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f; * • - ^ T r -' ! fl fXl t-m H* ® J* 1„ *$<)«* *. •?*• SATCRBJDAiY, •MA.IT 30, £003.. ri.HK ALARM UiOXBt*. l^Brinkerhoft* aftd..Cattterjto«. l(h-Birinte*no#"sW/ ymfyuB*. l$~Rear Xormal Scboolj is a i Fair Estate^ 23~lBfArgaret ana Elm, ^^Margaret and Riley Avenue. , sa^Jiiargaret and Protection AvenuSi 36—Bridge antt Bern. 38—Baker Brother^ QffWe. «*-Piatt and Cornelia. 6k~Battery and South Catherines- St-South Cattterl&e and BHzabeta. is—xorth of ^frestte oh Standjah. a—lK>rratoe and • Sailer • A.v»n»e. 124-^eiatrison St.i between Guard House and Sotith Piatt Street, ^|M4^«%M4^^u4^ &s Best jready-to*wear ? CLOTftINQ la the city at our store >r v " ! \'.- L For S . &• F. H. ftea, of Ellenuurgh. ptothe city, having arrived here last algiit* ?! R, £al>uke r of Keesevlile> whs acior g yesterday's vkitots to t>ur city* W.JE.'Cross left oh ! last night's sleeper for a short visit to >Xew York. J, W." Nolan* of -u3nrli3dgtub-, was in the dt> yesterday on a short business t;i * . ' . . . . ft. <C. Stevjus, of feafce Placid, way among last night's, arrivals in our city. B. E. Holdea, of tie fiflai of Weaver & 'Holden, Pern, spent last night in. tbts eity. i John stougfiton yesterday -t$> turned from a two weeks* visit to New York. Sir. and 3ffrs. (Nathan Spear and son, Harold, of Burlingtqhi are visit- ing in the city. Congressman ithd a (party *o£ Mends are enjoying am outing at sRainboW .Lake. Mr. anil <Mrs. James Rogers, of An- saWe 'Fpife, were among last -night's a?: valsin the eity. Miss; Maude t^fiDuke' left yes- terday to S3>end a few days at her home in fieesevllta Mrs. John I, Walsh and mother, Mrs. Baiter, have igohe to* Albany and HelcfforGrand Jury.' On Thursday^ J. '&, ^bjalden. State fish and $ame protector, In company "with - a young man framed S^jenectady to spend a few days with: jfgnj:^ impee/went- to the Oreek to Warm weather is here to stay until the base ball season is over, and pos- sibly a little longer. Our Electric Fans will blow it pool. "£oa cah't freeze ice <Jreain wfth an Electric j^utt, htit you can create a 4elightfal temperafute fit any of your rooms. We shaii: be pissed to Mftt or aett joo one. Sriees reasonable. A.P. HUGHES & CO 9 DO YOU DOUBT TOAf Mends. .Mrs, Anna M. Leady and .dajigaitir Gertrude left yesterday for Columbus, to join' her husband who is a xneih^ her of the 4th lafxatiry. -' • Rev. and Sim. W, & Be$fc will tpday «o to EtixauethiowH* -wi^ra Bfev. Ste Peek wilt t»nwrro*» occupy the jpat- pit of the Baptist iihurieh. . Hon. and: mt&. *3«or%e : , •&.. gtigyety*, of t a k e Placid* are spsuiding Memoi- ial Day tb.6 wmu of m. and Mrs, Charles Blair, at BsmneniPra, airs. B. men »«r»#» a Veil^tastowa Bantaier j^hopl leceirer, ihas re&ttned to MalOlieforthe sajninei after sev- eral months* worfc In $(m %Qtk 00 text boolks. AttflouneemeGl ls» made of l&e *a» : s&geniest of iJSItes ^oiepblM J^thcr Fierce, of S t Aloans> m., to Mt. John 'SoShiOWi of ShM&urae, ¥%,.- Mr. BiftSbiPw is the son of 42frp& 0«?prge Etts&iow, of tfiie '-Ghapp|ajn Trans- portation Company, and .Jimt nmny friends la this cltr who flM iJoint Jn extending congrattflatlons.U lioaH 1C»:.-^aJUBV alter we tell lyon that l l^#ej|^14^»r|njf t|tl« present yf*0?.?' \ Wfe 'hare -yet to and a easis .of ih- Jdisesfiloft that tljey will not reHem Qeaerilly;. t&w. ''brliig. about * .*«*& 3adjtt«* JE^s^epsi^ Cuttles #ure In- :d^^ir)i^.J@o^UjU^A..'a4d[. ,alk atoni- ach disoraensi Gaa be obtained where ffiedieilae Is soldi' Ff' !.*•«? tor »alfv.^Tfri!flt, J hoi|ses^at : amngine fSM-'MwtiQ T^ws*a«r. : r me J5or^- city lots for sale,at raBgjng fi»nj $25Q 'ttojrarda. Iota are provided, with wa^w «ad seayersJ^'. Payt^e^tft' v k>h ittttcai tern*. Money to loan on Bond «2ui Mortgage, CJaJl on or address; , - : ' "'':('-- i' John E. Judge, - ' * i Attbrney,..''/'. h i* 1 1 XSSnl Plattsi?urgh. N. Y, / 50c per boscsfx boxes $2.50 Cor. Bridie «nd| narx*r«t 5treeU, f LATTSBUfijaH N Y All Work If j our waterl goes too fast -J?* Baker's BookStore ffeadquarters for any Newspater «r Periodical Pablished. r A FUIA LEfE OF ' PRAYER BOOKS STATION- ERY, CANDY arm CIGARS Sefcaol Supplies a Specialty^ "«ffffillfF8H» PBOTIWi Pii Etf warf E.Bafeer .16 BRINKERHOFF •lAHfJER gilLV • t i M s r a s i fccxllns a a l v s in tha world. If your watch If it will not ko at all BRHJTG ^oestooslo^ IT TO A. S. ALUBN Dannemora. N, Y* MoaeytbL9a[n '" on, real estate security. Address oi ca^i on $eth S. I Alijen i; Attorney iand Counsellor at Law, ^2 Margaret street, Plattsburgh, H. J., TLevy Mock, oppo- site post office. [ 2678nt3 Dressmaking Mrs. It. W. Cramer, an experienced ed to do all Mnds No, 27 Court St, dpresglmaker, is. prepar- dressiaaSlng-. _• o: and tnr-rhUdrea,SMfe,st/r~e, Noopimtes. m DO mW-Mfflt fnKFrom3tifttopifii$h. While honors tm today Wig paid t Ut * memories *>f t^,e heroes of he: elvj*. wau? who iia*e ioine4 tlie sreat maloritS", the tBen**ao'served their country froia the first tiO the tt«t battle of t.iat great straggle ahd are still living, sbodld ftot b« Idrgottea, Few towns--icaft cl.aiQi -the! dliiUinetioa of ha;?ing a&ong its inhabitants a .•than «who-- Wa£ actioatjy' present, when- .-botli the feat m& .last .shid*t«lof the rebelllpa weds fired; but jPJaitsbuixh is ataohg that fsir. Sergfc Peter JSeilan, who jivestothe south part of thev«ityv was at tht oiibrto of the •war a member of Bttbty lit Ar- same re^menit was afafeonjed at Fort ^tinttei? oh tb& hifliraSnR of A.pril IS, 1851, whea-at 4:80 0*<j3o« thfr -Goa- : federates Sred tte s h o t vt"hich pre« cipltate4 "the Woo^y scmlllcit, Ihere were at the fori ,70 ettllstei mea.,iaiid .'seven: officers^ ^tSJor Robert Aflder* son being in «}6i6i»and. w the pre- vious flay thejse sotolers, hiltt ^ya^aaV ed *ort Sldttlpdo, leaving f •sergeant : sad two nteB at foe latter fort to spike the ^ans. for t^ree days and nisBts this 'fal^aht. banjl fonght aptinst overwhelinipg odds, but were finally obliged to fenrr^ndar cohdi-r Hoiially and witih the toiiors of ^sjf> •they haying been without tood for the last 2& hou«-..of the $$m and. t&ey left Ihe fort with • oalprsflying"an'd tarrying their arms. "vThei the fight opened Mrs, *Sle|lan. whs ih the fort with her hi*sban«% butlefi;. 4t. lyith the other wonysnj |»efore the : surrender. For their 'gaileiBt sfemc* tie Oham- Iter CommeVee ofi N e w -.^Torfe p r e - sented each,of'the hje^at|3B*<irt Sump- ter ^itb a br4&i& medal, ow the face of wbfca is the bust oif '|ilajpr Jtobert Anderson, his-,jname and ihe date* 1S6L On the'r^verse side are the T-vords: "The" Chamber of <J<>ninierce, Xew Yorrk, Honors ; th^e Defthde'rs oi Fort Sumter, f^rft to Wiihsta n.d (Trea- son;"! Below this is a sqldiejr raising the-Stars and ^tripes 'Which' iid been ghot down, by Ifibe e n e m y . The officer^ a|t.iPort Swmter/when it was fired upoji were Major Ander- son, Captaiij JDpubleday, Capcain Sejv mour, U,eafc Talbott,j Ldeht Ball, Lieut. Davis, of the Ist'HArtiilery,* and Surgeon Crawford, Gen. Fostar and Lieutenants ©syder .and rMeaa, of the Engineer Corps. ^ • I ; ' ' ' Sergeant Neilan served,'wita'the 1st Artillery, until 1862, joined 'Jhe fin Artillery, and .yras with that ieginaWt' at Appomattox Court House Wfien Gen Lee surrendered and the war .Closed. During his 33 years in the-army he; participated '.invl# battles aid skir- mishes, without receiving & juu^liot wound, altliough several titcieif other- wise injured. - clothes enjpy the best of n j>u- •-i. • • L ' ' t&Bon for *ai desirable qtiali- tles. Not least of tfiese tie standard prices. $15.00 for $utt» or overcoats. Ottjers hlghsr and lower, of eourse, all reasOnatne. now have the call—and we Ihave every food sort. 8 No j)w without a flt' The Studholine i Way of d^iajr it 'W tOB mm THBM FK0M m THE NATION'S DEAD. Soldkra of the Rcp^lic Who Sleep in Plattsburgh Cem- eteries. We give below what we believe to, be a complete roster of the soldier dead who are buried in the Platts- burgh cemeteries, and whose graves will be decorated today: tr. s. CJEMETER-S!; ' U. s. Art. 6th \J t & lot. 6th. tJ. S. lot #na TJ,_ S. inf. 1. investigate reixjrts that seining was rgpfng? on In that vicinity. ' tAfter watohihg 6>r some time tbey iaw Oliver fieahaw and his son* Kapoleon, lei*e the beaeh and row into the bay, dropping their seine. ^When th«y re- tmM to t&e t&ore, Game 'pjn?tector Shedden and hhs companion Appeared on ihe shore 1 and attempted to cap- ture; the seine, From this point the stories Vary materially. Mr. Shed- den jstates fhat the Beshaws threat- ened; to assault him and that he then drew? bjs revolver and struck 0Mv> ^teSJtjkW on. the hands in order to tri&ke him stop pullln«feeseine back Into the lake. Finding that this did, »ot Wve the desired effect he fired two &i$<M Mn iUbe^water i'or the pur- pose oi frisbtenin*; 33e*h*w and that he resamsd pallin« on the, r6\>e. While at thja 4(1* revolver wa« acci- dentally discharged, the bullet strik- ing Beehaw in the calf of the right leg ant pasains entirely throu»fa. Beshaw and ail* son claim that they made no threats and that they had dropped i&* seine before the last snot -was 4r*d* 'They also eiaim that the last Shot was not accidental, but waa •jlMKl tlreiitfy at the father. Utair version of the story *ubstantlfted by William sMdDanlels. an ero»loye of the tmiw WOTia, w4io waa on the jtj® and who states that he saw 'Hr. Slie^den flre the ahota, , ' (esh&w yesterday caused ( t|he arjPesi Of Sift. Shedden on a charge of asfault in the second degree, and *t- terjiieariotf the evijience City Judge .33*mjs£ held him: iM #00- h«|l lU^lKwalt," the 'chai ctton of me «ra»4 jttry on vitateil in. the? -warrant. *h* COpETOD mp How Sentenced 'lo* a Tern* *t Dannemora. at n Blod^ett, of Saratoga pleadeji ' «u0ty to burglary, fa second] -decree In •CSHtntyl iCoo; . _ BaH'sttfn'Spa n^edneso^y^'sad ,j^as- sentenpell to JRannemora for'not more than' t|wi* yea*s and : Hve months- jand not ieaajthan one yean .y j He is a brother ot fermee Chief of Pbiipe Oeorse M, &to$$&%M$*&« atoga. .,^ast winter while Atten|ing the" -Salvation l4*thF meeting at Sjine- nectady l pio<3feeit. was. --coilv^rted:- jknd confess stf! •to- tri&'b'urglaryf &%ln&[muL-- self; »p to the Schenectady poiioi George Spats, Co. D serht. tlnkno-wn. gr» V, enrwn, Co. B X.^ Y. iyon, Co. H. Thps. Heron, Co. B, ^..._ . . john Kigby, Co. E, «nd TJ, S. Inf. Bgl H. H. McKay, Co. B, 42>ix& U S. Int. JT. 1\ ilurns, Batty K, 3d Art. " - Sgt. Davta Atjder&OEu Unknown fcoidier. ^_ j4.nUrew MpGarVey, Batt'J' K, ScS Art» TJiunxown soldier. * „ _ . Chas. £ Orm*, Co. X, 12th U. S. &ffi- Capt. W. .T. Wilson, ^ss't Surgeon U". S A. Carpi* Mawole. Co 4 A, 21st, "born In tierjnany. __ . , „ . Gotpl. C T*. Mauve, CO A, 21St» Corpi. Jam^s Andets^n Co. P,. Jos. Alichaelsr. Hosp. Corps. Unknown 1SI2. Eflward-Bolan, Co. A, i Thos. O'Kane. Go. S", Col. Horace Jewett. _ _ CATffOLIC CEMETERY. w Peter Wells. Co. l r 2na IT. SL Cav. Jf. Y Sijf, Peter Burke, Reg. unknown. Myetle, 1812. Dennis oragoon, Begi unknown. Louis Douglass, Co I, ISth IT. S- Inf. * Jos? Marlon, Co. I, liSth V. S. Ittf. ?ater Varno, Co. I. ttth V. S. int. K.T. Bemey Varno, Co. H, lt^tto C. S. Int. Sf. T. ^Noei Varno. Co. H, USth XI. S. Inf. James Ouimette, CO. K, USth TJ. S, Inf *f V John' Terrj-,' Co. A, ilSOi tr. S. Inf. N. r. - Bovgera, 1H12. John L»JSombard, M«?x*can "tVar. Lewi? Kecord. Co L. 2tii K. T. Cay. Jos. St. Dennis, Co. t,, ilrwl X. T. Caw Rob't UaaOrottv Co. L, & d K» V- C*v. a'jios, zavaiiey, Co. ic, Ktn N, T> lax. P. fi, Barnawl. Co. Iff. Silt :N. T. Art. L. S,*Korraandeau, Co.'35, 17th JN. T. Etheme Br«u«eau, Co. K, Bth X. Y. mr. AntoIn<» ftufenay. Co. A. fith Vt. Inf. BenJ. £>e3ot«Me. Co. G, USth X. T, Inf. * Joa. aieroit iSii. tTulcnown soldier, A. J. Beeman. H««. unknown. VO&XUM, JSti. Rwiwan Hoilana, K?* unknown. Beiij. Miller, Co. JW. 2nfl » . T. Civ Jos. Collect. Co. M, JintJ Ov. X. Ca.v. Patrtrk.C'wfldy- Jr. H<»? "nJpiown. JO*. J*ciupor, Co. M, 2na 2*. 1". Cav, Rpmie Dubie, Tier unknjown, Pafk Jtlyan, Co. £, 2nd "Vt, ?hf, Louis BowvJa, IS12, Peter l^avillej'. Co. B. I9Sth X. Y. Int. 3 ui»*STOwn ssth j?. Y. Inf. S«t. Fat'k Ho«an. Reg. unknown. tTnknown 17. S. soldier. Tcrrj. Riley, R^«r^ unknown. Exn'o Mauriei?. died Slay 9th, JtS», a^ed SI, N«\V J^IS. . ^ Fx-ank Champagne, Co. E. I6th ».» T Vhak Sbarron, S*5th X. Y, Inf. October JUehaHl*. P . ft Xa%-y „ , , Edw«irsi >f?rritt, Co. It, Mtfc X. Y. Inf. Peter ftiehards, Co. A. l&h Conn. Inf. J»at'k asoftlt. Co. B. 3Gttt X Y. in^. Owen Conipy. Resr. unknttwn, Jno. Keeor, Cfr. J . 7th X X- Inf. Ambrols ParU, peg. junkiriown. Mi<!h'l Loraine. Co. C« l*th. X , Y. I n t Uwrrj B«Kt r TT. S. XaV}% ISIS, Martin IteynoJ.ts. Co. C, -Hh tr. S. r«f. Etfw'a K, Hairertj-, Cij>. H, 15iJt» X. Y. Irn% —— X e r t a n , Re*, unknown. Eaw*«r Br«»o. Co L, ISth X. Y. Gh-Kj. St. Antoin. Co. ». l**th $t. Y. InC. Joa. Senee-tJ, Co. M, Snd X. Y. Cav. Aie*. Sfpnwat Co. A, I*th X. Y. Cav. SamueJ J. Jandrow, Co. C, 2nd X . Y. Caw Frank Champagne, Co. E, ICih, X. Y . Inf. J o n w , 3StS, yu-'Ju* JBordo. iaj. Jno. 43cro, Co. M, 2nd V. S. Car. JO*. Mtyette. Co. E. i»m X. II. Inf. LlettC tJalatae, ls.J2- Jo*. Parent, Co, L. 3d Hass. Heavy Art Jaines Mellon. Mex£e«« war TUorf, Clbtiona, Co. C. <>6jb X. Y. Inf. 1%1'k WnMnn, Co. 1L S#th X. Y. Inf. Stephen Furlong, Co. F. Sd X . Y.'-ca.v. Xfnknown rsoldlor 1«2, Jcs. HuTe. Co. H, UHh X. Y. In!t , P. C«ttm*aj. Co. C. ISth N. Y. Inf. Kuyeae P«;ot. Co. K, sth X. Y. Caw Chaa. Cortwite. born France 1T7S, Trench »ar, tr, S. aoWf^r UiZ, 33 and M, Tho», }>orre», Ri-(t wntaJawn. Jno, I/ewfe Co. C, S&th- X. X. Inf. Jno* JBWisetfe. C o , C* l|t& K«- Y, Xn£ " Gmm„Jesse,'CO, O. % t Df, Y. Int, . Wos.,6ratt*W-Co, A,. -With- Xv Y. Caw B*te* $b«t»ux< C g H . imh/X - * Y.. Inf. Je«. M^hor, Cft,' §, mi X Y. fnf. " Sfoloiaon M a w r , -Co, B^ma. X. Y, l»f, §kt Anthony MeSiftreJ- -tf»fe.A. MaL J ..El % « e y , Mt& X* T. to?, Joe SMmtpn E«^v trnklown. Peter B^k, Co, .i*\ ffl x; Y . inc. .Xolw iRottsft, Mexican, :( gjjr^-Latetav -Co. L m h X . Y. irit tfiiknayra fto^teiCy ..,, John, Ch»itfpaMHi&-5th. St. -.. -. jno, carwr/Co, ET, i i p t a?„ Y.,.,l»fe -CnjwJes;,;Blaaehara. j»m X. ,Y, VoJ*. Y. Cav. snas'Haaeo, 24 \?et'Cav. -Jo*, cooit, "i6th x; Y, ;roK . -Louis J&^t',p}arie.rji?^- x,:Ya "Tot mm.m^mmii L cp,jj.i6th.x. Y, vols. Major Chrteto&he^ 33^iak. " ~ " Tote Y V Co. E, iiit X. Y^'.Caw , " , *' PJtey Se^meufc Co, 2>, te x« x,-atn<; Maior K-*^^7«jL«sv SlSth-JS. YrJnt. f eor^ f«rdhain7Co. iSSUt X- 3u IiiS, Jmnis Maurice, ma X. Y. Inf. g**ert JBeCoanep. Co..*B, tss* Pa. mt P«tejr_Lai«ire. Coe B. SStli X, Y. ~ M% #«*'• Paimeiv istn-iX, "^ 1 Ittf. y. M. c. A. Tlie General Rt-comuieiuli, J>Iysi(Ie Care F o r KUiinAilinni Gen. John Ludwig of Winonij. Minn^ says: I contracted Rheumatism diir in the Civil War 'and hajve used al most every preparation known -for its cure and have also fakdn ftr^taaent a t different hot springs, t am pleased to say Mystic Our© tor JtheumatiBm; is tie only medicine thiat has given one tmmBdSate. relief; I gladly re. commend 'it to .all jsufferesrs from iaenmatisto, Seiatie of 'like ailments. No medicines t h ^ t d have tried are Sold by l>r. ahyw'here near lts| equal| Laitocane. druggist, Flaiisbugjh. * -.. The L , BaMwfja£'fcpoomo'tive: : - Works turned out : JasUy^ar. i^20 engines, with a value M mjWfrflto, *Ihe ;three o'clock meeting for Boys na Suniaiy will be addressed by Mr. BckerslsyL adhere will hi spe|ial <jal and Instrumental mimic, :ljbe tmlQ msntiottinjrof the faetl thafclkr. Bckerslcy. wiii spealc will : jJoubtless draw a large atteaftwee* Esther tjhjo Raw WJ "M? Barker of Eliaabetbtp Jl - or Sfr. lEbkersley will addrfess men's meepngi 'Fhere.wlU. bje a T< solo aw ah interesttng meeting. All men afe| eprdlally Invited, ' '.- [ The bolys"., department jbasebftll team wtl play tbi Burlington! boys pn tbo. Nor? gal grounds at -11 • o'clock this .morning. I. - , "-. j j " -\'\~r ;'The. n : jw seeretfery7 t ?'fr. Bffkefslly, is expected to arrive at 1:30 p. m, ip? day. . : ' fiEABriFUL PIGfURES, FREE p. T. liarklu Givinic Away Works of i '. I Art- •.-••]:•) -]." O, T. La-'rkin, our enterprising drug- gist, offers m unufeiiai opportn^iity |o obtain beautiful pictttVes ivithant aiiiy es^ehse. .tie'has" secured the..'.agen^f for iHyontei Skin "Soapy. the ifamou|s; ^^^^\ ^^Hs^ jfflm^\: T^B^S ^^1^ 4 This doupon entitles every purchaser of ^ypmei Skin Soap j(lOc,> to their Setecr tioh fjrjom my beautiful asj gortmeht of picture^ . J | '.' . M . O-jy, IiARKjTJSr.,. I medicinal jtoilet soap, and withj every cake Will ^jgw an artistic .pictjore if above eottjion is presented. • { Hyom.ef ?pKiin§oap ,"wjli curOaU itch* log humori p^ s the skin and scalp, art! is » perfeot. ijoilet soap, whose djeiica'' fragranpe ^ndenrs it to all- users. If 'perehjan'ce the soap 8houl|d, npi, please you! mjay return it to O, % : tigixt: kin and, be 'will refund, the mdneyji and yon 0*h keep the picture for youi trouble. J' , ' ' 1 Cfo -tPday. With your coupon while tile assortment is complete. f .X^rlsttfirTsfi' -""j-" ¥ « ^ . Jete McDcrtnotti, Beg. unkabwa. John Fraxier. Co. %, 2«a X. Y. Caw Ia "«n- ?«.,» 39rjrMtb. ^ajCfnd wi»: 'ifsn'ty R, -Barber! Be*. Unknown, gen, Rooersron. iS$s asS W6. Jilliaro Hafle, 1812; " wwiiam Palteeev AS14 . 1 , Inf^' PU4ey Sloffre, 'CoJiC, JSib X»-Y, •tjf: '^ '^' aro «* r ^'&>>p. -16th Xi. ,Y,.' 'J6htt-..Palmer; lmsT I •TJwjuaa mm*. Mt . -Sa^lOdl jQ»w«Uv l^ftr • • ' Smith Mead. Ittf. rJ . Capt. Jno. Stephenson, 1113, Samuel Nonsirosa. 'Wtt Roa^ell AWi 1M2. , PrltidW, Co. B. $fith, X. Y r Joeephii* 1 Cant Walter |H. Senedlct> Co. X. Y. Inf. ^M)^ln«.i >Hi«*^W It 9«4 Inf. Y.- 3ijr.i Y. Inf/ . Caw , 0> 'IBlb Art, Y. IpL Gideon-Rugajt.KTS. Banieli Piatt, 11776. _ Wliiiani Baltek 1812. Capt. XathanJ Piatt, 17T6. Gen. Benj. Moprea, X|76 and M12. Richard S. Mborea, is!«. / Lewis Ransom, I8li / - ^J AVilliam H. BiUley, »»«. unkripwn. Wmrber Baiiiy, reg. /unknowni , Capt. James* Bailey, jsth B e ^ ,y. S> A, J. H, Lunt. Cb. B , « t h N . Y. j. A. uaker, Co. G/ lS^nd X; Henry DuikeefCo^Ei, S h X, Jobn • Warlord.1 Mli Sheldon Burkfek MU-. ^ . _ >Yiinaira TboiaMni ^Co, a, Ml n cpr;i parkmaiii/Ghappel k Co, .Clark Chappel,|Co. C, 16t'h"X, 1', "Inf. AtlKUSt' Brx*. do. XL, ind tt, S. Stephen "Weber>Co, Bf. 96th. X Jos. Buwelt. 1*12. _ MIfhafe} Mcpejntnott. 3S12, Brew JSoaj. Beijf- A. Boynton, Tjr. S. A. Sleg. unknown. 1 , coi, Chas. m « e , tr. s, A., as*q. Capt. James "Watson, 1812. dknstoi)her Cramer, iSlS. Jeremlali Graves, 1812. Hiram VFalworth, 1813. Gliead Sperry, TS12. Peter Sailly, Iffli. Henry Delord, J18J2. Xoyejs Gr<*gor$\\ 1SI2. Peter" Suave, ISE, Thomas Moimesl 1812. TTjiknown, 3vS12 ^ Da\*id Peters. i$12. Unknown. tSll , Ans6n Waterman. •1TZ&. Cftwles Piatt,, im, Lieut. Jno. thotiatison, 1716 Herhert Dean, Sj of V. camp 18, Capt LS>t Chamftetfaln, E«S- ttnknowxL Jloraw OWs l'-qa. * Clinton Allea. 1S12 Martin Xichol^, [183.2. j Capt. Sluney smith 1S12 | Col. Mc-latiPton Sniitn, 15J12. J a m e s 'JProubridKe, 1&12: I Eli Prfndte. imV I George Atfeay 3$i2 r i Unknown, 1?J? ' , L'nkiiuwh. Rejsfalir. 1S12 ] .Aaron Walters, fllC. ' P. B. Roberta. M12L < Capt. 7i. P. Roberts, 1S12. Levy RoterK via. La^ttt. Pfefa*rs* R o i ^ r i s 1778 I C. V. Sweat, BaW'y O. lit Ari Seth t>oafl. Co. K. 1st Art. IBlS. Gfle? Morrtir, iftM X. Y. Vols. T Chas. Fred»rick. mth X. Y. Vols. A. W, Lansing 6ib 111. | Cant, i^vid P. Dsbie. Co. H T USth X. Y. Inf t Is&nv Otfs, Co. ix William J. Carlls: Inf. William Orprit. Cc MO^TXT CAR51 Micluwl Quhk. C Tnf. 10th TSiscnunsIn Tnf, fi, Co. G, SJdISC- Y .. B. ai«tlt X. "k f n t 3L CEMKTKT^Y. 1>„ 9th. Vermont. Shebouth of P With the sunset the Fei*t at Weeks coftj the jeHsh houses, ^li^! •Hebrew mdhtbs is cafji the sixth and seven«5s\ F M month-they are eommrajfr tal^teie. brate the- Feattral pf-^/KejstleooMy or iPeast Of Weeks. Xt is paMj^^M*^ ot We«ks, ftom lis »>M|?>eHdikfne t d by the j Weeks, jFort^fijeVdaJty,, or ^!Phe Arst day dLSeudium^amVu groat idemoraWB flay ^j<pp{|iicl ( :ijqtoa appearel an. Mo«uic Sln^-jipd 1 ! i a v e to their ancestors the 'i/f^m^mhf IAW. Thia took jila^O'dfj^ie^ijcth day In the third moto&fljmrtas.^ 1 'after their delpartnre froih m^im,- r>V It is kstoraary for rW$m W$ 1fi to employ the first nigK#]0*ea*^cbst Jn readngf (certain vommf' of "the Biblejai.a the Psalms, tij^ity\&lth. prayers comppspa tor pi^^^i^^iu. gratitudo to Cod for?Miffar M^ them -His hoiy law, ymmp^ft^ mankinci to do all that' ! ^J«tobd-,|iL f Pentecost Is also "^jeid OTasr 'Hakozlr,' Harvest t^t£ptev$i$in . sPalestini! t3ie isr-vest Mmp^eiif. j di- rectly after the PassoVekj P ^a -felkst is also (sailed "Tom K*W#lia^ W " • * T P Transfer incline at MEMOgr^L DAY. To be Quietly Observed by Vet- erans in This City. For the first time In a natal et of yeais Memorial My will not thia year he observed by a parade of sqt- djers, veterans of the civil war and' civic societies. This 'Is d«e u the fact that there Is nofoftnsl-here and on account of the small number- of regulars at the Post The battle-scarred veterans will not, however, allow the day to pass Without paying A siljent tribute in th memory of their •comrades Who fc*ve joined, the great majority., Jfipr) the past two days the ladies of the Wom- an's Belief Corps have been engaged in making 'wreathsj and preparing flowers, and at tea o'clock this forenoon the merubelrs of Walter H. Benedict m6st, laseisijed by the jchil- dren from' the public schools, jwiir plkce-these over the hist resting places of the departed heroes. j The members of Sjaranac Chapter, Daufghters of the American Resolu- tion, Will thls~j Mdmlng deoorate the graves of tM KerpMlonisry sol- diers and She graves of the Daugh- ters that aye dead. They will as- semble in Riverside about 8.30 o!r 3 o'clock. The members pf Nathan Beman Chapter, ChiJldren of [the American Kevolut|pn, will also honor nearly ote-fourth T h e UJniott fBafg and. ^ having a large incline bstfjj slip which leadfcfrom to the fifri., and *Hud. norffhern end of the nel. Ti e purpose is. to%, wood frcm large barge*;) which w dl be ahippedi % mills of Wood wi 1 be broiigM % on large barges through,lf$£jfc jUaw-{^ n €"'^ N 4 w JXaeorvor tpc Cm rsnee and Sqrel rjv«4i'{'!*$» Xifke Cnatoplailri. TJie InpIi^i^MdjiLlIs. . _ , being bu|lt will, when donihafftedLfie•:& af^arland, BeHtowllii, Va v irth of a nfl#K4ei^l<*.«««»l»|P' &* **%<&, L 'i had # •tretfeEit the company. WMM M&B JPresh test! i be feraugM M ! j W t 4 a | l ^nstanfiy f cr gjonaidsoit ^Sreer, of ^ta^Jt, j^iU^. supeifnteitdingr the worlti! $]>'-' >m!t 'Fewer baltonsj Wears\$$phfcs i M"! N(-f Fewer pailonsj Weai^|j^i4er, Fewer iGallonsf W* ar fl Fewer paUons; ;er,, v ( Wea»|JE«jf|eerh t ] A FULL LINE OF PAINTS, j' OILI9, VARNISHES Lawn Mowelr^j Garden Hose, Garden Tool Window and Door Sen and a complete line of •prjH' Jois IW^re (i PLATTSBURGH A maa|tioesn't nave to .work ota time when it -comes to ;nakm*a of himself. Tihere is nothing new finder the Mil except the method oi expres&me tail thoughts. | ^ 8 mmrtiiug iividi-nce testimony in ^rdat qxuiatify-M tU coming in, lleclarh* ~ to be ?a v , haa. Chaa»berlaln*a ^omae&^|*yi iM^c Tablets are |ust.<what y-ott^eM. "-wbei yon have no appetite, &#^H affcej' eating and wake tip wlth'MhbwI. taste in „ your mouth, i'hey iffl|Lp»i«pp^ your appetite, Cleanse &n$0'&ar%,l§' your stotqacb and give y^'lia^re^iko » ' '"• " ' 9 chitfs for jthree years and docioret the tela Without bein|«|jeaeSted. J I began taking Ur. King's 3?e*'; covfiTy^Tand-a feW bottlesjwhollyj me," Equally effective -a eiuing, Lung and j Throat trtpbles, Cons lion, Pnemnonia and # j i f J fiuarai bj* Mrs. Gilbert of PJatfeaiirgn; B;; Gillespie &JCb^, AasaMelkxrks;*W« er & Hbiden,, Pent. Sr&ll oottlesf i regular sizes S0e a n d ^ J 0 . the naemory of the: de«te*sed members of tftg ehapttfift, Saratoga Repub icar i Convention. TBhe -^srab!^ Jfjpnjsty aepnbll|iatt comnsittee |as,«aUed fjie conventaon at 'the -cb^i^'ihpas^.te B^llsi»%. IMion- day^ Jnge••$,* ; -aifc. : 12 ^iock,. to nomi- nate -aJte^nijfep -of .Asseinbly icnd. county oiycferiSF^ mi \ -am- : & naine d sle- gates to f&Q jndi<aaji convention. ' ;*he tsawftuses %$U be held" Saturday, Jime 6«bu • ' ]';! - ! ',' '•.- 1 •, i for your food/ For- sale •Mrs. Gilbert, m fPlattsburgh; H. B. -Gme#feiXnsasbi4 Forks; w\ Ef :Clons», WUUWiq^ jl Mir r Any actlin which a manl; * enemy Is In the end one a loalmrjgkme- Cmtc Brkf«e« M>4 Rnr^liftVklil Hr*lrd ] fSVi', V CJhamberiiain'sPiiittSa^i^ll) an^!; septic Jiniijtient, and wJieii!lacked, to puts, bruises and burns, ^|^ttr|Uie^n Prosperity is not witnout its tin nor adversity wit&Ojtrt its rpaaj, to heal more meat. Mrs. Gilbert, Shedden I4t$$tooii&l Plattsburgh 1 ,* H. E, Gillesi3!a;f)ji|sahTe Forks; W. JS, Clcm&h, JRTe^i| |H '' SpdciaISaIeofF|ii|| Special Side of jfeass ani^" 1 * ''" 8l at OiCbnnsIl's store toda* larjge juicy pineapples^ $8 ^ananas, 15 and 20e a Lemons, 13c a dosa ©raj "or l^cj fitesh Stra-wberrl tets for SSe; regular «fi^| ^ « v 40 eenfisj regular SO $"" now SO centjsr fte^hWaxi'j for S3 eeai 2&>w Is the time to bay c qanning, & een? a t o'ooccss SSBi IM® at an out of the gemote from eiyJKzafion, often driven.'to aesperatfon accident, resniang in «Buras, Gw*. Y. ,rieg. un- t?ha»... Pia|tt, yr,& 1 ( . i^ pt *' Ha f 5 ' s -.' Ba « se>n1 '! wsth x. knife. ^ f unbam - «a«a«o»r _ © x r i n o . i n n e r , :iSllr. ' ' 1 M. .^.- Avertll, 1S12.' • i - XatAaa Aterlll, IHU. •' • • "VlliU^uf^l- •' Un ^.^,. " gephan|ah| Piatt. i'r f '«, :.r -! Zfnhaiii4h! Piatt. 3512-. '->\ - "'• Vnknpwn Jsolfe, i«3. ! •Jps a ;Shep3ird. Co, p. 2m-1 x. Y. inf. *«^ Co. Bi 7th j F, s. Infi tidier c. s. ! . "P. A. iiu; Unknown Zfa%& qiajtk, 1SI2. 14e«t Gen ~ Hiram Hi; , ISmmerson. rtk unknown. _.. . v „«»w c « - H. atsfTX, f. Inf W » « a V GHlilana, §Srh. X. Y. Infci Jno. .Xlcl^is. igfli, | ^«? r t r flP !ll J re ^ unknown.'- Thos^McCteeay, reg. unknown. Capr. A. -E^ehei. C*. A. "70th X Y Inf Oliver-OtbiL Co. & BM.lfi Y-' i«> Geo^e Mafvln! ci. i f A k Tint Chas. Yoita-r. r* S nnknK&n. • Ao4r*w Qriegors-. 16th Nf Y. Inf: : Jaroeis -3rH»n. 1S2. • ' ' "' ^A^^ l, ? n » c "- c Mi X Y. Inf. Yl .fr^ nt * ^ SU ^'! Co - C. 181% Jacob Grai^t, Co. C, Wth X Ylinf Robert Plate 4th Minn. I; Benj. Moorje^ iga T-v 1^4^ itii man. XhS. mm Cadyjreg. unknown.'^' .JQ," C. Ijnekee, Co, B ,«th X Y ' inr Jds. Durkefe,' J812, J •"• nr " -Halloek .IMnn'ley, 3S12, Janob Kvarts, Co. -K. -^Sth Pa Tnf coi. Mcxeil, iai T'— M ?. j*'*" In£ - . tlgut; .WntJ'-Guijn, VOg. Weut wm.i pauf. imT -•Captj Alex An-tergon, 1811 Gw; 4>ownte isia. ^ H « J>. &. Haile, 1S02, James Banw, isia.;. Ohaa. J»co£.«oq, fjiis; Ja™^ .fWtt re#: unknowH. feaniiig Master; name unkiown, jsis. James Baldwin, 1812. 1 M^t- John &tul»bitrw lab, i :Liint,, jSt • • ' .- Rleht, GeoL! W. Bhclc r isil Cat Willinffton. 1812 Geprpp Mar-Shall. Co E, 10th X. Y. Inf. Alex. Ladfrbuche, Co. E, ilSth X. Y Inf. Mnntv'l, John Mobtv. Peter Sanbprn, 1S12, 1«12. 1M12 White Linen •HB 17 nelllck.Wws* Btc, lars an j Cuffs to l;mbroider, , at Reduced Prices, at! W»i*t*r Alt *3t#'e*i«t*ices. Can aaytaing Tx> worse ican to leal that every [mlnnte ivlil hi your lMt|| 0aeh was tjfcte experience tf Mr?, % M J^ewson, "Decatur, A&, 'IPbr tiawl years/' shej wjites, "% en lured UB*| fernble pain from im$geiUa&, stf*^ aclt and b^wel tronble :3eafi4 ed inevitable when oloctprs and a&l remedies fatted. At 'length I was; daced to try Electrie Bitters ana' resnit wass iniraculoa% I :mprovedja| once 'and now I'm completely xeeov*| ered." F o r i L i v e r , TCMnej-, Sfomac and Bowel iroables*Electr(e Bitters 1 50& lUi GJJIesple&C©, er & >Hblde}i, Peru-. a is! Ansapje Ftslrfesr-Wewi An old b a c h e l o r sasys t h a t WDmut^ is the only animal afHictepl with nisi bai^ain^nimng habit. l»«J-«f em t^UetgenitiOH. Wbuno^s, lilcjets, efc^ ZisrjrJz Of Bueklen's. Arnica Salve best on eartiL Scat i Mta. eflbkt, «atfeb*trgjh- jGiHe^le&«>^, Ansable Torks; Wear-f W jfe Holden, iPent Tea a. b-e" wfil sef j sp a, howl didn't -bring: a- b^geir oijte. way piio, . family i in casefll^ n a supply J H. E5 t o ffil-^BS basket w&\ because te', Ipess merit fiaf ®c& and Kerv •aches. The; 1 Would i|aiek3y leave you if t voa asef •Dr. tong*® Sfew la^e Pills. jThousands 'ft -sufferers 4ave proved iheit wv&- oas Heat ma&e pare jboild up yo«k health. Only money iba*fe«no^ cured. 4' }; 3fis. €IOMict, {Piattsburgl; ^ille^ie^ CtL Assable Fort p & 3EMdett[ Pen blood acd D^f WOOD. iry stoT8, : Xt, l^kve y o a r orders- at C. R <Mrpeiier's, corner of Miller *-* "~ - - - - X0.11T- 37S7aS ola br H B TTeav- Ws iYi. BUllNli, Bkiade. No-wis Anticipating the ring and Summer trad*/ not SELL the tin! [that profits Package Cereals : , 111 EltuiBSS Isk ODX pitic§ for$J»HfflE Outs tttf t*ff l-U are i«st received several carloads of *m BOOMIOffl olesale Groi PlattkuFfli, J. 1 -IK as4 Bottled Goods in Eferj i ••i i PicMc^s in Bu Size, 0 ( ^ ^pecia|^Y' et'.$fca|» doiees, Fuke FlaToringfi cannot be eqttalled, tt will certainly pay joxnS]) lr f f f f Tarie'ty and Style, \ A limited Quatitity of SEED COfiH of] I p t O r t e r fiuiGt s 'v^dAr orders w and Pure Spices at price;: that itik us. V Jt *v 41,

and a complete line of •prjH' - NYS Historic Newspapers · 2009-06-26 · Counsellor at Law, ^2 Margaret street, Plattsburgh, H. J., TLevy Mock, oppo ... For their 'gaileiBt sfemc*

Apr 04, 2020



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Page 1: and a complete line of •prjH' - NYS Historic Newspapers · 2009-06-26 · Counsellor at Law, ^2 Margaret street, Plattsburgh, H. J., TLevy Mock, oppo ... For their 'gaileiBt sfemc*

f; * • - ^ T

r -' ! f l

fXl t-m H* ®

J * 1 „


*. •?*•

SATCRBJDAiY, •MA.IT 30, £003..

r i . H K A L A R M UiOXBt*. l^Brinkerhoft* aftd..Cattterjto«. l(h-Birinte*no# "sW/ ymfyuB*. l$~Rear Xormal Scboolj

is a i Fair Estate^

23~lBfArgaret ana Elm, ^ ^ M a r g a r e t and Riley Avenue. , sa^Jiiargaret and Protection AvenuSi 36—Bridge antt Bern. 38—Baker Brother^ QffWe. «*-Piat t and Cornelia. 6k~Battery and South Catherines-St-South Cattterl&e and BHzabeta. is—xorth of frestte oh Standjah. a—lK>rratoe and • Sailer • A.v»n»e. 124- eiatrison St.i between Guard House

and Sotith P ia t t Street, ^ | M 4 ^ « % M 4 ^ ^ u 4 ^

& s Best jready-to*wear

? CLOTftINQ l a the city a t our store

>rv" !\'.-L

For S

. &•

F. H. ftea, of Ellenuurgh. p to the city, hav ing arr ived h e r e last algiit*

?! R, £ a l > u k e r of Keesevlile> whs

acior g yesterday's vkitots to t>ur city* W.JE.'Cross left oh! last night's

sleeper for a sho r t visit t o >Xew York. J , W." Nolan* of -u3nrli3dgtub-, was in

the d t> yesterday o n a s h o r t business t ; i * • . ' . . . .

ft. <C. S tev jus , of feafce Placid, way among las t n igh t ' s , a r r iva ls in ou r city.

B. E . Holdea , of t i e fiflai of Weaver & 'Holden, Pern , spent l a s t n i g h t in.

tbts eity. i John stougfiton yesterday -t$>

turned from a two weeks* visit t o New York.

Sir. and 3ffrs. (Nathan Spear a n d son, Harold , of Burl ingtqhi a r e vis i t ­i n g in t h e city.

Congressman ithd a (party *o£ M e n d s a r e enjoying am ou t ing a t sRainboW .Lake.

Mr. anil <Mrs. J a m e s Rogers, of An-saWe 'Fpife , were among last -night's a? : v a l s i n t h e eity.

Miss; Maude t^fiDuke' left yes­t e rday t o S3>end a few days a t h e r home in fieesevllta

Mrs. J o h n I, Walsh and mother , Mrs. Baiter, have igohe to* Albany and

Helcf for Grand Jury.' On Thursday^ J. '&, ^bjalden.

State fish and $ame protector, In company "with - a young man framed

S^jenectady to spend a few days with: jfgnj:^ impee/went- to the Oreek to

Warm weather is here to stay until t h e base ball season is over, and pos­sibly a l i t t le longer. O u r Electr ic F a n s will blow i t pool. "£oa c a h ' t freeze ice <Jreain wfth an Electric j^utt, htit you can crea te a 4elightfal temperafute fit any of your rooms. We shaii: be pissed to Mftt or aett joo one. S r i ees reasonable .



M e n d s .

.Mrs, Anna M. Leady and .dajigaitir Gertrude left yesterday for Columbus, to join' her husband who is a xneih her of the 4th lafxatiry. -' • Rev. and Sim. W, & Be$fc will tpday «o to EtixauethiowH* -wi^ra Bfev. Ste Peek wilt t»nwrro*» occupy the jpat-pit of the Baptist iihurieh. . Hon. and: mt&. *3«or%e:, •&.. gtigyety*, of t a k e Placid* a r e spsuiding Memoi-ial Day tb.6 wmu of m. and Mrs, Charles Blair, at BsmneniPra,

airs. B. men »«r»#» a Veil tastowa Bantaier j^hopl leceirer, ihas re&ttned to MalOlie for the sajninei after sev-eral months* worfc In $(m %Qtk 00 text boolks.

AttflouneemeGl ls» made of l&e *a»:

s&geniest of iJSItes ^oiepblM J^thcr Fierce, of S t Aloans> m., t o Mt. J o h n 'SoShiOWi of ShM&urae, ¥%,.- Mr. BiftSbiPw is the son of 42frp& 0«?prge Etts&iow, of tfiie '-Ghapp|ajn Trans­portation Company, and .Jimt nmny friends la this cltr who flM iJoint Jn extending congrattflatlons.U

l i o a H 1C»:.- aJUBV alter we tell lyon that

ll^#ej|^14^»r|njf t|tl« present yf*0?.?'

\ Wfe 'hare -yet to and a easis .of ih-Jdisesfiloft that tljey will not reHem Qeaerilly;. t&w. ''brliig. about * .*«*& 3adjtt«* JE s epsi Cuttles #ure In-:d^^ i r ) i^ . J@o^UjU^A. . ' a4d[ . ,alk a t o n i -

a c h disoraensi Gaa b e obtained where

ffiedieilae Is soldi'


! . * • « ? tor »alfv.^Tfri!flt,Jhoi|ses^at : amngine fSM-'MwtiQ T^ws*a«r.: r

m e J5or - city lots for sale,at raBgjng fi»nj $25Q 'ttojrarda.

Iota are provided, with wa^w «ad seayersJ^'. Payt^e^tft'v k>h

ittttcai tern*. Money to loan on Bond «2ui Mortgage, CJaJl on or address; ,

- : • ' "'':('-- i'

John E. Judge, - ' * • i •


h i*11

X S S n l

Plattsi?urgh. N. Y,

/ •

50c per boscsfx boxes $2.50

Cor. Bridie «nd| narx*r«t 5treeU,


All Work

If j our waterl goes too fast


Baker's BookStore ffeadquarters for any Newspater

«r Periodical Pablished. r A FUIA LEfE OF '


Sefcaol Supplies a Specialty^

"«ffffillfF8H» PBOTIWi Pii

Etf warf E.Bafeer .16 BRINKERHOFF

•lAHfJER gilLV • t i M s r a s i fccxllns a a l v s in t h a w o r l d .

If your watch If it will not ko a t all


^ o e s t o o s l o ^


A. S . ALUBN Dannemora. N, Y*

MoaeytbL9a[n '" on, real estate security. Address oi ca i on $eth S. I Alijeni; Attorney iand Counsellor at Law, ^2 Margaret street, Plattsburgh, H. J., TLevy Mock, oppo­site post office. [ 2678nt3

Dressmaking Mrs. It. W. Cramer, an experienced ed to do all Mnds

No, 27 Cour t S t ,

dpresglmaker, is. prepar-dressiaaSlng-. _• o :

and tnr-rhUdrea,SMfe,st/r~e, Noopimtes.

m DO mW-Mfflt

fnKFrom3tifttopifii$h. While honors tm today W i g paid

t Ut * memor ies *>f t^,e heroes of he: elvj*. wau? who i ia*e io ine4 t l ie s r e a t maloritS", the tBen**ao'served their country froia the first tiO the tt«t battle of t.iat great straggle ahd are still living, sbodld ftot b« Idrgottea,

Few towns--icaft cl.aiQi -the! dliiUinetioa of ha;?ing a&ong its inhabitants a .•than «who-- Wa£ actioatjy' present, when-.-botli the feat m& .last .shid*t«lof the rebelllpa weds fired; but jPJaitsbuixh is ataohg that fsir. Sergfc Peter JSeilan, who jives to the south part of thev«ityv was at tht oi ibr to of the •war a member of Bttbty n» lit Ar-

same re^menit was afafeonjed at Fort ^tinttei? oh tb& hifliraSnR of A.pril IS, 1851, whea-at 4:80 0*<j3o« thfr -Goa-: federates Sred tte s h o t vt"hich pre« cipltate4 "the Woo^y scmlllcit, Ihere were at the fori ,70 ettllstei mea.,iaiid .'seven: officers^ ^tSJor Robert Aflder* son being in «}6i6i»and. w the pre­vious flay thejse sotolers, hiltt ^ya^aaV ed *or t Sldttlpdo, leaving f •sergeant: sad two nteB at foe latter fort to spike the ^ans. for t^ree days and nisBts this 'fal^aht. banjl fonght aptinst overwhelinipg odds, but were finally obliged to fenrr^ndar cohdi-r Hoiially and witih the toiiors of sjf> •they haying been without tood for the last 2& hou«-..of the $$m and. t&ey left Ihe fort with • oalprs flying "an'd tarrying their arms. "vThei the fight opened Mrs, *Sle|lan. whs ih the fort with her hi*sban«% butlefi;. 4t. lyith the other wonysnj |»efore the : surrender.

For their 'gaileiBt sfemc* t i e Oham-I ter p£ CommeVee ofi New -.^Torfe p re ­sented each ,o f ' t he hje^at|3B*<irt Sump-

ter ^itb a br4&i& medal, ow the face of wbfca i s t h e bus t oif '|ilajpr J tober t Anderson, h i s - , j name a n d ihe date* 1S6L On t h e ' r ^ v e r s e s ide a r e t h e T-vords: "The" C h a m b e r of <J<>ninierce, Xew Yorrk, H o n o r s ; th^e Defthde'rs oi For t Sumter , f^rft to Wiihsta n.d (Trea­son;"! Below t h i s is a sqldiejr ra is ing the -S ta r s and ^ t r ipes 'Which' i i d been ghot down, by Ifibe enemy.

The officer^ a|t . iPort Swmter /when i t was fired upoji were Major Ander­son, Captaiij JDpubleday, Capcain Sejv mour , U,eafc T a l b o t t , j Ldeht Ba l l , Lieut. Davis, of the Ist'HArtiilery,* a n d Surgeon Crawford, Gen. Fos ta r and Lieutenants ©syder .and rMeaa, of the Engineer Corps. ^ • I ; ' ' '

Sergeant Neilan se rved , 'w i t a ' the 1st Artil lery, un t i l 1862, joined 'Jhe f i n Art i l lery , and .yras wi th t h a t ieginaWt' a t Appomattox Court House Wfien Gen Lee surrendered and the war .Closed. During h is 33 years in t h e - a r m y he ; participated ' .invl# ba t t les a i d skir­mishes, wi thout receiving & juu^liot wound, altl iough several titcieif other­wise injured. - •

clothes enjpy t h e b e s t of n j>u-• - i . • • L ' '

t&Bon for *ai desirable qtiali-

tles. Not least of tfiese i« tie standard prices. $15.00 for

$utt» or overcoats. Ottjers

hlghsr and lower, of eourse,

all reasOnatne.

now have the call—and we

Ihave every food sort. 8No j)w

without a flt' The Studholine i

Way of d^iajr i t

'W tOB mm THBM FK0M m

THE NATION'S DEAD. Soldkra of the Rcp^lic Who

Sleep in Plattsburgh Cem-eteries.

We give below what we believe to, be a complete roster of the soldier dead who are buried in the Platts­burgh cemeteries, and whose graves will be decorated today:

tr. s. CJEMETER-S!; ' U. s. Art. 6th \Jt & lot.

6th. tJ. S. lot #na TJ,_ S. inf.


investigate reixjrts that seining was rgpfng? on In that vicinity. ' tAfter watohihg 6>r some time tbey iaw Oliver fieahaw and his son* Kapoleon, lei*e the beaeh and row into the bay, dropping their seine. ^When th«y re-tmM to t&e t&ore, Game 'pjn?tector Shedden a n d hhs companion Appeared on ihe shore1 and attempted to cap­ture; the seine, From this point the stories Vary materially. Mr. Shed­den jstates fhat the Beshaws threat­ened; to assault him and that he then drew? bjs revolver and struck 0Mv> ^teSJtjkW on. t h e h a n d s i n o rde r t o tri&ke him stop pullln« fee seine back Into the lake. Finding that this did, » o t W v e t h e des i red effect h e fired two &i$<M Mn iUbe^water i'or the pur­pose oi frisbtenin*; 33e*h*w and that he resamsd pallin« on the, r6\>e. While a t thja 4(1* revolver wa« acci­dentally discharged, the bullet strik­ing Beehaw in the calf of the right leg an t pasains entirely throu»fa. Beshaw and ail* son claim that they made no threats and that they had dropped i&* seine before the last snot -was 4r*d* 'They also eiaim that the last Shot was not accidental, but waa •jlMKl tlreiitfy a t the father. Utair version of the story 1« *ubstantlfted by William sMdDanlels. an ero»loye of the tmiw WOTia, w4io waa on the

jtj® and who states that he saw 'Hr. Slie^den flre the ahota, , '

(esh&w yesterday caused (t|he arjPesi Of Sift. Shedden on a charge of asfault in the second degree, and *t-terjiieariotf the evijience City Judge .33*mjs£ held him: iM #00- h«|l lU lKwalt," the 'chai

ctton of me «ra»4 jttry on vitateil in. the? -warrant.



How Sentenced 'lo* a Tern* *t Dannemora.

a t

n Blod^ett, of Saratoga pleadeji' «u0ty to burglary, fa second] -decree In • •CSHtntyl iCoo; ._ BaH'sttfn'Spa n^edneso^y^'sad ,j as-sentenpell to JRannemora for'not more than' t|wi* yea*s and: Hve months- jand not ieaajthan one yean .y j

He is a brother ot fermee Chief of Pbiipe Oeorse M, &to$$&%M$*&« atoga. .,^ast winter while Atten|ing the" -Salvation l4*thF meeting at Sjine-nectady lpio<3feeit. was. --coilv rted:- jknd confess stf! •to- tri&'b'urglaryf &%ln&[muL--self; »p to the Schenectady poiioi

George Spats, Co. D serht. tlnkno-wn.

gr» V, enrwn, Co. B X.^ Y. i y o n , Co. H.

Thps. Heron, Co. B, ..._ . . j ohn Kigby, Co. E , « n d TJ, S. Inf. Bgl H . H. McKay, Co. B, 42>ix& U S.

Int . JT. 1 \ ilurns, B a t t y K, 3d Art. "

- Sgt. Davta Atjder&OEu Unknown fcoidier. _ j4.nUrew MpGarVey, Bat t ' J ' K, ScS Art» TJiunxown soldier. * „ _ . Chas. £ Orm*, Co. X, 12th U. S. &ffi-Capt. W. .T. Wilson, ^ s s ' t Surgeon U".

S A. Carpi* Mawole. Co4 A, 21st, "born In

tierjnany. __ . , „ . Gotpl. C T*. Mauve, CO A, 21St» Corpi. Jam^s Andets^n Co. P , . Jos. Alichaelsr. Hosp. Corps. Unknown 1SI2. Eflward-Bolan, Co. A, i Thos. O'Kane. Go. S", Col. Horace Jewett. _ _


Peter Wells. Co. lr 2na IT. SL Cav. Jf. Y Sijf, Peter Burke, Reg. unknown. Myetle, 1812. Dennis oragoon, Begi unknown. Louis Douglass, Co I, ISth IT. S- Inf.

* Jos? Marlon, Co. I, liSth V. S. Ittf. ? a t e r Varno, Co. I. ttth V. S. in t . K . T . Bemey Varno, Co. H, lt^tto C. S. Int .

Sf. T . ^Noei Varno. Co. H, USth XI. S. Inf. James Ouimette, CO. K, USth TJ. S,

Inf *f V John ' Terrj-, ' Co. A, ilSOi tr. S. Inf.

N. r . - Bovgera, 1H12. John L»JSombard, M«?x*can "tVar. Lewi? Kecord. Co L. 2ti i K. T. Cay. Jos. St. Dennis, Co. t,, ilrwl X . T . Caw Rob't UaaOrottv Co. L, & d K» V- C*v. a'jios, zavaiiey, Co. ic, Ktn N, T> lax. P. fi, Barnawl. Co. Iff. Silt :N. T . Art. L . S,*Korraandeau, Co.'35, 17th JN. T. Etheme Br«u«eau, Co. K, B t h X. Y.

mr. AntoIn<» ftufenay. Co. A. fith Vt. Inf. BenJ. £>e3ot«Me. Co. G, USth X. T, Inf.

* Joa. aieroit iSii. tTulcnown soldier, A. J . Beeman. H««. unknown.

VO&XUM, JSti. Rwiwan Hoilana, K ? * unknown. Beiij. Miller, Co. JW. 2nfl » . T. Civ Jos. Collect. Co. M, JintJ Ov. X. Ca.v. Patrtrk.C'wfldy- J r . H<»? "nJpiown. JO*. J*ciupor, Co. M, 2na 2*. 1". Cav, Rpmie Dubie, Tier unknjown, P a f k Jtlyan, Co. £ , 2nd "Vt, ?hf, Louis BowvJa, IS12, Peter l^avillej'. Co. B. I9Sth X. Y. Int. 3 ui»*STOwn ssth j?. Y. Inf. S«t. F a t ' k Ho«an. Reg. unknown. tTnknown 17. S. soldier. Tcrrj. Riley, R^«r^ unknown. Exn'o Mauriei?. died Slay 9th, JtS», a^ed

SI, N«\V J^IS. . ^ Fx-ank Champagne, Co. E . I6th ».» T V h a k Sbarron, S*5th X. Y, Inf. October JUehaHl*. P . ft Xa%-y „ , , Edw«irsi >f?rritt, Co. It , Mtfc X. Y. Inf. Peter ftiehards, Co. A. l&h Conn. Inf. J»at'k asoftlt. Co. B . 3Gttt X Y. in^. Owen Conipy. Resr. unknttwn, Jno. Keeor, Cfr. J . 7th X X- Inf. Ambrols ParU, peg. junkiriown. Mi<!h'l Loraine. Co. C« l*th. X, Y. I n t Uwrrj B«Ktr TT. S. XaV}% ISIS, Martin IteynoJ.ts. Co. C, -Hh tr. S. r«f. Etfw'a K, Hairertj-, Cij>. H , 15iJt» X. Y.

Irn% —— Xertan, Re*, unknown. Eaw*«r Br«»o. Co L, ISth X. Y. Gh-Kj. St. Antoin. Co. » . l**th $t. Y. InC. Joa. Senee-tJ, Co. M, Snd X. Y. Cav. Aie*. Sfpnwat Co. A, I*th X. Y. Cav. SamueJ J . Jandrow, Co. C, 2nd X. Y.

Caw Frank Champagne, Co. E , ICih, X. Y .

Inf. Jonw, 3StS,

yu-'Ju* JBordo. iaj. Jno. 43cro, Co. M, 2nd V. S. Car . JO*. Mtyette. Co. E . i»m X. II. Inf. LlettC tJalatae, ls.J2-Jo*. Parent , Co, L. 3d Hass . Heavy Art Ja ines Mellon. Mex£e«« war TUorf, Clbtiona, Co. C. <>6jb X. Y. Inf. 1%1'k WnMnn, Co. 1L S#th X. Y. Inf. Stephen Furlong, Co. F . Sd X. Y.'-ca.v. Xfnknown rsoldlor 1«2, Jcs . HuTe. Co. H , UHh X. Y. In!t

, P . C«ttm*aj. Co. C. ISth N. Y. Inf. Kuyeae P«;ot. Co. K, sth X. Y. Caw Chaa. Cortwite. born France 1T7S,

Trench »a r , tr , S. aoWf^r UiZ, 33 and M, Tho», }>orre», Ri-(t wntaJawn. J n o , I/ewfe Co. C, S&th- X . X. Inf. Jno* JBWisetfe. Co , C* l |t& K«- Y, Xn£ " Gmm„Jesse,'CO, O. % t Df, Y. Int, . Wos. ,6ra t t*W-Co, A,. -With- Xv Y. Caw B*te* $b«t»ux< C g H. imh/X -* Y.. Inf. Je« . M^hor, Cft,' § , mi X Y. fnf. " Sfoloiaon Mawr , -Co, B^ma. X. Y, l»f, § k t Anthony MeSiftreJ- -tf» fe. A . MaL J ..El % « e y , Mt& X* T . to?, Joe SMmtpn E«^v trnklown. Pe te r B ^ k , Co, .i*\ ffl x ; Y . inc . .Xolw iRottsft, Mexican, :( g j j r^ -La te tav -Co. L m h X . Y. irit

tfiiknayra fto^teiCy ..,, John, Ch»itfpaMHi&-5th. S t . -.. - .

jno, carwr/Co, ET, i ip t a?„ Y.,.,l»fe -CnjwJes;,;Blaaehara. j»m X. ,Y, VoJ*.

Y. Cav.

snas'Haaeo, 24 \?et'Cav. -Jo*, cooit, "i6th x; Y, ;roK . -Louis J&^t',p}arie.rji?^- x, :Ya "Tot mm.m^mmiiL cp,jj.i6th.x. Y, vols. Major Chrteto&he^ 33^iak. " ~ "

Tote Y V

Co. E , iiit X. Y^'.Caw • , " , * '

PJtey Se meufc Co, 2>, te x« x,-atn<; Maior K-*^^7«jL«sv SlSth-JS. Y r J n t . f e o r ^ f«rdhain7Co. B» iSSUt X- 3u IiiS, Jmnis Maurice, ma X. Y. Inf.

g**er t JBeCoanep. Co..*B, tss* Pa. m t P«tejr_Lai«ire. Coe B. SStli X, Y. ~

M% #«*'• Paimeiv istn-iX, " 1 Ittf.

y. M. c. A.

Tlie General Rt-comuieiuli, J>Iysi(Ie Care For KUiinAilinni

Gen. J o h n Ludwig of Winoni j . Minn^ says: I contracted Rheumatism diir in the Civil War 'and hajve used al most every preparation known -for its cure and have also fakdn ftr^taaent at different hot springs, t am pleased to say Mystic Our© tor JtheumatiBm; is t i e only medicine thiat has given one tmmBdSate. relief; I gladly re. commend ' i t to .all jsufferesrs from iaenmatisto, Seiatie of 'like ailments. No medicines t h ^ t d have tried are

Sold by l>r. ahyw'here near lts| equal| Laitocane. druggist, Flaiisbugjh. *

-.. TheL, BaMwf ja£' fcpoomo'tive:: - Works turned out : JasUy^ar. i^20 engines, with a value M mjWfrflto,

*Ihe ;three o'clock meeting for Boys na Suniaiy will be addressed by Mr. BckerslsyL adhere will h i spe|ial

<jal and Instrumental mimic, :ljbe tmlQ msntiottinjrof the faetl thafclkr.

Bckerslcy. wiii spealc will: jJoubtless draw a large atteaftwee* Esther tjhjo Raw W J "M? Ba rke r of E l i a a b e t b t p J l -or Sfr. lEbkersley will addrfess men's meepngi 'Fhere.wlU. bje a T< solo aw ah interesttng meeting. All men afe| eprdlally Invited, ' '.- [

The bolys"., department jbasebftll team wtl play tbi Burlington! boys pn tbo. Nor? gal grounds at -11 • o'clock this .morning. I. - , "-. j j " -\'\~r ; 'The. n:jw seeretfery7t?'fr. Bffkefslly, is expected to arrive at 1:30 p. m, ip? day. . : '

fiEABriFUL PIGfURES, FREE p . T . l i a r k l u Givinic A w a y W o r k s o f i ' . I Art- •.-••]:•) -]."

O, T. La-'rkin, our enterprising drug­gist, offers m unufeiiai opportn^iity |o obtain beautiful pictttVes ivithant aiiiy es^ehse. .tie'has" secured the..'.agen^f for iHyontei Skin "Soapy. the ifamou|s;

^ ^ ^ ^ \ ^ ^ H s ^ jfflm^\: T ^ B ^ S ^ ^ 1 ^ 4

This doupon entitles every purchaser of ^ypmei Skin Soap j(lOc,> to their Setecr tioh fjrjom my beautiful asj gortmeht of picture^ . J |

'.' . M . O-jy, IiARKjTJSr.,. I

medicinal jtoilet soap, and withj every cake Will jgw an artistic .pictjore if above eottjion is presented. • {

Hyom.ef ?pKiin§oap ,"wjli curOaU itch* l o g h u m o r i p^ s the sk in a n d scalp, art! is » perfeot. ijoilet soap, whose djeiica'' fragranpe ^ndenrs it to all- users.

If 'perehjan'ce the soap 8houl|d, npi, please you! mjay return it to O, % :tigixt: kin and, be 'will refund, the mdneyji and yon 0*h keep the picture for youi trouble. J' , ' ' 1

Cfo -tPday. With your coupon while

tile assortment is complete.

f . X ^ r l s t t f i r T s f i ' - " " j - " ¥ « ^ . J e t e McDcrtnotti, Beg. unkabwa. John Fraxier. Co. %, 2«a X. Y. Caw

Ia"«n- ?«.,» 39rjrMtb. ^ajCfnd wi»: ' ifsn'ty R, -Barber! Be*. Unknown, gen, Rooersron. iS$s asS W6.

Jilliaro Hafle, 1812; " wwiiam Palteeev AS14 . 1 ,

Inf^' PU4ey Sloffre, 'CoJiC, JSib X»-Y,

•tjf: ' ^ '^' a r o «* r ^ '&>> p . -16th Xi. ,Y,.' 'J6htt-..Palmer; lmsT • I •TJwjuaa mm*. Mt . -Sa^lOdl jQ»w«Uv l^ftr • • '

Smith Mead. Ittf. rJ. Capt. Jno . Stephenson, 1113, Samuel Nonsirosa. 'Wtt Roa^ell A W i 1M2. ,

PrltidW, Co. B. $fith, X. Yr Joeephii* 1 Can t Walter |H. Senedlct> Co. X. Y. Inf.

^M)^ln«.i >Hi«*^W

I t 9«4

Inf. Y.- 3ijr.i Y. Inf/

. Caw ,

0> 'IBlb

A r t , Y. IpL

Gideon-Rugajt.KTS. Banieli Piat t , 11776. _ Wliiiani Baltek 1812. Capt. XathanJ Piatt, 17T6. Gen. Benj. Moprea, X|76 and M12. Richard S. Mborea, is!«. / Lewis Ransom, I8 l i / - J AVilliam H. BiUley, »»«. unkripwn. Wmrber Baiiiy, reg. /unknowni , Capt. James* Bailey, jsth B e ^ , y . S> A, J. H, Lunt. Cb. B , « t h N. Y. j . A . uaker , Co. G/ lS^nd X ; Henry DuikeefCo^Ei , S h X, Jobn • Warlord.1 M l i Sheldon Burkfek MU-. ^ . _ >Yiinaira TboiaMni Co, a, Ml

ncpr;i parkmaiii/Ghappelk Co, .Clark Chappel,|Co. C, 16t'h"X, 1', "Inf. AtlKUSt' Brx*. do . XL, i n d tt, S. Stephen "Weber>Co, Bf. 96th. X Jos. Buwelt. 1*12. _ MIfhafe} Mcpejntnott. 3S12, Brew JSoaj. Beijf- A. Boynton, Tjr. S. A.

Sleg. unknown. 1 , coi, Chas. m«e, tr. s, A., as*q. Capt. James "Watson, 1812. dknstoi)her Cramer, iSlS. Jeremlali Graves, 1812. Hiram VFalworth, 1813. Gliead Sperry, TS12. Peter Sailly, Iffli. Henry Delord, J18J2. Xoyejs Gr<*gor$\\ 1SI2. Peter" Suave, ISE, Thomas Moimesl 1812. TTjiknown, 3vS12 ^ Da\*id Peters. i$12. Unknown. tSll , Ans6n Waterman. •1TZ&.

Cftwles Piatt,, im, Lieut. Jno. thotiatison, 1716 Herhert Dean, Sj of V. camp 18, Capt LS>t Chamftetfaln, E«S- ttnknowxL J lo raw OWs l'-qa. * Clinton Allea. 1S12 Martin Xichol^, [183.2. j Capt. Sluney smith 1S12 | Col. Mc-latiPton Sniitn, 15J12. James 'JProubridKe, 1&12: I Eli Prfndte. imV I George Atfeay 3$i2r i Unknown, 1?J? ' , L'nkiiuwh. Rejsfalir. 1S12 — ] .Aaron Walters, fllC. ' P . B . Roberta. M12L < Capt. 7i. P . Roberts, 1S12. Levy RoterK via. La^ttt. Pfefa*rs* Ro i^ r i s 1778 I C. V. Sweat, BaW'y O. l i t Ari Seth t>oafl. Co. K. 1st Art . IBlS. Gfle? Morrtir, iftM X. Y. Vols. T Chas. Fred»rick. mth X. Y. Vols. A. W, Lans ing 6ib 111. | Cant, i ^ v i d P . Dsbie. Co. HT USth X.

Y. Inft

Is&nv Otfs, Co. i x William J . Carlls:

Inf. William Orprit. Cc

MO^TXT CAR51 Micluwl Quhk. C


10th TSiscnunsIn Tnf, fi, Co. G, SJdISC- Y

.. B . ai«tlt X. "k f n t 3L CEMKTKT^Y.

1>„ 9th . Vermont.

Shebouth of P With the sunset o£

the Fei*t at Weeks coftj the jeHsh houses, ^li^! •Hebrew mdhtbs is cafji the sixth and seven«5s\ F M month-they are eommrajfr tal^teie. brate the- Feattral pf- /KejstleooMy or iPeast Of Weeks. Xt is p a M j ^ ^ M * ^ ot We«ks, ftom lis »>M|?>eHdikfnetd by the j Weeks, jFort^fijeVdaJty,, or

!Phe Arst day dLSeudium^amVu groat idemoraWB flay j<pp{|iicl(:ijqtoa a p p e a r e l an. Mo«uic S l n ^ - j i p d 1 ! i a v e to their ancestors the 'i/f^m^mhf IAW. Thia took jila^O'dfj^ie^ijcth d a y I n the th i rd moto&fljmrtas.^1'after their delpartnre froih m^im,- r>V

I t is kstoraary for rW$m W$1fi

to employ the first nigK#]0*ea*^cbst Jn readngf (certain vommf' of "the Biblejai.a the Psalms, tij^ity\&lth. prayer s comppspa tor p i ^ ^ ^ i ^ ^ i u . gratitudo to Cod for?Miffar M ^ them -His hoiy law, ymmp^ft^ mankinci to do all that'!^J«tobd-,|iL f

Pentecost Is also "^jeid OTasr 'Hakozlr,' Harvest t^t£ptev$i$in . sPalestini! t3ie i s r -ves t Mmp^eiif. j d i ­r ec t ly a f t e r t h e PassoVekj P ^ a -felkst

is also (sailed "Tom K*W#lia^ W

" • * T P

Transfer incline a t


To be Quietly Observed by Vet­erans in This City.

For the first time In a natal et of yeais Memorial My will not thia year he observed by a parade of sqt-djers, veterans of the civil war and' civic societies. This 'Is d«e u the fact that there Is no foftnsl -here and on account of t h e sma l l number- of regulars at the Post

The battle-scarred veterans will not, however, al low t h e d a y t o p a s s Without pay ing A siljent t r ibu te in t h memory of their •comrades Who fc*ve joined, the great majority., Jfipr) the past two days the ladies of the Wom­an's Belief Corps have been engaged in making 'wreathsj and preparing flowers, and at tea o'clock this forenoon the merubelrs of Walter H. Benedict m6st, laseisijed by the jchil-dren from' the public schools, jwiir plkce-these over the hist resting places of the departed heroes. j

The members of Sjaranac Chapter, Daufghters of the American Resolu­tion, Will thls~j Mdmlng deoorate the graves of tM KerpMlonisry sol­diers and She graves of the Daugh­ters that aye dead. They will as­semble in Riverside about 8.30 o!r 3 o'clock. The members pf Nathan Beman Chapter, ChiJldren of [the American Kevolut|pn, will also honor

nearly ote-fourth

T h e UJniott fBafg and. ^ h a v i n g a l a r g e incl ine bstfjj slip which leadfcfrom t o t h e fifri., a n d *Hud. norffhern end of the nel . T i e purpose is. to%, wood f r c m l a rge barge*;) which w d l b e ahippedi % mil l s of

Wood wi 1 be broiigM % o n l a r g e barges th rough , l f$£ j fc j U a w - { ^ n € " ' ^ N 4 w JXaeorvor tpc Cm rsnee a n d Sqre l rjv«4i'{'!*$» Xifke Cnatoplailri. TJie I n p I i ^ i ^ M d j i L l I s . . _ , be ing b u | l t wil l , when donihafftedLfie•:& a f ^ a r l a n d , BeHtowlli i , Vav

irth of a nfl#K4ei^l<*.«««»l»|P' &* **%<&, L'i had

# •tretfeEit

the company. WMM M&B JPresh test! i be feraugM M ! j W t 4 a | l ^nstanfiyfcr

gjonaidsoit ^Sreer, of ta^Jt, j^iU^. supeifnteitdingr the worlti! $]>'-'

>m!t 'Fewer baltonsj Wears\$$phfcs i • M"! N(-f *»

Fewer pailonsj Weai^|j^i4er,

Fewer iGallonsf W*arfl

Fewer paUons;

;er,, v(

Wea»|JE«jf|eerht ]





Lawn Mowelr j

Garden Hose,

Garden Tool

Window and Door Sen and a complete line of

•prjH' Jois IW^re (i

PLATTSBURGH A maa|tioesn't nave to .work ota

time when it -comes to ;nakm*a of himself.

Tihere i s no th ing new finder the Mil except the method oi expres&me tail thoughts. | ^ 8

mmrtiiug iividi-nce t es t imony i n ^rdat qxuiatify-M tU coming in, lleclarh* ~

to be

? a v , haa.

Chaa»berlaln*a ^ o m a e & ^ | * y i iM^c Tablets are |ust.<what y-ott^eM. "-wbei yon have no appetite, & # ^ H affcej' ea t ing a n d w a k e tip wlth'MhbwI. t a s t e in „ your mouth, i'hey iffl|Lp»i«pp^ your appetite, Cleanse &n$0'&ar%,l§' your s totqacb a n d give y^ ' l i a^ re^ iko

• » ' ' " • "

'9 ch i t fs f o r jthree y e a r s a n d docioret t h e tela Without bein|«|jeaeSted.J

I began t a k i n g Ur . King's 3?e*'; covfiTy^Tand-a feW bottlesjwhollyj m e , " Equa l ly effective -a eiuing, L u n g a n d j T h r o a t t r tpbles , Cons l ion, P n e m n o n i a a n d # j i f J fiuarai bj* Mrs. Gi lber t of PJatfeaiirgn; B;; Gillespie &JCb^, AasaMelkxrks;*W« e r & Hbiden,, P e n t . Sr&ll oottlesf i r egu l a r s izes S0e a n d ^ J 0 .

t h e naemory of the: de«te*sed m e m b e r s of tftg ehapttfift,

Saratoga Repub icar i Convention. TBhe -^srab!^ Jfjpnjsty aepnbll|iatt

comnsittee |as,«aUed fjie conventaon at 'the -cb^i^'ihpas^.te B llsi»%. IMion-day Jnge••$,*;-aifc. :12 ^iock,. to nomi­nate -aJte^nijfep -of .Asseinbly icnd. county oiycferiSF mi \ -am- :& naine d sle-gates to f&Q jndi<aaji convention. ' ;*he tsawftuses %$U be held" Saturday, Jime 6«bu • ' ]';! - ! ' , ' '•.- 1 •, i

for your food/ For- sale •Mrs. Gilbert , m

fPlattsburgh; H. B. -Gme#feiXnsasbi4 Forks; w\ Ef :Clons», W U U W i q ^ jl

Mir r Any actlin which a manl; *

enemy Is In the end one

a loalmrjgkme-

Cmtc B r k f « e « M > 4 R n r ^ l i f t V k l i l H r * l r d ] fSVi', V

C J h a m b e r i i a i n ' s P i i i t t S a ^ i ^ l l ) an^!; septic Jiniijtient, and wJieii!lacked, to puts, bruises and burns, ^|^ttr|Uie^n

Prosperity is not witnout its tin n o r advers i ty wit&Ojtrt i ts rpaaj,

t o h e a l more meat.

Mrs. Gilbert, Shedden I4t$$tooii&l Plattsburgh1,* H. E, Gillesi3!a;f)ji|sahTe Forks; W. JS, Clcm&h, JRTe i| |H ' '

SpdciaISaIeofF|ii|| Special Side of jfeass ani "1 * ''"8l

at OiCbnnsIl's store toda* larjge juicy pineapples^ $8 ^ananas, 15 and 20e a Lemons, 13c a dosa ©raj "or l^cj fitesh Stra-wberrl tets for SSe; regular «fi^|

^ « v 40 eenfisj regular SO $"" now SO centjsr fte^hWaxi'j for S3 eeai

2&>w Is the time to bay c qanning, & een?

at o'ooccss S S B i

I M ® a t an out of the gemote from eiyJKzafion, often driven.'to aesperatfon accident, resniang in «Buras, Gw*.


,rieg. un-

t?ha»... Pia|tt, yr,& 1 ( . i^pt*'Haf5' s-.'Ba«se>n1'! wsth x. knife. funbam- «a«a«o»r _ © x r i n o . i nne r , :iSllr. ' ' 1

M. .^.- Avertll, 1S12.' • i -XatAaa Aterlll, IHU. •' • • " V l l i U ^ u f ^ l - •'Un^.^,. " gephan|ah| Piatt . i'rf'«, :.r -! Zfnhaiii4h! Piatt . 3512-. '->\ - "'• Vnknpwn J s o l f e , i«3 . !

•Jpsa;Shep3ird. Co, p . 2m-1 x . Y . inf. • *«^ Co. Bi 7th j F , s . Infi tidier c. s. ! .

"P. A. iiu; Unknown Zfa%& qiajtk, 1SI2. 14e«t Gen ~ Hiram Hi; , ISmmerson. r t k unknown. _ . . . v „«»w c « - H. atsfTX, f. Inf

W » « a V GHlilana, §Srh. X. Y. Infci Jno. .Xlcl^is. igfli, | ^ « ? r t r flP ! l lJ re^ unknown.'-Thos^McCteeay, reg. unknown. Capr. A. -E^ehei. C*. A. "70th X Y Inf Oliver-OtbiL Co. & BM.lfi Y-' i«> G e o ^ e Mafvln! c i . i f A k T i n t Chas. Yoita-r. r*S nnknK&n.

• Ao4r*w Qriegors-. 16th Nf Y. Inf: : Jaroeis -3rH»n. 1S2. • ' ' " '

^ A ^ ^ l , ? n » c"- c-« Mi X Y. Inf. X® Yl . f r ^ n t * ^ S U ^ ' ! C o - C. 181%

Jacob Grai^t, Co. C, Wth X Y l i n f Robert P la te 4th Minn. I; Benj. Moorje^ i g a T-v 1 ^ 4 ^ itii man. XhS. mm Cadyjreg. unknown.' ' .JQ," C. Ijnekee, Co, B , « t h X Y ' i n r Jds. Durkefe,' J812, J •"• • n r " -Halloek .IMnn'ley, 3S12, Janob Kvarts, Co. -K. -^Sth P a Tnf

coi. Mcxeil, iai T'—M?. j * ' * " In£-. t lgut ; .WntJ'-Guijn, VOg.

Weut wm.i pauf. i m T -•Captj Alex An-tergon, 1811

Gw; 4>ownte isia. ^ H « J>. &. Haile, 1S02,

James Banw, isia.;. Ohaa. J»co£.«oq, fjiis; J a ™ ^ . f W t t r e# : unknowH. feaniiig Master; name unkiown, jsis. James Baldwin, 1812. 1 M^t- John &tul»bitrw l ab , i :Liint,, jSt • • ' .-Rleht, GeoL! W. Bhclcr isil Cat Willinffton. 1812 Geprpp Mar-Shall. Co E, 10th X. Y. Inf. Alex. Ladfrbuche, Co. E, ilSth X. Y

Inf. — Mnntv'l, John Mobtv. Peter Sanbprn, 1S12,

1«12. 1M12

White Linen

• H B


nelllck.Wws* Btc, lars an j Cuffs to l;mbroider,

, a t Reduced Prices, at!

W » i * t * r Alt *3t#'e*i«t*ices. Can a a y t a i n g Tx> worse ican to leal

that every [mlnnte ivlil hi your lMt|| 0aeh was tjfcte experience tf Mr?, % M J^ewson, "Decatur, A&, 'IPbr tiawl years/' shej wjites, "% en lured U B * | fernble pain from im$geiUa&, stf*^ aclt and b^wel tronble :3eafi4 ed inevitable when oloctprs and a&l remedies fatted. At 'length I was; daced to t r y E lec t r i e Bit ters ana ' r e sn i t wass in i raculoa% I :mprovedja| once ' and now I'm completely xeeov*| e r ed . " Fori L iver , TCMnej-, Sfomac a n d Bowel iroables*Electr(e Bitters 1

50& lUi

GJJIesple&C©, er & >Hblde}i, Peru-.

a is! Ansapje Ftslrfesr-Wewi

A n old bache lo r sasys that WDmut i s t h e on ly a n i m a l afHictepl with nisi b a i ^ a i n ^ n i m n g h a b i t .

l»«J-«f em t ^ U e t g e n i t i O H .

Wbuno^s, lilcjets, efc^ ZisrjrJz Of Bueklen 's . A r n i c a Salve bes t o n ear t iL S c a t i Mta . e f l b k t , «atfeb*trgjh-j G i H e ^ l e & « > ^ , A n s a b l e T o r k s ; Wear-f

W jfe Holden, iPent

Tea a. b-e" wfil sef j sp a, howl didn't -bring: a- b^geir oijte.

way piio,. family i

in casefll^

n a supply J

H. E5

t o ffil-^BS basket w&\ because te',

Ipess m e r i t fiaf ®c& a n d Kerv •aches. The;

1 W o u l d i |aiek3y leave you if tvoa asef •Dr. tong*® Sfew l a ^ e Pi l l s . jThousands 'ft -sufferers 4 a v e p roved iheit wv&-

oas Heat ma&e p a r e

jboild u p yo«k h e a l t h . Only m o n e y i b a * f e « n o ^ cured. 4' }; 3 f i s . €IOMict, {Piattsburgl; ^ i l l e ^ i e ^ CtL Assab le F o r t p & 3EMdett[ P e n

blood acd


iry stoT8, : Xt, l^kve yoar orders- at

C. R <Mrpeiier's, corner of Miller * - * " ~ - - - - X0.11T-


ola br H B TTeav-

Ws iYi. B U l l N l i , Bkiade. No-wis

Anticipating the ring and Summer trad*/

not SELL the tin!

[that profits

Package Cereals :, 111 EltuiBSS

Isk ODX pitic§ for$J»HfflE Outs

t t t f t*ff

l - U


i«st received several carloads of



olesale Groi

PlattkuFfli, J. 1

-IK as4 Bottled Goods in Eferj


• ••i

i PicMc^s in Bu


0( ^ pecia|^Y' et'.$fca|» doiees , Fuke FlaToringfi cannot be eqttalled, t t will certainly pay joxnS])

lr f f f f

Tarie'ty and

Style, \

A limited Quatitity of SEED COfiH of] I p t O r t e r fiuiGt


'v^dAr orders w and Pure Spices at price;: that

itik us.


J t *v
