
Baldwin and BeyondFROM TH INK ING G IRLS


The Baldwin School, an independent college preparatory school, develops talented girls into confident young women with vision, global understanding and the competency to make significant and enduring contributions to the world. The school nurtures our students’ passions for intellectual rigor in academics, creativity in the arts and competition in athletics, forming women capable of leading their generation while living balanced lives.



Dear Friends,

I have one of the best jobs in the world. Each day, I am surrounded by students who are excited to learn, faculty who are passionate to teach and a community of parents who see the importance of an all-girls, independent school.

Parents tell me stories of how their daughtershares that the peas on her dinner plateremind her of one of Seurat’s paintings; theylove the dialogue that ensues when sherelates a story in the news to something thatoccurred in the Shang Dynasty in 1040BC;and they are delighted when they see herlight up on the stage or beam with pride asshe high fives her teammates after scoring agoal.

They watch her confidence grow as shelearns to express herself, whether she ispresenting at an all-school assembly orwriting an essay for English class. She’slearning that it’s cool to be smart, it’s OK to ask questions and that it’s fun to learn.

It’s particularly rewarding for me to see thesesame traits echoed in our alumnae. TheBaldwin alumna is intellectually confident,comfortable with the woman she hasbecome and accomplished in a variety offields. She is connected to her friends, securein her family and in touch with hercommunity. But what sets her apart fromothers is her passion for her school and adeep appreciation of the way her teachersprepared her for the future.

Alumnae regale me with stories about an“off-the-wall” experiment their scienceteacher performed to illustrate a specific lawof physics – a law they will rememberforever. They share that their history teacherwas not only an expert in his field, but also akind and caring mentor, always willing to

listen and advise. They are grateful that theirFrench teacher set such high standards anddemanded the best from them, not becausethey got an “A” in her class, but because theydeveloped a love of French literature, cultureand the spoken word.

In the following pages, you will meet someextraordinary women. Since graduating, theyhave each followed their own path and livevibrant, accomplished and dynamic lives.What I find most gratifying when I meet analumna and hear her stories is that Irecognize a familiar spark in her eyes; it is thesame one I see each day in the eyes of ourstudents. The creation of this “spark” is anessential and formative piece of a girl’sdevelopment; it cultivates a love of learning, azest for life and a sense of individuality thatlasts a lifetime. That, I believe, is quite possiblythe best gift a girl could ever receive.

My warmest regards,

Sally M. Powell

Sally M. Powell Head of School

Throughout the year, Sallly hosts monthly teas for 5th and 8th graders, as well as lunches forseniors in her office.

Kinney Zalesne ’83BA, Yale University ’87 JD, Harvard Law School ’91CEO, Zalesne LLC

“Baldwin taught me to think, to communicate and to compete. It turns out, if you have those things, you can have a great time in your career in myriad ways. I’ve been a White House Fellow,Counsel to the U.S. Attorney General, president of a nationalnonprofit, a New York Times -bestselling author and now anentrepreneur /consultant - plus a mom of three great kids. Baldwin gave me the skills and the confidence not only to do these things, but also to have the courage to try them.”

Each class at Baldwin isdesigned so that everystudent’s voice is heard. In this trusting atmosphere,active communication andcollaboration enhance ashared sense of excitementabout learning for facultyand students alike.

Ellen Hanson ’75BA, Cornell University ’79Founder and Principal Designer, Ellen Hanson Designs (Residential and Commercial Interior Design)

“From writing to design work, thediverse and demanding program atBaldwin prepared and encouragedme to forge a career reflective of my passions and talents. My designprojects range from Park Avenuepenthouses, to a LEED goldcertified boutique hotel, toreporting for the eco-consciouscolumn, “Green Scene,” on the popular online designerresource and many things in between.”

Courtney M. Leonard ’98AFA, Institute of American Indian Arts ’00 BA, Alfred University ’02MFA, Rhode Island School of Design ’08Independent Artist/Lecturer

“As a student at Baldwin, I remember almostreceiving a violation for being ‘out of uniform,’only to be rescued by the discovery that it wasmerely clay that covered my clothing. There was so much that Baldwin offered – anoutstanding art department was merely one of itsmany strengths. Baldwin allowed me to find myown path by pursuing something that I loveddearly and still cherish today…the arts. I am stilloften covered in clay…just with a betterunderstanding of responsibility and individuality.”

Baldwin's Lower School artscurriculum encourages studentsto examine areas outside of theclassroom. Their projects arebased on self-exploration, oftencreating work that supportssocial studies and sciencethemes, as well as looking at and responding to the arts ofdifferent cultures.

Dr. Stacey Englander Turner ’88BA, University of Pennsylvania ’92MD, Washington University ’96Dermatologist and Owner, Haverford Dermatology; current Baldwin parent

“Baldwin has given me strength and courage to believe that I can do anything. I credit my confidence in the outside world to havingattended an all-girls institution, which is why I have also chosenBaldwin for my daughter. Baldwin taught me that you CAN do it all!”

Amanda Michelle Turner ’19“I am proud to be a thinking girl! My teachers are warm andloving... and Baldwin feels like a home away from home.”

Girls sometimes learn that theeffect they predicted on paperisn’t always what happens in thetest tube, and that rethinking areaction – learning about theworld and coming up with asmart, new prediction – is thereal solution.

Sara Greenberg ’05BA, Yale ’09MBA, Harvard Business School ’14 (deferred entrance)Lacrosse player; first female sports broadcaster at Yale; Corporate Strategy Analyst at Thomson Reuters; Filmmaker; Activist

“Baldwin taught me that it was cool to be smart and OK to do things that areunconventional and different. From an academic perspective, I felt extremelyprepared for college and was surprised when other girls held back. After graduatingcollege, I started working in the Strategy Group at Thomson Reuters in New YorkCity. After a year and a half at the company, I was offered the opportunity to work inHong Kong (and am there now!) helping grow the business in China and Japan.

Outside of my day job, I spend time promoting Holocaust education initiatives. My involvement in this field started in 2005 when my family took a trip to EasternEurope to visit the hometowns of my mother’s parents who had both survived theHolocaust. I was so moved by this experience that I decided to produce a film, “B-2247: A Granddaughter’s Understanding,” exploring the question of what itmeans to be a third-generation descendant of Holocaust survivors and highlightingthe importance of sharing my grandparents’ stories with the world and futuregenerations.

Since 2009, the film has screened at the United Nations as part of the annualInternational Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremonies, several film festivalsand is used by the Anti-Defamation League’s Bearing Witness program.

Baldwin taught me to have a perspective beyond myself and showed me theimportance of giving back to my community. Thanks to Baldwin, I approach theworld with wide eyes and strive to make an impact that is meaningful to others.”

Laura Small ’04BA, Bowdoin College ’08Production Assistant, The Dr. Oz Show

“I am thankful every day formy Baldwin education andthe work ethic which wasinstilled in me during mythirteen years there.”

Community service is anintegral part of Baldwin'sculture, not just an activitythat pads a collegeapplication. Middle andUpper Schoolers canchoose from 50+ student-run clubs, many of whichfocus on efforts that giveback directly to our localand regional communities.

Jordan Valutas ’03BA, University of Colorado ’07Olympic Client Services Manager, CoSport

“Baldwin instilled in me the curiosityto explore and learn while respectingthe diversity of different cultures. With my job, I have been fortunateenough to travel to the host cities of the Olympic Games. Living abroad and working with clients fromaround the world, I am challenged to discover, adapt and appreciateunfamiliar surroundings. My writingskills have also benefitted greatly frommy Baldwin experience; I learned theimportance of clearly organizing mythoughts while also paying attentionto detail in all of my work.”

Emma Hamm ’07Duke University ’12 Student (red-shirt junior); lacrosse player: three-time, first team All-American; member, World Championship Under-19 National team; member, All-World team.

“Baldwin has and always will remain close tomy heart. I’ve been astounded at listening toother peoples’ perceptions or experiencesregarding their high school years incomparison to mine. I feel so fortunate tohave been a part of a school, which felt like ahome, where I learned the foundation forwhat has lead me to much of my success incollege. The relationships, intellectualstimulation and teamwork skills developedthrough athletics, were all interconnected and turned me into a courageous andcompassionate student and athlete at the nextlevel. I am proud to tell anyone and everyonewhere I went to school from kindergartenthrough my senior year because of theawesome opportunities it gave me and the person it helped make me today.”

Baldwin’s athleticsprogram seeks tosupport the mission of the School and toprovide an enhancedenvironment in whicheach girl can develop.Each student-athlete is challenged to learnnew skills, embrace the value of workingtogether to achievecommon goals andbecome empoweredto stretch herboundaries and self-expectations.

Marjorie A. Hargrave ’82 BA, Boston University ‘86MA, New York University ‘94Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President of Strategic Planning for CTAP, LLC.

“At Baldwin, I felt like I made the upper half of the class possible (i.e. I was in the bottom half)! But then, as I made my way in the world, I realized that surroundingmyself with smart people, albeit intimidating and scaryat times, is a great way to learn. I have been privilegedto work with well educated and highly intelligentindividuals who have shared their views and lifeexperiences with me. Reflecting on the challenges I have faced in my career, I credit Baldwin withteaching me to confront my fears head-on. Althoughthis may not be the easiest way to approach them, onceyou conquer those fears, your self-esteem grows and the sense of accomplishment will be invaluable. Baldwin should have a slogan: ‘Women withoutBorders!’ I was fortunate to receive a Baldwin educationas it instilled a confidence and a belief in myself that I could do anything I wanted to do in life. Fortunately, I have.”

Pamela Plummer Harrington ’93BSBA, Georgetown ’97EdM, Harvard ’02Recruiter and Winery Owner

“Although it admittedly took me a few years to gethere (via investment banking and leading a non-profit), I did finally find my calling in executivesearch and now recruit private equity investorsacross the country. And with my husband, I alsofounded and run an award-winning winery.[Editor’s note: Pam’s winery, Gramercy Cellars,was honored by Food and Wine magazine as theBest New Winery for 2010] Without the diversityof what I learned at Baldwin – both in and outsideof class – I don’t know that I could havesuccessfully forged the path that I’ve taken.

Not only did Baldwin’s passionate teachers instillvaluable knowledge in me, but I learned from agroup of diverse friends, classes and sports thatthere is virtually no limit to what I can accomplishif I am dedicated and focused. I cannot imaginehaving lived and learned that anywhere butthrough my 13 years at Baldwin.”

Hands-on explorations in the science labs andoutdoors help ourstudents apply principlesand construct an under -standing of both physicaland life science concepts.Using our own Baldwin“backyard” and theresources of thecommunity, localarboretums, state parksand nature centers, thegirls come to understandthe highly complexinterrelationships ofnature.

Amanda Birnbaum-Steinberg ’95BA, Columbia University ’99Founder and CEO, DailyWorth.comFounder and CEO, Soapbxx

“No one is going to fix financial inequity for women. We have to recognize our own self-worth, ask for higher salaries, invest more aggressively and build our own wealth. I unflinchingly credit Baldwin for the confident, ambitious woman that I am today.”

Rachel Gerstenhaber Stern ’83BA, Yale University ’87MA, University of London ’89Fulbright Scholar ’89-’90JD, University of Pennsylvania ’93Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary,FactSet Research Systems Inc.

“Baldwin has given me the confidenceto be comfortable as the only womanin a room full of businessmen.”

Baldwin’s all-girlsenvironment places astrong emphasis onindependence andconfidence, and in anatmosphere of trust, ourgirls learn to question,speak truthfully and takerisks - both as individualsand together as acommunity.

Aliza Moldofsky Simeone ’93BA, University of Pennsylvania ’97 VMD, University of Pennsylvania: School of Veterinary Medicine ’01Veterinary Medical Field Officer for the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Health

“Baldwin gave me the confidence to believe thatI could do whatever I set my mind to. So whileI was surprised when others along the way toldme that if I was going to be a veterinarian, Ishould train to work with cats and dogs becauseI am petite and female, I was not deterred fromdoing what I really wanted to do: work withlivestock and farmers. After four years ofveterinary school focusing on food animals andthree years in private practice as a mobile farmvet, I am now very happy as a confidentregulatory veterinarian helping to keep ourfood, animals and citizens safe from disease. I have never regretted taking the less expectedpath (there’s another Baldwin lesson)!”

Our Upper School science program isdesigned to give students a solid foundationin this discipline and to provide a link betweenscientific concepts and their application toreal-world situations. We endeavor to cultivatein our students a sense of wonder, curiosityand awe about how much the field of sciencehas given us, as well as the infinite possibilitiesthat lie ahead.

Dr. Rochelle Rudolph Weiss ’85BA, University of Pennsylvania ’89 MD, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine ’94Dermatologist, Head of the Dermatology Department at Bryn Mawr Medical Specialists Association; Assistant ClinicalProfessor of Dermatology at the Hospital of the University ofPennsylvania; current Baldwin parent.

“Baldwin taught me to think independently,challenge ideas and that if I am willing towork hard, there is no dream that I shouldnot aspire to achieve.”

Haley Samantha Weiss ’14“As crazy as it sounds coming from a teenage girl, I love being inan All-girls atmosphere. Rather than worrying about making animpression in class, I can express my ideas and speak freelywithout chance of embarrassment.”

Laura Bennett ’05Yale University ’09 Fulbright Scholar ’09-’10 Assistant Literary Editor, The New Republic magazine

“I think Baldwin taught me theimportance of really committingmyself to the things I was passionateabout. I was lucky to spend twelveyears with a group of girls who had so many different talents and interestsand were encouraged to pursue themactively, both inside and outside theclassroom. And, I learned to appreciategood mentors whenever I foundthem, since a few Baldwin teachers are still some of the best mentors I've had.”

Martha Craven Nussbaum ’64BA, New York University ’69MA ’72, PhD ’75, Harvard UniversityAcclaimed American Philosopher; Professor of Philosophy and Law, University of Chicago

“Baldwin is with me everyday, in so manyways. The habits of rigorous thought andintellectual independence that I learned therehave helped me enormously throughout mycareer. The sheer love of ideas in the classroomcoupled with the experience of acting on the stage, under Lois Goutman’s inspiringdirection, has always accompanied me intothe classroom and in public lectures.”

The Middle School years are a time ofgrowth and discovery,when girls begin todefine their talents andinterests, developconfidence as individualsand take on increasedresponsibility asmembers of the schoolcommunity. (Pictured: the Baldwin andHaverford MiddleSchools’ co-production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.)

Emily Scott ’00BA, Princeton ’04 Director, Digital Marketing,

“I am grateful to have grown up in an academicenvironment thatencouraged me to askquestions and voice myopinions. The skills I learnedat Baldwin – from timemanagement, to research, topublic speaking–have beeninvaluable to me in mycareer. My experience hasgiven me the confidence to present to seniormanagement, lead a teamand challenge myself towork in an industry wherethe rules have not all yetbeen defined.”

Franne McNeal ’78BA, Princeton University ’82MBA, Eastern University ’07Coach, Significant Business Results

“Baldwin gave me confidence andcompetence. I learned, listened andlaughed with my classmates andteachers. Leadership and business areabout relationships, and Baldwin fosterspositive ones that last a lifetime.”

Belonging to a small,friendly and diversecommunity of girls is anincredible experience,one that fosters a strongsense of connectednessand creates closerelationships that will last a lifetime.

Sandie Stringfellow ’94BA, Harvard ’98MSc, London School of Economics and Political Science ’01 Director of High School Placement, KIPP Bayview Academy

“I was a member of the ‘13-year club’ havingattended Baldwin from K-12. After spending the lastseveral years working in low-income public schools,I realize what an excellent education Baldwin givesits students; I can clearly see the lifetime advantagethat a quality K-12 education gives a young woman.Baldwin offers a small learning community withrigorous academics, building critical thinking andleadership skills that will equip young women to dowhatever they want with their lives.”

Elena Stephenson ’10Stanford University ’14Student

“My teachers at Baldwin encouraged meto ask questions, including those forwhich they did not know the answersthemselves. This fostered a love oflearning in me that has been crucial inmy education and life so far.”

Throughout the year, theentire Baldwin communityconvenes for all-schoolassemblies. These eventsprovide an opportunity forour students, faculty andstaff to gather to perform,share experiences andcelebrate achievements.

Ariel Feldman ’09George Washington University School of Media and Public Affairs ’13Student

“Baldwin has affected me in every aspect of mycollege career. Being a ‘Baldwin Girl’ taught meat a young age that nothing is impossible. Itprepared me to always work hard and to try toachieve the best possible outcome that I can fromany situation. Baldwin showed me the meaning of true friendships; it taught me how to nurtureother people, and in return, nurture myself.

Most importantly, Baldwin gave me the skillsnecessary for success in college and beyond. Hadit not been for the confidence that I gained as astudent at Baldwin, I may have not applied for theamazing internship experience that I had at TeenVogue magazine last summer, and I would nothave had the skills to thrive there and be asked toreturn this upcoming summer. I thank Baldwinfor shaping me into the person I am today.”

Shubha Lakshmi Bhat ’05BA, Harvard ’09Stanford School of Medicine ’13Second year medical student; health activist

“It was not until recently that I fully appreciatedmy Baldwin education. Looking back, I nowrealize that my passion for preventative healthand social entrepreneurship really began there. I loved initiating new projects– from knitting forcommunity service to skin cancer prevention–and I very clearly remember how supportiveBaldwin students, teachers and administrationwere throughout the process. This type ofencouragement so early on gave me theconfidence and experience to found and leadtwo student groups in college and medicalschool that have meant a lot to me. Myclassmates and teachers at Baldwin trulychallenged me to think critically and questionthe status quo, which has proved invaluable. I amgrateful to have made such wonderful, talentedfriends at Baldwin and it’s always so exciting tocatch up and see where life is taking them!”

The Main Hall of our historicResidencebuilding is apopular gatheringspot for bothstudents andteachers.

Rachael Goldfarb ’95BA, University of Pennsylvania ’99 JD, Pennsylvania State University: Dickinson School of Law ’03Deputy to the Chief Technology Officer for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Implementation Team, U.S. Department of Treasury

“I could not reasonably say that the most importantinfluence throughout my childhood wassomething or someone other than my parents, butI do consider their decision to send me toBaldwin to be one of the most formative andimportant of my life. Every success I have had inmy professional life I know I owe in large part toBaldwin because I learned how to think clearly,write cogently and argue persuasively within itshallowed halls. I often say that I’m incredibly luckyto have had the varied career I have been afforded,but truthfully, luck has very little to do with it; thefoundational education I received at Baldwin haspositioned me to pursue and seize uponopportunities that cut across a variety of fields inboth the public and private sectors. I remaincommitted to the school because I believe everylittle girl should be as ‘lucky’ as I was – andcontinue to be – and a critical element of thatformula was undoubtedly a Baldwin education.”

Lt. Marisa Porges ’96BA, Harvard ’00 MSc, London School of Economics ’02 PhD, King’s College London ’13 Former military officer and government advisor on counterterrorism; current PhD student

“Baldwin taught me to be fearless, and my teachersgave me the self-assurance to never say ‘it can’t bedone.’ They made certain we were confident enoughto believe in ourselves and inspired enough to keeppursuing our dreams long after we graduated.

I’ve flown jets off aircraft carriers, negotiatednational security policy with foreign princes andworld leaders and discussed politics with formerinsurgents over a cup of tea. I’ve traveled the worldand met a wide variety of accomplished women,but my Baldwin classmates remain the mosttalented, intelligent and interesting women I know.

Baldwin made us believe anything was within ourreach, and also inspired us to continue workingtoward our goals long after we graduated. Notmany can say they fulfilled their childhood dreams,but thanks to Baldwin, I’ve not only lived mine, but continue to invent new ones everyday.”

The lower school yearsare a time when childrenare open to exploring,learning and stretchingtheir intellectualboundaries. In our all-girls environment, wesee this natural learningprocess flourish evenmore as inhibitions arecast aside, the thirst forknowledge is quenchedand the foundations forlife-long learning areestablished.

Cecilia Byrne ’02BA, Northwestern University ’06 JD, University of Pennsylvania School of Law ’10 Clerk, United States Magistrate Judge Gabriel W. Gorenstein,Southern District of New York

“My experiences at Baldwin helped me tobecome the confident, outspoken person Iam today. The teachers I had pushed me toachieve on a daily basis and inspired me tothink creatively and analytically. The friendsI made at Baldwin are still the closestrelationships I have today, and I am trulygrateful that I had the opportunity to attend such a wonderful school.”

Danielle M. Weiss ’98 BA, University of Pennsylvania ’02James Beasley School of Law, Temple University ’05Attorney, Haines & Associates

“Baldwin has given me the skills,drive and confidence to succeedwell beyond the school’s gates. Ithink of my Baldwin years withfondness and still count a number of my classmates among my dearestfriends. My Baldwin education is acherished gift.”

A delight in ideas, a sense ofcuriosity and humor and acommitment to honoring thedignity of others are amongBaldwin’s highest values. Westrive to foster an awareness ofself and recognition of otherperspectives, as well as theknowledge and technical skillseach girl will need to meet thechallenges of our widening andfast-changing world.

Baldwin girls, whether nine or ninety-nine, continue to expand their horizons each and every day.

They are creative thinkers and active problem solvers who learn by doing, not by sitting and watching.

They listen intently, ask questions and speak their minds as they grow into strong women

actively contributing to their larger communities.

Early on, Baldwin girls make a lifelong commitment to learning and because of this,

there is nothing a Baldwin girl cannot achieve.






February 13, 2011 at 2pm

Call 610.525.2700 x 291 to RSVP

701 Montgomery AvenueBryn Mawr, PA 19010

Independent College Preparatory Day School for Girls Pre-K through 12

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