani Baltek 1812. Capt. XathanJ Piatt, 17T6. Gen. Benj. Moprea, X|76 and M12. Richard S. Mborea, is!«. / Lewis Ransom, I8 l i / - J AVilliam H. BiUley, »»«. unkripwn. Wmrber Baiiiy, reg. /unknowni , Capt. James* Bailey, jsth B e ^ , y . S> A, J. H, Lunt. Cb. B , « t h N. Y. j . A . uaker , Co. G/ lS^nd X ; Henry DuikeefCo^Ei , S h X, Jobn • Warlord.1 M l i Sheldon Burkfek MU-. ^ . _ >Yiinaira TboiaMni Co, a, Ml

ncpr;i parkmaiii/Ghappelk Co, .Clark Chappel,|Co. C, 16t'h"X, 1', "Inf. AtlKUSt' Brx*. do . XL, i n d tt, S. Stephen "Weber>Co, Bf. 96th. X Jos. Buwelt. 1*12. _ MIfhafe} Mcpejntnott. 3S12, Brew JSoaj. Beijf- A. Boynton, Tjr. S. A.

Sleg. unknown. 1 , coi, Chas. m«e, tr. s, A., as*q. Capt. James "Watson, 1812. dknstoi)her Cramer, iSlS. Jeremlali Graves, 1812. Hiram VFalworth, 1813. Gliead Sperry, TS12. Peter Sailly, Iffli. Henry Delord, J18J2. Xoyejs Gr<*gor$\\ 1SI2. Peter" Suave, ISE, Thomas Moimesl 1812. TTjiknown, 3vS12 ^ Da\*id Peters. i$12. Unknown. tSll , Ans6n Waterman. •1TZ&.

Cftwles Piatt,, im, Lieut. Jno. thotiatison, 1716 Herhert Dean, Sj of V. camp 18, Capt LS>t Chamftetfaln, E«S- ttnknowxL J lo raw OWs l'-qa. * Clinton Allea. 1S12 Martin Xichol^, [183.2. j Capt. Sluney smith 1S12 | Col. Mc-latiPton Sniitn, 15J12. James 'JProubridKe, 1&12: I Eli Prfndte. imV I George Atfeay 3$i2r i Unknown, 1?J? ' , L'nkiiuwh. Rejsfalir. 1S12 — ] .Aaron Walters, fllC. ' P . B . Roberta. M12L < Capt. 7i. P . Roberts, 1S12. Levy RoterK via. La^ttt. Pfefa*rs* Ro i^ r i s 1778 I C. V. Sweat, BaW'y O. l i t Ari Seth t>oafl. Co. K. 1st Art . IBlS. Gfle? Morrtir, iftM X. Y. Vols. T Chas. Fred»rick. mth X. Y. Vols. A. W, Lans ing 6ib 111. | Cant, i ^ v i d P . Dsbie. Co. HT USth X.

Y. Inft

Is&nv Otfs, Co. i x William J . Carlls:

Inf. William Orprit. Cc

MO^TXT CAR51 Micluwl Quhk. C


10th TSiscnunsIn Tnf, fi, Co. G, SJdISC- Y

.. B . ai«tlt X. "k f n t 3L CEMKTKT^Y.

1>„ 9th . Vermont.

Shebouth of P With the sunset o£

the Fei*t at Weeks coftj the jeHsh houses, ^li^! •Hebrew mdhtbs is cafji the sixth and seven«5s\ F M month-they are eommrajfr tal^teie. brate the- Feattral pf- /KejstleooMy or iPeast Of Weeks. Xt is p a M j ^ ^ M * ^ ot We«ks, ftom lis »>M|?>eHdikfnetd by the j Weeks, jFort^fijeVdaJty,, or

!Phe Arst day dLSeudium^amVu groat idemoraWB flay j<pp{|iicl(:ijqtoa a p p e a r e l an. Mo«uic S l n ^ - j i p d 1 ! i a v e to their ancestors the 'i/f^m^mhf IAW. Thia took jila^O'dfj^ie^ijcth d a y I n the th i rd moto&fljmrtas.^1'after their delpartnre froih m^im,- r>V

I t is kstoraary for rW$m W$1fi

to employ the first nigK#]0*ea*^cbst Jn readngf (certain vommf' of "the Biblejai.a the Psalms, tij^ity\&lth. prayer s comppspa tor p i ^ ^ ^ i ^ ^ i u . gratitudo to Cod for?Miffar M ^ them -His hoiy law, ymmp^ft^ mankinci to do all that'!^J«tobd-,|iL f

Pentecost Is also "^jeid OTasr 'Hakozlr,' Harvest t^t£ptev$i$in . sPalestini! t3ie i s r -ves t Mmp^eiif. j d i ­r ec t ly a f t e r t h e PassoVekj P ^ a -felkst

is also (sailed "Tom K*W#lia^ W

" • * T P

Transfer incline a t


To be Quietly Observed by Vet­erans in This City.

For the first time In a natal et of yeais Memorial My will not thia year he observed by a parade of sqt-djers, veterans of the civil war and' civic societies. This 'Is d«e u the fact that there Is no foftnsl -here and on account of t h e sma l l number- of regulars at the Post

The battle-scarred veterans will not, however, al low t h e d a y t o p a s s Without pay ing A siljent t r ibu te in t h memory of their •comrades Who fc*ve joined, the great majority., Jfipr) the past two days the ladies of the Wom­an's Belief Corps have been engaged in making 'wreathsj and preparing flowers, and at tea o'clock this forenoon the merubelrs of Walter H. Benedict m6st, laseisijed by the jchil-dren from' the public schools, jwiir plkce-these over the hist resting places of the departed heroes. j

The members of Sjaranac Chapter, Daufghters of the American Resolu­tion, Will thls~j Mdmlng deoorate the graves of tM KerpMlonisry sol­diers and She graves of the Daugh­ters that aye dead. They will as­semble in Riverside about 8.30 o!r 3 o'clock. The members pf Nathan Beman Chapter, ChiJldren of [the American Kevolut|pn, will also honor

nearly ote-fourth

T h e UJniott fBafg and. ^ h a v i n g a l a r g e incl ine bstfjj slip which leadfcfrom t o t h e fifri., a n d *Hud. norffhern end of the nel . T i e purpose is. to%, wood f r c m l a rge barge*;) which w d l b e ahippedi % mil l s of

Wood wi 1 be broiigM % o n l a r g e barges th rough , l f$£ j fc j U a w - { ^ n € " ' ^ N 4 w JXaeorvor tpc Cm rsnee a n d Sqre l rjv«4i'{'!*$» Xifke Cnatoplailri. TJie I n p I i ^ i ^ M d j i L l I s . . _ , be ing b u | l t wil l , when donihafftedLfie•:& a f ^ a r l a n d , BeHtowlli i , Vav

irth of a nfl#K4ei^l<*.«««»l»|P' &* **%<&, L'i had

# •tretfeEit

the company. WMM M&B JPresh test! i be feraugM M ! j W t 4 a | l ^nstanfiyfcr

gjonaidsoit ^Sreer, of ta^Jt, j^iU^. supeifnteitdingr the worlti! $]>'-'

>m!t 'Fewer baltonsj Wears\$$phfcs i • M"! N(-f *»

Fewer pailonsj Weai^|j^i4er,

Fewer iGallonsf W*arfl

Fewer paUons;

;er,, v(

Wea»|JE«jf|eerht ]





Lawn Mowelr j

Garden Hose,

Garden Tool

Window and Door Sen and a complete line of

•prjH' Jois IW^re (i

PLATTSBURGH A maa|tioesn't nave to .work ota

time when it -comes to ;nakm*a of himself.

Tihere i s no th ing new finder the Mil except the method oi expres&me tail thoughts. | ^ 8

mmrtiiug iividi-nce t es t imony i n ^rdat qxuiatify-M tU coming in, lleclarh* ~

to be

? a v , haa.

Chaa»berlaln*a ^ o m a e & ^ | * y i iM^c Tablets are |ust.<what y-ott^eM. "-wbei yon have no appetite, & # ^ H affcej' ea t ing a n d w a k e tip wlth'MhbwI. t a s t e in „ your mouth, i'hey iffl|Lp»i«pp^ your appetite, Cleanse &n$0'&ar%,l§' your s totqacb a n d give y^ ' l i a^ re^ iko

• » ' ' " • "

'9 ch i t fs f o r jthree y e a r s a n d docioret t h e tela Without bein|«|jeaeSted.J

I began t a k i n g Ur . King's 3?e*'; covfiTy^Tand-a feW bottlesjwhollyj m e , " Equa l ly effective -a eiuing, L u n g a n d j T h r o a t t r tpbles , Cons l ion, P n e m n o n i a a n d # j i f J fiuarai bj* Mrs. Gi lber t of PJatfeaiirgn; B;; Gillespie &JCb^, AasaMelkxrks;*W« e r & Hbiden,, P e n t . Sr&ll oottlesf i r egu l a r s izes S0e a n d ^ J 0 .

t h e naemory of the: de«te*sed m e m b e r s of tftg ehapttfift,

Saratoga Repub icar i Convention. TBhe -^srab!^ Jfjpnjsty aepnbll|iatt

comnsittee |as,«aUed fjie conventaon at 'the -cb^i^'ihpas^.te B llsi»%. IMion-day Jnge••$,*;-aifc. :12 ^iock,. to nomi­nate -aJte^nijfep -of .Asseinbly icnd. county oiycferiSF mi \ -am- :& naine d sle-gates to f&Q jndi<aaji convention. ' ;*he tsawftuses %$U be held" Saturday, Jime 6«bu • ' ]';! - ! ' , ' '•.- 1 •, i

for your food/ For- sale •Mrs. Gilbert , m

fPlattsburgh; H. B. -Gme#feiXnsasbi4 Forks; w\ Ef :Clons», W U U W i q ^ jl

Mir r Any actlin which a manl; *

enemy Is In the end one

a loalmrjgkme-

Cmtc B r k f « e « M > 4 R n r ^ l i f t V k l i l H r * l r d ] fSVi', V

C J h a m b e r i i a i n ' s P i i i t t S a ^ i ^ l l ) an^!; septic Jiniijtient, and wJieii!lacked, to puts, bruises and burns, ^|^ttr|Uie^n

Prosperity is not witnout its tin n o r advers i ty wit&Ojtrt i ts rpaaj,

t o h e a l more meat.

Mrs. Gilbert, Shedden I4t$$tooii&l Plattsburgh1,* H. E, Gillesi3!a;f)ji|sahTe Forks; W. JS, Clcm&h, JRTe i| |H ' '

SpdciaISaIeofF|ii|| Special Side of jfeass ani "1 * ''"8l

at OiCbnnsIl's store toda* larjge juicy pineapples^ $8 ^ananas, 15 and 20e a Lemons, 13c a dosa ©raj "or l^cj fitesh Stra-wberrl tets for SSe; regular «fi^|

^ « v 40 eenfisj regular SO $"" now SO centjsr fte^hWaxi'j for S3 eeai

2&>w Is the time to bay c qanning, & een?

at o'ooccss S S B i

I M ® a t an out of the gemote from eiyJKzafion, often driven.'to aesperatfon accident, resniang in «Buras, Gw*.


,rieg. un-

t?ha»... Pia|tt, yr,& 1 ( . i^pt*'Haf5' s-.'Ba«se>n1'! wsth x. knife. funbam- «a«a«o»r _ © x r i n o . i nne r , :iSllr. ' ' 1

M. .^.- Avertll, 1S12.' • i -XatAaa Aterlll, IHU. •' • • " V l l i U ^ u f ^ l - •'Un^.^,. " gephan|ah| Piatt . i'rf'«, :.r -! Zfnhaiii4h! Piatt . 3512-. '->\ - "'• Vnknpwn J s o l f e , i«3 . !

•Jpsa;Shep3ird. Co, p . 2m-1 x . Y . inf. • *«^ Co. Bi 7th j F , s . Infi tidier c. s. ! .

"P. A. iiu; Unknown Zfa%& qiajtk, 1SI2. 14e«t Gen ~ Hiram Hi; , ISmmerson. r t k unknown. _ . . . v „«»w c « - H. atsfTX, f. Inf

W » « a V GHlilana, §Srh. X. Y. Infci Jno. .Xlcl^is. igfli, | ^ « ? r t r flP ! l lJ re^ unknown.'-Thos^McCteeay, reg. unknown. Capr. A. -E^ehei. C*. A. "70th X Y Inf Oliver-OtbiL Co. & BM.lfi Y-' i«> G e o ^ e Mafvln! c i . i f A k T i n t Chas. Yoita-r. r*S nnknK&n.

• Ao4r*w Qriegors-. 16th Nf Y. Inf: : Jaroeis -3rH»n. 1S2. • ' ' " '

^ A ^ ^ l , ? n » c"- c-« Mi X Y. Inf. X® Yl . f r ^ n t * ^ S U ^ ' ! C o - C. 181%

Jacob Grai^t, Co. C, Wth X Y l i n f Robert P la te 4th Minn. I; Benj. Moorje^ i g a T-v 1 ^ 4 ^ itii man. XhS. mm Cadyjreg. unknown.' ' .JQ," C. Ijnekee, Co, B , « t h X Y ' i n r Jds. Durkefe,' J812, J •"• • n r " -Halloek .IMnn'ley, 3S12, Janob Kvarts, Co. -K. -^Sth P a Tnf

coi. Mcxeil, iai T'—M?. j * ' * " In£-. t lgut ; .WntJ'-Guijn, VOg.

Weut wm.i pauf. i m T -•Captj Alex An-tergon, 1811

Gw; 4>ownte isia. ^ H « J>. &. Haile, 1S02,

James Banw, isia.;. Ohaa. J»co£.«oq, fjiis; J a ™ ^ . f W t t r e# : unknowH. feaniiig Master; name unkiown, jsis. James Baldwin, 1812. 1 M^t- John &tul»bitrw l ab , i :Liint,, jSt • • ' .-Rleht, GeoL! W. Bhclcr isil Cat Willinffton. 1812 Geprpp Mar-Shall. Co E, 10th X. Y. Inf. Alex. Ladfrbuche, Co. E, ilSth X. Y

Inf. — Mnntv'l, John Mobtv. Peter Sanbprn, 1S12,

1«12. 1M12

White Linen

• H B


nelllck.Wws* Btc, lars an j Cuffs to l;mbroider,

, a t Reduced Prices, at!

W » i * t * r Alt *3t#'e*i«t*ices. Can a a y t a i n g Tx> worse ican to leal

that every [mlnnte ivlil hi your lMt|| 0aeh was tjfcte experience tf Mr?, % M J^ewson, "Decatur, A&, 'IPbr tiawl years/' shej wjites, "% en lured U B * | fernble pain from im$geiUa&, stf*^ aclt and b^wel tronble :3eafi4 ed inevitable when oloctprs and a&l remedies fatted. At 'length I was; daced to t r y E lec t r i e Bit ters ana ' r e sn i t wass in i raculoa% I :mprovedja| once ' and now I'm completely xeeov*| e r ed . " Fori L iver , TCMnej-, Sfomac a n d Bowel iroables*Electr(e Bitters 1

50& lUi

GJJIesple&C©, er & >Hblde}i, Peru-.

a is! Ansapje Ftslrfesr-Wewi

A n old bache lo r sasys that WDmut i s t h e on ly a n i m a l afHictepl with nisi b a i ^ a i n ^ n i m n g h a b i t .

l»«J-«f em t ^ U e t g e n i t i O H .

Wbuno^s, lilcjets, efc^ ZisrjrJz Of Bueklen 's . A r n i c a Salve bes t o n ear t iL S c a t i Mta . e f l b k t , «atfeb*trgjh-j G i H e ^ l e & « > ^ , A n s a b l e T o r k s ; Wear-f

W jfe Holden, iPent

Tea a. b-e" wfil sef j sp a, howl didn't -bring: a- b^geir oijte.

way piio,. family i

in casefll^

n a supply J

H. E5

t o ffil-^BS basket w&\ because te',

Ipess m e r i t fiaf ®c& a n d Kerv •aches. The;

1 W o u l d i |aiek3y leave you if tvoa asef •Dr. tong*® Sfew l a ^ e Pi l l s . jThousands 'ft -sufferers 4 a v e p roved iheit wv&-

oas Heat ma&e p a r e

jboild u p yo«k h e a l t h . Only m o n e y i b a * f e « n o ^ cured. 4' }; 3 f i s . €IOMict, {Piattsburgl; ^ i l l e ^ i e ^ CtL Assab le F o r t p & 3EMdett[ P e n

blood acd


iry stoT8, : Xt, l^kve yoar orders- at

C. R <Mrpeiier's, corner of Miller * - * " ~ - - - - X0.11T-


ola br H B TTeav-

Ws iYi. B U l l N l i , Bkiade. No-wis

Anticipating the ring and Summer trad*/

not SELL the tin!

[that profits

Package Cereals :, 111 EltuiBSS

Isk ODX pitic§ for$J»HfflE Outs

t t t f t*ff

l - U


i«st received several carloads of



olesale Groi

PlattkuFfli, J. 1

-IK as4 Bottled Goods in Eferj


• ••i

i PicMc^s in Bu


0( ^ pecia|^Y' et'.$fca|» doiees , Fuke FlaToringfi cannot be eqttalled, t t will certainly pay joxnS])

lr f f f f

Tarie'ty and

Style, \

A limited Quatitity of SEED COfiH of] I p t O r t e r fiuiGt


'v^dAr orders w and Pure Spices at price;: that

itik us.


J t *v


top related